
Jordan_USo, how long do you think until Ubuntu switches to systemd?04:24
AlanBellsystemd is just upstart reinvented isn't it?09:34
AlanBellbecause upstart was written by Canonical09:35
popeysome argue systemd is technically superior.09:54
AlanBellprobably is09:55
popeyI'm unconvinced it's NiH09:57
AlanBellbut would Canonical be able to switch to it?09:58
AlanBellor is there too much emotional investment in upstart?09:58
AlanBelllike bzr/git or unity/gnome-shell09:59
popeyi dont think its emotional investment which prevents us going bzr -> git, or unity -> gnome shell10:02
popeysame for upstart -> systemd10:02
popeyfor unity there's the belief it's better, for our long term plans10:02
popeyfor bzr I suspect it's because we have nobody to do the migration work10:02
Jordan_Upopey: What do you think is preventing a move from upstart to systemd?10:11
Jordan_UOne thing I find odd is that while there are many detailed technical arguments given for systemd over upstart, I haven't been able to find any equivelant defense of upstart over systemd.10:19
Jordan_UThe closest thing I've seen (and it's not very close at all) is from http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1121 . Did the Ubuntu Foundations team mentioned by Mark make a public report on what they deemed were the technical (and social) problems with systemd, and the technical (and social) advantages of upstart?10:22
popeyI've not seen such a public report. I've seen it discussed on ubuntu-devel iirc10:28

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