
dholbachgood morning07:59
Silverliongood morning everyone!11:20
akgranerpleia2, Do you want to start planning for Issue 300 - I'll dig out the check list we used for the 200th issue milestone and help out anyway I can.20:45
nhandlerI'd be up for helping with 30020:50
akgranersweet - I'll start a doc over the weekend with all the checklist and give people a chance to add suggestions - it took about 3 weeks to put together the 200th issue20:51
pleia2if you two could lead up making it special that'd be great, I don't have time to add to my workload right now (working, in deep looking for a new job mode, plus all my normal stuff)20:52
akgranerpleia2, you got it20:52
nhandlerSounds good. I'm on break this coming week, so I should have quite a bit of time20:52
akgranernhandler, cool - I'll work on it Saturday and we can go from there20:53
pleia2(btw, if you know of anyone hiring someone like me... ;))20:53
Silverliongood evening everyone!21:31
JoseeAntonioRI'll help too!22:12
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: buenos tardes!22:12
* JoseeAntonioR is going crazy with a Model United Nations discussion that start tomorrow22:13
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Guest11620sorry, was forced to restart irc22:14
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pleia2nhandler: oh, congrats on DD :)22:38
Silverlionaloha pleia *gg*22:40
pleia2hey Silverlion22:41
Silverlionbeingsick sucks22:42
nhandlerThanks pleia2. Just waiting on my account creation22:51
Silverliongute Nacht22:54
bkerensanhandler: congrats :) I am working through the NM process22:55
Unit193nhandler: Hey, nice.  Congrats on that indeed!22:58
nhandlerThank you Unit193 and bkerensa. bkerensa: Good luck with NM (although, I'm not seeing your name on https://nm.debian.org/public/people)23:50

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