
TommyTGreetings -- Anyone here for "Chat Night"?03:12
TommyTI guess not. :-(03:32
TommyTGreetings Num83rGuy!04:04
TommyTNot much "chat" on Chat Night!04:04
Num83rGuyHello TommyT04:04
Num83rGuyIt seems there rarely is.04:05
TommyTYes I was just looking through the logs. We even had a job announcement back in October, which has been met with silence04:05
TommyTmodule000 announced an opening at his place in NLR04:05
TommyTa few days ago he said it was still open04:06
Num83rGuyHmm, too bad I live nowhere near there04:06
TommyTI'm in Conway. What part of the state are you in?04:07
Num83rGuyWork would be the hight of great right now.04:07
Num83rGuyNear Batesville.04:07
TommyTI think we have kindof a cluster of Ubuntu folks in that direction.04:08
TommyTBack when we could post our location on launchpad, it seemed there were several active members around there.04:08
Num83rGuyRealy!? I wish i could find more than one person who knows how to turn one on much less use it.04:08
TommyTOf course, I'm drawing kind of a sweeping arm across a swath of the state. My geography stinks, too.04:10
TommyTI just pulled up batesville on maps.google.com... I think the folks I'm thinking of are closer to Mountain Home. Or Mountain VIew.04:10
Num83rGuyYeah That sounds about right.04:10
TommyTOver the years we have had less and less activity here in Conway, too.... our biggest activist moved off to Seattle.04:12
TommyTyears ago04:12
TommyTI would like to get a LITTLE more activity going.04:12
TommyTDo you ever travel for computer-related events?04:13
Num83rGuyI seem to remember there was a LUG in Batesville some time ago.  If I recall there were nearly 50 in the state but, a few years ago it seems the tech and it followers flew the coop.04:13
TommyTI guess as we get more "connected" (virtually) we see less need to be connected in person04:14
Num83rGuyI have never been to a meeting, by the time I learned of them I was too busy with work and family. Now I am just too broke to get gas to go. :(04:16
TommyTMaybe linux / Ubuntu is too dull now ... I hardly have any trouble that I would head to a meeting to discuss04:16
Num83rGuyHa, I agree.  I am having more trouble out of hardware than non-Windows software these days too.04:17
TommyTDo you drive as far as Newport or Heber Springs? Or is that too far (gas or time wise)?04:18
TommyTI'm just trying to get a sense of what seems far in that part of the state.04:19
Num83rGuyBlew two power supplies in a month and now having HDD problems.  I rarely go to Newport My car is literally falling apart.  I have hat to pick up parts off the road.04:19
TommyTI grew up in a little town in Texas and the nearest movie theater was 70 miles away (this was before VCRs or even cable TV)04:20
Num83rGuyBates ville is about my limit for now.  ( ~30 miles )04:20
Num83rGuyI know that feel.04:20
TommyTAre you on DSL?04:21
Num83rGuyYeah, 1.5Mib down 256Kib up $60 a month.04:22
Num83rGuyThe fastest I can get.04:23
TommyToof. $60/mo is pricey.04:23
TommyTbut you probably don't have much choice04:23
Num83rGuyYep, and the phone Co. cays be glad I have it.  They are the only provider other than Huges net. Same price but, with a cap. Blagh.04:24
TommyTMy brother had Hughes for awhile. Terrible. They hit the cap as soon as any kid in the household loaded up their iPod04:25
TommyTBesides they were often losing signal due to weather or whatever.04:25
TommyTFortunately a04:26
Num83rGuyYeah, and the wife plays MMOs so that would be gon in a day or two.04:26
TommyTfortunately ATT decided DSL would reach his house from Conway04:26
TommyTand it did04:26
Num83rGuyThe part that frustrates me is that there is a wireless provider just a half mile away.04:27
TommyTWiMax or WiFi?04:28
Num83rGuyFaster and cheaper. I'm just out of range.04:28
Num83rGuyI don't rember.04:28
TommyTHalf a mile is theoretically doable with a directional antenna, if it's WiFi04:28
TommyTWiMaxx or whatever they call it is supposed to go farther, but I know nothing about it.04:29
TommyTYou could try building a Pringles can antenna.04:29
TommyTOR even a "fry basket" antenna04:30
TommyTI think some folks have even repurposed their satellite dishes.04:31
Num83rGuyI plan on it. Just too busy.  That and the wife gets nervious if I play with the net too much.04:31
TommyTYeah, speaking of... I just got notice from my wife that it's almost bed time04:31
Num83rGuyLOL all right Nite.04:32
TommyTI should feel lucky, though. When I was young my bed time was 8 pm.04:32
Num83rGuyI have talked with a guy who works o this good info.04:33
TommyTcool -- I think I know some of the folks who started that years ago04:33
TommyTBut Conway put in fiber all over town and the price is just low enough I got lazy.04:34
TommyTYeah, it was a huge relief to give up the dialup... that was probably 1996 or 199704:35
TommyTThey also rolled out wireless around town04:36
Num83rGuyLet me see..., 4 years ago.04:36
Num83rGuyHa I just looked at the map.  Wireless is at the end of my street.04:37
Num83rGuyI still can't get it , yet04:37
TommyTYou could probably work with them to become a node on their network.04:37
TommyTDo you have any nearby neighbors who might share your bandwidth?04:38
Num83rGuyWell Later I gotta go as well Kids are getting too rowdy.  I think i will give them a call tomorrow.04:38
TommyTGood luck and good night!04:38
Num83rGuyHave a good night.04:38

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