
bkerobkerensa: ping06:44
bkerensafound another ubuntu-dev-tools bug07:41
bkerensabkero: pong07:41
tgm4883bkerensa, how much do you know about puppet?16:44
tgm4883or rather, debugging puppet16:44
blkperlslangasek: ping, send me the summary :)17:14
bkerensatgm4883: I know what its capable of :) like deploying to cloud... routers... you can even control displays with it :) but I have never hacked on puppet19:13
bkerensatgm4883: blkperl is a puppet hacker19:13
tgm4883bkerensa, I'm working thought the many many issues I'm having with it :/19:13
tgm4883autoupdating to 3.0.0 was pretty painful19:14
tgm4883also, I think I found a packaging bug19:16
blkperltgm4883: puppet3 migration? it was pretty painless, only 4 minor issues in my manifests19:16
tgm4883blkperl, I think I narrowed it down to a config issue I had that didn't cause issues in 2.7, but did in 3.019:17
tgm4883I've gotten past that, but now I'm working on getting dashboard to work again19:17
* bkerensa cannot wait till tomorrow.... Vacation!19:20

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