
=== Guest54651 is now known as Mamarok
elkyAaaand another.23:08
elkySomeone fails to understand how the banning thing works?23:15
IdleOneI'm still trying to parse what they said23:17
elkythey're czech, so their english is going to be prone to misunderstanding23:20
elkyThey basically said "i don't know why women get affirmative action to be in IT, nobody gives affirmative action to men who do women's things"23:21
elkyand the "everyone can do whatever" bit is basically "women just don't want to"23:23
IdleOneI see.23:23
IdleOneso, the your ok part was basically, thanks for not being evil feminists23:24
elkybecause if their english had been better, they wouldn't have lasted this long I suspect23:25
elkythey're basically thinking we agree with them now23:26

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