
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch
mgzjelmer! did you make it to the y-uk?11:45
jelmermgz: I did! Sitting somewhere by the Thames at the moment (-:11:46
fullermdYou gotta be more careful about your geography.11:53
fullermdI mean, King John once decided to just wander off and sit "somewhere" by the Thames, and look what happened to him.11:53
jelmerfullermd: He became King John just because he sat by the Thames? I wouldn't mind being King Jelmer.11:58
jelmerfullermd: Maybe I'm just not up-to-date on my British history.11:58
fullermdNah, he ended up having to put his seal on some lot of nonsense that gave a bunch of losers immunity against his powers.11:59
jelmerI would never do that.12:00
fullermdOh, sure, they all say that, but you march one little army into London...12:03
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=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp
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=== Guest75682 is now known as dpb___
delinquentmeOK. so I've got files that I added to .bzrignore ...16:36
delinquentmeand they're somehow not being ignored ...16:36
delinquentmeSO for things listed in .bzrignore ... does bzr read this file every time I run a $ bzr status   ??16:36
delinquentmebecause I've committed the files I'd like ignored to .bzrignore in revno 154 ... but when i bzr status .. they still show up as modified16:37
delinquentmeI cant have a file in the repo which is listed in .bzrignore??16:40
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
MANISHRWHas anyone setup bazar on windows using python ??17:42
MANISHRWanyone ???17:48
jelmerMANISHRW: hi17:52
jelmeryes, there are installers for it17:53
MANISHRWhey jelmer, i installed it17:55
MANISHRWand i'm getting error when i'm trying to get new branch17:55
MANISHRWthis is the error - "No valid trusted SSL CA certificates file set. See 'bzr help ssl.ca_certs' for more information on setting trusted CAs."17:55
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
MANISHRWany idea what should i do next ?17:57
jelmerMANISHRW: have you checked that help page?17:57
MANISHRWwhich help page ?17:58
ScottK'bzr help ssl.ca_certs'17:58
MANISHRWi entered it17:58
MANISHRWit showed this17:59
MANISHRWPath to certification authority certificates to trust.17:59
MANISHRWThis should be a valid path to a bundle containing all root Certificate17:59
MANISHRWAuthorities used to verify an https server certificate.17:59
MANISHRWUse ssl.cert_reqs=none to disable certificate verification.17:59
mortrcaI do not want search engines indexing my loggerhead site. Is it possible to drop a robots.txt file somewhere where loggerhead will include it in the web root?18:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
MANISHRWcan anyone help me out18:58
mortrcaAnyone know how this can be done?19:48
mortrcaOr if it can be?19:49
LarstiQmortrca: just a sec20:02
LarstiQmortrca: I don't know how you have set things up, but for my trac on Apache site I do <LocationMatch "^/(?!trac/|robots.txt|custom.css)">20:03
LarstiQmortrca: and then have a robots.txt in the DocumentRoot20:04
LarstiQmortrca: so with loggerhead something like that would be the first thing I try, have the webserver serve up content for /robots.txt instead of directing to loggerhead20:05
=== jordan_ is now known as jordan
MANISHRWhow do i make ssl.cert_reqs to none20:53
MANISHRWhelp please20:53

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