=== Vito is now known as Vito_away | ||
xixor | jedihawk: did that fix yo shit yo? | 00:36 |
smj | Do I need to add myself to a group to be able to access other people's home directories? My account wasn't created first, so I had to make it an admin by checking some boxes in KDE User Management | 00:38 |
smj | I'm trying to access home directories on some partitions that shouldn't have ECryptFS installed, but Dolphin says it can't | 00:39 |
smj | I guess so, I can open the directories as root in terminal | 00:40 |
smj | I can't open the directories without root in terminal either, so it's not anything KDE specific | 00:43 |
DarthFrog | !permissions | smj | 01:19 |
ubottu | smj: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 01:19 |
DarthFrog | smj: You need the correct permissions to do what you're wanting to do. | 01:20 |
DarthFrog | In a nutshell, permissions are Linux's ACLs. | 01:20 |
smj | I remember being able to read my home directories on other partitions without messing with its permissions | 01:22 |
OerHeks | smj, old install, with a different username? | 01:23 |
xixor | smj: that wouldn't be very secure now woudl it? | 01:23 |
OerHeks | that would explain why you cannot access it now | 01:24 |
smj | same username | 01:24 |
xwalk | Does anyone know of a program that would constantly be creating a directory in ~/downloads? | 02:39 |
xwalk | Pretty much everytime I boot it gets created and I haven't pinned down which application it could be that's creating it. | 02:39 |
xwalk | Well, not "pretty much everytime". It is every time. | 02:40 |
xixor | I'd probably guess dolphin, or a browser | 02:41 |
phiscribe | whats the directory name? | 02:43 |
OerHeks | To get the owner and group of a directory > ls -ld /path/to/folder | 02:46 |
chalcedony | is anyone around that can help move my husband's korganizer from ubuntu 10.10 to his new drive with 12.04 ? | 03:06 |
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Guest42244 | gfhfhjgf | 03:08 |
chalcedony | :) | 03:11 |
shadeslayer | chalcedony: #kde if no one replies :) | 03:24 |
shadeslayer | there's also #kontact | 03:24 |
shadeslayer | and just shooting in the dark here, can't you export the events to a iCal file and import it onto the second machine ? | 03:25 |
chalcedony | shadeslayer, no clue but thanks! | 03:31 |
shadeslayer | there should be some sort of export feature in korganizer, please have a look around ;) | 03:32 |
jedihawk | xixor: I think that fixed it. I had to change the setting in both dolphin windows. I'll keep an eye on it. | 07:19 |
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jackrepeat | kubuntu is wonderful ! i love it .thank you guys. | 08:10 |
jackrepeat | 有人会说中文吗? | 08:10 |
jedihawk | :-) | 08:18 |
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Promethes | how to make KDE to remember last size and position of a window? For example firefox window position is not remembered when i close it and open again | 08:31 |
oberdan | morning to everyone | 08:35 |
frogonwheels | Promethes: did you try advanced| special windows settings ? | 08:35 |
frogonwheels | Promethes: in the window menu (click on the top-left corner most likely) | 08:35 |
oberdan | i need help for kub 11.10 on my asus Eeepc sea shell cx 1015 | 08:36 |
frogonwheels | !ask | 08:36 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:36 |
oberdan | the problem it's the graphic card intel i can't connect the vga cable and also the hdmi dosen't work | 08:37 |
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_ | ||
jedihawk | oberdan: have you checked boot-up messages to see if linux is complaining about that stuff? | 08:38 |
oberdan | no | 08:38 |
oberdan | jed | 08:38 |
jedihawk | oberdan: open a terminal (konsole), type: dmesg | less | 08:39 |
oberdan | ook | 08:39 |
jedihawk | then use arrow keys to scroll, q to quit. | 08:39 |
Smurphy | So - when they will ask the "music lock" in Amarok. Starting to get on my nerves ... | 08:40 |
Promethes | frogonwheels: thanx, its now fixed | 08:41 |
oberdan | so it's come out e lot of thing's wath it's the row important for me? | 08:41 |
frogonwheels | !pastebin | 08:41 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 08:41 |
jedihawk | oberdan: don't know what to tell ya. If it's an issue with your vid card, look for messages about that. It might help you debug the problem. | 08:42 |
oberdan | ok thank's a lot | 08:44 |
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hechao | what tima kde5.0 | 09:34 |
Tm_T | hm? | 09:34 |
hechao | sorry,when kde5.0 or qt5 ? | 09:36 |
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hechao | kubuntu12.10 ext4 bug not fix | 09:38 |
hechao | has the china user ? | 09:42 |
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tsimpson | !cn | 09:43 |
ubottu | 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 09:43 |
hechao | thank you | 09:44 |
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bux | hi | 10:15 |
bux | I have an issue with the clock settings | 10:15 |
bux | on the parameters, the time is correct | 10:15 |
bux | but the time displayeed on my right bot corner is not | 10:16 |
frogonwheels | bux: parameters? | 10:16 |
bux | it is delayed by one hour | 10:16 |
bux | parameters: ' adjust date and time' | 10:16 |
frogonwheels | bux: do you have the correct timezone set? | 10:16 |
bux | the time there is correct | 10:16 |
bux | but not the one displayed | 10:16 |
bux | yes | 10:17 |
frogonwheels | bux: look at the digital clock settings (right-click on the clock) | 10:17 |
frogonwheels | bux: select 'time zones' and make sure you have the correct one checked. | 10:17 |
bux | yes | 10:17 |
bux | it is | 10:17 |
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw | ||
frogonwheels | exactly correct? it kinda sounds like a DST issue.. | 10:18 |
bux | wait | 10:18 |
bux | ok | 10:18 |
bux | it s good | 10:18 |
bux | berlin was set up | 10:18 |
bux | + UTC | 10:18 |
FloodBotK1 | bux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:18 |
bux | i rm UTC | 10:18 |
bux | and it works now, thx ! | 10:19 |
frogonwheels | np. | 10:19 |
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frogonwheels | bux: I think mine switched to UTC at one stage - but I'm +8 so it was a bit more noticeable. | 10:19 |
bux | idd :) | 10:20 |
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yanwenlong | 大家好 | 10:57 |
tsimpson | !cn | 10:58 |
ubottu | 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 10:58 |
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nov | good evning all... | 12:13 |
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* phiscribe starts distribution upgrade and crosses fingers | 13:04 | |
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BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:53 |
xixor | yo | 14:01 |
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ovidiu-florin | hello, evem though I've set up to open .xml files with Kate it still oppenes them with firefox. Why? | 14:36 |
hateball | ovidiu-florin: you mean when you doubleclick an xml file on in dolphin for instance? | 14:37 |
ovidiu-florin | hateball: yes | 14:38 |
hateball | ovidiu-florin: did you configure it by rightclicking a file -> properties -> wrench ? | 14:38 |
ovidiu-florin | hateball: no, i configured it by right click -> open with, Kate, set as default | 14:39 |
ovidiu-florin | and also checked this in system settings | 14:39 |
ovidiu-florin | I've entered where you told me, ans it sees the file as an HTML file, why? | 14:40 |
ovidiu-florin | indee inside the file I don't have the xml specification, that must be the reason | 14:41 |
hateball | could well be | 14:41 |
hateball | but if the right filter (*.xml) is set I dont think it even cares, it should still try to open in whatever you've set | 14:42 |
ovidiu-florin | the filter is set | 14:42 |
ovidiu-florin | but it thinks this is an html file apparently | 14:42 |
ovidiu-florin | and that's why it oppenes it with firefox | 14:42 |
hateball | well try adding the <xml> stuff then | 14:43 |
hateball | see if it makes it any happier :) | 14:43 |
oberdan | the problem i have now in my asus Eeepc it's thath i still usung kubuntu 12.04 the problem now it's the video card intel dosen't work proprely i cant connect hdmi and vga even if i try to regulate the luminosity with fn+f5 or f6 anyone can help me? | 14:44 |
ovidiu-florin | hateball: Tried that, no change | 14:46 |
ovidiu-florin | tried even removing all the applications from the open with.. menu, except kate, it still oppenes with firefox | 14:46 |
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ovidiu-florin | oberdan: have you searched for any proprietary drivers? | 14:49 |
oberdan | yes i've tryed and yhere it's a driver to activte but when i tryed to activate the sistem stop me with a log file | 14:51 |
oberdan | by jokey log ovidiu | 14:55 |
oberdan | if you want i will post in pastebin the entire log file | 14:55 |
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BluesKaj | oberdan, have you updated/upgraded lately | 14:58 |
ovidiu-florin | oberdan: you coul post it here, if someone can help you. I'm not that experienced yet. | 14:58 |
oberdan | thank's a lot ovidiu | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | ovidiu-florin,oberdan don't post the logfile here | 14:59 |
ovidiu-florin | I meant for him to post the link to the pastebin, since that was his question | 14:59 |
oberdan | the think it's the graphic card of INTEL MAKE A PROBLEM | 14:59 |
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_ | ||
oberdan | i found a guide to resolve the problem i still working behind | 15:00 |
oberdan | can i paste the link here guy's | 15:01 |
OerHeks | oberdan, url is oke | 15:02 |
oberdan | http://daily.siebler.eu/2012/06/ubuntu-12-04-driver-for-intel-cedarview-atom-n2000-und-d2000-serie/ | 15:02 |
oberdan | could you keep an eye on it guy's | 15:03 |
OerHeks | i see a little itch in that tutor, sudo update-grub2 > sudo update-grub see: http://askubuntu.com/questions/167763/update-grub-or-grub2 | 15:05 |
oberdan | i've only one question about i still fallow the guide but i don't know if i've to stop unthil the string were it's writhe ..." You can try to Add "video=LVDS" or i have to continue untill the end of it | 15:05 |
ovidiu-florin | oberdan: search for "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" | 15:07 |
ovidiu-florin | this is the variable that you have to change it's value | 15:07 |
oberdan | in the shell you mean ovidiu? | 15:08 |
ovidiu-florin | and I'm guessing "if your don't see anything" means if the variable does not exist, or if it's empty | 15:08 |
ovidiu-florin | I mean in /etc/default/grub | 15:09 |
oberdan | ok and witch should be the value the one i wrote | 15:10 |
ovidiu-florin | quote: "You can try to Add "video=LVDS-1:d" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT variable" | 15:10 |
phiscribe | ugg did disto upgrade. it ate all my widgets and various other minutia | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | phiscribe, ok update/upgrade again | 15:12 |
phiscribe | will do | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | bbl ..have to check other installs | 15:13 |
BluesKaj | Hey Daskreech :) | 15:38 |
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randomatix | Hi, I somehow got a live translucent thumbnail of a certain window in the lower right corner of the display. Does anyone know what that feature is called? I'd like to be able to disable and enable it at will. | 15:48 |
xixor | I've never seen that.. maybe it is some widget or plasmoid? | 15:49 |
lordievader | randomatix: Do you mean the window preview? Perhaps you could give a screenshot? | 15:49 |
lordievader | !paste | 15:49 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:49 |
randomatix | maybe. I think I may have gotten with a mouse slip on the title bar. | 15:49 |
randomatix | it hides whenever another window needs that space. Seems to work well enough that I'm guessing it's a real feature. | 15:50 |
lordievader | randomatix: Yes I think that is the window preview, System Settings -> Desktop Effects -> All Effects -> Taskbar Thumbnails or Thumbnail Aside. | 15:51 |
randomatix | lordievader: Thanks! It seems to be Thumbnail Aside. Meta-Ctrl-T by default. | 15:53 |
randomatix | Seems like a useful feature for monitoring windows with changing content. | 15:54 |
Mehrab_ | hi | 16:22 |
Mehrab_ | I just installed properiatary driver for my ati graphic driver. after that i can't left click with touchpad. and when I try to go to touchpad settings via systemsettings it just crashes | 16:22 |
Mehrab_ | what should I do? | 16:23 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, from the ati website ? ..dunno much about ati drivers for kubuntu lately | 16:32 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: no, from a repository | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | ppa or a regular repos ? | 16:33 |
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Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: ppa | 16:34 |
BluesKaj | and you rebooted after installing , Mehrab_ ? | 16:35 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: I used the method from here: http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/ | 16:35 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: yes I did | 16:36 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: I get this error when trying to open touchpad setting : http://pastebin.com/h3Kc3TKk | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, open the konsole and run this , then pastebin the result , sudo lshw -C video | 16:41 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: here it is: http://pastebin.com/quCQuCWc | 16:43 |
BluesKaj | ok Mehrab_ I thought you might have hybrid graphics , one low level gpu and another for higher graphical loads..but I see you have a straight forward hd4200 ati gpu , the should work with the fglrx driver | 16:49 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: yes, the graphic is working fine. the problem is touchpad | 16:50 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, have you updated/upgraded and dist-upgrade ,and yes the graphics and touchpad are directly related | 16:52 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: upgrade --> yes - dist-upgrade --> No | 16:53 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, ok , do you have this installed , touchpad configuration tool (synaptiks) ? | 16:54 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: this is weired. I thought it is installed. but now when I performed apt-get install synaptiks it says: unable to locate the package | 16:59 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, open muon and look for touchpad configuration tool | 17:00 |
BluesKaj | and make sure you have all the repositories enabled , like partners and extras | 17:01 |
=== leftist_ is now known as leftist | ||
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: it is installed | 17:23 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, have youtried setting up the touchpad in Kmenu>Computer System Settings>Input Devices>touchpad | 17:27 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: yes when click on touchpad it crashes and closes | 17:28 |
BluesKaj | and you've updated/upgrades , maybe you should dist-upgrade as well , upgrading the the existing kde packages might help | 17:29 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_,^ | 17:29 |
invariant | How do I load xmodmap ~/.xmodmap at start of KDE? | 17:29 |
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw | ||
invariant | I already placed the command in a file in ~/.kde/env to no effect. | 17:30 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: I did that too | 17:30 |
BluesKaj | invariant, how about system settings>startup and shutdown | 17:31 |
invariant | BluesKaj, it refers to the file I was talking about, but it doesn't get applied somehow. | 17:32 |
genii-around | Sounds like bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptiks/+bug/1002736 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1002736 in synaptiks (Ubuntu) "[xorg-edgers] Synaptics driver crashes KDE touchpad control module" [Medium,Triaged] | 17:32 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, then I'm out of ideas | 17:32 |
invariant | BluesKaj, is there something which undoes xmodmap settings in general kde settings? | 17:33 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: :) OK. Thank you very much anyway | 17:33 |
BluesKaj | Mehrab_, check out the post above by' genii-around | 17:34 |
Mehrab_ | BluesKaj: again thanks | 17:36 |
BluesKaj | invariant, http://askubuntu.com/questions/29603/how-do-i-clear-xmodmap-settings | 17:36 |
BluesKaj | BBL... | 17:44 |
genii-around | Mehrab_: We may get some assistance in an hour about the touchpad issue, the fellow is away from his computer until then. | 17:50 |
NothingSpectacul | helo | 17:55 |
NothingSpectacul | i have kubuntu | 17:56 |
ovidiu-florin | hello is there a way to search for a string only inside a specific node in an xml file? Eighter in kate, or any other text editor | 17:56 |
NothingSpectacul | yes | 17:57 |
DarthFrog | ovidiu-florin: "grep" is your friend. | 17:57 |
ovidiu-florin | DarthFrog: but how do i limit it inside a node? | 17:58 |
DarthFrog | ovidiu-florin: Or use vi. Search for the start of the node. then search for your string. | 17:58 |
ovidiu-florin | DarthFrog: I can do this in any text editor | 17:58 |
DarthFrog | Yeah, but vi is the best text editor. :-) | 17:59 |
ovidiu-florin | but how do I do this withought having to move the coursor? | 17:59 |
NothingSpectacul | you could offer a younger sibling a monetary reward for finding it for you | 17:59 |
ovidiu-florin | DarthFrog: that is a personal prefference | 17:59 |
NothingSpectacul | while you brew some tea | 17:59 |
ovidiu-florin | NothingSpectacul: :) funny | 18:00 |
DarthFrog | ovidiu-florin: yes it is. But it's the correct one. :-) | 18:00 |
DarthFrog | ovidiu-florin: you could open the file in a second buffer and do the search there. | 18:00 |
NothingSpectacul | helo basso | 18:01 |
ovidiu-florin | fourtannetly the node is not so big, so Ill just copy the node in a new file | 18:02 |
ovidiu-florin | but this is not a solution | 18:02 |
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XiaYixuan | hi | 18:54 |
XiaYixuan | are you very clever when it comes to proxies? | 18:54 |
XiaYixuan | I want that it decides if the proxy is needed | 18:55 |
XiaYixuan | or it's all good if I just need to decide on the right internet profile | 18:55 |
XiaYixuan | but it shouldn't be like rewriting the /etc/environment file each time I change my internet connection | 18:56 |
XiaYixuan | so, what say you? | 18:56 |
avihay | !cn | 18:56 |
ubottu | 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 18:56 |
XiaYixuan | do you have a solution? | 18:56 |
avihay | I don't regularly use proxy, and I generally had bad luck with using it | 18:58 |
XiaYixuan | I see | 18:58 |
XiaYixuan | I'm forced to use a proxy | 18:58 |
XiaYixuan | my dormitory only provides connections with a proxy. otherwise I can't acces the internet | 18:59 |
XiaYixuan | however, when at home, there's no proxy | 18:59 |
XiaYixuan | !hu | 19:00 |
ubottu | Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál | 19:00 |
Daskreech | hi BluesKaj:) | 19:01 |
Ab3L | hello | 19:10 |
vbgunz | I experienced random freezes yesterday. Complete freezes that locked everything up and only a hard reboot would solve. Anyhow, I think blasklisting sp5100_tco to fix some errors actually caused the freezes. It may be to early to tell but un-blacklisting sp5100_tco and so far, I'm feeling better after a day | 19:11 |
Ab3L | i've a problem with icons for some months yet. in particular with the application "Radio Tray". When the application runs, its icon should be in the panel. But at this place there is a question mark (?). Do you know where can change the question mark with the original icon? Is there a config file to delete/change? | 19:16 |
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vbgunz | anyone messing with the Steam beta? I'm messing with it but lately the fonts are unreadable diffused rectangles. Where is steam getting its fonts from? | 19:30 |
Tygart | Ab3L: change your icon set, or you can change the icon by right clicking > Properties then click the icon that shows in the box | 19:31 |
vbgunz | I figured it out, it seems if you have a .fonts directory in your home directory, steam breaks :/ | 19:32 |
Tygart | Ab3L: (FYI) some of the icon sets will not have an Icon for all the programs so you will need to edit each icon like I said or choose another Icon set.. | 19:33 |
Ab3L | Tygart: ok. but where should i find where to rightclick? | 19:33 |
Ab3L | Tygart: in the kickoff menu? or where else? | 19:34 |
Tygart | you can find the applications in /usr/share/Applications | 19:34 |
Tygart | look there I could be wrong | 19:34 |
Tygart | No wrong place. Sorry! | 19:36 |
Tygart | Ab3L: I am not sure were to change the application Icons. Try changing your icon set and see how that looks.. I am going away from the computer. | 19:38 |
Ab3L | Tygart: in that folder I can find the right icons, those i like to have in the panel. i'll try to change the icon set. thank you. | 19:39 |
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invariant | ovidiu-florin, you want to use an xpath implementation. | 20:35 |
ovidiu-florin | invariant: thanks for your help | 20:37 |
ovidiu-florin | I've found my solution in Qt Creator by using bookmarks | 20:37 |
DarthFrog | http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-kubuntu-12.10 | 20:40 |
polaris_ | Hello | 20:48 |
ovidiu-florin | DarthFrog: why does he install synaptic? you have Muon Package manager | 21:10 |
ovidiu-florin | was that removed in quetzal? | 21:11 |
vbgunz | I've got ubuntu software-center on kubuntu and am at the ubuntu online store looking at the latest humble bundle. When I click to install 'splice', chrome launches xdg-open apt://splice but I get an error 'could not find package splice'... what's going on? | 21:26 |
OerHeks | vbgunz_, why did you install ubuntu-software-centre? | 21:32 |
invariant | Why can't they just write preseed instructions instead of a HOWTO? | 21:33 |
vbgunz_ | OerHeks: I understood it to be the only way to install humble bundle purchases, not intuitive if I'm wrong :( | 21:33 |
OerHeks | vbgunz_, you need a trick to make it work, installing without ubuntu-gnome stuff, remove software centre, and re-install it with > sudo apt-get install software-center --no-install-recommends | 21:37 |
vbgunz_ | OerHeks: will I still have an interface for my purchases? | 21:38 |
OerHeks | that would skip the gnome part, but kubutnu has nos splice ( tool to install a kernel without reboot) | 21:38 |
vbgunz_ | OerHeks: splice is a game from the latest humble bundle | 21:38 |
OerHeks | oh oke | 21:39 |
OerHeks | answer found > http://www.gogogeekboy.com/2012/07/installing-ubuntu-software-center-kubuntu-12-04/ | 21:39 |
OerHeks | "After that you will be able to get all your previously purchase games and other applications without a hitch… Well, maybe a little glitch here and there. " good luck | 21:40 |
vbgunz_ | haha, Ok, I'll look into it, I don't know why but I don't like using any non-native interface so I'll definitely give it a go | 21:41 |
OerHeks | can't you login @ humble and download the games ?? | 21:41 |
OerHeks | They should give support, one reason i switched to kubuntu, no commercial stuff we volunteers need to support | 21:43 |
hike | hi all! I have a problem with my kubuntu 12.04 on my laptop. Kubuntu could not connect to Wifi, but can see all AP around. What problem can be? | 21:47 |
hike | Windows working perfectly with this nic | 21:48 |
ovidiu-florin | hello, I have a dell inspiron 1564 that uses a proprietary driver for the wireless network card. I have Kubuntu 12.04. I updated today to the kernel Since then I cannot use the wireless any more. A look in the 'Aditional Drivers' reveals that the driver is not installed. If I try to enable it, I get an error and this is what the log outputs: http://paste.kde.org/607568/ | 22:24 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: From the looks of it you're using a Broadcom chipset. Is that correct? | 22:31 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: yes | 22:31 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: Well, just looking at the log files and seeing "blacklisted" numerous times throughout makes me think that the b43 module you need is blacklisted. Can you post the contents of your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf for me? | 22:32 |
ovidiu-florin | one moment | 22:33 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: here you go: http://paste.kde.org/607580/ | 22:35 |
Marius80 | hi | 22:36 |
Marius80 | I've just been sent here from the #kde channel since the bug seams only to show up on kubuntu, not on other distributions like opensuse | 22:36 |
Marius80 | the problem is: | 22:36 |
Marius80 | when I open krunner (ALT+F2) I enter a command like ... let's say: "kwrite" | 22:37 |
Marius80 | normally, one time ENTER should be enough | 22:37 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: Hmm. Well that seems correct. Give me one moment. It's been a while since I've done anything with modprobe. | 22:37 |
yofel | Marius80: kde bug 309787 | 22:37 |
Marius80 | the bug is, that I have to press ENTER multiple times (2-3 times) to get the program opened | 22:37 |
ubottu | KDE bug 309787 in general "Krunner does not execute program when press ENTER" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309787 | 22:37 |
SIR_Taco__ | Marius80: not a kubuntu issue: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309787 | 22:37 |
Marius80 | yofel, thank you VERY much!!!! | 22:37 |
Marius80 | yofel, because of my broken english, I was not able to name the bug and find the bug number | 22:38 |
Marius80 | thank you! | 22:38 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: I'm also seeing from the log you posted that kmod is disabled. That may have something to do with it, though I'm not completely sure. | 22:40 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: I've just notised that the sound is also gone | 22:40 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: actualy it's not gone. It works... kind of... the sound is interupted | 22:43 |
Marius80 | yofel, SIR_Taco__ ok, I've read the whole bug report.... but I still have no clue how to solve it | 22:43 |
SIR_Taco__ | Marius80: unforutnately, it seems it will be fixed next kde release | 22:43 |
yofel | by waiting an hour, a fixed package will be in the ppa soon | 22:43 |
yofel | SIR_Taco__: too annoying, patch is imported | 22:43 |
SIR_Taco__ | or that :) | 22:43 |
SIR_Taco__ | yofel: good to hear... it has been driving me crazy | 22:44 |
yofel | ack | 22:44 |
xwalk | Well it looks like according to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125529/wireless-doesnt-work-on-a-broadcom-bcm4312 you can try the command "sudo apt-get install firmware-b34-installer" and that may fix the wireless issue on reboot. It's a shame I've never run into this problem with my Broadcom wireless card. I might know more about the problem in that case. | 22:45 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: ^ | 22:45 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: I suppose you also have a Dell ? | 22:46 |
xwalk | I actually have a Lenovo 4446 with the BCM4312. | 22:46 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: cannot find firmware-b34... only b43 | 22:47 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: Run this command> "apt-cache search b43". The package you would want according to that link would be the very first one. | 22:48 |
Marius80 | yofel, Is the expression "by waiting an hour" a figure of speech or are we really talking about an hour? | 22:48 |
yofel | what release are you on? | 22:48 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: you misspelled, it's actually b43 not b34 | 22:49 |
Marius80 | yofel, 12.04 LTS | 22:49 |
xwalk | ovidiu-florin: Ah, yes my mistake. | 22:49 |
Marius80 | KDE version is 4.8.5 | 22:49 |
yofel | 4.8? That's at least not affected by the mentioned bug | 22:50 |
Marius80 | but I also do have this bug here | 22:50 |
SIR_Taco__ | it was a regression... but not sure where it came up originally, could have been around there | 22:51 |
yofel | a regression in 4.9, not 4.8 | 22:51 |
Marius80 | so what does that mean to me now? | 22:52 |
yofel | Marius80: so the entry does eventiually work, but only if you press multiple times? | 22:52 |
Marius80 | yofel, exactly | 22:53 |
Marius80 | I am going to describe it | 22:53 |
Marius80 | at first some informations about the settings: | 22:53 |
Marius80 | Text Completion -> Dropdown List | 22:53 |
Marius80 | User Interface -> Free floating window | 22:54 |
Marius80 | User Interface -> Command oriented | 22:54 |
Marius80 | I type kwr and the dropdown list offers "kwrite" | 22:54 |
Marius80 | I use the arrow down key and select "kwrite" from the dropdown and press ENTER | 22:55 |
Marius80 | result: the dropdown list disappears, the word "kwrite" stands in the input field, but nothing happened | 22:55 |
Marius80 | then I press ENTER again, and an area expands with a cogwheel symbol and the text "Run kwrite" next to it | 22:56 |
Marius80 | then I press ENTER again and kwrite starts | 22:57 |
Marius80 | this bug does not always happen | 22:57 |
Marius80 | sometimes, it starts at the first try | 22:57 |
Marius80 | sometimes, it needs 2 enter | 22:57 |
yofel | sorry, at least I don't remember such behaviour with 4.8, and I'm not sure what would cause it.. | 23:00 |
Marius80 | yofel, can I upgrade to KDE 4.9 ? | 23:02 |
Marius80 | yofel, I am running 12.04 LTS | 23:02 |
yofel | Marius80: you can http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.9.3 | 23:02 |
Marius80 | yofel, ok, and after this upgrade, I will have the other bug mentioned before, right? ;-) | 23:04 |
Marius80 | yofel, the kubuntu backports are already in my sources.list | 23:05 |
Marius80 | what is the name of the package I need? | 23:05 |
yofel | can you please go to dolphin or so and open Help->About KDE? | 23:05 |
yofel | and tell me your platform version? | 23:05 |
Marius80 | KDE 4.8.5 | 23:07 |
Marius80 | yofel, actually it says: "KDE - Be Free! Platform Version 4.8.5 (4.8.5)" | 23:07 |
yofel | ok, so it's 4.8 | 23:07 |
yofel | open muon-updater from krunner and look for updates if the ppa is already enabled | 23:08 |
Marius80 | yofel, sorry for bothering you, but I would prefer the shell | 23:08 |
yofel | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 23:08 |
Marius80 | yofel, a dist-upgrade would bring me kubuntu 12.10, right? | 23:09 |
yofel | no | 23:09 |
yofel | !dist-upgrade | 23:09 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 23:09 |
Marius80 | yofel, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aTYmyXMa | 23:10 |
Marius80 | beside others, this line is in my sources.list: | 23:11 |
Marius80 | deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 23:11 |
Marius80 | this is the backports line, right? | 23:11 |
yofel | aaah | 23:11 |
yofel | nope | 23:11 |
Marius80 | oh, sorry | 23:11 |
yofel | that's the official backports archive, 4.9.3 is in kubuntu's backports PPA | 23:12 |
Marius80 | oh I see | 23:12 |
Marius80 | sorry | 23:12 |
Marius80 | what line shall I add? | 23:12 |
Marius80 | is this the launchpad repository? | 23:13 |
yofel | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports | 23:13 |
Marius80 | yofel, ok, really sorry for asking, but... my sources.list did _not_ change | 23:16 |
yofel | it adds a new file in sources.list.d | 23:16 |
Marius80 | I made a backup of my old sources.list, and they are exactly the same | 23:16 |
yofel | feel free to copy the deb lines over and remove the file if you want everything in one file | 23:17 |
Marius80 | oh, great... found it | 23:17 |
Marius80 | yep, I will do so | 23:17 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: sorry I dissapeared, X crashed, and had to rebot in recovery and uninstall fglrx.... again... | 23:20 |
Marius80 | yofel, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YB5RucSU | 23:21 |
Marius80 | yofel, nothing to see from kde 4.9 | 23:21 |
yofel | you did run update again? | 23:21 |
Marius80 | yes | 23:21 |
yofel | Marius80: can you please pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy'? | 23:22 |
Marius80 | yofel, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=NzEudjcy | 23:23 |
yofel | well, I can already see that there's no ppa.launchpad.net in there, so something went wrong when editing the sources | 23:23 |
Marius80 | yofel, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=2DkBj8vA | 23:24 |
ovidiu-florin | xwalk: reboot, again, brb | 23:25 |
yofel | can you pastebin your sources list too please? | 23:25 |
Marius80 | erm, you are right | 23:26 |
Marius80 | I pasted the stuff to my backup of the sources.list | 23:26 |
yofel | heh | 23:26 |
Marius80 | sorrryyyy :( | 23:26 |
yofel | np, happens :D | 23:26 |
Marius80 | since I started to program (perl, php, whatever) and something goes wrong, the first thing to check for me is always: | 23:27 |
Marius80 | Am I editing the right file? | 23:27 |
Marius80 | yofel, me again... a bad error now... | 23:28 |
Marius80 | yofel, pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PwzF5kX6 | 23:29 |
yofel | that looks like aptitude being stupid, try apt-get | 23:29 |
Marius80 | oh my goodness, I pressed enter by a mistake | 23:31 |
Marius80 | lol it is installing and removing stuff now | 23:31 |
Marius80 | partyyy | 23:31 |
yofel | it'll only remove kdegames, make sure kubuntu-desktop is installed later | 23:32 |
yofel | or rather kdegames, kubuntu-desktop isn't even being removed | 23:32 |
Marius80 | yofel, look that I said "yes" to by a mistake | 23:33 |
Marius80 | http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=GwwcYsyh | 23:33 |
yofel | well, *that* solution is fine | 23:33 |
Marius80 | not sure about that | 23:34 |
yofel | it removes some old libraries (OK) and old kernel headers (OK) | 23:34 |
Marius80 | my gf will not be happy about having removed all the games | 23:34 |
yofel | in this solution they're not removed | 23:34 |
Marius80 | oh, I see: libkdegames6 | 23:37 |
Marius80 | yofel, thank you very much so far, after the update has finished, I'll tell you the result | 23:39 |
yofel | Marius80: you'll suffer from the mentioned bug until this is published: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+sourcepub/2790899/+listing-archive-extra | 23:41 |
Marius80 | yofel, great, so I jumped out of the frying pan into the fire | 23:43 |
yofel | nah, it does still kinda work, just doesn't like to use the same keyword again. I think you can work around the bug by using the arrow keys to switch around a bit | 23:44 |
Marius80 | yofel, how will I find out then the bugfixed is released? | 23:45 |
yofel | just check for updates again in a bit | 23:46 |
Marius80 | do you mean the dist-upgrade thing? | 23:47 |
yofel | yes | 23:48 |
Marius80 | thank you :) | 23:48 |
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