
BerndSchis somebody here who can help me?14:13
cwayneBerndSch: i'd say your best bet is to ping coolbhavi when he's online14:30
BerndSchcwayne: Ok, thanks for the info14:32
cwayneBerndSch: sorry I can't be of more help, i'm not in the arb either -- just in here to bother people to try and get help :)14:33
coolbhavihey dpm wendar14:39
dpmhey coolbhavi14:39
coolbhavidpm, pinged ed again on list lets see14:40
coolbhavill followup14:40
dpmcool, thanks.14:40
cwayneheya coolbhavi14:42
coolbhavicwayne, hey. requested a backward copy on precise of unity-vm-lens14:42
cwaynecoolbhavi: great, thanks :)14:42
coolbhaviits under process I believe14:42
cwayneperfect :)14:43
cwaynecoolbhavi: hey, i noticed BerndSch has been looking for some help on the SSH lens i believe14:44
coolbhaviwendar, shall I mail the ubuntu-devel list on new process on arb reviews? Or shall we wait till formal communication from TB?14:45
coolbhavicwayne, yes he had pinged me sometime back but got busy ll search on the queue now14:46
BerndSchcoolbhavi: yes, I try to get the lens into the software centre since beginning of the year. Here is the link: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/548/14:47
coolbhavidpm, btw reg arb meetings I prefer to wait a couple of days until ajmitch and/or alessio responds and we can kick off I believe :)14:48
coolbhaviBerndSch, thanks and sorry for having not attended earlier14:48
coolbhavill have a look now14:48
BerndSchcoolbhavi: thanks, would be great14:51
coolbhaviBerndSch, had a quick look14:54
coolbhavijust a small question14:55
coolbhaviwhy is the opt-extras-unity-ssh_searchlens.py present in /debian?14:56
coolbhaviah nevermind now got it you intend to install in apparmor.d14:57
BerndSchI had some help month ago from Stéphane Graber. He helped me with the package for 11.10. The lens was in the software centre for 11.1014:58
coolbhaviBerndSch, got it so its just an update15:00
BerndSchcoolbhavi: yes. there is a branch on launchpad for 12.04 and one for 12.10. And I prepared a branch for 13.0415:02
coolbhaviBerndSch, is the tarball on the portal latest one?15:03
coolbhavibecause thats what m looking into now15:04
BerndSchI don't think so. I talked to ajmitch during the UDS and he told me that the tarball isn't the important part. If I link to the bzr branch that should be enough. I don't know if this is right15:05
coolbhaviyes branch link please15:05
BerndSchfor 12.04: https://code.launchpad.net/~bernd-sch/unity-sshsearch-lens/precise15:07
BerndSchfor 12.10: https://code.launchpad.net/~bernd-sch/unity-sshsearch-lens/quantal15:07
coolbhaviBerndSch, thanks!15:08
wendarcoolbhavi: yes, go ahead and email ubuntu-devel15:10
coolbhavithanks wendar15:10
wendarcoolbhavi: don't forget to mention that we're happy to have packages adopted into Ubuntu universe or debian mentors15:11
coolbhavisure wendar15:11
BerndSchcoolbhavi: please tell me if I have to change something or if it's OK as it is now15:21
coolbhaviBerndSch, when i check the license headers for /unity-lens-sshsearch.py I see gpl 3+ whereas the d/copyright states its gpl 315:21
coolbhavibrb dinner15:22
BerndSchcoolbhavi: Ok, I couldn't change this at the moment because I'm at work :-) I will correct the license maybe tommorow and will ping you again?!15:23
coolbhaviBerndSch, sure take your time and feel free to ping :)15:23
BerndSchcoolbhavi: thanks15:25
cwayneBerndSch: coolbhavi: is that all there is to change?  I can fix that really quickly if you want BerndSch15:26
BerndSchcwayne: that would be great15:26
cwaynecoolbhavi: i show it as GPL v3 or later?15:29
cwaynecwayne@pacothecat:~/quantal$ licensecheck src/unity-lens-sshsearch.py15:29
cwaynesrc/unity-lens-sshsearch.py: GPL (v3 or later)15:29
coolbhavicwayne, yes I just had a quick overlook and found this one and xb- tags in d/control which can be removed15:54
coolbhavias we dont use xb tags anymore15:54
coolbhaviBerndSch, ^^^15:55
cwaynecoolbhavi: so if i just remove the xb tags and push I should be ok?  i haven't been able to find anything claiming to be gpl3+15:55
coolbhaviI see that This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify15:56
coolbhavi#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by15:56
coolbhavi#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or15:56
coolbhavi#    (at your option) any later version.15:56
cwaynecoolbhavi: right, isn't that still gpl3?15:56
cwayneor do you want me to remove the at your option bit15:56
coolbhaviin unity-lens-sshsearch.py yes please remove at your option to make it strict gpl315:58
cwayneah, now i understand15:58
cwaynecoolbhavi: BerndSch: lp:~cwayne18/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-lens-sshsearch-quantal15:59
cwaynecoolbhavi: BerndSch: and lp:~cwayne18/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-lens-sshsearch-precise16:00
coolbhavicwayne, sure ll have a look tomorrow if you or BerndSch dont mind as m in midst of a mail again16:00
coolbhavitomorrow ll try my level best to push it through16:01
cwaynecoolbhavi: sounds good to me, thanks!16:01
BerndSchcoolbhavi: cwayne, thanks a lot16:02
cwayneBerndSch: np :)16:05
coolbhaviwendar, dpm sent a mail to ubuntu-devel16:45
wendarcoolbhavi: great, thanks!16:45
coolbhaviwendar, no mention wendar16:46
wendarcoolbhavi: another thing that needs doing is updating the wiki pages16:46
wendarcoolbhavi: to change the "three +1 votes" to "2 reviews, by an Ubuntu Developer and an ARB member"16:46
coolbhaviwendar, done https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review16:52
coolbhavigood night!16:52
wendarcoolbhavi: wonderful!16:52
wendargoodnight :)16:52
PaoloRotoloHi all!18:16
ajmitchBerndSch: hi, sorry I hadn't replied to your email, I'd grabbed your updated branches & was going to try & test them19:20
cwayneajmitch: i pushed up an update to those with fixes coolbhavi requested19:21
ajmitchcwayne: ok, I thought he'd uploaded, shall I take a look?19:21
cwayneajmitch: sure, let me remember where i pushed them19:21
cwayneajmitch: lp:~cwayne18/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-lens-sshsearch-quantal19:22
cwayneand lp:~cwayne18/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-lens-sshsearch-precise19:22
ajmitchah right19:22
ajmitchlet me grab them in a few minutes, I need to run out for a bit19:23
cwayneajmitch: sure thing, thanks a lot19:24
* ajmitch should have caffeine before almost picking out problems19:40
cwaynelol, that's a universal truth right there19:40
ajmitchI was about to say that your change missed the copyright issue, but then I saw that I'd done bzr diff -r37..38 debian/control19:40
ajmitchbit stupid of me :)19:41
ajmitchcwayne: thanks for those changes btw, we need to get dholbach to give BerndSch a hug as apology or something19:49
cwayneajmitch: hehe no problem, let me know if theres anything else to fix19:51
ajmitchversion number looks fine for upload to staging, then I strip the ~ppa1 for upload to extras19:51
ajmitch& do whatever voodoo magic myapps requires for the lens to show in precise & quantal19:52
cwayneajmitch: great!19:53
* ajmitch wishes he had a precise & quantal VM on this machine, but has tested the lens on precise already19:53
* cwayne goes afk for a bit19:53
cwayneajmitch: how's it lookin?21:20
ajmitchcwayne: just fine, I'm at work though, so it's not like I can spend much time on it :)22:35
cwayneajmitch: ah, i hear ya :)22:36
BerndSchajmitch, cwayne, coolhavi: thanks for your help :-)  Looking forward to find the lens in the software centre :-)22:39
cwayneBerndSch: np :) i've made it my mission to help get as many unity lenses in USC as possible22:40
* ajmitch loves the arcane stuff to pass to bzr bd22:40

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