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robert_ancelldesrt, yo02:04
psusiis there a command line way to adjust mouse sensitivity?02:13
psusisince upgrading to quantal my mouse is way too sensitive and the slider in the system settings has no effect02:13
brycehpsusi, you can use xinput to do this.  xinput list identifies the input device number for your mouse.  xinput list-props should tell you what params can be tweaked.  See man xinput for more details.02:17
brycehpsusi, note that any settings you change with that will not persist across sessions02:17
desrtrobert_ancell: hi02:18
robert_ancelldesrt, what's the plan for d-conf 0.16?02:19
desrtpsusi: i'm sure the (persistent) sensitivity is stored as a gsetting...02:19
desrtrobert_ancell: in what sense?02:19
desrtaday's bug?02:19
robert_ancelldesrt, worth getting in for raring or might pick up some dependency we don't want?02:19
desrtoh ya02:19
desrtit's going in raring02:19
desrtbut seb wants to wait for the new year02:19
robert_ancellwhy wait, I might just upload it now02:22
robert_ancelloh he said you might be taking some time off right?02:22
psusioh thank god... xset did the trick02:25
psusiwas driving me nuts... n v t s, nuts02:25
sarnoldpsusi: thanks for reporting back. :)02:26
desrtrobert_ancell: did dconf grow a dependency on the unstable glib series yet?02:27
psusiso yea... the control panel is just broken... touching the slider there in any way makes it go back to full blast... what package should a bug be filed against for that?02:27
desrtrobert_ancell: if it hasn't, it's only by chance...02:27
robert_ancelldesrt, don't think so02:27
desrtrobert_ancell: anyway.. we have a green-list of packages for upgrade this cycle...02:30
desrtglib, gobject-introspection, pygobject, gvfs, dconf...02:30
desrtso i'm sure nobody would mind02:30
robert_ancelldesrt, nah, I've marked 0.15 as unstable02:32
desrtrobert_ancell: what does that mean?02:37
robert_ancelldesrt, versions tracker wont report it as out of date02:37
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pittiGood morning05:34
pittithomi: hello05:34
didrocksgood morning05:50
BigWhaleGood morning all.07:16
chrisccoulsonw00t: INFO | Result summary:07:52
chrisccoulsonINFO | Passed: 151807:52
chrisccoulsonINFO | Failed: 1707:52
chrisccoulsonmuch better than yesterday!07:52
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:59
pittibonjour didrocks08:00
pittihey chrisccoulson08:01
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks!08:01
didrocksgood morning pitti, chrisccoulson!08:01
pittihad a nice morning, new dbusmock is out :)08:01
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?08:01
chrisccoulsonpitti, excellent08:01
chrisccoulsonpitti, i had an interesting day yesterday, that turned out to be caused by optipng ;)08:01
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm good, thanks! yourself?08:02
pittichrisccoulson: oh, does that break tests?08:02
larsugood morning everyone!08:02
chrisccoulsoni was getting failures in firerfox tests that i couldn't reproduce in my build env, and it turns out it's because of some images being modified :)08:02
didrockshey larsu :)08:02
pittihello larsu08:02
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, i'm not too bad thanks08:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - this was one of the tests that was failing: http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/3692c11ce73e/modules/libjar/zipwriter/test/unit/test_asyncadd.js08:03
chrisccoulsonit packs some files in to a zip archive using various methods, and verifies the size of it08:04
chrisccoulsonand of course, one of the files had to be a png ;)08:04
pittichrisccoulson: can/should we fix that in pkgbinarymangler? i. e. is it in a path or so which indicates that it shouldn't be touched? something with /tests/ or so?08:09
chrisccoulsonpitti, quite possibly. i'm installing all tests in to /usr/lib/firefox-testsuite at the moment, although i could make that /usr/lib/firefox/tests instead08:11
pittichrisccoulson: I could also filter out all paths with "test" in it, might be easier?08:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that would be fine08:12
pittichrisccoulson: of course if that is only tests, you could just build with NO_PNG_PKG_MANGLE=108:13
pittichrisccoulson: or just disable all mangling with export NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 in debian/rules08:13
pittithen none of the other stuff will jump in between08:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's what i ended up doing for now (the NO_PNG_PKG_MANGLE trick)08:14
pittiah, that sounds good08:14
chrisccoulsonmost png's used by firefox are in a jar file in any case. i think the only one that isn't is for the desktop file08:14
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BigWhaleWill python 2.x still be available in 13.04 on the installation CD?08:45
seb128hey desktopers08:47
seb128BigWhale, not sure yet, we are aiming at dropping it but there are a few difficult items remaining08:47
pittihey seb12808:47
seb128hey pitti08:48
didrockshey seb128! good morning ;)08:49
seb128lut didrocks08:49
BigWhaleAh well, I'll just start porting Kazam to 3.0 ...08:50
BigWhaleseb128, ImportError: No module named xdg.BaseDirectory that's a bummer08:52
BigWhaleok I found python3-xdg08:53
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?08:53
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm good, how are you?08:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, pretty good thanks08:53
Laneymy S3 comes today, ending my isolation from modern society09:19
chrisccoulsondo you want your own private cloud?09:19
Laneyqengho / micahg: Got any immediate plans for webkit?09:30
LaneyOtherwise I'll upload 1.10.109:30
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Chipacaare we switching to the gentoo udev fork?09:43
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pittiLaney: bug 1079102 looks good to me; do you want to commit this right to Debian?12:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1079102 in libproxy (Ubuntu) "libproxy needs a compile/link/run test" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107910212:27
* pitti takes bug 1078719 and commits it to Debian/uploads to Ubuntu12:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1078719 in gconf (Ubuntu) "libgconf2-dev needs a compile/link/run test" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107871912:27
Laneypitti: I'm leaving libproxy alone in Debian for now, until someone decides what they want to do with it12:28
Laneybut when that is resolved I'll back-sync it12:28
Laneyhow long is it until we see it run on our jenkins? :-)12:30
pittiLaney: about an hour until it gets published12:30
pittierr, s/until/after/12:30
pitti(at most, usually less)12:31
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qenghoLaney: nothing this week or next, probably.13:12
desrtmorning folks13:30
* kenvandine hugs pitti for python-dbusmock14:15
pittikenvandine: :)14:16
kenvandinepitti, can templates be packaged along with the package that owns the service it mocks?14:16
kenvandineit would be cool for maintenance14:16
pittikenvandine: in theory yes, but perhaps let's not yet until the concept stabilizes14:17
Laneyhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-proposed-adt-libproxy/ \o/14:17
kenvandinepitti, i love the idea, it's going to make testing libfriends much easier!14:21
didrockshey kenvandine, how are you?14:21
kenvandineand you?14:21
didrocksexcellent, thanks :)14:21
kenvandinedidrocks, got all those projects renamed :)14:21
didrockskenvandine: waow, awesome \o/14:21
* didrocks hugs kenvandine14:21
kenvandine13 of them :)14:22
kenvandinemuch better now14:22
didrockskenvandine: indeed, no more issue to find the right project14:22
didrockskenvandine: and it was a little bit of a PITA to configure TBH :)14:22
didrockshappy that you achieved it quickly ;)14:22
kenvandinelooks like the video lens has been renamed as well14:24
kenvandinethanks davidcalle!14:24
kenvandinedidrocks, we also renamed unity-lens-gdocs to unity-scope-gdrive14:24
kenvandineso i'll be renaming the package there14:24
davidcallekenvandine, thanks to czajkowski :)14:24
kenvandinegdocs is a deprecated name14:24
kenvandineindeed :)14:24
kenvandineshe did mine too14:24
didrockskenvandine: sweet :)14:24
didrocksthanks davidcalle, czajkowski!14:25
didrockskenvandine: yeah, I saw the discussion on the gdocs MP14:25
didrockskenvandine: oh btw, did you see my additional comment on robru's MP?14:25
kenvandinedidrocks, not yet14:27
kenvandineoh right14:27
didrocksyw ;)14:28
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tkamppeterSweetshark, hi15:54
micahgLaney: not until there's a security update15:56
Sweetsharktkamppeter: you have 5 minutes ;)15:57
* Sweetshark desperately needs some food after this call.15:57
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tkamppeterSweetshark, what are the problems with the GTK print dialog in LO, what features are missing?16:04
robrukenvandine, didrocks: hey, just got up. late start today, I'm still quite sick. I'll make that change to the webapps mp right away though16:06
kenvandinerobru, good morning :)16:06
robrukenvandine, good morning ;-)16:07
didrocksrobru: take it easy, hope you will feel better soon! :) good morning16:07
robrukenvandine, also, I seem to be obligated to take my mother in law to brunch this morning, so it'll probably be a few hours before I'm officially on the clock16:07
robrubut I'm doing this mp right now ;-)16:08
robrukenvandine, didrocks: mp updated. I'm out for brunch now ;-)16:16
didrocksrobru: enjoy:16:16
mitya57Does LibreOffice use Gtk dialogs? I thought it has its own ones...16:17
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czajkowskipitti: ping17:04
czajkowskiTB meeting17:04
chrisccoulsonREFTEST INFO | Successful: 54764 (54764 pass, 0 load only)17:05
chrisccoulsonREFTEST INFO | Unexpected: 0 (0 unexpected fail, 0 unexpected pass, 0 unexpected asserts, 0 unexpected fixed asserts, 0 failed load, 0 exception)17:05
didrockschrisccoulson: \o/17:13
kenvandinechrisccoulson, that is a TON of tests :)17:16
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, that's not all of them17:16
chrisccoulsoni'm probably only half way17:16
Trevinhodidrocks: are the bamf tests report somewhat still needed?17:24
Trevinhodidrocks: the GTester Unit Test Report I mean17:24
didrocksTrevinho: need to run our for 40 minutes, will be back after that, but the answer is yes :)17:25
hankhendrixhello, I'm wanting to edit the behaviour of "Change Desktop Background" on the desktop context menu. Anyone know which package contains the source?17:27
mitya57hankhendrix, the menu is provided by nautilus and opens a gnome-control-center panel17:43
hankhendrixmitya57 thanks17:58
hankhendrix#mitya57 thanks17:58
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hankhendrixI've just changed the source to nautilus package...does anyone know if I can repackage and test?18:17
Sweetsharktkamppeter: see http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/minutes-of-ESC-call-td4018786.html -- if you want to discuss details, ping dtardon on #libreoffice-dev (maybe tommorrow before noon?)18:17
hankhendrix(I'm new to Ubuntu dev)18:17
sarnoldhankhendrix: some directions on setting up sbuild are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BuildEnvironment -- though there are portions that probably are less useful to people not on the security team...18:20
hankhendrixthanks sarnold18:21
hankhendrixwill sbuild allow me to repackage nautilus and effectively install it on my own system?18:24
hankhendrixI've read through the docs but need an expert answer!18:24
tkamppeterSweetshark, thanks.18:26
sarnoldhankhendrix: this _might_ be easier to use: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto18:26
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hankhendrixthanks man, do you know what IDE I could use to test source?18:30
hankhendrixI'm a JavaScript and PHP dev so compiled langs is new to me!18:31
sarnoldhankhendrix: hrm, I just use vim. Seems a lot of people like eclipse, but I never got the hang of it.18:41
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chrisccoulsonis it possible to disable the xscreensaver extension when running xvfb?19:43
sarnoldchrisccoulson: would that be 'xset s off' ?19:44
chrisccoulsonsarnold, yeah, that would probably do it. thanks :)19:45
desrtrobert_ancell: thanks for playing whitespace police :p21:21
robert_ancellheh, I feel like a pedant21:22
robert_ancelldesrt, that GSubprocess patch is so close to landing! That has to be the longest bug thread I've ever followed21:24
desrtrobert_ancell: i really enjoy the improvements that it's getting as a result21:25
robert_ancellyeah, you want to get it right21:25
desrtthe way colin just implemented g_main_send_signal() or whatever it's called is awesome21:25
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Chucrute301Hi guys22:50
Chucrute301Anyone can help me?22:50
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TheMusoChucrute301: Just ask your question./22:57
Chucrute301My pc have a nvidia card22:57
Chucrute301But, after i install proprietary card the unity slowdown22:58
Chucrute301In nouveau is fast :/22:58
Chucrute301This problem is ONLY on unity22:59
TheMusoBut I am guessing there is a reason you need to use the proprietary drivers?23:01
TheMusoI suggest filing a bug against unity in launchpad, using the ubuntu-bug command: "ubuntu-bug unity" should do it.23:02
Chucrute301In proprietary i have better performance and i have colors more vivid23:03
Chucrute301I will do it23:03
Chucrute301After i install nvidia 31023:04
TheMusoYes make sure you have the proprietary drivers installed.23:04
Chucrute301In nvidia 304 i have this bug23:05
Chucrute301In nouveau i dont hav23:05
TheMusoOk, well make sure you include that information in the bug.23:05
Chucrute301In nvidia site shows that 310 drivers solve opengl performance bug in unity23:06
Chucrute301I will test23:06
Chucrute301If this driver dont solve my problem i will make a bug report23:06
Chucrute301This is a nvidia driver bug or a unity bug????23:07
TheMusoI don't know.23:14
TheMusoWHich is why I suggested filing a bug against unity. The problem could be there, but at the least you can get help to find the right problem area, whether it be the driver or unity.23:14

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