
xnox!info guilt11:06
ubot2'maverick' is not a valid distribution:11:06
ubottuguilt (source: guilt): quilt for git; similar to Mercurial queues. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35-1 (quantal), package size 56 kB, installed size 145 kB11:06
xnoxon ubuntu-release we only have ubot2 and not ubottu, so we don't get the real message.11:08
AlanBell!info guilt quantal11:14
ubot2'quantal' is not a valid distribution:11:14
ubottuguilt (source: guilt): quilt for git; similar to Mercurial queues. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35-1 (quantal), package size 56 kB, installed size 145 kB11:14
AlanBell!info guilt raring11:14
ubot2'raring' is not a valid distribution:11:14
ubottuguilt (source: guilt): quilt for git; similar to Mercurial queues. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35-1 (raring), package size 56 kB, installed size 145 kB11:14
patr|ckso #ubuntu-de has not changed in all the years regarding their anti social way of being14:14
patr|ckthis is a good achievement14:14
patr|ckThu Nov 15 15:15:01 CET 201214:15
AlanBellanti-social in what way patr|ck?14:20
patr|ckthey treat the people who ask like they are the dumbest piece of meat on this planet14:20
patr|ckpeople elsewhere laugh at you when you say that you even tried to get help on their channel14:22
xnoxthere is no bot in #ubuntu-quality. Is it "stuck" in #ubuntu-testing?14:22
AlanBellxnox: quite possibly14:24
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell, are you able to share the Bugtracker configs for the various bugtrackers?  I'm creating my own bot instance for querying various bugtrackers, would like to know what to config where, and whether any API keys are needed (Launchpad, Debian primarily)14:25
TheLordOfTime(tsimpson who may know is missing / afk, so...)14:25
TheLordOfTime(should have said in -bots though :P)14:26
AlanBellthere isn't much config14:26
AlanBellno api keys I think14:26
k1l_patr|ck: sorry to interruppt, but you through buzzwords into the technical disussion and you dont seem to even know about the technical meaning behind them.14:26
patr|ckwhat a load of nonesense14:26
k1l_so some supporters tried to state, that your argumenting is technical not correct.14:27
patr|ckyou judge people by 4 lines of text?14:27
patr|ckgo fuck yourself14:27
k1l_patr|ck: no need for swearing again. i didnt isult you either14:27
TheLordOfTimeokay then.  *puts patr|ck on the list of people to keep an eye on*14:27
AlanBellwell you took 8 lines in here to get people to form a negative opinion14:28
AlanBellmeh, gone14:28

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