tgm4883 | dmfrey, ping | 01:35 |
dmfrey | hey there | 01:35 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, just started listening to the last mythtvcast | 01:35 |
tgm4883 | so you had issues upgrading to 0.26 as well? | 01:35 |
dmfrey | yeah | 01:35 |
tgm4883 | interesting | 01:35 |
dmfrey | same issue in the mailing list | 01:35 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, not exactly, it's actually a different issue | 01:36 |
tgm4883 | unless we aren't talking about the same thread | 01:36 |
dmfrey | /etc/mythtv/config.xml didn't get populated with the db creds | 01:36 |
dmfrey | so apt-get failed | 01:36 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, hmm, ok so apt-get couldn't find the db during post install? | 01:37 |
dmfrey | once adding the data to the config.xml file, and running dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database all was good | 01:37 |
dmfrey | yes | 01:37 |
tgm4883 | did you just need to convert the /etc/mythtv/config.xml file, or did you have to add data? | 01:37 |
dmfrey | i had to add the values for username, password, etc. | 01:38 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, so the values weren't there at all | 01:38 |
dmfrey | it is almost as if it pre-populated values | 01:38 |
dmfrey | then didn't want to add the existing ones | 01:38 |
tgm4883 | so the values were wrong | 01:39 |
tgm4883 | but they were there? just incorrect values? | 01:39 |
dmfrey | yes | 01:39 |
tgm4883 | so let me explain the nature of that thread, what was fixed, and what process does what thing | 01:39 |
dmfrey | not the same as in ~/.mythtv/config.xml | 01:39 |
dmfrey | ok | 01:39 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, well that is an issue then, because ~/.mythtv/config.xml should be a symlink to /etc/mythtv/config.xml | 01:40 |
dmfrey | let me check, i don't think it is | 01:40 |
tgm4883 | anyway, let me explain what happens | 01:40 |
dmfrey | ok | 01:41 |
dmfrey | btw, not a symlink, just a file in ~/.mythtv | 01:41 |
dmfrey | mysql.txt is however to /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 01:41 |
tgm4883 | the original issue with not being able to find the db, was that the post install for mythtv-database only looked for the old version of the field names in the XML file (IIRC, they were DBName, DBUser, etc.) | 01:41 |
dmfrey | ah, ok | 01:41 |
tgm4883 | This was a packaging bug and was fixed a few months ago | 01:41 |
tgm4883 | so anyone updating to 0.26 from 0.25 today won't run into that issue | 01:42 |
tgm4883 | (or from 0.26 to a newer version of 0.26, which is what was actually causing problems) | 01:42 |
dmfrey | that's good to know, i can relay that on the next show | 01:42 |
tgm4883 | so now the post install for mythtv-database looks for the new version and if it doesn't find it, falls back to looking for the old version | 01:43 |
tgm4883 | Then there is the actual conversion of the config.xml file from the old version into the new version | 01:43 |
tgm4883 | that is handled by mythtv, and our packaging has nothing to do with that conversion (which I think was incorrectly stated on the last show) | 01:43 |
dmfrey | ah, looking at it now, i see it has different fields in it | 01:44 |
dmfrey | than the old one | 01:44 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, so it appears there is another issue, where ~/.mythtv/config.xml is not a symlink to /etc/mythtv/config.xml | 01:44 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, yea, it seems that upstream arbitrarly renamed those fields :/ | 01:44 |
dmfrey | is it on yours? | 01:44 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, it most definitely should be a symlink | 01:44 |
tgm4883 | as should mythtv.txt in previous versions | 01:45 |
tgm4883 | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Oct 7 09:07 config.xml -> /etc/mythtv/config.xml | 01:45 |
dmfrey | here is the diff between the 2 files: | 01:46 |
Zinn | [] dmfrey@mythcenter:~$ diff .mythtv/config.xml /etc/mythtv/config.xml 2,7d1 < < - | 01:46 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, and I know that I had zero issues upgrading from 0.25 to 0.26 on my backend, and also I tested it with a clean install in a VM | 01:46 |
tgm4883 | no issues there either | 01:46 |
dmfrey | really weird, something has to different about the upgrade process between yours and mine to cause this | 01:47 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, perhaps it is the non-symlinked config.xml file | 01:47 |
dmfrey | you upgraded right from mythbuntu-control-centre? | 01:47 |
tgm4883 | if they weren't symlinked, then it could be that the two config.xml files differed | 01:48 |
tgm4883 | where one had the incorrect user/password | 01:48 |
tgm4883 | (which is sounds like was true) | 01:48 |
dmfrey | /etc/mythtv/config.xml | 01:48 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, I did apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade, but that should all be the same process | 01:48 |
dmfrey | had fields in the xml, just values all wrong | 01:48 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, did you ever have to reset your backend password and such? | 01:49 |
dmfrey | yeah, did that after changing repos in mythbunut-control-centre | 01:49 |
dmfrey | nope | 01:49 |
tgm4883 | mythbuntu or ubuntu+mythtv | 01:49 |
dmfrey | mythbuntu | 01:49 |
tgm4883 | single user, or did you create multiple users? | 01:49 |
dmfrey | single...well, mine and the mythtv user | 01:50 |
tgm4883 | you didn't create a mythtv user though right? | 01:50 |
tgm4883 | that should have already been done | 01:50 |
dmfrey | nope, just my own in the installer | 01:50 |
dmfrey | that one was created for me | 01:51 |
tgm4883 | and you didn't name that user mythtv did you? | 01:51 |
dmfrey | nope, it is dmfrey | 01:51 |
tgm4883 | ok | 01:51 |
tgm4883 | superm1, ping | 01:51 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, I'm going to try to recreate it again. I bet I can get it to reproduce that if I sever the link between the two and add bogus stuff to /etc/mythtv/config.xml | 01:52 |
tgm4883 | I just don't know A) in what situations that link will break, and B) how we can fix that | 01:52 |
dmfrey | you can copy my diff from the pastebin if you like | 01:52 |
dmfrey | i never noticed that file before this | 01:53 |
dmfrey | was it introduced in .25 or .26? | 01:53 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, config.xml? | 01:56 |
dmfrey | yes | 01:56 |
tgm4883 | it's been around for as long as I remember, but IDK what used it | 01:57 |
tgm4883 | it has taken over for mythtv.txt (or mysql.txt) | 01:57 |
dmfrey | hmm, i thought that info was all obtained from mysql.txt | 01:57 |
tgm4883 | mysql.txt isn't used anymore in 0.26 | 01:57 |
dmfrey | i still have that file and it is symlinked | 01:57 |
dmfrey | ok | 01:57 |
tgm4883 | see | 01:58 |
Zinn | [] Release Notes - 0.26 - MythTV Official Wiki | 01:58 |
dmfrey | gotcha, see it there in the Major Changes section | 02:00 |
superm1 | tgm4883: yeah | 02:59 |
superm1 | what up? | 03:00 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, can you check if /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml is a symlink to /etc/mythtv/config.xml? | 16:02 |
dmfrey | it is not | 16:02 |
dmfrey | also, wanted to mention to you last night but forgot... | 16:03 |
dmfrey | this was a fresh install in august of 12.04 running .25, then the upgrade to .26 was originated from mytbuntu-control-centre a few weeks after .26 was released | 16:03 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, hmm strange | 16:05 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, so I'm unsure why that isn't a symlink, as it should be | 16:05 |
tgm4883 | I did verify that the first user's config.xml wasn't a symlink | 16:06 |
dmfrey | should i make it one? | 16:06 |
tgm4883 | is the correct information in /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml? | 16:06 |
dmfrey | give me a few, i gotta remote into that box at home and check | 16:06 |
tgm4883 | ok | 16:07 |
dmfrey | ah, that one is symlinked | 16:07 |
dmfrey | and the one in my dmfrey account is not | 16:07 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, ok, so that is what we were seeing too | 16:08 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, do you recall what was in /etc/mythtv/config.xml? you mentioned that it looked auto-generated | 16:08 |
superm1 | if the stuff in /etc/mythtv/config.xml is busted, mythbackend wouldn't work | 16:09 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, does that mean that your actual mythtv db password isn't auto-generated? | 16:09 |
dmfrey | looks like it just had new generated values in it | 16:09 |
superm1 | because of teh symlink to ~mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml | 16:09 |
dmfrey | it is, the correct value was not one that I specified | 16:09 |
tgm4883 | superm1, I think the issue is that incorrect info in that file breaks post install, but why is that file getting incorrect stuff? | 16:10 |
dmfrey | the wrong one just looked like a new random one | 16:10 |
superm1 | but so nothing has broken in the packages themselves | 16:10 |
tgm4883 | superm1, and then becuase of that, it sounds like mythweb doesn't get updated and breaks as well | 16:10 |
superm1 | as in a fail to install/upgrade package et | 16:10 |
tgm4883 | causing both to require manual intervention | 16:10 |
tgm4883 | superm1, correct, it doesn't sound like it's broken packaging, at least to the point it isn't something we can check for and fix | 16:11 |
tgm4883 | superm1, although I still think we should symlink config.xml everywhere | 16:11 |
superm1 | tgm4883: ok i think this is because of that config file upgrade you were talking about, maybe it's before you put that fix in? | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | superm1, nope it was after | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | superm1, I know because they discussed it on the mythtv podcast and I thought, I fixed that already! | 16:12 |
superm1 | well why didn't i hit this on my fresh install yesterday | 16:12 |
superm1 | it seems like it should reproduce 100%? | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, when you did the fresh install in august, did you backup and restore the database from another install? | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | superm1, It doesn't, it's a specific situation | 16:13 |
tgm4883 | just got to figure out what that is ;) | 16:13 |
superm1 | haha | 16:13 |
tgm4883 | superm1, I wonder if the DB backup scripts backup/restore config.xml? | 16:13 |
tgm4883 | but only do it in the current user home | 16:13 |
tgm4883 | or if the users possibly do that? | 16:14 |
tgm4883 | -bare backs up /etc/mythtv/config.xml, but not the ones in the home directories | 16:14 |
superm1 | dmfrey: so was there ever any mucking you did with a backup/restore or modifying ~/.mythtv/config.xml or /etc/mythtv/config.xml or ~mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml manually before the upgrade to 0.26? | 16:21 |
rhpot1991 | dmfrey: any config.xml in your home dir should have been created and modified by the frontend executable itselsf | 16:22 |
rhpot1991 | its a copy not a symlink too | 16:22 |
rhpot1991 | dmfrey: can you compare the values in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt and /etc/mythtv/config.xml | 16:25 |
dmfrey | superm1, no | 16:26 |
superm1 | dmfrey: hmm. that's peculiar because I followed pretty much the same scenario yesterday and didn't hit this | 16:26 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, so you didn't restore a database backup? | 16:27 |
dmfrey | the values in config.xml and mysql.txt in ~/.mythtv are the same | 16:27 |
dmfrey | tgm4883, no | 16:27 |
dmfrey | no need to | 16:28 |
dmfrey | it was still a new install | 16:28 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, ok, so here is the issue then. We're completely unable to reproduce the issue in either a VM, or on our production machines when we did the upgrade. And it doesn't make any sense why a generated password would be different in /etc/mythtv/config.xml than ~/.mythtv/config.xml | 16:29 |
tgm4883 | and that last part is the crucial part causing the issue | 16:29 |
tgm4883 | the WHY was that different | 16:29 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, so if you are telling us that you basically did a fresh 0.25 install, no restore, then upgraded to 0.26 and it broke, then IDK why that would happen as it should happen EVERY time | 16:30 |
rhpot1991 | dmfrey: you have more than one backend? | 16:30 |
dmfrey | rhpot1991, no | 16:30 |
dmfrey | same issue happened to both Pat and I | 16:31 |
dmfrey | and tgm4883 you said it was not the same issue as on the mythtv-users mailing list? | 16:31 |
dmfrey | but I fixed it in the same manner | 16:31 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, correct. | 16:32 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, not exactly, you edited the values to be correct. The mailing list thread edited the fields to be the correct name | 16:32 |
dmfrey | ah, right | 16:32 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, so you edited the generated DB password to be the right one, they edited <DBPassword> to <Password> | 16:33 |
tgm4883 | or whatever the field is called now | 16:33 |
dmfrey | gotcha | 16:33 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, I had another question, but I can't remember it right now :/ | 16:36 |
dmfrey | let me know when you do :) | 16:37 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, basically we have to figure out why that was different, so we're running though different scenarios that would make that happen | 16:38 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, I remember now. When you did the upgrade to 0.26, did you use update-manager or apt-get or aptitude, or something else? | 16:39 |
superm1 | should that matter? | 16:39 |
tgm4883 | superm1, no it shouldn't. But since we can't reproduce it I'd like to get as much info as possible | 16:40 |
dmfrey | updated the repositories in mythbuntu-control-centre, the apt-get update | 16:40 |
tgm4883 | if we can get exact steps to reproduce, and then we can reproduce, then we can figure it out | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, same as me and most others :/ | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | superm1, but right now, we've got some weird issues that a handful of people have. And I'm not even sure there are any other people having the same issue as dmfrey | 16:42 |
tgm4883 | so IDK | 16:42 |
dmfrey | in the latest spin, is .26 set to default? | 16:42 |
dmfrey | if so, then i don't think you need to worry about it | 16:43 |
tgm4883 | dmfrey, 0.26 will be in raring | 16:43 |
tgm4883 | but if this is an issue, we'll still have to worry about upgrades from 0.25 | 16:43 |
tgm4883 | (although I'm beginning to think this is a one-off) | 16:44 |
gracent | Hi guys, has anyone else experienced a black screen 'hang' when changing channels (0.26, fully updated) ? | 16:48 |
tgm4883 | gracent, probably need to look at your /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log file when you try to change channels | 16:52 |
gracent | tgm4883: thanks, I did last time and there was a mention of 'lock failed'. Have just put yesterdays fixes on so I'll see if it still occurs! | 16:58 |
tgm4883 | gracent, ok, I've not had that issue with 0.26 and my hdhomerun prime | 16:58 |
tgm4883 | although I don't use livetv very often, only when testing stuff | 16:59 |
gracent | tgm4883: yeah, it's kinda breaking the PAF here :D | 17:01 |
gracent | tbs tuners | 17:01 |
gracent | recorded is perfect | 17:02 |
tgm4883 | gracent, so it sounds like it might be taking a long time to lock to the channel | 17:02 |
tgm4883 | gracent, you might try upping the timeout in mythtv-setup | 17:02 |
gracent | hmm that's an idea! | 17:03 |
gracent | when it happens it's 'unrecoverable' in that I have to ssh in to kill the frontend | 17:03 |
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