
bkc_chris__333: o/00:00
GeorgeTorwellI kinda wish I had stuck to 12.04, it ran smoothly00:00
jrib!plymouth | vooze00:00
ubottuvooze: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »00:00
chris__333bkc_: :)00:00
babyswizzpls my vlc player does not produce any sound when trying to play an mp3 file on ubuntu 12.10 but when i test my speakers they bring out sound what can i do00:01
voozethx jrib ;)00:02
chris__333I was told that if you run games like world of warcraft, Quake, Neocron or any other big fast game out there it will run faster and better on linux than windows. Is this true?00:02
kosaidpohow can i remove THE OTHER entry from my menu in lxde ?00:03
chris__333or is it better on windows?00:03
babyswizzpls my vlc player does not produce any sound when trying to play an mp3 file on ubuntu 12.10 but when i test my speakers they bring out sound what can i do00:03
chris__333can someone please answer me00:03
georgephchris...there are  a few games for linux but i don't know if anyone wants to spend any money on linux00:04
chris__333no like windows games00:04
georgephchris...kinda defeats the free issue00:04
chris__333like world of warcraft00:04
blackshirtchris__333, some statetement yes .. If that games run natively on linux, i think exactly yes00:04
bkc_!patience | babyswizz00:04
ubottubabyswizz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:04
chris__333blackshirt: thank you. i thought so00:05
georgephcris...you might try drascula on dosbox or scummvm for linux00:05
bkc_babyswizz: I'd start by testing something else in VLC, after that open the settings(preferences) in VLC and tried setting the audio-output to something else?00:05
chris__333some people play world of warcraft or black hawk down on linux even though it's meant for windows. I was told to do it under linux and it will run smoother. i didnt know if they were lying.00:05
blackshirtchris_333, i don't play a bit with that games before00:05
jribchris__333: why don't you just try it and see if it works well enough for you?00:06
chris__333oh ok00:06
bkc_babyswizz: and try to set the audio-output to something else* (added to the beginning without changing the latter ^.^)00:06
georgephchris...try out drascula on scummvm for linux it is free00:06
chris__333jrib: yea i'm probably going to try that. I was told to use something called "wine" to run windows games00:06
jrib!wine | chris__33300:06
ubottuchris__333: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:06
bkc_chris__333: sudo apt-get install wine ; http://aps.winehq.org00:06
MIH1406I have Ubuntu 12.10 that stops on a console in **boot up** asking for a login information but it will never reach the GUI system (GNOME3 or Unity)00:06
chris__333thank you very much for your time00:07
chris__333everyone ;)00:07
bkc_chris__333: np, that's why we are here you know ;P00:07
georgephwow that nvidia 6200 is a joke...it is the worst driver they have ever produced and it is not  even close to recent versions of vertex and pixel shaders00:09
bkc_georgeph: what? 6200 is a HW model afaik, not a driver :/00:10
voozejrib: did not have any effect.. I tryed both pressing 1 (gnome-ubuntu-remix) and 2 (standard ubuntu) still xubuntu login and logout images00:11
georgephbkc yeah the driver for the gpu just really sucks or maybe it is the gpu itself that is very defective.00:11
bkc_georgeph: the driver isn't bad... the GPU is...00:11
jribvooze: you mean the images during boot up right?  not the image behind where you type your password to login?00:12
georgephbkc plus it has way way old vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.4...way way out of date00:12
bkc_georgeph: indeed... that's the HW... not the SW...00:12
voozejrib: yeah :) NOT the lightdm images...00:12
georgephbkc...that is one of their worst products ever00:12
jribvooze: and you remembered to run « sudo update-initramfs -u »?00:12
georgephbkc...just scrounging around in junk piles it is hard to find anything useful00:13
voozei just cant the whole command yes00:13
bkc_georgeph: it's an OLD as (censor) low-budget INTEGRATED gpu... what did you really expect? (no offence, just irritated at people who talks outside proper context)00:13
georgephbkc_ well i was trying to get full opengl2.0 capability at a low low low price00:14
voozeI just wrote **00:14
georgephbkc but this junk pile stuff just doesn't cut it00:14
diverdudecan i use the lexmark officeedge pro5500 from my ubuntu machine?00:14
bkc_georgeph: and it's EOL so don't expect the drivers to get any better... the driver doesn't add any new magical functions that makes it up to standards with todays gfx-cards...00:15
bkc_georgeph: then you made a bad judgement-call... you're fault, not nvidias...00:15
Deividgeorgeph, I just switched back to 12.0400:15
DeividI was the guy with internet problems00:15
voozejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1359255/00:15
georgephbkc well there used to be a company called sci tech or something that could write software accelerators for older gl hardware but they disappeared00:15
noiroAnyone here know why when I remove Eclipse from the Software Center and add it again, it has old default settings?00:16
jribvooze: don't know; that should work afaik00:16
georgephbkc..they were trying to make the older hardware run newer gl versions00:16
Deividnoiro, u need to use purge in terminal00:16
Deividit will remove all the settings00:16
georgephbkc but they disappeared00:16
noiroDeivid, if I try to purge it, it only offers to purge 172kb. :P00:16
bkc_georgeph: SW-acceleration (like for instance Mesa pre-gallium3D) is slow. period. doesn't have ANYTHING on a modern card on any CPU...00:16
voozejrib: yeah okay, thx anyway :)00:16
noiroEclipse is at least 300mb00:16
Deividthen search for hidden dir00:17
bkc_georgeph: I can see why they disappered... it can't be done on todays CPUs...00:17
XiaolinDraconisbooted live distro archbang, installed but skipped bootloader step, rebooted into buntu, mounted arch partitions, ran commands os-prober and update-grub, rebooted and no arch. what went wrong??00:17
diverdudecan i use the lexmark officeedge pro5500 from my ubuntu machine?00:17
georgephbkc_ well i am not spending any money for anything unless i find some cheap junk in the junk piles00:17
bkc_georgeph: and quite frankly, I can't see how it can ever be done... ever...00:17
bkc_georgeph: then that's your problem...00:17
georgephbkc_ yeah been a problem for many many many years but some people are still using the xt so i am not alone with junk stuff00:18
korn788hello im wanting to know if you can share your wireless connection to the enthernet card00:19
georgephbkc plus sun was trying to keep 20 year old computers working too00:19
georgephbkc a lot of us dont want to spend a dime unless something comes along in the junk piles for peanuts00:19
bkc_georgeph: I can relate... My current dev-machine is an old ThinkPad T43 from 2005... but your point is still WRONG00:19
Radikal08Hellom I need to format my macbook harddrive. Is there any program to do that? I have connected it to my computer using a docking station00:20
bkc_georgeph: and what did happen too Sun Enterprice exactly ;)00:20
gordonjcpbkc_: my current laptop is a Macbook 3,1 (Late 2007) that cost me £100 ;-)00:20
gordonjcpbkc_: it's probably the fastest machine I own at the moment; although my P4 3GHz desktop may be clocked faster it has less memory00:21
Deividctrl h in home folder00:21
Deividany eclipse folder over there?00:21
bkc_gordonjcp: Have one of those at home actually, found it in a junk pile :D just need a new flexcable between the LogicBoard and the IO-Board :)00:21
Deividor "rm -r ~/.eclipse"00:21
babyswizzplease my rhythmbox player as an import error which says that additional GStreamer plugins are required to play mp3 files. what can i do00:21
korn788hello im wanting to know if you can share your wireless connection to the enthernet card00:22
bkc_gordonjcp: awesome thing with that one is that it has a OpenGL 2.1 card with geometryshader support <300:22
bkc_korn788: yes00:22
georgephat least the junk pile stuff doesn't have that trusted platform drm stuff00:22
gordonjcpgeorgeph: this is where ARM is going to win out00:22
georgephor that secure boot stuff00:22
korn788how would i go about doing this00:22
kostkon!restricted | babyswizz00:22
ubottubabyswizz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:22
bkc_georgeph: actually TPM and SecureBoot aren't that common...00:22
=== elixirvitae is now known as ElixirVitae
gordonjcpgeorgeph: the Chinese MIPS-based machines are just going to get better and better, too00:23
georgephgordon  maybe...but arms greatest advantage is to start sandboxing everything to try and cut down repair bills from viruses and malware00:23
kostkonbabyswizz, just install the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" in the software centre.00:23
bkc_gordonjcp: SecureBoot is basically made for ARM... so I can't see how that point is valid :)00:23
gordonjcpbkc_: just flash your own firmware on00:23
gordonjcpbkc_: if you don't like the hardware, get some that you *do* like built00:23
babyswizzkostkon, i have installed it00:24
bkc_gordonjcp: sure, but I'm talking about OEM here :)00:24
georgephgordon when they phase out win32...and go to strictly winrt apps it may reduce customers repair bills00:24
gordonjcpbkc_: <shrug>00:24
gordonjcpbkc_: I'm getting a batch of 50 custom ARM devices made00:24
kostkonbabyswizz, what kind of files are you trying to import00:24
bkc_georgeph: 'scuse me... are you a Troll? ^.^00:24
gordonjcpbkc_: Cortex A8, 2GB RAM, 32GB flash, SATA and HDMI00:24
RalliasIs there anything like a virtualbox dynamic container I can use for regular storage?00:24
gordonjcpbkc_: 40 quid a pop00:24
babyswizzkostkon, mp300:24
georgephbkc no not really just trying to get some stuff working00:24
bkc_gordonjcp: sound's like an iDevice :P00:24
bkc_nvm ^.^00:25
bkc_didn't se the SATA&HDMI-part :P00:25
=== Youri is now known as YBook
gordonjcpbkc_: you ring up a Chinese fab house, point them at a datasheet, and say "build me the reference design"00:25
kostkonbabyswizz, hmmm00:25
gordonjcpbkc_: boom, eight weeks later a box gets dropped off at your workshop00:25
bkc_gordonjcp: that works :)00:26
korn788im trying not to be rude but is there a link or something00:26
gordonjcpbkc_: we are entering a very exciting time, with lots of ridiculously powerful cheap devices coming out00:26
gordonjcpbkc_: Windows 8 "Secure Boot" is already dead00:26
gordonjcpbkc_: contrary to popular belief, Chinese people aren't stupid00:27
kostkonbabyswizz, just to be sure, give in the terminal:  apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras  and confirm that the Installed section shows the installed version.00:27
gordonjcpbkc_: put yourself in China in a factory making ARM tablets.  Now, are you going to pay money to Microsoft for Windows 8 certification, so you can then pay money to Microsoft for an unpopular niche OS?00:27
bkc_gordonjcp: that I do know (chinese people aren't stupid part that is)00:28
gordonjcpbkc_: by the way, your software guy has Android 4 running already, in the time we've been having this conversation00:28
bkc_bad marketing is bad indeed :P00:28
gordonjcpoh look, the bkc_Tablet ships with Android 4 as stock!00:28
kostkon!ot | gordonjcp00:30
ubottugordonjcp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:30
korn788hello im wanting to know if you can share your wireless connection to the enthernet card00:31
babyswizzkostkon, Installed:57 Candidate57 Version table:*** 57  0 that was what came out00:31
kostkonbabyswizz, could you paste the whole output on paste.ubuntu.com00:32
=== axl__ is now known as axl_
M13what are some desktop environments for ubuntu?00:34
M13there was like this debian one I liked a lot00:35
M13it had the debian start botton00:35
M13does anyone know how to get that desktop env.00:35
babyswizzkostkon, its at paste.ubuntu.com/1359284/00:36
M13please help00:36
kostkonbabyswizz, hmm that's strange. how did you install the package? do you remember?00:36
MagiobiwanM13: If you want to use KDE, you need Kubuntu00:37
MagiobiwanStill supported here, it just has KDE00:37
M13its not KDE00:37
M13no its like this debian env.00:37
M13the start said debian00:38
babyswizzkostkon, i downloaded the deb file and i ran sudo dpkg -i packagename in the terminal00:38
M13it was like a Debian 3 env00:38
kostkonbabyswizz, what didn't you install it using the software centre?00:38
MagiobiwanI'm pretty sure Debian 3 uses KDE00:38
M13i cant get KDE???00:39
M13im running Edubuntu 12.0400:39
MagiobiwanM13: Hmm.00:39
MagiobiwanIdk if it's available in the Repos00:39
babyswizzkostkon, i was finding it difficult getting connected to the internet on ubuntu00:39
MagiobiwanAnyone have any idea?00:40
kostkonbabyswizz, are you connected now?00:40
babyswizzkostkon, yes00:40
kostkonbabyswizz, good, then00:40
M13is there a way I can get a task bar in openbox???00:40
kostkonbabyswizz, then, my suggestion is:  remove the local version and install the one from the repos, i.e. give the following in the terminal, it's one command: sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:41
kostkonbabyswizz, actually, no, better give this:00:41
kostkonbabyswizz,   sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:42
tjeatonHey i've just been looking at ubuntu on android on the ubuntu website, how do I go about installing this?00:46
kostkontjeaton, it hasn't been released yet00:46
kostkontjeaton, I think00:46
smjdo I need to add myself to a group to be able to access other home directories without sudo?00:47
tjeatonAh okay, I've seen videos online of people installing it but i guess these are non official methods?00:47
kostkontjeaton, haven't seen any videos except the ones from canonical00:47
tjeatonJust watching one now, it like uses vnc to connect to ubuntu on android. with ubuntu 12.04 that is00:48
kostkontjeaton, hmm, no idea00:49
smjI remember it being possible to read other home directories without any group adding00:51
smjbut I guess it's been changed00:51
BustacapHi, I'm having a problem starting jack. I get this error: "D-bus: jack server could not be started"00:52
ar9is there anyway to hide my ntfs parition on a livecd?00:53
ar9i want to hide my ntfs partitions from ubiquity00:53
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
imperfect-Anyoen know how to get XDMCP to work with light DM on 12.1000:57
LifeIsGood169Can I get some help setting up a new logical volume on a fresh install. I keep messing up.00:57
imperfect-I get black screen and disonnect00:57
chris__333I need help please. I'm right now doing an online test for school. I'm very new to linux. For some reason my left mouse button stoped working. The test is in flash. I didn't do anything but click the answer00:57
CavalierPrimechris_333 your flash player crash?  mouse button works on other things?00:58
chris__333OMG i'm going to fail this test! why did linux disable my left mouse button00:59
chris__333it works on here yes00:59
chris__333but not on this flash site00:59
CavalierPrimeyour flash player needs to be restarted/browser restart00:59
chris__333I did this test before on this page with no problems. It was on windows though.00:59
chris__333Linux does not work with flash that well?00:59
chris__333I mean linux is not too good with anything flash?00:59
CavalierPrimeadobe doesn't debug it well or quickly, so it crashes more frequently01:00
chris__333ah, ok01:00
coach17chris_333 - its nothing to do with Linux, its your browser01:00
chris__333im using the browser that came with the new ubuntu firefox01:00
chris__333should i download Chrome to get a more stable flash handling browser?01:00
CavalierPrimeyou can try01:01
chris__333ok i'll try that. thank you01:01
psusilike all adobe products, flash is a terrible pile of junk... and they care about it on Linux even less than Windows01:01
sheikhmakhey guys quick question i see in my server install reiserfs, xfs, jfs, what are the main differences?01:02
sheikhmakanyone knows?01:02
wantsfishHey guys, does chrome work for ubuntu 12.10 64bit? Cant get it to install :(01:02
imperfect-Anyone, anyone at all, zdmcp01:02
CavalierPrimelast version for linux is out now, they said they won't support or develop it for linux any longer01:02
psusisheikhmak, wikipedia01:02
blackshirtsheikhmak, they differences in internal01:02
sheikhmakpsusi yeah i'm on some article, but looking for quick answer, that won't make me go through 4 pages of articles.01:03
sheikhmakblackshirt meaning?01:03
coach17sheikhmak - so, you want an explanation of filesystem types thats more concise than 4 pages on Wikipedia? :)01:04
blackshirtreiserfs was for reiser fs file system ... Commonly works better with small file size block in big thousand of number01:05
psusisheikhmak, if you aren't interested in the details then don't worry about it and stick to the default ( ext4 )01:05
DaemonicApathysheikhmak: Different filesystems require different means of recognition. That's all.01:05
sheikhmakcoach17 lol i knew saying that will bite me in the butt01:05
yeehiIs there nice new virtualization technology being added to the new Intel Haswell CPUs to be released Q1 2013?01:05
sheikhmakthing is i'm installing this server and never wondered, how the different filesystems really differed.  i know about the good old ntfs, fat, and ext401:06
georgephsheikmak...why bother with a server...you could end up being the victim of ddos attacks01:07
chaingunext4 is new and not quite there yet01:07
psusiext4 is not new, and has been there for several years now01:07
georgephsheikmak...and some repair bills for ddos attacks are astronomical01:07
sheikhmakgeorgeph lol some of them include wiping the box. lol or having to redownload the ubuntu cd01:08
georgephsheikmak especailly if they have distributed bot attackers01:08
georgephsheikhmak...no...they overload your server01:08
coach17sheikhmak - ok, so if you know those FS you know the key diff is usually around extensibility...or in some cases just taste. Unless you are looking for a server install to do something like massive file management (in which case I'd suggest you probably already know about it or _should_ know about it) then I really dont think you need worry about the types ... t least, not for an explanation so quick that its faster to ab01:09
coach17sorb than 4pages ! :-)01:09
georgephsheikmak and your site goes down and the repair bills while you are under attack are astronimical01:09
psusia ddos attack has nothing to repair or wipe... you just wait for them to stop, or move to another isp01:09
bazhang!ot | georgeph01:10
ubottugeorgeph: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:10
psusiand the possibility of your server going down is not a very good reason to keep it down permanently yourself01:10
coach17oops. Forgot. Sorry  :)01:10
sheikhmakokay, i'll read up more on that. but for now, i'm behind a firewall and a router. my server will only be accessed by me.01:11
wantsfishCavalierPrime: was your answer to my question or another??01:11
sheikhmaknothing exposed to an external ip01:11
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CavalierPrimewantsfish another01:11
sheikhmakbut thanks coach17 . i don't intend to use it for a massive file management, but if i was to, what will you recommend, just curiosity and poking around different technologies01:12
ejcwebCan anyone suggest a command to scale up images in a directory such that they have a least one dimension matching that of a bounding size (say, 800x480px). Images larger that already have a dimension larger than that don't need to be altered.01:13
=== one is now known as gar
georgephejcweb why ...are you trying to do texture painting for realistic 3d characters01:14
sheikhmakoh and guys, I think This was a quick and better answer than wikipedia http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33552/htg-explains-which-linux-file-system-should-you-choose/01:14
deadmundejcweb: Be aware that scaling an image up will result in pixelation01:14
ejcwebgeorgeph: No.01:14
ejcwebdeadmund: I'm aware of that.01:15
georgephejcweb...why do you need to scale...are you trying to do texture painting by fitting predone images01:15
iomiciohi guys01:15
XiaolinDraconisupdate-grub states that it found arch, but arch is not being added to the menu01:15
iomicioI would like to install ubuntu but I am having some problems, could anyone help?01:15
deadmundiomicio: what are the problems?01:16
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, state your specific question01:16
iomicioI borrowed a workstation from a friend01:16
DaemonicApathyXiaolinDraconis, it sounds like you need to make a custom grub entry for Arch.01:16
iomicioit has windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 installed01:16
iomicioI am trying to install via USB but I am presented with the dual booth and not with the install prompt01:16
XiaolinDraconisDaemonicApathy, i was afraid of that01:16
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, the install is initiated from within live session01:17
iomicioand I don't have any password to access the live sessions01:17
DaemonicApathyiomicio, you should be presented with the options to install Ubuntu, create a dual boot system, or "something else" as part of the standard installation.01:17
georgephejc...why do you need to scale...are you trying to use predone images scaled down or up to fit your 3d characters for realistic texture painting01:18
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, no password is required01:18
DaemonicApathyIf you want to have only Ubuntu, you will need to create a liveCD or usb drive.01:18
psusisheikhmak, ext4 unless you are feeling adventerous, in which case you may give btrfs a try... it's got some killer features but is still experimental01:18
smjwhy can't I access my home directories on other partitions without root?01:18
iomicioI only see a prompt of command similar to this one: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28978/how-to-get-rid-of-multiple-linux-versions-in-grub-boot-menu01:18
DaemonicApathysmj: They're probably encrypted.01:18
smjthey're not01:18
sheikhmakpsusi from more reading i'll actually stick with ext201:18
psusisheikhmak, no, that would be a mistake01:19
sheikhmakpsusi why would it be?01:19
psusibecause ext2 is 25 years old and obsolete01:19
xangua!ot | psusi sheikhmak01:19
ubottupsusi sheikhmak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:19
psusiit is not very efficient especially with large files, tends to need long fscks frequently, and is not robust in the face of crashes or power failures01:19
DaemonicApathyiomicio: That's a GRUB list - you want to boot from an Ubuntu CD/DVD/USB stick before that comes up.01:20
iomiciohow can I do so (sorry I am a complete noob)01:20
psusixangua, choice of filesystem to use with ubuntu is not ot01:20
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, what is your current primary OS01:21
iomicioon that work station is windows 7 but I just have a guest account01:21
xanguapsusi: if it's not then just use ext4 as the installer recomends, period ;)01:21
psusixangua, that's what I've been saying ;)01:22
georgephwhat's up with blender it is completely broken on this version of ubuntu01:22
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, so you will want to download the ubuntu 12.04 iso, and get a program from pendrivelinux.org to install it to usb01:22
sheikhmakxangua sjeejs lol. its for an ubuntu install01:22
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: I did that01:22
georgephdoes anybody else have problems with blender on ubuntu 12.0401:22
args[0]anybody knows if there's a room on IRC for Raspberry Pi?01:22
xangua!alis | args[0]01:22
ubottuargs[0]: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:22
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: how can I avoid getting into GRUB01:22
iomiciowhat should I do before that?01:22
DaemonicApathyiomicio: download the Ubuntu version you want from http://www.ubuntu.com , burn it to a disc, and boot the machine from that. The BIOS of the machine may have to be tweaked (the first screen might say something like "F2 for system settings")01:23
sheikhmakpsusi thanks for the pointers, i'll look into it later, lol. i really need to proceed with server install01:23
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, which prgram did you use to install to usb?01:23
georgephhow can ubuntu afford not to support blender...especially when tears of steel shows some solid graphics capabilities01:23
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: PendriveLinux01:23
args[0]xangua: I'm asking if anyone knows, not how do I know..01:23
georgephdoes anybody know of a fix for blender01:24
iomicioDaemonicApathy: I have dowloaded a zip file01:24
iomicioDaemonicApathy: is the iso inside or should I burn the zip01:24
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, u should not have gotten a zip01:24
sheikhmakwhich brings me to another question. while i'm at it. my laptop has somewhat a weird behavior since i tried gnome-desktop on it, grub color has changed to blue, and on boot, i get the some blue wallpaper for a hot second before my wallpaper kicks in. its actually sort of annoying at this point. lol. anyone knows what to do with that?01:25
jribgeorgeph: you should describe how it is broken01:25
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, go here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop and download the second choice01:25
iomiciobefore it goes to boot I have two options: F2 and F1201:25
iomicioshould I click any of those?01:25
theborgerquestions. if i am running 10.04 32 bit. and upgrade to 12 will that update to 64bit os?01:25
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, titled ubuntu 12.04 lts01:25
jribtheborger: no01:25
georgephjrib..well let me try to run it in a shell and i will see if there are any error messages01:25
theborgerjrib, so i need to do a fresh install01:26
theborgerjrib: anyway to upgrade to 64bit?01:26
jribtheborger: reinstall01:26
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: I have already dowloaded that file. It is a zip file to me!01:26
psusiiomicio, you probably have installed one of the silly programs that can also treat iso files as an archive... it is not01:26
georgephsome people scale predone images with gimp and fit them to 3d characters in blender for realistic 3d characters without spending a dime01:27
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, you should have gotten this, ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso01:27
iomiciopsusi: that could be, how do I treat it as an iso instead?01:27
psusiiomicio, ignore the fact that it looks like a zip?01:27
georgephwell it says swrast/s_span.c 1327 assertion color type failed01:28
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, correct ignore that fact01:28
psusifollow instructions01:28
georgephjrib is that any kind of a useful clue to try to get blender working on ubuntu01:28
psusiiomicio, are you putting it on a flash drive or a dvd?01:28
jribgeorgeph: I still don't know how it is not working01:28
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, use the program from pendrivelinux, i personally prefer YUMI01:29
iomicioI have actually downloaded "ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64" but I think I need an intel version. does it make any difference?01:29
georgephwell apparently  color_type 0x1401 or 0x1406 failed01:29
psusiiomicio, no, intel uses amd's 64bit instruction set01:29
jribiomicio: you've downloaded the 64-bit version, you can use it on intel processors01:29
georgephin the swrast/s_span.c code01:29
iomicioso I will burn that file on a dvd right?01:30
georgephthis is a major problem for ubuntu01:30
psusiiomicio, yes, if you have a dvd and a program that knows how to burn image files01:30
jribgeorgeph: why don't you say what exactly happens... What did you type?  What was the full output?  What happened on the screen?  Does blender still start?  Does it start and quit?  If it starts, does it behave normally?  If not, how so?01:30
iomiciocan you suggest a program to do that?01:30
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, thats one of 2 options, also the YUMI program can install to usb01:30
psusiiomicio, you do not just drag and drop the file to the disc01:30
georgephjrib...i typed the output already do you want me to type it again01:30
jribgeorgeph: good luck with your issue.01:30
iomicioI have actually installed the iso with PendriveLinux on a USB stick already01:31
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psusiiomicio, then you should be set01:31
Tsubakihey can I find a developer? I think I found a bug/exploit thats a major security issue01:31
iomiciothe usb is in and I am presented with GRUB without any reference to a new installation01:31
jrib!bugs | Tsubaki01:31
georgephjrib...man that is a real loss especially when some people are becoming able to achieve some modest level of computer graphics with blender01:31
ubottuTsubaki: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:31
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, as i told you, the installer is in a live session01:31
jribgeorgeph: please stick to support01:31
Tsubakik thanks but its not with a package01:31
psusiiomicio, so proceed with booting it up01:31
jribTsubaki: you can label a bug as a security issue.  #ubuntu-bugs can help you more01:32
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, choose the top choice when the system boots to usb01:32
georgephjrib...well i don't know how to support it unless i try to recompile it...but it may be an x problem01:32
Tsubakity jrib01:32
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: the top choice leads to my friend's account and I have no password01:32
jribgeorgeph: I'm just asking that you keep the discussion related to support in this channel.  There's no need for the "it's a real loss ..."01:32
iomiciopsusi I am booting up01:33
boxbeatsyhi, i have a notebook with a AMD Radeon HD 6520G.  my 30" dell maxes out at 1200x800 resolution.  i'm currently runnign with the latest amd proprietary driver.  upon installing the open source fxlgr driver, my system crashed.  does anyone have ideas on how i can increase my resolution?01:33
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, the top choice from the usb would not lead to an already installed system01:33
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: ok let me try again01:33
georgephboxbeatsy...how did you change the driver for x...i also would like to try another driver01:34
boxbeatsygeorgeph: i followed a guide on the ubuntuforums.  added the ppa and then used apt-get install fglrx i believe01:35
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: it prompts my friend account01:35
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, try this tutorial, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_02Ca5LJpg&feature=related01:35
boxbeatsyboxbeatsy: but after i tried fglrx, it just straight up failed to boot.  to get it back to a normal state, i had to purge fglrx, and reset xorg.conf01:36
georgephboxbeatly oh well i got a deb package and used dpkg -i...but it did not change anything in x01:36
georgephboxbeatly how did you reconfigure x01:36
georgephfor a rolled back driver01:36
boxbeatsygeorgeph: i know for a fact that the graphics card (amd radeon hd 6520g) can support more than 1200x800 because my other monitor, can max out at 1920x168001:36
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georgephboxbeatsy...well i don't know anything about that hires stuff...my cheap junk barely gets 640 by 480 with 256 colors01:37
georgephboxbeatsy...but i would like to goof around with some drivers too..but i don't see anyway of reconfigure x for different drivers since the conf file is missing and the configure apps seem to be missing too01:38
boxbeatsygeorgeph: so, first a disclaimer: i know nothing about hardware configs.  once the computer crashed, the steps i took were 1)purging fglrx via apt-get 2)blacklisting fglrx_ipa so it didnt get recognized by the lsphw command under configuration 3)downloaded proprietary amd driver and installed it01:39
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, rather than entering a bios and changing settings, some systems allow you to go to boot options, for me i press F11 at boot and i get a list to choose what device to boot, i select usb and thats it01:39
boxbeatsygeorgeph: 4)run sudo aticonfig --initial01:40
iomicioXiaolinDraconis:it worked!01:40
georgephwell i can try that but that doesn't seem like the right deb driver for my older hardware01:40
boxbeatsygeorgeph: i see01:40
blacknessanyone here familiar with plymouth and the boot splashes? i cant get it to switch from the plain purple "ubuntu 12.10" boot screen01:40
georgephboxbeatsy...i am more interested in playing around with particular not generic drivers01:41
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, brilliant, did you learn where the error was? which step was missing?01:41
georgephboxbeatsy..but something happened to all the x configuration programs01:41
iomiciolet me finish the installation and I will tell you ;)01:41
boxbeatsygeorgeph: i see....sorry, i'm new to linux so i'm afraid i'm not of much help :\...do you by any chance know why i woudlnt be able to incrase my resolution past 1200x800 on a 30" monitor?01:41
XiaolinDraconisblackness, i use a program called plymouth-manager01:42
blacknessfrom what repo?01:42
boxbeatsygeorgeph: i feel like it's definitely a driver issue, but i can't find instructions anywhere on installin ga new driver01:42
georgephboxbeatsy...well i don't know anything about that hires stuff..it is too expensive for me01:42
georgephboxbeatsy...i am just trying to get to a useful level of 3d stuff for emulation purposes01:42
iomiciobtw I have to press F1201:43
georgephboxbeatsy i don't know anything about that hi  res stuff01:43
XiaolinDraconisblackness, http://sourceforge.net/projects/plymouthmanager/01:43
blacknessi found a repo for it01:43
blacknessthat doesnt seem to work lol01:43
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, so that was it then, just needed to select usb during post01:44
georgephboxbeatsy...i am just trying to get some lo res cheap 3d stuff workin01:44
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: apparently yes01:44
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: you guys rock!, I am so happy I can finally start01:45
iomiciothis is my firt Linux installation ever ;)01:45
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, you may want to see that video i posted, it really helps to have a proper boot order, in my opinion cd drives come first then usb then hard drives01:45
blacknessXiaolinDraconis, do i need to delete text.plymouth?01:46
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, you will not be disappointed, i just hope you got the 12.04 and not 12.1001:46
XiaolinDraconisblackness, i never deleted any file, installed the program downloaded a theme, and selected it via the program01:47
iomicioXiaolinDraconis: yes, I got the 0401:47
blacknessi did that too..but its using /etc/alternative/text.plymouth for the theme..i can edit "Ubuntu 12.10" to whatever and it shows my changes.01:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:48
XiaolinDraconisiomicio, good, 12.10 is for advanced users, its cutting edge and often gets broken by updates01:48
XiaolinDraconisblackness, ive never went beyond changing to a new theme from gnome-look01:49
blacknessi think im going to remove every theme, and see what happens..01:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:50
georgephboxbeatsy well that apt-get install fglrx stuff failed completely here01:51
georgephboxbeatsy...anyway i doubt if a generic driver would work for a specific old board...i need to have more flexibility with x01:51
georgephboxbeatsy...i don't know why they took out all the x config programs01:52
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lco124please can somebody help me with compiling the Intel Graphics Driver01:52
=== Guest13077 is now known as RNK6
boxbeatsygeorgeph: i'm afraid i don't know enough to provide any valuable insights :X01:53
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georgephico24...good luck...after you get it compiled..how do you plan on installing it into x01:53
lco124please, do you know how to compile Intel Graphics Linux Driver01:53
RNK6could someone help me get to foonetic?01:54
RNK6i kinda new to irc stuff01:54
georgephico124...well first i would look for a make file and also it will probably use some kernel headers so you might need to have that available too01:54
georgephico124..i don't really know ...i can't afford intel stuff01:55
Biomechdhey guys, i'm trying to render with luxblend and i keep getting this error. "Command line argument parsing failed with error 'locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid', please use the --help option to view the allowed syntax."01:55
lco124the problem are the makefiles01:55
iomicioThank you all guys!01:56
georgephico124...well they probably need to have kernel headers around anyway01:56
georgephico124..but i can't say for sure...i can't afford any of that intel stuff....it still commands a high premium in the market01:56
XiaolinDraconisDaemonicApathy, i think i found the source of the problem01:57
bazhanggeorgeph, enough with the extra commentary01:57
georgephbazhang...ok..just trying to see if he had any ideas about reconfiguring x01:57
lco124geogerph, thanks i will search in another channel01:57
bazhanggeorgeph, stick to support ONLY. not what you can and cannot afford, etc01:58
DaemonicApathyxiaolindraconis: Oh?01:58
XiaolinDraconisDaemonicApathy, when installing arch it told me something about error ill need to manually run mkcpio or something, i never did and while adding a custom grub entry i noticed i could not find initram or vmlinuz01:58
almoxarifebazhang: you have such a cheery way of getting a point across01:58
georgephbazhang...ok..well i can't support very much...i don't have the experience on lots of different hardware01:58
bazhangalmoxarife, I try01:58
DaemonicApathyMakes sense.01:58
bazhanggeorgeph, then simply do not answer01:58
XiaolinDraconisyeah, it helps when u remember what errors you had01:58
Biomechddid anyone see the error i posted?01:59
DaemonicApathyThanks for the info, xiaolindraconis. I actually intend to dual-boot Arch soon. </ot>01:59
dsnydersHi all!  Is there a keystroke combo for cycling through screen resolutions?01:59
DaemonicApathydsnyders: Not by default, but you could always script one.01:59
georgephsnyders...well it used to be ctrl-alt plus/minus...but that seems to be broken too and also ctrl-alt-bkspc doesn't kill x either anymor02:00
boxbeatsydoes anyone know if there's a way to force display resolution other than xrandr (that failed)02:00
lco124somebody knows hoe to compile the linux intel graphics driver02:00
dsnydersDaemonicApathy, You vastly overestimate my capabilites :-)02:00
georgephsnyders...they really butchered x02:01
DaemonicApathydsnyders: My estimate of your abilities is "the ability to use Google" until proven otherwise. ;-)02:01
georgephsnyders...all the flexibility seems to be gone02:01
almoxarifeBiomechd: thats such a specific error that you may not see a response, tried the fall back ? google?02:02
RNK6im using 12.04, and i really miss the ability to open a file type with a command02:02
RNK6is there still a way to do that?02:02
dsnydersgeorgeph, ctrl-alt plus/minus worked (number pad + and -)02:02
DaemonicApathyOh, nice. I thught that functionality was removed.02:02
georgephsnyders..i wonder if it is possible to uninstall x and try installing an earlier version of xfree02:02
georgephsnyders with maybe more flexibility02:03
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DaemonicApathyRNK6: can you elaborate on what you mean?02:03
georgephsnyders ...does ctrl--alt-plus /minus work for you...it no longer works here02:03
Biomechdalmoxarife, i'm confused. what do you mean, exactly?02:04
dsnydersgeorgeph, It would help if you put dsnyders instead of just snyders.  My chat program would then highlight your conversation02:04
georgephdsnyders...oh sorry about the misspelling02:04
georgephdsnyders...but ctrl-alt plus/minus no longer works here02:04
RNK6i remember in my old ubuntu version (8 - 10, im not really sure) i could select "open with command" and enter a command to open a file with02:05
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RNK6under "open with"02:05
georgephdsnyders and ctrl-alt-backspace no longer kills x02:05
georgephdsnyders....they really butchered it for some reason02:05
dsnydersgeorgeph, np.  Yes, the ctrl-alt numberpad +/- seemed to cycle through the resolutions.  However, it doesn't fix my main problem: all I have is the desktop background.  No icons, no menu, nothing.02:06
SierraARWhere would I go to find out what version of ubuntu I currently have installed?02:06
georgephdsnyders...at least ctrl-alt f7 from ctrl-alt f1 still works02:06
georgephdsnyders..but that won't solve your question...x is just really butchered02:06
thanigaivelhow do i know which graphics card using my ubunut02:07
almoxarifeBiomechd: well, that error you got, i could copy paste it to google and see what comes up and then offer you a link i 'guess' would be the most helpful, but you being a user of the app might see something more useful from the results if you did the same, still confused?02:07
dsnydersgeorgeph, ctrl-alt-backspace was changed a few years back because it interfered with handicap usability settings.02:07
L3topthanigaivel: do you have an optimus or similar?02:08
georgephdsnyders..oh well i was wondering why so much flexibilty has been lost02:08
Biomechdalmoxarife, i kinda understand now02:08
L3topthanigaivel: lspci -nn | grep VGA02:08
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thanigaivelL3top: it says v00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0102] (rev 09)02:10
thanigaivelL3top: whats that mean02:10
L3topthanigaivel: is that the only thing it produces?02:10
thanigaivelL3top: yes .02:10
DaemonicApathyRNK6: Perhaps this is what you're looking for: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145243/where-did-open-with-user-defined-command-go02:11
kostkonSierraAR, open your system monitor, click on the 1st tab. Or, in a terminal, give:  cat /etc/lsb-release02:11
L3topYou have only one GPU so I do not understand your question...02:11
L3topthanigaivel: ^02:11
aahI hear Ubuntu 12.10 has fde in the installer.  Any way to get this in the 12.04 installer? (I don't want to use the alternate cd)02:12
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SierraARkostkon, thanks. Another question - Is it better to stick with the 32bit version of 12.10, even though my hardware supports 64 bit (I originally had windows 7 64 bit on this laptop), or should I switch to 64 bit? I've gotten mixxed signals from google searches02:12
linuxyHello everyone!02:12
RNK6DaemonApathy: thanks, that seems to be what i was looking for02:12
munderwo-workHi all. Not sure if this is the right place, but im trying to build a .deb package from a source tarball, using dh_make and then dpkg-buildpackge. Its erroring saying dpkg-genchanges: error: cannot read ../libffi_3.0.11-1.dsc: No such file or directory , anybody got any tips? I understand that the .dsc file is a debian source file?02:12
kostkonSierraAR, my recommendation would be, if you can, switch to 64.02:13
kostkonSierraAR, is there anything specific that concerns you, are you worrying about something that might not work on 64bit?02:14
SierraARkostkon, mainly I've read that programs designed to work in 32bit won't run in ubuntu 64bit due to missing 32bit libraries02:15
kostkonSierraAR, actually, ubuntu has had multiatch support since 12.04. It measn that you can run 32bit programs in your 64bit OS.02:16
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DaemonicApathySierraAR: How much memory does the system have?02:17
SierraARDaemonicApathy, 4 GB02:17
kostkonSierraAR, or maybe since 11.10.02:17
SierraARkostkon, ah cool, thanks. Is there a way to install the 64bit version without losing everything thats already setup?02:18
DaemonicApathySierraAR: I have to agree with kostkon - there's no apparent reason not to go with 64-bit.02:18
kostkonSierraAR, do you have a separate partition for you home?02:18
kostkonSierraAR, if not, then I think you'll have to do a clean install.02:19
SierraARkostkon, I don't think so. I didnt set any partitions up when installing.02:20
georgephman that apt-get stuff is really broken here with fglrx02:20
kostkonSierraAR, then, just backup and reinstall :/02:20
Tex_Nick12.10 ... how can I tell if i'm running in 2d or 3d graphics mode ?02:20
georgephstuff like no apport written because maxreports is already reached02:21
georgephapt-get seems very broken here02:21
RNK6DaemonApathy: thanks, it worked02:22
RNK6i have been struggling to get a hard drive to work02:22
georgephRNK6 what is wrong with it02:23
RNK6i wiped it with gpart, but now it wont mount02:23
georgephRNK6 ..a moving parts problem...have you tried a solid state approach02:23
RNK6im a noob when it comes to low level stuff02:24
SierraARkostkon, alright, thanks.02:24
kostkonSierraAR, np02:24
georgephRNK6 but not sure if solid state really solves the moving parts problem...because it has limited write times02:25
georgephRNK6 ...storage is just an unresolved issue02:25
georgephRNK6...scratched CDs...blurays...don't solve anything either02:26
Hamachii am trying to install 12.10 server with software raid but i'm confused about how to set up the partitions02:26
RNK6all i know is that i stuck the pin thingy into "slave" and then started messing around with gpart because it apparently had wiping capabilities02:26
bazhang!ot > georgeph02:26
ubottugeorgeph, please see my private message02:26
georgephubottu...how do i find the private message02:27
ubottugeorgeph: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:27
L3top!ot | georgeph02:27
ubottugeorgeph: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:27
georgephubottu..ok..but that still doesn't answer my question...how do i find a private message02:27
ubottugeorgeph: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:27
chaingungeorgeph: what irc client are you using?02:28
L3topgeorgeph: it would depend on how you are connecting to IRC02:28
georgephubottu..i see a 3 in the left side scroller...did you send me 3 messages...but how do i access them02:28
ubottugeorgeph: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:28
L3topgeorgeph: stop talking to the bot.02:28
georgephL3top..ok..but do you know how to access the 3 whatever they are02:29
L3topgeorgeph: you would have to answer my question for me to answer yours.02:29
bazhanggeorgeph, stop being offtopic. its that simple.02:29
chainguncan someone do a CTCP and see what irc client this guy is running?02:29
dsnydersgeorgeph, they should be in another tab on your chat client somewhere02:30
georgephbazhang...well i am trying to understand this ubuntu software02:30
bazhanggeorgeph, and this is the Wrong place to chat about it.02:30
georgephbazhang...ok i just won't ask about it02:31
bazhang!manual > georgeph02:31
ubottugeorgeph, please see my private message02:31
bazhang!rute > georgeph02:32
dsnydersbazhang, sending georgeph private messages won't help because he can't find the private messages.02:33
Hamachiis there a guide that could help me set up software raid during the 12.10 server installation?02:33
Hamachii found one for 9.04 but when i set both partitions to / it won't let me write the changes02:33
chaingun georgeph is using Telepathy for IRC. Anyone have any idea how to access private messages in that?02:35
georgephchaingun...no the default program ubuntu recommends is empathy...but i don't have a clue how to use it02:36
dsnyderschaingun, georgeph, it looks like Telepathy puts each chat into a tab across the top.  georgeph, do you see a tab called ubottu?02:39
kostkondsnyders, it's empathy, using the telepathy lib02:39
blackshirt!info apache2-mpm-prefork02:40
ubottuapache2-mpm-prefork (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.22-6ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 55 kB02:40
georgephchaingun...no i don't see any table across the top..just a label for the channel02:40
blackshirt!info apache2-mpm-worker02:40
ubottuapache2-mpm-worker (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server - high speed threaded model. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.22-6ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 55 kB02:40
Tex_NickUbuntu 12.10 ... I installed the CompizConfig Settings Manager, the Cube & A lot of other features are not on the menu ( I know, Compiz is Lame, but I like the Cube )... I've asked in the #compiz channel several times a day for the past week ... that channel seems to be all lurkers ( no disrespect intended ) ... can someone point me in the right direction ?02:41
georgephbazhang..ok i found 3 messages by you..in an envelope next to the speaker02:42
georgephbazhang..ok i found 2 more messages by that ubottu02:43
georgephbazhang and i found the third messenger to be some kind of channel report02:44
CrazyZurferHello, I'm creating a bash that needs the usage of "sudo" but it asks for the password, is there any way to put the password on the source code?02:44
georgephbazhang ...now the weird 3 is gone on the left hand scroller02:44
somsipCrazyZurfer: run the bash script with sudo02:45
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: No, and it would be incredibly insecure to do so.02:45
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: What is your end goal?02:45
CrazyZurferMy idea is to execute the bash by double clicking it in the desktop02:47
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: What is your end goal?02:47
CrazyZurferI need that to use that code everyday02:47
CrazyZurferand it's very boring puting the password aaalll the time02:48
georgephbazhang...so it does appear to be able to receive private messages02:48
L3topCrazyZurfer: What does the script do?02:48
georgephbazhang..but x itself is just in such bad shape02:48
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Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: I will ask one more time for your end goal, and if you don't give an end goal I'll simply stop trying to help you as I don't have the time. If you're not sure what an end goal is, see http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#goal02:48
L3topgeorgeph: could you state a problem that we might help you with?02:49
L3top!details | georgeph02:50
ubottugeorgeph: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:50
dsnydersgeorgeph, this is not a place to complain.  This is a place to ask questions and provide answers.02:50
georgephL3top...well it is still to early to find many problems...but right now..blender doesn't install...fglrx doesn't work with apt-get and x is really in bad shape02:50
bazhang!work | georgeph02:50
ubottugeorgeph: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:50
SierraARGonna be doing that reinstall tonight. Anyway, had another question02:50
CrazyZurferok, I want to start Lampp (Xampp for linux) every time I Turn on the computer. Actually the only way I know to execute Lampp is by executing a bash file. The bash file has to be executed with Sudo.02:51
kevin_I need some help trying to mount a network share from my NAS.  I had it working once but now I can't get it to work.02:51
CrazyZurferJordan_U: is that a smart question? :)02:51
L3topgeorgeph: your system does not see an ATI card... only an Intel... why are you trying to install fglrx?02:51
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: Yes.02:51
SierraARThe 'Main Menu' program that says it modifies main menus. Where's the menu that it changes?02:51
bazhangCrazyZurfer, it's LAMP not LAMPP02:51
bazhang!lamp > CrazyZurfer02:51
ubottuCrazyZurfer, please see my private message02:51
georgephL3top...i'm not sure what non-propietary driver is loaded...i can't see how to dpkg -i a specific driver for x02:52
kostkonSierraAR, the new menu in ubuntu is the dash ;)  so it modifies the entries in dash and the launcher02:52
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: And now that I know that your end goal is to have a LAMP server, I highly recommend that you stop trying to use Xamp and simply install LAMP normally via the repositories (which will automatically configured it to start at boot).02:52
L3topgeorgeph: you aren't understanding me. fglrx is the proprietary driver for an ATI card... your lspci does not show an ATI card.02:52
SierraARkostkon, weird, because the files and stuff listed in the main menu program arent anywhere in the dash that I can find, they dont show up when searching either02:52
Jordan_U!lamp | CrazyZurfer02:53
ubottuCrazyZurfer: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:53
CrazyZurferbazhang: actually it's lampp with 2 p's : http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html02:53
blacknessok, i got the boot splash to work, but it doesn't show up till after its loaded the system, and displays for just a second before loading GDM, any ideas why?02:53
georgephL3top..nope lspci doesn't show anything but the kernel reports frame buffer allocation for the radeon02:53
kostkonSierraAR, yeah, there are some new generation gtk menu utilities in the software centre that are written specifically for unity. Just do a search in USC.02:53
georgephL3top..i don't know what x is doing...and the configure programs all seem to have disappeared along with sample config files02:54
kostkonSierraAR, 2-3 of them02:54
CrazyZurferJordan_U: But, is there a way to do what I want?, because I've used xampp for a long time and now I'll have to move all databases, all the code and setup the whole thing again :S02:55
georgephL3top...but the kernel recognizes the card...but that is not a driver for x02:55
L3topgeorgeph: Lets start over. What physical cards do you have installed in your system? There is an onboard intel... what else...02:55
kostkonSierraAR, and i meant gnome menu, not gtk menu :/02:55
georgephL3top ...it is an old 9200 crippled model called the se for cheap junk02:55
SierraARkostkon, explains why I only got one search result, that being 'terminal' xD02:56
SierraARThough that's probably not showing anything I'm looking for anyway02:56
georgephL3top...amd...assigns letters for defective gpus and shuts down some feature to make a little of it usable02:56
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: Yes, there are ways to do what you want (none of which involve storing passwords in scripts, or use of sudo at all). But Xampp is not supported here, and I don't personally have the time to walk you through configuring it to run at boot properly either.02:56
L3topgeorgeph: I would need more information than that... but the long and short of it is that if it cannot be seen by lspci, you cannot use it.02:56
georgephL3top...that is not true.02:57
CrazyZurferJordan_U: Ok, thanks for your help ;)!02:57
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: You're welcome.02:57
georgephL3top...it is just that there should be some way to apt-get some configure programs for x02:57
SierraARAh well, not too important. I can just create desktop shortcuts02:57
georgephL3top..because it is really butchered02:57
kostkonSierraAR, just search for "menu". Check this for example, https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/menulibre/02:58
L3topgeorgeph: Yes, it is, and it is why you are here. This is most of what I have done for the last 2 years, is automate driver installs for various hardware, especially GPUs.02:58
th3pun15h3ranyone interested in a openbox of ubuntu?02:58
georgephL3top...well experimenters don't want anything automated...they need flexibility02:58
kostkonSierraAR, but, it's only for 12.04 ok :/02:58
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox02:58
georgephL3top..and they have severely crippled the x platform02:59
bazhanggeorgeph, thats not true. just stop it.02:59
L3topgeorgeph: I can give you every possible driver a card can use, but if the system cannot even see the device, it cannot and will not be used.02:59
bazhanggeorgeph, this is NOT The complaints/rants channel. so just stop.02:59
kevin_I need some help trying to mount a network share from my NAS.  I had it working once but now I can't get it to work.03:00
georgephbazhang...he is trying to help resolve an issue...but i don't see the flexibility needed to work on it03:00
bazhanggeorgeph, who is he03:00
georgephbazhang...he is L3top03:01
bazhanggeorgeph, stop saying x is crippled and other nonsense03:01
L3topgeorgeph: your system has to see hardware to use it. This is not a limitation of flexibility... something is wrong with the card or its seating/power needs03:01
georgephbazhang...it is not nonsense ...i remember when x was very flexible and very accomodating03:02
SierraARIs there a way to install the drivers for a Epson workforce 465 all in one?03:02
SierraARSorry to be bashing you guys with so many questions - I just got ubuntu installed last night and still trying to figure it all out.03:02
kostkongeorgeph, just stop stating (false) facts and start asking questions. Otherwise, I think you should move your discusion to the offtopic channel.03:02
SierraARThe disk wants to run in wine, and I'm not sure I want to be installing printer drivers on wine03:02
bazhangSierraAR, linuxprinting.org database is where I would check first03:02
L3topgeorgeph: the biggest problem with X is its archaic nature. What you are saying is nonsense. It has not devolved.03:03
DaemonicApathySierraAR, network or USB?03:03
georgephL3top...it has lost many many adjustable features03:03
SierraARDaemonicApathy, wireless network03:03
=== Matt_ is now known as cosmoo
CrazyZurferJordan_U: Do you know any repo that has lamp with phpmyadmin? :)!03:04
DaemonicApathySierraAR, last time I went to System Settings > Printing > Add > Find Network Printer with a similar model, all I had to do was enter the local IP, and it downloaded drivers automatically.03:04
L3topno it hasn't, and your inability to install your card is not representative of such... at no time in history would your current situation work. Something else is wrong.03:04
L3topgeorgeph: please power down the system, and check that the card is properly installed.03:05
georgephL3top...it is installed fine...but i will power it down anyway to satisfy that request03:06
SierraARDaemonicApathy, I'll give that a try then check the site bazhang gave me. Thanks03:06
DaemonicApathyAny time.03:06
georgephL3top..the kernel recognizes it fine03:06
gkatsevlast week I updated to ubuntu 12.10, and now whenever I boot, it fails to do so manually and says "failed to mount drive, hit S to skip..." Any ideas how to fix that?03:06
kostkongeorgeph, do you know the term PEBKAC?03:06
georgephL3top...let me power down now03:06
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: phpmyadmin is in the default repositories, no need for a ppa. Though I am not advocating the use of phpmyadmin.03:07
bazhangkostkon, lets not go there please03:07
kostkonbazhang, yeah, ok :P  just saying03:07
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)03:07
krababbelgkatsev: So you can't boot anymore?03:09
gkatsevkrababbel: it boots once I hit `S', but it waits for user-input on that screen.03:09
gkatsevit used to work just fine in 12.04 and 11.10 and 11.0403:09
krababbelgkatsev: You'd have to show us the contents of the file /etc/fstab, and the output of 'df -h' maybe first. Probably something changed?03:11
gkatsevI dont think anything changed. Let me paste those someplace.03:11
CrazyZurferJordan_U: sudo apt-get install lamp returns: not found03:12
georgephL3top..ok im back...how do you recommend i access a driver i tried to install with dpkg -i...i don't know where it put it03:12
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: Did you read the link from ubottu?03:12
OldOneEyeis 130gig too much swap space?03:13
kostkonOldOneEye, oh yeah03:13
CrazyZurferwell... not complete xD03:13
DaemonicApathyCrazyZurfer: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies03:13
gkatsevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1359485/ /etc/fstab  and `df -h' http://paste.ubuntu.com/1359490/03:14
SierraAROut of curiousity, why does 12.04 have 5 years of support and 12.10 only has 10?03:14
gkatsevkrababbel: ↑03:14
L3top georgeph dpkg -i means I have this .deb located here, and I want to install it... again, until your system SEES the ati card, it WILL NOT work. If you are looking for something specific that the package installed, you can try dpkg -L or -S or locate.03:14
SierraARErr s/10/203:14
CrazyZurferthanks DaemonicApathy03:14
kostkon!lts | SierraAR03:14
ubottuSierraAR: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)03:14
DaemonicApathySierraAR: 12.04 is specifically LTS - Long Term Support03:14
DaemonicApathyYou win this round, kostkon...03:14
kostkonDaemonicApathy, :P03:14
SierraARAh, just a bit curious if that means .04 might be a better option than .10. What made them choose to make .04 LTS?03:15
DaemonicApathyIirc, every 4 versions are LTS.03:15
DaemonicApathy10.04, 12.04, 14.04, etc...03:16
Jordan_UCrazyZurfer: If you had read even to the first section, titled "To install the default LAMP stack in Ubuntu 10.04 and above" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP you would have found the two commands required to intall a complete lamp stack.03:16
joehehello all,03:16
joehesorry for disturb03:17
joehei want to install gcc 4.603:17
joehebut when i download the gcc debian package from web,03:17
joeheit can not installed03:17
bazhangjoehe, why do you need that03:17
SierraARDaemonicApathy, makes sense I think xD. Does this mean .04 would be a better option or should I stick with .10 when grabbing the 64-bit version?03:18
krababbelgkatsev: You can check if the UUID's are correct, output them with 'sudo blkid'03:18
DaemonicApathySierraAR: given the length of support, and the number of apparent issues, I chose to stick with 12.04.1 - your choice is your own, though. :-)03:19
DaemonicApathy*issues with 12.1003:19
joehebecause when i run a command03:19
gkatsevkrababbel: I changed them in the paste, but when I hit `s' in the boot, they get mounted just fine on after boot/login.03:19
gkatsevkrababbel: let me check blkid.03:19
SierraAR.04 it is. Probably better for a linux/ubuntu noob anyway xD03:19
joeheit said03:19
joehe`GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /opt/semc-apt0.8-lib/lib/libapt-pkg.so.4.11)03:20
bazhangjoehe, what version of ubuntu are you on now03:20
SierraARThanks again, DaemonicApathy03:20
DaemonicApathySierraAR: Any time.03:20
joeheGLIBCXX_3.4.15 is in libstdc++.so.603:20
joehei search on the web , someone said GCC4.6.0 could solve the problem.03:20
joehemy OS is Ubuntu 10.04LTS03:21
joehei am not sure how to install GCC 4.6.003:21
bazhangjoehe, what version of ubuntu are you on, and why do you have something in /opt03:21
gkatsevkrababbel: yes, UUIDs are correct.03:21
joehethat /opt is a third party SW03:21
kostkon!build-essential | joehe03:22
ubottujoehe: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:22
bazhangjoehe, what software03:22
kostkonjoehe, try installing the "build-essential" package.03:22
krababbelgkatsev: I don't know, check /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/messages ?03:23
joehesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential?03:23
kostkonjoehe, yes03:24
joeheit is a SW which we developed03:24
georgephL3top...the driver created some old directories that used to be used...like /usr/X11R6/bin...and there is an aticonfig program...but it wants to modify a section of the old config file which is completely missing...and may not even be recognized if created03:24
bazhangjoehe, whats the name, what does it do03:24
georgephL3top...so that is where i could use some specific pointers03:25
joeheit said03:25
joehebuild-essential is already the newest version.03:25
georgephL3top...is it possible to just uninstall this x crap and try to install an older version of xfree03:25
kostkonjoehe, ok, now i get it. 10.04 has 4.3 but you need 4.603:25
almoxarifejoehe: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6 <-- if not yet installed try this, see if you get past your error03:26
joehemy current gcc is 4.303:26
gkatsevkrababbel: I think I found something at /var/log/boot.log let me paste that.03:26
joehelibstdc++6 is already the newest version.03:27
almoxarifejoehe: are you compiling?03:27
=== trism is now known as jconti
georgephL3top...nobody wants or even can use auto stuff...they all need flexibility to accomodate all their individual hardware platforms03:28
sasukei guys, i am using irssi for irc chat. i want to take backup in to a text file , for a channel , can anyone give me quick solution please . Its urgent03:28
joehecompliing what?03:28
ironhalikHow can I debug crashing Cheese? GUVCview works ok, but cheese crashes after it tries to get the webcam feed03:29
gkatsevkrababbel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1359506/ thoughts?03:29
bazhangsasuke, try asking in #irssi03:29
georgephL3top...nobody in Linux Users wants auto anything...they want tinkering capability03:29
sasukebazhang: thanks03:29
georgephL3top...these are not windows users03:30
krababbe1gkatsev: I don't know the boot process that well, sorry.03:31
gkatsevkrababbe1: ok, thanks.03:31
gkatsevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1359506/ anyone know why ubuntu complains that it can't mount these drives during boot (have to hit `s' to skip) but when I log in, it works just fine? Thanks in advance.03:32
joehekostkon: could you pls help  me ?03:32
=== jconti is now known as trism
joeheshould i downloaded a libstdc++6 package from web?03:34
kostkonjoehe, hmm, I dont' have anything else to suggest right now03:34
* L3top would not try and install 4.6 on 1004.03:35
kostkonjoehe, maybe, if you could find a ppa for example that provides gcc packages for 10.04. Another option would be to upgrade to 12.04.03:35
NeedFreedomHi. i need help to set the internet connection on a precise/quantal. It's my mom pc. In windows 7, you first must connect to the ISP wifi network. Than you dial up a pppoe  connection over the wifi. Once you setup this, they connect automaticly on login. On a fresh install of precise, I connected to the wifi network, but I couldn't find a way to connect the dsl connection.03:36
joehesorry  what is 'ppa' ?03:36
L3top!ppa | joehe03:36
ubottujoehe: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge03:36
chalcedonyin ubuntu 12.04, how do i get a terminal with tabs?03:36
chalcedonyor multiple terminals?03:36
joeb3_chalcedony, gnome-terminal03:37
kostkonchalcedony, right click → open tab?03:37
DmoleOr ctrl t03:37
krababbe1NeedFreedom: could be you need the pppoeconf package?03:38
chalcedonyjoeb3_, click on terminal and it moves to that window/ .. lets you drag it but it's still one03:38
ak5can someone tell me what it means to "enable the component called 'universe'"03:39
joeb3_chalcedony, click File, Open Tab03:39
Gerowenak5: There's a repository called "universe" that you need to enable.  Just open the "Software Sources" program, and put a check in the box next to it.03:39
chalcedonygot it :) .. now it can't find the printer driver file. it's not in Downloads03:41
ak5Gerowen: can you tell me the cli version of that? do I edit sources.list?03:41
GerowenYeah the Universe repository should already be in there, you just un-comment it.03:41
SierraARIs there any reason the startup disk creator seems to crash near the end of mounting the 12.04 64bit iso to a flash drive?03:41
Gerowenak5: By un-commenting it you just remove the pound sign # from the beginning of the line.03:42
ak5Gerowen: if its not (some crazy vps) then where do I get the correct string (12.04 LTS)03:42
Gerowenak5: Lemme look around for you, I'm using 12.10.03:42
NeedFreedomkrababbel: I tried the pppoeconf. It worked but when i reboot it broke the networkmanager. THe systems hungup 60 seconds waiting the network to setup then fails. The problem is this should be simple like it's in windows 7, in a way i can tell my mon on telephone how to setup if needed. This is a very basic stuff, but i couldn't make this works stright, and i'm googling more than 1 hour with no sucess03:42
ak5Gerowen: thanks a bunch, I am googling in parallel03:42
ak5Seems harder to find than it should. Is there a good ubuntu wiki?03:44
michael  I install the ubuntu 10.04 and vnc4server, when I use vncviewer under XP to visit the server, I can't always see the desktop.when I get the "connection refused(10061)",if I ping ubuntu ip, I get TTL=255.03:44
=== furian is now known as shantorn
DBoyzI am using ubuntu 11.10. How do i upgrade to 12.10 using iso mounting? I have downloaded ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso03:45
DaemonicApathymichael: you may want to find a vnc board to troubleshoot that issue.03:45
RaspootisHello! I've got a little pc I've saved from being thrown out. 2.66 GHz Pentium 4 D, Nvidia 7400GT, 1GB RAM. Will it run Ubuntu 12.10 well?03:45
Gerowenak5: Well it could be03:45
Gerowenak5: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe03:45
Gerowenak5: I just took mine and removed the "quantal" and replaced it with the name for 12.0403:45
DaemonicApathyGerowen: "precise"03:45
DaemonicApathyNever mind me, I'm off to rest. -_-03:46
GerowenDaemonicApathy: :P03:46
* DBoyz waves03:47
gkatsevkrababbe1: looks like it has to do with auto mounting NTFS partitions as `user'...03:47
fermulatorHas anyone ever experienced a value of 0.0 in /proc/cpuinfo for CPU Mhz, running Unbuntu server 11.10 within VirtualBox.03:47
krababbe1gkatsev: thanks :)03:47
blackshirtgood luck03:47
gkatsevkrababbe1: how to fix it, I have no idea, though. :)03:48
krababbe1NeedFreedom: looks like network manager has a dsl tab, you probably should have used that instead of installing pppoeconf then03:48
ak5Gerowen: lol seems to worl03:50
krababbe1gkatsev: Not sure, could be that the partitions are mounted at boot by fstab, and you want to mount again? You could try to replace auto with noauto in fstab, but I am just guessing. :)03:51
chalcedonyfind and ls .. nothing03:51
chalcedonywhat else can i use?03:51
blackshirtchalcedony, what are you trying to solve ?03:52
studentzMove to quantal and  sharing  printer on a network is not working.03:52
gkatsevkrababbe1: I found this "/dev/sdxx /media/Windows ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 0" which is slightly different.  noauto would probably solve it, except, I DO want it to auto-mount.03:52
chalcedonyblackshirt, i want to find wherever brother printer software put their driver it's not in Dowloads ?03:52
SierraARAlright so I'm having a small problem with mounting an ubuntu iso to a flash drive so that I can reinstall with a 64bit OS on my machine03:53
NeedFreedomkrababbel: Yeah. Like I (tryed) to say, I used the network manager tab before trying the pppconf. I created the dsl connection. But it didn't startup it, neither I found anyplace (like the networkmanager menu to ask for dial up it).03:53
blackshirtchalcedony, you mean for installed or downloaded ?03:54
DBoyzthe instructions in http://askubuntu.com/questions/125947/can-i-update-from-ubuntu-12-04-desktop-i386-iso-file doesn't seem to work03:54
oldwhatevernutsdoes anybody know where to get good info on airodump-ng when using linux03:54
krababbe1gkatsev: maybe replace the uuid with the /dev/sd.. ?03:54
DBoyzit requested for password. i keyed in my password and nothing happened next03:55
chalcedonyblackshirt, i'm somewhere in the printer software installation. it's hard to know what the words should be03:55
Gerowenak5: Glad it worked for ya, :-)03:55
NeedFreedomkrababbel: As this installation is already f***ed up, I'll install xubuntu 12.10. But i suspect i'll have the same problem, because after this precise installation I tryied the quantal, but it was extremelly slow (like, 1 minute to open a window). And in the quantal I gotta the same issue03:55
gkatsevkrababbe1: trying out "ntfs-config" if that doesn't fix it, i'll try /dev/ and the options in that line.03:56
krababbe1NeedFreedom: looks like a network manager issue?03:56
krababbe1gkatsev: there is also the possibility to install the ntfs-3g driver and replace ntfs with ntfs-3g in fstab.03:58
blackshirtchalcedony, i don't understand whta you mean, sorry03:58
SierraARAlright found another way to do this. Whats the full path of the home directory on ubuntu?03:58
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SierraAR.. Nevermind. I feel derpy. /home.03:58
NeedFreedomkrababbel: maybe. I think the expected behaviour is to give a option to dialup it . My ethernet (eth0) was down, so this can confused the network manager. But If it expect a dsl connection to be dialled up only on ethernet, it's wrong03:59
krababbe1NeedFreedom: yes, could be the combo of pppoe over wifi, never used that and I don't use network managaer at all.04:00
krababbe1seems unfinished in some areas04:00
gkatsevkrababbe1: looks like ntfs-config did just that, re: ntfs-3g. Going to try /dev/sd...04:01
chullblackshirt http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/faq_prn.html#f0010404:04
chalcedony chull is my husband's computer04:04
NeedFreedomHow do I turn off the network manager to use only the /etc/network/interfaces config????04:06
SierraARAlright time to reboot and reinstall the 64bit version of ubuntu04:06
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
blackshirthello, is there crucial differences between nat, bridging, and host only in vbox network type ?04:10
blackshirtneedfreedom, you can disable networkmanager service at boot, or changes managed to false for network manager to not handle eth0 interfaces04:12
blackshirthello, is there crucial differences between nat, bridging, and host only in vbox network type ?04:12
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ak5Gerowen: can you pastebin your sources.list04:16
ak5Gerowen: I need to get all these repos up, I realized I have nothing04:17
Gerowenak5: Ok, just remember to replace "quantal" with "precise for all yours.04:17
=== crazyharry is now known as keyly
Gerowenak5: http://paste.debian.net/209435/04:18
thrownawaytrashhey guys, anyone not AFK? quick question here if you guys don't mind04:19
TheChemistI'm here04:20
thrownawaytrashHey Chemist, let me type in the Q... a little long04:21
ak5Gerowen: whats the difference between *-updates repos and th other ones04:22
Gerowenak5: Not entirely certain, I haven't messed with mine since I installed ubuntu, there may be some from google that got added automatically, but that's it04:23
thrownawaytrash2 questions really (1) is it possible to have grub installed on a usb key, but the real installation of linux/ubuntu be in the real HDD? (link to the post i made on reddit for more clarification http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/134x7c/trying_out_ubuntu_with_wubi_takes_a_long_time_to/c70yox0)04:23
Stanley00thrownawaytrash: yes, it is.04:26
TheChemistI am not entirely sure, I don't believe so I don't see a logical way it can happen. Someone with more extensive knowledge may have a different answer but I (non difinitevely) have to say no04:26
TheChemistThere you go, ty Stanley0004:26
thrownawaytrashalright. may have been possible in theory, but i guess it's probably too complicated to implement04:27
Stanley00thrownawaytrash: I have seen many people install grub to USB *by mistake* and they cannot boot into ubuntu when unplug the USB ;)04:28
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
thrownawaytrashwell, that sort of is like the idea. have a physical key so that i can boot it as well as leaving the bootsector of the HDD in tact. so that when i don't want to test out ubuntu anymore i can just reclaim the HDD space in windows04:30
GerowenHere's something that's pretty cool, but I have a question about it.04:31
GerowenIt says that my video card does not support WebGL.  I'm guessing that's because I'm using the open source ATI drivers?04:31
Stanley00thrownawaytrash: sorry, but I have to go now.04:31
thrownawaytrashwell if it's not possible or very hard, second question is that. say I do a proper dual boot, partition HDD to ext and have grub in the HDD and all, how do I take the ubuntu out when I want to? last time I did this, grub installed BEFORE the windows boot loader and I coulndn't boot to windows. this guy here (http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/134x7c/trying_out_ubuntu_with_wubi_takes_a_long_time_to/c716cph) says this is 04:34
thrownawaytrashthat's what I need to do to get back to proper booting order04:34
ak5How do I hold packages via apt?04:34
thrownawaytrashthanks, stanley0004:34
Tex_Nickthrownawaytrash : are yoy installing a dual boot system with M$soft windows & Ubuntu ?04:36
gkatsevhow can I make ubuntu 12.10 not enable click-to-focus every several reboots?04:36
TheChemistCan someone give me the syntax for 10.04 to install a driver for my wireless usb adapter04:37
almoxarifeGerowen: do you have chrome/chromium web browser?04:37
TheChemistand possibly a download link for the last (not current) driver for the Belkin F9L 1002v1 Adapter04:37
almoxarifethrownawaytrash: you thought about a wubi install of ubuntu?04:39
dj_p3quick question. I installed ubuntu server to play with a few weeks ago on my extra laptop but I now need the laptop. Is making work like ubuntu desktop (obviously with all the server stuff installed still) as simple as a apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?04:40
Gerowenalmoxarife: Yeah I've tried it in Chrome and Firefox, it works in Firefox, it's just slow.  In Chrome I get the message telling me it doesn't support WebGL.04:40
Tex_Nickthrownawaytrash : when you remove ubuntu partitions ... use the Windows Install disk to fix the MBR04:41
thrownawaytrashalmoxarife: that was actually what i have right now, however booting to it takes several minutes, and was told that you get a performance hit since it's still installed on an ntfs partition instead of a linux one04:41
almoxarifeGerowen: i dont use chrome, o use chromium, i am not sure why there would be a diff in capabilities, but its worth a try, then again your graphics could just not support it after all, which is it?04:42
thrownawaytrashTex_Nick: just to clarify, boot into the windows CD, run command prompt and type in fixmbr, that's it, right?04:43
Gerowenalmoxarife: I have an ATI Radeon HD 3100, which was left out of the loop for the latest proprietary ATI drivers, so I'm stuck using the open source ones, which seem to work well enough for me, but not well enough for Chrome to run WebGL apps, :-(04:43
almoxarifethrownawaytrash: do this, within win check the state of your ntfs system, checkdisk? defrag? , wubi has no control over the state of the ntfs system, yet it has to live in it04:44
Tex_Nickthrownawaytrash : yes ... that will get you back to a windows boot04:44
TheChemistCan someone give me the syntax for 10.04 to install a driver for my wireless usb adapter04:44
Tex_Nickthrownawaytrash : what version od win r u running ?04:44
thrownawaytrashwin7 home 6404:45
dj_p3Gerowen: I came in late on your issue here so not sure the exact problem, have you tried the nightly chromium build?04:45
almoxarifeGerowen: i ran wubi for a few years, minutes to bootup is just too long, something is not running right04:45
thrownawaytrashTex_Nick: i have the windows ISO already on USB too, just want to know if the procedure to get back to normal windows would be that easy04:46
almoxarifeGerowen: better yet, install virtualbox, install buntu as a guest, then be really cool and run seamless04:46
Gerowendj_p3: I was just playing around with the new Google stars experiment at http://workshop.chromeexperiments.com/stars/04:46
thrownawaytrashalmoxarife: i will definitely do that.04:47
Gerowendj_p3: It runs in Firefox, but lags, so I installed Chrome just to give it a shot, and Chrome tells me my machine doesn't support WebGL and doesn't even attempt it.04:47
thrownawaytrashthank you all for the advice, might see me again  though. for now, work04:47
thrownawaytrashthanks again!04:47
Gerowenalmoxarife: I don't really like Windows, I don't have a single computer with a Windows partition on it, so running ubuntu as a guest on an Ubuntu machine would be kind of redundent, :P04:48
Tex_Nickthrownawaytrash : yep it's that easy ... i play with dual boots a lot ... win & ubuntu ... it's common practice04:48
almoxarifeGerowen: my mistake, wrong nick, dont be a purist, dont you even keep a copy of win on virtual? i do04:49
dj_p3Gerowen: Hmmm, i have the same problem,  it doesn't work in chrome and is slow with firefox.04:49
blarghi guys04:49
almoxarifeGerowen: have you tried installing the drivers for your card via 'jockey'04:49
blargmy nvidia driver is not loading on startup.  i can modprobe it, restart the session manager and it seems to work, but the system refuses to load the module.  update-alternatives lets me select any of the several nvidia kernals i have installed but the system still refuses to load them.04:50
blargis there any way to force the system to load the driver on boot?04:51
gkatsevany ideas how to disable click-to-focus? Ubuntu 12.10 keeps enabling it (against my will). I prefer focus-follows-mouse.04:52
Tex_Nickthrownawaytrash : if you're not comfortable with linux file system you might want to delete partitions thru windows ... if you're more comfortable with win04:52
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Gerowenalmoxarife: I installed "jockey-gtk", but can't seem to get it to open at all.04:55
GerowenI installed it, but when I try to run it from the terminal it just tells me it's not installed.04:56
keith_alsamixer show "M0" under my speaker 1. Pressing m switches it to "0M". But I want them to both be the same, i.e. "00" or "MM", how do I do this?04:58
dj_p3Gerowen: What happens if you go to chrome and type in chrome://gpu-internals  ?04:58
Gerowendj_p3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1359600/05:00
Gerowendj_p3: Guess it's the open source drivers, oh well.05:00
=== Harry is now known as Guest433
testerhey guys05:04
visofi want to run script every 3 second, what should cron be ?05:08
almoxarifeGerowen: do you have the headers for the kernel installed? , if this command takes then you dont, 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic'05:09
testeri have a question can some people help me05:09
blackshirthello tester05:09
Gerowenalmoxarife: I do.05:09
blackshirt!ask | tester05:10
ubottutester: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:10
testeri have a hp pavilian g series and wifi is not working05:10
almoxarifetester: on the machine you are on right now?05:11
Tex_NickI'm considering a Nexus 7 for the grandkids christmas gift ... I have them running ubuntu now on 2 desktops ... they love it ... can anyone tell me how the new ubuntu port to nexus 7 is working ... good or not good05:11
ms_ms_ joined #ubuntu........    hey!!! hi everyBody :)05:12
almoxarifetester: try to start your wifi thru what ever means you would use, i assume it wont work, then pastebin file /var/log/syslog05:13
testeroh ok05:14
testercommand not found05:14
testerpastebin file /var/log/syslog it say command not found05:15
testeroh and i have black ubuntu05:15
almoxarifetester: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:15
keith_I have created a script to handle the muting/unmuting for my computer. It works fine when I run it from the terminal. But when I use the keyboard settings and disable the Audio mute button in Sound and Media and then create a custom shortcut using the Audio mute button which executes my script, it doesn't work properly. How can I fix this?05:16
testerunable to locate05:16
almoxarife!pastebin | tester05:17
ubottutester: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:17
karlpincHow do I report a bug?  This  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=531078  is fixed (and fixed in debian stable), but not fixed in Ubuntu lucid lts.05:17
ubottuDebian bug 531078 in socat "socat: execs children with SIGCHLD ignored" [Normal,Fixed]05:17
testeralmoxarife: im still lost i havent used ubuntu in years05:21
almoxarifetester: the file to share is /var/log/syslog , you could copy paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com and then share the url created by the site05:22
arinov_which program can download whole website content?05:22
arinov_i tried wget -rv and it downloads only one php file05:23
almoxarifearinov_: you want to mirror the site?05:24
t35t0ranyone able to get webgl working with google-chrome-beta v23+ ubuntu 12.10, intel core graphics? Works for me in firefox. Tried google-chrome --disable-gpu-blacklist, went into chrome://flags also and made sure the disable web-gl api is disabled but still no go05:24
arinov_almoxarife, just save05:25
almoxarifet35t0r: i have same graphics, chromium works out of the box for me05:25
Tex_Nickarinov : try a strawbery perl install ... there are several perl scripts that will allow you to do just that05:27
t35t0rok it's --ignore-gpu-blacklist05:28
testeri setill need help cansome one pm me05:28
t35t0rabout::gpu to test05:28
testeri still need help can someone om me05:28
almoxarifetester: where is the pastebin?05:28
testerwhat is that05:29
testeri havent used this in along time05:29
almoxarife!pastebin | tester05:29
testerwhat am i supposed to do ?05:29
almoxarifetester: the file to share is /var/log/syslog , you could copy paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com and then share the url created by the site05:30
syqI wrote an init scripts and put it to /etc/init.d, then service fdjfjdjf start/stop/status can work05:30
syqwhile when reboot, it can not boot05:30
testerok one05:30
syqIt seems that it even didn't execute at all05:30
t35t0rdamnick, webgl is so much faster with chrome than with firefox05:31
t35t0rhah stupid autocomplete :(05:31
almoxarifesyq: looked at /var/log/syslog ? see what happened?05:31
syqalmoxarife: nothing happend, even I put "date > /tmp/tmpfile" on the top of script, it shows nothing05:32
sbarrerosHello all, Is there a way that a user can connect to my ssh server from a workstation and then I would like to use that connection to somehow connect back to the workstation?05:35
testerhello? almoxarife05:38
almoxarifetester: what kind of wifi connection is that?05:38
lordlekalumhow do load 12.10 on my pc from a usb drive?05:39
testeri dont have wifi connectional all i dont think dirvers for the wifi device intergrated in my pc05:39
almoxarifetester: are you tethering with a phone?05:40
testerno im using my modem05:40
almoxarifesyq: pastebin the file /var/log/syslog05:40
kushal_k`lordlekalum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:41
=== thoth is now known as Guest7321
almoxarifetester:  i am confused, how do you get wifi? model and connection type05:50
testerin not connected to wifi im hardwired into dls modem05:52
Jordan_Ums_: Please stop that.05:56
almoxarifems_: take it to #test05:56
simplewi have tried to upload a  package into launchpad but when is missing 1 k to end the upload it stops and the task remains unfinished, does anyone have a clue about whats happning?05:57
=== aarcane__ is now known as aarcane
alof_tester, if your answer has not yet been answered here you may find more help at #linaro05:57
ms_Jordan_U: ok,  it was just a test. But did u listen sth or ....?05:58
Jordan_Ums_: This channel is for Ubuntu support questions, not for tests. Like almoxarife said, next time please use #test for tests.05:59
whatwhatso 11.04 no longer05:59
whatwhatso what should i do now06:00
almoxarifealof_: what is #linaro?06:00
whatwhatcan i upgrade to 11.506:00
Jordan_U!eol | whatwhat06:00
ubottuwhatwhat: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:00
alof_well supported has always been a stretch for 11.0406:00
alof_linaro is the version of linux that 'tester' is running06:00
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
almoxarifealof_: got you,06:00
almoxarifealof_: i dont think tester ever brought up 'arm' :)06:01
ms_Jordan_U: before I will use this I've to learn how to use this. I saw that this make some of u angry hein.... lol. ok I'll not repeat it again and again.... ok ok ok ok06:01
simplewalmoxarife: linaro its a distro06:02
simplewso no one have a clue why my package isnt upload into launchpad...06:03
almoxarifesimplew: clueless06:04
alof_sry simplew06:05
testerhumm no one is on that #linaro06:05
testerhello i have a hp pavilian g series pc and running Black ubuntu my intergrated wifi card and dirivers are not reconized by ubuntu black06:06
dwarderi'm in a dir that got deleted and created how do i "refresh" it withoute doing cd ..; cd mydir06:07
Stanley00tester: what is your ubuntu version?06:07
Jordan_Usimplew: The exact command you're running and its full output might help.06:07
testerubuntu black06:08
Jordan_Udwarder: What's wrong with "cd ..; cd mydir"? You can also do: cd "$PWD"06:08
Stanley00tester: you can look at the channel topic to see we don't support ubuntu "black"...06:09
alof_tester, not trying to be rude but have you googled 'blackbuntu wifi troubleshooting' there seems to be a bandwagon for your issue06:09
testeryes i counldent find it and thats not rude06:10
almoxarifetester: really? you are using sniffer/cracker/ buntu and you cant get wifi working? its time to downgrade a bit buddy!06:10
dwarderJordan_U: what if it is a long path?06:10
alof_tester, have you tried using the nvidia driver?06:11
testernoway i like it im trying to learn it06:11
testeroh im on a laptop06:11
almoxarifealof_: nvidia for wifi?06:11
Jordan_Udwarder: Then 'cd "$PWD" ' should still work.06:11
alof_almoxarife, whoa, watchit buddy!!! lol06:11
simplewJordan_U: i dont think will help in anyway but you can see it http://paste.ubuntu.com/135968106:12
alof_almoxarife, it's after midnight06:12
* alof_ needs sleep06:12
simplewJordan_U: when misses 1k to finish upload it simply stops06:12
Jordan_Usimplew: Try asking in #launchpad.06:12
AprelUsing udfstools/mkudffs, how can I add a "title" when creating a UDF image; "title" meaning the string that displays as the drive when the cd is inserted.06:13
* alof_ chucks up some duces and heads to bed06:13
AprelOr does anyone know what that disc label is called? It's the equivalent of mkisofs -V "this label"06:15
Stanley00Aprel: just look at the man page, it's --vid or --lvid06:16
dwarderJordan_U: indeed thanks ;006:17
whatwhatso what's the spec required to the lastest ubuntu06:17
Jordan_Udwarder: You're welcome06:17
whatwhatwill the updater resume where it stop when connection drop06:17
AprelStanley00: yeah, I saw that, but wasn't sure which. Wanted to dblcheck before creating and burning.06:17
Jordan_Uwhatwhat: Yes.06:17
marsfligthMy Precise has the 80 port open and Apache answers too. I never opened it and no applications asked me the permit. This means that if I'd a internal modem to connect directly to wan, for instance, all the word should visit my Apache server entering into my Computer. Why Ubuntu put in so in risk the users giving a false sense of security?06:19
whatwhatso what's the spec required to the lastest ubuntu06:20
almoxarifemarsfligth: so, what you are saying is that 'apache' came preloaded on precise?06:21
Stanley00marsfligth: apache is not installed by default.06:21
Aprelmarsfligth: probably because if that wasn't the default, most people would complain that they installed Apache and can't figure out why it's not accepting connections.06:21
almoxarifemarsfligth: and you of course did not install it, are you behind a router/firewall?06:22
leftistmorning. is it possiblee to run ubuntu on a microsoft surface platform?06:22
leftisti dont have any touch screens so i dont have any familiarity with using linux of any variety on that platform06:23
almoxarifeleftist: at the very least you should be able to run it virtual(virtualbox)06:23
marsfligthalmoxarife: yes fortunately06:23
leftistis the platform that closed?06:23
no-nI get no sound from my headphones. This didn't work http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/04/headphones-not-working-no-sound-under.html06:24
almoxarifemarsfligth: thank god you didnt open yourself to the world06:24
leftistbtw is this freenode?06:24
bazhangleftist, ask in #freenode06:25
almoxarifeyeap, freenode06:25
almoxarifebazhang: still being mr wonderful, i see06:25
bazhangalmoxarife, pardon me?06:25
almoxarifebazhang: its called humor06:26
bazhangalmoxarife, care to PM with me?06:26
almoxarifebazhang: sure, give me a sec, i need to unset something06:26
leftisti've been running ubuntu on various platforms since hoary.  i currently have a few laptops with 10.10 and 10.04.  i know 10.10 is dead.  i don't dig the windows managers these later version default to.  i'm kinda out of date with the scene i guess.06:28
leftistmy question is can i maintain my current 10.10 interface with whatever the current release lts ver is today?06:28
leftisti cant relate to the default interfaces i have seen. they suck.06:28
Jordan_Uleftist: No, but you can get something very similar from XFCE (Xubuntu).06:29
marsfligthThis is an anomaly. Keep as exemple windows from xp sp2, before to open a port it asks if you agree or not even if it is apache or skype. So, the world is migrating to Linux because it is secure and what we discovwery? it opens wan ports ww/o ask to the pc owner. this is a terrible manner to abandon the users and during the time maybe be an insecurity like this should emigrate again them06:29
leftistyeah i looked at probably 50 different distros but i prefer 10.10/10.04 environment. so i am really stuck.06:30
marsfligthAnyway, using Precice I'm secure as if I'd using windows 2k more or less. It for instance opens the ports w/s ask06:31
no-nI get no sound from my headphones. This didn't work http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/04/headphones-not-working-no-sound-under.html06:31
Stanley00marsfligth: are you sure about that? I think it just open to *localhost* only...06:31
marsfligthgreat shot linux guys06:31
Jordan_Umarsfligth: If you don't have a support question please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere.06:31
Jordan_UStanley00: No, it's definitely open to the world.06:32
marsfligthim morre than sure I teste wit nmap many times06:32
Stanley00nmap run on localhost?06:32
Stanley00marsfligth:  nmap run on localhost?06:32
=== Oblivious is now known as obli-AWAY
Jordan_UStanley00: Installing Apache causes Apache to listen on port 80, for connections from anywhere.06:33
leftistzenmap is nice06:33
Stanley00Jordan_U: how about iptables, and ufw?06:33
marsfligthJordan_U: then security questions are off topic? if yes this is the reason because Ubuntu is totally insecure06:33
marsfligthStanley00: no, from another Ubuntu into my LAN06:34
Jordan_Umarsfligth: You haven't asked a security question, you've stated your opinion about a decision to configure Apache to listen on port 80 by default. We don't control the decisions of the Ubuntu developers, and you aren't asking a technical support question. Please take offtopic discussion elsewhere.06:35
marsfligthStanley00: Ok, IPtables and ufw hardering the os, but i cant understand why the most insecure os in the world ask before open a port and Ubuntu not06:36
Stanley00marsfligth: OK, I got it. Now you can look at what Jordan_U said.06:37
twinsOk, Thank you06:37
SwedeMikemarsfligth: file a feature request with ubuntu for the functionality. That is going to be more productive than trying to continue your discussion here.06:37
twinsoh, that's all right06:38
marsfligthJordan_U: what the sense to speak about tecnichal question wile maybe some one is 'rm -rf' my system from wan. do you understant what i mean or have i to be more clear?06:38
twinsbut ...en06:39
putkonenis there some problem with extras.ubuntu.com?06:39
putkonencannot access it06:39
putkonenW: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/i18n/Translation-en  Unable to connect to extras.ubuntu.com:http:06:40
twinsNo networking~06:40
twinsapt-get install or update06:40
Tm_Tputkonen: hi, you might like to ask/poke people at #canonical-sysadmin (:06:40
=== jaxdahl2 is now known as jaxdahl
putkonendown it is then06:41
leftisthere is a very good article on http://www.zdnet.com/does-the-surface-spat-open-the-door-for-linux-7000002268/06:41
Jordan_Umarsfligth: This channel is not for discussion of technical policy with reguard to Apache. If you want to know how to stop Apache from listening to port 80, that is a valid support question and we will be glad to help you there.06:42
jiltdilHow to password protect bittorrent in ubuntu for normal user06:44
twins@leftist:very good!06:44
almoxarifejiltdil: it is password protected , the user has to log in with a password dont he?06:45
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
jiltdilalmoxarife, Oh ! please understand my question06:46
jiltdilalmoxarife, To open bittorent he need sudo privalages i mean to say06:47
almoxarifejiltdil: to open the client ?06:48
jiltdilalmoxarife, Yes06:48
marsfligthJordan_U: come on Jordan, don't joke please. By google if one is not able to close the door find all instructions in minutes w/o ask here. the problem is not Apache at all, the problem is Ubuntu and how we speak about security problem in here, i think to pretend that an os asks before open ports putting the user in serius risks, this for me is a very big problem tath cant be solved by sending a nice mail to devoplers.06:48
marsfligthobyously the should ask only if many users ask the same. this should be my target06:48
Stanley00jiltdil: well, why don't you give the read and execute permission to the user yo want?06:48
jiltdilalmoxarife,Means When a normal user in my machine want to open bittorent he will ask for sudo password06:48
jiltdilStanley00,  For Torrent , how to do this?06:49
almoxarifejiltdil: you could make the client a 'root' only process?06:49
jiltdilalmoxarife, Please tell how to do this06:49
Stanley00jiltdil: what is the command to run bittorent? chmod o-rwx command-here06:50
almoxarifejiltdil: but i am not sure what the outcome the output from the client would be afterwards, i am guessing the files become owned by root06:50
Stanley00jiltdil: then chgrp that prog, and add user to the group. that's easy.06:50
jiltdilStackProphet, almoxarife Ok i am trying06:51
almoxarifei like the idea of 'group' better, makes it cleaner06:52
tonyyarussoI have one (and only one) 12.04 system that's refusing to upgrade aptitude to the latest version, always saying it's been kept back.  The installed is 0.6.6-1ubuntu1 and the candidate is 0.6.6-1ubuntu1.1 - anyone know what's going on there?06:52
blackshirtalmoxarife, what you mean with it ?06:52
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: what happens if you do "sudo apt-get install aptitude" ?06:53
tonyyarussoTm_T: aptitude : Depends: libapt-pkg4.12 (>= 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.3) but 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.2 is to be installed06:53
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: it might tell you why it doesn't upgrade (missing dependency, conflict, etc)06:53
Tm_Tthere you go06:53
almoxarifeblackshirt: <Stanley00> jiltdil: then chgrp that prog, and add user to the group. that's easy. <-- what Stanley00 said06:54
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: next step, same summoning for that dependency to see why it doesn't upgrade06:54
tonyyarussoTm_T: No higher candidate of that one...my mirror must be wonky.06:55
tonyyarussoTm_T: wait, scratch that.06:55
* tonyyarusso can't read06:55
leftist@ twins it's all about money. but you can't talk about it in this channel anyway.06:55
tonyyarussoTm_T: There's a newer version but with a lower priority?06:56
tonyyarussoTm_T: http://pastebin.com/CmuN4Vuh06:56
Miscniquestion: anybody know a how to; how to add Nvidia-settings GPU Scaling06:57
dixoncxPlease Help.. Suddenly my root filesystem freespaces suddenly droped to less than 300mb. After restarting system, it shows 3.5 GB free. (deleted some unwanted files manually too). Here are some screenshots: nautilus properties- http://i.imgur.com/3UODg.png , System monitor- http://i.imgur.com/SbPGG.png , disk usage analyser- http://i.imgur.com/wgwAN.png06:57
=== Harry is now known as Guest77117
Ben64dixoncx: whats your question06:59
dixoncxBen64: How to regain free space ?07:00
Ben64by deleting files07:00
Ben64you could also try bleachbit07:00
Ben64!info bleachbit07:01
ubottubleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (quantal), package size 335 kB, installed size 1794 kB07:01
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
dixoncxBen64: kindly check screenshots. naulilus shows used space in home as 3.2 GB, look disk analyser - it shows 19Gb used ???07:02
Ben64dixoncx: run this in the terminal and pastebin the output - "du -h ~/ --max-depth 1"07:04
no-nwhat is the difference between apt-get remove and apt-get autoremove?07:04
wastrelyou use apt-get remove to uninstall a package,  apt-get autoremove  removes packages that were installed as dependencies that are no longer necessary07:05
dixoncxBen64: here: http://pastebin.com/2HVvNH52 It shows: 18G     /home/dixon/07:08
Ben64dixoncx: you must have a lot of files in your home directory taking up that space07:10
dixoncxBen64: But nautilus says /home/dixon contains 18,370 items, totalling 3.2 GB07:12
Ben64so? du shows it as ~14GB07:13
dixoncxBen64: means ?07:14
Ben64you have about 14GB of files in your home directory07:14
almoxarifedixoncx: no, you have 2.3gig of free space, as per nautilus07:15
dixoncxalmoxarife: I agree, but this:  contains 18,370 items, totalling 3.2 GB07:16
Ben64I don't know why you're arguing07:16
dixoncxBen64: I want to delete all those expect this 3.2 GB from my home folder.07:17
almoxarifedixoncx: try this, reboot, and look at the result, does it change? i see what you are saying, there is a mis-match somewhere07:17
Ben64who knows how nautilus counts it though07:18
Ben64maybe it skips hidden files07:18
almoxarifedixoncx: but as Ben64 said, 'bleachbit' would help07:19
almoxarifedixoncx: where the command failed as shown in your last pastebin, those are root owned files in a user dir/folder, are they counted?07:20
almoxarifedixoncx: run nautilus as gksu, do the numbers change?07:21
Ben64I don't even see the problem. du shows accurate numbers07:22
dixoncx<almoxarife>: they are online radio playlist files. Nautilus says: 12 items, totalling 0 bytes07:23
almoxarifedixoncx: that total is impossible, run 'gksu nautilus --no-desktop , see any diff?07:24
almoxarifedixoncx: who owns the files in this dir /home/dixon/Desktop/Desktop/Radio/Radio ??? btw, that is not a healthy looking tree,07:26
dixoncx<almoxarife>: 'gksudo  nautilus' says same, as /home contains:  18,385 items, totalling 3.2 GB. Also what is --no-desktop option ?07:26
almoxarifedixoncx: so that you dont start a nautilus desktop, dont want to have two07:27
almoxarife<dixoncx> <almoxarife>: they are online radio playlist files. Nautilus says: 12 items, totalling 0 bytes <-- what did gksu nautilus say about them? they actually zero content?07:28
=== aristidesfl_ is now known as aristidesfl
dixoncx<almoxarife> ls -l of ../Radio: http://pastebin.com/8j6Ew09F07:31
dixoncx gksu nautilus says same.07:31
almoxarifedixoncx: as it should07:32
dixoncx<almoxarife>: All those wired things happened with in just  2 hours. Before i had more than 50% free space in root file system.07:33
Ben64dixoncx: if you don't mind us seeing all your files, pastebin "ls ~/ -hoaSr"07:34
=== root is now known as Guest7289
almoxarifedixoncx: install 'fslint' look for dups within your home dir07:34
almoxarifedixoncx: you have the dir 'desktop' inside of the dir 'desktop'07:35
dixoncx<almoxarife>: yes07:36
almoxarifedixoncx: you have radio dir in radio dir too07:36
dixoncx<almoxarife>: "ls ~/ -hoaSr" shows -rw-------  1 dixon  14G Nov 15 12:03 .xsession-errors.old !!! Whats this ?07:36
Ben64there you go07:36
Ben64like I predicted07:37
jactawhen installing ubuntu and windows7 as dualboot, which system is best to put in first?07:37
Ben64jacta: windows07:37
almoxarifeBen64: wont the ubuntu install replace MBR with grub2?07:38
Ben64almoxarife: yeah, thats how you'd want it07:38
almoxarifeBen64: you better tell jacta07:38
almoxarifesome people wig when they dont see their win boot thing07:39
dixoncx<Ben64> <almoxarife>: why 14GB .xsession-errors.old in my system ? can i delete it ?07:39
Ben64if you install windows second, it overwrites the MBR and doesn't give you a way to boot ubuntu07:39
Ben64dixoncx: Yes you can delete it. You must have had a LOT of errors recently.07:39
aristidesflI'm trying to deal with a router which doesn't allow the dns  or dhcp server to be configured and I want to use a different dns server but then I can't access computers in my local network using their hostnames and since the dhcp server can't be configured, they will have different IP's from time to time. Is there a way of falling back to the router dns server when a name is not found, or to use the router dns server only for certain hostna07:39
aristidesfl so I can still use the external dns server, except when I want to access computers in the local network?07:39
almoxarifearistidesfl: router issue?07:40
Ben64aristidesfl: you could either get a new router, or have a computer provide dhcp and dns services07:40
aristidesflI can't neither07:41
aristidesflthat's why I'm trying to find a suitable configuration07:41
dixoncx<Ben64>: Thanks, deleted. 14 GB of errors !!07:41
aristidesflwhich allows my server to reach my laptop07:41
aristidesflalmoxarife ISP router07:42
almoxarifearistidesfl: if you use the computer with ubuntu on it, it can act as a dns/dhcp server07:42
aristidesflalmoxarife but then I will have 2 dhcp servers07:42
almoxarifearistidesfl: so you have a router then that does provide dhcp07:43
aristidesflcan't be turned off07:43
almoxarifearistidesfl: you want to provide dns?07:43
aristidesflit already dow07:43
aristidesflbut I don't want to use that dns server07:43
almoxarifearistidesfl: which?07:43
aristidesflI want to use google's07:43
aristidesflI don't want to use the router's because it's configured with the ISP servers which are slow07:44
almoxarifearistidesfl: you want to use your own dns on your computer?07:44
aristidesflI want to use
almoxarifearistidesfl: you want to use your own dns on your computer?07:44
aristidesflalmoxarife I don't think so07:45
burtoniumi guess he wants dhcp to delegate googles dns instead the ones ISP has allocated07:45
aristidesflburtonium no07:45
aristidesfldhcp delegates router's IP07:45
aristidesfldhcp delegates router's DNS*07:45
aristidesflwhich is configured with ISP DNS07:46
almoxarifearistidesfl: you can set your machine to its own dns07:46
aristidesflso I want to bypass routers DNS except for certain hostnames07:46
aristidesfllike the hostname of my laptop07:46
aristidesflneeds to be resolved by the router's DNS07:46
almoxarifearistidesfl: so you do want to setup a dns(cache) at least on your machine07:47
almoxarifearistidesfl: or another machine within the network07:47
aristidesflI'm listening07:48
almoxarifearistidesfl: look at 'dnscache' package07:48
aristidesflhow will that resolve the situation07:48
arunkumar413how to share laptop  wireless internet with other computer using  the ethernet port07:48
almoxarifearistidesfl: you dont control the router it seems07:49
aristidesflI don;t07:50
aristidesflkeep going07:50
almoxarifearistidesfl: you dont want to use the dns as per the router, you need to have something that will, BIND9 and dnsmasq will do that, i would not recommend bind9, unless you already know dns07:51
almoxarifearistidesfl:  what version of ubuntu you have?07:51
aristidesflalmoxarife but how will my dns server know the hostnames of other computers in the local network?07:52
almoxarifearistidesfl: the host names to ip are kept in /etc/hosts07:53
arunkumar413join #raspberrypi07:53
aristidesflalmoxarife who puts them there?07:53
marunaristidesfl: you should manually create A records and PTR records in your zone file... If you have own dns07:53
almoxarifearistidesfl: thats the easy part, unless you have alooooooooooooooot of them07:53
almoxarifearistidesfl: you do07:53
aristidesflalmoxarife but the ips are random07:53
aristidesflassigned by the dhcp server07:53
almoxarifearistidesfl: random? within a internal network?07:54
almoxarifearistidesfl: thats right, you dont control the router, if they are random i have no idea, that issue i have not had to resolve on this end,07:55
jactaBen64, and would you suggest 12.04 or 12.10?07:56
Ben64jacta: 12.04 has longer support, and will upgrade directly to 14.0407:56
burtoniumyou can't simply solve your problem, since you don't control your routers dhcp and dns settings07:56
iwafflesAny reason why I can ssh but not sftp any longer with one particular user account on my server?07:56
almoxarifearistidesfl: are you saying that some comp on the network could have the ip of some other comp on the same network within days?07:57
burtoniumso you will have to get yourself a decent router or you can forget simple solution07:57
aristidesflalmoxarife yes07:57
aristidesflevery time I connect to the network I could have a different IP07:57
burtoniumyour dhco server should have option to bind mac address to certain IP address07:58
burtoniumso you will always get same ip07:58
aristidesflit doesn't07:58
almoxarifearistidesfl: let me guess, you wifi in to it too07:58
aristidesflit's locked down by the ISP07:58
burtoniumcall them to give you a password07:58
almoxarifeburtonium: he does not control the router :)07:58
burtoniumof a router07:58
aristidesflalmoxarife I control it07:59
burtoniumi know, so he should call his IPS to give him control07:59
aristidesflbut it's locked down07:59
burtoniumyou own your LAN07:59
aristidesflburtonium they wont07:59
burtoniumthey can't own your LAN, no way07:59
aristidesflit's their equipment07:59
almoxarifearistidesfl: then you want to stop the random stuff, fix the machines to an ip07:59
aristidesfland they have a backdoor07:59
almoxarifearistidesfl: mac to ip?08:00
aristidesflalmoxarife but then I have to re-configure it to dhcp when I leave the house08:00
aristidesfland then back to static when I arrive08:00
almoxarifearistidesfl: see the link you posted, good luck08:00
juniourcan nay one naem good video,photo editor08:01
marunhi how to i create automatic proxy configuration script in squid? I want to deploy this file in all the client browsers in my network08:01
juniourcan any one name good video,photo editor08:01
burtoniumGIMP for pictures08:02
Stanley00juniour: imo : openshot, gimp, inkscape08:02
burtoniumvideo I dont know08:02
juniourint this which one is good08:02
juniourimo : openshot, gimp, inkscape08:02
marunany suggestions about my question?08:03
Stanley00juniour: imo: all of them is good. That's why I list it here.08:03
juniourk thaks08:03
almoxarifearistidesfl: i dont know what router you got, mine runs dhcp with mac reservation if wanted, mine is about the avg router out-there, seems to me that option is open to you, thats all i got08:03
marun hi how to i create automatic proxy configuration script in squid? I want to deploy this file in all the client browsers in my network08:04
Stanley00marun: try asking in #squid08:04
marunstanley00: ok Thank you08:05
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org08:05
Stanley00!away | Albastos|off08:05
ubottuAlbastos|off: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»08:05
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meant0mwhats the off topic channel name?08:07
Stanley00!ot > meant0m08:07
ubottumeant0m, please see my private message08:07
* meant0m thanks Stanley00 08:09
iwafflesAnyone know why I cannot login via sftp but I can via ssh?08:09
juniouris there any download manager like idm(windows) for ubuntu 12.04LTS08:10
=== kInOzAwA is now known as Guest33407
Stanley00iwaffles: so what happens?08:10
iwafflesGets rejected automatically, not sure why08:11
ix_how do I setup lilo on ubuntu? I've installed it, I've installed it on the mbr, now what?08:11
Stanley00juniour: there downthemall addon for firefox08:11
Stanley00ix_: why lilo? grub is better.08:11
iwafflesStanley00: I can log in using other accounts on sftp, but not mine08:11
ix_Stanley00, I have a problem and I want to test if grub is the problem, sometimes when booting, I get a blinking cursor just afret grub08:12
juniour Stanley00 installing Gimp,Inkspace,Openshot thanks for suggestion08:12
iwafflesGrr guess it was a problem with the authorized_keys08:12
Stanley00iwaffles: ah, well, I can't help you with that, never use sftp before. sorry.08:12
juniour Stanley00 k08:13
Stanley00juniour: :)08:13
Smoochicthello jidor08:18
juniour Stanley00 any good video format convertor or video to mp3 convertor08:19
juniour Stanley00 i know about ffmpeg08:19
Smoochict!offtopic | smoochict08:19
ubottuSmoochict, please see my private message08:19
juniourcan nay one mane video convertor08:20
Stanley00juniour: I think openshot can does that, and vlc, mencoder, winffmpeg too. mencoder is command only,08:21
jactaBen64, thanks :)08:22
jidorHow to open a txt Files in terminal?08:23
Smoochictjidor: you can use an editor called vim/vi or one called nano if you have it installed.08:23
jidorI don't mean that08:23
brontosaurusrexjuniour: ffmpeg08:24
jidorIf i wanna view a PDF08:24
Smoochictlike open a windows to edit the text file?08:24
brontosaurusrexjuniour: my script looks like : ffmpeg -i "$files" -vn -y -f wav - 2> /dev/null| $lame --preset standard - "$out.mp3"08:26
brontosaurusrexbut there is also an option to use intergraded lamer08:26
juniour brontosaurusrex there are to many thing in ffmpeg08:26
endstillegood morning, i have a question about git. i pulled a change, that made my software unusuable. how can i revert the change locally? i'm new to git.. thank you =)08:28
vividor_folladoralguien kiere saqlami???08:28
brontosaurusrexjuniour: sure, and it lacks proper documentation08:29
avelldirolljuniour: are you searching for a gui or a command line tool ?08:29
brontosaurusrexjuniour: basically the more you read than "man" dumbest you are, should be smarter instead ...08:29
juniour avelldiroll any one so i can use smoothly08:29
somsipvividor_follador: do you have a support question?08:29
ikonia!es | vividor_follador08:29
ubottuvividor_follador: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:29
pornoq tl con santi08:30
jidorthe cmd [open flename.pdf in IOS is proper]08:30
somsip!ops vividor_follador is spamming08:30
avelldirolljuniour: that does not answer my question, there is a ton of them08:30
somsip!ops | vividor_follador is spamming08:30
ubottuvividor_follador is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!08:30
juniourbrontosaurusrex the documentation of ffmpeg sucks08:30
ikoniaporno: vividor_follador enough08:30
somsipikonia: ah - soz08:30
ikoniasomsip: it's fine08:30
avelldirolljuniour: for a gui, i would go to avidemux, for a cli i would stick to ffmpeg08:30
avelldirollor mencoder or cvlc08:31
juniourthanks :)08:31
endstille!de | endstille08:34
ubottuendstille, please see my private message08:34
=== Smoochict is now known as Smoochict[Away]
=== Smoochict[Away] is now known as Smoochict
ChartaxHi everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with a rather odd issue. I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 and occasionally have issues connecting to my WPA2-Personal secured wireless network08:53
ChartaxSometimes, it connects, and other times it can't see any networks08:53
ChartaxWindows seems to work fine with it, however, which would lead me to believe it's some sort of driver issue.08:54
Stanley00Chartax: what is your wifi card? I had this problem with broadcom BCM 4313 before.08:55
=== Smoochict is now known as Smoochict[Away]
ChartaxIt's integrated with the motherboard, a Ralink 802.11 bgn 1T1R08:56
Leonard2How do I ask questions?08:56
Stanley00Leonard2: you did ask a question.08:56
=== Smoochict[Away] is now known as Smoochict
Leonard2I noticed.  Thanks.08:57
Stanley00Chartax: did you try look at additional driver?08:57
ChartaxIn the settings? Yeah, all I had was Nvidia stuff09:00
ChartaxI searched around and found a "driver" on their website09:00
Chartaxbut I have no idea how to use the file I downloaded, or even if it's valid: it appears to be 0 bytes09:00
Leonard2I have downloaded the following drivers PrintSettingUtility, Smartpanel and UnifiedLinuxDriver from Samsung.  These are for my printer/scanner CLX-3185.  I don't know how to install these drivers under Ubuntu 12.10.  What do I do?09:00
Chartaxand has the name "DPO_RT5572_LinuxSTA_2.6.1.3_20121"09:01
Stanley00Chartax: can you run this command and pastebin the output "lspci -kv"09:01
Stanley00!paste | Chartax09:01
ubottuChartax: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:01
ChartaxStanley00, if I can't get on the wi-fi, that could be tough, let me see if I can work something out.09:03
jenenliuhi, guys, my firefox cost too much cpu when it is working on my ubuntu laptop, someone help? thanks.09:04
Stanley00Chartax: I think the file you downloaded must have some README or INSTALL file. you can look at that. Actually, I don't know how to deal with this ralink09:04
ChartaxAlright, on my cellphone now, please excuse any awful typos09:05
brontosaurusrexjenenliu: use some other browser? there is gazzilion of them to try09:05
jenenliubrontosaurusrex: it is the same result when I use chromium09:06
OerHeksjenenliu, how much ram does your laptop have ?09:06
brontosaurusrexjenenliu: then it may not be browser related09:06
jenenliuOerHeks: 200G at least09:07
brontosaurusrexand i thought my 32G is cool09:07
OerHeksram=system memory09:07
jenenliuOerHeks: I am sorry, 21G09:08
=== zeon_ is now known as zeonn
=== InFlames|Away is now known as InFlames
Jordan_Ujenenliu: Your laptop does not have 21 GiB of RAM.09:18
kanylDoes smooth scrolling work for macbooks running ubuntu?09:22
brophatis yahoo.com not rendering right in chrome browser?09:23
jenenliuJordan_U: really?09:23
jenenliuJordan_U: it is 2109:23
Jordan_Ujenenliu: I guess it's possible, but it's highly unlikely that you have 21 GiB of RAM in a laptop.09:24
Jordan_Ujenenliu: What is the output of "free -m"?09:24
jenenliu             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:25
jenenliuMem:          1905       1332        572          0         28        87009:25
jenenliu-/+ buffers/cache:        433       147109:25
jenenliuSwap:         3767          0       376709:25
eatpoosayubuntu fags, use debian instead09:25
sicaHI, I have an Ubuntu 12.04, on which I try to build the Android 4.0.4 source code. The issue is that when I run the make command, after 3 hours or building I get the error09:27
sicajavadoc: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:27
sicajavadoc: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:27
sicamake: *** [out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check-timestamp] Error 4509:27
sicamake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....09:27
sicamake: *** [out/target/common/docs/api-stubs-timestamp] Error 4509:27
FloodBot1sica: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
sicaif i run the ldd java command09:28
sicai get09:28
sicalinux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffe99dd000)09:28
sicalibpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f28880d0000)09:28
sicalibjli.so => not found09:28
sicalibdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f2887ecb000)09:28
sicalibc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f2887b0c000)09:28
sica/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f2888307000)09:28
brophatis yahoo.com broken in chrome for past couple days?09:28
FloodBot1sica: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:28
jmfurlottTrying to install ubuntu to an iMac….but after I boot from the disc the screen goes black.  If I let go long enough I can hear the ubuntu start up sound so it must be a problem with my video drivers (ATI something). Any ideas?09:28
OerHekssica plese don't paste like that, use paste.ubuntu.com09:29
sicaok, sorry09:29
gordonjcpjmfurlott: nomodeset?09:29
jmfurlottgordonjcp, if you talking about a parameter to set when the cd boots, I can't the screen goes black just after it turns purple from initialing loading the cd09:30
Jordan_Ujenenliu: That's 2 GiB, not 21.09:30
sicacan anyone help me with libjli.so not found problem?09:30
gordonjcpjmfurlott: do you even get the boot selector screen up?09:30
jmfurlottgordonjcp, nope it goes black too quickly09:30
jenenliuJordan_U: I am sorry, so do you know why my firefox costs so many cpu, thanks09:31
OerHekssica plese use paste.ubuntu.com so we can read the problem09:31
Jordan_Ujenenliu: No, I don't.09:31
jmfurlottgordonjcp, oh wait i got the screen finally09:31
jenenliuJordan_U: anyway, thanks09:31
gordonjcpjmfurlott: at the boot selector screen it should just be in VESA mode09:31
Jordan_Ujenenliu: You're welcome. Wish I could have been of more help.09:32
sicatarget Java: Browser (out/target/common/obj/APPS/Browser_intermediates/classes)09:32
sicajavadoc: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:32
sicajavadoc: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:32
sicamake: *** [out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check-timestamp] Error 4509:32
sicamake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....09:32
FloodBot1sica: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
sicamake: *** [out/target/common/docs/api-stubs-timestamp] Error 4509:32
jmfurlottgordonjcp, weird this is the first time i have gotten it09:32
gordonjcpjmfurlott: you're going to need to start asing the channel now, I'm off to drill holes in lorries09:32
jmfurlottgordonjcp, have fun (?) thanks man09:32
OerHekssica, if you refuse to use paste.ubuntu.com i can't help you, good luck.09:33
sicatarget Java: Browser (out/target/common/obj/APPS/Browser_intermediates/classes)09:33
sicajavadoc: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:33
sicajavadoc: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:33
sicamake: *** [out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check-timestamp] Error 4509:33
sicamake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....09:33
FloodBot1sica: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:33
sicamake: *** [out/target/common/docs/api-stubs-timestamp] Error 4509:33
sicabut I am using it09:33
MonkeyDustsica  open this page and paste there http://paste.ubuntu.com/09:34
sicayes, afterwards I click the Paste! button09:34
NeilB4ZodWhat are the differences between Ubuntu and Debian?09:35
sicasorry, I didn't slept too well last kinght09:35
somsipNeilB4Zod: this might help http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/9459/differences-between-debian-and-ubuntu09:37
MonkeyDustNeilB4Zod  there are plenty site about it, here's one http://www.datamation.com/osrc/article.php/3890111/Debian-vs-Ubuntu-Contrasting-Philosophies.htm09:37
Jordan_Usica: If you flood the channel again I will have to remove you. Please only supply pastebin links for anything more than one line.09:38
sicayes, I get it now, I wasn't familiar with this09:38
sicahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1359923/ <- here is my problem09:39
almoxarifesica: you are missing libjli.so09:40
sicaI get that09:41
almoxarifesica: ok09:41
sicabut why? I installed java from sun09:41
almoxarifesica: compiling from source?09:42
sicausing jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin09:42
lesshastehow do you set actions for mailto: links in firefox?09:42
icerootsica: why not installing openjdk from the repos?09:42
brontosaurusrexlesshaste: something in about:config ?09:42
icerootsica: and there is no "java from sun"09:43
almoxarifelesshaste: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/change-program-used-open-email-links :)09:43
lesshastebrontosaurusrex: sadly no09:43
sicaI can't tell why, but I need to install the java from sun09:43
sicafrom oracle09:43
icerootsica: ok09:44
lesshastealmoxarife: thanks.. it just seems to do nothing09:44
almoxarifelesshaste: what did you put in the box?09:44
melvincvhi. To list all processes on the system, Isn't # ps -ef   enough? What does # ps -eaf  do?09:44
ludolanhi. I randomly suppress the task bar (in kde). How can i refind it ?09:45
lesshastealmoxarife: I changed it to "always ask"09:45
lesshastealmoxarife: nothing happens at all sasdly09:45
melvincv[the option -a in the man page does not make any sense to me]09:45
sicaactualy, I can find the libjli.so under /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_37/jre/lib/amd64/jli09:45
icerootmelvincv: -a does not show all but -A does. -a has two exceptions09:46
almoxarifesica: is that the installed package, the one that actually runs java?09:47
ix_does it matter if I set the resolution 1360x768 on a 1366x768 screen?09:47
sicayes as far as I know09:47
sicaafter I run sudo update-alternatives --config java09:47
sicathat's what I select09:47
almoxarifesica: but it seems like you are compiling from source09:48
almoxarifeix_: should not09:48
sicawhat do you mean?09:48
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melvincviceroot: but isn't # ps -ef enough? Do I need to add -A option to it?09:49
almoxarifesica: looking at your paste, 'make' is used in compiling from source, unless java does something different with 'make'09:50
melvincvbtw I've just installed the new Quantal, Unity seems faster...09:51
icerootmelvincv: -e              Select all processes. Identical to -A.09:51
icerootmelvincv: and -f is just for the format, so its fine to have all processes09:52
sicaalmoxarife: I managed to solve it, I copied the libjli.so to /usr/lib/09:53
sicathis seems to resolve the problem, but it's still a wierd behaviour09:54
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sicathanks !09:54
almoxarifesica: good luck,09:54
lipengAre you here?09:55
zack6849hey guys, i have a quick question, if anyone here happens to know java that is09:55
zack6849would ~/irc/ be a valid filepath?09:56
jnhghyCan anybody help me with mod_rewrite? I need to add a word to my permalinks example: www.site.com/?s=...&sa=... to become www.site.com/word/?s=...&sa=... feel free to PM with this, Thank you09:56
lipengI think ~/irc/ is valid filepath09:59
babyswizzplease I run ubuntu 12.10 as a vm on virtual box and windows 7 host, my problem is that it run very slow what can I do?09:59
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almoxarifebabyswizz: whats your total ram and how much did you give vbox?10:02
andrea_can i open a proces such al firefox for example with a bash script, but without having the console itself interactingo with the program being launched?10:02
DBoyzHi. I am trying to make Intel® Centrino® Advanced–N + WiMAX 6250 work on ubuntu 12.10 (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1359965/). Now how do I search for networks and connect? I have tried wimaxcu but it says: [wimaxcu: command not found ]10:02
lilcyberAt the top left do you see a wifi icon?10:03
babyswizzI used the defualt r.a.m which I think is 8mb10:03
almoxarifebabyswizz: 8? system ram?10:03
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lipengbabyswizz: I think you are joking10:04
almoxarifebabyswizz: 540mb system ram10:04
melvincvgood, I get the full path of the process with # ps -ef10:11
melvincvwhat is the PPID?10:11
patr|ckthe ubuntu 12.04 installer will not recognize the LVM volume group. what can i do about it?10:12
babyswizzalmoxarife, my system ram is 4gb but I think I allocated 8mb to the vm10:13
almoxarifebabyswizz: 540mb system ram10:13
richhelmtengo una consulta, tengo instalado xubuntu 11.10 y cuando quiero instalar los controladores nvidia, luego meda un error yno pueo acceder al entorno gráfico10:13
tsimpsonmelvincv: parent process ID10:13
richhelmya lo he reinstalado 3 vces el dia de ayer10:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:14
ljunggrenhi, freshly installed ubuntu 12.04.. i get problem with jockey.gtk that i havent had with my wubi install...decided to wipe computer and install only ubuntu.. now i have these issues with graphics card, i cant chose any other driver then jockey crash10:17
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Strykerany terraria players on?10:19
rnamFhello all10:19
patr|ckis there not "alternate installer" iso fpr 12.10?10:20
rnamFneed some help with ubuntu karmic, i need to update apt, sources.list etc10:20
rnamFany clue on how to start?10:20
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OerHeksrnamF, karmic 9.10 is EOL, so you better upgrade10:21
rnamFdamn this is a production machine that just felt into my hands10:22
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:22
rnamFgonna read about it OerHeks10:22
caddooI'm trying to install skype using apt-get, ive had a version installed previously but i removed and purged it10:27
caddoobut when running the command i get the error 'skype: (Multi-Arch: no) is not co-installable with skype:i386 (Multi-Arch: no) which is currently installed'10:28
caddooHow can i remove this other version10:28
exalthello why does my system not have crc32c kernel module : http://pastebin.com/vsjUj53V ?10:28
Sourirepersonne pour parler francais?10:31
devswapi cant get a large mp4 film to play without being jerky when it plays on a mac without a problem. I think I have installed all codecs but not sure and tried vlc, mediaplayer, mplayer, xine - could I do any more or is it never going to play?10:31
somsip!fr | Sourire10:32
ubottuSourire: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:32
cloudydevswap, try smplayer10:33
devswapcloudy: not heard of that - what different vs mplayer?10:33
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cloudydevswap, not sure what the differences are, but my experience has been that it runs smoother.10:34
tf198caddoo: dpkg -l skype*  - anything marked as installed?10:36
caddootf198: http://pastesite.com/8382410:37
zack6849hey guys, i installed a java package for java 7 but my java program for java 6 wont run.10:40
zack6849it throws unsupported major minor in ubuntu, but works fine on my windows machine10:40
zack6849any ideas why?10:40
subb1could someone pass suggestions on this:10:41
tf198caddoo: dpkg -P skype skype-bin skype-common skype-mid10:41
wastrelzack6849: which java are you using?    update-alternatives --config java10:41
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subb1 Say I  have a php binary installation already.  I  want to upgrade  to next version through a manual installation from source,  then  what is the first st Say I  have a php binary installation already.  I  want to upgrade  to next version through a manual installation from source,  then  what is the first step?  Do we begin by uninstalling  the old binary installation? ep?  Do we begin by uninstalling  the old binary installation?10:41
zack6849im using openjdk10:41
caddootf198: all reported back no packages10:41
devswapcloudy: think thats running it better thanks - must be using the same codecs as mplayer but why it works in one and not the other I have no idea10:41
kskruegerhave i arrived?10:42
MonkeyDustkskrueger  you're in10:42
Fandekasphi there. I have to burn a dvd for someone, from a VIDEO_TS and in remote (connected via ssh). google tells me I need dvd+rw-tools, but aptitude can't find it. Any idea why ?10:43
kskruegerhi! i am looking for a person from ubuntu to communicate about their trademarks (i.e. use of the ubuntu logo)10:43
tf198caddoo: and still the same output for dkpg -l skype*10:43
DBoyzhmm probably i need wimax-tools (https://github.com/ago/wimax-tools). where should "/path/to/" in "./configure --with-i2400m=/path/to/i2400m/driver" be pointing though? anyone able to help?10:43
caddooah no tf198 ok10:43
MonkeyDustkskrueger  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic, ask there10:44
DJoneskskrueger: That might be best asked in #ubuntu-marketing10:44
zack6849my god10:44
zack6849i love you wastrel10:44
kskrueger@monkey dust you make it foolproof, which i greatly appreciate :)10:44
zack6849i couldnt find that anywhere10:44
cloudydevswap, that is also my experience. Can you tell me what kind of hardware you have and whether you are running open source drivers or proprietary ones?10:44
caddootf198: http://pastesite.com/8382510:44
kskruegeri will give it a try there10:44
caddoofrom dpkg -l skype*10:44
wastrelzack6849: the alternatives system is an interesting bit of symlinkery10:45
zack6849im a tad new to ubuntu10:46
zack6849i can get around10:46
zack6849but i get lost sometimes :D10:46
tf198caddoo: ah its globbing your deb file10:46
tf198caddoo: dpkg -l "skype*" -  with quotes10:46
zack6849anyways, thanks fo rhtat wastrel :)10:47
zack6849imma go ahead and leave now though10:47
zack6849Bye :D10:47
caddootf198: http://pastesite.com/8382710:47
MonkeyDustcaddoo  in my experience, skype from the repos is unstable10:47
caddooMonkeyDust: yes, i had a beta installed from there10:48
caddoothen downloaded a deb from skype.com10:48
blaz_hi guys... does matlab 2012b work on 12.10?10:48
MonkeyDust!find matlab10:48
ubottuFound: matlab-support-dev, dynare-matlab, matlab-gdf, matlab-support10:48
OerHeksblaz_, sure >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB10:49
cnfanyone know how to disable ctrl-scroll font resizing in konsole?10:49
melvincvhttp://0pointer.de/blog/projects/why.html Reading the features list table. So 'systemd' has more performance than 'Upstart'?10:50
blaz_thanx, but that is for 2012a, 2012b is an upgrade, is it still ok?10:50
cnfor disable any font resizing on konsole10:50
blaz_!find matlab10:50
ubottuFound: matlab-support-dev, dynare-matlab, matlab-gdf, matlab-support10:50
tf198caddoo: I think you were globbing your installer with the purge as well10:51
caddooso the uninstaller is broke?10:51
OerHeksblaz_, i have no info on 2012b10:52
blaz_thanx anyway :D bye10:52
melvincv:O Ubuntu need defragmenting? How do we do that? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143450210:54
dddbmtHello all.. I have a problem that the scrollwheel on my mouse is pasting from my clipboard when clicked... This is really annoying when scrolling through a large file and accidentally pasting stuff everywhere.10:54
dddbmtAny pointers? ^10:54
Isfirs_92hey. how can i search in my directory for a subdirytory?10:55
melvincvOr does Ubuntu auto-defragment the HDD?10:55
caddootf198: is there anything i can do to resolve this10:56
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MonkeyDust!defrag > melvincv10:59
ubottumelvincv, please see my private message10:59
tf198caddoo: when you do dpkg -r skype you get 'ignoring request to remove skype which isn't installed'?11:00
caddootf198: dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching skype11:01
tf198caddoo: your deb database is a bit messed up then11:02
caddoowell i'm gonna format on the weekend, so ill leave it for now.11:03
tf198caddoo: you might have to hold out for someone with a bit more knowledge of the dpkg system - I dont want to bork your system :)11:03
caddoothank you for your help tf19811:03
OerHekscaddoo, to remove orphan dependencies, try sudo apt-get autoclean11:03
caddoono luck OerHeks, thank you though11:04
caddoocleaned up somethings though11:04
MonkeyDustcaddoo  try sudo apt-get autoremove11:04
dr_willispackage management can be such a...err... interesting  problem.11:05
dr_willisto put it nicely.11:05
melvincvI'm confused. Some say Linux filesystems do not need defragmentation. Some say they do.11:07
MonkeyDustwhattayaknow! downloads on ubuntu-tweak.com are discontinued11:07
tf198caddoo: does dpkg -C give you anything useful?11:07
dr_willismelvincv:  ive never had to defrag one. they basically auto defrag i guess..11:07
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MonkeyDustmelvincv  just sent you something, see what ubottu says11:07
Tm_Tmelvincv: in general, you don't (but that's oversimplified)11:07
melvincvI read that the inode table does not get fragmented. Doesn't mean that the actual data is also contiguous.11:07
MonkeyDust!defrag | melvincv11:08
ubottumelvincv: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.11:08
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  got it from a ppa just the other day..  not heard any news about it11:08
caddooyes tf198!11:08
dr_williscould be they went 'ppa only' to get ubuntu-tweak now11:08
caddootf198: http://pastesite.com/8383011:09
tf198caddoo: dpkg --configure skype:i38611:10
tf198caddoo: after configuring you should be able to remove it11:10
andrea_any way i an run via terminal a program but w/out keeping busy that window?11:10
jribandrea_: append "&" to your command11:11
MonkeyDustandrea_  add a &11:11
caddootf198: dependancies11:11
caddooprevent configuring11:11
tf198caddoo: dpkg -r skype:i38611:11
dr_willisandrea_:  using the close button on the termanil may close that app however. exit command may keep it running, or learn to use screen,tmux,byoby, or nohup11:12
dr_willisbyobu ;11:12
caddoook tf198, ran the configure flag again, http://pastesite.com/8383211:12
nForzhello world11:14
tf198caddoo: actually shouldn't need to configure11:15
tf198caddoo: dpkg -r skype:i38611:16
tf198caddoo: and then when it fails add --force-<bit that failed> flag11:16
caddoook i think its done.11:17
caddooNow tf198 i want to get the latest deb from skype.com11:17
angswhat is the command to see the current time of the system?11:19
jribangs: date11:20
MonkeyDustangs  date11:20
MonkeyDustangs  it's the subject of jokes, you have to type date to see the time11:20
tf198caddoo: Hopefully the 12.04 multiarch deb will behave itself11:21
tf198caddoo: Just tried it on my 12.10 and it worked fine11:23
angsMonkeyDust, jrib: thanks. I am trying to correct the time of my system: I type "echo "Sweden/Stockholm" | sudo tee /etc/timezone" then  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata" . However it outputs Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC' Local time is now:      Thu Nov 15 11:22:45 UTC 2012. However, the current time in here is 12:2311:23
caddoowhat version is it11:23
angshow can I fix it?11:23
meant0mmelvincv, ubuntu-tweak11:24
angscould it be related to winter/summer time?11:24
tf198caddoo: skype-ubuntu-precise_4.1.0.20-1_i386.deb11:24
caddootf198: I just tried got skype 2.2 (beta)11:24
tf198caddoo: http://beta.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/11:25
MonkeyDustangs  read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDate11:26
jribangs: try Europe/Stockholm11:27
angsjrib: Europe/Stockholm fixed it. Thank you11:29
jribangs: yeah, it's probably easier to just run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" and then select from there11:30
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angsthank you11:32
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=== wesley is now known as Guest97534
uovobwhi all, i have a problem with an init script. I have ubuntu server 12.04.1 configured to have, in /etc/event/tty6.conf i commented the last line and replaced with exec /sbin/agetty --autologin ale tty6 . I then added, to my profile in bash, the famous if that checks if $DISPLAY is NOT defined and if i am in the tty6 (via $(tty) ) and then starts x with exec startx . I am _sure_ i go inside the correct if (i touch some debug files around and they11:36
uovobwi have removed all login managers, i have dpkg-reconfigure'd x11-common to let all users startx11:36
uovobwany suggestions? thanks in advance11:36
MonkeyDustuovobw  there's also #ubuntu-server11:37
uovobwMonkeyDust: argh, didn't know, will join and ask there as well, thanks11:37
jribuovobw: your message was truncated at "debug files around and they ..."11:38
uovobwjrib: following: debug files around and they get created upon boot) but i _always_ get an x error about the server already being active for display 0.11:38
uovobwi have been looking at this for a couple of hours now, i am testing with env to see if DISPLAY was already set (it's not) i have checked all the possible *getty programs and they all log me in successfully on tty611:39
laurusHow similar is Gnumeric to Microsoft Excel?11:39
uovobwand the if is _always_ executed , but startx (or xinit itself) always error out11:39
jribuovobw: I suggest pastebinning the full script and your bash file11:39
uovobwjrib: the problem is i have the script on a remote machine that i can atm access only via VNC and then putty from there, so it would be hard for me to do11:40
jribuovobw: the machine does not have internet access?11:40
uovobwjrib: it does not, i am VNC-ing to a windows machine that acts as a router, then ssh via putty from there11:41
jribuovobw: can't you use winscp on the machine where you use putty to copy the files over to the windows machine and then pastebin there?11:41
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jribuovobw: also, I would save the full output you're getting on the tty somewhere and pastebin that too11:42
uovobwjrib: the problem is i cannot install new stuff on the windows machine... but that script is not the problem, i am sure i always get in the correct if in the .profile file end execute the right commands, but both startx and xinit behave as if another X was already running (when there arre none)11:43
uovobwnote that if i run startx or xinit by hand via ssh, it works perfectly11:43
jribuovobw: there's some putty-related program that will let you copy files too.  pscp or sftp perhaps11:44
uovobwjrib: i see,i'll check what i can do, thanks for your time11:44
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jribuovobw: I don't see any reason for what you describe not to work, thus why I ask for more details :)11:45
Touhou11laurus: It contains a subset of the features of Excel, it depends what you need to do with it11:45
Touhou11laurus: OpenOffice has better compatibility for working with Excel documents if you have existing files11:45
Touhou11laurus: *LibreOffice11:45
laurusTouhou11, well, I need to use Excel for work, but I don't really feel like reading a 1000-page book on it. So my plan was to read the Gnumeric manual, read the VBA chapters of this Excel book, and assume I can just use Excel with that knowledge. What do you think?11:46
Ard1tcan someone point me to the torrent download of the versions, having hard time finding it11:47
bazhanghttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969   Ard1t11:47
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MonkeyDustArd1t  or this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads11:48
Touhou11laurus: It's similar enough that you could probably learn that way... there's a lot of similarily between the programs. If you want to play with programming and spreadsheets, LibreOffice lets you write in a version of Basic which is fairly similar to VBA, so the concepts would translate11:49
Ard1tbazhang, MonkeyDust thanks11:49
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laurusTouhou11, thanks! Yeah, I am so used to GNU/Linux that I don't really feel like investing massive amounts of time into something like Excel. Also, I think their "ribbon" menu bar is stupid. :P11:50
Touhou11laurus: I prefer the Ribbon myself, makes things more discoverable11:50
Ard1tMonkeyDust: just out of curiositi11:51
laurusTouhou11, well to each his own! There's so much junk jammed in there, I guess maybe I just hate the way it looks.11:51
Ard1tMonkeyDust: just out of curiosity, where is the link to the alternative-downloads11:51
Ard1tbecause if i go through normal surf i can't find it on downloads11:51
Ard1thow did you find it basically?11:52
dr_willis12.10 dosent have an alternative cd. the minimal cd has a similer function i think11:52
dr_willisif thats what you are looking for11:53
auronandacedr_willis: no, he means alternative ways of downloading releases (torrents etc)11:53
larryhuhello ?11:53
dr_willisyello larryhu11:53
Ard1tno i was looking for the server version but i want it to download through torrents, which i'm settled on now, but i couldnt't find the link for download11:54
larryhuhi dr_willis11:54
MonkeyDustArd1t  scroll down http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads11:54
bazhang!torrents | Ard1t11:55
ubottuArd1t: Quantal can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/server/ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696911:55
larryhu all IT workers ?11:55
dr_willisi wonder why the torrent.ubuntu.com site had  6969 for a port11:55
Ard1tMonkeyDust: its all good just wondered how did you get the link as i can't surf it out anywhere on the webste11:55
auronandacelarryhu: this is a support channel for ubuntu11:55
larryhuyes , i know11:56
larryhuI love ubuntu11:56
Touhou11!ot | Ard1t11:56
ubottuArd1t: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:56
dr_willisdo you have a support question?11:57
larryhubut it hasn't qq11:57
bazhangTouhou11, asking for torrents is certainly not offtopic11:57
Touhou11!ot | bazhang11:57
ubottubazhang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:57
bazhanglarryhu, empathy supports qq11:57
bazhangTouhou11, Stop that11:57
Ard1tTouhou11, i guess i was out of topic, right11:58
bazhangArd1t, not at all11:58
larryhuempathy not support qq'2012 protocol11:58
Evil_Ericsorry all sorted now11:59
C0deRcn ne one tell me wht is this error n how to solve [/bin/sh: gmake: command not found ]11:59
larryhui need a soft ,  can In the local area network to transfer files11:59
C0deRcn ne one tell me wht is this error n how to solve [/bin/sh: gmake: command not found ]11:59
dr_willisC0deR:  install gmake?   try 'gmake --help'11:59
bazhangC0deR, no need to repeat11:59
larryhubazhang ?11:59
C0deRok ..12:00
dr_willis!info gmake12:00
ubottuPackage gmake does not exist in quantal12:00
Ard1talright then, we'll have a run at this approx in less then 30min, we'll see how it goes, thanks folks12:00
bazhanglarryhu, yes?12:00
dr_willis!find gmake12:00
ubottuFile gmake found in a2ps, bash-completion, cernlib-base-dev, drizzle-dev-doc, drizzle-plugin-dev, freebsd-glue, gnulib, kbuild, libmakefile-parser-perl, logapp (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gmake&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any12:00
C0deRi did apt-get gmake12:00
dr_willisif its not installed the 'gmake' command should show you wnat package to install to get it12:00
C0deRyeah i want to install12:01
larryhuI need a soft that can transport file in LAN . can you help me ?12:01
dr_willisif you are compiling stuff you most likely want the build-essential package for starters12:01
auronandacelarryhu: ssh12:02
brantjeWhen i install 10.04 from cd everything is fine, when i upgrade to 12.04.1 i get weird issue's: Screen is randomly put in standby, UI freezes and crashes12:02
auronandace!ssh | larryhu12:02
ubottularryhu: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:02
larryhu @bazhang I need a soft that can transport file in LAN . can you help me ?12:02
dr_willislarryhu:  rephrase  that...   if you want to transfer filrs from pc to pc over the lan. ssh is handy with scp12:02
brantjeWhen i install 10.04 from cd everything is fine, when i upgrade to 12.04.1 i get weird issue's: Screen is randomly put in standby, UI freezes and crashes12:02
C0deRthnk you guyssss12:03
dr_willisbrantje:  may be better to just do a clean install of 12.01.1 directly12:03
larryhu@ALL , but ssh ...,12:03
brantjeBecause, i don't have any clean dvd's12:03
dr_willisget a 12.04.1 cd....12:03
dr_willisor usb.,12:03
dr_willisor set up grub to boot the iso..12:03
larryhuif linux transfer file to windowns , ssh is bad!12:04
Touhou11larryhu: Could always try Samba12:04
dr_willislarryhu:  winscp works fine on windows.12:04
andrea_ssh is bad?12:04
dr_willisssh is good...12:04
auronandacelarryhu: re-read the factoid, it mentions putty12:04
dr_willisfor simple file transfers  and no need for 'shares'   ssh/winscp works well12:05
seachdamhfilezilla and filezilla-server is also good choice if you want server on windows side for some reason. But better is have server on linux side and use scp / filezilla client on windows.12:06
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Touhou11larryhu: If you're doing regular backups on a LAN, rsync is best12:06
larryhuokey , thanks all12:06
larryhuyes  rsync ,linux - linux12:07
dr_willisor nfs for linux to linux12:07
dr_willisi tend to just use ssh and sshfs12:07
Touhou11I use rsync on Windows too, though it can be annoying to find a decent binary version12:07
larryhuI found that my English is poor , haha12:08
larryhuTouhou11   yes12:08
larryhuwhat are you play in ubuntu ?12:10
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/12:11
larryhuno , no , I don't need game12:11
larryhuI juest want to know more thing about ubuntu12:12
bazhang!manual | larryhu start here12:12
ubottularryhu start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:12
skulladminaversisalut les copain !12:14
larryhuThese , I understand12:14
xxiaofailed to install markdown then python-markdown on ubuntu12:14
xxiaodpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python-markdown_2.0.3-1_all.deb (--unpack):12:14
xxiaotrying to overwrite '/usr/bin/markdown', which is also in package markdown 1.0.1-712:15
larryhuI using Ubuntu ,  about 2 years12:15
westwhats a good virtual  machine for linux12:17
uneheddoes anybody know how to set the default audio cd player via gconf or dconf?12:18
ms_eh oh!!!! I download files from Transmission, and I have a good rate of bandwith with internet, but I don't know why my download is SO slow???? :(12:21
Touhou11ms_: Maybe there aren't many seeds for the particular file12:22
larryhubye  all12:22
ms_there are many peers, and shows that downloading is well!!12:24
Touhou11ms_: Many ISPs speed-limit torrents at certain times, could be that12:24
MonkeyDustms_  or the peers may be slow or very busy12:25
dr_willis1000+ peers all at 99.90% done... ;)  is always amuseing..12:26
ms_Touhou11: it shows that the rate is 60kb and here it's already great!!!! I don't know yours.12:27
patr|ckthe maximum volume of the soundchip on my motherboard seems to be too low - any idea how to tune this?12:30
MonkeyDustpatr|ck  type alsamixer, see if you can change something there12:31
devswapif mplayer isnt playing correctly (its using driver x11 (slow) whats the best driver to try for h264 video12:31
=== Youri is now known as YBook
bkc_devswap: vdpau :)12:31
bkc_or opengl12:31
gordonjcpdevswap: vdpau if you have nvidia, opengl or xv12:31
patr|ckMonkeyDust, alsamixer? on Ubuntu 12.10?12:31
ms_for all of you, I'm not very good with english and sorry if theere are mistakes hein!!!12:31
gordonjcppretty much in that order12:31
bkc_patr|ck: yes?12:31
MonkeyDustpatr|ck  yes, in a terminal12:32
devswapbkc_: well its in a vm so not sure how the video driver affects that but thanks will give it a try12:35
bkc_devswap: If you're running it in a VM it's probably gonna be dead-slow anyway... start by turning 3D-acceleration ON in the VM-settings :)12:35
dr_williswhat   vm are you using?12:36
bkc_(in VirtualBox that would expose opengl 2.1 capabilities)12:36
ms_for all of you, I'm not very good with english and sorry if there are mistakes hein!!!12:37
rnamFi'm not being able to update samba 3.4.712:37
rnamFto 3.5.x12:37
rnamFany sugestions?12:37
dr_willis!info samba12:37
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.6-3ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 4056 kB, installed size 22359 kB12:37
auronandace!latest | rnamF12:37
ubotturnamF: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:37
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:38
devswapbkc_: thanks I will play - it was doing the same on my dedicated linux laptop but appreciate it isnt going to be the fastest in a vm12:38
dr_willisrnamF:  what ubuntu relesse?  3.6.6 is the latest in 12.1012:38
ShimaHello, I will take it in short12:38
ShimaI have added path to <program> into PATH.12:38
Shima# <program>  //runs ok12:38
Shima# sudo <program>  //command not found12:38
Shima# sudo echo $PATH  //path to program is there12:38
ShimaThanks for advice in advance12:38
FloodBot1Shima: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:38
bkc_!enter | Shima12:39
ubottuShima: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:39
bkc_!paste | Shima12:40
ubottuShima: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:40
rnamFshould i update to 12.04 ?12:40
Shimabtw running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS12:40
dr_willisrnamF:  dependsa on your needs.12:40
blackshirt!info python-gtk212:40
rnamFi just need to update samba12:40
ubottupython-gtk2 (source: pygtk): Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.0-3 (quantal), package size 805 kB, installed size 2956 kB12:40
rnamFthat's all12:40
=== Dark is now known as Gabber
bkc_rnamF: I'd suggest upgrading to atleast 12.04... depending on needs :)12:40
dr_willisrnamF:  i always use the latest.12:40
auronandacernamF: 10.04 desktop support ends in april 2013, up to you12:40
rnamFi've already used the PPA repository before12:41
rnamFeven comming here12:41
rnamFbut still it will only install me 3.4.712:41
dr_willisyou could always use source.. but thats a bit extreme12:42
rnamFinstead of one above 3.5.612:42
dr_willisand 10.04 is getting old12:42
rnamFyeah i'm thinking about it already12:42
dr_williswhats in the newer versions of samba that you need so badly?12:45
rnamFbug resolution12:45
rnamFon samba version12:45
dr_willisif you are making a box thats just a samba fileserver, there are dedicated distros for that sort of task alsao12:45
rnamFi know12:45
rnamFi would install another crap on this12:45
rnamFits not my machine.. :/12:45
dr_willisive no idea how hard samba is to compile. and what other implications that may have.12:45
dr_willisit would definatly be a 'you are now on your own' situation12:46
compdocubuntu 12.04.01, smbd Version 3.6.312:46
dr_willisfor a long term answer  - upgradeing to 12.04.1 would be best i imagine12:47
dr_willisassuming the upgrade dosent break other things12:48
dr_willistest passed...12:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:48
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
MrokiiDoes anybody know if there as an irc-room for google chrome (the browser)? Or did anybody else have a problem no sounds being played in the latest Chrome-versions and solved it?12:51
dr_willisMrokii:  not heard of anyone else with that issue.. at least not in here.  no sounds from flash used to be common issue ages ago12:53
dr_willisMrokii:  do webm videos from youtube work? or is it all sites?12:53
MrokiiIt's not only YouTube and I thought that I had switched YouTube to webm, but I can check.12:54
ms_is someone know how to create .pyc in python?????12:54
dr_willisthat pavucontrol panel tool may let you tweak some things.12:54
dr_willisMrokii:  not all youtuber videos are in webm so it may be playing in flash even if yiu got it set to use webm/html512:55
ms_is someone know how to create .pyc in python?????12:58
somsipms_: you just run 'python file.py' and python will create the .pyc12:58
MrokiiIt's only chrome that has this problem though. Other browsers work fine.12:58
MrokiiMaybe I should try to switch to an earlier version of Chrome.12:59
ms_somsip: normally it's like that, but I don't know why there isn't!!!13:00
=== lorenzo is now known as Guest81898
ms_somsip: it's making .pyc with some files but not with others O_o13:01
somsipms_: then #python might be a better place for you to ask13:02
ms_somsip: ok. thanks. I'll ask there.13:04
Mrokiidr_willis: Okay, it's the crome version. Chrome stable works without problems.13:05
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dr_willisthere ya go ;) time for a bug report.13:06
MrokiiYeah, seems so. :)13:06
sam__who's here?13:08
sam__need help13:09
MonkeyDustsam__  did you have a question?13:09
ms_eh oh! I tried to connect to #python and it told me that I'm not registered and I don't how to get registered there??????????13:10
sam__I'm on backtrack. unable to see the ethernet adapter!13:10
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:10
MonkeyDustsam__  join #backtrack-linux13:10
=== aether is now known as Guest75430
sam__thanks <monkeyDust>13:10
ms_blackshirt: to register where??13:11
ms_blackshirt: to register how??13:11
sam__<monkeyDust> it says "cannot send to channel"13:12
MonkeyDustsam__  the register first13:12
sam__listen! its a linux issue13:12
sam__i believe u can help13:12
Kartagissam__: this is #ubuntu, you need to go to recommended channel13:13
bkc_sam__: goto #freenode ... they can help you :)13:14
MonkeyDustsam__  backtrack is differet from linux, it's for network intrusion purposes, not for a beginner13:14
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
sam__Its about configuring ethernet on linux. I understand, but its fine i believe.13:14
MonkeyDustsam__  backtrack is differet from ubuntu, it's for network intrusion purposes, not for a beginner*13:14
k1l_sam__: if its a linux issue try #linux but since you use backtrack most will recommend #backtrack-linux13:14
sam__okay! thanks all! <over and out>13:14
ms_is someone here know how to register to #python please13:15
jrib!register | ms_13:15
ubottums_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:15
k1l_ms_: ask in #freenode for freenode specific questions13:15
MonkeyDustms type /msg nickserv register [password] [email]13:16
DBoyzI still need help with my previous question. Just informing13:16
k1l_DBoyz: cn you recall the question?13:17
quick-Hi guys i am not able to configure thunderbird for ubuntu 12.04 . Please help.13:17
ms_thanks for all of u dear friends :D13:17
k1l_quick-: what exact problems do you get?  does it give you errors messages?13:18
DBoyzk1l_: it's about my wimax card - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208434213:18
adytza23anybody here that can help me with some questions?13:18
k1l_!ask | adytza2313:18
ubottuadytza23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:18
qwdCan I use "Make Startup Disk" to put the installation disc for Debian on a usb drive, or is it Ubuntu only?13:19
bungle666Hi there, i was wondering if anybody could help me with this?? http://askubuntu.com/questions/217330/ubuntu-12-10-crashing-at-logon-screen-just-goes-funny-then-black13:19
quick-k1l_: it gives username and passowrd incorrect . But both the username and password are correct . Is it because i am behind a proxy ?13:19
adytza23i have an asus eepc 1015bx and i can't install neither xubuntu or lubuntu because it gives me a black screen after the instalation is finnished13:20
bungle666im getting REALLY frustrated with it!13:20
adytza23anybody knows what\s happening and a fix for it?13:20
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | adytza23 try this13:23
ubottuadytza23 try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:23
bungle666There must be someone out there who can help me??!! surely!! :) http://askubuntu.com/questions/217330/ubuntu-12-10-crashing-at-logon-screen-just-goes-funny-then-black13:24
tarelerulzDo any of you have an nvidia card?13:25
Bier_why does nothing happen when i open an iso with archive mounter?13:25
laurusMy scrollbars under Adwaita in Openbox are really thin and are missing the arrow buttons. What to do to fix this?13:26
jribtarelerulz: just ask your real question13:26
Bier_oh hey jrib13:27
jribBier_: hi13:27
pybeis there a way to make 12.10 to redetect nics13:28
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest12779
blackshirtpybe, redetect nic ?13:28
brantjeWhen i install 10.04 from cd everything is fine, when i upgrade to 12.04.1 i get weird issue's: Screen is randomly put in standby, UI freezes and crashes... This also happens when i install 12.04 from usb13:29
tarelerulzI have nvidia gforce gt 425m . I have this problem with people looking blue on youtube . I have no idea how to fix it13:29
MonkeyDusttarelerulz  firefox? if yes, disable (or enable) hardware accelleration13:30
MonkeyDusti forget which ^13:30
brantjeWhen i install 10.04 from cd everything is fine, when i upgrade to 12.04.1 i get weird issue's: Screen is randomly put in standby, UI freezes and crashes... This also happens when i install 12.04 from usb13:31
pybeblackshirt, I installed with my laptop connected to a dock and now the nic port on my actual laptop doesnt seem to funtion13:31
tarelerulzWell,  thanks , I thought I would have to install the nvidia drivers13:31
thankLooking for some assistance with Ubuntu 12.1013:32
flurrywhat u want to know ?13:33
thankI have a Lenovo M91P and I am running 12.10 x64. The systems runs great but when I leave it on over night it is a ticking time bomb. When I come back to work in the morning, it may be locked up and it takes out out computers network13:34
thankSo everything plugged into the same switch stops responding on the network.13:35
Erik_Dthank: advice of shuting down at the end of the day aside, what do you mean by locks up?13:35
fluitfriesis there a linux app that will monitor blog feeds and auto-download any mp3 or audio files attached?13:35
masakis there any way I can make my Ubuntu stop nagging me about upgrading to 11.10?13:36
masakeven if I click "No, thanks", at regular intervals the dialog box pops up again.13:36
Erik_Dmasak: turn off update checking?13:36
* masak tries that13:36
Erik_Dmasak: I forgot where the option is though, and I'm not sure if it will actually work13:37
thankhold please taking a phone call13:37
Bier_jrib can you help me mount an iso13:38
Bier_i installes furius iso mount and mounted it, but it doesnt show13:38
jrib!iso | Bier_13:38
ubottuBier_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:38
masakErik_D: found it. thank you.13:38
ShimaHello, I have edited /etc/sudoers.d/README with gedit. I have miss-typed so my sudo does not work anymore. On google I have found that I can boot to recovery mode and fix it from there. But there is only possibility to run root-shel, but I dont have root enabled -> I am not able to run it. Does anybody know how to fix it? Ubuntu 12.04LTS. Thanks in advance13:39
Erik_DShima: edit it back through a live CD?13:39
Bier_jrib what is mountpoint?13:40
KartagisREADME shouldn't render your sudo useless13:40
Shimamy DVD-ROM is not quite functional, so I cant burn one :/13:40
jribBier_: just any directory you want (and have write permission to).  You can create a new directory if you wish and use that13:40
Bier_so I type in something like E:\13:41
ShimaThere must be at least one file in that directory -> now this one is mulfunctional13:41
jribKartagis: it might13:41
Erik_DShima: Kartagis raises a very good point... What else have you edited?13:41
=== Greek_Dick is now known as _Greek_Dick
Kartagisyeah, wut?13:41
jrib /etc/sudoers.d/README should get sourced afaict.  It's just all commented by default though13:42
eliseue ai gente13:42
skipp3rhi all, i am trying to install super-boot-manager on 12.04 (64bit), in the terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ingalex/super-boot-manager and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install super-boot-manager, but it says: E: Unable to locate package super-boot-manager, any idea?13:42
Shimait is wriiten in that file13:42
harrypotter2which is best mac theme for ubuntu 12.0413:42
jribShima: just boot recovery mode and undo your changes13:42
Kartagisjrib: isn't the file to be edited /etc/sudoers?13:42
Shimawhat should I choose in recoverz?13:42
Erik_DBier_: this is linux, not windows. Drives don't get named like that. you could mount it to something like /home/yourUserName/Desktop13:43
jribKartagis: yes but /etc/sudoers has this in it: #includedir /etc/sudoers.d, which will in turn source files in /etc/sudoers.d/ (and README explains more details)13:43
jribShima: root shell13:43
ShimaI have root not enabled13:43
Kartagisjrib: it is commented out, no?13:43
jribShima: that's fine.  That means you'll just get a root shell.13:43
Shima* I dont have root enabled13:43
jribKartagis: I think that's the proper syntax.  Not sure.13:44
ShimaIt needs password, I have tried mine, none, and some others and nothing worked13:44
jribShima: it would only ask for a password if you set one.13:44
Kartagisjrib: if it were, all lines would have been processed13:45
jribKartagis: yes, I just verified in « man sudoers »13:45
Shimafor me, but root is diabled by default and have no password13:45
jribKartagis: presumably he created some sort of syntax issue in the lines being included from README13:45
ThinkT510Shima: thats the way its meant to be on ubuntu13:45
jribShima: recove mode will only ask for a password if you set one for root13:45
=== vincent is now known as Guest62524
ShimaI gues I did not set one13:46
jribShima: (this includes setting one and not properly undoing it)13:46
ThinkT510!noroot | Shima13:46
ubottuShima: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.13:46
jribShima: if you can't get to recovery mode then you either need to use the init=/bin/bash trick or a live cd.  Others can help you with that as I need to go.13:46
Shimathank for advices guys, I will try them13:47
thankokay I am back13:48
dr_willis'single' user mode is similer to the init=/bin/bash method also13:48
thankLet me give a little more background13:48
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:49
tarelerulzStill have people looking blue on youtube , I turned off hardware  decoding in firefox .  What do I do now13:49
thankI am an network and systems manger and this Ubuntu computer is used to run multiple virtualbox's13:49
thankI have always have great luck running Ubuntu desktops and servers13:50
ThinkT510!enter | thank13:50
ubottuthank: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:50
dr_willistarelerulz:  i recall the adkubuntu.com site had several 'fixs' for it. all i had to do was disable 'hardware accelleration'13:50
dsnyderstarelerulz, Is it just youtube?13:50
thankokay sorry13:50
brantjeWhen i install 10.04 from cd everything is fine, when i upgrade to 12.04.1 i get weird issue's: Screen is randomly put in standby, UI freezes and crashes... This also happens when i install 12.04 from usb13:50
dr_willistarelerulz:  there are flash replacer plugins for firefox that play flash videos in vlc, or mplayer, or totem also13:51
tarelerulzJust youtube , is all I have seen it on. Everthing else that use flash seems to work right13:51
file_hello i have a problem with distcc. Is there a way to change the gcc version it uses, cause distcc -v tells me it uses gcc-4.6 but i needd 4.513:51
domiedoes anyone have samsung galaxy s and successfully paired it with ubuntu?13:52
jiohditarelerulz, incase no one mentioned yet... the latest flash is only available for linux on google-chrome13:52
thankMy system locks up during the night. when I come in in the morning, video, keyboard, and mouse are unresponsive. all computers on the same switch are off the network.13:52
domiei can only send files from ubuntu but i can't send files from the phone to the pc13:52
dr_willisdomie:  why use bluetooth? wifi will be much much faster13:53
domiebecause android can't see my adhoc connection :(13:53
tarelerulzHow do you even tell what version of flash you have?13:53
BluesKajHi all13:53
dr_willisdomie:  ive also seen alternative bluetoth clients for android ive had to use for some problem machines/phones to transfer files13:54
=== root is now known as Guest42018
dr_willisdomie:  was using one called 'bluetooth file transfer' last week. worked well for an old phone i was having issues with. astro file manager also has a bt module13:55
thankanyone having problems with Package plymouth 0.8.4-0ubuntu3?13:55
shyrainhoe to study ubuntu?13:55
domiedr_willis, ty I'll search13:56
geekbrishyrain: install it and use it13:56
dr_willisdomie:  as for pareing. ive seen where i have to  'innitate' the pairing from the phone and not the pc in the past. other way dident work13:56
dr_willis!manual | shyrain13:56
ubottushyrain: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:56
shyraini  hava  installed13:56
devswapjust installing inkscape and being offered add-ons of Diagram editor (dia) and Dia (dia-gnome) surely thats going to install two copies of the same thing?13:57
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
basketballstarin ubuntu 12.10 how do i get into gnome13:58
cindirellastart sound don't work please help me13:59
dr_willisinstall the gnome-shell package i think basketballstar13:59
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.13:59
=== Guest38154 is now known as jsec
dr_willisif you mean gnome shell  ;)14:00
basketballstarwhat is better nome or ubuntu default14:00
dr_williswebupd8 or omgubuntu had an artical on getting the full gnome-shell experience14:00
dr_willisbasketballstar:  try them both. decide for yourself.14:00
MonkeyDustbasketballstar  guess you mean gnome-shell -- depends on what you like most14:00
dr_willisunity is using gnome.14:00
Bier_is it impossible to mount a game iso?14:01
basketballstarwhat is the other linux os14:01
cindirellawireless as well14:01
MonkeyDustbasketballstar  distrowatch gives somewhat an idea of popular distros14:02
Bier_im trying to mount fallout 314:02
Bier_i got it mounted, but it comes up blank14:03
Bier_hm nevermind other games seem to work14:03
=== MartinS is now known as Guest47478
basketballstarcindirella,  enter lsusb in terminal paste the results in http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:04
basketballstardr_willis,  how do i get linux mint in ubuntu14:04
bkc_basketballstar: you don't... mint != ubuntu :)14:04
thankcan anyone help with a 12.10 system locking up?14:04
bkc_!mint | basketballstar14:05
ubottubasketballstar: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:05
cindirellastart sound doesn't wok yet14:05
cindirellastart sound doesn't work14:06
MonkeyDustbasketballstar  choose either mint or ubuntu, they are different14:06
dr_willisbasketballstar:  there are repositories for some of the mint tools you can install in ubuntu. but i dont see the point in it14:06
dr_willisbasketballstar:  i suggest spending  a month or  with normal ubuntu and unity befor messing with other things14:07
wide_awakeDoes anyone know how to disable "grouping" of app windows in the alt-tab window switcher?14:07
basketballstari have had normal ubuntu for a long time14:08
dr_williswide_awake:  it msy be a setting in the compix tool settings.   but i dont know where14:08
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:08
wide_awakedr_willis, I poked around in there some, but didn't find anything14:08
dr_willis'ccsm' has all sorts of settings you can tweak. use with care. i would check on askubuntu.com also14:08
wide_awakedr_willis, will do, thanks14:09
dr_willisthey may point to the right place14:09
MonkeyDustwide_awake  try this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/11/unsettings-a-comprehensive-tweaking-tool-for-unity14:09
dr_willisive not explored usettings much ;)14:09
dr_willisit would be nice to have a modular/expandable 'tweak/setting' system  so we dident need 3+ different tweak tools14:10
wide_awakeMonkeyDust, looking, thx14:10
dr_willisand make it searachablle via dash/hud14:10
wide_awakedr_willis, +114:10
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MonkeyDustright mouseclick in gnome3 panels would be nice14:11
dr_willistoo confuseing. ;)14:11
wide_awakedr_willis, do you know what "<primary>" means in the keyboard shortcuts in CCSM?14:11
dr_willisisent thet the normal mouse left button?14:12
dr_willis #compiz may know better14:13
fridrikþað er svo undarlegt með unga menn14:16
fridrikí ungum stúlkum þeir skotnir eru enn14:16
BluesKaj!is | fridrik14:17
MonkeyDustwhat language is that?14:18
duelleMonkeyDust: Sounds like icelandic - but not sure ;)14:18
BluesKajit is icelandic ..looks like danish/swedish...sort of :)14:19
duellegoogle translate says, that his text does not have much to do with ubuntu ;)14:20
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wide_awakebah, there's a setting in compiz to make it worse (and *never* expand the collapsed app windows)14:22
wide_awakenothing I can see to make it better though :(14:22
netzsoochello, is there a way I can connect my android phone to ubuntu (via wire) so I can download or upload files14:31
escottnetzsooc, you need to install an mtp program (assuming you have android 4)14:31
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dr_willisolder android have a usb mode. works same as a flash drive would14:34
dr_willisor use wifi. that would be faster14:34
netzsoocsorry, I made a mistake and got disconnected, so what where you saying about mtp?14:36
dr_willisolder android have a usb mode. works same as a flash drive would14:36
dr_willisor use wifi. that would be faster14:36
dr_willisdepends on the phone14:36
netzsoocso to install this mtp is just like sudo apt-get install mtp?14:38
dr_williswhats your specific phone?14:39
netzsoocit is an lg l514:39
dr_willisonly newer phones need the mtp stuff14:39
netzsoocwith ICS14:39
dr_willisomgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites had some guides on it14:39
netzsoocgoogled for them but didn't find, I will regoogle, thanx14:39
dr_willisive only dont it wired once. saw how wifi was faster. ;)14:40
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netzsoochow to sync via wifi?14:41
dr_willisi jusy copy files/back/forth same as i would a pc14:42
j105robanyone have this error before? I am trying to start virt-manager and get ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libxml2mod.so: symbol xmlFirstElementChild, version LIBXML2_2.7.3 not defined in file libxml2.so.2 with link time reference14:43
j105robI do have vmware worstation installed14:43
netzsoocbut then, I would need to root my phone, don't I?14:43
dr_willisnetzsooc:  root to copy files? err... no...14:43
dr_willisi copy my pictures/muzak/videos back and forth.14:44
dr_willisyou can do it a dozen different ways over eifi14:44
netzsoocok I will google about that, haven't thought about that... thanks a lot14:45
dr_willissamba server and astro file manager. is one way.   ssh and a scp client on android is another way14:46
netzsoocso I could make my ubuntu box a ssh server14:46
dr_willisftp can work. ;) then theres various web-file-server tools on android14:46
netzsoocand then use android as client?14:46
DBoyzand i'm here to ask for the same question again: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208434214:46
dr_willisssh server = trivial to setup14:46
dr_willisseveral ssh clients for android ;)14:47
dr_willismany file managers got the features also14:47
netzsoocyes, yes... I think I know how to do that14:47
netzsoocthanks a lot14:47
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fyksenHey! I got a question about webapps in 12.10. Is it possible to remove the unity icon but still have the "messages menu"  activated for facebook?14:54
fluitfrieshi all, i am having this issue with chromium and html5 video.  any ideas?  (not my thread) http://askubuntu.com/questions/211543/youtube-playback-in-chromium-ruined-by-snow14:54
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SierraARWhats the command in terminal to run a .run file?14:56
fyksenSierraAR, Make it executable and ./thefile14:57
fyksenSierraAR, if that made any sence to you?14:57
SierraARfyksen, so chmod -x file.run, ./file.run?14:57
fyksenSierraAR, in 2 commands yes14:57
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fyksenfirst chmod -X file14:58
fyksenthen ./file14:58
SierraARSo this is what comes up when trying to run the file using the instructions fyksen gave me:15:00
dr_williserr +x15:00
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:01
SierraARAh that makes sense, +x instead of -15:01
SierraARThanks dr-willis15:01
dr_willisyou messing with the nvidia .run drivers?15:01
hailhello, i'm new at this.....how do i use this?15:04
bazhanghail, this is ubuntu support15:04
MonkeyDusthail  use what?15:05
neilhi is it necessary to increase memory swap in netbooks running ubuntu15:05
bazhanghail, if you have a support question, ask and if someone knows they will answer15:05
haili just can ask things here for some help?15:05
bazhanghail, related to ubuntu tech support, yes15:05
neilhi is it necessary to increase memory swap in netbooks running ubuntu?15:06
bazhangneil, whats the current swap, and how much ram15:06
neil1gb ram current swap is set to 1015:07
brantjehow can i disable the iptables firewall?15:07
bazhangneil, thats already way too much15:07
MonkeyDustneil  10GB swap?15:07
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hailNice. have only 1 at this time. How do i add a folder in nautilus, not under bookmarks but under computer?15:07
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SierraARdr_willis, installing teamspeak 315:07
MonkeyDusthail  right click, new folder15:07
SierraARdr_willis, and trying to learn how to use Terminal by doing as much as I can with it15:08
MonkeyDusthail  or what do you mean?15:08
neilso what is suggested for one gb ram15:08
disputinbuy more?!?15:08
bazhangneil, one gb or two at most15:08
hailwhen you open a folder...in the sidebar....15:08
MonkeyDusthail  yes, then right click in the right panel15:09
neilso what is the vAlue?15:09
bazhangneil, one, or two at the most15:09
neilso when i go "cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness" it should appear as 1?15:10
bazhangneil, vm?15:10
hailmonkeydust, does not work ,only can open or delete, rename folders15:10
neilcat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness when i type this at the terminal result is 10.15:11
bazhangneil, thisis a vm?15:11
* BlindTravel loves irssi15:11
neili dont even know what a vm is i just followed some instruction on how to speed up my netbook on some forum15:12
ThinkT510bazhang: in this context i think it means virtual memory15:12
bazhangneil, a virtual machine, such as vmware/vbox15:12
bazhangThinkT510, ah ok15:12
MonkeyDusthail  start from the beginning, what were you doing or trying before you came here15:12
neiloh K15:12
neilso what should appear if i go cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness15:12
bazhangneil, that wont speed things up much15:13
SierraARAny idea why ubuntu doesn't seem to detect the two extra buttons my mouse has?15:13
neili see well i'll just change it back to default which is 60 then15:13
neilso what is the best way to speed up my netbook with 1gb RAM15:14
bazhanguse something like lxde/openbox   lubuntu neil15:14
MonkeyDustneil  i use preload and prelink15:14
hailMonkeydust. maybe i must be more clear. i can add a bookmark and then it gets placed under  bookmarks. but i want to add folders under computer, like the video, home, documents folders15:14
neilbut i like unity so much hehehe15:15
bazhanglubuntu-desktop package will give you that neil15:15
LucidGuyNX performance:  My old laptop running NX has a much faster refresh/response then a Linux kvm-vm system also running NX?  Anyone have idea why the laptop responds so much faster?  The host running the vm is doing little to nothing/idle.15:15
bazhangthen choose from the login window neil15:15
neilok so i will install lubuntu environment and it will give me the same interface, am i right?15:16
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bazhangneil, a much lighter one15:16
MonkeyDusthail  for anything outside /home, you need sudo -- try sudo mkdir blah in a terminal15:17
mac_hi All !15:17
neilbut the interface or the desktop is gonna be different right15:17
bazhangneil, that is correct15:18
mbeierlneil, just curious - why were you playing with the swappiness setting?15:18
[jasper]hej guys, how can I let the command iwconfig wlan0 power off always run on startup?15:18
[jasper]my networking device only works after I issued this command..15:19
neilmbeierl, i just thought that it might speed up my netbook15:19
neilbazhang but i like ubuntu's interface with the dash and all those, looks cool on my netbook :)15:20
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mbeierlneil, again, curious - are you aware of what that setting does?  Just to help with your performance, I want to make sure you're not chasing the wrong thing15:21
[jasper]anyone ?15:22
guang_how to "man mysql_real_connect",i have installed libmysql++-doc15:22
neilwell a forum says it should speed up the netbooks performance, what does it do really?15:22
mbeierl[jasper], does that need to be run at any particular time?  You could add it to /etc/rc.local15:22
martianI have a remote system mounted with cifs and the host is now down. I can't seem to umount it. When I try, it says the device is busy. If I try to use fuser to find out what process is using it, it stalls forever. What can I do to force a umount?15:23
mbeierlneil, it is a setting that controls whether the OS should push programs that are not actively being used out into swap in order to cache disk I/O instead.  Not something that is typically tweaked for a desktop environment15:23
MonkeyDustmartian  i use fuser [mountpoint]15:24
MonkeyDustmartian  i use fuser -m [mountpoint]15:24
[jasper]mbeierl I guess after the wifi device is initialised15:24
[jasper]by the servers15:24
martianMonkeyDust: yeah, that's also stalling :-/15:24
neilso i guess i will just leave it at 60which is at default then use lubuntu instead?15:24
alx_torresalguiena anda ahi??15:24
mbeierlneil, with 1g RAM, you need to figure out if RAM is really the bottleneck.  One way is to see if swap is being used a lot15:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:24
neilhow do you do that15:25
mbeierlneil, "top" from a terminal can give a nice overview.  When it's running, press the "m" key and it will sort by which programs are using the most memory15:25
neillet me try that15:26
mbeierlneil, and the headers at the top of the "top" output will also show how much RAM is in use and how much swap is in use15:26
DaemonicApathyI find htop to be quite useful as well, and a bit more detailed than top.15:27
mbeierlDaemonicApathy, true.15:27
MonkeyDustmartian  try umount -vl     (read that in my book here)15:27
neilthis is what appeared: Mem:   1014800k total,   909668k used,   105132k free,   126648k buffers15:28
neilSwap:  1543676k total,     3344k used,  1540332k free,   338796k cached15:28
martianMonkeyDust: Wahoo! Thanks!15:28
MonkeyDustmartian  lesson learned: read books!!!15:28
martianMonkeyDust: mmmhmm!15:28
rocketranyone know if theres a 'send to kindle' alternative for ubuntu? this is one small piece of software I utterly love on my PC. right click a mobi, and send it to my kindle wirelessly. Its wonderful.15:30
neilwith what i had on top is that a normal?15:30
mbeierlneil, from that I would not conclude that memory is an issue at this time.15:30
neilso how do i fix it15:31
phaedralmy users want to click a button and have image added in line; trying to explain why uploading first is better/required15:31
mbeierlneil, I don't know what "it" refers to.  Was it faster before and now suddenly it is slow?15:31
mbeierl[jasper], you could try it in /etc/rc.local and see.  I don't know the driver or its place in the startup. Alternatively, you could make it a user script that is run when the user logs in15:32
neilyeah... "it" meaning the results when i go "top"15:32
mbeierlneil, the results of top look normal.  good, in fact.15:33
neili thought there is something wrong because it was faster before.15:33
mbeierlneil, faster before... when?  What changed since then and what feels slower?15:34
neileverytime i launch anything like nautilus and firefox including google chrome15:35
holsteinneil: i was reading that htop or top was slower than before.. your system is slower than before? have you recently upgraded?15:35
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mbeierlneil, and this started happening spontaneously?  check /var/log/syslog to see if it's reporting errors from the disk?15:36
neiland error messages appear like internal errors thingy15:36
Guest72700Hey, im about to format an usb stick using gparted.. i need to start it as an admin or smth, can i write someting in the terminal like: "admin" gparted , sudo didn't work15:36
holsteinGuest72700: gksudo gparted15:36
mbeierlneil, what error messages.  This might be the real cause15:36
MonkeyDustGuest72700  gksudo15:36
DaemonicApathyrocketr: there is a script to "Send to Kindle", if you're interested.15:36
neilit says something like an internal error occured15:37
holsteinneil: use pastebin to share *exactly*15:37
neil /var/log/syslog does not do anything it says permission denied15:37
mbeierlneil, my apologies: "it"?  Where is that message coming from15:37
mbeierlneil, /var/log/syslog is not a command - it is a file which contains system messages.  try tail -100 /var/log/messages15:38
mbeierlneil, actually: tail -100 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit15:38
neilso i need to put that on the terminal?15:39
mbeierlneil, and ignore my reference to "/var/log/messages" - that's an older version of the file name15:39
mbeierlneil, yes, put "tail -100 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit" into a terminal and post the URL here so we can see it15:39
dshineri miss my /var/log/messages *sniffle*15:39
TheRedOctoberGreetings all. kpropd (kerberos v5 slave KDC update server) doesn't appear to be registered as a service in upstart, you have to daemonize it on startup with a command. What would be the best method to register and run it as a service? (ie. so it can be handled as a puppet service resource)15:40
mbeierldshiner, symlink for those days when muscle memory is too strong? :)15:40
neilok one moment15:40
Shizuo16how can i modefie the start up Menu to start ubuntu first15:42
holsteinShizuo16: grub? i would refer to15:42
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:42
Guest72700hmmmmm, if i got an iso file, and wanna make that file to an bootable usb stick.. how to i do this, i don't get anything about ubuntu thats why i need to change it ha. ha.15:43
holsteinGuest72700: i use unetbootin15:43
bazhangGuest72700, dd unetbootin, amongst others15:44
DaemonicApathyGuest72700, depending on the iso in question, you can use netbootin, Ubuntu's startup disk creator, or just braseiro/acetoneiso...15:44
mbeierlneil, ok, that doesn't show anything.  Where is this error message you see?15:44
Guest72700trying unetbooting15:44
neilit comes out randomly.15:44
Shizuo16holstein: yep15:44
Shizuo16holstein: i'm using dual boot win7 ubuntu and recently add bt gnome3 and  now when i start up my pc i need to move the arrow to get in ubuntu15:46
mbeierlneil, comes out of what?15:47
neilit appears at random15:47
neilanytime when im using my netbook15:48
Shizuo16how can i modefie the start up Menu to start ubuntu first15:48
holsteinShizuo16: i just move the arrow.. i always have a few different kernels and/or OS's... you can learn how to change the order at that link.. or just change the "DEFAULT=" with 0 being the first entry15:48
Shizuo16holstein: where is the link15:49
holstein!grub | Shizuo1615:49
ubottuShizuo16: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:49
mbeierlneil, sorry.  without knowing how this message is presented to you, I can't help diagnose it further.15:49
dr_willisit depends on what os is manageing the boot menu also15:49
dr_willisodd thet ubuntu dident out ubuntu first15:49
holsteinShizuo16: i hesitate to drop the command here, as you can make your system not boot by editing this without a little research15:50
neilwell i guess i just wait for it to appear.15:50
dr_willisShizuo16:  its possible you could just  reinstall grub from ubuntu, and ikt will put ubuntu first. if bt is the last os installed it may be the one controlling grub15:51
neilit appears as a dialog box if that would help15:51
Shizuo16holstein: ahha you mean i have to check this links then you're gona tell me how to15:51
holsteindr_willis: i think Shizuo16 wants windows as the first... Shizuo16 , i would set windows as the default.. and leave the order15:51
Shizuo16dr_willis: ahha i didn't think of it ;)15:52
SierraARAnybody know how I would find ubuntu software center in top/htop? It seems to be stuck and limbo and cant decide if it's running or dead15:52
dr_willisShizuo16:  its worth learning how grub works befor trying things that may break it15:52
holsteinShizuo16: what im saying is, the links tell you how... you can edit the "DEFAULT=" and not "break" anything too bad15:52
SierraARstuck in limbo*15:52
mbeierlneil, it does :)  what version of ubuntu are you using again?15:52
Shizuo16holstein: i wanna make ubuntu the default15:52
holsteinShizuo16: you can make whatever you choose as the default15:52
dr_willisShizuo16:  boot to ubuntu, rerun 'sudo update-grub'15:52
mbeierlneil, and that's unity that you have, correct?15:52
dr_willisShizuo16:  then ubuntu is the os controlling the grub menu15:52
dr_willisShizuo16:  and ubuntu puts itself first in the list15:53
Shizuo16dr_willis: all right gona try it15:53
mbeierlneil, I'm using ubuntu studio, which is XFCE based, so I can't confirm this, but that might be what happens when any program core dumps.15:53
mbeierlCan anyone confirm the behaviour of unity notification when a crash is detected?15:54
neilwhat do you mean by that>?15:54
Shizuo16holstein: i'm checkin the links ;)15:54
dr_willisgrub is worth learning if you are doing complex setups15:54
mbeierlneil, well, there are many different programs that run in the background - including screensavers.  Let's say one screensaver crashed at some point - for whatever reason.  This then leaves a "core dump" behind.  This is a dump of the memory of the program at the time it crashed - useful for debugging the cause of the crash15:55
PhryqHey, are there any other room where you can gert help with arch beside #arch?15:55
mbeierlneil, then, at periodic intervals, there is a notification utility which looks for these remnants and then notifies you "a program has crashed - can we sent the error report to the ubuntu devs?"15:56
bazhangmbeierl, apport15:56
Shizuo16holstein: ahha i knew how to restore grub when lost you mean it's the same too make it on the top ?!15:56
mbeierlneil, and as I don't use unity - I'm hoping someone else can confirm if what you are seeing sounds like one of those reports\15:56
mbeierlbazhang, thanks - apport!15:57
PhryqHmmm, it tells me I need to be identified with services15:57
PhryqDoes that mean I need an account or something?15:57
bazhang!register | Phryq15:57
ubottuPhryq: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:57
Shizuo16dr_willis: i dont need to reinstall grub from live cd just by updating ?!15:57
holsteinShizuo16: i wouldnt change the order, though you can.. i would just change the default.. i find less stuff is breakable15:57
mbeierlneil, which means the error message is NOT the cause of the slowdown and we can rule that out15:57
bazhangPhryq, #freenode for help with that15:57
neilthanks man15:57
neilso that's normal when something crashes on ubuntu?15:58
neilmeaning to say it is not that stable or my netbook is not stable?15:58
bazhangneil, apport should handle that, yes15:59
neilapport? what's that?15:59
bazhangneil, meaning that software has bugs, and they need to be reported to improve the software15:59
bazhangneil, the bug/crash reporter15:59
mbeierlneil, provided the error message you are seeing is in fact from apport itself finding a crash report15:59
Shizuo16holstein: how can i change the "default" in here they show you how to  reinstall grub 215:59
holsteinShizuo16: sudo nano /etc/default/grub ...though you may want to back this up before editing15:59
neilso where do i get apport?16:00
holsteinin there you will see GRUB_DEFAULT=016:00
Touhou11It's installed by default16:00
mbeierlneil, apport is installed by default as part of the OS16:00
bazhangneil, it will pop up if there is a crash, and ask if you wish to file a bug16:00
neilhow do i run that?16:00
neilah yeah16:00
bazhangneil, wait for it16:00
neilthat did happen16:00
Shizuo16holstein: all right gona backup this just in case16:00
holsteinShizuo16: and in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_2 you see waht im suggesting16:00
holsteinShizuo16: 0 being the first in the list.. you can set it to whatever OS you want to boot by default16:01
mbeierlneil, I should clarify: it runs in the background all the time.  it periodically picks up reports and asks if they can be sent off.  Or it is directly called when a program crashes16:01
neilso again just to makes things clear, it is a normal behaviour for ubuntu to have bugs?16:01
MonkeyDustmbeierl  yeah, happens here too, in ubuntu classic16:01
TheLordOfTimeneil, every OS has bugs.16:01
mbeierlneil, there is no software that is perfect.16:01
TheLordOfTimeneil, it happens with *everything*16:01
neilyep i gotch16:01
bazhangneil, of course. every OS has them16:02
holsteinShizuo16: you can also read the other main link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 on how to change the order16:02
neiljust wanna clarify if what im thinking is right...hehehe16:02
holsteinShizuo16: also, in the documentation is that you need to run "sudo update-grub" after editing that file... that is to make the changes take effect16:02
mbeierlneil, however, the cause of the crash is something else.  Yes they happen, but if it happens a lot, that is not normal and might indicate a problem16:03
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mbeierlneil, for example, if I am running a not-very-popular video card, it is possible that it does not work the same way as the other ones and can cause some programs to experience problems in certain cases16:04
holsteinShizuo16: what would i do? i turn off auto grub booting and select manually when i have "complex" booting scenarios16:04
neilwell i normally experience an issue like when a window is loading it sort of like dims itself. like glowing or flashing ?16:04
mbeierlneil, and as it is not popular, it has not received the same about of testing an development16:04
Shizuo16holstein: i'm going to edite the default16:04
mbeierlneil, um.... as a non-unity user I don't know what the experience is supposed to be like.16:05
Jordan_Udr_willis: holstein: Remember that right now it's Backtrack's /boot/grub/grub.cfg being read at boot, and "update-grub" just re-writes /boot/grub/grub.cfg. If you want to change which distribution is controlling the grub menu you need to use grub-install.16:05
gordonjcpneil: it'll do that if it's taking a very long time for the app to respond16:05
mbeierlneil, is the launcher that you click glowing/flashing?16:05
gordonjcpneil: I get that when I'm starting to bang off the end of swap ;-)16:06
holsteinneil: is this after an upgrade to 12.10? there is no fallback mode of unity.. i appolize if that is in the scroll back somewhere16:06
neilnope it is the window.16:06
Shizuo16holstein: XD what should i change in this file ?!!!!!16:06
neil<holstein> im using 12.0416:06
holsteinShizuo16: the line i posted about "default".. unless you want to change the order as Jordan_U suggests16:06
mbeierlneil, ah yes... that's right.  If an application becomes unresponsive, it gets "dimmed" to give you a hint that it is not responding16:06
neilthat always happens16:07
holsteinShizuo16: that is outlined in the link about ediing /boot/grub/grub.cfg... as Jordan_U states, update-grub poplulates that from /etc/default/grub and other things16:08
mbeierlneil, ok, we're back again to swap and lack of memory.  Which did not appear to be the case from top.  Perhaps the report from top was at a bad time - like the system was not slow when you ran the command....16:08
holsteinShizuo16: i would change the "DEFAULT=" line to reflect the OS i want to boot as default16:08
neilah i see16:09
neilso i need to wait for it to slowdown16:09
mbeierlneil, this is what I'm thinking.  Again, I find myself wanting to ask what has changed since it used to feel "faster"?16:10
mbeierlneil, it should not slow down without a reason16:11
NikPHow can I change the colors from gnome-terminal to16:11
MonkeyDustNikP  edit > profile preferences16:11
brantjeDecreased mem usage from 1.5Gb to 813MB ^_^16:11
NikPnik@nik-ubuntu green and ~$16:11
neilyeah i know16:12
neilbut it is really hard to figure it out16:12
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NikPHow can I change the colors from gnome-terminal, that the "nik@nik-ubuntu" green is and the "~$" blue?16:13
Shizuo16holstein: steel the same problem16:13
NikPIn the profile preferences I can't change that.16:13
Touhou11NikP: Just define the colours you want in your .bashrc16:13
Shizuo16holstein: i change the default line to 0 and sudo update-grub  and the same problem16:14
Touhou11NikP: Or your global bash config if you'd prefer16:14
dr_willisNikP:  check out the 'bash prompt howto' theres dozens of tricks you can do16:14
holsteinShizuo16: well, to be clear... there is no "problem"16:14
holsteinShizuo16: one thing could be, you are editing the grub in the os that didnt install grub16:15
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Touhou11NikP: This is all presuming you're using bash as your shell, will be slightly different for zsh, csh etc16:15
holsteinShizuo16: you can share any error messages...16:15
neilwell i think i need to park that out for some time and check if my netbook would continue to be slow16:15
Shizuo16holstein: you mean i have to edite the grub in Bt16:16
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neilanother question i have in mind is the window size it. Like whenever i save a file and a window will pop out it is always bigger that my screen like i cannot see ok from the bottom16:17
holsteinShizuo16: you dont have to editin grub, but if you want to make changes to the grub that is controlling the system, you should edit that particular grub16:17
holsteinShizuo16: if it were my machine, i would just test different ones til i found the one that worked.. or restore it with a live CD so i know where it is16:17
Shizuo16holstein: so you mean reinstalling grub 2 from live  cd will fix the problem16:18
Krambiorixhi guys, i want the number of files starting with ~     , i try with find ./-name "~$*" .  -> but that shows all files in all underlaying directories.... Can someonen help?16:18
NikPTouhou11: OK, after editing it, it works.16:18
holsteinShizuo16: there is no problem.. but reinstalling whll help you know exactly which grub to edit16:19
NikPTouhou11: But where can I change it for the virtual consoles (e.g. ctrl+alt+F1)16:19
dr_willisShizuo16: or boot to ubuntu. update-grub. then  ubuntu should be controlling it16:19
NikPTouhou11: Oh, now it works too. Thank you!16:19
holsteinShizuo16: i need to run.. i would just leave well enough alone for a bit, and maybe edit on a simpler setup... create one in virtualbox and "break" it to test.. enjoy!16:20
Shizuo16dr_willis: already tryed your way and wont work i update grub but wont control anything16:20
dr_willisShizuo16: it may be installing grub to a different location or hard drive.16:21
magmais Skype in the repositories of ubuntu 12.10?16:21
sianhuloguys, even tough my bios recognizes my usb stick, I cannot boot from it(yeah, changed bott order). Is a sandisk with u3(I don't know if this afects it as it automatically create another partition)or if is the fact that is 1gb(ubuntu.com says that it has to have at least 2gb of free space to make a live usb, but it actually fits without a problem in my usb stick)16:21
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Krambiorixhi guys, i want the number of files starting with ~     , i try with find ./-name "~$*" .  -> but that shows all files in all underlaying directories.... Can someonen help?16:21
sianhulotl;dr have a 1gb pendrive, my bios recognizes it but it doesn't boot so i cannot reinstall16:22
dr_willisShizuo16: the boot-repair tool may fix it. or try       sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc16:22
magmaAnyone here use skype with ubuntu?16:22
Shizuo16dr_willis: going to reinstall grub with live cd then16:22
Touhou11magma: Yes16:22
mrdaviddoes anyone know how to filter mode changes in a channel in weechat?16:23
OerHekssianhulo, in software centre there is a u3 tool, to get rid of the uses U3 stuff> sudo apt-get install u3-tool16:23
mrdavidI'm already filtering joins, parts, and quits16:23
dr_willisShizuo16: the boot-repair tool can be ran frpm your ubuntu install16:23
neilok im back16:23
sianhuloderheks, thank you, didn't know such tool existed. brb16:23
neiland yeah help with the windows size on ubuntu?16:23
MonkeyDustKrambiorix  try adding -maxdepth 116:24
KrambiorixMonkeyDust, i want it recursively16:25
MonkeyDustKrambiorix  or change 1 to something higher, as it suits you16:25
magmaTouhou11, how did you install it?16:25
Touhou11magma: You can get it from the Ubuntu software centre, though you may need to enable the "partner repositories" first since it's proprietary software16:26
neilhelp with the windows size on ubuntu?16:27
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dr_willisneil: clarify what you mean16:27
neillike when i go and save or download, the window is larger than my screeni cannot see the bottom16:28
chaotixhi...  i have cairo dock, on xubuntu 12.10   ...i installed cairo dock, and everything was goiong fine...  then i started experimenting around, noticing that i could drag items off the dock onto the desktop, and i could always drag them back when i wanted to...  but i dragged the terminalapplet to the desktop, and it is now staying in open mode and wont go back to the dock.  i have tried...16:30
chaotix...uninstalling and reinstalling from synaptic, it was still open and on the desktop.. and i have tried disabling the terminal from the cairo dock setting, but when i re enable, it shows up again16:30
chaotixwhat should i do?16:30
mbeierlneil, sorry - I'm going to bow out of that one as I don't use unity.  But I know exactly what you are saying as I've experienced that myself and have no answer.  I use the alt-key and grab the window anywhere with the left mouse button and then move the whole window up to see it16:31
dr_willischaotix: uninstallng is windows  mindset thinking16:31
dr_willischaotix: close the dock. delete its setting files.. restart it  is one way16:32
neilok i guess i have no choice16:32
chaotixthanks dr_willis16:33
chaotixdr_willis: can you tell me how to get to the setting files?16:33
dr_willisthey are in your home dir somewhere. in    .config perhaps16:34
neil@mbeierl how about the updates i cannot select on the update manager16:34
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chaotixdr_willis: ok i am in ~/.config/cairo-dock16:36
chaotixwhat should i delete16:36
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andrebgood day all16:40
andrebquick question... what is the CLI for see what services are running16:40
gchristensenHi, is there a good example on how to use local extensions to an apparmor profile? that documentation seems to be lacking.16:40
[]Tsukasa[]Need to reset a password on a server box, booted to a live cd but the volume is lvm, how do I go about accessing it to reset login info16:40
dr_willischaotix: jusr rename the whole directory...16:42
chaotixgotit...  thanks dr_willis .... i will try to use linux mindset in the future16:42
chaotixdr_willis: oo...  i deleted the directory.....  i think its working now tho16:43
dr_willisandreb:  the  service  command16:43
dr_willischaotix:  the apt tools do not touch user configs in their homes.. worth remembering16:44
chaotixit recreated the directory, but the settings are now back to default16:44
dtigue1ok all the sudden today everytime i open a new teminal or a new window in tmux bash is printing a list of my aliases, anyone know how to stop this from happening?16:44
dr_willischaotix: logical ;-)16:44
talexbDealing with usb-creator-gtk bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/722019 and I'ev found that there is a newer version of the app ..16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 722019 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Failed to install the bootloader" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:45
talexbI'm on wheezy/sid .. not sure if there is a package for this distro ..16:45
dr_willisdtigue1: check..      .bashec  or.    .profile or other startup files for an alias command  by itself.16:45
YokoBRhey guys, i have a hybrid gpu notebook and the only driver that works for me is the open source... why?16:45
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dtigue1dr_willis: ok, i will double check them again, but unless i just over looked it there is nothing like that in my files16:46
Avventureil a t'il quelqu'un qui parle francais svp merci16:47
talexbAvventure, Oui, vas y .. je vais essayer.16:47
chaotixgot a cool set up here...  i took an old laptop that didnt have a screen or keyboard or mouse pad, and hooked it up to my flasscreen, and got this logitch keyboard trackapad in one, actually a good quality one...  usually they stick but this logitech k400 is nice...  and invested 25.00 in flirk (flirk.tv), so i could program my remote control to work with the computerr...  it's great...  and...16:48
chaotix...with the keyboard options in cairo, the remote works for that...  its pretty nice..  may not even buy a cable box16:48
chaotixthanks for the help16:48
hankhendrixhello there, I'm a noob and would like some help to locate some source?16:49
jribhankhendrix: just ask16:50
hankhendrixI would like to edit the source for the right-click menu on the desktop background in ubuntu 12.1016:50
[]Tsukasa[]nvm using the grub trick worked16:50
hankhendrixI've downloaded the source, but can't grep for the menu option string as the source files are tarred16:51
dr_willisso extract the archives16:51
hankhendrixevery single one of the tars across three ISOs!?16:51
exoplaste<Avventure>#ubuntu-fr for french users16:52
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jribhankhendrix: i'm curious what you want to edit exactly16:52
kcm1700hello, what package should I install in order to use git-imap-send ?16:52
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dr_willishankhendrix:  better to just tell us what you are trying to acomplish16:55
dr_willistheres  no need to msg me.16:55
hankhendrixwhere can I go for dev help?16:56
Guest36662hey can i write something in the terminal to creata a partition on my main drive?16:56
hankhendrixI would like to edit the behaviour of "Change Desktop Background"16:57
jribhankhendrix: to do what?16:57
hankhendrixProbably just show an alert with a message16:58
hankhendrixI'm a web dev trying to get into lower level langs16:58
hankhendrixand thought this would be a good entry point16:58
jribhankhendrix: so what source code did you download?16:59
hankhendrixall three ISOs16:59
SlartGuest36662: there's fdisk and parted and probably a few other terminal based partition editors..16:59
jribhankhendrix: well nautilus draws the desktop, so I'd start there I suppose.17:00
jrib!source | hankhendrix17:00
ubottuhankhendrix: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html17:00
hankhendrixthanks guys17:00
hankhendrixmy problem is I don't know what package to target17:01
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hankhendrixso I was just going to extract them all and grep for the string "Change Desktop Background"17:01
dr_willis every desktop and window manager most likely has such a feature.17:01
bekkshankhendrix: Which language do you want to learn...?17:02
dr_willisand with the translations - such a search may be pointless17:02
Slarthankhendrix: just a heads up.. the source might not contain that exact string as it might be fetched from some kind of language package17:02
dr_willisnautilus handles the file manager and 'desktop' background menus of the default unity setup17:02
hankhendrixyeh, but the translation will come up in the grep results17:02
Slarthankhendrix: my guess is that the source might just contain something like   PrintMessage $change_background_message17:03
hankhendrixand I can then obtain the translation key from that and further grep17:03
dr_willisyou wouldent know what apps are using the translations17:03
DaemonicApathyhankhendrix: have you joined #ubuntu-devel yet?17:03
dr_willissince it would be like.. most all of them ;)17:03
hankhendrixnope, this is my first experience of irc and ubuntu dev...I'll join now17:03
dr_willisyou may want to start with somthing smaller in scope17:04
hankhendrixhmm maybe, but I'd like to get my hands dirty17:04
dr_willisim not even sure how you would modify/compile and test your modified nautilus easially17:04
hankhendrixI wondered if that might be the case17:05
Slartdr_willis: shouldn't the package source compile as-is? or I'm being naively optimistic about this? =)17:05
dr_willisdo you even know c++ or any languages?17:05
dr_willisSlart:  it 'should' ;)17:05
bekkshankhendrix: Which language do you want to learn...?17:06
dr_willisSlart:  use build deps, get code, alter, build deb, install it, test...17:06
dr_willishope it works. ;)17:06
hankhendrixnice one17:07
Slartdr_willis: well.. I'm happy just running the default binaries.. at least for now =)17:07
hankhendrixno I've not got experience of C++17:07
babyswizzmy ubuntu linux is very slow as a guest on a vm and windows 7 host, please what could be the reason17:07
hankhendrixI'm a JS, PHP dev17:07
dr_willishankhendrix:  any programing experience?17:07
hankhendrixyes...I'm a pro dev17:07
dr_willisjs? gnome-shell uses a lot of js  ;)17:07
bekkshankhendrix: You just said you're a JS and PHP dev ;)17:08
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: Running Ubuntu in a VM causes resources to be used by both the host and the guest OS - this can slow things a bit.17:08
dr_willishankhendrix:  its a major 'selling point' i hear17:08
hankhendrixwhat JS?17:08
dr_willisif by js you ment javascript17:08
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: You might compare performance by booting into a live session, if you don't want to install on a separate partition just yet.17:08
hankhendrixisn't that the standard abbreviation?17:08
dr_willishankhendrix:  no idea.17:08
babyswizzDaemonicApathy, my window host works perfectly but not my ubuntu, is there anything i can do?17:09
hankhendrixright, must get back to work...will be back later17:10
DaemonicApathyhankhendrix: It is, assuming one is accustomed enough to using it as such. ;-)17:10
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: what are your hardware details? CPU, memory...17:10
dtigue1dr_willis: ok i found out what is was, i continuously hit ';s' instead of 'ls' so i created an alias for it, well i wasn't thinking about17:10
dtigue1dr_willis: about ; starting a new command17:11
hankhendrixthanks for your help17:11
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babyswizzDaemonicApathy, the system memory is 4gb and i allocated 1gb to ubuntu, whereas the processor says i have 4 CPUs but 1 is allocated to ubuntu17:13
CongI can't real the font in xterm. How do I make it bigger?17:13
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: If your current usage permits, I would recommend doubling both of those.17:14
Jordan_Udr_willis: As I said to you before, "update-grub" just re-writes /boot/grub/grub.cfg, it doesn't install grub and thus does not change which partition's grub.cfg is read at boot.17:14
SlartCong: there should be a menu option for "zoom" or ctrl +17:15
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: If you would prefer to run a lighter system at the same specs, you might try lubuntu.17:15
Congslart, nope17:15
SlartCong: oh.. sorry.. thought you wrote gnome-terminal.. not xterm17:16
babyswizzDaemonicApathy, when i try to double the CPU it says i need hardware virtualization support on my host system, i dont know exactly what that means17:17
SlartCong: ah.. CTRL + rightclick gives you a menu17:17
bekksbabyswizz: hardware virtualization does not depend on the amount of memory.17:17
bekksbabyswizz: And whats the exact message displayed?17:18
babyswizzbekks, am talking of processor CPUs not memory17:19
XenI am having an issue with an ubuntu server setup, is anyone here a professional with it?17:19
Congslart, permanent solution. that would give me a temporary change. I can't do that because the menu is small because I merged xterm*geomery: 124x40 in to the resources.17:19
bekksbabyswizz: Then whats the exact message you get?17:19
DaemonicApathyCong: http://askubuntu.com/questions/161652/how-to-change-the-default-font-size-of-xterm17:20
XenI am having an issue with an ubuntu server setup, is anyone here a professional with it and willing to help me with a Samba configuration issue, more specifically a small question17:21
bekks!ask | Xen17:21
ubottuXen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:21
Xendoes my workgroup need to have a domain controller for me to setup a folder on the samba server and require a login name and password for it?17:22
XenI would like to give eash user a private folder with a password and username (perhaps an ubuntu login?)17:23
bekksXen: Using a workgroup, you dont need a domain (nor a domain controller).17:23
babyswizzbekks, controls the number of virtual CPUs in the virtual machine. you need hardware virtualization support on your host system to use more than one virtual CPU17:23
hilohello, just curious, when I type dmesg in terminal, the log entries are preceded by [#####.######] what do the numbers mean/relate to17:23
bekksbabyswizz: Then you have to enable that feature in the BIOS of your computer.17:23
OerHekshilo time17:23
FernandoBassoDash is very slow. Even if I just hit Super to open it or close it, it is slow. All other effects work smoothly. Any ideas what is coing on?17:23
hiloOerHeks, in what unit?17:23
hiloOerHeks, or rather, with reference to what?17:24
babyswizzbekks, how do i do that17:24
OerHekshilo seconds before the "."17:24
bekksbabyswizz: That totally depends on the BIOS of your computer. And it should be covered in the manual of your computer hardware.17:24
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izissiseHow have you been ?17:27
babyswizzbekks, can you just describe what am l might be looking for when i enter my computer BIOS17:28
budmangJust updated to 12.10 on the laptop, wifi was working etc.. it asked me to finish/do a few updates.. reboot.. wifi is gone... heh.17:28
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: What is your computer model?17:28
hiloOerHeks, thanks17:28
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DaemonicApathyAnd 'Virtualization' is good to keep an eye out for, babyswizz.17:28
bekksbabyswizz: Basically a setting like "Enable hardware virtualization", "Enable AMD-V", "Enable Intel VT-d" or similar.17:29
babyswizzDaemonicApathy, hp pavillon, g617:29
DaemonicApathybabyswizz: That's kind of a wide series at this point.17:29
[conrad]Hello everyone. We have an Ubuntu based network in which authentication is done against an OpenLDAP server. What's the best way to make it on login to take the supplied credentials and use them to mount a network drive? Since users may not exist yet on the system, I wasn't sure if maybe this was something to add to /etc/skel, or if someone maybe had some experience and might suggest a different method.17:30
babyswizzthanks guys am going to check it out now17:31
johnnyonflamehello there, I'm using xubuntu17:31
johnnyonflameand I can't find the system>preferences tab on my computer17:31
johnnyonflamethere's system, but no "preference" submenu17:32
holsteinjohnnyonflame: you can try #xubuntu ,but i would just ask for what you are wanting to change.. xfce is a bit different17:32
DaemonicApathyApplications > System and Applications > Settings > Settings Manager cover just about everything, johnnyonflame17:32
johnnyonflameholstein, thanks for the tip, will keep in mind17:32
holsteinjohnnyonflame: if anything, there are more places to change settings17:33
johnnyonflameholstein, DaemonicApathy I am trying to find pulseaudio settings menu17:33
holsteinjohnnyonflame: i would install pavucontrol17:33
johnnyonflameholstein, that won't cover what I need17:34
bekksjohnnyonflame: Then what do you need...?17:34
holsteinjohnnyonflame: sure.. what are you looking for? that is the most extensive pulse settings GUI17:34
DaemonicApathyjohnnyonflame, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188252517:34
DaemonicApathyIt still recommends pavucontrol, but also a way to make it a bit simpler to access.17:35
johnnyonflame"Make discoverable Apple AirTunes sound devices available locally"17:35
johnnyonflamePavucontrol comes defaulted to the system's volume control17:35
DaemonicApathyjohnnyonflame: ...try #xubuntu . And good luck. :-)17:36
johnnyonflameDaemonicApathy, k, ty )17:37
holsteinjohnnyonflame: what are you trying to do/17:37
johnnyonflameholstein, I want to stream my audio to airbubble on my phone17:37
osirisx11would someone please be so kind as to help me with an apt dependency error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1360758/17:38
holsteinjohnnyonflame: there are lots of ways to do that, though i wouldn expect pulse to do that17:39
Conghttp://oi45.tinypic.com/ixdvgi.jpg this can't be fixed font on the right could it?17:39
holsteinjohnnyonflame: what is "airbubble" expecting? you can always use a friendlier client on the phone.. something more open17:39
designbybeckI heard there was a new "Ubuntu Distro Builder" Can anyone point me in the right direction?17:40
holsteinjohnnyonflame: remember, there is nothing about ubuntu/xubuntu/linux that prevents "airbubble" from supporting it17:40
johnnyonflameholstein, I'd love to use something else other than it17:40
holsteindesignbybeck: online? or like remastersys?17:40
jribosirisx11: do you have any idea why?  What have you done regarding repositories?  Any 3rd-party repositories or debs?17:40
genii-aroundosirisx11: Did you do sudo apt-get update   first?17:40
designbybeckholstein: I think it was like remastersys, but much easier to use17:40
holsteindesignbybeck: ubuntu customization kit? uck in the repos.. if its still there17:41
osirisx11genii-around: yes i've done apt-get update17:41
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genii-aroundosirisx11: What says result of: apt-cache policy mysql-server*      ?17:42
CongThis is not right. I want to change the font size not change the font and pick  a size.17:42
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osirisx11genii-around: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1360769/17:43
genii-aroundosirisx11: Please do the command with the asterisk at the end, so: apt-cache policy mysql-server*   and not just:apt-cache policy mysql-server17:44
osirisx11oh sorry17:45
osirisx11genii-around: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1360773/17:45
designbybecki'll check! Thanks holstein17:46
osirisx11seems to come back to mysql-server-5.5: PreDepends: mysql-common (>= 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) but 5.5.28-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 is installed17:46
genii-aroundosirisx11: I would suggest for the time being to downgrade the mysql-server-core-5.5    with:  sudo apt-get install +17:48
genii-aroundosirisx11: With: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-core-5.5=5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.117:49
osirisx11E: Version '5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1' for 'mysql-server-core-5.5' was not found17:49
SierraARWhy are there things listed in the software center, but they say 'There isn’t a software package called “blah” in your current software sources.'17:50
osirisx11i'm happy to lose mysql entirely if i have to17:50
SlartCong: Have you looked at this thread ? http://www.daemonforums.org/showthread.php?t=6655  there is a command line option in a later post that might be useful17:51
genii-aroundosirisx11: Hm. I think your lists are messed up.17:51
genii-aroundosirisx11: One minute17:51
SeveasSierraAR, can you give us an example?17:51
SierraARSeveas, There isn’t a software package called “wesnoth-1.8” in your current software sources.17:51
SierraARVery top of the list in the Games category when sorting by top-rated17:52
SierraARBattle for Wesnoth (1.8)17:52
SierraARUsing Ubuntu 12.04 64bit17:52
SeveasSierraAR, did you enable the 'universe' repository?17:52
SierraARNot sure what that is or how I'd enable it17:52
zykotick9!sources | SierraAR17:53
ubottuSierraAR: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:53
Seveasin the software sources app, tick the relevant box17:53
SeveasCommunity-maintained free and open source software (universe)17:54
IdleOneSierraAR: Should be in Software Sources Settings or similar.17:54
SierraAREverything except Source Code is checked17:54
zykotick9https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources shows for 7.10...17:54
Seveas!find wesnoth precise17:54
ubottuFound: wesnoth, wesnoth-1.10, wesnoth-1.10-aoi, wesnoth-1.10-core, wesnoth-1.10-data, wesnoth-1.10-dbg, wesnoth-1.10-did, wesnoth-1.10-dm, wesnoth-1.10-dw, wesnoth-1.10-ei (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wesnoth&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all17:54
Seveashm, in precise it's already wesnoth-1.10?17:54
Seveas!info wesnoth-1.10 precise17:55
ubottuwesnoth-1.10 (source: wesnoth-1.10): fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (branch 1.10). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.10.2-1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB17:55
genii-aroundosirisx11: I suggest: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*  /var/lib/apt/lists/*           then redo the: sudo apt-get update         and try again with: sudo apt-get -f install17:55
SeveasSierraAR, did you upgrade from an older version?17:55
IdleOneSierraAR: close that and reload/refresh the sources, maybe the button is called reload.17:55
SierraARSeveas, it's a fresh install of 12.04 64bit. I had 12.10 32bit previously17:55
SeveasSierraAR, then you found a bug :) You can install the wesnoth-1.10 package manually if you want to play wesnoth17:56
osirisx11rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*': No such file or directory17:56
Seveasosirisx11, add a measure of sudo :)17:56
osirisx11osiris@osiris-laptop:~$ sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/partial': Is a directory17:56
osirisx11i did use sudo17:56
Seveasrm -r17:57
osirisx11rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*': No such file or directory17:57
osirisx11i did update again and install -f again and fails identically17:58
osirisx11i also tried with -r17:58
jmfurlottTrying to boot ubuntu on a 2010 iMac with an ATi radeon card after installing non-graphically but when it boots and tries to start x the screen goes black.  I can't use ctrl-alt-f1 or anything; it doesn't take any response so I can't get into a shell17:58
holsteinjmfurlott: i would try getting to the desktop live with nomodeset17:59
jmfurlottholstein, while that got that me further on a livecd trying to do a graphical install it never actually started x correctly17:59
jmfurlottit would just say Ubuntu with the loading dots in poor resolution and then nothing18:00
Evil_Ericok here we go i have a issue that i would like some help with18:01
holsteinjmfurlott: if you cant get to the live desktop, i would expect it to be challenging to get to it from an install... i would try tty18:01
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution18:01
holsteinsee if you can install an ati proprietary driver manually jmfurlott18:01
holstein!ati | jmfurlott18:01
ubottujmfurlott: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:01
jmfurlottholstein, it won't respond to tty..thats why this is so difficult haha18:02
Evil_Ericin the messageing menu in ubuntu 12.04 LTS there is avalibale,away,buisy,invisable and offline how do i remove JUST that not the entire menu18:02
holsteinjmfurlott: hm.. can you pull the hard drive? thats a long shot too, but i was thining you could at least setup openssh-server18:02
jmfurlottholstein, ehh that's not a bad idea but pretty unreasonable I think18:03
DJones!nomedset ! jmfurlott This may help,18:03
ubottuDJones: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:03
DJones!nomedset | jmfurlott This may help,18:03
jmfurlottDJones, I have tried18:03
jmfurlottDJones, lol at the bot18:03
SeveasEvil_Eric, I'm fairly sure that's not possible18:03
holsteinjmfurlott: well, keep in mind, there is nothing about ubuntu keeping apple or ati from providing out of the box support for you/us18:04
DJonesjmfurlott: no sucess with the nomodeset paramater in grub?18:04
holsteinjmfurlott: elaborate as to the issues you see with nomodeset...18:04
Evil_Ericits open source isnt it seveas18:04
jmfurlottDJones, How do I set the parameter on grub18:05
SeveasEvil_Eric, well yes, you can prod at the source :)18:05
Adriannomhi. on xubuntu  the spellchecker on libreoffice isn't working at all.  i've tried installing hunspell, wbritish and libreoffice-l10n-en-gb among other things, but nothing is working.  when i try a spellcheck it just says "spellcheck finished".  is this a common problem?18:05
holsteinjmfurlott: i tap shift at boot, and use the F6 options at the bottom of the live CD18:05
jmfurlottholstein, I know but Apple has to make it difficult18:05
holsteinjmfurlott: nomodeset from a live CD is what i would suggest... and what i assumed you mentioned having tried above18:06
* Evil_Eric gets his cattle prod out and zaps the messaging menu a few times 18:06
trismEvil_Eric: not sure exactly how you would go about it on 12.04 but in 12.10 the app's .desktop file has to have X-MessagingMenu-UsesChatSection=true, commenting that out removes the status integration18:06
jmfurlottholstein, yeah I have tried from cd but not after an install so maybe I can get to a bash18:06
holsteinjmfurlott: its an ati graphics card, but apple or ati could supply you with linux support, though they dont have to18:06
Evil_Erictrism, thanks for that it gives me something to look into18:06
jmfurlottholstein, ohh I see what you are saying.  I wouldn't expect them to say much to me18:07
trismEvil_Eric: note that the api between 12.04 and 12.10 is completely different, so probably won't help you much on 12.0418:07
Evil_Ericprobaly not but at least its something to look into (i dint even know where to start ) trism18:07
holsteinjmfurlott: and they dont need to say anthing to you.. im just making sure you understand exactly why it can be challenging to work with unsupported software.. though the nomodeset option is the way i sneak in and test and install on most systems18:08
Evil_Ericgoogle is my friend!!!18:09
jmfurlottholstein, is there a way to set nomodeset from grub or only from a live cd18:10
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:11
holsteinjmfurlott: you should be able to add it to the current install kernel as a parameter...18:11
jmfurlottholstein, not sure how to do that? I am on the GRUB command line18:12
Fuzzleshow do i upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 too xubuntu 12.10? i have installed xubuntu adn removed ubuntu now what?18:12
holsteinjmfurlott: thats why, if it were me, i would just grab a live CD.. tap shift.. hit F6 select "nomodeset" and test... then if it works, you can either install again, or read more about how to implement this on your current insatll18:13
dr_willis! upgrade18:13
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:13
holsteinjmfurlott: should be that you hit tab and edit the grub kernel line.. or go in with a live cd (from the above test) and add it manually18:13
Evil_Erichey trism i think i found the lib to remove18:13
trismEvil_Eric: did you?18:14
Evil_Erici think18:14
=== francisco is now known as Guest1717
Fuzzleshow do i switch from ubuntu 12.04 to xubuntu?18:15
jmfurlottholstein, okay I am trying to the live cd18:15
bazhangFuzzles, install xubuntu-desktop package18:16
dr_willisFuzzles: select the desktop to use at the login screen18:16
Fuzzlesbazhang, done that and i got rid of ubuntu desktop now how do i get tYou may have noticed in the release announcement for Beta 1 today from Kate Stewart this line: “With Ubuntu 12.10, Kubuntu, to upgrade to xubuntu 12.10he xubuntu updates becasue i want18:17
Fuzzlesbazhang, done that and i got rid of ubuntu desktop now how do i get the xubuntu updates so i can upgrade to xubuntu 12.1018:17
dr_willisupgrade the system. install tge desktop yu want. log into it. ununstall others18:18
dr_willisuse the upgrade manager tool to get to the next release18:18
Fuzzlesdr_willis, but it only shows ubuntu 12.10 :S18:19
Fuzzlesdr_willis, i want xubuntu 12.1018:19
hankhendrixdoes anyone know how to rebuild and test nautilus source?18:19
dr_willisit will upgrade what you have installed.....18:19
Fuzzlesok ill try it18:19
JuNiOxhello guys, is there a way to play an swf file from command line? tried lynx, w3m and elinks but the .swf file is not triggered18:20
jmfurlottholstein, it just goes black after the ubuntu loading screen18:20
holsteinjmfurlott: it? the live CD? after trying nomodeset? .. there are other options under f6.. i usually just try them all til something works (if something works)18:21
jmfurlottholstein, okay I will try that its just annoying because if I had a bash this would be easy to change ou t the drivers18:22
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:23
NibinaearWhat gui software would you recommend to customize Ubuntu? I found out about myunity but it seems it's not compatible for Ubuntu 12.10.18:23
dr_willis!info myunity18:24
ubottuPackage myunity does not exist in quantal18:24
dr_willisits gone. :(18:24
dr_williswebupd8 and omgubuntu sites shuld mention several tweaking tools18:25
ikoniaand should be ignored18:25
bulletrulzGodFather, jjj18:26
bestdndhi. i have just installed a new mouse (SteelSeries kinzu v2 pro edition), and it's too sensitive- it moves too fast on the screen. it the settings, it's already set to the slowest pointer speed, and lowest acceleration. is there a way to make it even slower (even 2:1)?18:29
Nibinaear2Got disconnected18:30
bestdnd(couldn't install the official software)18:30
Fuzzlesa question guys im talking to a game dev for blacklight retribution adn asking if he can make a linux version and asked me if Unreal Engine 3 would work on linux? would it?18:33
=== mrenouf is now known as mrenouf|away
furycd001HI I'm trying to install "gnome-shell" on a ubuntu mini remix iso inside virtualbox. But I get this message… [ E: Package 'gnome-shell' has no installation candidate ] …whenever I type "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell"18:36
holsteinFuzzles: i would search and ask the unreal engine team.. i can say there is nothing about ubuntu keeping that from working on linux/ubuntu18:36
holsteinfurycd001: any errors from sudo apt-get update?18:36
furycd001holstein: I shall go & check that now...18:37
holsteinfurycd001: i would make sure you are reffering to an installable package name18:37
Fuzzlesholstein, ok thanks18:37
furycd001holstein: Nope "sudo apt-get update" worked fine18:37
furycd001I checked google earlier & "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" should work !!18:38
holsteinfurycd001: i would try apt-cache search gnome-shell18:39
furycd001holstein: ok thanks ill try that now...18:39
holsteinfurycd001: i would use tabe complete18:39
dr_willisbe sure the repos are enabled also18:39
furycd001ok ill try that now...18:40
nahjilAnyone have any suggestions on how to start with setting up a wireless printer on ubuntu?18:40
holsteinnahjil: i would see that i can ping the device.. then its up to the hardware support from there18:41
dr_willisnahjil: i just use the cups tools  or web interface18:41
nahjilQuite the noob here how would I do either of those?18:41
dr_willishttp://localhost:631    cups web interface18:42
dr_willisi think i got that right18:42
furycd001"apt-cache search gnome-shell" returns nothing at all !!18:42
holsteinfurycd001: then, you should troubleshoot the sources.. it'll never instlal if its not in the list18:43
dr_willisbe sure the repos are enabled also18:43
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:43
furycd001ok ill try repos & what not then return...18:44
xrlgfHi, in ubuntuone i can't delete 2 files in the root folder /18:45
bazhangxrlgf, tried in #ubuntuone ?18:45
xrlgfoh i mistyped it and saw i was alone :D18:46
nahjilSo it seems the only Artisan model of printer that cups doesn't support is the one I have...18:47
=== geek is now known as Guest18082
jalalanybody can help me? i was using alcatel usb dongel for internet..but after i installed ubuntu updates in 12.04 version and i restart my pc..and i lost my dialup connection18:50
Guest18082Would somebody be so nice  to tell me how to add the iso of an Ubuntu-CD to my Repositories ?18:50
jalaland my usb dongel is not working anymore!!18:51
jalal anybody can help me? i was using alcatel usb dongel for internet..but after i installed ubuntu updates in 12.04 version and i restart my pc..and i lost my dialup connection18:51
holsteinjalal: i would just try booting an earlier kernel.. tap shift after the bios at reboot.. look throughthe previous kernels18:52
SamBullI'd like to get the mail in my local mailboxes back into the mail queue so they can be processed by my updated mail aliases. is there a way to do this?18:52
jalali am newbie can help me in easy way?18:53
holsteinjalal: sure.. reinstall and dont upgrade.. or try tapping the shift key and bot an earlier kernel and let use know if it works in that older kernel18:54
jalali did not upgrade ubuntu..i installed update which ubuntu provider by ubuntu update software18:55
SamBullThe mail is in /var/spool/mail/<username>, which is the local mailbox for that user, right?18:55
holsteinjalal: right... corrrect... dont update.. upgrade.. whatever you want to call it.. reinstall and dont do what you did that broke the system.. dont update pacakges18:55
holsteinjalal: OR, try the troubleshooting step of booting an earler kernel18:56
jalalok..i got this problem18:56
pradeepjalal, what is your problem18:57
pradeepplease be specific18:57
holsteinjalal: did the solution listed there work for you as well?18:57
jalaluntil now my internet working fine using alcatel usb modem..but i install update from ubuntu update manager..and i reboot pc and now usb dongel doesnot works..and dial up connect dissapear18:58
bazhangjalal, so boot into an earlier kernel18:58
ernetasI have a hosting with "unlimited" resources. Any ideas where I could use it for a greater good?18:59
jalalthere no earliar kernal18:59
holsteinjalal: i would try an older kernel... im suggesting a kernel update you just did could have removed functinality for your device.. you can also just reinatll the OS and dont upate again... if that is easier18:59
bazhangjalal, how did you check18:59
holsteinjalal: you tap shift at reboot.. and under the "previous ubuntu.." entry18:59
varikonniemihow can i set the default view mode for nautilus? i want to open folders as "list" but it always defaults back to "icons"18:59
jalali can not reinstall os..i have to tack data backup..18:59
bazhangjalal, how did you check for previous kernels19:00
jalalin organise you can not reinstall os.. you have to find solution for problem19:00
holsteinjalal: you need to back up data regardless, for when that hard drive *will* fai19:00
jalalok tell me how to boot from earlier karnel?19:00
bazhangjalal, we did19:00
jalalok tell me how to boot from earlier karnel?19:01
jalali have dual boot19:01
bazhangjalal, hold SHIFT at reboot19:01
holsteinjalal: i would tap shift at reboot.. after the bios.. and you'll see it under "previous ubuntu.." in the grub list19:01
jalalok i will try19:01
lvmerI've got a samba problem. I can't see 1 of my servers on the network. It should be identical to my 2nd one. I think there is a name resolution or netbios or wins conflict? & I've tried all the troubleshooting I could think of & on the net.19:02
ichbinderhello there. I have an old hard drive here that might still have some important information on it. Gparted can read all partitions, except one (size of 790GB). It shows File System unknown. How can I find out if there is a filesystem at all? I already tried to mount it with mount.ntfs-3g, the only other FS I used back then, but that failed. I just want to be sure that the partition is empty and has no information on it...19:02
lvmerFAT32? FAT16>19:03
JuNiOxmalaise: thank you! just worked with both xvfb-run and flashplayer19:05
ichbinderlvmer: probably not, the drive's not that old...19:05
lvmerichbinder: if you just want the info destroyed... plug it into a system and do a rewrite of 0's. Depending how old it is.... it could still have redundancy cylinders so you might need to do 7 passes. But newer hd's a single zero pass leaves data unrecoverable.19:05
Slartichbinder: there are some file rescue tools in the repos you can try.. do your homework before you try them though.. doing the wrong thing might destroy the stuff you're trying to restore19:05
Slart!undelete | ichbinder19:05
ubottuichbinder: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:05
XenI am a chmist with a minor in computer science, I have worked general IT (tier 1 support) for anumber of years, and now am working as a chemist.  We are looking to setup a small server for local use (company of 5 people). For me this is a project for learning ubuntu, andmaybe saving the company a few bucks.  I am looking to setup a samba server (Done, just need help configuring) that allows my offices windows 7 computers to logon to priv19:05
Xen(or windows) username and password. THis would allow my users to each have a 'private' folder for the storage of work files and backup information.  Also this would allow me to setup IT folders for the storage of images, IT data, programs intall files etc.  I currently have an older pentium 4 machine with ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, with raided Hard drives.  My goal here is to do the following:19:06
Xen Have a private drive for each user Have a public drive for all users Have a set of private drives for my use (IT and such)   In a windows system I would simply setup the share and have them use a local (server side) login name. In this case, do I need a domain controller? If I do, can someone point me to an ubuntu setup guide for one if they know a good one?19:06
ichbinderjust tried 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda6' and it gives me paste.ubuntu.com/1360933/19:06
ichbinderwhich looks like it's just formated, non-partitioned data19:06
SamBullIs there a way to put the mail in the local mailbox back in the mail queue?19:07
gustav__Why is xdg-screensaver accessing files on my bluray when I mount it?19:07
ichbinderalso cfdisk says "FS Type" "Free Space"19:07
ichbinderlvmer: no, I want to be sure that I'm not destroying information accidentally. ;)19:08
ichbinderSlart: ah, thanks! Have you experience with fdisk and cfdisk? Can I trust their statements and be sure the partition is empty?19:08
jahaHello all. Just upgraded 10.04 to 12.04 with lxde installed and the system hands at boot with the "apparmor [ok]" message, cant seem to get to console, ideas?19:08
Slartichbinder: afaik fdisk/cfdisk just reads the partition table, it doesn't actually check if there is any data in the partition. So basically.. if everything is ok and in order I would trust them.. but for an old drive that might have some parts go bad I would use one of the other tools, testdisk is one, that actually looks at what is one the disk19:10
Slart*on the disk19:10
lvmerjaha: sudo apt-get remove apparmor && sudo apt-get install apparmor apparmor-profiles19:10
=== MagiAway is now known as Magiobiwan
SteevcaHi. I have ubuntu 12.10 and X Diagnostic Settings and Apport are not responding.19:11
lvmerjaha: would reinstalling work?19:11
SteevcaIs there a way to force close them?19:11
Slartichbinder: basically it all comes down to how important the data that might be on the drive is..19:11
nahjilI would like to thank whoever got me started on the correct path it took me a minute or ten but I now have a working wireless printer.19:12
dr_williscups is a nifty system19:13
=== g_byers[Away] is now known as g_byers
dr_willisit can be confuseing when cups shows like 6 printeres that are the same wireless printer.. due to the printer having like 6 'services' cups could be using to print to19:15
sianhulohey guys, I'm trying to change the size of unity icons, I know where the option is but the y actually doesn't change. and it doesn't hide even tough the option is enabled19:20
ichbinderSlart: thanks, checking with testdisk right now19:22
ichbinderSlart: it found something and said  "FAT16 >32M"19:22
ichbinderthen I did Quick Search and now states something about "HPFS - NTFS"19:22
Slartichbinder: ok.. not really sure what that means.. make sure you check the documentation before you do something19:23
ichbinderSlart: ok, Thanks for your hints!19:24
Slartichbinder: you're welcome, hope you find what you're looking for19:24
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
=== Youri is now known as YBook
mspencerHi, I'm trying to install the VMware guest additions, but it says it can't find my kernel headers. What package do I need? I've installed linux-headers-generic.19:27
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages19:30
PSCGOhioGreetings, found an answer in FAQ but in 12.10 it's not doing the trick... Did Software Upgrade and all the Launcher as well as top-bar menuing, etc. totally disappeared.  Tried the unity commands, just errors out and I seem to be missing things.19:35
PSCGOhioUsing an onboard AMD/ATI setup, I changed to the default vid driver and I'm wondering if that somehow caused the display change issues because that driver isn't as compatible?19:36
holsteinPSCGOhio: i might make a new user account and test there.. then you wil know if its user config19:36
holsteinPSCGOhio: i would think it would be user config over driver issues19:36
oosmajidHi. I'm in Ubuntu 12.10. How do I install .ttf fonts here?19:37
PSCGOhioSo do I, but I can't seem to see where to change that config as the FAQ suggested either.19:37
PSCGOhioShould I be looking for a prompt to change those settings or is that a command like Ctrl-Alt-?19:39
holsteinPSCGOhio: i would test with a new user first.. if i log in as new user and all is well, then i know the issue is in the /home of the current user19:39
holstein!tty | PSCGOhio can be helpful19:39
ubottuPSCGOhio can be helpful: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:39
woot-0854!hi | ActionParsnip19:39
PSCGOhioGotcha, I'll see if I can create another User.  That also didn't seem obvious but I'll dig more.  I'm used to RH, etc. on a server.19:39
ActionParsniphi woot-085419:40
Lockaloosmajid, doubleclick -- install19:40
PSCGOhioAha, will check that as well - thanks!19:40
holsteinPSCGOhio: in the command line, from tty, you should be more familiar then.. sudo adduser...19:40
mspencerI ran sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) but it still can't find the headers. Where do they get installed to?19:40
PSCGOhioNow that - I understand! LOL  The OS part is where I'm not used to it yet and sudden changes aren't like Win or DOS to redo.  TTY lines I'm very used to.  Thanks!19:41
holsteinPSCGOhio: you dont have to make the new user either.. i usually just do it as a troubleshooting step.. since i dont mind cleaning them out.. or just having an extra one around for troubleshooting19:42
Congwhere's the enable mouse shadow button?19:43
jsmith-argotecI've setup ligthdm with lightdm-gtk-greeter and I'm trying to get ldap logins to work from remote vnc clients19:44
ActionParsnipmspencer: try:   sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic19:44
jsmith-argotecI can login with vnc from remote client using local user no problem, with ldap user it just disconnects19:44
wa11hello everybody?19:44
mspencerActionParsnip: I've already ran that.19:44
jsmith-argotecldap auth via shell is fine19:44
wa11i have a problem with my WEP Network19:44
oosmajidThanks. But I installed the fonts but I don't see any difference when browsing the web.19:45
ActionParsnipmspencer: try:   sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic-pae19:45
wa11how can i catch a spy within network with out sniffing his/her activity19:45
lonewulf85I recently Upgraded to 12.10 I am unhappy, could anyone tell me or provide a link to how to downgrade back to 12.0419:46
ActionParsnipwa11: you will need to packetsniff to see what it on the LAN. You could also try nmap.19:46
xangualonewulf85: reinstall19:46
bekkswa11: Only by stepping behind him/her and watching over his/her shoulder.19:46
zykotick9!downgrade | lonewulf8519:46
ubottulonewulf85: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.19:46
ToXiCalguien que hable castellano ? para resolver un problema con xubuntu19:46
js234@ lonewoulf why are you unhappy?19:46
ActionParsniplonewulf85: reinstall is the only way19:46
MonkeyDustlonewulf85  delete and fresh install 12.0419:46
bekkswa11: You have to sniff to identify an intruder.19:46
lonewulf85crap I was afraid of that.19:47
ActionParsniplonewulf85: I suggest you clean install Quantal instead of upgrading19:47
mspencerActionParsnip: Still doesn't work. My VM is 13.10, would this be a problem with raring and thus a question for #ubuntu+1?19:47
ActionParsnipmspencer: 13.10 what?19:47
MonkeyDustmspencer  you mean 13.04 or 12.1019:47
ActionParsnipmspencer: do you mean 13.04     then it is for #ubuntu+119:47
mspencerSorry, I meant 13.0419:48
lonewulf85ActionParsnip: What are the benefits of a fresh install?19:48
ActionParsniplonewulf85: there aren't the old configs and fluff from the old install causing issues.19:48
MonkeyDustlonewulf85  no upgrading issues19:48
linuxawiHow set arabic language in xubuntu ?19:48
ActionParsniplonewulf85: its how the OS is supposed to be, nothing more or less :)19:48
wa11bekks tanx19:49
wa11i try with xplico19:49
lonewulf85MonkeyDust:Nope it went fine but now it is just I keep getting crash reports from stuff that worked perfect before.19:49
wa11but i am tired19:49
bekkswa11: Whats "xplico"?19:49
designbybeckhow do you change Groups in the GUI?19:49
llutzwa11: you're using WEP but worry about intruders? odd19:50
MonkeyDustlinuxawi  try sudo gnome-language-selector19:50
wa11bekks xplico is a tool in BTr3 and could decrypt and categorised the packets .pcap19:50
wa11or live sniff19:50
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MonkeyDustlonewulf85  oh, the crash reports, i have those too19:51
ActionParsnipwa11: if its backtrack then ask in #backtrack-linux19:51
mspencerSo any question related to 13.04 should be asked on #ubuntu+1 even if I think it is not specific to 13.04?19:51
wa11its forensic :)19:51
lonewulf85MonkeyDust: Did you upgrade to 12.10 from 12.04?19:52
bekkswa11: Never heard of it, wireshark's enough here :)19:52
wa11its not backtrack. im done with xplico19:52
MonkeyDustlonewulf85  fresh install19:52
ActionParsnip!find xplico19:52
ubottuPackage/file xplico does not exist in quantal19:52
wa11yes, but no sniffing!19:52
wa11plz give me another way19:52
zykotick9lonewulf85: most (not all) experienced ubuntu users fresh install...19:53
bekkswa11: Huh? Of course you can do that with wireshark. Thats what wireshark is for.19:53
designbybeckI've installed Virutualbox but I need to add vboxusers group, But I can't find how to do that in the GUI Unity 12.1019:54
bekksdesignbybeck: Then do it in the cmd line, which is much easier.19:54
chaingundesignbybeck: groupadd19:54
chaingunin command line19:54
designbybeckchaingun bekks:  is there no longer a GUI for this in 12.10?19:54
chaingunI don't know19:54
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USER19:55
chaingunnever bothered to learn how to do it from GUI. They keep moving stuff around.19:55
bekksdesignbybeck: I've never done things like that with a GUI, I dont know.19:55
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: log off then log in and you will be added to the group19:55
designbybeckthank you ActionParsnip19:55
wa11bekks: xplico can analyse the pcap file from wireshark and ...19:56
bekkswa11: And wireshark has beautiful and sophisticated filters :)19:56
wa11bekks : yes right19:57
phr33kWhen installing ssri using the guide on ubuntuforums.org i wasnt able to install19:57
designbybeckhere is an error message I got on a new install of VB http://www.pasteall.org/3726319:57
phr33ka few of the libcrypt and libmath packages19:57
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phr33kanyone know why ?19:58
wa11bekks: but im not authorised to sniff this network anymore19:58
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: did you run:   sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup19:58
designbybeckI'm trying to spin up a VM of Ubuntu so I can run the Ubuntu Distro BUilder to make my own custom distro19:58
bekksdesignbybeck: Well, then just do as you are told by the error message.19:58
bekkswa11: Then you should stop any further activity on that and provide all your information so far to your admin.19:59
designbybeckActionParsnip:  http://www.pasteall.org/3726419:59
designbybeckthat was my output19:59
wa11i am admin :(19:59
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck  this is what i used to make vbox work    sudo modprobe vboxdrv;sudo modprobe vboxnetflt19:59
bekkswa11: Which I cant believe.19:59
bekksdesignbybeck: "Please install the linux-headers-3.5.0-18-generic package,20:00
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: if you run:   sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-headers-3.5.0-18-generic   does it install?20:00
bekksdesignbybeck: Thats what the second message tells you.20:00
designbybeckwill that not mess up anything else ActionParsnip?20:00
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: how would it?20:01
designbybecklol no clue!20:01
wa11bekks: this is a forensic pen test about wireless networking20:01
designbybecki'm running it now ActionParsnip20:01
wa11i can log the users mac20:02
wa11but its not usefull20:03
wa11bekks r u there?20:03
designbybeckActionParsnip:  bekks that worked! Thanks20:03
bekkswa11: I am here, yes. I'm trying to figure out why having the intruders MAC and still having control over your network infrastructure isnt enough to identify the location of the intruder.20:04
morphiasis there a channel specific to asking questions about programming?20:04
MonkeyDustmorphias  what language?20:04
ActionParsnipmorphias: try #c++20:04
MonkeyDustmorphias  try #c++20:04
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  was faster :)20:04
zykotick9morphias: see "/msg ubottu alis" for a method of searching for different channels on freenode20:05
wa11is it enough?20:05
morphiaschannel C++ is invite only20:06
zykotick9morphias: see "/msg ubottu register" to fix that issue20:06
bekkswa11: Having the MAC, you can easily identify the location of the intruder by just asking your network switches: "which port is it that MAC is connected to?". Call the cops, tell them where to search, done.20:06
MonkeyDustmorphias  type /msg nickserv register [password] [email]20:07
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morphias /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER morphias cpvuzitpibnq20:08
BoreeasFail reg20:08
wa11bekks :within wireless network?20:08
zykotick9morphias: no space at the beginning.  use differnt password.20:09
bekkswa11: Sure. Wireless access point doe not have inifinite range.20:09
morphiaswhat is the key parameter in setpass?20:11
SierraARWhat's ubuntu's version of ipconfig /flushdns?20:12
wa11that means the cops go to all my neighburs door!20:13
wa11bekks : what about this20:13
wa11macchanger -r wlanX20:13
bekkswa11: Well, whatever MAC it is, you know where it is connected to.20:14
zykotick9morphias: for help registering or finding channels try the #freenode channel.  "/join #freenode"20:14
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wa11bekks : yes? thats what i search20:15
bekkswa11: And why dont you just shutdown your WLAN to secure your network?20:15
bekkswa11: I told you how to find it out. :)20:15
wa11bekks :i dont understand20:15
bekkswa11: Either disable external access until you've secured your network or just investigate to switch AP that intruding MAC is connected and take further steps (like calling the cops) to track down the intruder.20:16
d00ml0rddoes irssi have the ability to split windows side by sid e?20:18
wa11bekks : but i want to learn this steps ! i told u this is a test.20:18
bekkswa11: Then you have to learn on how to monitor your network hardware, I guess.20:19
jribd00ml0rd: I know it didn't at one point.  Not sure if that's still true.  Check the irssi docs.  I know weechat *can* do this though20:19
beatsteakshey guys20:21
wa11bekks: thats sounds good. but in this case i got his MAC, but i donot know how to discover his location!20:21
beatsteakshow can I enable /etc/resolv.conf.tail file to add static dns servers ??20:21
jrib!resolv.conf | beatsteaks20:21
ubottubeatsteaks: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution20:21
bekkswa11: Then you have to learn on how to get that information from your hardware, which certainly isnt running Ubuntu.20:22
ActionParsnipbeatsteaks: its default, just add the nameserver as you would in /etc/resolv.conf  and it gets added at the end20:22
beatsteaksjrib thanks20:23
wa11bekks: ok , r u talking about his wireless card power or ttl in pinging and etc?20:23
ActionParsnipbeatsteaks: should be in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d   too ;)20:23
beatsteaksActionParsnip but not after reboot :/20:23
bekkswa11: No. I am talking about controlling your network hardware like routers, swicthes, etc.20:24
wa11bekks : my switches map his location? :D20:25
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bekkswa11: you know the range of your AP and the port your AP is connected to a switch. And you know the physical location of the switch and of the AP. Isnt that enough?20:26
ActionParsnipbeatsteaks: try adding it in the base file20:26
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wa11bekks : i feel stupidy!!20:28
beatsteaksActionParsnip oki thanks, let me try20:29
wa11bekks: my AP is a gateway to internet and the clients use this to connect the internet20:30
wa11bekks : the intruders is in my LAN20:30
bekkswa11: So you know the location and the range. done.20:30
hhnwhois hhn20:31
Melvinneed help on configuring ethernet. The forums didn't help me. reeled my time and brain activity since a week. No solution! please help!20:31
wa11bekks: the location is my room for example and range 100 meter including 15 houses!20:32
ActionParsnipMelvin: what ethernet chip?20:32
MelvinU mean the make?20:32
ActionParsnipMelvin: yes, and model20:32
bekkswa11: Well, thats wifi :)20:33
wa11bekks: so?20:34
bekkswa11: Thats all you can get then.20:34
MelvinAtheros. I believe the model is AR813x/AR815x . I've googled my Lenovo's specs. No clue.20:34
wa11bekks : what can the cops do with this?20:35
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bekkswa11: Track down the intruder.20:35
Melvin<ActionParsnip>:Atheros. I believe the model is AR813x/AR815x . I've googled my Lenovo's specs. No clue.20:35
ActionParsnipMelvin: why not just run:   sudo lshw -C network20:36
jribwa11: https://twitter.com/SadaoTurner/status/230737352958566401/photo/1/large invest in one of these :x20:36
genii-aroundMelvin: Usually, either: lspci -nn        or: lsusb    will give some useful info about the adapter20:36
ActionParsnipMelvin: then you can see EXCACT:Y what it is rather than what the web says.....20:36
Melvin<ActionParsnip> no. that doesnt work.20:36
themhzI have installed aptana on my system, but when I open the program, the icon on the left bar is a question mark and not the aptana icon, why?20:36
Tony_hi all i was going to install ubuntu in virtual box and was wondering how much vido and cpu power to give it?. also should i use ubuntu 64 bit20:37
ActionParsnipMelvin: it's a default command in Ubuntu20:37
ActionParsnipMelvin: the command is case sensitive and the spaces are important too20:37
Melvin<ActionParsnip> when ifconfig is entered as root, only wlan0 and lo are listed.20:37
ActionParsnipMelvin: if you run the command I ran, do you see an Ethernet chip?20:37
stingherfnlag know?20:37
ActionParsnipMelvin: or:  lspci    if a command with spaces is too hard20:38
stingherHi, do you know fnlag?20:38
beatsteaksActionParsnip thanks it worked :D20:38
ActionParsnipbeatsteaks: :)20:38
steJaxxhi everyone20:38
ActionParsnipMelvin: one line will identify the Ethernet chip, if not then you may want to check it is enabled in BIOS20:39
Tony_anyone no how much ram and v ram and processor to give ubuntu in virtual box?20:39
ActionParsnipTony_: which desktop are you using?20:39
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ActionParsnipTony_: on the guest, that is :)20:40
steJaxxwho used kde instead unity ?20:40
Tony_havent installed it yet but my host system is win 7  and i d-loaded the 64 bit version of ubuntu 12.10 i think it is the latest one20:40
Melvin<ActionParsnip> I ran them !20:40
bekkssteJaxx: Oh, another poll?20:40
ActionParsnipMelvin: do you see the controller20:40
ActionParsnipsteJaxx: you can run unity in Kde if you want20:41
ActionParsnipsteJaxx: unity isn't a replacement for Gnome20:41
steJaxxyes it is!!20:41
Braber00001question how to I print address Labels in LibireOffice?20:41
Melvin<ActionParsnip> I do! its Atheros Communications Device [1969;1090] (rev 10)20:41
wa11bekks : thanks a lot!20:41
Tony_wanted to have it all down so all i have to do is install it in virtual box and set it up and go from there20:41
steJaxxhow can I run unity in kde ?20:41
ActionParsnipMelvin: ok, use the hex ID you see to find guides20:41
Braber00001In libireOffice CaLC, how do I print address Labels?20:42
gustav__Anyone know why xdg-screensaver opens files in the bluray when I'm watching it with vlc?20:42
ActionParsnipsteJaxx: you'll need to run compiz instead of kwin     I've not done it myself but in theory it makes sense20:42
Melvin<ActionParsnip> I'm sorry but what hex ID?20:42
ActionParsnipMelvin: 1969:1090     they are hexadecimal values20:42
Melvin<ActionParsnip> ok. what do i do with them.20:43
wa11bekks : in ur country cops can investigate all the 15 houses and check the MACs? :-p20:43
ActionParsnipMelvin: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%221969%3A1090%22+ubuntu    something like that.....20:43
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xanguasteJaxx: kde already has a fullscreen launcher, unity like http://www.iloveubuntu.net/kde-developers-launch-homerun-unity-interface20:44
steJaxxvery interesting20:44
guntbertBraber00001: maybe ask in #libreoffice20:44
ActionParsnip!info glabels | Braber0000120:44
ubottuBraber00001: glabels (source: glabels): label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0-3ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 391 kB, installed size 1252 kB20:44
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ActionParsnipBraber00001: source:  https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+label+printer20:45
Melvin<ActionParsnip> ok, will look into it. But stay here. I might need u again. thanks for that. will be right back!20:45
Melvin<ActionParsnip> Come in!20:46
ActionParsnipMelvin: huh?20:47
FishsceneGreetings. I'm trying to compress 29GB of data. I'm using "Archive manager" to do this, but quite frankly, I can't wait 24 - 48 hours for it to compress. Is there some way of setting the compression level?20:47
mikestewartFishscene, depends on the type of compression20:47
Melvin<ActionParsnip> I tried that package! I recently posted a question on the same in "askubuntu.com".. would u please read that? here's the link.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/217719/unable-to-configure-ethernet-on-lenovo-g580-laptop20:48
Tony_so in theory would 1 gig ram work and 2 processors and nowt sure how much video ram to allocate to it inside V-box20:48
Fishscenemikestweart: I have been using 7zip, which I *know* supports different levels, but I can't seem to find the options for it.20:48
ActionParsnipFishscene: if you use options in gzip you can set compression level20:48
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=== security is now known as fire_wall
mikestewartFishscene, er, rather no.  at least not via GUI20:49
MelvinFishscene: remember, higher the compression ratio, longer the time it takes to reach that ratio!20:49
FishsceneActionParsnip: Is "gzip" the name of a program?20:49
ActionParsnipFishscene: yes20:49
FishsceneMelvin: Correct. I suspect it's maximizing the compression, but I only need to shave a couple of gigs off20:49
moonvonironCan i run 'phtoscape.exe" with ubuntu 12.04LTS ?20:50
guntbertMelvin: just a hint from the sideline: you don't need < > around nicknames20:50
dr_willis7zip has cli tools also20:50
Melvinfishscene have u got 7zip?20:50
moonvonironplease , help me ..20:51
FishsceneMelvin: Yup. I'm looking up the command line now so I can set the compression level20:51
themhzI have installed aptana on my system, but when I open the program, the icon on the left bar is a question mark and not the aptana icon, why?20:52
dr_willis!appdb | moonvoniron20:52
ubottumoonvoniron: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:52
MelvinActionParsnip any solution for that post?20:52
Tony_please anyone have help for me this is my first virtual box setup20:52
bekksTony_: Just assign 16MB VRAM.20:52
dr_willisTony_:  i tend to just use the defaults, you can change them later20:52
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ActionParsnipMelvin: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/alx   seems to need the alx module20:52
lonewulf85Would anyone be able to help with a minor question. I need to reinstall, I will be going with 12.04 my question is I have a amd c60 cpu which is 64bit would the 12.04 64bit be better for me then the 32bit?20:53
designbybeckIf you create a fixed VDI in VirtualBox can you resize it??20:53
Tony_yea but someone over at forums said it was quit lag with defualts so before i did it i came over here to ask lol20:53
designbybeckI undershot the size I needed!!20:53
dr_willislonewulf85:  id go 64bit os on 64bit hardware these days20:53
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: I'd ask in #vbox20:53
designbybeckThanks ActionParsnip20:54
dr_willisdesignbybeck:  yes you can20:54
Melvinfishscene tar -cvf file.tar /path/to/directory ; gzip -9 file.tar.gz20:54
devslashI think im having some over head issues on my headless ubuntu server which doesnt have xorg installed. When i do ps -A i see 11 apache processes. I closed all browsed all the browsers connected to my site and no one else has the link to it20:54
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FishsceneMelvin: Thanks mate.20:54
Melvinfishscene "9" is for the highest compression ratio.20:54
lonewulf85dr_willis: Where I plan on learning to program will the 64bit cpu and kernel help me out?20:54
Tony_ok so should i do a fixed lik3 20 or 30 gig virtual drive or let v- box handel it?20:55
devslashAny ideas?20:55
Melvinfishscene however the default is not 1, but 6.20:55
Melvinactioparsnip I tried that too. no luck. hope u r still patient :/20:55
guntbert!tab | Melvin another hint20:56
ubottuMelvin another hint: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:56
moonvonirondr_willis:  I opened it with wine then so many numbers appears20:56
dr_willisTony_:  you could always use more then one virtual drive if you wanted.20:56
dr_willismoonvoniron:  see #winehq for wine help.  i dont use photoshop20:57
devslashI think im having some overhead issues on my headless ubuntu server which doesnt have xorg installed. It seems to slow down noticeably at random times.  When i do ps -A i see 11 apache processes. I closed all browsed all the browsers connected to my site and no one else has the link to it20:57
Melvintab key. how? god!20:57
dr_willisdevslash:  some services keep a few processes/threads 'open and ready' for when someone does connect20:58
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:58
devslashDr_willis then how do i see if a process is slowing down my server20:58
Tony_reason i ask is it defaults dynamically expanding virtual hard drive  but some say a fixed drive is better whats your take on this?20:58
MelvinActionParsnip come in!20:58
dr_willisdevslash:  what does htop say about the system?20:59
bekksTony_: Just use a dynamically sized disk for your first steps.20:59
dr_willisTony_:  i use dynamic20:59
dr_willisi just use vbox to test different distros20:59
guntbertdevslash: apache starts by default several processes "just in case"20:59
Tony_one more question can i safely run Ubuntu all the time in V-box? wanted to ask before i go all the  way here.21:00
sianhuloguys, I tried to chage icon size of unity and make it hide, but for some reason it didn't change anything21:00
guntbertTony_: of course21:00
dr_willisTony_:  not sure what you mean by that21:01
Tony_like can  i run it all the time like a normal install ?21:01
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MelvinActionParsnip Come in!21:01
devslashHtop lists a lot of processes.im not sure how to read it21:01
dr_willisTony_:  you could21:01
FishsceneTony_: Ubuntu runs just fine in Virtualbox. The only caveats are hardware accelleration and working in a VM environment (same with any virtual machine)21:01
dr_willisdevslash:  it should show the ones using the most cpu first21:01
Tony_hmm how do i tell if i have hardware acceleration?21:02
Melvinwould somebody address my problem! :/21:02
dr_willisMelvin:  i dont even recall seeing you state a problem21:03
devslashOk htop is at the top followed by 2 utorrent server processes and 18 mysqld processes21:03
bulletrulzthis is a picture from bad bunny21:03
FishsceneTony_: Since a virtual machine runs on top of an existing operating system, it doesn't necessarily have native or full access to the hardware (especially for 3D graphics). But this is an issue with the nature of VM's themselves and not an Ubuntu-specific problem. However, I say go ahead and give it a try and see for yourself how well it works for you.21:03
MelvinI did. ActionPArsnip was suppposed to be the medicine. He ain't online now i believe!21:04
dr_willisdevslash:  and your total cpu load is what? what does uptime say about your load21:04
Tony_ok i see so only way i will be able to tell is to install it configure it and go from there thanks will do and thanks for the help here :)21:04
dr_willisif htop is the top process.. then i imagine your load is quite low21:05
devslashWhere does it show the load21:05
Melvindr_willis i have a lenovoG580 and the ethernet card doesnt show up in the terminal! ifconfig inputted, but no display of any eth0 or eth1 apart from lo and wlan0.21:05
devslashI mean the total load21:05
dr_willisshould be a %cpu used somewhere21:05
lonewulf85I plan on learning to program will the 64bit cpu and kernel help me out?21:05
dr_willislonewulf85:  i doubt it it will matter much21:06
devslashLoad average is 0.4%21:06
dr_willislonewulf85:  'learning to program' could be done on a PaspberryPi ;)  its a big topic21:06
lonewulf85dr_willis: I know that if I want to also program 64bit apps it might make a difference correct?21:06
dr_willislonewulf85:  i imagine it will be some time befor 64bit vs 3bit matters to you.21:07
devslashDr_willis the load average is 0.6%21:07
lonewulf85dr_willis: alrighty thanks and now I get to reinstall apps YEAH!!!!21:08
devslashIt varies21:08
dr_willisdevslash:  seems nice and low to me.21:08
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devslashOk maybe my issue isnt a server overhead issue then21:08
dr_willisMelvin:  id check the forums and askubuntu.com about your exact make laptop and the chipset its using. its rare a wired nic dosent work.. and rarer for an ibm box to have issues21:09
mag]]oh shit, gnome just flipped its shit, I'm fucked21:09
mokarenkoHello everyone. I need to know how to get a volume control applet in the panel (xfce) without resorting to the indicator plugin (I tried at #xubuntu but no one has answered) Any ideas?21:10
Melvindr_willis i tried the forums! no clue! i'm on a hunt since a week! believe me. i wdnt land here before going to the forums.21:10
FishsceneMelvin: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html21:10
Melvindr_willis My question on askubuntu.com.21:10
dr_willisMelvin:  tried askubuntu.com?21:10
dr_willisyou did search there first? ;)21:11
FishsceneMelvin: Specifically, what happens when you run "sudo lshw -class network"21:11
Melvindr_willis http://askubuntu.com/questions/217719/unable-to-configure-ethernet-on-lenovo-g580-laptop21:11
MelvinFishscene i ran that command . it says "sudo: /etc/sudoers.dreadme is mode 0555, should be 044021:12
dr_willisMelvin:  i would also test with some other different distros, like puppylinux, tinycorelinux and other live cds21:12
dr_willisMelvin:  see if it works with any of them21:13
zootskoHi. wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve says to install NVIDIA drivers from 'Software Properties', but I do not see any drivers there. Can anyone help, please?21:13
jribzootsko: what ubuntu version?21:13
zootskojrib: 12.1021:14
dr_williszootsko:  in 12.10 the addatoinal-drivers tab is in the 'software sources' tool now21:14
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bkfitz12.04 on a new x1 carbon laptop - had it a month.  ~5 times the machine has just frozen solid... as in total coma.  screen freezes and no inputs work. It just happend when I opened Google Chrome, but it has happened other times as well.  Anything I can do to troubleshoot?  I've just rebooted21:14
FishsceneMelvin: dreadme = your username? Sounds like a permissions issue or something... which could be part of your problem.21:14
jribFishscene: he probably means /etc/sudoers.d/README and just mistyped the error21:14
Melvindr_willis Here's the thing. i googled, ubuntuforumed, searched ask ubuntu.com regarding the inability of Lenovo g580's to automaticaly cinfigure ethernet . These lenovo's have an issue. A compat driver must be downloaded and installed via the terminal.21:15
dr_willisFishscene:  i think he ment   sudoers.d/readme21:15
zootskodr_willis: I see no drivers under the 'Additional drivers' tab. Just an empty list.21:15
Melvinfishscene username? where?21:15
dr_williszootsko:  and your video card is? is it one of those optimus chipsets?21:15
Fishsceneoh hah. I didn't even see that. ...but strange that it would throw that error after running "sudo lshw -class network"21:16
zootskodr_willis: Its GeForce GT 630M21:16
dr_willissounds like hes been messing in sudoers.d/21:16
ses1984i'm trying to configure ubuntu as a tftp server for pxe boot. it seems like i'm starting to get things right but i'm stuck at a certain spot and can't figure out what's wrong21:16
MelvinFishscene here it is. http://askubuntu.com/questions/217719/unable-to-configure-ethernet-on-lenovo-g580-laptop21:17
Melvindr_willis http://askubuntu.com/questions/217719/unable-to-configure-ethernet-on-lenovo-g580-laptop21:17
Fishsceneses1984: Are you following a guide? If so, post the guide and let us know which step you are stuck on21:17
ses1984on the machine, i can tftp localhost, and get pxelinux.0 which i got from netboot.tar.gz from ubuntu's server. extracted the whole thing into /srv/tftp21:17
ses1984the client starts to pxe boot, gets an ip from the dhcp server, and gets pxelinux.0 from the tftp server. i can see in the syslog of the server that the client requested pxelinux.021:18
ses1984then the client just says "MTFTP..." and does nothing after that21:18
dr_willisMelvin:  so .. you got an answer on what you need to do? you just dont understand  it?21:18
Melvindr_willis Thats my question in askubuntu.com buddy. thought that would give u a clear look on what i'm trying to convey.21:19
dr_willisim on my phone so cant do much research.  you said you needed some driver. where did that info come from?21:20
ikoniawhat network card is it ?21:20
chaingunMelvin: eth0 not showing up indicates that the proper driver isn't loaded21:20
Fishsceneses1984: Check the solution here and see if it helps: http://scug.be/sccm/2011/01/13/configmgr-2007-pxe-boot-amp-mtftp-defaulting-and-make-you-wait-for-10-15-minutes21:21
ses1984thanks i'll check it out21:21
sianhuloguys, changing icon size and hiding unity is impossible. It's like ubuntu is ignoring what i'm changing21:21
dr_willissianhulo:  make a new user.. see if it works for them.21:22
Melvinchaingun THATS exactly what i mean! where do i star from! please help!!21:22
ikoniaMelvin: what network card is it21:22
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dr_willissianhulo:  ive seen where some config files get owned by root and thus cant get changed.. the new user test may give a clue if thats the case21:22
sianhulodr_willis, well, this is dresh install, though i kept my /home, in the case it works with other user what should I do then?21:22
Melvinikonia atheros AR813x/Ar815x...21:22
ikoniathat's wireles21:23
chaingunMelvin: Your first step is to find out what the correct driver is. Then determine whether it is available in the standard repositories or not. If it is, you're in luck. Just install from there and you should be good to go. Otherwise, your best bet is to grab the source for the proper driver, and compile/install it yourself.21:23
dr_willissianhulo:  you could just reset all your unity and compiz settinga back to default also21:23
gaperti need help , 2 weeks ago i installed ubuntu , what to do with  dev/mapper/cryptswap1 , ?21:23
Fishsceneses1984: "MTFTP" seems to refer to "Multicast Trivial File Transfer Protocol" - which I'm not sure why anyone would be using that. so if you aren't, you might also want to look into anything that might be enabling a multicast option on your PXE setup.21:23
chaingunMelvin: This is not a simple process if this is your first time messing with this stuff. But you will learn a lot as you work through it.21:23
dr_willisbbl.. gotta run21:23
ikoniagapert: why did you encypt swap ?21:23
gaperti don know,21:23
sianhulodr_willis, well, i'll google that as i tried it already, I think they changed them so I'll leave, thanks21:24
DezgegHi. Can someone transfer this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/1024800 to the package responsible for the "Keyboard layout" option in System settings21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024800 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 switches to Chinese language" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:24
ikoniaDezgeg: transfer this bug ?21:24
Dezgegthat's not the correct package i presume21:24
ikoniaDezgeg: the bug team will pick it up21:25
Dezgegwell that's over 4 months old already21:25
ikoniaDezgeg: the bug team will pick it up21:25
chaingunMelvin: I assume you have come across this http://www.zyxware.com/articles/2680/solved-wired-connection-eth0-not-detected-in-ubuntu-12-0421:25
gaperti installed ubuntu , then after a few days ago , don anything about it21:25
Melvinchaingun hows that possible. here's the list. now i can't try all these packages right!! http://linuxwireless.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/21:25
chaingunMelvin:  that article I just linked walks you through it21:25
Melvinchaingun Yes, i have! No luck with that bro!21:25
ikoniaMelvin: that is your wireless21:26
chaingunMelvin:  what step do you get stuck on21:26
ikoniaMelvin: you said your ethernet21:26
chaingunthe article states that this fixes the wired issue as well21:26
chaingunI don't pretend to understand how21:26
Melvinikonia its an ethernet LAN controller.21:26
ikoniaMelvin: right - so why are you looking at wireless networking packages21:27
chaingunMelvin:  I have about 2 minutes before I have to go.21:27
chaingunMelvin:  what part do you get stuck at?21:27
Melvinchaingun when i say ifconfig my LAN card soesn't show up in the terminal.21:27
chaingunhave you compiled and installed that driver?21:27
DezgegOh dear god. I really wonder why people ever bother even trying, Stockholm syndrome I guess.21:27
iwafflesI changed my password using 'passwd' and I can login via ssh but not sftp because it rejects the password. Is there a way to refresh this?21:27
Melvinchaingun no.21:27
ses1984Fishscene: i figured the part about the multicast tftp and i haven't found anything to indicate why it's being used in my config. still looking. by the way i'm using ddwrt as the dhcp server using dhcpd and dnsmasq21:27
Melvinchangun i cant see mu eth0.21:28
gapertwhat is the best .nl channel too ask what do about the dev/mapper/cryptswap ? sometimes i get a little chance too press S for mount or M for maniging by hand21:28
bekksMelvin: Then check "ifconfig -a"21:28
chaingunMelvin: because you haven;t installed the driver yet21:28
chainguninstall the driver and it should appear21:28
chaingunI must go. If I am back on later I can try to help more21:28
tinksterdebian 6.0.6,  mrtg 2.16.3-3 ... it appears that mrtg is trying to monitor things I didn't ask for, and failing to get systemUptime (which doesn't exist looking at snmpwalk output on the box) generates an e-Mail every 5 minutes, which is annoying  ... googling for 1 h shows similar reports for the last 12 years :} ... feeding the option NoMIB2 seems to make this go away; would it be worthwhile to create a bug-report w/ solution?21:29
ikoniaMelvin: what ?21:29
Melvinchaingun so how do i get that driver?21:29
bekkstinkster: How is that related to Ubuntu?21:29
tinksterright you are21:29
tinksterwrong channel21:29
Fishsceneses1984: Acknowledged. I had a few .... fun trials when trying to configure the DHCP server when I had ddwrt a few years ago. I'm horribly out of touch with that project now though. =\21:30
Melvinchaingun the forums say thats the only way i can get my ethernet LAN working. But i'm screwed.21:30
Melvinbekks that doesnt help either! only wlan0 and lo are listed21:30
ikoniaMelvin: why will you not answer the quesiton, what network card is it21:31
ikoniaMelvin: typing in caps won't help21:32
ikoniaMelvin: that is your wireless card21:32
ikonianot your ethernet card21:32
sianhulodr_willis, ok, this is wierd, I used unity-reset for the matter, and it changed for what I put, however, jsut for a few seconds and came back to normal....21:32
Melvinikonia no! its the LAN card.21:32
ikoniaMelvin: it is possible, but I don't agree it is21:32
FishsceneHow would Melvin display the ethernet adapter card info?21:32
sianhulodr_willis, nevermind, now it changed again21:33
bekksFishscene: By using lspci -vvn e.g.21:33
ikonialspci will show the devices or lshw21:33
Melvinfishscene its atheros AR813x/ AR815x! the correct version isnt known. i tried the internet for the lenovo G580 specs and hardware config. no sound.21:34
FishsceneMelvin: try: lspci | grep "Ethernet"21:34
ikonia"the correct versions isn't known" - nonsense21:34
votzI am attempting to build the netcat-openbsd package from source. I've checked out the contents with 'apt-get source netcat-openbsd'. I then run 'dpkg-source -x netcat-openbsd_1.89-3ubuntu5.dsc' and that completes successfully. But, upon build there are errors.21:35
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Melvinfishscene that command doesn't display a thing21:35
ikoniavotz: why are you building it from source21:35
ikoniaMelvin: pastebin the output of "lspci" please.21:35
ikoniavotz: there is a package21:35
ikoniaMelvin: (please make sure in a pastebin, not the channel)21:36
votznetcat-openbsd-1.89/netcat.c isn't modified, even though there are changes to netcat.c that should be applied in the diff. They aren't. Any idea why?21:36
Melviniknia. one moment. on it.21:36
votzikonia: I would like to port this openbsd version of netcat to a different version of linux. I am starting by getting it built on Ubuntu.21:37
ikoniavotz: there is no value in building it on ubuntu21:37
ikoniaif you are going to port it21:37
ikoniajust build it on the target platform21:38
votzikonia: I need to resolve the patching issue first, Ubuntu or not.21:38
ikoniavotz: then resolve it21:39
votzikonia: I have also attempted to patch manually, following this guide: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/doc/source-unpack.txt. I am unsure why netcat.c remains unpatched.21:40
ikoniavotz: unpack the source, patch it and build it outside of the deb system21:40
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jorgerosaHello all21:43
MelvinI'm back!21:46
jorgerosaI am developing a (sort of) music player (simple stuff + crossplatform libraries) I can compile it for MS Windows (exe binaries), BUT I need someone to compile it to Ubuntu (So, even I could use in my loved Ubuntu PC), can anyone do this, please?21:46
Melvinikonia http://pastebin.com/dqMtL7HS21:46
jorgerosathanks in advance :)21:46
ikoniajorgerosa: what language is it written in21:46
jorgerosaim using c::B21:47
ikoniajorgerosa: what display libraries ?21:47
MelvinFishscene http://pastebin.com/dqMtL7HS21:47
jorgerosabut is simple only 1 c++ file + libs21:47
ikoniaMelvin: it's a broadcom21:47
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ikoniano it's not21:47
ikoniajorgerosa: what graphics library is it using21:47
FishsceneEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Device 1090 (rev 10)21:48
jorgerosaikonia: can i post urls here?21:48
ikoniajorgerosa: no21:48
ikoniajorgerosa: just tell me21:48
ikoniajorgerosa: you've written it21:48
llutzMelvin: sudo update-pciids21:48
ikoniajorgerosa: what  graphics library21:48
ikoniallutz: I was just thinking the pci id is probably wrong21:48
llutzikonia: or too new to be recognized21:49
jorgerosaok, its IMP - Irrlicht Media Player (on sourceforgenet) it uses Irrlicht + Audiere (thats all)21:49
ikoniallutz: that's the other21:49
ikoniajorgerosa: you said you had written it21:49
Melvinikonia http://pastebin.com/PHy498L121:49
ikoniajorgerosa: right - so what graphics library is it using21:49
jorgerosaIrrlicht (3D graphics engine)21:50
ikoniajorgerosa: it must be using something to draw the actual display21:50
jorgerosaOpenGl, u mean?21:50
ikoniaMelvin: is that after update-pcids ?21:50
jorgerosaan, nope, all from Irrlicht (simple embed -crossplatform- keyboard + windows stuff, no needs aditional stuff)21:51
Melvinikonia the result of the command http://pastebin.com/Y5D6rgej21:52
votzikonia: This is what I'm doing. http://pastie.org/private/tgsdmgrib6uasxjr8rjq21:52
jorgerosaits kind of a sort of mini SDL an Wx (if i may say that way)21:52
Melvinikonia oops! is it pcids or pciids?21:53
FishsceneMelvin: That Sudo problem needs to be fixed or you aren't going to get anywhere fixing this issue.21:53
ikoniaMelvin: this is backtrack !!!!21:53
Melvinikonia yes it is!21:53
ikoniaMelvin: this channel supports UBUNTU21:53
Melvinikonia i know. that backtrack channel wasn't responsive. and the same issue goes in ubuntu too!21:54
ikoniasorry - no21:54
ikoniayou need to tack this to backtrack21:54
votzIn the diff file, there are patches like http://pastie.org/private/ngzcabqldubew3osz5qbta. But after the patch, netcat.c remains unpatched at the Feb 20, 2007 version. Here is the output of the patch command. http://pastie.org/private/4bn9wun6gdzaapm56xuew. No errors.21:54
Melvinikonia the config is similar in both! the same kernel resides in both of them.21:54
ikoniasorry - no21:55
ikoniaMelvin: this needs to go to backtrack21:55
ikoniavotz: why are you trying to patch it outside the source tree ?21:55
Melvinikonia no no! you see, i've tried really hard since a week and half. 14hrs a day on my system, and please dont abandon this!21:55
ikoniaMelvin: it's not for this channel21:56
FishsceneMelvin: Each distro handles things *slightly* differently, which makes it exceedingly difficult for even related distro's to iron out issues such as this. If you can duplicate this problem within Ubuntu and work on this *though* Ubuntu, then we can assist.21:56
Melvinfishscene i concur. shoot!21:56
=== woo is now known as woot-0854
votzikonia: The patch file headers are prefixed with netcat-openbsd-1.89/ and -p0 is used.21:56
Fishscenebrb. I need to take care of some things.21:57
ikoniavotz: it doesn't look like it's patching it21:57
Melvinikonia now shoot! help me out ! its ubuntu now !21:57
ikoniaMelvin: no you are not21:57
OerHeks!bt > Melvin21:57
maslohi guys I'm pretty new to shell scripting and I'm wondering how I'd manage to do 2 things, using df-h how would I only get the Size and Used value? and how would I multiply a variable by 0.0009765625 says something about the base being too big21:57
ikoniaMelvin: please take it to #backtrack-linux21:57
jribmaslo: #bash can help you with scripting21:57
votzikonia: Ya. I don't know why.21:57
MFenhow do i configure my servers so postfix stops asking me that useless goddamn question during upgrades21:59
Melvinikonia it says "cannot send to channel"21:59
ikoniaMelvin: you're not registered21:59
MFensorry for the rage, but this just killed an entire client's server of mine21:59
MFenpostfix popped up its question during a headless upgrade, AFTER postgresql was shut down. doom.21:59
Melvinikonia assist please. registration,21:59
llutz!register  | Melvin22:00
ubottuMelvin: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:00
MFenwhen i provision a new server, the first thing i want to do is tell dpkg STOP ASKING ME ABOUT POSTFIX22:00
ikonianice to know you lied about asking in the backtrack channel too22:00
ikoniaMFen: thanks fofr that random pointless outburst, please don't do it again22:00
woot-0854lol @ bt22:00
MFenikonia: so you don't know?22:01
ikoniaMFen: don't know what ?22:01
MFenthe answer to the question22:01
Qalqiwhy is 12.10 so unstable?22:01
ikoniaMFen: you've not asked a question22:01
ikoniaQalqi: it's not,22:01
llutzMFen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix -> "configure later"22:01
ikoniayou've just ranted22:01
ikonia(unless I missed the question)22:01
robotti^Qalqi: how it is unstable?22:02
MFenikonia: it was above. (not very far above.)22:02
MFenllutz: dpkg-reconfigure is too late. i want this done before i even attempt to install postfix. i want to never see that prompt, even once22:02
oldgettingsomewhwhile on the postfix subject what would be best small email program for a linux server?22:02
ikoniaMFen: it's asking you to configure postfix during the upgrade as it needs a response22:02
ikoniaoldgettingsomewh: personal choice, pick what you like22:03
llutzoldgettingsomewh: mail22:03
robert_Hi! All.22:03
woot-0854yo robert_22:03
MFenikonia: it doesn't. postfix has a config file already. i set it up by hand during install. by even asking me that question, postfix is asking me whether i want to ruin my handmade config file22:03
oldgettingsomewhikonia what would you use?22:03
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bibinouhi guys I usually do `du -sh * | sort -h` to sort by file size in precise22:03
bibinoubut I have a lucid machine here and it says the sort -h option do not exist22:04
ikoniaMFen: so answer "no"22:04
votzikonia: Running patch with --verbose doesn't highlight anything useful. I'm at a loss as to why some things aren't being patched. Patches for netcat.c and other unpatched files reside in the diff. Example: http://pastie.org/private/vphjh2erh7wn2db6hc15q22:04
woot-0854bibinou: you can also right click the empty spots in nautilus22:04
MFenikonia: "no" isn't even an answer to the prompt, but the prompt itself is the problem22:04
bibinoudo you CLI wiz know if that was added recently ?22:04
ikoniaMFen: it wants you to answer22:04
MFenis there a general way to configure your system so interactive prompts are never shown22:04
ikoniaMFen: your only real option is to use response files22:04
MFenah, there we go. how do i use response files?22:05
bibinouwoot : yeah I want a list of files in the directory sorted by file size22:05
Melvinikonia which IRC client must i use?22:05
ikoniaMelvin: anyone you want22:05
ikoniaMelvin: I've not done it for a long time22:05
ikoniaMelvin: sorry that wasn't for you22:05
remix_tjhi, anyone has installed correctly skype from repository on precise 64bit? i continue getting failed depencencies about multiarch22:05
bibinouwoot-0854: not the size of this dir22:05
ikoniaMFen: I've not done it for a long time, but that's what you need22:05
woot-0854bibinou: @ / ?22:05
Melvinikonia I''m on winXP. so which one? :122:05
Guest26760Hi! All.22:05
ikoniaMelvin: anyone you want22:05
woot-0854bibinou: you use gparted?22:06
Guest26760I just installed UBUNTU STUDIO.22:06
MFenikonia: thanks! i google now.22:06
maslohow would I store22:07
maslohddmax=`df -h | grep /dev/simfs | awk {'print $2'}` without it executing the result as a command?22:07
chaingunIs Melvin still in here?22:07
Melvinchaingun yeah:/22:07
bibinouwoot-0854: not installed but you can do that with gparted ?22:07
ikoniachaingun: he's using backtrack so I suggest joinining him in #backtrack-linux if you want to help him22:07
chaingunDid you get that driver installed?22:07
chaingunikonia: oh22:08
Melvinikonia I have pidgin. never knew i could integrate to it! thanks a ton for everything! will remember! \m/22:08
Melvinchaingun no. i'm supposed to hit backtrack ://22:08
MFenikonia: looks like it's actually debconf-set-selections that i want! http://serverfault.com/questions/228266/how-do-i-generate-a-response-file-to-be-used-with-apt-get-or-aptitude22:09
MFenbut "response files" led me there so thanks again22:09
woot-0854bibinou: you still there?22:09
Melvinchaingun but backtrack's linux too. the poing being here: Unable to butkick LAN !22:09
ikoniaMelvin: bravo22:09
ikoniaMFen: bravo22:10
votzikonia: Do you have any further ideas? I'm stumped. Could you try those 5 lines yourself and see if you can reproduce the problem?22:12
ikoniavotz: I don't have the packages here as I'm no on ubuntu22:12
ikoniavotz: if you tar them up for me and put them on a url I will22:12
votzikonia: One moment. Thank you.22:12
ChartaxHi all, I have an issue with wifi22:13
ChartaxIt's got me at a loss.22:13
woot-0854lol k so I right clicked on the drive @ / and looked at propertys Idk y but it says I have 170 TB of info :D lol its a 140gb disk22:13
ikoniaMelvin: enough now, take it to #backtrack-linux please.22:13
ChartaxI can't even see it in lspci or lsusb -- is that even possible?22:13
Melvinikonia relax. its not that now! :)22:13
ikoniaMelvin: then take it to a private message, this is channel is for Ubuntu support/discussion22:14
woot-0854Mel armitage and gtfo w bt megasploit tracking stations.  learn and hide22:14
ikoniawoot-0854: please stop such comments22:14
ikoniathank you22:15
votzikonia: http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g5d70ebd3fdae82e91706524bc6d1a2b4eaa926. That is the output of 'apt-get source netcat-openbsd'.22:15
chaingunMelvin: What's up?22:16
ikoniavotz: getting it22:16
chaingunI'm in #backtrack-linux now too in case people are getting aggrivated22:16
ikoniachaingun: thank you22:16
ChartaxSo, are there any circumstances under which a Wi-fi device wouldn't show in lspci or lsusb?22:17
Melvinchaingun one moment !22:17
woot-0854Any new Unity developments?22:17
ikoniavotz: have you tried manually applying each patch in debian/patches ?22:18
Melvinchartax what is it?22:18
woot-0854Gnome3 and Grub2 are both more epic than I know how to use yet22:18
votzikonia: No, I have not.22:19
ChartaxMelvin: My Wi-fi adapter which was previously working fine has ceased doing so22:19
woot-0854Chartax: ifconfig wlan0 down && iwconfig wlan0 mode managed && ifconfig wlan0 up22:19
ikoniavotz: which file did you say wasn't getting patched22:19
votzikonia: I'm positive netcat.c isn't. Maybe others.22:20
Melvinran ifconfig? turned the wireless on? Check the BIOS if wireless adapter is enabled or disabled.22:20
ikoniavotz: it's not getting patched22:20
Chartax I tried putting it down, then up, but didn't try changing it to managed mode. It's definitely enabled and works under Win 7.22:20
MelvinChartax ran ifconfig? turned the wireless on? Check the BIOS if wireless adapter is enabled or disabled.22:21
votzikonia: Ya. I don't know why. If you look in the .diff file there are entries to patch netcat.c, ++++ netcat-openbsd-1.89/netcat.c2008-01-22 16:17:25.000000000 -0500, etc22:21
Melvinchartax tell me everything. Ehts the issue. and output for the commands u ran..22:22
ChartaxMelvin: I just tried to change it to mode managed and got an operation not permitted error.22:22
veryhappyhi guys i have here a computer with several problems, that i'd like to solve if possible: 1st: always when i try to launch a program in the fullscreen mode like supertux or a wine application then i only get the border of the window and then it hangs, 2nd: my system sometimes seems to hang a little bit while it tries to launch an application or when i'm using it, it anyhow seems to run a...22:23
veryhappy...little bit slow sometimes like anything slows it down, 3rd: i had a wine application installed, a car race "trackmania" but it launched only once, after that it didn't launch anymore i don't know why, perhaps this problem can also be cleared, that would be cool, and 4th: isn't really an issue, i'd just like to have this on my pc running as well: i'd like to know if it makes sense to use...22:23
ikoniavotz: may have it - hang on22:23
veryhappy...compiz fusion when i want to have  this fire effects and the water ripples, still haven't have this22:23
veryhappythank you.22:23
FloodBot1veryhappy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
Melvinchartax on ubuntu right?22:23
=== woo is now known as woot-0853
votzikonia: I'm not going anywhere.22:23
woot-0853sorry got dc'ed right after asking you a question Chartax22:23
woot-0853Chartax: what is iwconfig output?22:23
ChartaxNo problem woot-085322:23
woot-0853Chartax: what mode?22:24
woot-0853sorry dont past outputs22:24
votzikonia: I think you might be on to something wrt debian/patches. A quick grep through debian/patches/ returns instances of 'netcat.c'.22:24
ChartaxWoot: managed.22:24
woot-0853Chartax: is it working?22:24
ikoniavotz: yes, that's where I'm looking too22:24
ChartaxIt tries to connect to a network I entered which previously worked, hangs for a bit, then requests authentication again22:25
ChartaxIt's wpa2-personal22:25
pranithI have horrible wifi download speeds. I am using a 802.11 g adapter. The wifi router is less than 10 ft away... help!22:26
Melvinchartax so you can FIND your adapter listed when u run  ifconfig huh!22:26
ikoniavotz: look at Makefile.rej22:26
woot-0853Chartax: ok did you flip the switch to monitor,ad-hoc or master at all this session?22:26
ChartaxNo, not that I recall doing anything like that.22:26
ChartaxMelvin: I see it in iwconfig but not ifconfig.22:27
woot-0853Chartax: ifconfig wlan0 up22:27
votzikonia: I don't see it. I'm restarting from scratch to see if I can reproduce it.22:27
woot-0853sry hey reboot the pc if all eles fails22:27
Chartaxwoot- I put the WLAN back up, recreated the connection, same issue.22:28
ChartaxTries to connect for a bit then fails.22:28
ChartaxOr, rather, requests auth,22:28
Melvinchartax ok. that means its getting switched off on a time interval as soon as it tries to connect.22:28
Chartaxis that something I need to configure on the wireless AP?22:29
votzikonia: I can't produce a Makefile.rej. How did you produce that file?22:29
Melvinchartax your wireless adapter is A ok!!! there's a glitch in the passphrases and connection.22:29
ikoniavotz: if you run a patch against the dif the failed hunks are saved there22:30
veryhappyDue to this stupid flood bot who told me not to "flood" though i just wrote a long text *darn flood bot*, i give you a link with my text again.22:30
votzikonia: How are you running the patches?22:31
votzin debian/patches/22:31
ChartaxMelvin: how'd I resolve that? Do I need to change something on the wireless router?22:31
ChartaxI could try taking it off wpa2 but I rather wouldn't22:31
ikoniafrom the source root -Np1 -i22:31
Melvinchartax whats ur make? the adapter.22:31
ChartaxIn the PC, I amnt completely positive since there's multiple conflicting sources. I think it's a Ralink22:32
Fuzzlesin ubuntu 12.10 how do i find out in my graphics are install correctly?22:32
ChartaxIt won't show in lspci or lsusb though, which I find is odd22:32
votzikonia: Does applying each of those patches in the source root solve the problem22:33
pranithI have horrible wifi download speeds. I am using a 802.11 g adapter. The wifi router is less than 10 ft away... help!22:33
Melvinchartax not showing in lspci as "network controller"?? hocome!22:33
ikoniavotz: no, but it does show the failed hunks22:33
ikoniavotz: "connect-timeout.patch" appears to be the problem one22:33
ChartaxMelvin: I amnt sure, I see my Ethernet card but not the wireless.22:34
escottFuzzles, software souces now has the functionality of jockey. but you can also look at glxinfo | grep -i renderer22:34
ChartaxPranith: Change your wifi broadcast channel22:34
votzikonia: What loop did you use to apply the patches? Can you paste it here. I want to run exactly what you did.22:34
Fuzzlesescott, jockey?22:34
ikoniavotz: just applied them one at a time22:34
ikoniadidn't look as I didn't have the correct order22:34
sander_Why does my desktop go into initramfs with the message ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid... does not exist.. WHen I push control-alt-tab on bootup, it works tho.22:35
Melvinchartax try ifconfig wlan0 up22:35
ChartaxMelvin: it was already up, trying to reconnect now though.22:36
sander_I've checked the uuid number with blkid, and its there.22:36
Melvinchartax ralink realtek.. what version>22:36
ikoniavotz: try this22:36
Fuzzlesescott, whats jockey?22:36
escottsander_, what does ctrl-alt-tab do? and when are you pressing it?22:36
=== tiagohillebrandt is now known as tiagoscd
escottFuzzles, its something you dont have so don't worry about it22:36
ikoniamove the connect-timeout.patch to the level above the source root - and do a patch -Np0 -i connect-timeout.patch22:37
ikoniavotz: it then applies and patches the netcat.c patch22:37
escottFuzzles, your answers are software-sources or glxinfo | grep -i renderer22:37
sander_escott, I just got told here earlier to press it.. not sure what it does really.. I'm pressing it right after the bios.22:37
ChartaxMelvin: I think the model number is either RT3070 or RT5370, but I amnt positive22:37
escottsander_, after the bios but before grub?22:37
ChartaxHard to tell without lspci or lsusb details22:37
Fuzzlesescott, so how do i check that when i installed ubuntu 12.10 that my grpahics card is working auto22:38
ikoniavotz: looks like that diff has a bug in it as a master patch22:38
escottsander_, i guess im wondering why ctrl-alt-tab and not ctrl-alt-6 or shift-tab or any other random combination of keys22:38
ikoniavotz: the patches work one at a time22:38
votzikonia: Applying them one at a time by hand yields hunk failed errors. Is there a way to determine the order in which I should apply these patches?22:38
sander_escott, the ubuntu screen is there.. with the timebar.22:38
votzOr just use -N as you did above.22:38
escottFuzzles, open a terminal and type in "glxinfo | grep -i renderer"22:38
escottsander_, so at plymouth22:38
sander_escott, maybe it's tab+control. or tab+alt.. I don't remember.22:39
ikoniavotz: normally the patches are numbered to give you an idea, eg: 01-patch-blah.patch, 02-patch-blah-blit.patch22:39
ikoniavotz: looks like a sloppy build22:39
Melvinchartax /etc/init.d/network-manager restart22:39
sander_escott, I just pushed them all.. and I got back in, phew!.22:39
sander_escott, but I want to get rid of that when it boots.22:39
votzikonia: Ah! The order is in the file debian/patches/series.22:39
ikoniavotz: good spot22:40
escottsander_, i cant imagine what that key would be doing. there really isnt anything in the early boot that listens for keypresses. im guessing the act of pressing the key is causing just enough delay to avoid some kind of race condition in device enumeration... but it sounds odd. I would try one of the kernel rootwait argumenet22:40
ChartaxMelvin: just tried that, same issue22:40
votzGoing to start over from scratch and follow series' order. See if that works.22:40
escottsander_, so in /etc/default/grub on the CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT add "rootdelay=5"22:41
ikoniavotz: should do, I've just been working through them one at a time22:41
SunMoonStarhi guys22:41
Melvinchartax if we assume your wireless adapter is switching off at times, try this sudo gedit /etc/rc.local22:41
SunMoonStarI'm getting an error when I do sudo apt-get update22:41
jCuberSunMoonStar: Have you added any software sources?22:42
Melvinchartax sleep 1022:42
SunMoonStarjCuber: no22:42
SunMoonStarjCuber: its weird, it gets a lot of files and then some 404s22:42
Melvinchartax and then enter iwconfig wlan0 power off22:42
jCuberSunMoonStar: is your PC22:42
jCuberSunMoonStar: Connected to the internet22:43
SunMoonStaryes im on here :)22:43
ChartaxDid you want me to do the gedit thing first?22:43
sander_escott, correct?: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash rootdelay=5"22:43
SolarisBoywhich ones are getting 404? can you reach the url in a browser?22:43
veryhappynobody you can send me an answer related to my issues?22:43
escottsander_, sure. then sudo update-grub22:43
john1819hey can anyone recomend a good ch. to start back in friendly irc. its been 10 years of so.22:43
sander_escott, thanks, then i'll reboot and try it. :-)22:44
SunMoonStarjCuber: for some reason it cuts off some of the log in the terminal but shows this bit: http://pastebin.com/bTzwJ7Vp22:44
ChartaxMarvin: I powered off wlan0 now.22:45
tpummahow come when using "less" cmd to view .php file, everything is one line? not easy to view. what's the best way to view .php from terminal?22:45
Chartaxtpumma: why not nano?22:45
kvothetechtpumma: because you don't have any newlines probably22:45
SolarisBoytpumma: are there new lines in the file or is it all on one line?22:45
gordonjcptpumma: because your .php file hasn't got any line breaks22:45
jCuberveryhappy: What is the problem?22:45
Melvinchartax power it on and find the latest driver for your card!22:45
sander_escott, thanks. it worked :-)22:45
SolarisBoysmak the php dude up22:46
yeehihow unstable are the 13.04 daily builds at the moment - I really haven't been having success with them22:46
gordonjcpalso, PHP is horrible22:46
wycliftpumma: try using vi or vim22:46
tpummaChartax: nano much better!22:46
SolarisBoygordonjcp: word22:46
jCuberSunMoonStar: Try going to those addresses on your browser22:46
wyclifgordonjcp: Actually, nope.22:46
escottsander_, given how tight your race condition is you could probably drop to rootdelay=1 if those 4 seconds are important to you22:46
wyclifgordonjcp: it really depends on who is writing it and what PHP22:46
SolarisBoyphp sawks22:46
SunMoonStarwyclif: not found page comes up22:47
SunMoonStarwyclif: maybe it's a problem on ubuntu server end?22:47
wyclifgordonjcp: PHP 5.4 is a perfectly serviceable web language22:47
ChartaxMelvin: I already tried the latest drivers, but I have many problems with them22:47
* SolarisBoy laughing at that one22:47
ChartaxIt would seem that Ralink released new drivers today22:47
SunMoonStarlike this one for example http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages22:47
wyclifgordonjcp: lots of improvements. Don't forget, you can write shit code in any language, my friend22:47
SolarisBoyphp is broken22:47
ChartaxThe link is actually broken and points to a 0 byte file22:47
sander_escott, pretty quick now. :-)22:47
ikonia!language | wyclif22:47
ubottuwyclif: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:47
gordonjcpwyclif: have you ever looked inside PHP?22:47
SolarisBoyits a hack22:48
john1819Sorry for the intrusion folks nite22:48
tpummaSolarisBoy: there are new lines in file but less or vim shows everything as one line.22:48
SunMoonStarare you guys able to get this page, or is it just me? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages22:48
escottsander_, its just really strange.. you must have a race that is only a few microseconds... otherwise a keyboard interrupt isn't going to do anything useful22:48
SolarisBoythere is no right php22:48
ikoniathis is nothing to do with ubuntu22:48
wyclifgordonjcp: I've done a ton of work in PHP. Yes.22:48
jCuberjohn1819: What exactly do you mean by "ch"?22:48
mrwhistlerHi. how can I prevent a user from changing his/her password?22:49
SolarisBoyconfusing business logic with ui meh22:49
gordonjcpwyclif: actually on the PHP code itself?22:49
tpummawyclif: i'd rather use vim but everything is showing up as one line when viewing .php22:49
sander_escott, so you think I should just try for the curiosity of it.. to make it 1 second?22:49
escottmrwhistler, change it to something he doesn't know22:49
Eighteenswhat would cause ubuntu 10.04 to get a way slower test reading on transfer rates on both lan, and internet versus, a windows computer22:49
wyclifgordonjcp: YES.22:49
gordonjcptpumma: it sounds like your .php file has no line breaks in it22:49
gordonjcpwyclif: awful, isn't it?22:49
escottmrwhistler, remove the passwd utility or mark it as non-suid22:49
ikoniaEighteens: a poor propritary network card driver on linux22:49
ChartaxEighteens: network drivers22:49
SunMoonStarHi guys, my apt-get update wasn't able to fetch this url among others. Can you guys tell me if you are able to fetch it, or do you get a 404? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages22:49
mrwhistlerescott: and just allow automatic login?22:49
bekksgordonjcp: It's a oneliner :D22:49
SolarisBoytpumma: you can print line breaks and such characters in vim to ensure but like they said22:49
ikoniaor just set a password policy of -122:49
SolarisBoysounds like there are no line breaks22:49
votzikonia: Ha! So close. netcat.c:957:55: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘DEBIAN_VERSION’. This is on Ubuntu, too. I think I can just remove that...22:49
gordonjcptpumma: can you upload the offending file somewhere?22:50
Eighteensthe computer windows gets 33mbps on speedtest, and the ubuntu computer gets 3.1mbs22:50
ikoniavotz: looks like it22:50
wyclifI really don't care. The *NIX way is "the right tool for the job." PHP is the right tool for some jobs. So in my professional opinion, I don't pay any attention to the "PHP Sucks" n00b stuff.22:50
SolarisBoyit does suck22:50
muelliI'd like to see that job...22:50
Melvinchartax can u paste the output and let me know!22:50
votzikonia: Boom. When I remove DEBIAN_VERSION it compiles on Ubuntu. Next - port to the other linux distro.22:50
escottsander_, if you are really curious you can start building your own kernels and bisect back to the change that caused this. depends on how much you care and how much your time is worth.... when you spend days trying to figure out what happens in a millisecond... that makes you a kernel developer i guess22:50
votzikonia: Thank you so very much for your help, input, and time.22:50
SolarisBoywhats php doing that any other language can't do?22:50
votzI owe you a beer.22:50
SolarisBoyand on top of that hacking it's way about doing it..22:51
ikoniavotz: nice job, you are more than welcome22:51
ChartaxMelvin: sorry, I replied but it got lost in this swarm of text22:51
ikoniawyclif: you've already posted that- please stop, this channels isn't for the php argument22:51
escottmrwhistler, it seems a weird thing to be doing, and isn't entirely supported. why do you want to do this?22:51
Melvinchartax use pastebin or ubuntupastebin22:51
ChartaxI tried to install the latest driver and ir didn't22:51
gordonjcpwyclif: yeah, so I'm kind of going on the whole "PHP sucks" n00b stuff based on my notes going back to php-fi22:51
ChartaxSeem to work great22:51
wyclifikonia: then stop arguing about PHP!22:51
SunMoonStarwyclif: can you try that url?22:51
ikoniawyclif: I'm not22:51
mrwhistlerBC, I have a computer that will be used by lots of people all using a "guest" account of sorts22:51
tpummagordonjcp: it has line breaks. nano can view all the line breaks but not vim or less22:52
gordonjcpwyclif: admittedly I've only been using PHP *seriously* since PHP2 was current22:52
escottmrwhistler, so what you SHOULD be doing is regenerating that account every time they logout22:52
wyclifsee, here's the thing. I don't do programming language religion. You'll have to do that without me. But thanks for trying.22:52
Melvinchartax run the ifconfig, iwconfig and paste them in pastebin22:52
gordonjcptpumma: then it may have Windows line breaks - do you see lots of "^M" in it?22:52
veryhappyjCuber: http://pastebin.com/0fKzFkLg22:52
SunMoonStarMelvin: can you try the URL?22:52
SolarisBoytpumma: was the file created on a diff OS?22:52
ChartaxOne sec Melvin - gonna put it on eth0 so I can get net22:52
escottmrwhistler, otherwise one malicious user can leave a "userkit" behind to steal the next users passwords or files22:52
sander_escott, it's probably fixed in a newer version of ubuntu.22:52
wyclifSunMoonStar: yes. try it in gedit. or vi. or vim22:53
sander_i'm running 2.6.3422:53
SunMoonStarwyclif: huh?22:53
mrwhistlerescott: how does one control that, is there some folder that i can put scripts in that are executed on logout?22:53
SunMoonStarwyclif: here's my message from before: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages22:53
SunMoonStarHi guys, my apt-get update wasn't able to fetch this url among others. Can you guys tell me if you are able to fetch it, or do you get a 404? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages22:53
escottmrwhistler, various ways... if the machine is sitting out in the open (ie no physical control) you need to configure a pxe boot, and just set the thing up to reboot on logout22:53
mrwhistlerescott:without sudo how would they install such a user kit?22:54
somsipSunMoonStar: 404 here22:54
Orange_Hi guys; Im trying to install ubuntu 12.04 64 bit from a live usb stick, but when I try to boot I get the message "kernel panic not syncing out of memory and no killable process" and a call trace. Im confident that the usb stick is ok, as the installer run when i put the stick on a windows machine and I had live booted with it before. Not sure if it is worth to mention, but I had a failed win 7 installation just before trying the liv22:54
wyclifSunMoonStar: 404 Error22:54
SunMoonStarsomsip: if you do a sudo apt-get update do you get errors?22:54
mrwhistlerescott: it will be a VM on a windows box22:54
SunMoonStarwyclif: thanks22:54
somsipSunMoonStar: I probably don't use the source that you do22:54
escottmrwhistler, b/c with physical access they can get root and leave rootkits behind. otherwise I could just install a firefox plugin to the user profile and have that plugin send me their passwords22:54
MelvinChartax also hit "lshw -class network"22:54
SunMoonStarsomsip: maybe i have a problem with my source? how can i check?22:55
Jordan_UOrange_: Can you try running memtest?22:55
escottmrwhistler, then that is very easy. configure the VM server to clone the image before starting it, and then destroy the image on shutdown22:55
somsipSunMoonStar: SunMoonStar http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/22:55
mrwhistlerescott: wonder if that is possible on vmware player22:55
tpummagordonjcp: i see "^M". lots of it22:56
Orange_Jordan_U: Im starting one now from the bios22:56
escottmrwhistler, i dont know. keep in mind if they have physical access to the machine then they have control (no matter what OS is running)22:56
dr_willisdont some of the VM's have some 'copy on write' feautre where any changes get saved to a file. so you remove that file and the vm is back to original>22:56
tpummaSolarisBoy: .php was from windows and linux both22:57
jCuberveryhappy: 1.Probably just a problem with Wine. 2. I think all computers have a little lag. Make sure you've installed your GPU drivers22:57
escottmrwhistler, so im not sure how windows is secured here, but if you could secure against access to the host OS and just need to secure the VM image you can do lots of stuff. store a pristine copy remotely and swap it out between sessions22:57
gordonjcptpumma: okay, then you have DOS-like line endings22:57
Orange_Jordan_U: though it is worth to say that the pc was in use before I attempted to reinstall the OSs and I did not notice any memory problem22:57
mrwhistlerescott: i think that is the tree to bark up22:57
Orange_Jordan_U: the bios memory test pass22:57
SolarisBoycan open vim and try :set list22:57
SolarisBoyit will show all the characters in the file including \n \r etc22:58
escottmrwhistler, enterprise vms certainly have what dr_willis is talking about (COW and all) but probably not vmware player. vmware player probably just supports a full clone when the guest is off22:58
mrwhistlerits possible i can deploy workstation22:59
gordonjcptpumma: open the file in vi/vim and try something like ":%s/<CTRL-V><CTRL-M>//g22:59
sianhulohey guys, I was wondering if there's a way to manage how much ram goes to my intel g41(itnegrated gpu?22:59
gordonjcptpumma: without the leading quote22:59
escottmrwhistler, "deploy" sounds like what you want22:59
escottsianhulo, i dont think so22:59
jCuberveryhappy: 3. Once again, probably a problem with Wine. Check out the WineHQ if anybody has similar issurs or solutions22:59
gordonjcptpumma: when you type "<CTRL-V><CTRL-M>" it should show up as "^M" and highlighted22:59
SunMoonStaranyone here running 12.10?22:59
ChartaxMelvin: you still here?22:59
Melvinchartax yeah22:59
gordonjcp!anyone | SunMoonStar23:00
ubottuSunMoonStar: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:00
ChartaxSorry about the delay: had to move my extremely heavy PC :p23:00
Melvinchartax the outputs!!23:00
mrwhistlerescott: hell yea23:00
sianhuloescott, then... is there a way to know how much is reciving right now?23:00
MelvinChartax No problemo!!23:00
escottsianhulo, check dmesg to see how the dma ranges are setup23:00
SunMoonStarDoes anyone here run 12.10 and have problems with sudo apt-get update right this moment23:00
Melvinsunmoonstar what problems?23:01
jCuberveryhappy: 4. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/fire-and-water-effect-in-compiz-fusion-599364/23:01
sianhuloSunMoonStar, I have no problems at all, a workaround might be isntall aptitude23:01
SunMoonStarfailed to fetch files problems23:01
gordonjcpSunMoonStar: you may have local connection problems23:01
SunMoonStarI don't as I'm on here on the problem computer23:01
softcoderok not sure if its an ubuntu issue (unity) or grpahics driver or something else but...23:02
softcoderi'm on 12.10 64 bit, nvidia card using properitary drivers23:02
Melvinsunmoonstar reinstall software center and see.23:02
softcoderONLY since upgrading from 12.04 my twinview randomly gets hosed (every day and its driving me nuts)23:02
sianhuloescott, i ran dmesg |grep -i agp and it seems it has 256m23:02
Chartax_Marvin: On the PC with the issue now.23:02
softcoderhosed == resolution and monitor placement suddenly change and my windows go all over the place23:03
tpummagordonjcp: it says pattern not found. I'll check back later to see how to get around the dos line break23:03
Chartax_Here's the ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1361451/23:03
Orange_Jordan_U: any idea of what could be the problem? Im running a hard disk test now23:03
softcoderi tried updating to latest stable nvidia drivers and same issue23:03
softcodernever had this problem is previous version of ubu (been using since 8.x)23:03
Chartax_Here's iwconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1361453/23:04
gordonjcptpumma: there's a program called something like dos2unix23:04
softcoderany help or ideas is appreciated23:04
Melvinsunmoonstar try this ---find /etc/apt -name '*.list' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; cat -n "$1"' _ '{}' \;---23:04
gordonjcptpumma: did you type the ^M as Control-V followed by Control-M like I said?23:04
SunMoonStarMelvin: problem:23:04
ikoniaMelvin: where are you getting this stuff from ?23:04
gapertvia pastebin.com kom ik ook zonder probreblemen op piratebay23:06
veryhappyjCuber: i read your answers, but then i can't understand that i get only a border when i try to launch supertux in fullscreen mode or a higer resolution, as this is not a wine program, but a native program23:06
Orange_does anyone else has any hint why I get the message "kernel panic not syncing out of memory and no killable process" and a call trace when trying to boot from 12.04 64 bit live disk. Im confident that the usb stick is ok, as the installer run when i put the stick on a windows machine and I had live booted with it before. Not sure if it is worth to mention, but I had a failed win 7 installation just before trying the live cd23:06
SunMoonStarif anyone can help with that or even a cheap shot the help would be appreciated23:06
ikoniaSunMoonStar: your file system is mounted read only23:07
ikoniaSunMoonStar: it's that simple23:07
SunMoonStarikonia: it's maybe simple to you.. :) how do I fix it..?23:07
escottOrange_, probably a buggy hardware device requesting an enormouse DMA range. or something with the system where it can't find the ram23:07
tpummagordonjcp: yeah ^M like u said went away but no line breaks can is displayed. still all in one line.23:07
ikoniaSunMoonStar: either a.) reboot - look for a message to see if it mounts read only b.) try to force a remount with read/write permissions23:08
Melvinsunmoonstar the issue could be in the sources.list file.. A wrong entry i believe. you got to remove one term vch says "independent", from the list.23:08
daveinlvI recently did a clean install of 12.04 64bit and have an issue with Audacious. It will not play any shoutcast music streams, but does play MP3 files on the machine. I've installed all of the codecs from medibuntu, and a package from the webupd8 ppa entitled "audacious-plugins". Rhythmbox on the same machine plays every shoutcast mp3 stream I've thrown at it, but I really don't care to use that for listening to streams. I know Ubuntu23:08
daveinlvis missing a lot of codecs because of patents, but I thought the medibuntu cache fixed those issues.. Help?23:08
softcoderanyone hear me or able to help?23:08
veryhappySunMoonStar: your system seems to be mounted only in read-only mode, check that with the mount command, type mound , if you see a "ro" behind / then it's mounted only read-only23:08
Orange_escott, any idea of a work around for it?23:08
ikoniaSunMoonStar: poeple can here you23:08
ikoniasoftcoder: people can hear you23:08
jribsoftcoder: please just ask your question on a single line.  Yes, we can read what you say.  If someone can help, they will reply to you23:09
escottOrange_, pull hardware and see if it gets better? try a different kernel. look through the rest of the kernel output in case there is anything useful in it. im assuming this is happening before init starts23:09
gordonjcptpumma: well, that's your problem right enough; you need to convert the ^Ms to proper line breaks23:09
SunMoonStarikonia: http://pastebin.com/WhHUur5w23:09
Chartax_daveinlv, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:09
gordonjcptpumma: look at DOS to Unix conversion23:09
daveinlvI think so.. will check..23:09
ikoniaSunMoonStar: /dev/sda4 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)23:09
ikoniaSunMoonStar: your / file system (that holds /var has errors so has gone into read only23:10
tpummagordonjcp: ok. i'll try to install dos2unix and run it on .php so i can view it right in vim23:10
Orange_escott, it is before the start. it is a laptop, so i guess I cant remove any hardware, but Ill try with 12.04 32 bit23:10
SunMoonStarikonia: Can you give me explicit instructions? Should I just restart first?23:10
blackshirthello,good morning23:11
ikoniaSunMoonStar: if you reboot it will probably try to run an fsck and fix it23:11
escottOrange_, what is this laptop? anything particularly strange with it? or do you not know what hardware it has23:11
SunMoonStarikonia ok I will go restart, thank you23:11
blackshirti'm using vbox to setup server, what the best networking mode for them ??23:11
daveinlvchartax_  According to synaptic, I have..23:11
Chartax_daveinlv, the fact that RhythmBox can handle them, but Audacious can't suggests it's an issue with Audacious, rather than the codec23:12
Orange_escott, it is a hp pavilion dm 3. I was running ubuntu 10 before and it was ok. Now with the 12.04 32 bit live usb it is booting23:12
Chartax_I could be wrong, though23:12
daveinlvok.. will check over there... ty!!23:12
daveinlvThey all use the same mp3 codecs then I gather?23:13
blackshirti'm using vbox to setup server, what the best networking mode for them ??23:13
Orange_escott, Ill try to proceed with the install23:13
Chartax_daveinlv, I believe so, but like I said, I could be completely wrong.23:14
Melvinchartax any luck?23:15
daveinlvI''ll try completely removing it and reinstalling.. havent tried that yet..23:15
Chartax_Melvin, I found the actual model of my card.23:15
daveinlvthanks, Chartax_23:15
beandogdaveinlv: there's a couple of mp3 codecs you can use for playback23:15
Melvinchartax killer!23:15
Chartax_It's an RT280023:15
daveinlvbeandog: Oh?23:15
beandogdaveinlv: there's lavc, lame, and ... I can't remember the other off the top of my head23:16
Melvinchartax so u are able to connect to the wifi,but it holds only for 1 15sec interval huh??23:16
beandogdaveinlv: what are you trying to do?23:16
Chartax_Melvin, it seems to try and authenticate, but fails without an error. Just returns to the authentication prompt.23:16
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daveinlvbeandog: what has me baffled is the fact that audacious plays local mp3 files just fine.. just won't play a standard http://server:port shoutcast url23:17
beandogdaveinlv: oh okay, well it could be another codec from shoutcast23:17
daveinlvbeandog: Oh? different from the decoder for local mp3 files?23:17
WeThePeoplei burned 12.10 to dvd and it wont boot to 12.10 it just boots to grub menu, idk why??23:18
beandogdaveinlv: no, I mean the shoutcast playlist may not be serving MP323:18
uabn93does anyone know if deja-dup backs up hidden files. The program gives no option to see what was backed.23:18
dr_willisWeThePeople:  you mean the cd boots to some grub: prompt? or what exactly? i dont think the dvd uses grub.23:18
daveinlvbeandog.. I sure HOPE it is, as I run the shoutcast station that I'm trying to listen to.. in testing I tried others and they don't work either23:19
Melvinchartax its probably getting switched off! :/23:19
beandogdaveinlv: wanna pm me the url?23:19
WeThePeopledr_willis, i burned 12.10 to dvd a iso.. when i put dvd into bay and change the boot order, the computer doesnt boot to 12.10 it goes to my main grub menu23:19
Chartax_Melvin: I'm going to try switching from WPA2 to something like WEP temporarily23:20
dr_willisWeThePeople:  how did you burn it to dvd? what files do you see on the dvd?23:20
Melvinchartax do that until then.23:20
Chartax_Melvin: It doesn't prompt me for authentication now, it just continuously tries to connect with no success23:22
Chartax_Disregard: It just requested authentication again, after about 60 sec. of trying to connect23:23
Melvinchartax disable IPv6.23:23
WeThePeople dr_willis, i will show you>>> http://imgh.us/desktop_2.png && http://imgh.us/desktop2_1.png23:23
Melvinchartax try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/127243/cant-stay-connected-to-wi-fi23:23
dr_willisWeThePeople:  you could have just said it has a single big iso file on it.. ;)  You burnt it wrong..23:24
WeThePeopledr_willis, i did ??23:24
dr_willisWeThePeople:  you need to burn it as an image, not a data file like you would do a bunch of jpegs ;)23:24
SteevcaCan anyone help me install this theme ?  http://jurialmunkey.deviantart.com/art/Divergence-IV-quot-A-New-Hope-quot-18337719323:26
ikoniaSteevca: the instructions are on the page23:27
SteevcaYes,but i can't install it. There is no install option in Apperance.23:27
ikoniaSteevca: because it's meant for an older gnome version23:28
ikoniaSteevca: "gnome gtk2"23:28
Melvinsteevca the instructions are clearly sort on that very page!!23:28
uabn93does deja-dup back up hidden files?23:29
SteevcaAh,damn it,i missed that is for gtk2.23:29
uabn93the program hides a lot from you23:29
Melvinuabn93 YES!23:30
escottuabn93, there are other ways to backup... if you want help with some of those just ask23:30
escottuabn93, but i reached much the same conclusion about deja-dup and decided that wasn't the backup tool for me23:31
uabn93escott: what do you mean other ways? do you suggest another program?23:31
escottuabn93, i use rsync23:31
escott!backup | uabn9323:31
ubottuuabn93: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:31
Melvinuabn93 it does back up by default. if u want to view those files, u can however enabk\le them!23:31
Melvinikonia still wanna help?23:33
ikoniaMelvin: help with what ?23:33
seeqwellWhat keeps shutting off my monitor and hard drive please.  I snapped this yesterday http://pastebin.com/pDx5xiGX23:33
Melvinikonia thats just one linux configuration dude! S.O.S.23:33
ikoniaMelvin: take it to #backtrack-linux23:33
Melvinikonia i'm unable to create an account. so please cooperate!23:34
escottseeqwell, that doesn't seem helpful. the 81 on the 5th line means 81 seconds after boot. did the system reboot 81 seconds after boot?23:34
uabn93escott: i really only used deja because it supports incremental backups WITH compression23:34
ikoniaMelvin: no23:34
ikoniaMelvin: you ARE able to make an account, you re chosing not to23:34
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escottuabn93, you can do the same with rsync but without the nasty tarballs23:35
Melvinikonia I aint kidding. i''m unable to. assist me in creating one!23:35
seeqwellseems like when it crashed it deletes my log escott .  I lost that code you told me about to save logs before I hard shut down23:35
escott!reisub | seeqwell23:35
ubottuseeqwell: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key23:35
ikoniaMelvin: ask in #freenode as you've been told in multiple channels23:35
ikoniaMelvin: you're inability to follow instructions it's what's letting you down23:35
escottseeqwell, and its not deleting your logs... its never saving your logs23:36
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uabn93escott: cool. ill check out grsync because i dont feel comfortable with the cli version yet23:36
escottuabn93, and unless you have lots of big text files im not sure what compression gets you. might be better to put it all on a filesystem that does compression23:36
Melvinikonia if inability is the reason for someone to wander, run up close to them before they die by their thirst of seeking help.23:37
seeqwellubuntu is junk.  I should go for Fedora core but I hate rpm.23:37
ikoniaMelvin: please don't talk nonsense, people have helped you and pointed you at the right channels, follow the advice23:38
holsteinseeqwell: the ubuntu community is great... if you like ubuntu or not23:38
seeqwellRight holstein23:38
uabn93escott: I see. All i have related to that are books but thats pdf not txt23:39
escottuabn93, i dont know what kind of compression ratios you will get with pdfs but its not going to be earth-shattering23:40
uabn93escott: okay. so it wouldnt do much for music and video files either?23:41
ChartaxMelvin: I am just going to do a clean install. Managed to screw up my video card somehow :V23:41
escottuabn93, no23:41
ChartaxThank you very much for your help however.23:42
escottuabn93, unless you are storing your music as wav files :)23:42
Melvinchartax I'm sorry about it!23:42
ChartaxMelvin: no worries, thank you so much for your time though, it is much appreciated.23:42
Melvinchartax can i see u in ubuntuforums now?? for a moment?23:43
uabn93escott: heh. I use flac but thats already compressed. i think i need to read up on compression23:43
ChartaxI've never posted there yet - not even sure I have an account there, I23:43
ChartaxI am literally a new Ubuntu user23:43
Melvinjoin in by typing "/j #ubuntuforums"23:44
escottuabn93, long and short is only the first compression is likely to be helpful... unless the first compression is very poor a subsequent compression wont do much23:44
ChartaxOh, an IRC channel, haha, sure. Sorry :p23:44
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe23:46
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uabn93escott: i appreciate your help23:47
TomyLobonvidia-settings says i'm not using an nvidia driver. sudo nvidia-xconfig creates an xorg.conf that sets my X into 640x480. already tried getting the driver from nvidia.com23:51
ikoniabad call23:51
TomyLoboikonia was that to me? if yes, what do you mean?23:52
ikoniatrying to get the drivers from nvidia.com is a bad idea23:52
TomyLobowell the ones coming with ubuntu didnt work, so what else would i doß23:53
ikoniadefine didn't work23:53
TomyLobonvidia-settings says i'm not using an nvidia driver. sudo nvidia-xconfig creates an xorg.conf that sets my X into 640x480.23:53
TomyLobo^ = didn't work23:53
ikoniayes, that means "not using" not "didn't work"23:53
ikoniaso you need to look at why they are not in use23:54
ikoniahave you tried to install from nvidia.com ?23:54
ikoniathen I won't help23:54
TomyLoboit made backups, so i guess i could uninstall it23:54
ikoniayou can't uninstall it23:54
bkc_sure you can...23:54
nicekiwican you force fullscreen apps to run in windowed mode with commandline params?23:54
ikoniayou need to manually remove every object23:54
TomyLobothen reinstall the nvidia packages from ubuntu for good measure23:54
ikoniahence "bad idea"23:54
ikoniaTomyLobo: it won't overwrite everything,23:55
bkc_ikonia: done it a million times...23:55
ikoniabkc_: great, walk TomyLobo through it23:55
bkc_TomyLobo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual :)23:56
LordThumperI have a weird issue when Ubuntu will only boot if there is a USB drive present23:56
LordThumperAny drive will do23:56
LordThumperWhat could be the issue?23:56
bkc_TomyLobo: and this for uninstallation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual#Uninstalling_the_Driver23:56
Jordan_ULordThumper: What happens when you try to boot without a USB drive plugged in?23:56
zvacetLordThumper: did you install from usb23:57
Jayfluxi have a core 2 duo T5500 laptop about to install ubuntu with 1GB ram. Will there be any difference between 64bit or 32?23:57
delinquentmeso I'm trying to do something like this: $ ls db/migrate/*even*more* | gedit23:57
TomyLobobkc_ that went through without a hitch, apart from some manual directory23:58
delinquentmein which a file is returned ... and I'd like to pipe that filename to have gedit open it..23:58
XabsterHi, I'd like to simulate that I have a webcam plugged in and that it's currently receving a stream on my ubuntu 12.04 (because I dont have a webcam and I'm trying to develop some stuff) - is this possible ?23:58
zvacetJayflux: i don´t think so but I can be wrong23:58
ikoniaXabster: no23:58
zvacetJayflux: install 32 bit23:58
Melvinjayflux what is it/23:58
Jayfluxok zvacet cheers23:59
escottJayflux, 64bit is a different instruction set and has more registers which is nice. there is a bit more memory overhead.... what would probably be best for you is the x32 ABI but thats only now in development23:59
bkc_Xabster: yes :)23:59
Jordan_Udelinquentme: for file in db/migrate/*whatever*; do gedit "$file"; done23:59
bkc_ikonia: do you have any idea what you're talking about? ever? :)23:59
XabsterXabster: maybe23:59
Jayfluxescott its only going to be for web browsing mainly. So nothing strenuous23:59
LordThumperJodan_U: I get a black screen with only the text "OK" visible on the right hand side23:59
ikoniabkc_: please, how do you simulate web cam hardware with proper even handling ?23:59

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