
Marius80yofel, I need to restart my system00:09
Marius80see you soon00:09
Marius80yofel, exactly the same problem with KDE 4.9.300:32
yofelcheck if it's fixed with the new package once it's out, if not please file a bug00:34
* yofel is off to bed now00:34
Marius80yofel, ok, thank you so far00:34
Marius80bye bye and sleep fine :)00:35
afkaelHi, I have two disks, one with kubuntu, another with Win701:10
afkaelhow to add the entry in grub to boot windows01:12
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voidcompjust did an update to 12.04.  Now no sound!02:09
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frogonwheelsvoidcomp: !sound02:13
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:13
frogonwheelsvoidcomp: You might suggest what you've tried/observed.  Have you run alsamixer - checked the sound levels - is there a sound card detected, what is it, etc, etc.02:14
voidcompyes, alsamixer  has been checked02:15
voidcompyes, card is detected02:15
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:15
voidcompwhat gets me is everything was working just fine before02:16
voidcompguess that's what i get for upgrading02:16
voidcompno biggy, i did a drive image prior.  I've learned :)02:20
xixoryou opened up kmix02:22
xixorand made sure the right audio device is the default?02:22
xixorI know the "Master channel" of the playback devices was set to the wrong device for me02:23
xixorbecause my GPU has an HDMI digital stereo output02:23
xixorso nthing was working, and the volume on the taskbar wasn't changing the right sound source02:24
xixorand try running alsamixer from the command line, make sure nothing is mutted02:24
voidcompok, will keep those suggestions in mind02:45
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mujihello fellas, anyone know how i can use the controls of my beats tour on amarok?03:17
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Guest68160join #bologna03:58
thelionroarsI did :)04:01
thelionroarsit was empty :)04:01
SIR_Taco_#bacon is always better04:02
thelionroarseverything is better with bacon04:04
thelionroarsunless you are a pig...04:04
DarthFrogBacon!  Yum.05:28
food1where is the mouse acceleration setting on KDE 4.9?06:35
OerHeksfood1, mouse settings, 2nd [tab] advanced06:37
food1OerHeks, I installed minimal kde on Ubuntu . I don't see any kind of mouse settings on "Setting" excepted cursor them06:38
OerHekssorry then i don't know food106:40
food1i see some setting on "Device Input" but i don't know How i can make cursor control of mine .. Cursor go too faster suddenly06:41
OerHeksform slow to faster or faster all the time?06:43
food1OerHeks, For example when i am reading a PDF and i scroll down using my mouse wheel , It just go faster suddenly and pass 4-6 pages .06:46
OerHeksin the pdf reader only? what reader do you use?06:47
food1Okular , It also happens on Firfox06:48
food1Perhaps like this http://askubuntu.com/questions/47100/mouse-wheel-scrolling-too-fast06:49
OerHeksi don't have firefox, but you can try those suggestions tru about:config06:51
food1what you use?06:52
OerHeksonly chrome06:56
chalcedonyi don't know where my husband is at with the kcalendar07:01
chalcedonyit's not displaying the appointments in the calendar part that he enters in the information box07:01
food1Your Husband?07:01
chalcedonyfood1, yes07:01
chalcedonyfood1, yes, he can't speak and write, or understand speech07:04
chalcedonyhe uses the calendar a lot07:04
chalcedonyis there something we can look at in kcalendar for why it's not translating the data over?07:05
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tsimpsonchalcedony: I don't use kcalendar, but perhaps more people in #kde can help you07:09
chalcedonytsimpson, ill try that thank you07:15
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spidey_mobile broadband tab is disabled in network manager. I have troubles connecting reliance netconnect in ubuntu 12.1008:28
spidey_Can anybody help? ^^08:30
Mamarokspidey_: you probably miss some packages, make sure you have the ppp daemon installed08:41
Mamarokthe package name is ppp08:41
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irohwhat is the quickest way to transfer the documents on the internal hard drive of my laptop to another laptop temporarily so i can reformat the hd?08:58
Smurphyf add another drive to the same controller type (S-ATA) and copy it over to another drive.08:59
irohi am not very compute proficient. how do i do that? my friend is letting me borrow her laptop to store about 100 gigs of data so i can reinstall win7/kubuntu09:01
MamarokSmurphy: I doubt he can connect a second HD, most laptops only have one slot for that09:02
Mamarokiroh: rsync is the tool you need09:03
Mamarokiroh: the syntax is probably "rsync -av /src/foo/ /dest/foo"09:04
Mamarokwhere /src/foo is your home directory, and /dest/foo the destination on the other laptop09:05
Mamaroknow to connect these two it is probably best to have them in the same network, unless you have a cross cable09:05
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irohi have a cable, also home wifi09:06
Mamaroka cross ethernet cable? Because a regular ethernet cable will not work09:06
irohMamarok:  ah... thanks for pointing that out.09:07
Mamarokiroh: see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable09:07
Mamarokyou will need to have a shared folder on the other side, with write permissions09:08
Mamarokthese links have more info on the subject as well: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/easiest-way-to-share-files-between-two-linux-machines-404524/ and http://askubuntu.com/questions/156169/how-do-i-set-up-file-sharing-between-two-ubuntu-laptops-on-my-wireless-network09:10
irohMamarok: thank you. I will read up.09:11
Mamarokiroh: for the use of rsync, this is also quite interesting: http://a1979shakedown.wordpress.com/2009/01/19/set-up-an-rsync-server-in-ubuntu-for-file-syncing-between-machines/09:12
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Mamarokthe last link is a bit old, so check the comments for newer instructions09:14
irohMamarok: thanks. I don't really know if my cable is a crossover. Most likely not. I read up on resync. my external hd failed, and it will be a couple more paychecks before i can get another.09:14
Mamarokyou can see if it is crossover when you check both ends, and it should be printed on in09:15
SmurphyMamarok: I do have a USB 3.0 or e-SATA on mine -> Dell Precision M4600 ... :}09:15
Mamaroksee also here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable09:15
MamarokSmurphy: I just use rsync to an external HD, and since it is USB 3.0 that is very fast09:16
invariantAll gtk3 applications that run don't display like they should. (For example, text is not visible, etc.)09:16
invariantWhat can be done about that?09:16
Mamarokbut so is ftp and ssh09:16
SmurphyMamarok: Using a self written script to sync tro my NAS of Gigabit Ethernet (for Backups).09:16
Mamarokinvariant: change your settings in systemsettings -> Application Appearance - GTK+ Appareance09:17
SmurphyIf I do some partition manipupations etc. - I tend to hook up a new disk - and do it. Even sometimes, take out the HD from the laptop and hook it into one machine that has faster Interfaces to do the manipulation;09:17
Mamarokwell, that USB disk of mine is always hooked on the laptop, and it has a cron job running rsync09:17
invariantMamarok, the problem is that something which is supposed to be white is transparant.09:18
invariantMamarok, changing widget styles doesn't solve the problem.09:18
Mamarokinvariant: did you read what I just said?09:19
invariantMamarok, I even did what you said.09:19
invariantMamarok, did you read what I said?09:19
Mamarokand do you use Oxygen as your default theme?09:19
invariantMamarok, no09:19
Mamarokelse this will not work09:19
Mamarokbecause the widget stly oxygen-gtk+ is only for oxygen themese09:20
invariantMamarok, why doesn't it say that anywhere then?09:20
Mamarokwell, it should be obvious if it says oxygen :)09:21
invariantMamarok, it doesn't say that.09:21
Mamarokit is self-explaining, why would an oxygen-gtk+ style work with a non-oxygen theme?09:21
invariantMamarok, no, it is not. Nowhere in the GUI is even the word Oxygen displayed.09:22
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invariantMamarok, I am the one who should be sighing.09:23
Mamarokinvariant: Oxygen is the default theme in KDE09:23
invariantMamarok, yes, so?09:23
invariantMamarok, if I click on GTK+ Appearance, I don't expect it to only work for Oxygen.09:23
Mamarokand if the gtk theme is called "Oxygen-gtk+"; that suggests it is for adaptation tot he oxygen theme09:23
Mamarokwell, it reasonably can't work with other non-oxygen themes09:24
Mamarokas those use other definitions of trnasparent, white etc.09:24
invariantMamarok, can you be a bit more precise in what you say?09:24
Mamarokinvariant: no, I can't09:25
invariantMamarok, are you saying that if I want to use GTK+ applications when using KDE, the only choice I have is to use Oxygen?09:25
invariantMamarok, I don't care how GTK+ applications blend in with the rest.09:25
invariantMamarok, as long as everything is readable.09:25
invariantMamarok, I think this would be the bare minimum feature that one could ask for.09:26
Mamarokyou can use Raleigh as another theme, but I don't know how that belds in09:26
Mamarokand depending on thetheme you use you will have to modify theme settings probably09:26
invariantMamarok, why can't I just let GTK completely control how it looks like?09:26
Mamaroknobody wrote another gtk theme, so you are free to do so09:26
Mamarokwell, use the gtk theme all over then, your choice09:27
Mamarokit will just not loook that good09:27
invariantMamarok, I don't understand how I can do that.\09:27
Mamarokinvariant: you can use the gtk+ style for the widget style09:27
invariantMamarok, all I want is that KDE doesn't touch how my GTK applications look like.09:27
Mamaroksame place: system settings -> Application appearance -> Style09:28
invariantMamarok, I already said that I had tried about 4 of them.09:28
invariantMamarok, none of them resolved the background issue.09:28
Mamarokwell, then don't use the widget stlye at all09:28
Mamarokso nothing will be changed09:28
invariantMamarok, how do I do that?09:28
Mamarokinvariant: which KDE theme do you use?09:29
invariantMamarok, qtcurve09:29
Mamarokyou do know that it is rather old, don't you?09:29
invariantMamarok, I like it exactly the way it is.09:30
invariantMamarok, I just want KDE to not do anything to my GTK applications.09:30
invariantIt seems that 'doing absolutely nothing' shouldn't be too much to ask.09:30
Mamarokwell, it does nothing for me here, sicne I didn't change a thing09:31
Mamarokbut I use Oxygen, which is the default KDE09:31
Mamarokso if you use non-default settings, check with the author of QtCurve, that is not KDEs fault09:31
invariantMamarok, I am asking how I can completely disable KDE touching any inner pixel of a GTK application.09:32
invariantMamarok, as such, I am not interested in contacting the author of some theme.09:32
Mamarokyou don't udnerstand: you don't use a KDE default theme, so don't blame KDE for a change that is done by the QtCurve theme09:33
Mamarokso if you don't want it to change your gtk, use the oxygen style09:34
invariantMamarok, if there is no generic way to control this, then someone made a software design error.09:34
Mamarokthe gtk apps I tried here look exactly like gtk to me, nothing modified09:34
* Mamarok gives up09:34
invariantMamarok, have you also tried a GTK3 application?09:34
invariantMamarok, because I do have a GTK2 application which looks correct.09:35
almoxarifeinvariant: i am with you, you would think that with those high salaries they would do better software design09:35
Mamarokalmoxarife: what salaries are you talking about?09:35
invariantHe is being sarcastic.09:35
MamarokI know09:36
invariantStill, it also implies that just because they are volunteers, they are free to create broken software and get a free pass for not receiving criticism.09:36
Mamarokinvariant: make it better since you apparently know how to do so09:37
invariantI don't think everyone is a volunteer, though.09:37
almoxarifei use qtcurve for both qt/gtk , no issues here09:37
* Mamarok wanders away09:37
invariantalmoxarife, with gtk3?09:37
invariantalmoxarife, it works with gtk2 for me.09:37
almoxarifeinvariant: you are right, the guy in the back office that staples paper to the wall, he gets paid09:38
invariantalmoxarife, what's with the hate attitude?09:38
almoxarifeinvariant: no hate09:38
invariantalmoxarife, hostile then.09:39
invariantalmoxarife, I am saying it doesn't work.09:39
almoxarifegive me a gtk3 app, so i can see some diff here to complain about09:39
invariantalmoxarife, transgui09:39
invariantalmoxarife, apt-get install transgui09:39
almoxarifei dont apt-get09:39
almoxarifei zypper09:40
Mamarokalmoxarife: you are aure you are in the right channel?09:40
Mamarokwell, Kubuntu doesn't use zypper09:41
almoxarifeall the same09:41
almoxarifethats alright, zypper dont mind09:41
almoxarifeinvariant: what is 'transgui'?09:42
almoxarifeic, a transmission remote-gui09:44
* almoxarife uses the kde app to torrent, ktorrent09:45
invariantalmoxarife, is that the result of your analysis?09:50
invariantalmoxarife, can ktorrent connect to transmission?09:51
invariantalmoxarife, if not, why would you ever even mention it?09:51
almoxarifeinvariant: of course09:51
almoxarifeinvariant: you mean in the sense that you(transmission) are u/l and i(ktorrent) am d/l the torrent i assume09:52
invariantalmoxarife, no, it can't.09:52
invariantalmoxarife, no, I don't mean that.09:52
invariantalmoxarife, please don't take this the wrong way, but you are assuming that I am the clueless user here, while in fact you are.09:53
invariantalmoxarife, please, do not respond to questions from people that you don't understand.09:53
almoxarifeinvariant: thats fine, i am clueless why a kde user is fixating on a gtk app used mostly on ubuntu like sys's09:54
almoxarifeinvariant: only because of the forum being kde related09:54
invariantYou are now on my ignore list.09:55
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BluesKajHiyas all12:26
invariantHow do I set the location of the message which is displayed when notify-send "very long text here" is executed?12:26
invariantVarious applications use this, but it doesn't place it on one screen.12:27
invariantIf you have a multi-screen setup, you can replicate this behaviour by doing: notify-send "very long text here" very long text here" very long text here" very long text here" very long text here" very long text here" very long text here" very long text here" very long text here".12:28
invariantWithout the exact quotes :/12:28
lordievaderinvariant: Maybe it works and maybe not, however the command "export DISPLAY=:0.0" or "export DISPLAY=:0.1" might help you.12:34
invariantlordievader, on what does this depend?12:35
invariantlordievader, it does not.12:36
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lordievaderinvariant: export DISPLAY=:0.0 should be the first display and :0.1 should be the second. I do not have a multi-monitor setup myself so I cannot test it, but if I recall correctly it was something along those lines.12:38
tsimpsonnotify-send doesn't control where the message is displayed, that's up to the backend12:39
invarianttsimpson, how can I control it anywhere?12:40
OerHeksinvariant, notify-send has limit options > http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/notify-send.1.html12:44
tsimpsoninvariant: it's plasma that listens for the notifications, so its up to plasma where they show. probably depends on where the notifications widget is12:46
invariantOerHeks, I am not interested in notify-send.12:52
invariantOerHeks, I don't have a notifications-widget.12:53
invariantOerHeks, the thing of interest are the KDE applications that create notifications.12:53
OerHeksoh, my bad12:54
OerHeksyou asked about  notify-send "very long text here"12:54
BluesKajyes, I also assumed the issuw was the notifier12:55
lordievaderSame here, I also thought he was executing notify-send from a terminal. So what is your problem exactly invariant?12:57
invariantlordievader, there are lots of applications which at some point use the kde notification frame work to send a message. These messages look exactly the same as if they are sent by notify-send.12:59
invariantlordievader, at some point the "backend" decides where to put the message.12:59
invariantWhat I want is control the location of the message in some way.13:00
invariantIf you designed it such that this is impossible, then this is a bug which needs fixing.13:00
invariantI don't understand what was not clear about my initial question, however, which indicated this already precisely.13:01
lordievaderinvariant: Have you followed tsimpson's advice/suggestion?13:01
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invariantlordievader, he didn't provide any advice.13:02
invariantlordievader, he only said that it depends on the location of the notification widget.13:02
invariantlordievader, I can see whether I can add a notification widget.13:02
lordievaderinvariant: That implies experimenting with the location of the notification widget ;)13:03
invariantlordievader, the notification widget only works for some applications.13:04
invariantlordievader, this one is not one of them.13:04
invariantI am looking for something which gives the same output as if notify-send was called, which means that if I can control what notify-send does via some "backend", I can also control it for this application.13:05
OerHeksinvariant, can't find notifier placement in http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html13:06
OerHeksWould be a nice idea, anyway13:08
OerHeksI know Clementine musicplayer can control the position of it's notifier13:10
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bazhang!pt | natalcp14:16
ubottunatalcp: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:16
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karihreOk weird error I'm seeing, I use autofs to mount home directories from a server (with the & 'flag' in autofs to only mount used home directories, not all of home).  When I'm starting KDM, it is extremely slow, and looking at ps aux output it seems to be trying to mount /home/kdm (which doesn't exist on the server) and if I disable autofs and only mount my home directory, it works much much faster.  Also this mounting weirdness seems to be affec15:16
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GH0|AwayWould someone be able to help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2084781 I am experiencing all sorts of log file problems (syslog, dmesg, messages, user.log, etc) are not updating or logging. DHCP and DNS logging seem to have broken, and logwatcher is broken due to the other problems I am experiencing.15:40
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BluesKajGH0:  is your internet connection working properly and are you using network manager ?15:49
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GH0BluesKaj: Yes, it is working correctly. I think I am using network manager. I don't have issue with network connectivity (connected to IRC on the same box), it's just a matter of logging issues.16:05
GH0DHCP and DNS are working correctly.16:05
BluesKajGH0, ok good , so it's a log problem and not an actual usage issue16:08
GH0syslog appears to be broken, I just don't know how to diagnose it.16:08
BluesKajneither do I , this is a first for me16:09
GH0It seems the upgrade did more harm then good to my box16:09
BluesKajhave you updated and upgraded since ?16:09
GH0No, I thought 12.10 was the most up to date version.16:10
GH0I have upgraded packages since the update though, yes.16:10
BluesKajI mean updated and upgraded the packages in 12.10 , there are several upgrades in the repos16:11
xixorw000t!  new kernel, 3.5.0-19, rejoice! rejoice!16:11
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oberdanhi guy's i have a problem  in my kubuntu 12-04 i still tyng to install chromium from muon but after 20 sec. appear a screnn theth told me "ANOTHER APPLICATION SEEM TO USING THIS PAKEG AT THIS TIME .YOU HAVE TO CLOSE ALL THE OTHER PAKEG MANAGER BEFORE TO ADD E REMOVE  ITEMS"16:32
OerHeksoberdan, do you have terminal open?16:36
OerHeksthat could lead to this error.16:36
xixorI wonder if there is a ghost/zombie muon, apt, or dpkg process running16:37
DarthFrogor a stale lock file.16:37
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KvaksWhat's the best way to synchronize text files (for note taking) between my linux machine(s) and Android phone(s)?17:16
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xixorKvaks: both ubuntu one, and dropbox, have android clients... I'd say either of those would work quite well for that task17:18
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xixorI've never used ubuntu one, but I hear it's quite good. But I've been using dropbox for quite a few years now17:27
Tygartxixor: how much space dose dropbox give?17:38
BluesKaj2G for free,17:42
GH0How can one reinstall syslog? Or is it even possible?17:48
xixorTygart: yeah, 2Gb.  I think ubuntu one is 5Gb?  My dropbox has 6Gb, I managed to refer a lot of people17:49
TygartOh, I have been using Ubuntu one and the once from MSN17:51
Tygartthe msn one has 25gb free.17:51
TygartI got it before they changed.17:51
Tygartpicharras: Hello17:52
GH0Well, it appears as if syslog was actually removed from my machine. rc  inetutils-syslogd                        2:1.8-6                                      amd64        system logging daemon17:55
smiffelsome of you know why kubuntu 12.04 messed up with my mousewheel? regardless which wm... kwm or icewm the same18:25
smiffelit's not as precise at it was still in 11.0418:25
smiffelthis is annoying in games...18:26
smiffeli tried a few mice, not a HW issue18:26
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skritehey all19:40
skritehow do i create a keyboard shortcut that will launch urxvt with some parameters, like urxvt -tr -sh 40 -tint blue or some such?19:45
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skritehey all20:15
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skritehow do i create a short cut to launch a custom application with parameters.. like conky -c testconfig.rc20:19
rorkskrite: do you mean in the start menu / kicker?20:25
skriteno, it does not need to be in the start menu. they are some utilities like dmenu, etc..20:28
ledahhello anyone known a good alternative to gnomedo or synapse for kubuntu?20:29
Tygartskrite: have you looked at System Settings> Keyboard short cuts and gestures?20:30
skriteyes, but they don't seem to work with commands that have arguments20:31
skritemaybe i have something wrong here.20:35
skriteis there a keyboard shortcut for toggling tiling on/off?20:35
Tygartskrite: tiling?21:06
TygartAre you talking about it showing all your workspaces21:07
invariantskrite, you should look into dbus.21:17
invariantskrite, then define a keybinding using khotkeys calling your dbus command, if it exists.21:17
invariantskrite, otherwise, find the code which currently toggles tiling and write a mini-C++ program which does the same thing.21:18
invariantskrite, you can file a bug if the toggling of the state is not exposed to dbus.21:18
invariantskrite, that's everything you can do.21:19
invariantskrite, your question is completely clear, btw.21:19
invariantskrite, it's quite annoying that mostly people who don't understand your question respond. Try to live with it.21:20
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TygartIs there a way to extract packages from an ISO to place into another ISO?21:25
yofelTygart: if you want to modify an ISO see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization21:28
Tygartyofel: Thanks.21:30
Aisonhello all, I updated to 12.10 and now the login screen (lightdm) no longer appears21:53
Aisonwhen I login into the console and type sudo lightdm something happens but then i'm back in the console again21:54
Aisonwhen I type startx, X starts up with xterm21:54
Aisonso X itself is fine21:54
Aisonare there any logs from lightdm? I wounder what is going on here21:55
AisonError writing X authority: Error opening file '/var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority': Permission denied22:00
laura___I just installed 12.10 on my laptop. Is there a way to change the login image to a female?22:34
Torchlaura___: system settings -> account details22:36
Tygartlaura___: system settings> Account details22:36
TygartClick on the image22:36
laura___Tygart: Thank you!22:36
TygartAison: you could try installing lightdm again.22:39
Tygartsudo apt-get install lightdm22:39
laura___Tygart: I restarted my laptop, and the image was still the same. It is a male silhouette. That is the one I wanted to change. Is there a way to change that one?22:49
laura___Tygart: I'm talking about the login screen22:49
Tygartlaura___: the background image.22:50
Tygartlaura___: check System Settings > Login screen22:51
laura___It's the little icon by my name. It's a silhouette of a male. I figured there would be a way to make it female22:51
laura___Tygart: Ok, I changed the background image. I'm going to restart to see if that worked. Thank you for your help : )22:54
laura___Tygart: Nope, that wasn't it either. It just changed the whole background. Do you see when you go into System Settings > Login Screen, and you see the person's face above his name? That's the picture I'm talking about. I know it's trivial, I just don't want to have a male's silhouette. LOL22:59
TygartThat should have been system settings -> account details23:00
laura___Tygart: I'll check again23:00
TygartOh and you don't need to restart23:01
Tygartjust log out23:01
laura___Tygart: That was the image I changed at first, but it only changed the image on the when I click on the start button.23:02
TygartI am not sure then.23:03
laura___Tygart: Thank you for your help. I know you're right about changing it in account details. I wonder why it isn't changing. I'll just deal with the image. It's not that big of a deal23:04
douglis it dpkg -i packagename.deb?23:04
AisonTygart, I found the error: because I reinstalled lightdm, the old user lightdm was removed and added again, but the lightdm user got a new UID23:26
Aisonbut the owner of /var/lib/lightdm was still assigned to the old UID23:27

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