
jcastro_bkerensa: misleading headline01:46
jcastro_that's just some wine thing!01:46
bkerensajcastro_: on Ubuntu01:47
mhall119I'd be fine with it being wine, but it's still pretty hacked together it seems02:27
mhall119also, it's still silverlight02:27
mhall119so not a FLOSS solution02:27
bkerensamhall119: the hacked together part is getting sorted it will all be patched upstream and a ppa made to make install painless02:29
bkerensathere likely will not be a FLOSS solution since Netflix has been adamant about not working on Linux02:29
mhall119it's not that they don't want to work on Linux, it's that they can't provide DRM on an open system02:30
bkerensamuch like Steam is not open sourcing its platform for a very similar reason02:30
mhall119I'm sure they'd happily support Netflix on Linux with Silverlight02:31
bkerensawell the thing is they are moving away from silverlight02:31
mhall119right, IIRC Microsoft is killing it off02:31
bkerensaand last time I checked Microsoft was not willing to work with Mono folks in the past anyways02:31
mhall119they've been very willing to work with Mono02:32
mhall119they just won't guarantee a DRM implementation on an open source codebase02:32
mhall119If memory serves, Microsoft did a lot of work with the Mono project to create Moonlight02:32
mhall119What they won't provide is the DRM bits (Playsforsure or something like that)02:33
mhall119so while the Netflix client will likely run on Moonlight just fine, without the DRM parts it won't be able to decode the videos02:33
bkerensaso solution is02:34
bkerensaCanonical subsidizes Netflix to provide a closed package02:34
bkerensaotherwise how will Ubuntu TV ever work?02:34
mhall119same way Roku does, the OEM provides the DRM bits in hardware02:34
bkerensaso it will be a open source tv but with closed hardware?02:35
mhall119DRM doesn't work with "open"02:36
mhall119since it, by necessity, must give you a copy of the decryption key without letting you access the decryption key02:36
mhall119which is why a closed-source package from Canonical isn't likely, we would have to guarantee to the content producers that users will not be able to access the key we ship with the package02:39
mhall119and given that our users can do a lot of things to access it that they can't do on Windows or Mac, that'd be very, very hard to guarantee02:39
dholbachgood morning07:42
elfyhi czajkowski08:47
=== technovi- is now known as technoviking
PiciIs http://ubuntu.mirocommunity.org/ supposed to still exist?13:30
PiciWhere would a user find content that was there.13:30
czajkowskiPici: what was on there?13:30
czajkowskinever heard of it before13:30
jcastro_it used to have ubuntudeveloper content13:32
PiciOh, I misread the user request, they're looking for content from UDS-M13:33
jcastro_it should be on ubuntudeveloper and/or the blip channel13:33
Picijcastro_: righto, I'll point them in that direction.13:33
jcastro_so originally we uploaded all the videos to blip15:09
jcastro_and then it would distribute to youtube and miro15:09
jcastro_but miro and blip changed interfaces/goals at some point15:09
jcastro_so now it's just basically using blip to autoupload to youtube15:09
jcastro_dholbach: hey did you guys figure out what to do with the FAQ? SHould I idle in your meeting?15:21
dholbachjcastro_, I think cwayne18 is on it and it might take a while15:22
dholbachbut I'm not 100% sure15:22
dholbachI can ask him in the meeting15:22
jcastro_k, #ubuntu-meeting?15:22
dholbachwhat a great meeting16:10
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone17:06
bkerensajcastro_: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4795880 (posted) also upboat on Reddit21:13

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