[01:00] ryaxnb, not really new, just not well publicized [01:01] gnome-shell extensions are quite a bit amazing imo [01:01] especially the coverflow alt-tab [08:15] is that the same one we used to have in Ubuntu? [08:15] super-tab [11:33] gnome-shell extensions should be treated like PPA [11:34] individually they may be ok, but toss two or three in together, and the results are often less than pleasant [18:34] OMG everything that gets typed into dash gets sent to canonical (and shared with "select" 3rd parties, like facebook and twitter) that's really messed up... [18:35] really? [18:36] that can be disabled [18:36] i was suprised to see a "legal notice" as soon as dash opened - now i know why. [18:36] yes, the document says there is some "opt-out" option [18:37] privacy, first tab [18:37] set to off [20:07] the third parties are not really "selected" [20:08] any lens can send it anywhere