
smartboyhwxnox, you here? I want some bit of help...06:37
smartboyhwxnox, forget about the help now07:49
=== ogra-cb__ is now known as ogra-cb
smartboyhwcjwatson, er can you approve the Ubuntu Studio -> Wubi code merge?14:24
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: done, and bumped everything to 13.04 since I don't think it makes sense to build more versions for quantal at this point14:31
smartboyhwcjwatson, thank you:D14:31
cjwatsonev: could you build wubi r275 for raring, please?14:31
evcjwatson: will do now14:49
evcjwatson: done15:08
* ogra_ still waits for the first wishlist bug for wubi on win RT :)15:09
cjwatsonogra_: which reminds me, I was wondering how totally insane it would be to use something wubi-esque as a way to dual-boot android and ubuntu on the nexus715:12
cjwatsonconditional on having the grub port working of course15:12
cjwatsonit almost makes more sense on a constrained device than on a full desktop/laptop system, in some ways - fewer worries about upgrade / disk growth / etc.15:13
ogra_heh, well, might be possible though there are easier ways for dual boot (just flash the bootimg to the recovery partition) that simply the userspace (flash-kernel) doesnt cover15:13
ogra_doesnt lupin use a readonly squashfs ?15:13
* ogra_ has never looked deeply into wubi15:14
cjwatsonno, it's an ordinary filesystem15:14
cjwatsonthe weirdness is that it's all loop-mounted on a single file in the containing fs15:14
cjwatsonand the boot loader and initramfs conspire to make that as invisible as possible15:14
ogra_needing overlayfs ?15:15
cjwatsonit's just ext415:15
cjwatsonthe inner filesystem doesn't actually matter15:15
ogra_ah, great, since thats usually missing in the kernels on these devices15:15
cjwatsonit does need a smart boot loader, and it needs the loop module, but aside from that the required kernel support is not desperately advanced15:15
* ogra_ will take a look, is grub an actual requirement ? 15:16
cjwatsonrealistically yes15:16
cjwatsonbut the grub arm port was coming along quite well last I looked15:16
cjwatson(need to find time to go back and supply more review feedback)15:16
ogra_well, you will likely need to chainload it somehow, else it would need very close HW support15:16
cjwatsonit's grub on top of uboot15:17
cjwatsonthe linaro guys are doing it15:17
ogra_hmm, so the question is if it also works on fastboot15:17
cjwatsonso it only needs a relatively small amount of hardware-specific gubbins15:17
cjwatsonthat I don't know15:17
ogra_i would guess so, but needs to be verified15:17
cjwatsonyou can sort of do it without grub if you're prepared to tolerate copying the kernel and initrd out of /boot to somewhere the loader can read it - but for dual-boot support you still want a menu anyway15:17
ogra_which then gets hairy on something like the nexus715:18
cjwatsonand the userspace support for wubi without grub2 has almost certainly atrophied15:18
cjwatson(grub legacy wasn't smart enough to do the loop-mount dance)15:18
ogra_we would need sme HW key support for the vol up/down keys15:18
cjwatsonyou'd need a touch driver or hw key support, yes15:18
cjwatsonhow do they present?15:18
ogra_and some trick to generate an "enter" as well15:18
ogra_just /dev/input15:19
cjwatsonI mean to the kernel15:19
cjwatsonjust gpio pins or something?15:19
ogra_hmm, i would have to check, but likely15:19
cjwatsonprobably wouldn't be that hard to write a really stupid grub input driver for them if it came to it15:19
ogra_yeah, just saying, menus arent easy on tablets in console mode :)15:20
ogra_the annoying thing about switching image models is sadly that flash-kernel is still living off a hardcoded DB without even the capability to override, so it currently can only support one type of booting per device15:21
ogra_though i guess when we use grub we can completely skip flash-kernel and rely on having the right stuff in /boot15:24
cjwatsonsadly it just moves the goalposts15:27
cjwatsonyes, you don't need to tell uboot where to find the kernel/initramfs15:27
cjwatsonbut you do still need to tell it where to find grub15:27
cjwatsonwhich is an equivalent problem and you'd almost certainly end up using nearly all of the same code15:27
ogra_well, i wont change the fastboot/u-boot config after install and grub is unlikely to move around, so that part is fine15:30
ogra_the only thing a user might touch is the cmdline and thats living in grub-land15:31
cjwatsonit won't move around, but the installer still needs to know how to put it in place15:34
cjwatsonand afaics that's still going to involve something that looks startlingly like flash-kernel15:34
ogra_heh, yes, well, it could just use flash-kernel (or some of its functions)15:41
ogra_that missing override functionality is definitely a bug i want to fix before release, but its more whishlist than task15:42

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