
xnoxplease add a bot to #ubuntu-steam01:02
=== Guest96693 is now known as Mamarok
xnoxthanks a lot09:18
mvuelmaHello, everyone.16:18
mvuelmaI would ask a cloak. Here is my LP: https://launchpad.net/~martavuelma16:20
k1l_mvuelma: that looks good. just wait for an ircc member to stop by and acept it16:21
Fuchsomnomnom IRCC members16:23
mvuelmaThanks, k1l_.16:25
PiciFuchs: could you please setup mvuelma with an ubuntu/member/mvuelma cloak?16:26
FuchsPici: sure16:26
Tm_TPici: you're quicker than I am (:16:26
Fuchsmvuelma: you are now cloaked as an ubuntu member, congratulations :)16:26
Picimvuelma: grats :)16:26
mvuelmaThank you very much!16:27
Tm_Tmvuelma: welcome aboard (:16:27
HJGIm looking for a simple solution to make a secure connection between an Ubuntu computer, and my Windows computer. I want to be able to controll the Ubuntu PC that will be used as a server. And I want to be able to connect to it from out of town. Any ideas regarding this?17:41
HJGany ideas at all?17:47
holsteinHJG: i would try an official support channel like #ubuntu ...i use openssh-server which can be connected to with any linux box and puTTY from windows.. i have puTTY on a usb stick (portable).. theres nomachine, freenx.. vnc, vnc over ssh.. teamviewer17:51
HJGhm, okay. I thought that's the channel I was in. Sorry about that :P I used an openssh-server and connected via puTTY, but I got a new router and I dont feel like doing it all over again, since I barely got it working the first time. Thanks for your answer, I'll look into that17:54
holsteinHJG: the new router is a firewall issue.. that will need configured regardless of your OS.. or try something commercial like teamviewer that does that "work" for you17:55
HJGokay, thanks17:57
=== moonvoniron is now known as [MoOn__]

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