
jcastro_n0p: flav00:07
jcastro_a guy made an integrated youtube/guitar/html5 app00:08
jcastro_look at that, and tell me that's not the awesomest thing ever.00:08
n0pjcastro_: +10,00000:28
rumplestilzkenHello there.00:35
rumplestilzkenRecommended here by shakes808, any c++ developers in?00:35
jrwrenrumplestilzken: i hesitate to call myself one01:20
jrwrenrumplestilzken: welcome to #ubuntu-us-mi01:20
jrwrenI hope you are well.01:20
rumplestilzkenthanks, i am. yourself?01:20
jrwrenthis channel tends to be more active during EDT business hours.01:20
jrwrenI'm pretty good.01:20
jrwrenwho says you can't compress jpg?!?  xv turned 28GB into 25GB01:31
jrwrensnap-l: i'd listen but i"m too busy listening to gangnam style AGAIN01:31
snap-ljrwren: Redeem yourself immediately01:31
snap-ljrwren: You used xv to recompress jpeg files?01:32
snap-lSay hello to more artifacts.01:32
jrwrensnap-l: huh? no.01:32
jrwrentarred up my 28GB photos dir with tar -J which does xv and instead of a 28GB tar, I get a 25GB tar.xv01:33
snap-lAh, when you said xv, I thought you meant the old X image program01:33
jrwrenha!  no.01:34
snap-lBecause that was definitely not high-fidelity image conversion01:34
jrwrenin an attempt to redeem my gangnam listening ears and brain, I shall listen to nightwish.01:34
snap-lWatch that video instead01:34
snap-land then listen to the last half-hour of my show on metal injection01:35
snap-lAnd then do a jig, that I might be amused.01:35
derekvmetalinjection.net requires additional plugins03:47
rick_hhttp://benjaminkerensa.com/2012/11/15/wait-is-that-netflix-on-ubuntu OMG04:09
snap-lGood morning12:02
snap-lCat is not in her happy place.12:02
snap-lShe seemed OK, so we fed her. Then she threw up on thebed spread.12:03
snap-land then threw up behind teh dresser12:03
snap-land then proceeded to spend most of the night in her litter12:03
snap-lnot using it, afaict, just hiding in it.12:03
rick_hsick pets are the worst12:25
rick_hour dog had a bad reaction to the meds they put her on post surgery and she got sick most nights until we cut the meds for almost a week :/12:25
snap-lYay, another vet visit. :)13:15
snap-lI don't think I'm going to be going to 1DevDay at this rate13:20
snap-lso if someone else needs a ticket, please let me know13:20
rick_hsnap-l: put it up on twitter and we'll RT it13:23
nullspace^ oh yeah13:23
brouschsnap-l: What13:24
brousch's up?13:24
snap-lCat wasn't feeling well.14:08
snap-lrick_h: posted.14:08
jrwrenhappy friday all!14:09
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, it is Friday, isn't it?14:10
rick_hyea, sending the wife off for second weekend in 3 weeks14:10
rick_hguys weekend!14:10
jrwrenyou'll have to teach me how to do that someday.14:20
brouschDo what?14:23
snap-lHave a guy's weekend14:24
rick_hwell, it's more a 3yrs version of guy's weekend14:24
rick_hbut yea14:24
jrwrensounds great to me.14:24
brouschjrwren: Step 1: Have a male child14:24
snap-ljrwren: I think you could have a guys' weekend with a daughter.14:24
jrwrenheck, even a pops adn daughter weekend is good by me.14:25
rick_hstep 2: tell wife she can go to conference in your fav city14:25
jrwrenah, step 1, turn wife into a professional14:25
rick_hso 2weekends ago was the 'girls crop weekend' where they rent a house up on the lake up north and do photo albums once a year14:25
brouschSurely she has some interests. Everything has a conference now14:25
rick_h3 of my aunts, wife, couple friends rent it out and go away14:26
rick_hand keeps getting longer, left thurs this year14:26
snap-ljrwren: The inappropriate scratch-off might be a little weird, though.14:26
brouschI don't know what he means. Genital scabs?14:33
jrwrenwtf brousch !14:57
brouschWould that not be due to an inappropriate scratching contest?14:58
jrwrenoh, right.15:00
snap-lsheesh, minor joke15:26
snap-lOK, cat is back16:44
snap-lshe had an appetite accelerant, and now she's eating her dry food like I eat Krispy Kremes16:45
dzhoawww, wittle kitty has da munchums16:45
snap-lYeah, she's all about eating right now16:46
snap-llooking so forward to her litter afterward16:46
snap-lshe'll probably poop out another kitten at this rate16:46
snap-lAnd now she's playing with her mouse.16:52
brouschThe touchpad is better than the nook Color for reading PDFs18:15
brousch25% more pixels in width makes a difference18:15
rick_hyea, why I like my kindle dx18:21
rick_hthat's the one nice thing aobut that larger form factor18:21
brouschToo bad it's so darn big18:22
brouschApparently I can triple boot this thing: WebOS, CM9, and Ubuntu18:22
widoxrick_h: http://vimcasts-online-1.eventbrite.com18:26
rick_hwidox: oh interesting18:27
rick_hwas bummbed when he tour fell through18:27
widoxyeah, me too18:27
widox~$127 on a wed. afternoon is meh18:28
rick_hyea, I still need to read through his book still18:28
widoxsame. sitting on my shelf :-/18:29
snap-lThe Practical Vim book?18:30
snap-lYeah, it's on my virtual bookshelf too18:30
snap-lwhat I read so far is very good, though18:30
brouschThis reminds me of greg-g http://i.imgur.com/EAEz4.jpg19:14
snap-lI have never been more happy with a cat going to the liter.19:23

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