
blkperlslangasek: summary!02:40
blkperlslangasek: The staff like to announce things in advance, otherwise they get irritated02:41
slangasekblkperl: sent04:04
slangasekbkerensa: fixing debian/watch == making it so uscan does the right thing04:07
bkerensaslangasek: ok but how would I do this :)04:10
slangasekbkerensa: by reading the uscan documentation ;)04:57
bkerensaslangasek: k04:57
blkperlslangasek: thanks05:32
slangasekblkperl: yep - sorry for not getting it to you sooner :/05:37
bdmurrayif anybody is interested in SRU verification bug 993056 should be easy16:19
lubotu1Launchpad bug 993056 in activity-log-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) ""Privacy" > "Diagnostics" > "Send error reports" can't be turned on or off" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99305616:19

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