
jMCgdpkg -S /etc/init/container-detect.conf claims it belongs to upstart, but upstart doesn't have that file.16:49
jMCgWhere do I find it?16:49
jodhjMCg: ? that file is part of the upstart package in Ubuntu.17:11
SpamapSjMCg: its in the package17:22
jMCgYeah, I get that, so I'm wondering: Where's the source?17:23
jMCgupstart being an Ubuntu project, and the package being from Ubuntu, where does the source come from?17:23
SpamapSbzr branch lp:ubuntu/upstart17:24
jMCgnow I just need to find out how to submit this patch: http://apaste.info/57cf17:28
SpamapSjMCg: not sure you can use awk there17:29
jMCgSpamapS: I'm pretty sure you can use awk wherever you use cat/grep/cut.17:40
jMCgAnyway: On to more important matters:17:40
SpamapStrue, cut is in /usr as well17:41
jMCgif I set a setuid stanza, will pre-start be executed under that user as well?17:41
SpamapSjMCg: it was my understanding that upstart just didn't work at all in open-vserver tho17:41
SpamapSjMCg: yes, thats the one weakness of setuid/setgid unfortunately17:41
jMCgSpamapS: weakness?17:41
SpamapSjMCg: we've talked about maybe adding setuid/setgid as options to each executable stanza so you can have pre-start as root and exec as not root17:42
jMCgI see. No, in this case it's really fine. If I cannot read $foo as user $bar, then executing the daemon under that user won't be going all that well..17:42
SpamapSwell often pre-starts will setup a dir in /var/run or something like that17:45
jMCgone more question: Can I setuid or chdir from an environment?17:49
jMCgi.e.: We'd like to configure under which user the daemon is running.17:52
jmelishi guys, I'm an opennebula developer, and I'm trying to create an fpm package that prepares the network (basically writes /etc/network/interfaces). The tricky part is that it needs to be done *before* the init/networking.conf kicks in... does anybody know how can I do that??17:53

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