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knomeone question for the FAQ should probably be about voyager/mint xfce support.20:24
holsteinmaybe... wouldnt hurt20:24
knomeit wouldn't, many people have been coming in from voyager laterly20:25
holsteinthat was the first i saw20:26
* holstein looks at distrowathc20:26
holsteinmaybe thats featuring it20:26
knomewell, it is generally what the guy said: xubuntu with a different set of apps and looks, but there's something else there too 20:27
holsteinyup... could be pinned apps or who knows20:28
holsteinyou cant support it20:28
knomelooking at the site, they at least seem to have commands like "update" and "upgrade" for sudo-apt get update/upgrade respectively20:28
knomecould be just symlinks, but still20:28
knomeas somebody said, linux mint could be a flavor as well, essentially20:29
knomebut they decided that they wanted a different release schedule/strategy20:29
holsteinthey have their own repos too20:29
knomethey're not pushing in as many security updates as ubuntu20:29
micahgno, it's a derivative (they don't work within the structure of the project)20:29
knomemicahg, yes, that was where i was coming to :)20:29
knomemicahg, and hey o/20:29
knomei'd be less exclusive with voyager if the developers actually communicated with us20:30
ochosiknome: there's >1 voyager dev? :)21:08
knomeroyal they? :P21:09
ochositbh i'm not sure that "they"'re doing anything we can really really benefit from21:10
ochosiat least from what i've seen21:10
knomethat's not what i meant21:10
ochosithat was directed towards the "no communication with"21:10
knomebut if they communicated what their changes are, maybe we could be a bit less negative about it21:10
ochosibtw, after using the png'd elementary-xfce icon-theme for a while, i don't see major trouble ahead with it21:13
ochosithe list of missing sizes/icons seems okayish21:13
ochosii mean quite manageable21:13
ochosimainly saying that because pleia2 was troubled by that last time21:14
ochosiso the main issue remains the space in the image21:15

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