
delinquentmeI have a file under VC... which I deleted... but the right version was there in the last commit00:53
delinquentmeat current $bzr status ... its listed under removed00:54
delinquentmehow can I get it back00:54
Guest1177delinquentme: try 'bzr revert FILE'01:06
delinquentmeyeah got it01:07
delinquentmeso do I have to commit changes to .bzrignore before they're reflected in bzr status?01:08
* Guest1177 has only very basic knowledge about Bazaar01:09
jelmerdelinquentme: no01:10
jelmerdelinquentme: .bzrignore isn't used if you explicitly specify a filename to 'bzr add' or 'bzr revert'01:11
jelmerit's just used by 'bzr status' to determine what files to list as unknown, and by 'bzr add' (without arguments) to determine what files to add01:11
delinquentmebzr shelve ... how get the total number of shelve operations shelved01:19
jelmerdelinquentme: bzr shelf list01:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
LarstiQmortrca: exaxt regex syntax also depends on the engine. Apache uses pcre, and then something like '/(?!robots.txt)' would work17:45
LarstiQmortrca: ?! comes from "negative assertion" in `man pcrepattern`17:46
=== Guest1177 is now known as Enlik
mortrcaLarstiQ: Do you mean like this?18:21
mortrca<LocationMatch "/(?!robots.txt)">18:21
mortrca  ProxyPass
mortrca  ProxyPassReverse
mortrcaThat is what I have currently, but it isn't passing any requests to
delinquentmeremoving a file from bzr version control... but NOT deleteing it?18:42
lifelessdelinquentme: bzr rm --keep19:47

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