
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
javatexanwhy would sudo mount -t cifs //serverip/share /home/user/folder -o etc get the error14:10
javatexan"unable to find suitable address"14:10
javatexanI can mount if I go through file manager oddly14:11
piotreck00Hi, I've got PC with openssh and two accounts: user1 = admin and user2 = standard-without-pass, can I connect as user2 through ssh?14:29
piotreck00It keeps asking me for password...14:29
tsimpsonpiotreck00: set a ssh key for the second user: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/openssh-server.html#openssh-keys14:33
piotreck00got it14:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
aftabi m a beginner any one can help me that how to work with this community16:22
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
tsimpsonsticking around for longer than 2 minutes is a good start...16:32
thewrathhey all17:16
thewrathanyone good with creating images20:53
escott_thewrath, ?20:53
thewrathescott_: i am doing a website for my brothers wedding20:54
thewrathand i would like to do get an image created for part of the header20:54
escott_thewrath, and your question is what?20:55
thewrathescott_: if someone could create one for me20:56
thewrathif i would give the details20:56
escott_!ot | thewrath20:56
ubot2thewrath: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:56
snlpnstslocnhello people21:32
snlpnstslocni need some hep with the installation of ubuntu21:32
escott_snlpnstslocn, then ask21:33
snlpnstslocni am installing ubuntu on virtual box21:38
snlpnstslocni have created a 8 gb virtual hard drive21:39
escott_snlpnstslocn, seems a bit small21:39
escott_you could get minimal, and maybe server, but not a gui21:40
snlpnstslocnis the one expanding on demand not the fix one21:40
snlpnstslocnso i reckon it should expand then as long as more space is required21:41
snlpnstslocnmy problem is when i try to install i get the no root defined message21:42
snlpnstslocncan you help me with setting the partition?21:42
escott_snlpnstslocn, you are misunderstanding what "expanding on demand means"21:42
escott_snlpnstslocn, the virtual disk needs to be larger than 8GB. it could a petabyte if you want21:43
escott_it won't all be allocated initially, and as the installed OS begins using the disk it will allocate space for the disk21:44
escott_which makes it slower, but the guest still needs to be told that the disk is big21:44
escott_snlpnstslocn, otherwise ubuntu is going to think "I have 8GB of space, so i will restrict myself to 8GB" and will never do anything to cause it to get bigger than 8GB21:45
snlpnstslocnI'll make another virtual hard drive then21:45
snlpnstslocnlike 15 gig is gonna be fine?!21:46
escott_snlpnstslocn, that still seems small, but depending upon you usage it might be big enough21:46
snlpnstslocnok then can you give me some guide lines how to set the partition on a new hard drive i am going to create21:47
snlpnstslocnbigger :)21:48
escott_snlpnstslocn, i find that a basic gui and core software comes out to ~10GB. that can vary depending on what you install, but for the stuff i use the core is 10GB. then you have to consider the data you will have on the computer21:49
escott_snlpnstslocn, and things work more efficiently when there is more free space. if you are committed to expanding disks in VBOX go ahead and overcommit. make it 100GB21:50
snlpnstslocnsounds good21:51
snlpnstslocnI'll follow your tips then21:52
=== escott_ is now known as escott

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