
r11I would like to help out with the project.  My skill level is pretty low, but I can handle the graphic design and maybe the wordpress theme for the website.  Let me knwo05:25
bobweaverHello there all I mean awesome people !  Just a reminder that the meeting is today check out the fridge for more details thanks .   http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/16:52
bobweaverer I need to learn how to use the fridg calender better17:10
bobweavergoogle thinks that I live in Dubai now I see what is going on17:29
tgm4883bobweaver, so when is that meeting suppose to be? Because it's listed as being 4.5 hours ago17:33
bobweaveryeah I noticed that17:34
bobweaverI thought that 1pm my time17:34
bobweaverwas good17:34
bobweaverwe can have it here ?17:34
tgm4883yea you put it for 1:00 PM GMT17:34
bobweaverNo google claender did that17:34
tgm4883well yea17:34
bobweaverbecause it thinks that I live in dubai17:34
bobweaverdont know why17:35
tgm4883if you don't specify timezone, it uses the calendar default17:35
tgm4883and the fridge calendar is in GMT17:35
* bobweaver is google calender N00b 17:35
bobweaverfuck we should re-schedule ?17:35
bobweavergood news is17:35
bobweaverUbuntu TV hits France =)17:36
bobweaverhad trouble with video lens worked great until 4am last night and craped out17:38
bobweaverdub will not connect to /com/canonical/unity/lens/video   nor /net/launchpad/unity/lens/video17:39
bobweaverdbus *17:39
bobweaverworked all the way up untill party then 5 hours before it it stoped working so need less to say I was up till 6am my time trying to re-create and fix but there was nothing I could not re-create it on my box17:40
tgm4883bobweaver, probably better to just email the interested parties and see if we can meet later today17:52
tgm4883eg. in a few hours as it's getting late for UK folks17:52
bobweavertgm4883,  can you do that ?17:52
bobweaverpreety plz17:52
bobweaverI have to get dresssed17:53
tgm4883let me look at the agenda17:53
* bobweaver can not be trusted with google calender lesson learned and checked off not to do list =) 17:54
tgm4883bobweaver, you are the only one one the agenda17:54
bobweaveralright then17:54
CrestedNewt_I'm new to all of this so don't know how to add to the Agenda but no doubt will learn as we go forwards17:55
tgm4883might be better to just figure out what you need and contact the right people rather than throw together a last minute meeting17:55
tgm4883CrestedNewt_, it's a wiki17:55
bobweaverwell sence you are here any py comming out ? I have been slaxing on the c++ NUX did a little bit but it is hard with me setting up Ubuntu fr17:55
bobweaverscope ^^17:55
tgm4883which is wrong too ;)17:55
* bobweaver nomanates tgm4883 to take control of meeting times 17:56
bobweaverand wiki and google calender17:56
tgm4883bobweaver, so for meetings, I think you're suppose to do a generic link like you did there, but then link to another page that is for that specific meeting. eg https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Meeting-2012-11-1717:56
bobweaveryeah that is what I was going to do after 1st meeting17:57
tgm4883Can't we just do with that what we do with all the other stuff we don't want to do and assign it to popey ;)17:57
bobweaverlike instead of there being a list of agendas it would go to new page17:57
bobweaveryeah lets put it on popey17:57
tgm4883bobweaver, so I'm still working on extending mythtvapi.py to use all of the services, I had to rewrite some stuff since I ported it to Python 317:58
tgm4883bobweaver, we do need to write a few specs though17:59
bobweaveryeah I worked on rendercoverflow and mad new camara views so that it will look like Ubuntu tv18:00
bobweaverbut I caught up in all the jazz of Ubuntu-tv-fr18:00
bobweaverfor the last week18:00
tgm4883bobweaver, we'll need to coordinate some of the unity stuff with how you want to do things18:00
bobweaverI think that it is best if Ubuntu TV goes from LTS to LTS18:00
bobweaverlike 12.04 then Unity and myth intergration in next LTS18:01
tgm4883nah, well need 13.04 and 13.10 stuff for bug fixing18:01
tgm4883s/bug fixing/tweaking18:01
bobweavernot going to happen ^^ not enough time nor people and also no oine helps me on #ubuntu-unity or mailing list18:02
bobweavermy end of stuff18:02
tgm4883bobweaver, well pieces18:02
bobweaverthat is18:02
bobweaverthat is what I am saying that there is no way that I am going to be able to get done with this by 13.04 maybe peices of it yeah but not a full interface18:03
bobweaverI am only one person and NUX sucks18:03
bobweaverbuggy as all hell18:03
bobweaverdoes not do what you tell it too18:03
bobweaverstupid engine needs  way more work18:03
bobweaverlike for rendering camara viewes18:04
bobweaverso when people say make Unity 3d intergration they are missing something18:04
bobweaverlibdee lib nux glib C++ and they are changing the code so fast because there is 5 packages18:05
bobweaverlets not forget about lib unity core now18:05
tgm4883bobweaver, ok, so lets break this down a bit18:05
bobweaversounds like a good plain18:05
tgm4883bobweaver, what parts need to be done to present guide data18:05
=== nikis__ is now known as nikis
bobweaverwell there is nothing in Nux to render layout like that also passing of bus like that is also hard18:06
bobweaverso need to add stuff to lib unity and lib nux18:06
tgm4883ok, who adds stuff to libunity and libnux?18:07
bobweaverbut setting up form-factor is the real hard part18:07
bobweaveryeah try to get things into repo is super effin hard18:07
bobweaverlike I tried to get simple script in and it was denied over and over again18:07
bobweaverUbuntu tv needs to branch out18:07
tgm4883mhall119, is there anyone we can lean on to assist with this ^18:07
bobweaverneeds its own libs18:08
bobweaverother change to much I mean it can still be "Unity "18:08
bobweaversame code but needs to stop changing18:08
bobweaverit is not that just unity is changing it is that libdee libnux ligies libutouch glib ect18:09
tgm4883it sounds like without an actual canonical unity developer we aren't going to be going anywhere18:09
bobweavernow when cmake calls that it is just looking for local packages18:09
bobweaverif local [ackage changes guess what18:10
bobweaverpackage *18:10
bobweavertgm4883,  that is correct18:10
bobweaveror .. more people from the Unity project to take into account that there is a tv18:11
bobweaverthat there is a phone18:11
bobweaverthat there is a .....18:11
bobweaverthey only care about desktoip18:11
bobweaveror atleast that is what I see18:11
bobweavercould be wrong18:12
tgm4883does unity team have public meetings?18:12
bobweaverI asked on mailing list and have gotten nothing back18:12
bobweaverlike 6 months ago18:13
bobweavermaybe 418:13
bobweaveronly people that got back to me where jim and mark18:13
bobweaverthat is such a googd point though tgm4883  maybe we can get some to show up18:14
CrestedNewt_Question to all... If there was a stable release, without any updates, could you make the necessary changes to the libs?18:14
bobweaverso I guess let me try to explain this better18:14
bobweaverCrestedNewt_, no the 2d is stable18:14
bobweavernot 3d18:14
bobweaverso back to Unity 3d18:15
CrestedNewt_@Bobweaver - thx18:15
meetingologyCrestedNewt_: Error: "Bobweaver" is not a valid command.18:15
bobweaverI could make mock up in 2 months or so but the things that I am working on from one month ago might not work. also setting formfactor is hard ;/18:16
bobweaverlike it is not just like unity3dformfactor == "TV" do this18:16
tgm4883bobweaver, so what parts get changed upstream that no longer work? I'm having trouble visuallizing this, but admittedly, I don't know much about unity code18:16
bobweaverlike unity 2d the declaritive expectations are harder way way way harder18:17
tgm4883also, I only know python, so that doesn't help me here either :)18:17
bobweaverno I am saying that there is a chance not that it would happen but there is a chance18:17
bobweaverbecuase there is no one in Unity team that is saying hwy there is a phone hey there is a tv18:17
tgm4883bobweaver, ok, what about this18:18
bobweaverI can not watch all changes to them packages18:18
tgm4883bobweaver, if upstream unity made some stubs for tv and phone form factors, would that help?18:18
bobweaverif other take on other packages . Imean my email would fill up so fast18:18
tgm4883then you just did whatever you needed to do in there?18:18
bobweaverOMG that would be great18:19
tgm4883IDK how much work that is, but it would seem to me that would be a valid request of the Ubuntu TV team to make to the Unity team18:19
bobweaverbut again I want to stress the fact that there is a number of packages that need to be watched18:19
bobweaver+1 tgm488318:20
tgm4883So it seems to me a few things need to be done18:20
tgm48831) Form factor for TV18:20
bobweaverif you open CmakeList.txt you can see all the packages18:20
tgm48832) Layout for episodic content18:20
tgm48833) layout for guide data18:20
tgm4883those 3 being the main things for Ubuntu TV18:21
bobweaveryeah but also this18:21
bobweaverok I will paste CMAKELIST>txt er aps sorry brb18:21
bobweaveralso keep in mind that wwe are working from the stagging and they are all different libs then the ones that are in main18:22
bobweaverLines 160 too 19118:23
bobweaverSee the versioning numbers18:24
bobweaverif you run apt-cache policy packagename you will see that there not on system18:25
bobweaverif you are not using stagging18:25
tgm4883true, but this is trunk, so that is expected18:25
bobweaverandd that some of then DO NOT make it to main18:25
bobweaverbecause they are stagging18:25
bobweaveralso codding with all them 'staging deps' is hard because everything crashs all the time18:26
bobweavermainly compiz18:26
bobweaverthat is a number of the troubles I am not saying that it is a bad thing18:26
bobweaverjust that it is what it is18:27
bobweaverit is a good thing but it is hard for one person to follow18:27
bobweaverand that deps list was just updated and pushed by steven 2 or 3 days ago18:27
bobweaverwell merdged18:27
bobweaverSo it was different 5 days ago18:28
tgm4883so those versions there are minimums18:28
bobweaverand max18:28
bobweaverhave to be that version18:28
bobweaverunless <=18:28
tgm4883and just because one may get bumped to a newer required version, doesn't necessarily mean it would break something of yours. The methods you call should still be there18:28
bobweaverjust like Depends feild in debian/control18:28
tgm4883right, but it's only going to get changed if there is something additional that is needed from a new/different version.18:29
bobweaversometimes Like I was saying it is jst a observation of things that I see not bad by any means18:29
tgm4883Stuff added, not usually removed18:29
bobweaverlikr this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/view/head:/CMakeLists.txt18:30
tgm4883so I think when stuff breaks, you should probably open a bug report18:30
bobweavergood point ^^18:30
tgm4883so with that said, does that make any of this easier?18:31
bobweaveryeah it is not that it is a problem it is just that it is there18:31
tgm4883My understanding is that lens layouts are independent of form factor18:32
bobweaverit is me I am not use to coding like this18:32
bobweaverbut I am catching on18:32
bobweavermaybe if we make mock up hand off to desgin team ?18:32
bobweaveror maybe get design team more involed we could spam there mailing lists ?18:33
tgm4883well the mockup for DT is going to mainly be form factor right?18:33
tgm4883bobweaver, nah, I say write it and have design team come in later. Alternatively, have them look at the spec18:33
bobweaverThis was my idea at 1st18:33
bobweavermake a cp of Unity and place into its own dir say Standalone/ which is already there18:34
tgm4883personally, I'd like you to do layouts first, then form factor stuff.18:34
tgm4883so whichever way works for you18:34
bobweaverthen alter code and have it look like Ubuntu tv then hand off to desktop team.18:34
bobweaverbut I ran into snag of form-factor18:35
bobweavernot sure how to call like that and also that windowing manager must be re-wrote18:35
bobweaverI will show you18:35
bobweaverLnes 174 too 19518:36
bobweaveryou can see how the formfator is called in that sile18:36
bobweaverfile *18:36
bobweaverif (!force_tv)18:36
bobweaver  if (force_tv) Settings::Instance().form_factor(FormFactor::TV);18:36
tgm4883ok, so standalone I'm guessing is desktop, and standalonetv is for TV's?18:37
bobweaverBut I tried to write that into LensView and ummm maybe I am not good enough ?18:37
bobweaveryeah standalone is a standalone version of unity you can see in video18:38
bobweaverthat was code before libnux and lib unity changed18:38
tgm4883not sure I understand what a standalone version of unity is?18:39
bobweaverfancy word for a window that can be independent18:40
bobweaverlike it can run in its own env18:40
bobweaversee how in video there is 2 unity's running18:41
bobweaverone is just a standalone window *18:41
bobweaverthe one that I launch from IDE18:41
bobweaverthat is the only place that formfactor tv is in for alll of code18:41
bobweaverso I thought that Unity people want it to be like that18:42
tgm4883ok, so I'm assuming standalone still exists and is used for developing unity?18:42
bobweaverso lets make some plains for future and list them here I think that we got some great idea's so far18:42
bobweaverYes ^^18:43
bobweaverwell you can launch other things but standalone is a window that is independent like when complie you can choose other options wait I will take screenshot18:44
tgm4883i dont know if i have enough info to make a roadmap18:44
bobweaverso let us talk about road map18:46
bobweaverwhat do you need ?18:46
tgm4883so what needs to be done first?18:47
bobweaverI think18:47
tgm4883other than mythtvapi, all my stuff has to wait on layouts being done18:47
bobweaverso I must make scedual page18:47
tgm4883I don't think layouts depend on formfactor18:48
tgm4883you should be able to do the same lenses in desktop mode18:48
bobweaverI can just hack unity to make it into TV with out form factor if you like18:48
bobweaverthat would be alot easier on me18:48
tgm4883see i think form factor could be the last thing done18:49
tgm4883i'm assuming form factor is what unity looks like when it's just sitting there open18:49
tgm4883so that could be one of the last things done then18:50
bobweaverhere is screen shot of how standalone is launched (might help you understand )   http://i.stack.imgur.com/5NL5W.png18:50
bobweavercool ^^18:50
tgm4883since scopes/lenses should be usable across all form factors, it's independent of the form factor stuff18:51
tgm4883that would appear that you can launch it just like an application, so you don't have to be running dev code on  your host OS to develop and test unity trunk18:51
bobweaverso I will just hack up unity to make into * TV looking*18:52
bobweaverso we have something to work on18:52
bobweaveras far as scopes and what not18:52
tgm4883I don't even think it needs to be TV looking18:52
tgm4883I'm surely not going to need to test on a TV looking display18:52
bobweaverjust new code for launcher - previews - schedule *1st*18:53
bobweaveris that what you are saying ?18:53
tgm4883just new layouts18:53
bobweaverok I will work on that this week18:54
bobweavershould be able to get done in a week or 218:54
bobweaverI hope18:54
bobweavertgm4883,  I am glad that you are part of this team I am chicken with head cut off sometimes18:55
bobweaverok next topic : stagging18:55
bobweaverIt is hard for me to work with that due to the ammount of crashs18:56
bobweaverwhy not just use raring ?18:56
bobweaverThen I do not have crash *everytime* I open new window18:56
bobweavereverytime *18:56
bobweavermakes it hard because after crash of compiz window ges clear sometimes and I just amsaving work that I can not even see18:57
bobweavernot all the time but most the time18:58
bobweaveralso there is alot that is not working18:58
bobweaverkeyboard shortcuts18:58
bobweaveralt+~ alt+tab(sometimes)  super+number(all the time)18:58
bobweaverso to put this more straight I can not use it that well becuase every single time that I complie I get seg fault18:59
bobweaveron unity that is running in bkg18:59
bobweavercausing crash s19:00
bobweaverthe most annoying is the fact that I can not see the window's anymore19:00
bobweaverlike someone just went and said color: "transparent"19:00
bobweaverso I have to run unity on tty and when crash alt+ctrl+f1 and re-start (this is every 4 minutes )19:01
bobweaverso I say lets use raring aka lp:unity19:01
bobweaverNext agenda :19:04
bobweaveranyone else got anything to say ?19:04
CrestedNewt_I'm just listening atm19:04
bobweaverthanks for showing up to this CrestedNewt_  =)19:05
bobweaverI like to see that there are people that are interested in this project19:05
CrestedNewt_no probs - I'm just wondering how I can help as I'm not a coder19:05
bobweaverCrestedNewt_,  there is alot19:05
bobweaverDocumention would be one19:05
bobweavermy spelling is crazy bad19:06
CrestedNewt_I can test things if that helps - I just want to find a platform that I can do that from19:06
CrestedNewt_I'll talk to you later offline about what is required for Documentation but I want to help19:07
bobweaverCrestedNewt_,  you have to think of the the TV as something that If Unity 3d will run on it then TV will also run on it19:07
CrestedNewt_To put all your minds at ease, I have already spoken to a high end Hi-Fi specialist who want exclusive rights where I live19:07
bobweaverCrestedNewt_,  I keep forgeting that you are a local19:07
CrestedNewt_but I need to give them something19:07
tgm4883bobweaver, so something like this for order https://creately.com/diagram/h9n3rcm62/aqTHMbFICXZgIt5tuxRQaccGw68%3D19:07
CrestedNewt_local as in UK :D19:08
tgm4883bobweaver, I agree, we should use raring, since that is what the dev target is :)19:08
bobweaveryeah tgm4883  that looks great maybe add previews ? and launcher19:08
tgm4883launcher would be form factor no?19:09
bobweaverno more code19:09
bobweaverbut would need new code but yeah that is part of formfactor19:09
bobweaverthat looks real good tgm488319:10
bobweaverCrestedNewt_,  you should talk to jim or will about all that stuff19:11
CrestedNewt_+1 tgm488319:11
tgm4883bobweaver, updated19:11
bobweaverstuff =   high end Hi-Fi specialist who want exclusive rights where I live19:11
tgm4883bobweaver, so there is 4 starting areas. I've got 1, you've got three :)19:11
bobweaverlol popey  needs more j/k :P19:11
bobweaverCrestedNewt_,  have you talked to Will or Jim about this ?19:13
bobweaverCrestedNewt_,  if you like add that to the Mailing list might help : look to talk to Jim Hodop and Will Cooke about that19:14
CrestedNewt_no. I don't think that this is the forum for that - have sent you a PM for later19:14
tgm4883bobweaver, well popey is doing the PPA, so his starts as soon as the first line of code is committed19:14
* bobweaver gets to coding then popey needs more work ;-) 19:15
bobweaverthere is also something that I noticed19:16
bobweaveron the google + page after writing about ubuntu fr party btw thanks a ton mhall119  you are awesome others are asking for it for there partys19:16
bobweavermaybe make a package of the old 2d code so that people can install that easy ?19:17
bobweaverI could do that in like a day19:17
tgm4883I don't like that idea19:17
bobweaverthat way I do not spend a week seting up things19:17
tgm4883I don't like giving people old 2d code19:17
bobweavercan I ask why19:17
bobweaverbut getting the "proto type out there " is a good thing no ?19:18
tgm4883it's going to be vastly different than 3d code19:18
tgm4883and since 2d is deprecated, it's not a prototype, it's a mockup19:18
bobweaverpoint taken but things like the partys might be good19:19
bobweaverUbuntu {Phone is Unity 2d still19:19
CrestedNewt_guys - concentrate on the coding issues - I'll keep quiet :D19:19
tgm4883any work you do on 2d, is time taken away from working on 3d19:19
mhall119tgm4883: I think it would be a good way of exciting people to contribute to the 3d port19:19
bobweaverI think that I sould make package19:20
tgm4883mhall119, that depends on how long it takes to get a 3d tv form factor19:20
mhall119as long it doesn't take up too much time, and we make it clear it's not maintained or being developed19:20
bobweaveryeah it took me a while to help team fr19:20
bobweaverthat is why I say this19:20
tgm4883that is the main issue19:20
bobweaverthen I see on google + that there is other that also want this19:21
tgm4883mhall119, bobweaver seems to be the only one working on unity 3d tv, any time taken away is a big chunk19:21
bobweaverIf I make package then they just install and I do not need to spend time with them thous more time for unity 3d19:21
tgm4883AFAIK, we haven't made a large push for help19:21
tgm4883we've made comments on the website, that is it19:21
mhall119tgm4883: it's a risk/reward scenario, if he spends a week and we get another developer working on it as a result, it's worth it19:22
tgm4883but, if getting the 2d mockup finished doesn't take long (max 1 day), then I can see it's benefit19:22
bobweaverthat is why package for it is imporant part19:22
bobweaverI can not turn down people that can show off mock work because that could bring in others19:23
tgm4883the flip side of that is, why need a package? A package, implies we want people to install and test it. Since it's basically a mockup, isn't youtube a better area?19:23
bobweaverand thus making code work lighter for me or even setting up  meeting mailing list ect19:23
CrestedNewt_it would also have a "political clout" with more focus on the TV element of Ubuntu from those who make the roadmap19:24
tgm4883further, 2d isn't even in 12.10 right? So this package we want people to install is only going to work on 12.04 and earlier (and IIRC, it only works on 11.10)19:24
bobweaverpeople that go to ubuntu partys are going there because they know about Ubuntu and also because of that they are going out of way. But that being said I real real real like the thoughts that tgm4883  is pushing19:24
bobweaverI my self do not want to spend a week seting up mockup for team when I can say here is ppa19:25
* bobweaver has unity 2d on 13.04 19:25
bobweaverbut not going to give out code19:25
bobweaveroff topic sorry19:25
tgm4883Now if you guys really really want the 2d packaging, then go for it. I've got enough work to do getting the mythtvapi up to stuff that it will take me at least a week19:26
bobweaveryeah I am just trying to think of ways to save time for 3d coding19:26
tgm4883and I can't work on other things until we get layout done (although I could figure out what we need the video player to do)19:26
bobweavertgm4883,  mythavi can run live tv ?19:27
tgm4883My understanding is that any work done in Unity 2D is completely throwaway code as it can't be used in 3D19:27
bobweavernot true ^^19:27
tgm4883bobweaver, I've got to discuss that with upstream mythtv19:27
bobweavercan use apps that are made in QT just like Ubuntu Phone does19:27
tgm4883see if it's still on the roadmap for 0.2719:27
bobweaversweet tgm4883  thanks19:27
bobweaverpackage is not like a must do it is just a Topic:19:28
tgm4883bobweaver, mhall119 if you guys think it's something that will draw in even 1 extra developer, then go for it19:28
tgm4883because I do think we need more developers19:28
bobweaverall I would do is take fr code that I made and make it into package19:28
bobweaverthat is it no extra coding just one meta package19:29
bobweavercode is done and I am not going to work on it any more19:29
bobweaver2d ^^ \19:29
tgm4883ok that makes me feel better then19:29
bobweaverI will only make in spare time when my mind is burnt from other coding as it is easy most of it is done19:31
bobweavertgm4883,  well everyone I do not want to work on 2d anymore only 3d19:31
bobweaverbut I do not want to turn down people that ask for there partys or for people that are like "I want to see what ideas where before " or "what was framework before so I can help make framework "19:32
bobweaveron 3d that is ^^19:32
bobweaverlike you said it is point-less to make more qt-quick code19:33
tgm4883ok, I think it needs to be crystal clear that it is deprecated unity 2d code19:33
bobweavershould we make a debconf gtk that says something like that when installing ?19:34
bobweaverlike a pop up during install19:34
bobweaverLike how mysql ask for password19:34
tgm4883IMO it needs to be before they download19:34
bobweaverthat kinda pop up19:34
bobweaveralso when adding key then for ppa ?19:35
mhall119bobweaver: I don't know about installing, not many people are going to install it unless they're going to show it off19:35
bobweavermaybe the package page could say that and also maybe a wiki ?19:35
bobweavermhall119,  +119:35
mhall119everybody seeing it in Paris today wouldn't see an install-time popup19:36
bobweaverso we keep it kinda skunky19:36
bobweaverI could make a home lens in 20 seconds that could explain19:36
mhall119yeah, I'm in favor of packing it for easy display, but nothing more19:36
bobweaverjust like legal notice in 3d19:36
bobweaverthat is not best idea ^^19:37
bobweaverwe just tell people then ? just like I told team fr ?19:37
mhall119I think we use the demo as-is to get people interested, then when they want more we tell them about the porting effort and how they can get involved19:37
bobweaverI was v.explicit19:37
mhall119yeah, like we did with fr19:37
bobweavercool topic done19:38
bobweavernext: social19:38
mhall119topic? are we having a meeting?19:38
bobweavergreat work and props go to tgm4883  and also mhall119  , jim  for helping with this19:38
bobweavermhall119,  ^^19:39
* mhall119 didn't do much19:39
mhall119bobweaver: this was a great idea, getting it running for the Paris party19:39
tgm4883bobweaver, you mean like what social features the tv should have?19:39
bobweavermhall119,  my calender on google was set to dubai so time was off :?19:39
bobweavertgm4883,  nope like are advertisment to get more folks to show up19:40
bobweaverlike do ajust you set fbook g+ ect19:40
bobweaverjust wondering if you all have anything that you would like to add19:40
tgm4883bobweaver, oh we'll get the word out, don't worry about that ;)19:40
bobweaverI am good with where it is at19:40
tgm4883mhall119, I'm assuming we have a facebook page?19:40
mhall119bobweaver: once we have something to show built on 3d, I'll reach our to OMG!Ubuntu! and others19:40
CrestedNewt_The word is already being spread in the UK19:40
mhall119tgm4883: yes19:40
bobweaverI have no fbook account and do not know how to use it19:41
tgm4883so we'll hit up G+, facebook, twitter, and the blog19:41
mhall119tgm4883: if you have a FB account, I can add you to the page19:41
bobweavertgm4883,  I like the way that you think about that :)19:41
tgm4883mhall119, it's the same email I use everywhere else19:42
bobweaverwe must tell ALL peps that want to use mockup for partys or whatever that thy most post pictures and what not19:42
bobweaverlike we did with team fr19:42
bobweaverthat is first pic that I ever see of Ubuntu TV on a real TV19:43
mhall119tgm4883: you need to "like" the page before I can add you19:43
bobweaverI think that this also tells canonical people that there is pressure19:43
tgm4883mhall119, that goes against my nature. I don't like anything19:43
bobweavermaybe they will assign a person to tv ?19:43
tgm4883in facebook, and in real life ;)19:43
bobweaverwe might have to put coals to feet so to say to get some help around these parts :)19:44
tgm4883mhall119, I've liked it now19:44
bobweaverlol tgm4883  not always :)19:45
bobweaverI need to make fbook account but I dont want my mom to post private things or brothers ect lol19:45
bobweaverlike she did with my last job lol19:45
tgm4883I don't use facebook other than to keep my contacts list up to date19:47
tgm4883I use G+19:47
CrestedNewt_ok ladies and gents - I need to go as it is coming up to 8pm and I need to get dinner on.19:48
CrestedNewt_For me this has been enlightening - I want to help and Joseph, we need to talk/e-mail re documentation19:48
mhall119tgm4883: it still says you haven't, I'll try it again later, maybe FB just takes a while to sync it everywhere19:48
tgm4883mhall119, oh wait, maybe I just now liked it19:49
tgm4883as I said, I dont use facebook much19:49
bobweavercool thansk CrestedNewt_19:49
mhall119tgm4883: ah ha, now it's got you, and I've added you19:49
CrestedNewt_no probs - this is going to be BIG so keep the faith :D19:50
bobweaveryup keep on rocking in the free world ;)19:50
bobweaverCool all Well That is all the topics that I can think of anyone else got anything to say ?19:52
bobweaveror questions ?19:52
mhall119bobweaver: I tried to find someone on the unity team to come talk about how alternate form-factor code should be arranged in the branch, but it seems nobody's thought that far ahead yet19:53
bobweavercool thanks a ton mhall11919:53
mhall119so when you have an idea of how you want to arrange it, we can tell them the plan just to make sure it isn't going to cause problems down the road19:54
bobweaverI guess that this conculds are meeting and I have to say that it has been a good one19:54
bobweaver+1 mhall11919:55
mhall119thanks for running it bobweaver19:55
bobweaverthere will be code in like 5 days tops19:55
bobweaversomething to look at19:55
bobweaverat least19:55
mhall119we should make a lot of noise when that happens19:55
bobweaverI will try to make videos and other things also when this happens. I also think that making noise is a good thing19:56
bobweavermhall119,  got a second to talk to me about the next uds ?19:56
mhall119sounds like a plan19:56
bobweaverwhen to apply for sponsorship19:56
mhall119bobweaver: um, sure, but I'll warn you there isn't *any* information about the next UDS yes19:56
bobweaverif you can keep that in the back of your head for me that could help me19:56
mhall119sponsorship applications won't open until a couple months out19:57
mhall119I'll be sure to let everyone here know when they open19:57
bobweaverI just want to be there I was a little scared at the last one and I think that I could make more of a differnce at the next one19:57
bobweaverlike gathering in people that is19:57
bobweaverinstead of carlsbreg19:58
mhall119hopefully beer will be cheaper at the next one19:58
mhall119those were almost $10 a glass :(19:58
bobweaverI was doing the math the other day and seen that I was like I spent 400 usd on beer Oo19:59
mhall119bobweaver: luckily coordinating UDS applications is part of my job, so I'll be among the first to know when it'll be opening19:59
bobweaverbuying for other and what not also19:59
bobweaversweet thanks yeah if you can just keep in the back of your mind19:59
mhall119I bought 4-packs at the store down the road for $819:59
tgm4883bobweaver, yea I wasn't much help at my first UDS either19:59
bobweaverit is a big thing to take in tgm488320:00
bobweaverand talking to that many smart people is a hard thing to do20:00
bobweaverlucky though david callie and other are all about it20:00
tgm4883first it was "holy crap everyone here is way smarter than me, how can I help?"20:00
mhall119tgm4883: welcome to my day job :/20:00
bobweaveronly reason that he did not make it to meeting is because he is at ubuntu-fr20:00
tgm4883then it was "hey, thats the prick that rejected my package from the archive."20:01
tgm4883then I was OK ;)20:01
bobweaver+1 tgm488320:01
tgm4883mhall119, I think I left good feedback on my UDS survey20:02
tgm4883so I hope that helps20:02
tgm4883I kinda paraphrased some of the stuff me and bobweaver had discussed20:03
bobweaverfor me the worst thing about uds was this20:03
bobweaverwaking up at 4am and there is no water fountian and no vending machines and I did not want to wake up roomie20:03
bobweaverI cased down lady with cart of water for b-fast and took a whole picture from here20:04
bobweaverdid not speak english that well she looked at me like no you can not have this but I was taking that water20:04
mhall119In Budapest, water was a scare resource, and cold water was non-existant20:07
bobweaveryou all see this ?  http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/17/netflix-finally-comes-to-linux-sort-of/20:13
tgm4883yea, it's wine20:13
bobweavercool that there is patch though20:13
bobweaverI tried that like 100 X  with safari but did not work20:14
bobweaverThat pic looks kinda weird like photoshop ?  look at launcher icons they are not render like that ever "streching X"20:15
bobweaveralways fits even if you change compiz or unity settings to make icons smaller20:15
bobweaverthey still scale20:15
bobweavermaybe it is icon set that tht person was using20:16
bobweaverbut bfb even looks stretched maybe they used gimp to make img smaller who knows20:16
bobweaverI could make ppa for that ^^20:17
bobweaverI will code 3d instead20:18
bobweaveroff to that take care all20:18
bobweaverstvyo daivid calle is so awesome https://plus.google.com/106122674051576198224/posts/KFyP27CMoHn20:27

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