
TaxmanDwhutup dudes00:39
TaxmanDanybody see what I'm writing00:43
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:43
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:43
TaxmanDhow do i register on irc again :<00:44
v1adimirTaxmanD: /msg NickServ@services. HELP00:45
v1adimirTaxmanD: /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER00:45
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:45
TaxmanDthank you00:45
v1adimirguys, these entries came with 12.10 by default?? http://postimage.org/image/y4xban4mp/full/00:49
TaxmanD /msg nickserv register godverdomme binhduongng@gmail.com00:49
v1adimirTaxmanD: hope it's not the same password you use for your email ;)00:50
v1adimiryou might wanna change it now xD00:50
TaxmanD god damnit00:51
v1adimirheh :\00:51
TaxmanDgood thing its not it though00:51
v1adimir.. always keep a tab open, just for IRC CMDs ;s00:51
TaxmanD why did it not le work though00:52
v1adimirlooks like there was a space in front00:52
TaxmanDand yes ill be sure to open another tab now00:52
v1adimirhehe cool00:52
TaxmanDthanks buddy, is there no way to delete one of my msg? :>00:54
TaxmanDby the way I'm on 12.04 LTS right now and its working ok on my netbook, some bugs here and there, is 12.10 worth it to get?00:58
TaxmanDalso there's this eeexubuntu thing i heard of, should i use it for my netbook instead?00:59
TaxmanDthanks and sorry for spam :)00:59
pleia2as far as I know eeexubuntu isn't maintained01:00
pleia2so you're better off just using regular xubuntu on netbooks (I do)01:00
pleia2the features of 12.10 are here, only you can decide if it's worth it for you :) http://xubuntu.org/news/12-10-release/01:01
pleia2xfce went from 4.8 to 4.10, which a lot of people were excited about01:01
TaxmanDalrighty, thanks pleia, what netbook do you have btw if I may ask01:06
pleia2Dell Mini901:06
TaxmanDwhen you bought it did it come with windows?01:07
pleia2no, it came with Ubuntu 8.0401:07
TaxmanDah ok, cool01:07
xubuntuf3nyxQuestion: is there a way to download the 3.6.3(latest stable) from a repository on Xubuntu? you know apt-get style.01:17
pleia2the 3.6.3 what?01:21
xubuntuf3nyxi guees im asking if there is an official repository for the latest stable LibreOffice. sorry01:22
xubuntuf3nyxi missed that key word :S01:22
xubuntuf3nyxLibreOffice for Xubuntu official repository with the latest stable release? Is there one?01:23
pleia2Xubuntu doesn't come with libreoffice at all, so you'd be looking for an Ubuntu one01:24
pleia2https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa seems to be the closest, but it looks like they just have 3.6.101:24
xubuntuf3nyxoh... ok thanks. i can live with 3.6.101:25
xubuntuf3nyxthank you very much.01:25
K1rk|WorkHey quick question... In Gnome I used to be able to put my .desktop files in an autostart folder and they would launch when the login screen opened.  How do I do this with lightdm in xubuntu 12.04?03:01
holsteinK1rk|Work: i would just add whatever i want to the session startup03:09
holsteinfor xfce03:09
K1rk|Workholstein: but will that work prior to login?03:09
holsteinmaybe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10495974/ways-to-add-programs-to-startup-in-ubuntu-by-commandline03:10
alexmHey, does anyone know how well Xubuntu works on a Macbook Pro (Intel)?03:22
holsteinalexm: try it live :)03:32
alexmYea I'll just try live CD thanks03:35
MelsiHello, I would like to create a readme ascii file. I see that leafpad both opens readme and readme.txt, my question: is it a common practice to use the .txt extension (in windows is), thank you!10:44
knomeMelsi, i think many just use "README" (case sensitive), but it's a matter of taste really10:46
Melsithank you very much! I will go with README because I would like to follow the most common/used practice! bye!10:47
c2tarunHi friends, is anyone able to do voice call on pidgin for gtalk?11:42
AnkhwatcherHey, I've installed #xubuntu on my laptop and I am connecting a monitor over the VGA plug, how do I use my second monitor to extend my display?13:17
GridCubeAnkhwatcher, do you have arandr installed?13:17
AnkhwatcherGridCube: yes13:17
Ankhwatcherit's seems to screw stuff up though13:17
GridCubeopen it and drag your windows the way you want to be13:18
AnkhwatcherI don't think I'm using it right13:18
Ankhwatchercan I run separate workspaces on each monitor?13:18
GridCubealso your laptop should have special keys to change the way it works13:18
GridCubeAnkhwatcher, you can not13:18
Ankhwatcherhow do I keep the laptop monitor as the default?13:19
GridCubeagain, in arandr drag and drop it to the first place13:20
AnkhwatcherGridCube: so the top left monitor is always the default?13:22
GridCubeas i understand it13:25
=== Nick is now known as Guest60163
Guest60163Hey lot. I'm having a problem with my Xubuntu installation14:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:06
Guest60163I have downloaded the desktop version, instaled it and it opened in commandline14:06
Guest60163When I looked it up on google they've told me to install ubuntu-desktop ad so I did. But when I rebooted it gave me an error: "ieee80211 phy0: >brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: enabled true, count 1 (implement)14:10
Guest60163well perhaps not an error, but it doesn't do anything from that line14:10
GridCubewhy would you install the ubuntu-desktop over the xubuntu-desktop? wouldnt that override the xubuntu installation?14:18
Guest60163Because that's what the post had given me as solution14:18
=== Guest60163 is now known as Elvano
GridCubewell, i dont know wich desktop you are using then, because if you installed ubuntu-desktop it pulled all unity with it14:22
GridCubeso, no idea whats happening there14:22
ElvanoWell, to be honest, I've reformatted the disk and reinstalled it withouth installing the ubuntu desktop ans it still gives me that line14:24
GridCubeok let me check14:36
GridCubethats a wifi error14:37
ElvanoIt has worked before, though.Otherwise I could've never installed the ubuntu-desktop at the previous install.14:42
GridCubei see14:42
GridCubemmm i cant find anything useful on the net, you might have to wait for smarter people14:43
ElvanoI feel so stupid. Now that you've told me it's the network i can read the ieee80211 phy0.... Thank you for trying GridCube14:45
lycanHi is a goog option for xubuntu install on a netbook with Intel Atom n270 single core?15:05
=== kiran_ is now known as Kiranvotio
GridCube!hi | Kiranvotio15:13
ubottuKiranvotio: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:13
Kiranvotiois Compiz works on xubuntu ?15:14
GridCubeKiranvotio, it shoudl work,  but it not supported in this channel15:20
Kiranvotioeverytime i logon to xubuntu it shows a popup stating to select the session how to skip this step15:27
TheSheepKiranvotio: in the "sessions and startup" setting in settings manager15:27
TheSheepKiranvotio: there is a checkbox for it15:27
TheSheepKiranvotio: "display chooser on login"15:28
Kiranvotioyeah i got it thank you15:28
lycanThanks GridCube15:29
Kiranvotiois xubuntu (all 12.10 and 04 versions are buggy ) cause i always get the crash report15:29
GridCubewhy doesnt abiword understand the scroll wheel anymore?15:51
john2xi just installed xubuntu 12.10 on virtualbox, but have a couple of issues..15:52
john2x1 is I can't set the resolution to greater than 1024x768 in the settings manager15:53
GridCubeneeds virtualbox addons15:53
john2x2 is that the scroll wheel of my mouse doesn't seem to work.15:53
john2xahh got it.15:53
john2xgonna set it up15:53
GridCube:/ abiword its really getting to my nerves15:54
TheSheepuse tex15:54
GridCubetex... tex... never used tex15:55
TheSheepit's what the professional book editors use15:56
nyR3dnekGridCube: use latex15:56
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
nyRednekactually, TheSheep is right15:56
TheSheepyeah, or context15:56
TheSheepactually, if you are just starting, context will be easier15:57
nyRednekthat system is used at most publishing houses15:57
nyRedneki didn't know about context15:57
TheSheepnyRednek: it's a more humane approach :)15:57
nyRednekTheSheep: humane? typesetting? does not compute15:57
* nyRednek 's head explodes15:58
GridCubehow about, no?15:58
GridCubebetter ill get libreoffice instead15:58
TheSheepnyRednek: well, more modern, fixing some conceptual problems of latex15:58
nyRednekTheSheep: apt-get install context?15:58
* nyRednek will try it15:58
TheSheepnyRednek: yeah15:59
nyRednekis there a good guide to using it? i've tried and failed with latex15:59
nyRedneklet me be more clear, i've found latex cumbersome16:00
GridCubeif it needs a guide, its not a good program16:00
* GridCube puts his little troll hat16:00
TheSheepnyRednek: http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/ms-cb-en.pdf16:01
nyRednekGridCube: sure, sure...do you know of a different way to write once, and maintain your text across multiple formats?(text for publisher, ebook, website)16:04
nyRednekGridCube: um, no...most pdf's don't translate well to epub16:05
GridCubewhy would you need epub if you have pdf?16:05
nyRednekGridCube: sony reader, apple ibooks store16:05
nyRednekGridCube: barnes and noble's nook store16:06
* nyRednek does use calibre for that conversion16:06
GridCubemmmhm then use epub directly16:07
GridCubei dont like epub16:07
nyRednekepub doesn't translate very well to pdf16:07
GridCubeits just for text and it doesnt look pretty16:07
nyRednekor for print16:07
nyRednekactually epubs can and often do include images16:07
GridCubemmhm exactly, so pdf it is and you dont use faulty devices16:07
john2xomg I can scroll now.16:07
GridCubenyRednek, yes, it it broken16:08
GridCubethey never fit where they are suppose to and the look bad16:08
TheSheepguys, how about we move that to a non-support channel? :)16:08
nyRednekGridCube: it's also the standard ebook format that the publishing industry has adopted16:08
GridCube!ot | GridCube16:08
ubottuGridCube, please see my private message16:08
GridCubeu_u ok16:08
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
=== kiran_ is now known as Kiranovotio
Kiranovotio my wireless device not working16:48
fatpuddingany one have an idea how to fix this problem when running an SDL program : usr/local/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0: undefined symbol: _XGetRequest17:39
Ankhwatcherwhat is the xfce desktop manager called?17:51
GridCubecalendar i read17:52
GridCubeAnkhwatcher, its xfwm417:53
Ankhwatcherokay now the login screen comes up over and over again18:11
GridCubeyou type your password and it fails and ask for it again Ankhwatcher ?18:11
drcCaps Lock? Bad Memory?18:14
Ankhwatcherthe login screen wasnt coming up so i dpkg reconfigure xfwm418:14
GridCubeok, so go to a tty, press ctrl-alt-f1, log in wit your user and password, you wont see you passwrod while you type, and they do rm .Xautority and rm .ICEauthority18:14
GridCube.Xauthority and .ICEauthority18:15
Ankhwatchertermibal login  went fine18:15
Ankhwatcheryay! I'm logged in and my machine can see it's soundcard again18:19
Ankhwatcherthanks GridCube18:19
GridCubeno problem Ankhwatcher :)18:22
Ankhwatcherhow would I go about stopping all my previously running applications from being started when I log in?18:23
GridCubeAnkhwatcher, do you have nautilus installed?18:24
Ankhwatchernot unless it's in default xubuntu, no18:24
GridCubeits not18:24
GridCubeso go to close a session and tick the "remember session" tick box, but have nothing open while doing so, it will remember that your session its empty and start that way, untick it afterward18:25
Ankhwatchernow I do18:26
Ankhwatchercan I use nautilus to prevent applications from being re-launched?18:27
GridCubeno, it will break things further18:28
GridCubethats why its always my first question18:28
MandexHi all18:50
GridCube!hi | Mandex18:51
ubottuMandex: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:51
JimmyNeutronI install tightvncserver onto Xubuntu 12.04 and every time I access it, I just get a grey screen with no desktop manager.  I think it has something to do with ~/.vnc/xstartup.  Anyone have a link to a correct xstartup for Xubuntu?21:12
well_laid_lawnJimmyNeutron: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#Customising_your_session - change the startkde to startxfce21:21
JimmyNeutronwell_laid_lawn: Thank You!21:22
well_laid_lawnJimmyNeutron: that should be startxfce4 <-- needs the 421:22
JimmyNeutronThanks!  I'll test it out now.21:23
JimmyNeutronWorks!  Thanks again!21:25
nicekiwihow can i contribute to xfce/xubuntu?22:39
TheSheepnicekiwi: http://xubuntu.org/contribute/22:42

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