
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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VarmVaffelmy embedded linux computer kernel crashes every time I insert a USB 3G modem17:22
VarmVaffelI've tried with 5 different 3G modems17:22
VarmVaffelall with the same result17:22
VarmVaffelother USB devices seem to work properly17:22
VarmVaffelanyone got any experience with this?17:22
RaYmAnno dmesg log or similar?17:33
VarmVaffelno, the crash is instantaniously17:35
VarmVaffelI've tried adding a few printk's in the USB moddule, but I cannot seem to get it early enough to print something out17:35
VarmVaffelbefore it crashes17:36
VarmVaffelI couldn't even light a LED on the board17:36
VarmVaffelyou would think then it could be something like an overcurrent on the USB port or something, but it doesn't seem like that either17:36
RaYmAnjust for sanities sake, I'd try it through a powered hub17:38
VarmVaffeloh good idea17:41
VarmVaffeloh fuck me it actually works17:43
RaYmAna lot of devices seem to fail at usb power stuff, so if the usb devices draws too much, weird ass crashes happen17:43
VarmVaffelwhy haven't I tried this any sooner17:43
VarmVaffeljesus christ17:43
VarmVaffelI can't seriously belive I didn't think of trying that17:43
RaYmAnnp :)17:44
RaYmAnsoo many people had this issue with rpi17:44
VarmVaffelright right17:45
VarmVaffelwell I have to get around this issue17:45
VarmVaffelguess I could short out the overcurrent circuit17:45
VarmVaffeldo you know how pwople came around this issue on the rpi?17:47
VarmVaffeldid they simply just use the external hub?17:47
RaYmAnpretty much17:49
RaYmAnrpi people also changed newer revisions so it allows to provide more power17:49
VarmVaffelhm alright17:49
VarmVaffelyeah the problem with this embedded is that it's actually powered by a single USB cable :p17:49
VarmVaffelit does however have a battery, so maybe it's enough with those combined17:50
=== tassadar__ is now known as Tassadar

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