
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
lillebj0rnHello good people. Does anyone have experience with wlan and ubuntu 12.10?13:24
lillebj0rnlan is ok, I find the driver under lib/firmware, but it is unassigned as far as I can see. http://i.imgur.com/pt4jL.jpg13:24
lillebj0rnAny ideas appriciated. :)13:25
Phryqhow do I find the path to my CDrom?14:40
holsteinPhryq: i usually just put a CD in and try properties...14:57
holsteini used to click/drag a file over to the terminal to see the path14:57
Phryqhey, what is the command to remove a file?15:24
rullei am new to ubuntu and i am watching a tutorial addressing this chat, is this a chat where one can ask for help?19:19
thelionroarsyes #ubuntu and #ubuntu-beginners are the support channels, for asking questions19:27
mathenhi can some1 help me connect my webcam to ubuntu?21:49
Sidewinder!crosspost | mathen21:57
ubot2mathen: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:57
mathensorry i m new to this and desperatally in need of help21:58

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