
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
uvirtbotNew bug: #1067560 in asterisk (universe) "package asterisk 1: failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106756000:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1069190 in samba (main) "samba panic or segfault" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106919000:41
briggz12.10 have a lot of issues or is it seemingly stable?01:25
Iceman_Bhi all, I;ve got something funky going on with my eth002:29
Iceman_Bit seems that during the booting process, the ethernet card...turns off...or something02:29
Iceman_Bthis didnt use to be the case :/02:29
Iceman_Bmy router has a connection led lit when I turn the server on, but when Ubuntu starts....it turns off02:30
Iceman_Band then proceeds to sit there without a connection02:30
Iceman_Bany ideas on how to fix this?02:30
ablyssIceman_B, try static ?03:33
Iceman_Bablyss: it's a bit different03:38
Iceman_Bits like the NIC powers off or something03:38
Iceman_Bso I cant get it to have an IP in the first place03:38
Iceman_Band after a few reboots it seems up again03:38
Iceman_Bthis is erratic o_O03:38
Iceman_BI did ran a "lshw -class network" earlier, and it showed eth0(the NIC in question) to be 'disabled'03:39
Iceman_Bso that would explain why it had no signal, even thoug ha cable was connected, but what could cause that>03:39
ablyssbad cable03:40
Iceman_Bits a CAT6 cable, and it;s been left alone for quite a while, do cables go bad like that?03:41
Iceman_Bit feels quite sturdy03:41
ablysswould be worth the effort to grab a spare03:41
Iceman_Bthat is true...03:42
Iceman_BI'll see if I can swipe one from work03:42
Iceman_Bin the mean time, is there anything else that could cause a NIC to show up as 'disabled' ?03:42
ablyssdunno, never heard of such before03:44
Iceman_Bwell thanks anyways03:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1080267 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script was killed by signal (Terminated)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108026708:25
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HandyHey my browser wont work12:49
Handycan someone tell me if this account works12:49
Handyon facebook and hotmail pls dont change my password12:49
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jwstolkHi, I'm trying to install 12.04 server (32-bit) from a SATA cd-rom to a SATA western-digital drive, on a Jetway NF9C-2600 motherboard (Intel atom).13:25
jwstolkAfter the keyboard detect, the cd-rom detect fails. at that point I can't see the CD-rom, nor the hard-disk in /dev/13:26
jwstolkbooting with acpi=off and noapic did not help.13:27
jwstolkThe only similar reports I could find where about installing from an ISO image on a virtial-machine, or from an USB-drive, while I'm using a real SATA cd-rom drive.13:28
qman__have you tried toggling your BIOS settings regarding what mode the drive is in? (AHCI vs Native IDE)13:30
jwstolkIn the BIOS setup, the hard-disk and cd-rom drive is visable, and the cd-rom drive is obviously used during the first part of the ubuntu installation.13:30
jwstolkit's on IDE. I have not tryed AHCI.13:30
jwstolkI set both the (not used) 3 Gbit/s and the 6Gbit/s ports to AHCI, and it looks like it is working now.13:35
jwstolkthank you.13:35
jwstolkIn the installer, when setting up partitions, it looks like 1 MB = 1000 KB = 2000 sectors  (not 1024) ?13:56
qman__in linux and the associated software, MB refers to metric, while MiB refers to binary13:57
jwstolkok. (I'm trying to match the partitions sizes on my external backup drive, which I configured using gparted, which used MiB)13:58
jwstolkhmm, even when entering the partition sizes in KB's, I still end up with a 46GB difference at the end of the drive (based on the sector count in the drive specifications).14:24
jwstolkI also can't enter the partition size in bytes, only KB's.14:25
jwstolka 1 KB (1000 bytes) would be rounded down to 1 (512 bytes) sector. interesting.14:29
* jwstolk started an libreOffice sheet for sector -> KB conversions...14:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #1080363 in nmap (main) "module 'citrixxml' not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108036315:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #1080369 in qemu-kvm (main) "FreeDOS fails to boot in Qemu/kvm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108036915:21
spindritfHey, I have nginx from their repo deb http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ precise nginx and would like to automatically update nginx, will that Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {"${distro_id}:nginx";} in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades suffice?17:52
spindritfis that line correct? I'm fuzzy on what origin and archive mean in origin:archive, never run a deb repo17:52
spindritfwas my question particularly ignorant or is no one around on Sunday?18:00
TheLordOfTimehave patience18:00
TheLordOfTimeits one of the off days18:00
spindritfyeah, I know, hence the follow-up, because sometimes your question can be so jaw-droppingly wrong that no one even bothers to answer, and sometimes there's just no one around18:01
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d3ngarHi there21:39
d3ngarI have a problem with my VPN server (pptpd)21:39
d3ngarSomehow it is running, but not listening to any port21:39
d3ngarFurther to this, I thought I should have a virtual device in my network adapters (ppp0) that handles the connections to the VPN server21:40
d3ngarI am somewhat confused, as I just followed a guide to set it up and it was working prior to me reinstalling the system21:40
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Patrickdkd3ngar, doesn't pptp use a protocol? not a port?22:22

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