
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
Walzmynwhy does LibreOffice have several of my documents in the recent files list, but not the one I use every week for work?00:59
kc4sbjif it isnt their you may have to add them01:00
Walzmynrecent documents is supposed to just remember the last several files you opened. There's no way to add anything01:01
kc4sbjlook under tamplates and see if there is one that you ane add it01:05
Walzmynwhat would templates have to do with recent documents01:40
=== len is now known as Guest31747
trlchow can i get the taskbar to appear on both monitors like in unity?04:26
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xixortrlc: I think the only way is to add a panel to the other screen04:31
trlcah that worked, but it now is stuck at the top04:32
trlchow do i put it at the bottom04:32
navaneethHi..I have installed the kubuntu my webcam is not detecting..Can somebody help me04:33
=== pinkie^pie is now known as unheeding
navaneethHi..I have installed the kubuntu my webcam is not detecting..Can somebody help me04:34
unheedingdoes anyone know how to change the bootsplash?04:37
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ct529hi everybody. kde 4.93 on 12.10 64 bit is taking a very long time to start.09:30
ct529anyone with the same problem? How did you solve it?09:30
Smurphydisabled desktop search completely ...09:32
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ManDayGuys, Kubuntu is to big for a CD?10:52
ManDayWhat the heck...10:52
ManDayIs there a 700Megs or smaller version?10:52
tsimpsonthere is only the one ISO now, for DVD or USB10:53
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invarianttsimpson, wouldn't it be really easy to also create a CD release?11:17
tsimpsonnot really, being constrained to the size of a CD was an issue for a long time, that's why when Ubuntu moved away from CD-sized releases so did Kubuntu11:18
invarianttsimpson, in my case, when I needed a rescue cd, I opted to try out a new distribution which did fit on a CD.11:18
Riddellinvariant: it would be a more limited image and it would require more manpower for testing than we have11:18
invariantRiddell, there is this thing called an automatic test system.11:19
invariantRiddell, adding or removing kde-games should not create any issues either.11:19
BluesKajhowdy all11:48
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ovidiu-florinhello, can anybody tell me what flag do I have to give to g++ to show all compile errors? So that the compiler does not stop on the first error?15:48
tsimpsonovidiu-florin: it can't continue past the error, because it would likely produce other (false) errors15:56
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:12
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
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milovanHi, I have a problem regarding file permissions on NFS. Umask works for new files well, but if I get a file via Skype with permission like 600 and then I put it on NFS, it keeps 600 thus others from a group cant use it at all. I m sharing files via common group16:31
milovanso the question is, how to enforce on file / folder group r and w?16:32
xixorovidiu-florin: apparently, by default, gcc sets -fmax-errors=0, which means it should try to continue compiling to generate other errors.  http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html#Warning-Options16:34
xixorovidiu-florin: if you have -Wfatal-errors flag set then it will stop after the first error16:35
ovidiu-florinxixor: no, I dont have that set up16:36
ovidiu-florinit stops compilying everything if a file has an error, and I cannot see the errors in other files16:37
BluesKajmilovan, set the file permission for the common group before adding to the export dir16:38
milovanBluesKaj: do you mean to set permission in local, and then put on nfs or you had something else on your mind?16:43
BluesKajmilovan, yes16:44
milovanwhile this is a kind of a solution, I was actually looking into kind of autmoated solution: users just get files via Skype, put on NFS and some default permissions are applied. Just like umask with new files / folders16:46
milovanI think even Samba has some default mask for file and folder to be able to set16:47
milovanso I was wondering if NFS has that too (or similar) that I missed?16:47
BluesKajmilovan,  my NFS permissions are for home users here , so my suggestion is probly very limited in your situation16:51
xixorare NFS shares mounted in /etc/fstab?16:56
xixorisn't their a default permissions option there?16:56
xixordmask=027,fmask=137 or whatever you want on the NTS share in the fstab line16:59
xixorI don't have much experience with NFS though, maybe there are caveats17:00
BluesKajxixor, I don't recall setting specific permissions for the export file , or any instructions aboutr setting them in fstab17:02
tsimpsonyou generally don't set permissions for NFS, it already has permissions17:02
milovanhm hm so dmask and fmask in /etc/fstab line should play like a permission mask?17:02
milovantsimpson: true, it copies permission from client; but how to make kind of a default permission like umask does for new created files / folders?17:03
milovani think i saw in samba's conf mask settings, but i cant find similar to nfs17:04
tsimpsonsamba (cifs) has no real concept of permissions17:05
tsimpsonthe only authentication is upon initial connection17:05
tsimpsonumask is whatever the umask for the user is, you don't need workarounds like umask/dmask17:06
tsimpsonpermissions come from the server17:06
milovanso tell me, client A receives file from someone, file has 600 permission. Client A puts that file on NFS. Client B comes and cant open file because there are no r or write for group. How to solve that problem?17:10
milovanLets assume clients have no idea how to change permission, they just expect "file sharing" to automatically work17:10
Mic4cH yo yo yo17:22
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Basil1xHello.  12.10 with both Kubuntu and Ubuntu installed.  The screen keeps blanking after ~5min inactivity.  The fora responses to this problem are unhelpful.  I have the power settings and brightness / screensaver set to never.17:45
Peace-Basil1x: there is atrick for that17:47
Basil1xIs this trick easy, or involved?17:48
Peace-Basil1x: screenshot17:48
Peace-Basil1x: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/19/plasma-desktopY17699.png17:48
xixorBasil1x: looks like a bug in 12.10: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/107253117:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1072531 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "[regression] X11 screen blanking after 10 minutes with no UI to change it" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:49
Basil1xDid that.  still blanks after ~5min17:49
Peace-Basil1x: 360minutes?17:49
Peace-but the sceensaver is set as well to max ? Basil1x17:50
Basil1xPeace-: that works fine in KDE... when I switch back to Unity, it all goes funny again.17:50
Peace-Basil1x: well unity is not supported in this channel :) here only -k-stuff17:51
Basil1xscreensaver is set to max, and turned off.17:51
Peace-Basil1x: you shoul dnot turn of17:51
Peace-should not turn it off17:51
Peace-but just set to max17:51
Basil1xbbiab... hafta switch desktops17:52
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thechefIs there any way to get back to KDE when an fullscreen application freezes and Alt+Tab  refuses to work?18:53
thechefI can go to the Ctrl+Alt+F1 terminal and kill the application but is there no faster way?18:53
DarthFrogthechef: you can use CTL-Fkey to switch between virtual desktops.  Or you can use CTL-ALT-Esc to invoke xkill.18:58
BluesKaj thechef , try the escape (esc) key19:03
BluesKajctrl +alt+esc  didn't work here yesterday when my browser froze in FS mode , DarthFrog , but just esc did19:06
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  Really?  That surprises me.19:06
BluesKajthis poor pc was overloaded at the time19:06
DarthFrogAh, so it dropped the keypresses.19:06
BluesKajyeah , I think so19:07
BluesKaji really don't understand why smb file transfer is so slow , nothing else is open except konversation19:08
BluesKajand dolphin19:09
BluesKajI guess transfer from wife's NTFS , to my pc, then to the attached external drive creates a narrow pipe somehow19:13
phiscribeive ran into that slowness before also BluesKaj19:15
phiscribeonce upon a time it was not like that, something changed not sure what, ntfs driver or cifs19:15
phiscribeand i mean like 3-4 years ago19:15
BluesKajphiscribe, and the cpu is working at almost maximum load ...it makes no sense19:16
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Sounds like you might have a memory leak.19:17
phiscribeare you using smb:// thru a file manager?19:17
phiscribeBluesKaj, if you are using smb:// it "might" go faster if you mounted the volume with the cifs option first19:19
thechefDarthFrog, in a video games it doesn't work19:20
thechefnamely Waking Mars19:20
BluesKajphiscribe, yes dolphin19:22
thechefI'd like to have on of the system applications to overrule a key combination19:23
BluesKajphiscribe, cifs option ? how do you mean all drives are mounted19:23
phiscribei mean manualy mount the drive19:24
BluesKajwhich drive ?19:24
phiscribethe ntfs one19:24
phiscribethen again i said "might"19:25
BluesKajthat drive is on my wifes pc , phiscribe , never trird to mount a windows hdd from a linux cli19:26
phiscribedolphin is doing the mounting for you19:27
BluesKajyes and ?19:27
phiscribei might be the way dolphin is mounting is resulting in the slow down. it might not be.  if it looks like it is going to be hours to copy something, attempting a manual mount might be worth it. it might not matter.19:29
BluesKajphiscribe, I'll wait til this last file transfers then I'll attempt that tutorial , thanks for the tip19:36
rtutа русские есть?19:45
Unit193!ru | rtut19:45
ubotturtut: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:45
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:46
rtut[404] rtut #ubuntu-ru Cannot send to channel что не так?19:56
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:59
BluesKajphiscribe, unfortunately the commands in the nixcraft tutorial only gave what looked like a user manual text for cifs20:06
=== len is now known as Guest79608
xixorBluesKaj: which process is taking up all the CPU during the copy?20:45
xixorBluesKaj: and can you still not stream media files in VLC/Dragon player over smb and dolphin?20:50
xixorBluesKaj: do you have these packages installed? libkio5, kdepimlibs-kio-plugins, kdemultimedia-kio-plugins, kjde-zeroconf, smbclient, smb4k, libsmbclient21:09
BluesKajxixor, I don't use smb4k ...it's unstable21:10
BluesKajas for the others , let me check21:11
BluesKajxixor, yes I have all the others , except for smb4k21:14
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xixorBluesKaj: hm.. ok21:14
xixorBluesKaj: so, you have two symptoms: slow copying of files, and all media files get downloaded to local copies before playing, is that correct?21:15
BluesKajno xixor , I play the media files directly from the external drive without any problems , it's when I transfer files from wifes windows pc to the external drive connected to my pc21:18
xixorok, so it is <Wifes NTFS formated internal drive in win7>->windows SMB->Linux Box->External ext4 drive via usb2.0.  Is that the flow?21:19
BluesKajnoy quite , but close , it's .Wifes NTFS formated internal drive in win7>->windows SMB->Linux Box->External ext4 drive via sata21:22
genii-around /me makes more coffee and sorts out the wires21:22
BluesKaji thought an esata to sata drive would be faster than usb 2.021:24
smjhow do I check if a mounted filesystem does journaling?21:24
xixorBluesKaj: have you tried doing win7->linux box, linux box->external drive, and timing those a little bit to see if you can isolate which leg of the trip is the bottleneck?21:27
vbgunzwhat is the simplest and most straight forward firewall gui?21:32
BluesKajxixor, yes they seem to be a bit faster from W7 to linux box , but not much21:39
xixorstill getting like... 2MiB/s?21:40
rorkBluesKaj: As I get it you're trying to transfer files from your wife's pc over samba in Dolphin? What happens if you try to use scp instead?21:44
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rorkBluesKaj: sorry, not scp but the samba cli client21:45
xixoror mounting the samba drive in fstab with smbfs.. might speed things up of it's the kio/dolphin mounting that is causing the problem... still, kio/dolphin should work21:46
rorkxixor: last time I checked (like last year) kio did an awfull job, the cli client did very well21:48
xixorrork: the thing is kio/dolphin works fine for me.  I can copy files over network shares to my linux box where the bottleneck is the USB 2.0 hard drive I am downloading from on the other end21:49
BluesKajI have the ntfs source file and the ext4 target file side by side on a desktop ...dragging and dropping seems to be fastest so far , 6mib/s21:50
BluesKajand the the cpu load has dropped from 98% to 80% ..at least the fans aren't working overtime like before21:52
xixorBluesKaj: this is linux computer straight to the ext4 drive over eSata?21:56
BluesKajxixor, yes21:57
xixorthat seems pretty slow for sure21:57
xixorBluesKaj: your letting dolphin auto mount the drive I presume?21:58
BluesKajxixor, the external is mounted in fstab and I access in dolphin under "devices"22:00
xixorBluesKaj: oh, I see.  So that should bypass the kio layer all together shouldn't it?  And you still get high CPU loads when copying to the ext4 drive?22:01
BluesKajno , only when copying from the W7 pc to the external22:02
xixorah, ok22:02

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