
w7zsort of morning08:59
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euphogeezaHi All. I have bzr installed on a windows box and trying to get post-commit emails working. I think I have everything in place but no mails are being sent.15:38
euphogeezaI thought I'd look in the trace (log?) but can't find it.15:39
euphogeezaIf I do a "bzr help commands" at the command prompt I am getting "failed to open trace file [Errno: 13] Permission denied".15:39
euphogeezaIs this trace file == the log file?15:39
euphogeeza...and where should it be?15:40
euphogeezaIf I don't know where to look I can't check the permissions :-(15:40
euphogeezaI set the BZR_LOG environment variable (with "SET BZR_LOG=<path>") and now get "failed to open trace file [Errno: 22] Invalid argument".15:41
LarstiQeuphogeeza: `bzr version` will tell you where the log file resides16:00
LarstiQeuphogeeza: look for the 'Bazaar log file' line16:01
euphogeezaLarstiQ: OK Thanks. I'll go look...16:05
euphogeezaLarstiQ: OK I see the path "D:\Server Data\BZR" is listed...16:08
LarstiQeuphogeeza: that's a slightly weird path for the log16:08
LarstiQeuphogeeza: is BZR_HOME set?16:09
LarstiQbecause that might influence the path16:09
euphogeezaLarstiQ: yes and BZR_LOG. I tried to force bzr to write to a location which I knew.16:11
euphogeezaLarstiQ: both set to "D:\Server Data\BZR"16:11
euphogeezaLarstiQ: ...no log file created though.16:12
LarstiQeuphogeeza: so if you're setting BZR_LOG, try "D:\Server Data\BZR\.bzr.log"16:12
euphogeezaLarstiQ: trying it now...16:14
euphogeezaLarstiQ: :-( still no log file created. Where is the default location that the log file, if BZR_LOG is not set?16:19
LarstiQeuphogeeza: home = osutils._get_home_dir(); return os.path.join(home, '.bzr.log')16:23
LarstiQwhich on windows is *looks up*16:23
LarstiQeuphogeeza: quite a bit of code16:25
LarstiQeuphogeeza: if you unset BZR_LOG and BZR_HOME, what does it show?16:25
jmlwe wrote this – http://paste.ubuntu.com/1372760/ – to figure out the timestamp of the first commit made in a branch that then got merged into trunk.16:28
jmlis there a faster way of doing it?16:28
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euphogeezaLarstiQ: I unset BZR_LOG only, then bzr version => "D:\Server Data\"\.bzr.log ???16:30
euphogeezaI unset BZR_HOME also, and bzr version now returns: d:\local_data\<username>My Documents\.bzr.log16:31
LarstiQeuphogeeza: aha to the latter16:31
LarstiQeuphogeeza: to the former, wait, are the " included?16:31
LarstiQeuphogeeza: that would be problematic16:31
euphogeezaLarstiQ: yes. I have now found the .bzr.log. Yey!16:32
LarstiQeuphogeeza: good :)16:32
euphogeezaLarstiQ: I now have something to look at while trying to find the reason for post commit emails not being sent. Some thing for tomorrow. Many thanks for your help.16:33
LarstiQeuphogeeza: np16:33
jmlhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1372793/ <- two versions of getting the timestamp of the first revno of a branch16:45
jmlI wonder which is faster / better16:46
jmljames_w: ^^16:46
jmlit cheats16:47
james_wjml, cunning16:54
james_wno idea which is better16:54
jmlI wonder if any of the experts in bzr internals monitor this channel any more.16:58
LarstiQthey do, but not as intensively as in the past17:01
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LarstiQjml: Graph.find_lca?17:05
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jmlLarstiQ: I want the non-leftmost revision immediately after the lca, I think17:07
* LarstiQ nods17:07
jmlIdeally, if there were some way of retrieving when 'bzr branch' were run, that would be even better.17:07
LarstiQjml: something with a pre_command hook?17:08
jmlLarstiQ: yeah, maybe that might be a good thing to do in future.17:09
LarstiQjml: I'm too exhausted to come up with a better response, sorry :/17:16
jmlLarstiQ: no worries17:16
jmlLarstiQ: thanks for the help17:16
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aquariusI have a repo on a server I own which I push to via ssh. What's the easiest way that I can, on that server, when a new rev is pushed to trunk, automatically export trunk to a folder? (for deployment) I don't need jenkins or other super-complex stuff like that just yet :)20:23
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