
=== fenris is now known as Guest34244
=== fenris is now known as Guest9079
dholbachgood morning07:51
philipballewmorning dholbach07:55
dholbachhey philipballew08:03
elfymorning dholbach philipballew08:06
philipballewmorning, Whats everyone up to?08:06
elfytrying very hard to wake up08:06
dholbachhi elfy08:07
philipballewah, I am trying hard to not fall asleep. Got to be up late working on some java08:07
philipballewhope your morning is going well elfy08:08
elfywell so far I have smoked too much and not drunk enough tea08:10
elfyso it could be better :)08:10
philipballewgot a runtime error now I'm diagnosing with some java08:10
elfymmmm voodoo08:11
philipballew"Hey, I want to spend my night with Java" -- said noone ever08:11
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
philipballewalourie, hello10:59
philipballewczajkowski, loving the use of the word "blokes" dont see that often here in ca12:11
czajkowskiwell tis what they are12:11
czajkowskiwhere as I guess I'd go hey guys for mixed company12:11
czajkowskibut blokes is referring to just men12:11
philipballewyeah, you never here that here.12:11
philipballewin CA, most people use guys  to mean all people.12:12
* philipballew needs to learn British words.12:12
philipballew4:15 am here. Might be about time for bed12:15
czajkowskiya think!12:17
dholbachHappy Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UCADay12:41
* dholbach needs to write a blog post too12:41
* smartboyhw goes and sends a lot of emails12:41
czajkowskiI'd appreciate less emails :)12:42
dakerok i'll start from the end : thank you daker for your work :D12:46
smartboyhwdaker, LOL12:46
elfygood sleep was it philipballew :)16:03
philipballewelfy, ehh, maybe it would have been if it was not only like 2.5 hours.16:08
elfydidn't like to mention that ...16:08
philipballewI can sleep on my plane tonight after my days ends in about 12 hours elfy16:09
philipballewtill then, lets see how hard this coffee will take me16:10
elfysounds like loads of fun :(16:10
* elfy doesn't sleep too well but I'd be a grumpy gnu with 2.5 hours of it 16:10
philipballewgotta do what you gotta do16:11
elfygenerally yea - such is life :)16:12
dholbachI <3 Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day17:36
dholbachit's such a great idea17:36
dholbachand I finally got my own blog post out17:37
dholbachfor some reason I thought it was on Thursday17:37
pleia2thursday is a holiday here17:38
dholbachmaybe that's why I thought it was there17:39
mhall119dholbach: it's a day that starts with T, close enough17:39
dholbachmhall119, you need to be happy about the small things, right?17:39
pleia2mhall119: and has to do with Thanks!17:40
pleia2very similar ;)17:40
dholbachalright - time to call it a day over here17:43
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!17:43
jcastro_hey mhall119, IS is pinging me for the site, I'd like to manually trigger that mysql dump if I can18:27
mhall119jcastro_: there's a mkdump script in the ubuntu user's home folder18:30
mhall119just run that18:30
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
dakerFYI i accept ingress invites for the UCD :)20:36
dakerUbuntu Community Appreciation Day20:38
czajkowskiUCD to me is University College Dublin :)20:39

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