
TheMusobregma: Thanks, but I thought you'd just merge what I had done so far into mainline.04:45
dandraderbregma, ping12:12
bregmadandrader, pong12:13
dandraderfor the optional compilation of the frame x11 backend, do you prefer --without-x11 or --disable-x11[-backend]?12:14
dandraderright now I'm going for the --without option12:14
dandraderbut I'm not sure which one fits better in this case.12:15
bregmahow about AC_ENABLE(x11) (which gives you --enable-x11=[yes|no] and --disable-x11 as command-line options to ./configure, and you can set the default to yes for now and no later when that's what needs to be done)?)12:20
bregmasorry, the modern equivalent is AC_ARG_ENABLE, my age is showing12:21
dandraderI was using AC_ARG_WITH. yeah, I can use this one12:22
dandraderwe already have --with-evemu, I wonder if that influences our choice here12:23
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dandraderbregma, there it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/frame/+bug/108081914:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1080819 in frame "It should be possible to build frame without x11" [High,In progress]14:20
dandradersorry, that's the correct link: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/frame/lp1080819/+merge/13516214:21
* bregma add it to today's work queue14:21
* dandrader does for lunch14:22
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