
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
kieppie1I see that UTV is gaining momentum, as is Steam.04:15
kieppie1Is there any chance I can install it on my x86 64-bit HTPC (PPA), or will I have to wait?04:16
smartboyhwOuch I almost forgotten about Ubuntu TV>.<13:47
smartboyhwHi bobweaver how are you hacking Unity eh???13:47
bobweaverhi smartboyhw14:18
mhall119smartboyhw: hey, you don't need membership in ~ubuntu-tv-developers to contribute to the project14:44
smartboyhwmhall119, no I do agree....However it seems quite weird now, when I look at the branch....14:45
mhall119that's only for managing the LP group, uploading to the PPA, and pushing to truni14:45
bobweavercode should be landing v.soon14:50
smartboyhwbobweaver, yeah14:50
bobweavermhall119,  I made some good advancements last night14:50
bobweaversmartboyhw,  yeah all of us have been working hard on this14:50
bobweavercrud I just got called into work !14:52
smartboyhwbobweaver, oh no14:52
* bobweaver walks around real fast and says where is his coffee 14:53
mhall119bobweaver: on the 3d port?14:54
bobweaverunity 7.X14:57
bobweaverif that is what you mean14:57
mhall119yeah, cool, looking forward to seeing it15:11
bobweavermhall119,  it is nothing special but it is a start15:24
smartboyhwbobweaver, remember about the guy called "nothingspecial" on the forums? :P15:33
* bobweaver has nothing but good things to say about nothingspeical great person 15:38
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|lunch
mhall119tgm4883: bobweaver: I just wanted to let you guys know that you're both doing awesome work, and I'm glad that you decided to put your energy into the TV project17:01
* cm-t +117:10
=== jhodapp|lunch is now known as jhodapp
cm-tbobweaver: anoter LUG in France want to make a showcase (too far from paris) as you can see on g+18:07
cm-tI think we are going to use your ppa, but does it need to be 11.10 ? (he told me he got 12.04 right now)18:11
=== _freezy3k is now known as freezy3k
bobweaverhey mhall119  Thanks you are also doing a great job !22:32
bobweaverHi cm-t22:33
bobweaversorry  I was at work all day22:33
bobweaverppa is only for partys and is also only for 11.1022:33
bobweaverMockup ppa that is22:33
bobweaverIt is not done yet should be done by tonight22:33
bobweaverjust have to make package for create-tmb and createfan-tmb and also a metapackage for Ubuntu TV should be done in like 6 hours or so if I do not fall asleep 1st that is22:34
bobweavermanual labor sucks22:34
bobweaverbut I for real need to relax for a minute and do no coding my code would be horrible at this point due to the fact that I worked 5 straight hours of manual labor22:39

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