
toddcFry's electronics is selling linux computers!          http://www.frys.com/product/7126262?site=sa:adpages%20page:P17_FRI%20date:11161216:31
darthrobotTitle: [FRYS.com | ZOTAC]16:31
philipballewtoddc, I have seen that there.17:17
pleia2I think nUboon2age might have bought one17:18
pleia2philipballew: have some time to do post-meeting updates on the wiki and stuff?17:19
philipballewpleia2, sometime after today.17:19
philipballewI have class till 8 today then fly to sac at 10 tonight, but tomorrow I dont see why not.17:20
* philipballew loves plane rides17:20
pleia2alright, thanks17:20
pleia2thanksgiving with family?17:21
philipballewYeah, Gonna go to Auburn for the week, but on Thanksgiving visit the Grandmother at her house in Napa.17:21
philipballewWhat are your plans for this Thursday pleia2 ?17:21
pleia2CC meeting at 9AM ;) we have Thanksgiving lunch plans at The Beach Chalet, then staying home to work on wedding and home stuff17:22
philipballewoh nice. Hopefully that is relaxing for you.17:23
pleia2it'll be a nice day off from work anyway, we have a lot to do personally WRT wedding and all17:24
pleia2my boss snagged me to work on Friday (boo) because we're training someone and need all the time we can find before I find a new job17:24
philipballewah, Weddings are stressful.17:26
akkYeah, they are.17:26
kdubanyone try the nexus 7 build yet?17:37
pleia2hopefully s/Weddings/the planning of weddings :)17:37
akkThe actual wedding is usually stressful too. But worth it.17:39
philipballewI would if I owned one kdub17:40
kdubi have one, but i'm lazy17:41
pleia2only played with the ones at UDS (my roomie had one), it was exciting but at the time not practical17:47
pleia2it's slow and the UI still isn't quite up to speed, too many tiny spots to click17:47
akkI want ubuntu for nook touch, or kobo. :)17:49
pleia2they're starting with nexus 7 to work the kinks out since the n7 is cheap and widely available internationally17:50
akkI'm a little dubious of ubuntu on any tablet, because ubuntu traditionally hasn't been concerned with either speed or battery life17:53
akk... but I hope I'm wrong17:53
akkIt would be especially great if tablets actually became a reason for ubuntu to care about those things.17:55
pleia2there is a ton of focus on battery life for these, one of the recent reports on it: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.com/2012/11/non-linear-characteristics-in-draining.html17:56
darthrobotTitle: [A Smackerel of Opinion: Non linear characteristics in a draining battery on the Nexus 7]17:56
akkHmm, powerstat sounds interesting, but I don't see it in aptitude search.17:57
pleia2it's in 12.1017:59
akkI'm not surprised that battery measurements are unreliable -- pretty much assumed that (sadly).18:00
akkIt's not an easy thing to measure.18:00
toddckdub a buddy installed ubuntu on nexus 7 on Saturday but removed it a hour later due to some KB issues but he is a arch user and unity hater. I did not have time to test it before he removed it18:01
kdubakk, i'd guess its using a kernel for android though, so at least it'll pick up some battery life there18:03
akkReally, ubuntu for nexus uses an android kernel?18:04
kdubjust a guess... seems the easiest route18:04
* kdub checks18:04
toddcI doubt it18:04
toddcI did see some rotation issues and I cons were way to small to click but I wish I would have had time to play with it before he wiped it18:06
kdubhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Kernel says its stock, but they have patches18:06
darthrobotTitle: [Nexus7/Kernel - Ubuntu Wiki]18:06
* kdub mulls applying for membership...18:26
kdubcant hurt i spose18:27
pleia2kdub: pro tip: get testimonials :) like from philip about ubuntu hours!18:28
kdubi have  two already from a while back18:28
pleia2ah good18:28
pleia2kdub: I'd suggest adding what you worked on at UDS (types of sessions attended? take any work items?)18:41
kdubwe'll just see if its good enough this time i spose https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KevinDuBois :)18:42
darthrobotTitle: [KevinDuBois - Ubuntu Wiki]18:42
kdubmaybe 4th time's the charm ;-)18:43
locodir-userhi, i been trying to watch netflx, but for some reason i can't doit, anyone with the same problem?19:15
toddchttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/11/how-to-use-netflix-on-ubuntu   but I have not tried it yet but let us know19:17
raevoloooooh snap19:29
raevoljust had my first unity snafu19:29
raevolwas in my winxp virtual machine, hit super, and tried to search for notepad19:29
raevolwell played mark shuttleworth, well played19:29
kdubi like how unity search is a bit smarter in 12.1019:33
kdubeg email results in thunderbird showing up19:33
raevolhmm i always remove thunderbird19:35
pleia2toddc: david andrews (iheartubuntu) is part of our team :D19:55
locodir-useranyone know how to use netflix in ubuntu?20:57
pleia2there isn't an officially supported way, but http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html uses wine to run the Windows version of firefox which can run it21:04
darthrobotTitle: [PPA for Netflix Desktop App | iheartubuntu]21:04
toddcpleia2: could not remember his nick thanks21:33
raevolconfiguring conky is so annoying yet so fun22:17
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