
RAOFDandel: A change to the piglit packaging?00:01
Dandelto be exact, it's two main changes ( to fix the EGL, OpenGL+EGL, GLES1, and GLES2 tests): libegl1-mesa-dev libgles1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev00:03
Dandelthe last message had the missing build dependencies and then for the build command, it is missing.... -DPIGLIT_BUILD_GLES1_TESTS=ON -DPIGLIT_BUILD_GLES2_TESTS=ON00:04
Dandelthis would allow one to test the OpenGL ES 2 stuff using ( as long as libegl and libgles2 is not missing upon install): piglit-run.py /usr/share/piglit/tests/all_es2tests results/es200:05
Dandeland most importantly, EGL With desktop OpenGL support can be tested with this change: env PIGLIT_PLATFORM=x11_egl piglit-run.py /usr/share/piglit/tests/quick.tests results/x11_egl_opengl00:06
DandelEGL W/ OpenGL support is somewhat critical to have in the test... especially since things like Wayland and desktops w/o X11 desktops require it.00:07
DandelRAOF: ya get my message?00:09
RAOFYes, thanks.00:09
DandelI was just doing a quick test to see what was there, and what was not.... I also noticed that OpenCL support is missing00:09
Dandelit requires the opencl library, and headers, and then to add... -DPIGLIT_BUILD_CL_TESTS=ON to the build flags00:10
DandelI know that OpenCL is currently not implemented to a usable state in mesa yet, so it's not exactly a huge requirement. ( However, it is still worth the a note being added.)00:14
RAOFWe could certainly include the OpenCL tests; there's not much reason not to.00:22
DandelRAOF: only 1 problem... precise, and up do not have the OpenCL library yet.00:23
RAOFocl-icd-libopencl1 is in Raring.00:23
Dandelbut it's missing from precise ><;00:24
RAOFThen we don't do opencl tests on Precise :)00:24
Dandelwhat about the users of the blob who want to get the vendor to behave nicely?00:24
RAOFThey use their vendor drivers as normal?00:26
Dandelyes, but the executables are missing in the precise package ( bad scenario )00:26
Dandeli checked... the opencl tests file is there.00:26
Dandelthe executables are not00:27
Dandelthere's no reason not to backport it to precise ( since limited packages depend on it, and it'll let devs start picking it up sooner )00:27
RAOFI'm not sure what the problem is - the OpenCL piglit tests won't run on Precise? That doesn't seem like a huge problem to me.00:27
Dandelit's complaining about the opencl exectuables not being there.00:28
RAOFIn piglit, on Precise?00:28
Dandelpiglit-run.py /usr/share/piglit/tests/all_cl.tests all-cl-test00:29
Dandeland all output is skip00:29
DandelError code: Test executable not found.00:29
Dandelit'd be one thing if it had an error due to the OpenCL ICD not being installed, but sadly, I know i have mine installed.00:31
DandelI have an ldd for libOpenCL ( provided by amd driver, but it's still a valid OpenCL provider )00:32
DandelRAOF: about how long do ya think it'll take to see the minor fix to appear in the repo?02:53
RAOFAbout as long as a piece of string; they'll get in shortly after someone takes the time to get them in.02:54
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superm1so on a fairly fresh mythbuntu install I keep seeing reports of this crop up: " ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'experimental-304'"04:21
superm1it's 12.04.104:21
superm1with jockey 0.9.7-0ubuntu7.404:22
superm1i see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/1047681 was supposed to add support experimental flavors, but i'm on the latest version and still seeing that (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1371747/) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1371748/04:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047681 in nvidia-settings-experimental-310 (Ubuntu Raring) "Add package nvidia-experimental for tracking nvidia beta drivers" [Undecided,New]04:24
superm1oh but that's actually an old report that kept getting triggered but not uploaded for whatever reason i think, maybe before the new jockey was installed04:27
superm1i'll purge reports and keep an eye if it crops up again04:27
tjaaltonupdating -intel git08:46
tjaaltonthinking about a ubuntu-next branch for mesa08:47
tjaaltonor such08:47
mlankhorstbit too soon, it will only become easier with all the new autopackaging..08:47
tjaaltonwhat is?08:48
mlankhorstwell more autotools fixes :)08:48
tjaaltonit would have git master. ah08:48
tjaaltonhmm xserver has ubuntu+108:49
mlankhorstjust split off ubuntu-raring for stable?08:50
mlankhorstbut we need libdrm 2.4.40 for next branch08:51
tjaaltonguess that's doable08:51
mlankhorstwaiting for experimental acceptance..08:51
mlankhorstso I can syncpackage it08:51
tjaaltonoh right08:52
mlankhorstjcristau: do you have the .dsc and diff btw? patience is running out :D08:52
jcristaui posted the url on #d-x when i uploaded08:53
tjaaltonhmm not that08:53
tjaaltonmlankhorst: http://people.debian.org/~jcristau/libdrm/08:54
mlankhorstah thanks08:55
* mlankhorst syncpackage --force08:56
tjaaltonyou could've also just uploaded a -0u108:57
tjaaltonjust like the current version is08:57
tjaaltonmanual syncs are not encouraged08:58
mlankhorstaye but I wanted to test how syncpackage worked :)08:58
tjaaltonthat's not how it's supposed to be used :)08:58
mlankhorstok uploaded xorg-server renamed for some version of xorg-server09:00
tjaaltonit's hard now that debian is frozen09:00
tjaaltonto make use of syncpackage..09:00
mlankhorstguess I should start uploading lts-raring soon when I confirm quantal works09:02
mlankhorstyay, installing libcogl-dev or libclutter-1.0-dev wipes the lts stack..09:43
mlankhorstshould I make the unrenamed mesa-dev packages installable with the renamed stack just in case?09:46
mlankhorstthey depend on libgl1-mesa-dev (>= 7.1~rc3-1~)09:47
tjaaltonshouldn't be needed if the renamed one provides libgl1-mesa-dev09:47
mlankhorstand versioned provides is a pita..09:47
tjaaltonoh right09:47
mlankhorstit would be ugly though, but I see no other choice..09:50
tjaaltonmaybe ask on #u-d first09:50
mlankhorsttjaalton: to be fair it shouldn't break anything if it ends up compiling :-)10:27
tjaaltonmlankhorst: lost the context.. :)10:34
mlankhorstI mean if I use the unrenamed mesa-dev packages it should still work10:42
mlankhorstonly way it could fail would be on static linking10:46
mlankhorstand that would break anyway :)10:54
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* hyperair pokes Sarvatt 13:09
* hyperair wonders if anyone has had any luck with Steam, intel and BadMatch13:10
mlankhorstverrrrry specific13:13
hyperairyeah well, if it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't.13:14
hyperairBadMatch, major opcode is 15313:15
hyperairappears to be GLX13:15
hyperairminor opcode is 2613:15
hyperairi don't know what that is13:15
hyperairwhere can i look this up?13:15
jcristauin the glx spec13:16
hyperairjcristau: www.opengl.org/registry/doc/glx1.4.pdf <-- this?13:17
jcristau26 is GLXMakeContextCurrent13:17
jcristauthat would probably work too.13:18
hyperairhmm i don't see op codes in this thing =\13:18
hyperairi do see GLX functions though13:18
hyperairhmm, http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glXMakeContextCurrent.xml..13:19
hyperairBadMatch is generated if draw and read cannot fit into frame buffer memory simultaneously13:19
jcristauthe spec (or reading the mesa and xserver code) should tell you when that's allowed to return badmatch.13:19
hyperairthis sounds potentially the issue.13:19
hyperairjcristau: sandy bridges use shared memory, right?13:21
hyperairis there some way to increase the amount of memory it can get, or something?13:21
jcristauother than maybe putting more ram in the box13:22
hyperairthere's 8G in this box =\13:23
jcristauthen that's not the issue13:23
mlankhorstok I think I can push the raring stack now as well, I fixed the command up13:50
mlankhorsttjaalton: can you do the uploads for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11proto-randr/+bug/1081122 ?14:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1081122 in x11proto-randr (Ubuntu) "x11proto-(gl,randr,dri2)-dev need to be updated for backport stack" [High,New]14:31
mlankhorstI would imagine you need to add a new changelog entry with a lower version than quantal for the sru, just in case they'd need to roll back.14:32
tjaaltonsure, when i get back home14:42
* penguin42 is seeing something he's never seen in >20 years of playing with X and could do with some hints; I've got a Thinkpad w520 - mixed Intel/NVidia machine, running Quantal; now I realise Optimus is odd; but I'm not seeing the external monitor in xrandr, but /proc/fb shows it (via fbset), and nouveau shows it in Xorg.0.log - so if it's shown in both of those how can xrandr not see it?14:52
mlankhorstpenguin42: because it's driven by nouveau, and it's not a supported config until x1.14 (hopefully!)14:54
penguin42mlankhorst: so nouveau has explicitly decided not to tell xrandr about it? Just seems odd sincethe log shows it's probing the output, associated a screen with it etc14:56
mlankhorstpenguin42: any output on xrandr --listproviders ?14:57
penguin42Provider 0: id: 165 cap: 0xb, Source Output, Sink Output, Sink Offload crtcs: 2 outputs: 2 associated providers: 1 name:Intel14:57
penguin42Provider 1: id: 102 cap: 0x5, Source Output, Source Offload crtcs: 2 outputs: 5 associated providers: 1 name:nouveau14:57
mlankhorstDRI_PRIME=1 glxgears, congrats you got nouveau working, still no output support though :P14:58
penguin42mlankhorst Sorry, can you just explain that line14:59
mlankhorstmultiple graphics card never worked before, so the fact it's even working at all is definitely some progress..14:59
penguin42true; what surprises me though is since the kernel was actually driving the nouveau display (it had the boot progress screen on previously), and since /proc/fb shows it, why wouldn't it just leave it enabled and let it render to it15:01
mlankhorstbecause x has no support for that yet, if you know C and want to help out however...15:02
penguin42mlankhorst: Maybe at the weekend, I could do (although my list of bugs to fix first...); OK, I'd just assumed X would be able to use anything it had a framebuffer for15:03
penguin42I guess I should try bumblebee or something 1st15:06
penguin42for ref; this is 12.10 with the bios set to optimus mode; in 'discrete' mode it hangs solid ( a cow-orker had 12.04 work successfully in discrete mode)15:10
mlankhorstlot of activity in nouveau recently15:12
penguin42yeh, good to see - is it worth my trying edgers?15:13
mlankhorstcould try15:13
mlankhorstbut no guarantees15:13
penguin42ok, thanks for your help; if I find something that works I'll come back and say15:14
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brycemlankhorst, 1080808 looks to me like just a kernel regression, what do you think?  Something we should care about or should I bump it over  to the kernel team's queue?17:44
mlankhorstbug 108080817:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1080808 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "nVidia/nouveau fails when logging in to Ubuntu/Kubuntu with kernel 3.7.0-2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108080817:46
mlankhorstfun fun17:47
mlankhorstkeep against xxv-nouveau17:47
mlankhorstI don't  think the kernel team does nouveau development17:48
brycemlankhorst, no but they can walk folks through testing mainline kernels and/or doing git bisection17:55
brycehowever if it's an issue we should care about, we should keep it against X, since things sometimes fall through the cracks if filed against the kernel17:55
mlankhorstbryce: yeah 3.7 has the massive rewrite17:56
mlankhorstso if they can do update to nouveau git tree first to check17:57
brycemlankhorst, he says it's been happening since quantal beta2, which would predate the 3.7 change17:59
brycemaybe he's experiencing two separate bugs17:59
mlankhorstalso forged alliance works fine with mesa 9.0 fixes18:00
mlankhorstbut still dead slow :P18:00
brycemlankhorst, ok tomorrow remember to do some triaging at http://www.bryceharrington.org/Arsenal/ubuntu-x-swat/Reports/totals-raring-workqueue.svg.  There's probably only going to be a couple bugs filed so far.18:09
mlankhorstbryce: yeah I saw like 3 bugs when I looked at it today18:11
mlankhorstso got some work done instead18:11
mlankhorstat least last i checked i was on tuesday18:11
* bryce nods18:12
bryceyeah there won't be much this early on, but I've learned if we keep the queue tamped down here early on, it'll help keep the queue better under control down the road in a few months.18:25
mlankhorstI'm actually on precise still18:26
mlankhorstwith wayland from raring renamed installed18:26
mlankhorstand mesa 9.0.118:27
mlankhorst+ fixes I want to push18:27
mlankhorstbut ok, qa passed, so fixes pushed to 9.0 branch18:32
tjaaltonmlankhorst: so what needs uploaded and from where?19:01
tjaaltondon't see any git branches19:01
mlankhorstx11proto-gl, dri2, randr19:01
mlankhorstjust take quantal version, add a lower version number, upload to precise19:01
DandelRAOF: there's going to be a bit of an issue on the piglit builds... the eglext.h needs updating with the changes that happened in the last 24 hours.23:02
Dandeli figure it'd be good to know this before the daily autobuild shows the issue.23:04
Dandelalso, i see a small branch with changes to the piglit builder set... although, I don't see where the code is kept for the waffle library.23:04
* bryce waves to RAOF 23:19
RAOFGood morning!23:19
RAOFSlash afternoon :)23:20
bryceworking on getting verification done for fglrx-experimental-9.  Darn AMD dropped hw support for my card, so had to build a new system.  almost done.23:21
Dandelbryce: i know whay ya mean... i have two cards i can't use for testing with amd driver due to the fact they outright blacklist radeon.23:22
RAOFbryce: :(23:23
RAOFIntel took back my Haswell desktop SDP, so I now no longer have a box with enough power for my Radeon 7870.23:24
DandelRAOF: i could possibly help with this... I have two different boxes with amd gpus that *are* still supported.23:25
bryceRAOF, yeah fortunately I had rebuilt my file server from scratch this year, and had spare parts with enough oomph to drive my 785023:26
Dandelbryce: toy around with any of the a-series systems yet? ( like the a6 apu found in many laptops )23:32
bryceDandel, nope23:33
Dandelah... just was wondering... I'm probably one of the few devs to use one... although i'm disappointed in how the hybrid graphics work ><;23:34
RAOFDandel: I'd quite like to; problem is that I'd need to buy one, which means I'd want a high-end one, and Intel stomp the AMD processors on the high-end.23:34
DandelRAOF: That may be the case, but AMD is more of a budget system, and frankly... I see reasonably good performance even on the a6-3400m i use on my laptop 23:36
Dandelanyways, in the lower end, amd is stomping intel across the board ( namely sub-$300 range for cpu/motherboard/ram/video card)23:37
DandelRAOF: do ya run the piglit tests often on the amd gpus by any chance? ( using both mesa and binary driver ) ( I'm wondering since the piglit test suite also appears to be a good measure for stability )23:44
RAOFNot often, no. I have in the past, when I was fiddling with mesa and adding piglit tests.23:46
DandelI see... I know someone who's been running piglit on amd cards for a while now.23:51
mlankhorstRAOF: want to approve x11proto-* in precise queue? :P23:51
mlankhorstafter that it should be possible to upload the entire x stack23:58
RAOFUrgh. Our previous x11proto-randr had the per-crtc pixmap proto stuff that got dropped in it.23:58

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