
capeeKocopy/paste, like I've done in the past00:00
dr_williscapeeKo:  err.... thats putting it on wrong...00:00
dr_willisyou should NOT have a file called whatever.iso on the usb00:00
ActionParsnipcapeeKo: use unetbootin00:00
capeeKothat a program that extracts the image onto the drive?00:01
dr_willisunetbootin is one of many. theres others listed at the pendrivelinux web site00:01
dr_willissome of those can boot a .iso file from the usb. ;) so you can make multiboot usb sticks00:02
capeeKook.  thanks guys.  maybe I'm mistaken about it working in the past, it's been a while & classes have my head all mixed up lol00:02
dr_willisYou have never just drag/dropped an iso file to a usb and have it work...00:03
capeeKoI'll do that & try again, hopefully I won't bug you guys anymore :P00:03
dr_willisthat dosent put any sort of bootloader on the usb00:03
Gabeso, I'm sorta new to linux and I when I installed MyUnity on Ubuntu 12.10 it messed up the files and now the're hidden on the laucher and they look like pieces of paper on the dash home. Any help would be great. I don't really feel like installing it all over again :x00:04
megamanx1978I am having sound problems please help00:06
dr_willismake a new user - see if they have the same issue.. if a new user works.. then its your problem users config files that are to blame.. reset them all.00:06
bazhang!info myunity | Gabe00:06
ubottuGabe: Package myunity does not exist in quantal00:06
bazhangGabe, there's no myunity for 12.1000:07
dr_willisGabe:  some times these tweak tools have 'reset settings back to default' features.00:07
bazhang!sound | megamanx197800:07
ubottumegamanx1978: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:07
megamanx1978I am not getting sound at all00:09
megamanx1978Checked volume00:09
mensTWINKLE:   HowTo hide user identity and to addP-Preferred-Identity header?   (in private).00:09
bazhangmens,  ask in freenode about a cloak00:10
bazhangmens   /join #freenode00:10
mens<bazhang> ok, ty :-)00:10
elisa87Do you know what I should do? vivado: Cannot mkdir: Disk quota exceeded00:12
ActionParsnipelisa87: query your quota limits, see what you have breached00:12
GabeI'll just try and restart it >.<00:13
elisa87ActionParsnip how can I do it? I am a hardware person00:13
ActionParsnipelisa87: run: repquota -a00:14
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elisa87ActionParsnip nothing happened ! [jalal@helena] (1)$ repquota -a00:15
gunarm1whats the deal with this "UUID" with colons instead of dashes that comes out when i do # sudo mdadm --detail --scan # is that still a uuid?  Can I put it in fstab?00:16
ActionParsnipelisa87: prefix it with sudo00:16
elisa87jalal is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. Because I am just a student! is there any other way ? I have to install Xilinx on my machine00:17
elisa87ActionParsnip jalal is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. Because I am just a student! is there any other way ? I have to install Xilinx on my machin00:17
ActionParsnipelisa87: only admins can view the quota reports as far as I know00:17
ikoniaelisa87: what does being a student have to do with not being in the sudoers file ?00:18
ActionParsnipelisa87: if you have an account that can use sudo, I suggest you su to it00:18
elisa87our department is really restrictive on the machines we use in the labs!00:18
megamanx1978Is there a way to set my default volume?00:18
elisa87Can I make myself sudoer btw? because this new computer was given to me today given that I have the right to be sudoer,....seems not working00:19
megamanx1978Or set my volume with the terminal?00:19
ikoniaelisa87: ask the guy who set it up to you00:19
ikoniaset it up for you00:19
ActionParsnipelisa87: try:  quota -u $USER00:19
ikoniaelisa87: he's not configured your user account correctly00:19
genio_في عرب هنا ؟00:21
lollkogenio_: eng00:21
elisa87[jalal@helena] (3)$ quota -u $USER nothing happens!00:21
frodriguezalo ?00:21
frodriguezalgun latino00:21
genio_i mean any one here speek arabic :D00:22
SeLEctHello, i just installed github with apt-get install github-cli. but when i type git. i get this? -bash: git: command not found00:22
ClientAliveis there a way to tell ubuntu that eclipse is insatalled? I installed it outside of the ubuntu repository so I could get a newer version. Now, when I try to run an eclipse command to change a setting (on the command line) I get "The program 'eclipse' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing sudo apt-get install eclipse-platform". But it is installed. I've been using it.00:23
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية00:23
ActionParsnipClientAlive: is the program in your $PATH ?00:23
ikoniaClientAlive: adjust your $PATH to include the directory you installed eclipse in00:23
elisa87ActionParsnip what does this exactly mean? [jalal@helena] (3)$ fs listquota00:24
elisa87Volume Name                    Quota       Used %Used   Partition00:24
elisa87u.jalal                     20000000   20000003  100%<<       85%    <<WARNING00:24
ClientAliveActionParsnip: ikonia: it is installed to /opt/eclipse. I did try cd /opt/eclipse then execute the command but I get the same message.00:24
ActionParsnipelisa87: you have a soft limit at 85% and a hard limit of 100%, you will get warnings over 85%00:25
ActionParsnipClientAlive: did you use:   ./eclipse00:25
ActionParsnipClientAlive: the ./   bit is important00:25
elisa87so it doesn't show much much space I have? like how many GB? ActionParsnip00:25
dean__Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a program that allows you to edit a mp3 track to cut bits off and that?00:25
ClientAliveActionParsnip: you mean to put that before the command?00:26
ActionParsnipClientAlive: yes, so that the file in the pwd is used.00:26
ActionParsnipClientAlive: the pwd is NOT in $PATH for security reasons00:26
jimmykHi, I'm wondering if someone can help me figure out why the same UUID is being assigned to two different physical volumes00:27
ActionParsnipelisa87: looks like you have a 150Mb limit on storage (if I'm reading it right)00:27
ClientAliveActionParsnip: Ok, this is the command I'm trying to run: "eclipse-vmargs-Xmx1024m" So it should be "./eclipse-vmargs-Xmx1024m" then?00:27
ActionParsnipClientAlive: yes, after you use 'cd' to change to the folder containing the command00:27
ClientAliveActionParsnip: I got the command to work. Thank you. Now I don't get whether it makes a persistent change or not tho. I need the change to be persistent.00:29
ActionParsnipClientAlive: could try:  sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse-vmargs-Xmx1024m /usr/bin/eclipse00:30
ActionParsnipClientAlive: I assume you don't have eclipse installed by package00:30
ActionParsnipClientAlive: if you then just run:  eclipse    does ity run?00:31
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ClientAliveActionParsnip: I didn't install via apt-get, no. I got this command from: http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/running_eclipse.htm (near the top of page). But it doesn't say if it is just for that use or if the change is persistent. It has to do with setting how much memory for eclipse to use or something.00:32
ActionParsnipClientAlive: try the symlink, it may just fly00:32
ClientAliveActionParsnip: what is ity? a terminal?00:32
ActionParsnipClientAlive: the terminal command I gave to make a symlink00:33
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ClientAliveActionParsnip: err... need to understand what result that produces (how it works/ effects my system) and I have to run right now. I will keep that in consideration for when I get back to this. Thank you sir.00:34
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ActionParsnipClientAlive: it makes a file in you /usr/bin like the rest of the commands you run00:34
ActionParsnipClientAlive: if it works then its because you have put the link i na folder named in $PATH00:35
ActionParsnipClientAlive: try it, it may just allow you to hit ALT+F2 and run:  eclipse00:35
mnerihi, i've installed windows and now the bootloader is gone. what i have to do?00:37
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yvesDrepair it via CD00:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:37
ClientAliveActionParsnip: I can run eclipse fine. Even have it favorited on my desktop bar. It's that I have lot of plugins in it and it isn't set to use enough memory. Well there is 16 gig of ram on this machine so memory is not a problem. It's a matter of permanently setting eclipse to use the amount I want it to (I though 1024m would be a good start).00:37
LabanI run Xubuntu 12.10 on my laptop, and for some odd reason it keeps dropping IPv6 connectivity. Other machines in the network does not have a problem with this.00:37
LabanHas any others seen this before?00:38
ActionParsnipmneri: how did you install ubuntu?00:38
ActionParsnipClientAlive: whta has that got to do with a symlink?00:38
LabanIPv4 stays up all along.00:38
Labanping over v4 works fine internally, but over v6 it just dies.00:39
mneriActionParsnip from cd about a year ago. today i've installed windows 8 and the bootloader is gone. i'm sure ubuntu is still there.00:39
ActionParsnipmneri: should be. You can use a chroot from liveCD to reinstate grub00:39
ClientAliveActionParsnip: I don't know (I don't understand what the symlink would do for me). What that is, is the problem I'm trying to solve (the memory setting - not launchnig eclipse).00:39
blackshirt!grub2 | mneri00:39
ubottumneri: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:39
ActionParsnipmneri: omgubuntu have a guide called 'sticking it to grub'00:39
mneriActionParsnip ty00:40
ActionParsnipClientAlive: In a terminal, run:  sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse-vmargs-Xmx1024m /usr/bin/eclipse00:40
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ActionParsnipClientAlive: it will mean you don't need t cd to the folder to launch the app00:40
jimmykcould anyone here help me with an lvm problem?00:41
ClientAliveActionParsnip: I don't need to cd to the folder to launch the app - it launches just fine apart from the terminal. That may be useful in the future if I have to run a terminal command but what I'm trying to do is change a setting in eclipse.00:42
ClientAliveI have to go. I'm sorry00:42
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ActionParsnipClientAlive: easier?00:43
ActionParsnipClientAlive: glad its somewhat working :)00:43
GeothstDoes anyone know how to get Unity to stop crashing?00:46
yvesDuninstall it00:46
GeothstUbuntu has some dependencies on unity, so I can't.00:46
ActionParsnipGeothst: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:46
GeothstOr I would.00:46
raraAre the backup fles from clonezilla compatible with ubuntu ?00:46
n2deepdoes anyone here have any info on Ubuntu for Android?00:47
GeothstIt just says, "Precise".00:47
yvesDany error-messages?00:47
raraAre the backup fles from clonezilla compatible with ubuntu ?00:47
n2deep...join me in #ubuntu-android if you have any info to share00:47
ActionParsnipGeothst: you could use a different session if you don't like Unity. You can install xcfe4 and use that desktop instead of Gnome00:48
GeothstWell, I tried that.00:48
GeothstUnity still crashes when I load XFCE.00:48
GeothstAnd I still have the panel to the left.00:48
Geothstin my XFCE session.00:49
GeothstNo. I do have XFCE and Xubuntu session on my LightDM though.00:49
ActionParsnipyvesD: just using a different DE in ubuntu, not xubuntu00:49
GeothstI also got some weird X11 errors about directories missing and then my computer turned off.00:50
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: Have you tried the Unity2D session00:50
capeeKowell I lost all my files after the install00:50
capeeKooh well00:50
GeothstUnity 3D wouldn't even load at first. Fresh install. I installed Gnome3 and now it loads, but crashes. But Unity 2D also crashes.00:50
GeothstUnity 2D says it crashes, and it asks me if I want to reload it. But it works. It's fine. It just thinks it crashes.00:51
gordonjcpActionParsnip: not recently, why?00:51
yvesDdriver? firmware?00:51
capeeKothanks for the help Action & willis00:51
GeothstI think he was trying to tab-complete Geothst, gordonjcp :)00:51
laffinboycan anybody answer a question about ubuntu00:53
GeothstThis is probably a good place for that.00:53
GeothstWhat is the likelyhood that something messed up when I was doing my install causing Unity to be awful and crash a lot and not work right in any way whatsoever? And that if I just re-install Ubuntu it will work right, then. because honestly I'm about to uninstall and just use Windows.00:54
k1l!ask | laffinboy00:54
ubottulaffinboy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:54
laffinboyi have an older version of ubuntu (10.10) on a disk can do try without install if i try to install it crashes00:55
GeothstDid you check the MD5?00:56
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: sorry, wrong target00:56
ActionParsnipGeothst: try unity2d00:56
GeothstI did. It also crashes.00:56
laffinboymy question is therena way i can do the upgrade and have it save to my hard drive00:56
GeothstWell, it thinks it has crashed. It works fine, as far as I can tell.00:56
GeothstWhen you download the install file it sometimes messes up a small part of the file and can cause your OS to malfunction.00:57
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:57
ActionParsnipGeothst: have you tested your RAM?00:59
oldgettingsomewh5500 mhz01:00
GeothstNo, but I run other OSes just fine. It hadn't occured to me that it could be a RAM issue. 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, and 11.10 all worked fine. As did WinXP and Win7. Unity in 12.04 is the only issue I'm having on this hardware.01:00
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oldgettingsomewhhey what hertz more  a meaga hert or punchasise your face hertz01:02
=== vijak is now known as completeIdiot
completeIdiothello all01:03
completeIdiotany1 alive here?01:03
GeothstHelp. I'm alive.01:04
kostkoncompleteIdiot, no, we are all zombies :P01:04
completeIdiothehehe.. at my location is 2am .. no wonder 4 seeing zombies dancing ca-ca-ca01:04
nowayridesudo kill Geothst01:05
Geothstnoooo "...brains"01:05
completeIdioti need some help..01:05
completeIdiotis it possible to get it here?01:05
GeothstNot prescription help, no.01:05
nowayridecompleteIdiot: Just ask, if somebody knows they'll chime in01:06
GeothstBut if it's about Linux, maybe. :)01:06
ActionParsnipGeothst: hold SHIFT at boot, select the Memtest from the Grub menu to test01:06
GeothstOkay, will do that. Thanks ActionParsnip.01:06
completeIdiotam... linux.. yes.. vm.. exactly...01:06
completeIdiotadding C:\ to access over win xp once it starts...01:07
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completeIdioti installed virtual box, some extra pack that was requiered to access disk.. but, still cant get to filles over win xp, wich is now inside the virtual mashine..01:10
completeIdiotany help - step by step - i read the instructions, but.. i gues my nick is there for a reason?01:11
dr_williscompleteIdiot:  once you got an os IN vbox you can transfer files in differnt ways. as if they were 2 seperate machines on the same lan. you could use samba, ssh/scp/winscp, or vbox's own special share feature.01:13
dr_willisfor simple transfering, ssh + winscp is quick to get going01:13
fachhochneed help connecting to windows using cisaco vpn01:13
completeIdiotlan? ups..01:14
fachhochmy vpn connection is sucessful  now want to connect to my remote windows machine01:14
fachhochany gurus want to help me ?01:14
dr_williscompleteIdiot:  vbox runs on the host and the guest and host os are on their own virtual lan.01:15
completeIdioti got external hd, and running linux on it... in that same disk, i got files, i would like to access to01:15
nowayridedr_willis: you can also set it up bridged so they're on the same subnet01:15
dr_willisYou can use the vbox configs to set it up as a vbox share, or set it up as a samba share, or just use winscp on the windows in vbox, and ssh on the linux side01:15
dr_willisnowayride:  that will confuse him even more. ;)01:16
completeIdiotok, i am allready confused... i read the manuals.. but.. is it possible to get step-by-step help?01:16
dr_williseasier to just use ssh and winscp...01:17
dr_willisor samba.01:17
completeIdiotok, how i use ssh and what it is?01:17
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:17
fachhochany articles to connect to   remote windows after vpn connection ?01:17
dr_willisinstall the openssh server on linux, install winscp on windows.. run winscp. connect to the ssh server.. use the file manager gui to copy files around.01:17
=== NSAgent is now known as Guest49084
completeIdiothold on..01:18
* dr_willis wonders what he should hold on to....01:18
SierraARIs it possible to create a partition on a machine that has 12.04 on it, and install windows xp to that partition?01:19
completeIdioti put that name (openssh) into ubuntu software center...01:19
completeIdiotgot secure shell01:19
completeIdiotsec panel01:19
EolI'm trying to install Postgres 9.1, with the following commands. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pitti/postgresql;sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1.  But when I do, it still says "Cannot find package postgresql-9.1".  Any ideas on what could be wrong?01:19
dr_willisSierraAR:  linux does not install to ntfs or vfat. you COULD make a ntfs or vfat from linux and install windows to that partion.,01:20
almoxarifeSierraAR: yes01:20
uabn93is it okay to ask a q about lubuntu here? It is about the installer, which is the same as ubuntus right?01:20
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dr_willisthe way you phrased it.. sounds like you want both os's on the same partition01:20
ActionParsnipEol: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc01:20
dr_willisuabn93:  i think they are the same.. if not they are very similer... I dont recall any differances01:20
BrandonBoltonHello, how can I update my OpenGL drivers? I added this PPA already, but cannot figure out how to install the newer versions. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates01:20
blackshirt!find postgre01:21
ubottuFound: postgresql, postgresql-9.1, postgresql-9.1-dbg, postgresql-client, postgresql-client-9.1, postgresql-client-common, postgresql-common, postgresql-contrib, postgresql-contrib-9.1, postgresql-doc (and 117 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=postgre&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all01:21
EolLet me check, I have to do some weird network hacks01:21
Yuri-YangHello, does anyone know how to improve WIFI connection? It's very complicated. I have a ACER 4750G. I was using WIFI without any problem at home or in the public like starbuck. But when it comes to my office wifi, problem occurs as it becomes very slow. Can anyone give me any hints what the reason may be?01:21
completeIdiotam... any one copy? i put openssh in the ubuntu software center.. results are secure shell, secpanel.. what to install now?01:22
SierraARdr_willis, how would I do that? I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to different file system formats01:22
uabn93the window crashes after i make it to the password/user phase. The mouse still remains, but in the loading position. what should i do?01:22
Eollsb_release -sc : maverick01:22
ActionParsnipEol: maverick is dead01:22
ActionParsnipEol: the ppa doesn't support maverick, nor does the ubuntu community01:22
nowayrideWell his user name is appropriate then :P01:22
dr_willisSierraAR:  use gparted. make a partion. make it ntfs.. format it.. winodows should be able to install to it01:22
Eoli see..01:22
Eolok, where do I need to go to change this stuff? The IT guys just gave me a linux box. What should I tell them to fix, I'm pretty noobish at linux01:23
Peloevening folks,  I'M running 12.04 in classic mode,  I can't schedule appointments by clicking in the calendar in the top panel,  how do I do it ?01:23
SierraARdr_willis, alright, thanks. +cookie01:23
ActionParsnipEol: I suggest you clean install with Precise for support til April 2017 , or Quantal for the latest features01:23
ActionParsnipEol: tell him to clean install Precise01:23
Pelowhat's the default calendar app in 12.04 is what I'm asking01:23
EolSo that means a whole new linux box?01:24
dr_willisinstall to the one you got now?01:24
SierraARPelo, according to System Settings > Details, something called 'gedit'01:24
ActionParsnipEol: no just a new OS01:25
completeIdiotany1 friendly enough to help me out on private over the virtual box and adding hdds?01:25
ActionParsnipEol: its like he installed Windows 95 and gave you it :)01:25
gonyerepelo: I think 12.04 ships with thunderbird, but the calendar may integrate with evolution01:25
PeloSierraAR, gedit is a text editor, a pretty nifty one but not a calendar01:25
dr_williscompleteIdiot:  you dont want to access physical HDS from vbox.01:25
Eolyeah, i figured that01:25
dr_williscompleteIdiot:  that can cause data curruption01:25
Pelogonyere, ok thanks I guess01:25
gonyerei know it does in gnome-shell anyhow01:25
SierraARgonyere Pelo, the calender part of thunderbird is a separate plugin called lightning, which is what I use :P (No idea if it can be set as the default calender app)01:25
gonyerei'm not 100% if thats the same in unity or not01:25
EolAh, ok. so 10.10 is "maverick" and 12.04 is "precise"01:25
uabn93the installer window keeps crashing on me. Can anyone help me out01:26
BrandonBoltonEol, exactly.01:26
Eolok, thanks01:26
PeloSierraAR, ok pluging in thunderbird, that makes a bit of sense , I'll give that a try01:26
dr_willisuabn93:  you did verify the iso file after you downloaded it? it is possible to run the installer from a terminal window and look for error messages01:26
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lkthomashey guys, does any repo support Atom optimized kernel ?01:27
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dr_williscompleteIdiot:  best to talk in the channel. I may have to leave at any time.01:27
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completeIdiotno panic..01:28
uabn93dr_willis: i downloaded the torrent so it should be ok. how can i figure out the name of the installer?01:28
dr_willislkthomas:  ive not noticed any atom optmized ubuntu variants, or kernels. Ive seen some other disrots that seem to focus on netbooks. but i cant even rember their names01:28
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dr_willisuabn93:  i think its called 'ubiquity'01:28
lkthomasdr_willis: errr, ok thanks01:28
uabn93dr_willis: it says theres an update for the installer but nothing happens when i click on it01:31
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dr_willisuabn93:  cant say ive ever noticed it day that.. this is a 12.10 lubuntu you are using?01:31
uabn93dr_willis: yes. maybe i should go back a versioin01:32
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=== Guest3791 is now known as defile
dr_willisuabn93:  12.10 lubuntu installed fine on my laptop the other day.01:33
dr_willisits possible you got a bad burn to the cd, or the iso file could been bad.. wouldent hurt to double check01:33
elisa87how to find my mac address?01:33
completeIdiotany one that got an hour of time, to help my out? on private? over vbox?01:33
dr_williselisa87:  ifconfig shoes you elisa8701:34
dr_willisHWaddr f4:6d:04:9e:90:6201:34
elisa87is arp true as well dr_willis ?01:34
uabn93dr_willis: im doing a usb install. burned it twice, and im on my third install attempt01:34
dr_willisno idea. cant say ive ever had to mess with arp.01:35
dr_willisuabn93:  installing to a external usb hd?01:35
uabn93dang. no, usb stick01:35
completeIdiotdr_willis! i got that too01:35
completeIdiotlinux and ntfs - external hd01:35
dr_willisuabn93:  theres alternative tools to make a live usb. pendrivelinux web site has several. could be something quirky with how its being made01:36
uabn93dr_willis: did the new icon theme act funny to you? maybe its this cheap graphics card that im using01:37
dr_willisuabn93:  cant say ive noticed any icon issues in lubuntu01:37
dr_williscould be a driver issue also01:37
uabn93like... the text being too light sometimes. same with the buttons01:37
uabn93yeah let me try it without the graphics card01:38
dr_willistry some differnt themes perhaps01:38
SierraARIs lubuntu different from ubuntu?01:38
elisa87if I want to find the hostname should I only write hostname? or do I need some flags?01:38
dr_willis$ hostname01:38
dr_willis;) not like the hostname command ran by a user is going to change your hostname....01:39
SunTsuelisa87: depends on what you want to see - try it, if it doesn't show you exaktly what you want to see consult the manpage01:39
SunTsuexactly even01:39
dr_willishostname is shown in the default prompt also.01:39
elisa87thanks SunTsu01:41
uabn93dr_willis: found out the error. is says illegal instruction and then quits01:42
dr_willisuabn93:  sounds like a nasty crash for some reason01:43
elisa87can I install win7 over already installed ubuntu 12.04 if my notebook is HP?01:46
elisa87and with which software do you suggest me to partition my drives?01:46
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SierraARelisa87, someone suggested to me I use gparted to create a partition and format sade partition to ntfs when I was asking about installing XP01:46
elisa87SierraAR How much should I put for win7? If I am about to install Softwares like Matlab out there?01:47
SierraARelisa87, honestly not sure on the sizing. I'm planning on just splitting my 500GB hd in two - 250 for ubuntu, 250 for xp01:48
Geo|N7I installed win7 then ubuntu and just used ubuntu to repartition01:48
elisa87SierraAR so might my Ubuntu get formatted by any chance? which I wish not01:49
Geo|N7I think I had issues with grub2 but I am a total newb and it was painless01:49
Geo|N7I think if you install ubuntu and then windows, you're going to have a bad time01:49
gonyereits been a long time since i set up a dual boot system01:50
gonyerebut as i recall it was best to install ubuntu and get your partitions worked out01:50
Geo|N7I believe windows removes grub altogether.01:50
three18tiI'm trying to follow this guid: http://rudd-o.com/en/linux-and-free-software/a-better-way-to-create-a-customized-ubuntu-live-usb-drive to make an ubuntu live cd, but the ubuntu 12.10 iso only includes an initrd.lz .  do I need to convert this to an initrd.gz or is the lz acceptable to use?  Will grub be able to boot the initrd.lz ?01:50
gonyerethen install windows on whichever one you want to install it on01:50
gonyerethen go back and re-install linux01:50
gonyerealso, for linux installs i recommend two partitions: one / and one /home so you can re-install linux whenever you like and not touch your personal files01:51
three18tithis https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomizeLiveInitrd has steps to repack it into an initrd.gz, but it says, "or, if you want an initrd.lz (for Ubuntu 9.10 and later):" which would infer that ubuntu > 9.10 needs an initrd.lz .01:51
Geo|N7I installed windows and then Linux and it worked really well. 12.04 makes partitions cake.01:51
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Geo|N7No need to install 3 times01:52
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SierraARs-by-s-HELP-VM, I don't think changing your nick repeatedly is going to help much01:52
gonyereyeah, i don't doubt things have gotten better - its been a solid 6 yrs since i attempted a dual boot system :)01:52
escottthree18ti, if grub knows how to extract lzma01:53
escottthree18ti, or maybe the kernel extracts the initrd... not sure who unpacks it01:53
Geo|N7I am almost positive that installing Linux and then windows will result in a migraine.01:53
gonyeredual-boot IME usually results in at least a few screw ups :p01:54
three18tiGeo|N7, is 100% correct. the windows boot loader rewrites the MBR with extreme prejudice.01:54
three18tiescott, yea, that's what I don't know...  I assume since I've grabbed the vmliuz from the same cd it -should- work...01:55
* three18ti shrugs01:55
three18tiI guess there's only one way to find out. ;)01:55
walterwojI have a folder (/strorage) that I want to be fully usable by my user and users on the samba share but the permissions are always locking one or the other out  how can I fix this?01:56
s-by-s-HELP-VMhy.. sorry, to bother u.. i need some step-by-step help over Virtual Mashine.. i installed Virtual box, another OS, some extra pack, that was requiered to access HD, but.. still cant access any of HDDs.. i got installed linux ubuntu 12.04 LTS on externall hd, and in that same HD i got ntfs partition that i would like to acces over virtual mashine (win xp) possible on private?? PS: i am total neewbie01:57
escottwalterwoj, depends on your configuration. you will have to give examples of files that one can access but not the other01:57
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, are you trying to pass a USB hard drive as a raw device to a VM guest?01:58
s-by-s-HELP-VMam.. wait, need to translate...01:58
walterwojfor example I back up file to the share from my laptop and those files are locked to my local account user, then i create a file locally and the samba users are now denied permissions.  I already chmod 777 but that only works until someone creates a file...01:59
s-by-s-HELP-VMraw, burned, well done... dosent mather.. i just need win xp, to access usb hd -ntfs02:00
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, so XP is the guest (running inside VBox) ubuntu is the host02:00
s-by-s-HELP-VMescott - private?02:01
escott!pm | s-by-s-HELP-VM02:01
ubottus-by-s-HELP-VM: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:01
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, there are two ways i can think to do this.02:02
blackshirti think you should mount your hd into exPortable share point02:02
s-by-s-HELP-VMups.. thanks for notice..02:02
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, 1) let linux handle the USB device and pass the raw device /dev/sdb or the like to windows, or 2) find the usb location with lsusb and pass the USB device to windows. in either case you would do this through the VBox configuration02:03
GeothstI did a memory test, and got no errors. But now I can't open my update manager, or the Ubuntu Software Center.  E: Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list E: The list of sources could not be read.02:03
escottwalterwoj, specifics. exact permissions of examples files (ie output of ls -al /path/to/filename02:03
GeothstI can't remove the gnome PPA because I can't open my update manager or the ubuntu software center. They both just crash.02:04
GeothstAnd if I try to remove it in a terminal it just gives me that error, too.02:04
s-by-s-HELP-VMok.. crap, google does not translate ok... i think i can use win xp cmd??02:05
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, what is your native language02:06
s-by-s-HELP-VMeurope, slovenia02:06
s-by-s-HELP-VMbut.. our sleepy nations... are sleeping..02:06
ubottuKanal za podporo slovenskim uporabnikom Ubuntuja je #ubuntu-si. Če potrebujete pomoč v Slovenskem jeziku, prosimo da se nam pridružite in probali vam bomo pomagati. Slovenian language support channel is #ubuntu-si02:06
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, trying to run this through google translate is not going to be very effective02:07
WHAT_UPis there a way to stop the graphics card midway through? it seems to be running really hot, and i'm just sshing/running apache on the machine anyway so i have no use for any display02:07
s-by-s-HELP-VMnice!!! in my own language... thank u, but in home channel.. are sleeping02:07
walterwojfor example file created by the share a owned by root with chmod 700 but files added localy are owned by walterwoj chmod 700 making both inaccessible to the others02:07
escottwalterwoj, did you modify the samba config at all02:10
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, im not sure what to tell you. you need to make changes to the Virtual machine configuration in the vbox manager02:10
s-by-s-HELP-VMgot vbox running02:11
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/virtualbox-usb.html02:12
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escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, or https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4516102:12
Geo|N7This is incredibly infuriating.02:13
s-by-s-HELP-VMescott, try to guide me.. plese02:13
s-by-s-HELP-VMi need access to files till six am, 3h till than02:14
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Geothsts-by-s-HELP-VM, this stuff is already complicated enough. There are a lot of technical terms and abbreviations that google translate is not going to work for. It's going to be pretty much impossible to guide you through something when half of the words aren't going to translate.02:15
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ActionParsnips-by-s-HELP-VM: escott: can't ubuntu just access the NTFS?02:16
s-by-s-HELP-VMactionparsnip, is that q directed 2 me?02:17
escottActionParsnip, ours is not to wonder why, ours is but to answer the questions asked. its probably just how s-by-s-HELP-VM phrased his question that gave the sense he wanted direct access of some kind02:17
s-by-s-HELP-VMany access would be ok...02:18
gdeebleHello, just curious if anyone has worked with zoneminder before?02:18
s-by-s-HELP-VMin my computer... in win xp, is only C:\ and.. thats is it.. no usbs, other hdd02:19
GeothstDon't you have to have 3rd party plugins (closed source) to use USB on VM? I'm pretty sure I remember having this issue as well, and I had to install the closed source version of VM.02:19
vanessahi..  can someone help me sort out a KMS vs. Radeon (gallium3d/r300g driver) conflict?  Resume from suspend-to-ram = black screen unless I disable KMS, but do that and I get knocked down to VESA video.02:19
escotts-by-s-HELP-VM, that would be the easiest then. "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g" open the ntfs drive with "nautilus" in ubuntu, and then pass the folder "/media/XXXX-XXXX" to the windows guest with the guest additions02:19
ActionParsnips-by-s-HELP-VM: ubuntu can access NTFS partitions, You don't need Windows..02:19
escottGeothst, newest versions have some USB support02:19
GeothstCan someone tell me how I'm supposed to remove a PPA when I can't remove it from GUI or CLI?02:19
NSAgentGeothst: Virtualbox requires an extension pack for USB 202:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:20
vanessaGeothst, install ppa-purge and use that.02:20
GeothstI tried that. It says the PPA doesn't exist.02:20
GeothstBut when I try to open the Ubunut Software Center, it crashes and says the gnome ppa is missing something.02:20
RamchandraApteGeothst: you can edit the file manually02:20
s-by-s-HELP-VMyes... but.. in VM Box, i would like to access internal hdd on my laptop.. i use external hdd to run linux on it, and win xp in it02:21
GeothstI'm a bit of a newb, RamchandraApte, can you explain how to do that?02:21
RamchandraApteGeothst: ofc I am doing that.02:21
escottRamchandraApte, that doesn't exactly remove the installed packages02:21
escottGeothst, ppa-purge doesn't see the ppa?02:21
RamchandraApteescott: oh that is what he/she wants to do.02:21
escottRamchandraApte, its potentially unsafe to just nuke the ppa from sources.list02:22
GeothstE: Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list02:22
GeothstE: The list of sources could not be read.02:22
GeothstWarning:  apt-get update failed for some reason02:22
RamchandraApteescott: not in the hands of experts :D02:22
escottRamchandraApte, then you are sitting around with packages coming from the PPA and have no PPA backing them02:22
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VanessaE_[L]there, that's better.02:23
escott!into ppa-purge | Geothst02:23
escott!info ppa-purge | Geothst02:23
ubottuGeothst: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (quantal), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB02:23
RamchandraApteescott: but is it impossible to uninstall them?02:23
blackshirtgeothst, something wrong on your gnomey sources list02:23
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s-by-s-HELP-VMnow i got compiz issue02:23
GeothstAll I know is I can't remove the PPA because everything crashes and the crash is saying it's the PPA that's causing the crash.02:23
escottRamchandraApte, in his case he would have gnome-ppa packages that would override the standard ppa packages02:23
three18timmkay.  I'm open to ideas on how to make a live usb disk that is a) persistent, b) customizable. liveusb won't work because it doesn't have the flexibility I need.  Unfortunately, the instructions I was following seem to be outdated or otherwise incorrect.02:23
escottGeothst, i assume this happened after you upgraded to precise02:24
GeothstYeah I tried PPA purge and got that output that I just pasteed. $ sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team-gnome302:24
GeothstNo, this is a fresh 12.04 install. Unity crashes every 5 minutes so I'm trying to install something that doesn't crash.02:24
GeothstSo i can actually do things. Instead of sit here and send in crash logs.02:24
dr_willisType 'ain' is not known on line 3... sounds like a typo in the file02:25
escottGeothst, clearly not a fresh install if you have a PPA02:25
GeothstYes. I tried to install gnome3 and now I can't open my package manager to remove it.02:25
dr_williswhen in doubt, fall back to the cli tools.02:26
axisysis there a way to find out the dependency pkg without installing the pkg?02:26
escottGeothst, sounds like you got a broken ppa. i haven't kept up with the gnome3 ppa team, but you can just install gnome-shell02:26
GeothstI can't use my package manager at all.02:26
GeothstIt says this error every time I do anything. from GUI or CLI.02:26
GeothstHence my frustration.02:27
AR_Geothst, it's pretty easy02:27
AR_what do you want to install02:27
GeothstAnything, at this point. I can't even install .deb files. It gives me this ppa error every time, and then closes.02:27
AR_sudo apt-get install whatever02:28
escottGeothst, you need to correct the typo in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list02:28
GeothstUbuntu Software Center won't even try to open it all, it immediately gives me this error.02:28
GeothstAnd then closes.02:28
AR_dont use GUI02:28
dr_willislooks like its saying theres an error on line 3 of that file... you should be able to just remove that  gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list to some other place02:28
escottGeothst, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list02:28
GeothstI already pasted what the CLI error is when I try to use apt-get. I can't use apt-get.02:28
AR_remove GUI from your computer and enjoy tremendous speed increase02:28
escottGeothst, if you haven't actually installed anything from gnome3 ppa team you can just sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list02:28
GeothstPhew. Finally. We're getting somewhere!02:29
AR_lol @ topic in #2,00002:29
dr_williserr.. dident we say to edit that file and fix it like 20 min ago? ;)02:29
GeothstThat worked, escott. Thank you!02:29
GeothstI asked how. I said I'm new and didn't know where the file was. :(02:30
AR_kiyoura, do you like the topic02:30
dr_willisthe error gave the full path to the file.. ;)02:30
AR_in #2,00002:30
GeothstThen people just kept telling me to use apt-get on CLI after I had already said I was getting an error with that no matter what I did.02:30
AR_what is the error02:30
ButchoI'm getting a lot of garbled text in 12.10. Similar to this post http://askubuntu.com/questions/216780/garbled-text-in-terminal-titles-and-other-places-after-upgrade-to-12-1002:30
AR_sudo apt-get install apt02:31
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GeothstThe error was the gnome ppa thing.02:31
AR_apt-get remove gnome02:31
GeothstI couldn't use apt-get lol. How many times do I have to say that?02:31
ActionParsnipGeothst: can you pastebin the output of:    gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list02:32
dr_willisabout as many times as we said to edit the file and fix the error it seems... :)02:32
Geothstescott fixed it for me.02:32
ActionParsnipGeothst: why are you adding the PPA anyway?02:32
escottGeothst, we are trying to be careful not to mess up your system02:32
GeothstUnity is crashing like eveyr 5 minutes.02:32
ActionParsnipdr_willis: maybe I'll get listened to :)02:32
AR_do you not have sudo?02:32
GeothstI want a UI that doesn't keep me filling out crash reports all day.02:32
AR_apt-get install sudo02:32
tentaclemooseget xfce02:32
ActionParsnipGeothst: can you pastebin the output of:    gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list02:32
GeothstIt's already been deleted, ActionParsnip.02:33
dr_willisGeothst:  sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop   perhaps..02:33
escottGeothst, if you just remove a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d without giving apt a chance to install the non-ppa versions of the package... that would be bad02:33
GeothstProblem is solved :)02:33
tentaclemoosesorry, i just got so excited about xfce for a moment that i couldn't contain myself02:33
GeothstYeah but there were no packages installed because it crashed.02:33
AR_remove all your temporary files in /etc/02:33
GeothstI added the PPA and tried to update it and it crashed.02:33
ActionParsnipGeothst: can you please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com   open the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list file and pastebin the file please02:34
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GeothstSo, if the PPA is broken how do I install gnome3?02:34
dr_willisGeothst:  what relase are you using?02:34
AR_sudo apt-get install gnome302:34
GeothstThe file no longer exists, ActionParsnip. I just deleted it.02:34
ActionParsnipGeothst: ok cool02:34
dr_willisGeothst:  how did you add the ppa? Looks like you or someone did a typo when adding it02:34
GeothstI copied it from a website for "how to install gnome3".02:34
tentaclemoosei think he's sorted it out already02:34
ActionParsnipGeothst: if you want the PPA just run:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome302:35
dr_willisGeothst:  sounds like you made a typo. or the site did.. or a misspaste,,02:35
ActionParsnipGeothst: then run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade02:35
IrkenUbuntu sucks02:35
dr_willisGeothst:  so what release of ubuntu are you using?02:35
GeothstAll is well now. The file is gone, so I can use apt-get again.02:35
ActionParsnipGeothst: your call, those packages are not supported here02:35
AR_Irken, this is not the place for trolling02:35
GeothstWhat is the difference between using a PPA and installing sudo apt-get install gnome3?02:35
IrkenOn the contrary02:35
dr_willisGeothst:  gnome is in the 12.04 repos.. no real need for that ppa02:35
IrkenThis is the place for trolling02:36
NSAgentGeothst: You can't do it without the ppa02:36
IrkenBecause Ubuntu sucks02:36
NSAgentNever mind, apparently ;)02:36
ActionParsnipGeothst: Precise comes with Gnome3 by default02:36
AR_Geothst, remove all temporary files in /etc/ and i guarantee it will work02:36
escott!gnome3 | Geothst02:36
ubottuGeothst: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.02:36
ActionParsnipGeothst: it just uses Unity shell, instead of the default Gnome shell which is the 'normal' shell for Gnome 302:37
AR_!gnome4 | escott02:37
Butchoanyone know of a fix for stuff like this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/216780/garbled-text-in-terminal-titles-and-other-places-after-upgrade-to-12-1002:38
AR_yeah just remove temporary files in /etc02:38
three18tithe Ubuntu Customization Kit doesn't work.02:38
NSAgentButcho: Looks like a possible problem with the video driver02:38
SunMoonStarhi all. I'm at my wit's end trying to install this printer.. I'm on ubuntu 12.10; printer is Dell v725w; i installed the driver and firmware from dell website (http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/Product/dell-v725w-inkjet-printer). I've restarted after having done that.. the printer is not in the printers list.. so I go to add it, it detects it (network printer), but has no good suggestions for device driver. I tried it's suggesti02:38
ActionParsnipGeothst: did you upgrade from Precise to Quantal?02:39
GeothstNo, this is a brand new 12.04 install.02:39
jgsprattBooted from a live CD, started a copy, then the "classic desktop" (which is slow as hell) crashed and wanted to report an error (very windows-esque) and then I couldn't use the keyboard except in menues.02:40
ButchoNSAgent, indeed it does I think. I'm using Nouveau. Anyway to fix it?02:40
ActionParsnipButcho: is it an upgrade to Quantal from Preicse?02:40
jgsprattCan I boot from an ubuntu live CD to a terminal-only environment?02:40
Butchonew install02:40
ButchoActionParsnip, no, new install02:40
NSAgentButcho: Try the nvidia one02:40
ActionParsnipButcho: if you run:  nvidia-settings   what driver are you using?02:41
NSAgentjgspratt: There should be an option for text mode on the initial boot screen02:41
jgsprattsaw nothing.  it just went to a brownish background02:41
ButchoActionParsnip, Nouveau02:41
jgsprattthere was no option menu02:41
ArkhamPWhy can I not get Xchat to go to the tray?02:42
jgsprattif I click "try ubuntu" I just get a windows desktop02:42
Irkenswarfega: are we the only ones with avatars?02:42
ActionParsnipButcho: then run:   sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    then reboot. Your Intel CPU doesn't have an inbuilt CPU which makes a tonne of issues not happen02:42
NSAgentjgspratt: By that point you're too far, it's at the initial boot screen02:42
jgsprattNSAgent: what does that screen look like?02:43
ButchoActionParsnip, ok rebooting, brb02:43
ActionParsnipjgspratt: which release are you booting?02:44
NSAgentjgspratt: Should be something like http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FMuQLiFs-bQ/UF2pTDNydHI/AAAAAAAAGx4/14CKvWhAvuQ/s1600/try-ubuntu-menu.png02:44
jgsprattlatest desktop02:44
jgsprattcan I enable sshd?02:44
dr_willisinstall the opensshd service..02:44
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ActionParsnipjgspratt: what video chip are you using?02:45
jgsprattunable to locate package opensshd02:45
jgsprattthis is a server02:45
ActionParsnipjgspratt: openssh-server02:45
dr_willisapt-cache search   is our friend02:45
NSAgentjgspratt: If it's a server, install Ubuntu Server and don't use the desktop livecd02:45
NSAgentjgspratt: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server02:45
dr_willistab completion should also work for most of the apt commands02:45
jgsprattubuntu server doesn't have a live cd?02:46
dr_willisit would be an INSTALL cd....02:46
blackshirtjgspratt, not really needed02:46
dr_willissince theres no live desktop to be live to.. ;)02:46
ActionParsnipjgspratt: you can press CTRL+ALT+F2 and run commands there, its like a liveCD yes02:46
jgsprattActionParsnip: that's what I was looking for thank you sir!02:46
dr_williswhy are you even wanting just a server install?02:46
jgsprattthis is an ESX server02:47
NSAgentYou sure it isn't a VM running on ESX?02:47
dr_willisoh that makes it SOOO clear... ;)02:47
NSAgentIf it's an ESX server, you're about to kill it.02:47
jgsprattI'm at the box02:47
jgsprattit is literally on my desdk02:47
NSAgentThen you're about to kill i02:47
jgspratti have a monitor plugged into it02:47
jgspratthow am I going to do that?02:48
jgsprattI haven't even mounted the file systems yet02:48
NSAgent*if you install, you're going to kill it02:48
jgsprattI'm not installing it. this is a live cd for a reason02:49
NSAgentThen yes, live cd, control alt f2 to get to the console02:49
theslow1hey everyone, I have proper 3d acceleration after typing "sudo modprobe radeon"02:51
theslow1anyone know why radeon might not be the default driver set when booting?02:51
brandon420Best thing to use to burn .mp3 to a cd.......  GO02:51
NSAgentIsn't brasero there by default?02:52
brandon420yeah, it froze on me...02:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:52
alhosniHi all02:54
alhosniI've got a problem in ubuntu system you install wine program and then you install the program Steam and work well, but when I run Steam program after installation program appears without any written words sincere  Is the problem of wine or problem in my system02:54
ActionParsniptheslow1: if you run:  echo "radeon" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules    it will load at bot for you :)02:54
dr_willisalhosni:  steam has a native linux client thats in beta testing right now. ;)02:55
nirvanai know this is ubuntu, but i guess its the same. here is the thing. I have Backtrack on my partition and i want to overwrite it with windows 8, but when i tried it said something about the filesystem is not NTFS so i cannot install win8 on the partition. How to solve this?02:55
NSAgentnirvana: ##windows02:55
dr_willisnirvana:  delete the partions  - let windows repartion as needed.. would be one way02:55
milo64nirvana: #debian para backtrack.02:56
alhosniHow can i fix the problem02:56
jgsprattwell, the ESX server fuse mount is being backed up to the USB mount now, I am happy to report.  got openssh-server installed, changed the root password of the live cd at the terminal, sshed in from my desktop, ran a cp.  I'll be back in the morning to see how it went, this 1.4T copy :)02:56
nirvanais backtrack based on debian or ubuntu?02:56
milo64nirvana: debian02:56
three18timilo64, they say on their website they are based on 10.04 (BT 5 anyway)02:57
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three18tiBT4 was based on 8.04 IIRC.02:58
milo64hm... i must have outdated info. then02:58
alhosniIs there no solve the problem in the writing does not appear on the program Steam02:58
dr_willisalhosni:  check the wine app database perhaps02:58
dr_willisalhosni:  ive had no issues with wine and steam here.. butim on a nvidia system02:58
ActionParsnipnirvana: backtrack is offtopic here02:58
three18tiwikipedia says debian though.02:59
ActionParsnipthree18ti: why not ask in #backtrack-linux02:59
blackshirtthree18ti, thats not important02:59
three18tiActionParsnip, not me nirvana02:59
ButchoActionParsnip, when I select any of the other nvidia drivers. My resolution is set to 1280x800, the display says laptop, I can't change it and everything is offscreen. The only thing I can do is rightclick the desktop02:59
nirvanacan i ask many silly questions about ubuntu? like how to copy a file, delete a file, as long as it is a question related to ubuntu.03:00
almoxarifenirvana: yes03:00
bkfitzanyone know why i'd be getting a 'unable to connect' when using rdesktop to connect to win2003 server box that I know has no port restrictions and i know remote desktop works when connecting from another windows machine?03:00
milo64is it possible to print the inverted question mark and ñ in CLI and using US layout?03:00
blackshirtnirvana, yes,sure03:00
almoxarifebkfitz: you are firewalled?03:01
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milo64!details | alhosni03:01
ubottualhosni: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:01
GeothstWell. I got Unity to stop crashing.03:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:01
almoxarifebkfitz: can you ping the ip/port?03:02
three18ti!rules | nirvana03:02
ubottunirvana: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:02
three18tithat's not the one either...03:03
GeothstI reinstalled X11, Unity, Compiz, and uninstalled Nouveau and NVidia drivers. Now I have no desktop. I just have a desktop background. I'm running xchat out of a terminal...03:03
milo64nirvana: if you would not behave. You may first like to check on: sudo rm -rf / :)03:04
bkfitzalmoxarife: i'm vpn'd in and on my old laptop 10.04, i had no problems, now on my new 12.04 i have problems.  just checked and I cannot ping it.  <- confused03:05
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!03:05
alhosniThere is other problem in ubuntu  the massege : the system is running in low-graphics mode03:05
almoxarifebkfitz: if you cant ping it then you are firewalled somehow03:05
Geothstcompiz is still giving me a bunch of errors when I run "Unity". failed to bind image to texture, failed to receive configurenotify event...03:05
bkfitzalmoxarife: I believe ASA is preventing pings though03:05
alhosniyour screen graphics card and input device settings03:06
alhosnicould not be detected correctly you will need to configure these yourself03:06
bkfitzalmoxarife: yes, but i'm almost positive 3389 is open03:06
ButchoDoes anyone know why when I activate the nvidia drivers, my monitor is detected as 'laptop' my resolution is set to 1280x800, everything is offscreen and I can only rightclick the desktop ?03:06
bkfitzalmoxarife: will nmap host tell me or does it use pings?03:06
milo64is it possible to print the inverted question mark and ñ in CLI and using US layout?03:07
almoxarifebkfitz: nmap can do other checks besides ping03:07
almoxarifebkfitz: are you sure you are pinging the correct address?03:07
bkfitzalmoxarife: yes on the address... via ip - what syntax of nmap should i use03:08
alhosniTher's 4 choice : what would you like to do . 1- run in low-graphics mode for just one session   2-reconfigur graphics   3-troubleshoot the error   4-exit to console login03:08
alhosniI'm afraid of losing my important files03:09
almoxarifebkfitz: try -A -P0 -T4 -v03:10
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wolfygangHi guys, on ubuntu im an admin but certain folders I can't view or edit permissions, because it says I don't have permission to access the folders, any advice?03:12
dr_williswhat files/folders?03:13
wolfygangI think it's everything I install, they have a lock on the folder icon03:14
dr_willisand how are you trying to access them?03:14
wolfygangright click properties03:15
wolfygangand when i go into the folders certain ones say I don;t have access to view them03:15
dr_willisthats your USER that cant modify system files.. that makes sence03:15
wolfygangi tried sudo adduser <blah> admin03:15
wolfygangbut it says im already an admin03:16
dr_willisthat dosent give your user full rights to chage everyting at any time on the system03:16
ActionParsnipwolfygang: did you log off and on after adding yourself to the group?03:16
dr_willisthat just gives you sudo access03:16
wolfygangAction: yes03:16
ActionParsnipwolfygang: if you run:  sudo -i     you can do as you please until you run:  exit03:16
dr_willisso your user, running the nautilus file manager,, you are trying to modifiy files in /etc/ for example?03:17
almoxarifewolfygang: try this, in terminal, 'gksu nautilus--no-desktop' , be careful what you do in that mode03:17
nikolamhi. is there a separate Freenode IRC channel for Ubuntu software center support?03:17
blackshirtthrow away your windows behaviour :d03:17
wolfygangdr: yes03:18
dr_williswolfygang:  thats how it works.. ;) its a feature03:18
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syntroPiIs there any possibility to get flash working properly with nvidia-current vdpau? I tried everything i found on google and either i have crashes, blue color swapped videos or no full screen support? Will this EVER be possible or is there simply no working flash for ubuntu and nvidia?03:18
dr_willisjust being in the admin group does not meanyou can just go anywhere with the file manager and do things.. since the file manager is being ran as your user . not root.03:18
wolfygangalmo: how do I leave that feature?03:19
keith_How can I lock the fn key on a macbook? I'm tired of having to press it every time I want to use my F1-F12 keys03:19
dr_williswolfygang:  what are you wanting to edit EXACTLY? and why>03:19
almoxarifesyntroPi: what is the connection between nvidia and flash?03:19
dr_williswolfygang:  keep it in the channel. No need to msg me.03:20
nikolamI would like to be able to filter in/filter out proprietary software in software center. And to filter by other ways03:20
djlynuxHi Guys, any idea, when the libmesg pidgin patch will be released? I can see the f ix has already been released.03:20
syntroPialmoxarife, they simply dont work together03:20
dr_willisHmm.. flash and nvidia are working fine for me..03:20
dr_willisI do tend to use flash-downloader plugins ;)03:21
almoxarifesyntroPi: no true, works here on xbmc-buntu just fine03:21
syntroPialmoxarife, dr_willis, do you use nvidia-current?03:21
wolfygangdr: Ok I'm trying to compile a kernel for android, but im getting a 'Arm-eabi-gcc command not found" and i need to go into the folder to get the right paths, but it wont let me view the contents of the folder03:21
dr_willissyntroPi:  yes03:21
alhosniLinux operating system ubuntu was working with me without a problem and suddenly a message appears and returned to work and then returned the same problem does not accept entry After takeoff box appears entitled  the system is running in low-graphics mode Written underneath your screen graphics card and input device settings could not be detected correctly you will need to configure these yourself When you click on a word ok Box app03:21
syntroPidr_willis, what did you modify and how to get it working?03:22
almoxarifesyntroPi: yeap, the two are not the issue, if you have flash issues its a flash issue, only!03:22
dr_willissyntroPi:  i did... nothing special.. installed 12.10, installed the flash stuff..  it worked...03:22
dr_willisusintg the default stuff from the repos03:22
ActionParsnipalhosni: what video chip do you use?03:22
syntroPidr_willis, almoxarife, i spend hours and tried everything i could find out there and it never worked on my box ever03:23
dr_williswolfygang:  you may be needing to learn to use the shell  for some of what you are doing.03:23
syntroPimaybe by gpu is nuts or sth03:23
dr_willissyntroPi:  works with no hassles on my 3 nvidia systems03:23
VanessaEhi...  still trying to sort out this KMS vs. Radeon vs. suspend/resume issue.03:23
dr_willisand my 2 netbooks.03:23
alhosniI don't knew03:23
almoxarifesyntroPi: how did you install 'flash', be specific03:24
ActionParsnipalhosni: run:  lspci | grep -i vga     what is output?03:24
syntroPialmoxarife, from the partner repo03:24
almoxarifesyntroPi: specifically what package?03:24
alhosninow i can see only black screen03:25
wolfygangI do export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/dylan/ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-03:25
alhosnithe system not running03:25
wolfygangthen make clean && make mrproper03:25
syntroPialmoxarife, http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.251-0precise1_amd64.deb03:25
wolfygangand i get arm-eabi-gcc command not found03:25
ActionParsnipalhosni: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and run it there, you can use CTRL+ALT+F703:25
ActionParsnip!find arm-eabi-gcc03:25
ubottuPackage/file arm-eabi-gcc does not exist in quantal03:25
alhosnii am Beginner03:26
syntroPialmoxarife, it even wont work with chrome and its ppapi03:26
almoxarifesyntroPi: you are running 'precise' 64 i assume03:26
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QuietStorm81evening all. I'm having issues upgrading to 12.10. once the process tries to calculate the changes, it gives mean error saying I have held broken packages but when I run synaptic it tells me I have no unbroken packages. I'm using 12.04 and have disabled all the PPA's I was using in software sources.03:26
Guest59993any cs majors or anyone that know how to turn regular expressions into finite state machines on03:26
QuietStorm81any help would be greatly appreciated.03:27
ButchoActionParsnip, you around?03:27
almoxarifesyntroPi: does syslog complain about 'flash'?03:27
syntroPialmoxarife, nope i run natty 64 and will reinstall precise, before that package i used http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.243-0natty1_amd64.deb but i wanted to be on 251 branch for possible bug fixes. neither version is fine03:27
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alhosniI don't understand what you mean03:28
srj235I managed to block all protocols by default03:28
srj235with the firewall03:28
ActionParsnipButcho: aye03:29
syntroPialmoxarife, nope but it crashes in ~50% of the time03:29
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ActionParsnipwolfygang: https://gist.github.com/105535203:29
almoxarifesyntroPi: no idea, but i get the impression now you mix-match packages, good luck03:29
VanessaEis there a command I can run, some program I can install, that will force the screen back on on my laptop after suspend disables it?  (black/dead screen on resume.  Intel chipset, ATI graphics, Gallium3d driver - old radeon is the same way)03:30
alhosniWhat is the cause of that problem where the system was functioning normally03:30
ButchoActionParsnip, tried all the various nvidia drivers. Can't get a working display. my monitor is detected as laptop, everythings huge at 1280x800 resolution, and everything off screen so I can't run anything.03:30
syntroPialmoxarife, yes as i said im really out of ideas since it never works on my box so i try everything i could think of03:30
VanessaEI mean a complete reset of the laptop screen, short of powering off/on the video device (unless that's trivial to do)03:30
ActionParsnipButcho: have you tried tweaking in nvidia-settings03:30
Butchoit tells me I'm not running the driver03:31
syntroPialmoxarife, i even installed the proprietary chrome to try it out03:31
ActionParsnipButcho: sounds liek a cheap screen, not reporting EDID03:31
Butchoworks fine in nouveau03:31
almoxarifesyntroPi: run a live distro, if it runs flash then you can discount the hardware, that leaves user and system install03:31
ActionParsnipButcho: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot03:31
ButchoActionParsnip, it's a apple cinema display 30"... anything but cheap :)03:31
keith_How can I switch the state of the Fn key? I don't want to press it unless I want to use the media buttons03:32
ButchoActionParsnip, actually I did... made it worse at 800x600 resolution03:32
ActionParsnip Butcho then it's missing EDID goodness03:32
syntroPialmoxarife, even tried that yet no luck03:32
fengxiaolongmy english is very poor,who can give me some advice?03:32
fengxiaolongto improve my english03:32
almoxarifesyntroPi: as much as it seems impossible then, your hardware cant handle flash03:33
ActionParsnipButcho: cool, then use:   gksudo nvidia-settings    and set the res to something and click 'save to X server config'   you can then run:   gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:33
syntroPii just hoped for adobe to cut support for flash for all platforms: web devs wouldnt use that shitty plugin anymore and problem would be solved once and for all time03:33
xangua!language | syntroPi03:34
ubottusyntroPi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:34
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: it lives on in Chrome :)03:34
syntroPialmoxarife, my previous box with nvidia card didnt work for flash on linux either, seems its just no good combi03:34
syntroPixangua, sorry im just upset03:35
ActionParsnipButcho: you can then edit the xorg.conf file manually and setup the screen. Good screens do this all for you.03:35
ButchoActionParsnip, I'll give it a shot. Hard to do all this at exploded resolutions when everythings off screen03:36
mih1406I want to help translate Ubuntu into Arabic, the Arabic team are not responding to my questions. What else can I do to get answers?03:36
dr_willissyntroPi:  there are flash-video-replacer plugins (you will have to google for it) that play flash videos from many sites in VLC or mplayer instead of flash in the browser.03:36
dr_willissyntroPi:  or use some of the various flash-downloader plugins03:36
syntroPiActionParsnip, yes i know but the fullscreen is broken even in the latest chrome dev on my box03:37
syntroPidr_willis, yes i know of those, ist just feels too crippled to use it like that03:38
syntroPiespecially youtube wont support html5 on all its channels (wg those with adds)03:39
dr_willishmm... not sure what you mean..  not all youtube videos are html5 anyway.03:39
dr_willisThe plugins ive beenusing work great on youtube. i even use the plugins on windows.03:40
blacknesshow would i find every single file ? hidden, or not.03:40
VanessaEok I got something here03:40
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: why use dev, why not use stable....03:40
=== root is now known as Guest58258
syntroPialmoxarife, dr_willis: which nvidia GPU can you confirm to work with flash, nvidia-current and precise x64 with hw accel out of the box?03:41
VanessaEmy black-screen-after-resume issue, if I do (as root), vbetool post - the screen starts working, but it is set to the wrong resolution etc.  How do I plug that command into the resume scripts so that it's executed before X attempts to "restore" the screen?03:41
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest5825803:41
ubottuGuest58258: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.03:41
almoxarifesyntroPi: please, leave me out of this03:41
syntroPiActionParsnip, because the stable has that issue too and i thought maybe they fixed it in dev03:41
dr_willis01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 530] (rev a1)03:41
dr_willisthats my desktop box03:41
dr_willis I doubt if its a GPU vs flash issue... but do what you want ;)03:42
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: did you uninstall all other flash packages etc03:42
dr_willisand i am on 64bit. 12.1003:42
almoxarifedr_willis: its not, or i would have one sorry experience on the home HTC03:42
syntroPidr_willis, does that GPU run with nouveau too?03:42
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syntroPiActionParsnip, yes of course03:42
dr_willissyntroPi:  during the install... yes. ;) i install nvidia-current asap.03:43
almoxarifeits not nouveau either03:43
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=== derpina is now known as m00se
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: works fine here on 13.04 using Chrome 32bit03:44
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: also works on 12.04 64bit + nvidia + Chrome03:44
syntroPidr_willis, maybe my GPU is broken somehow, nouveau never worked on it with modesetting only with nomodeset (VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT215 [GeForce GT 240] (rev a2))03:44
ActionParsnipVanessaE: are there any bugs reported?03:45
almoxarifeActionParsnip: syntroPi says that a live distro does not run flash on his box, its the box, must be03:45
ActionParsnipVanessaE: I've seen people report that as soon as you try and wake up, wiggle the mouse03:45
syntroPiActionParsnip, may i know which GPU works on your box?03:45
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: sounds logoical03:45
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: GeFore 6150 and some mid / low end Intel thing in a Dell Latitude D42003:46
almoxarifesyntroPi: what hardware do you have, besides the nvidia?03:46
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: do you have a switchable video chip?03:46
VanessaEActionParsnip: multiple bugs across multiple laptops, chipsets, video devices - black/dead screen on resume.  But no official solutions.  So far if I do "vbetool post" from an ssh session, the screen wakes up but is severely corrupted.  xrandr can change resolutions and so forth, but that doesn't help.03:46
ActionParsnipVanessaE: its a real pain to get nice unles s it works OOTB, personally I don't see the point03:47
syntroPialmoxarife, nope the GPU is the only one on my system it uses intel p55 with core i7 86003:47
VanessaEin fact right now, aside from the garbled, flickering screen caused by "vbetool post", it's behaving completely normal - a (distorted) mouse pointer, responding to commands by ssh, screensaver, the whole smash.03:47
syntroPiActionParsnip, nope only that gt24003:48
ActionParsnipsyntroPi: yes, the core i7 860 doesn't have an inbuilt GPU :)03:48
linkruleshi guys03:50
blacknessive never seen a CPU with a GPU built in..03:51
rippssyntroPi: nouveau doesn't work with nvidia gt 240, specifically the the models that use gddr5 memory. I have one and the nouveau devs know it doesn't work, but they don't know why, and don't seem to be that interested in figuring it out at the moment03:52
ActionParsnipblackness: ivybridge and sandybridge not ring any bells?03:52
ActionParsnipblackness: those have INtel GPUs built in them03:53
syntroPiripps, yes i read tons of bug reports about it, and my card uses gddr5 1gb, i think i will have to buy a new GPU but i just dont know which one ...03:53
rippssyntroPi: what's wrong with the proprietary drivers?03:54
ActionParsnipblackness: its where this optimus mess comes from, one of those plus an nvidia gpu = optimus = headache in linux03:54
dr_willisi find its often worth while to stick with the hardware thats older from like a year ago. ;)03:54
blacknessdr_willis, i agree...i NEVER buy something fresh off the line..always 6+months min.03:55
syntroPiripps, flash is wrong the rest works pretty fine (vdpau and such), but sometimes x had some bugs too03:55
dr_willisplus its cheaper. ;)03:56
rippssyntroPi: hmmm... i use flash all the time, seems to work fine for me03:56
ActionParsnipdr_willis: by a large amount too03:56
syntroPiripps, on wich GPU?03:56
blacknessi dont understand, i installed ubuntu 11.10, installed python, perl, lighttpd, no X and its still using 15GB of space.03:56
rippssyntroPi: gt 240 1gb gddr503:56
rippsim using the experimental 310 drivers in the quantal repos03:57
blacknessncdu shows the largest folder is, /usr/ how would i find every directory ? even those like this " " and ".*" ?03:57
rippsbut everything seemed to work fine when i was using 304 too03:57
frederickhi everybody,i still can not use my digitizer(graphic tablet) in my ubuntu03:58
fredericki have already add a xorg.conf file in my xorg.conf.d folder03:58
blacknessi thought Xorg.conf went in /etc/X11 ?03:58
frederickand add some lines in the rules file03:58
frederickblackness,i add it in usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d03:59
frederickmy digitizer still only response the "click" behavior,but can not move cursor03:59
frederickandybody can help me?04:00
syntroPiripps, i have here the gainward gt240 with 1gb gddr5, which manufacturer did you use?04:00
rippssyntroPi: ah geez, i don't remember, give me a sec to look it up04:00
zxcducPlease help me04:00
veryhappyhi guys, better boot ubuntu via /boot or with the root partition?04:01
frederickanybody could help me with my installation of digitizer(grahpic tablet)?04:01
ActionParsnipfrederick: I suggest you add to the bugs on launchpad and state what you know and have04:02
frederickOh,ActionParsnip,i am just finding you,it's happy that you still here04:02
ActionParsnipfrederick: add to the bugs04:03
bkfitzAnyone here that can help me troubleshoot a compromised 10.04 server04:04
bkfitznot sure how they got in04:04
rippssyntroPi: it's an ECS NGT240-1GQJ-F04:04
rippsso, it was made by ECS04:04
_syntroPi_ripps, maybe the vbios settings on the gainward card are messed up somehow found it here http://www.gainward.com/main/edm/GT240/GT240_GD5_1G-golden.html04:05
Gyro54Where do I find Adobe so I can set the default program for Thunderbird?04:05
ripps_syntroPi_: it's possible, you also might need to update your motherboard bios, I know of some mobos that had faulty pci-e buses that had problems with certain cpus, most were fixed with a firmware upgrade04:06
_syntroPi_ripps, yes already did that, even the latest beta didnt help04:07
=== _syntroPi_ is now known as syntroPI
=== syntroPI is now known as syntroPi
rippssyntroPi: sorry, all i can say is that mine seems to work fine. I'm not using Ubuntu Unity, but Ubuntu Gnome Remix, but I doubt that has any effect on flash and your other issues. How long have you had the card? Are you able to get a manufacturer warranty or replacement?04:09
frederickActionParsnip,how could i add to the bug?04:10
syntroPiripps, im not sure if its a faulty silicon works fine in windows, just suspect it has some weird bits in the vbios or such. I will try to use it with the gnome 3 on precise or quantal since compiz seems also to be known to cause problems with flash04:11
frederickanybody has experience of install no-wacom digitizer on ubuntu????04:12
jdkhi , I have a problem with gtk gnutella (your apper to be firewalled)04:13
ActionParsnipfrederick: post on the page in the box at the bottom04:13
ActionParsnipjdk: doesn't that need some port forwarding on the router so it accepts connections04:13
syntroPiripps, if that does not work i will have to trash that GPU hw and find one that works better for ubuntu, im just not sure how i could find the right silicon... already read on the nouveau wiki, but there isnt that one recommended model on there...04:13
frederickActionParsnip,which page??04:14
ActionParsnipfrederick: search for the 8 character hex ID, it's how I found them04:17
pahomhi all04:17
veryhappyplease all i need to know what is better to boot ubuntu via /boot or just the root partition /. thanks.04:18
blacknessveryhappy, i dont understand your question.04:19
blacknessyour boot data should live in /boot, not /04:19
dr_willisveryhappy:  these days - im not sure it matters.. /boot/ on its own partion can be handy04:19
blacknessdr_willis, how did you know he was talking about partition slices?04:19
dr_willisveryhappy:  ages ago there was a hardware limit the use of /boot/ on its own partion at teh start of the hard drive got around the limit.04:19
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dr_willisblackness:  thats the only thing that made sence. :)04:19
dr_willisYou get ESP from hanging in here long enough04:20
blacknessyeah i noticed that, but i didnt even notice, or think this..04:20
escottveryhappy, depends. if you have mdadm/lvm/luks/dmraid/btrfs then a separate /boot is needed04:20
escottveryhappy, although maybe not for btrfs these days04:20
blacknessescott, you need a separate /boot for a encrypted OS?04:20
dr_willisIf you want to get Fancy - you can have a big /boot/ partition and keep ISO files in it.. and set up grub2 to boot the ISO files.. for really really fast install/reinstalls ;) or fast booting of a live cd iso04:20
escottblackness, perhaps not. i dont know i dont bother with encryption04:21
VanessaEok, how do I tell the system to run a command as the *very first thing* when it resumes from suspend?04:21
blacknessdr_willis, i can do a full reinstall from usb in 10 minutes..04:21
blacknessmy system is encrypted, and i dont have a slice for /boot04:21
jdk<ActionParsnip: i can download files; but i can't upload (it said me i am firewalled)04:21
escottblackness, just trying to list all the things that could break a /boot04:21
dr_willisi have about 3 differnt ISOs in my /boot/ i boot from for specific needs. ;)04:22
blacknessit would be nice if you can run the ISO as a liveOS and it grow as you require more space..04:22
chuxxsssActionParsnip, still got the same problem with not be able to get software for repositrys04:23
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ActionParsnipchuxxsss: can you give some details please04:23
veryhappyi think i'm going with the extra boot partition04:24
veryhappytake care04:24
ActionParsnipjdk: not something I use, is there a #gnutella channel ?04:24
modemhey, kvm is at the speed of regular qemu.04:25
modemi've tried modprobe kvm04:25
modemand executing as root04:25
chuxxssshttp://pastebin.com/wsgd7AhZ  used script that you send me got this from bash.04:25
modemon archlinux, everything is up to speed04:25
modemhow can i fix this?04:25
ActionParsnipjdk: #gtk-gnutella seems to be the channel04:26
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change gb.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com    and retry04:27
chuxxssswill do, ActionParsnip04:27
blacknessmodem, Hello.04:28
modemhey, kvm is at the speed of regular qemu.04:28
modemi've tried modprobe kvm04:28
modemand executing as root04:28
modemhow can i fix this?04:28
escottmodem, #kvm perhaps04:28
blacknessthat would be the best place modem, my servers dont support kvm so i use openvz04:29
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blacknessso i couldnt help you :(04:29
blacknessActionParsnip, since when does the apt-get errors show "localhost:4401" ?04:29
escottmodem, but "we hear you" we just dont have an answer04:29
blacknessis that due to a VPN ?04:29
ActionParsnipblackness: could run a local mirror on the local pc04:30
chuxxssshttp://pastebin.com/u0hVZeTu ActionParsnip04:32
blacknessyou cant install update chuxxsss04:33
blacknesstry apt-get update ..04:33
blacknessif your trying to install the upgrades, do apt-get upgrade04:33
chuxxsssWill do, and Thanks04:34
corvaxiaI am planning on running multiple partitions on my MacbookPro. If I want a separate partition shared between the two OS's, HFS unjournaled is the best option. Correct?04:34
morphiasare there any devs online that could help me with packaging a program?04:36
VanessaEwhat series of commands do I run after getting vbetool to wake the screen up, to fully re-initialize it?04:36
chuxxssshttp://pastebin.com/MaghvgJR  still going the same.04:37
VanessaEso far I can get back the mouse pointer (mostly stable, and responding) against a black, garbled, flickering screen.04:37
VanessaEWhat's next?04:37
Seven_Six_Twomorphias, not me (sorry), but what aspect are you having trouble with?04:37
blacknessmorphias, are you building a .deb from a source code compile?04:37
morphiasSeven_Six_Two, one minute04:38
ActionParsnipcorvaxia: I'd go for NTFS04:38
morphiasblackness, no.  i have one .cpp file and I want to learn how to make the deb package using the tutorial on ubuntu04:38
ActionParsnipmorphias: look into checkinstall to make a deb of your efforts04:38
corvaxiaThat has read write privileges for both OSX and Ubuntu?04:38
blacknesscheckinstall is what you need, but you have to build the source into a binary before you can use checkinstall04:39
ActionParsnipcorvaxia: not sure on MacOS. I'd assume so, Ubuntu definately can04:39
blacknessmorphias, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7272849&postcount=604:39
Seven_Six_Twoblackness, you mean you can't have a source deb?04:39
blacknessno..if he wrote a program, and wants to build a deb for it, he has to compile the program (binary) and do sudo checkinstall after make.04:40
ActionParsnipblackness: doesn't checkinstall need a make file?04:40
blacknessyes ActionParsnip04:40
morphiasblackness, i am not using any make scripts.  i just used g++ to compile something simple04:40
blacknessthen you'll need alien i believe..lemme look around04:41
morphiasblackness, thus i see other projects that have make scripts and the such and i am lost on that part.04:41
Seven_Six_Twomorphias, you don't know about make?04:42
morphiasSeven_Six_Two, i have seen make when i compile other peoples projects but i never implemented my own ./configure make on a project04:42
morphiasi only learned how to make a C++ file and compile it so far.04:42
* morphias is new and trying to learn :/04:43
dr_willisTime to Take it to the next level. ;)04:43
blacknessmorphias, i believe this will help, http://blackness.sytes.net:8181/e49fb3f8-32cc-11e2-92e2-c5c8428f582c04:43
dr_willismake file for helloworld.cpp  ;)04:43
blacknessyou'll need dh_make dpkg-dev devhelper devscripts fakeroot lintan.04:44
Seven_Six_Twomorphias, this isn't directly related to Ubunut, but a make file will make compiling your code infinitely easier when you get more than one file.04:44
Seven_Six_Twolol. Ubunut04:44
morphiasSeven_Six_Two, if you want we could talk in the devel channel.. just no one responded in there so i asked on here04:45
blacknessmorphias, did my post help you at all?04:46
Seven_Six_Twolol. ubunut.com forwards to ubuntu.com04:46
morphiasblackness I am looking through it right now.04:46
lotus2015Hi, How can I see the right click menu "revert to previous version" of deja dup backup app?04:46
almoxarifeSeven_Six_Two: your isp forwards04:47
lotus2015My system is Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and the version of deja dup is 2204:47
Seven_Six_Twoalmoxarife, fair enough04:47
lotus2015Any idea with that?04:47
Seven_Six_Twoalmoxarife, if I used their dns04:47
almoxarifeSeven_Six_Two: fair enough :)04:48
Seven_Six_TwoMukhthar, /part04:48
blacknesswhy cant people setup proxies properly..i reject HEAD :x04:48
MukhtharSeven_Six_Two : how to quit IRC ?04:48
Seven_Six_TwoMukhthar, I thought that's what you were doing04:49
almoxarifei click the thingy on the top of the gui04:49
Seven_Six_Twoalmoxarife, are you talking to me? who has time for "gui"04:50
ActionParsnipblackness: never had to use one personally. Simple times :)04:50
almoxarifeany rekonq gurus? where does rekonq manage file extensions from?04:51
blacknessWell, these improper proxies, are causing damage to my python http pastebin :(04:51
almoxarifeSeven_Six_Two: did you know cli has a gui?04:51
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:51
ActionParsnip!info cli-companion04:52
ubottuPackage cli-companion does not exist in quantal04:52
Seven_Six_Twoalmoxarife, pfft. I use 2 wires on tip of tongue to read binary directly. cli is for babies04:52
almoxarifeSeven_Six_Two: :)04:53
pahomhi all04:53
almoxarife!info clicompanion04:55
ubottuPackage clicompanion does not exist in quantal04:55
almoxarifehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/clicompanion <-- there!04:55
Seven_Six_Twolotus2015, this isn't Bash04:56
blacknesshe quit :x04:56
blacknessSeven_Six_Two, set a bind for "exit" so you can be faster..04:56
Seven_Six_Twoblackness, like an autoresponder?04:57
IdleOneTake the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please04:57
SpecialEdHey guys, I currently have an openvz hosted VPS Ubuntu 12.04lts server x64 machine that I'd like to migrate to my other VirtualBox host.  Is there a way to migrate openvz to vbox?05:01
Gyro54After upgrading Xubuntu Thunderbird has lost all the default applications for attachments.05:01
chuxxssshttp://pastebin.com/VfS4cDpe ActionParsnip  has just stopped.05:01
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, you could use dd to make images of the partitions, then use dd to restore them to new machine05:02
Gyro54How can I find each application in the files?05:02
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, you likely only need /home /var /etc05:02
morphiasblackness, oh wow i think i got it to work man... thank you05:02
SpecialEd762: OK I'l look into that then, i do need more than /home /var and /etc tho05:02
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, that should be fine, I just mean that you're probably better off starting from an install, and then restoring everything else.05:03
SpecialEdwell its a complicated LAMP stack05:04
SpecialEdso to go back through all the various installation configurations could really be a bummer05:04
SpecialEdbut dd sounds very attractive to me05:04
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, most of the config should be in /etc05:04
SpecialEdyeah should be the key word :)05:05
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, /etc/php5/apache2  /etc/apache2  /etc/mysql   --  your configs are spread around?05:05
SpecialEdtheres css and configs for the CMS installed in /var/www and theres apachesolr and others05:06
SpecialEdactually clonezilla looks interesting05:07
SpecialEdI used to work for a data backup company where we did P2V conversions (windows to VirtualBox VM) every 5 minutes05:07
Gyro54I use Clonzilla and it works great05:07
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, Amanda is another good one. It depends on your specific needs, really05:07
SpecialEdwhich we stored in ubuntu hosts with zfs05:07
SpecialEdwell i dont have gui, as long as i can do what i need from terminal then im all good:)05:08
WeThePeoplei 'upgraded' to natty kernel now software wont install, is this common with a kernel upgrade?05:08
SpecialEdwill clonezilla/amanda make a VDI or any type of hard drive image file?05:08
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, what "software"?05:08
SpecialEdWeThePeople: Did you update the /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:09
WeThePeopleand alot other05:09
SpecialEdapt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:09
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, you need to update and upgrade05:09
SpecialEdDoes that get errors?05:09
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, where did the kernel come from?05:09
SpecialEdlike 762 said, run the command I gave above with root and u should be good to go05:09
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, reboot too.05:12
VanessaEso, how do I re-initialize the screen from a script?  I mean force the kernel or X or whatever to go through their normal startup/screen init routines?05:13
WeThePeoplesevin_six_two, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1371795/05:14
WeThePeopleseven_six_two, ^^^05:14
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, sudo apt-get upgrade05:15
Gyro54SpecialEd: Clonezilla can save as a file and run from the terminal05:15
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:16
rgenitoi'm running ubuntu 12.04 ... is there a way to upgrade to 12.10 without burning the ISO to dvd and such?05:16
WeThePeopleno dist-upgrade05:16
WeThePeoplei dont like the new dist layout05:16
WeThePeopleim on lucid05:16
Jordan_UVanessaE: Unless you want to restart X, you don't. What problem are you actually trying to solve?05:16
SpecialEdGyro54: Thanks05:16
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, why would you be on lucid?05:18
VanessaEJordan_U: When I resume from suspend, the screen is dead - black, no mouse - but the machine is alive and well.  I can ssh in, issue commands, the whole bit.  My only success thus far has been 'vbetool post', which wakes the screen up, gives me a slightly distorted mouse pointer which moves, and a completely garbled, flickering display.05:18
Jordan_UVanessaE: Are you using open source or proprietary graphics drivers?05:18
rgenitoWHAT! Seven_Six_Two ... you did NOT just answer my question before i asked...did you? @_@05:18
VanessaEso I can turn the video back on with a command, but I can't figure out how to properly re-initialize it, so that I can just plug the appropriate commands into the power manager's setting.05:18
WeThePeopleseven_six_two, i found a way to easily make my broadcom device work ie. upgrading to natty kernel05:19
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, are you trying to install from the old-releases.ubuntu.com server?05:19
grendalok back to the problem from today.  Ntp in a kvm environment05:19
VanessaEI'm using the gallium3d driver, but this also happens with the old default radeon driver.  No proprietary on the affected machine.05:19
grendalthis is making me crazy05:19
rgenitoi'm running ubuntu 12.04 ... is there a way to upgrade to 12.10 without burning the ISO to dvd and such?05:19
SwedeMikergenito: with a network connection, yes.05:19
Jordan_UVanessaE: If you ctrl+alt+F1 (to get to a text console) is that also garbled?05:19
Seven_Six_Tworgenito, sudo upgrade-manager -d05:19
rgenitoSwedeMike, sweet :)05:19
WeThePeopleseven_six_two, no from soft center05:19
VanessaEJordan_U: yes.05:19
rgenitoSwedeMike, how so? as Seven_Six_Two says? sudo upgrade-manager -d ?05:20
Jordan_UVanessaE: Please file a bug report (if one hasn't been filed already).05:20
VanessaEthe appearance changes from one console to another - the one on which X is running shows a garbled version of X's display.05:20
VanessaEJordan_U: where?  against what package?05:20
Seven_Six_TwoWeThePeople, but that is an EOL distro, so the update servers have changed.05:20
SwedeMikergenito: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade05:21
VanessaEJordan_U: this sort of problem (dead screen on resume) has been reported by others across multiple video devices and system chipsets.  No one has come forward with a solution.05:21
Seven_Six_Tworgenito, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo update-manager -d05:21
VanessaEJordan_U: so I am attempting to create a workaround that at least works on the affected laptop.05:21
rgenitoSwedeMike, sweet! thanks :)05:22
rgenitoand thank you as well Seven_Six_Two ! :)05:22
Seven_Six_Tworgenito, I didn't realize that there was a web walkthrough.05:23
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VanessaEJordan_U: a point of note:  If I disable KMS, I can suspend/resume without any issue at all - except then gallium3d gets disabled and I'm dropped back to VESA mode.05:24
Savage_CLquit HIGHLIGHTING me05:24
VanessaESavage_CL: *random highlight*05:25
rgenitoawww man, that web walkthrough sucks05:25
Savage_CLNah, Jordan highlights me05:25
rgenito....i dont get the same prompt >[05:25
Savage_CLnow, can someone type something like Jordan_a05:25
Jordan_UVanessaE: It's a KMS driver, so the code is technically in kernel, so in that sense I would say against linux, but you'll probably get better debug info from "ubuntu-bug xorg" so do that instead.05:25
rgenitolooks like i'll do Seven_Six_Two's method!05:25
Savage_CLI wish to test if I fixed it05:25
Jordan_UVanessaE: Thanks.05:25
Savage_CLJordan_U can you say your own nick, for me?05:26
moose-machinehi. i am installing a game using the .sh extention using the terminal. the installer shows the default installation location as my home folder; however i don't want it to save it there? Do you have any idea where usually are games saved by default, when running a .deb package? is it in /etc or in /usr or /var? thanks.05:26
Savage_CLusually it's in /usr/05:26
Savage_CLbut it depends on the package05:26
superfake123is there a ppa for chromium stable that is actually staying current?05:26
VanessaEI suggest /usr/local actually.05:26
Jordan_USavage_CL: For testing things please join #test.05:26
VanessaE(I've always installed stuff to there if it didn't come from the repositories)05:27
Savage_CLAll I need is for someone to say your nick again05:27
VanessaEJordan_U: *jordan's nick*05:27
VanessaEthere. :)05:27
Savage_CLthat's not fun. that highlights me.05:27
Savage_CLbecause you used my name05:27
Savage_CL(I am Jordan)05:28
moose-machine VanessaE: that's great. I noticed that /usrlocal/games has a previous installation. thanks a lot. I will save it there. :)05:28
VanessaEmoose-machine: no promises :-)  I'm just used to using that path for non-default stuff.05:28
moose-machine VanessaE: :)05:29
scigodwhen using lubuntu live cd, i logout and try to login again, but i  input a wrong user name, how can i go back to change user name?05:29
=== amit is now known as Guest93357
Guest93357What is the command to check connected socket in my system?05:34
blackshirtnetstat -ntap05:34
ActionParsnipscigod: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and you can set password for the user there05:37
blackshirtwhy should bring down to console ....05:37
Guest93357blackshirt: Thanks05:39
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.05:42
|Nordom|if a program is acting strangly how can u terminate it?05:42
blacknesskill -SIGHUP |Nordom|05:42
blacknessor -905:42
blackshirtnordom, ctrl+c05:42
superfake123is there a ppa for chromium stable that is actually staying current?05:42
|Nordom|is there a command I can run in terminal?05:43
blacknessgoogle-chrome-stable superfake123 ?05:43
blackness|Nordom|, ps x, then kill -9 PIDHERE05:43
|Nordom|blackness: kill -programName?05:43
blacknessno... -SIGHUP is signal hangup.05:43
blacknessjust use kill -905:43
superfake123I don't want chrome, I want chromium D:05:43
|Nordom|okay I will try.. how ever its my IRC that is acting strange ;D05:44
superfake123for some reason chrome is very unstable with my audio/video. i get hickups and system freezes for like 1-2 seconds pretty often05:44
superfake123and I don't have that issue with chromium05:44
Nordomthx guys I got it to work!05:45
corvaxiaFor a mac is there a better EFI option than rEFIt and grub? grub always acts so funky when loading up Ubuntu05:46
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ActionParsnipsuperfake123: it's in the repos05:49
ActionParsnip!info chromium-browser | superfake12305:49
ubottusuperfake123: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 20.0.1132.47~r144678-0ubuntu5 (quantal), package size 22391 kB, installed size 82066 kB05:49
SpecialEdHey guys, I'm having a difficult time with Clonezilla.  Does anyone know of a "how-to" for making a raw disk image of a Ubuntu 12.04LTS Server from the command line?  I also should note that I do not have access to attach an ISO to the system so this must be run from the active server itself..05:53
ActionParsnipSpecialEd: you can use dd to make an image05:53
ActionParsnipSpecialEd: it won't be compressed05:54
Seven_Six_TwoSpecialEd, that was my first suggestion to you. dd05:54
xannenhey, i have question re skype.05:55
gustav__Is se.archives.ubuntu.com not feeling well?05:55
SpecialEdok thanks guys, i'll re look into dd again.  Since my new server has a lot more ram i'll actually be using clonezilla later for other operations, so nothing was lost on learning about it:) thanks again guys!05:56
snkthello all05:56
blackshirthello snkt05:56
xirovHi! Are this channel for Ubuntu questions only, or are questions on specific apps/programs okay too?05:57
blackshirtxirov, especially related to ybuntu?05:58
ActionParsnipxirov: you'd probably be better asking in the channel for the language you are coding in05:58
Gyro54How can you tell Xubuntu to use Libre as the default program05:58
wolfygangHey how do I undo gksu nautilus--no-desktop05:58
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snktI m working on ARM based Embedded device.... It works with ubuntu 11.10.... I want to optimize its bootup time.... can anyone help me the bootup sequence of ubuntu?05:59
gustav__"Kunde inte ansluta till se.archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]" Can't connect to se.archive.ubuntu.com.05:59
xirovblackshirt: no, not related to Ubuntu.06:00
xirovActionParsnip: Okay :) I just haven't had much luck in the #gnuplot ch06:00
VanessaEJordan_U: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/108099306:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1080993 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Dead screen on resume from suspend Dell Insp. 9200" [Undecided,New]06:01
blackshirtgood luckk guys06:01
* VanessaE kicks the bot for being excessively redundant.06:02
Jordan_UVanessaE: Thanks.06:02
VanessaEjeez, talk about a wall of text.  Perhaps I should try to be less verbose in the future :D06:03
xannenanyone know how to switch skype to single window mode?06:03
ActionParsnipxannen: not sure its possible, the client is proprietary06:03
miyakoanyone had any luck with the netflix-desktop / wine-silverlight thing?  I'm having some issues getting it setup and the information right now seems rather sparse06:04
superfake123ActionParsnip, the latest version is 24, 20. is at least 6 months old I think06:05
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
ActionParsnipsuperfake123: what is the difference between the versions?06:06
wolfygangHey action when youre done helping him can you help me with my problem from earlier?06:07
ActionParsnipwolfygang: i'll try06:07
superfake123I don't really know. I've found this one that has version 25 https://launchpad.net/~a-v-shkop06:08
wolfygangits tha arm-eabi-gcc command not found06:08
ActionParsnipsuperfake123: so why is the 20 version no good to you?06:09
superfake123I just need the latest for web testing. this ppa will do for now I guess06:10
Akiva 06:11
Akiva"This WebEx recording cannot be played because Java is not enabled in your Web browser or you don't have JVM installed. " help me please. java is installed, what the heck??06:11
tjmehtaHello is there a max concurrent ssh connection limit on ubuntu (not as the server, but max number of ssh connections open as a client with multiple servers)?06:11
ActionParsnipsuperfake123: if the only way to get that version on Ubuntu is via PPA, why test using that version?06:12
ActionParsnipsuperfake123: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:a-v-shkop/chromium-dev; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install chromium-browser    for ver 2506:13
qtipso sometimes the ctrl+alt+# shell is active over the top of unity06:13
dr_willisAkiva:  it may want java 6 or 7 or whatever instead of the open sourced java06:14
qtiptyping in a desktop program also types into the shell06:14
gustav__Switches to dk mirrors.06:14
Jordan_UVanessaE: It might also be interesting to see if you can reproduce the problem with Ubuntu 12.10, and with Fedora 18 (you should be able to test it from a LiveCD/USB rather than needing to install). I have a hunch that resuming properly will work in Fedora 18, and I'm curious to see if it does (though further fedora discussion should go to #fedora).06:14
superfake123ok thanks06:15
SpecialEdSo I've been trying to use dd with the following command (in bold): dd if=/ of/tempdir/disk.iso but for some reason it doesn't write anything, do I need to dismount the OS to perform DD?06:15
Jordan_Utjmehta: No hard limit, though obviously you'll be limited by what your network can handle. Why do you ask?06:15
dr_willisSpecialEd:   what are you trying do use for the if? your command is toally messed up06:16
jquipHallo, I have ubuntu 12.04 on a usb for installing it on a machine...  Thing is machine is UEFI enabled, while the usb only has grub in the boot folder....  I want to boot the machine using UEFI enabled...06:16
jquipAny help on that one??06:16
dr_willisSpecialEd:  dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1  (to make a clone)06:16
SpecialEddr_willis: I am just trying to use dd to make a disk image of my VM's hard drive.  I do not have access to the host, just the guest06:16
Jordan_USpecialEd: The if argument needs to be a file or a block device, not a directory.06:16
SpecialEdits a vm so there isn't /dev/sda106:16
Akivadr_willis: ghanks ill give that a try06:16
SpecialEd./dev/simfs      200G   34G  167G  17% /06:17
dr_willisSpecialEd: your use of / is wrong. You dont dd a path like that.06:17
g00053hello how do I manage lvm partitions ? I see gparted can't do it06:17
SpecialEdthats what i get from df -h06:17
Jordan_USpecialEd: And you should be *very* careful with dd, if you get something wrong you could whipe out all the data on your hard drive.06:17
me2ershHi All, Gnome shell is eating my processor, any ideas ?06:17
dr_willisSpecialEd:  or to image to a file... dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/media/somemountedpartiothatisnotsda1/file.image06:17
SpecialEdJordan_U: I understand it operates at the block level, but when I do /dev/simfs I get this (in bold): dd: opening `/dev/simfs': Operation not permitted06:17
jquipI have ubuntu 12.04 on a usb for installing it on a machine which is UEFI enabled, while the usb only has grub in the boot folder....  I want to boot the machine  enabled UEFI06:18
me2ershHi All, Gnome shell is eating my processor / I am using ubuntu 12.10, any ideas ?06:18
dr_willisSpecialEd:  whats simfs?06:18
SpecialEddr_willis: As previously stated this is a VM without access to the host therefore I can't add other media06:18
Jordan_USpecialEd: What is the output of "lsb_release -d"?06:18
=== administrator is now known as Guest16196
SilvereXme2ersh, stick your finger down its throat and make it regurgitate it06:18
SpecialEdDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS06:18
dr_willisSpecialEd:  where are you putting the image at then?06:18
tjmehtaJordan_U : building a service create live (editable) server-side code examples in the browser, right now the server holds ssh connections with all of the sandboxes hosting code06:18
me2ershSilvereX, when i print the usage, it says 350% !06:18
SpecialEddr_willis: to my new hosted dedicated server where I can have better control06:19
Jordan_USpecialEd: Please pastebin the output of "mount".06:19
SpecialEd./dev/simfs      200G   34G  167G  17% /06:19
SpecialEdthats the only line that matters on mount command, the rest is normal /dev /run /run/lock and /run/shm06:19
dr_willisSpecialEd:  so you need to dd through a sshtunle/pipe to a different machine?06:19
dr_willisive never heard of a simfs so no idea on that.06:20
Jordan_USpecialEd: Please follow my directions, I'd like to see the complete output of the command "mount", no more, less, or different.06:20
SpecialEddr_willis: if i can have it write the dd to the same disk no, if i can't then yes i'll rsync through ssh tunnel06:20
SilvereXme2ersh, try killing the gdl_box process06:20
Jordan_USpecialEd: And please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .06:20
SpecialEdJordan_U: Sure thing, it won't be any different than what I just told you though :)06:20
SilvereXAnd remove the gdl package as it's not supported06:20
dr_willisSpecialEd:  that would be recursive.. and you dont want to image a filesystem thats getting written to06:20
dr_willisSpecialEd:  a different partion/filesystem on the disk may work06:21
Jordan_USpecialEd: Please follow my instructions exactly. I asked you for the output of "mount".06:21
SpecialEddr_willis: I agree but Windows does it all the time with Shadow Copies...06:21
dr_willisthis isent windows.. and dd is a very low level tool.06:22
dr_willisfilezilla perhaps could do it06:22
SpecialEdJordan_U: my bad, here ya go: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1371855/06:22
SpecialEddd works at the same level as windows shadow copies, block level06:22
dr_willisdd also dosent trim out empty space either.. a 100gb hd will make a 100gb image.. even if its 1% used06:22
SpecialEdbut its either here nor there and windows is crap, ecspecially windows 806:23
Jordan_USpecialEd: You have a very odd configuration because this is a hosted container, not a default Ubuntu install.06:24
SpecialEdJordan_U: yeah, as soon as I am done with this I'm gonna kiss that host good-bye06:25
SilvereXHey guys, I'm trying to play TF2 on steam for linux, but I get an error that I need to update openGL06:25
SilvereXI've tried updating my AMD catalyst drivers but it didn't help06:25
me2ershSilvereX, did that, nothing changed. I also have a blinking cursor on the screen, like there is an invisible terminal. may be this is the reason ?06:26
qtipme2ersh: does it look like this: http://i.imgur.com/xUMKv.jpg ??06:27
rawfodogI'm using the SHARED CONNECTION setting in network manager. Im sucking in wifi to computer a, and sharing it to another computer via the eth0 port. This works with my laptop running fedora, but when I plug it into other devices it doesn't work. I was curious if this is distro/windows manager specific or not. The other machine is yellow dog linux on an old mac g4.06:27
SilvereXme2ershm are you using mutter, compiz or metacity?06:27
Jordan_USpecialEd: There is no real block device associated with symfs, it just maps files in your container to files in the host's filesystem. To do a block level copy you'd need to be able to access the host's hard drive (which also contains the files for all of the other containers on that machine).06:27
Jordan_USpecialEd: In other words, dd is not an option for you.06:29
SpecialEdJordan_U: OK that makes more sense to me now, I'm not familiar with SimFS.  Basically I'm trying to move files from a OpenVZ VPS system to my dedicated server where I have created a Guest VirtualBox VM  (All machines are Ubuntu 12.04LTS Server x64).  Should I just rsync / to / ?06:29
dr_willissounds like a job for TAR!06:29
SpecialEdjust like a V2V conversion06:29
SpecialEdor maybe scp / to / ?06:30
Jordan_USpecialEd: You can do that, just know that there are probably a lot of configuration files that contain settings specific to OpenVZ containers, since that's what the system you're using now is.06:30
SpecialEdthink I should try asking my hosting company if they can create an ISO of the OpenVZ server for me?06:31
SpecialEdi mean06:31
Jordan_USpecialEd: rsync is the way to go, if you really want to copy everything. Though after the rsync your new "copied" system will probably fail to boot until you remove the OpenVZ specific stuffs.06:31
SpecialEdnot hte openvz server, but my guest but have them create is for me from their server06:31
SpecialEdjust ignore the last 2 things i typed, makes no sense, let me repeat06:32
me2ershSilvereX, no, i am getting you a video of it now06:32
Jordan_Ujquip: How did you put 12.04 on the USB?06:33
SpecialEdJordan_U: Could I ask my hosting company to go onto their OpenVZ server and create a raw disk image of my VPS server for me?06:33
blackshirtspecialed, lxc was great and in kernel solutions06:33
Jordan_USpecialEd: There is no raw disk to image, your container is just a collection of files in a directory.06:33
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SpecialEdahhh, so its really a pseudo vm then06:34
Jordan_USpecialEd: Exactly.06:34
me2ershSilvereX, check this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y70BIb3BuJI this is what I see. this blinking thing is always there06:34
dr_willisPesudo Virtual ;)06:34
SpecialEdcloser to a type 1 hypervisor but guests are shared06:34
SpecialEdwow, I really hate my old hosting company now, why would they use OpenVZ when there are FAR better solutions for selling VPS such as VirtualBox?06:35
qtipme2ersh: I have that sometimes; it goes away if I reboot06:35
SilvereXme2ersh, Yeah, I was just about to suggest rebooting06:35
blackshirtfar better ? Not always06:35
me2ershqtip, SilvereX I rebooted many times, it never goes, and since it appeared, gnome-shell is eating the processor06:36
SpecialEdwhy not use vbox then?06:36
qtipme2ersh: wow, mine went away06:36
qtiptry ctrl+alt+f106:36
blackshirtspecialed, there are some benefit on lightweight / para virtualisation like openvz or lxc compared to vbox or similar06:37
qtipand ctrl+alt+f7 to get back06:37
qtipthat's the console that is showing up on mine06:37
qtipmine was the login prompt06:37
the_dark_knightHi, I have one question. When I do sudo apachectl restart , it gives me error saying "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName06:37
the_dark_knighthttpd not running, trying to start"06:37
blackshirtthe_dark_knight, thats not a error06:38
me2ershqtip, ctrl + alt + f6 changed the position of the cursor06:38
BustacapHey, will I be able to completely replace all of fedora by booting into ubuntu using unetbootin?06:38
BustacapI'm out of blank dvd's :/06:38
Jordan_UBustacap: Yes.06:39
the_dark_knightblackshirt: so what is the problem?06:39
blackshirtjust a warning06:39
qtipthe_dark_knight: you're binding to the wrong ip probably06:39
blackshirtCheck if your apache was started06:39
Jordan_Ujquip: If you're still trying to boot via UEFI tomorrow I can help you then.06:40
Bustacapjordan, but using unetbootin adds it onto a section of the hard drive. How can I format the hard drive if I'm running the os off of it? Or does it boot it into the ram from the files on the hard drive?06:40
jquipJordan_U: aww shucks thanks...06:40
Savage_CLbustacap you've been on Swift06:40
Savage_CLdon't use unetbootin06:40
the_dark_knightqtip: I have in my /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. but then why does it say in the warning.06:41
BustacapSavage_CL, ?06:41
Savage_CLshrink your current partition (with a gparted live cd)06:41
the_dark_knightqtip: no I didn't try
Savage_CLcreate a new one06:41
BustacapI don't have anymore blank cd's or dvd's or a flash drive lol06:41
jquipI just have to get this done right now!! Boss told me to install it : Am trying http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntu-secured/files/ubuntu-secure-remix-12.04.1-32bits.iso/download06:41
BustacapWhat would be the problem with unetbootin?06:42
jquipJordan_U: that links seems okay???06:42
BustacapDoes unetbootin boot the files into ram?06:43
jquipJordan_U:  Am trying http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntu-secured/files/ubuntu-secure-remix-12.04.1-32bits.iso/download   .. . The guy behind it: Yannubuntu, he's the one who filed the bug report that UEFI booting doesnt work well with 32 bit ubuntu images06:43
qtipme2ersh: any luck?06:43
me2ershSilvereX, qtip rebooting and switching to a previous kernel fixed it06:44
Seven_Six_TwoBustacap, it puts an iso on to usb for later booting06:44
BustacapSeven_Six_Two, there is a hard drive mode06:44
the_dark_knightqtip: nslookup gave some output.06:45
me2ershSilvereX, qtip  thanks for ur time :)06:45
Seven_Six_TwoBustacap, what's harddrive mode?06:45
SilvereXme2ersh, No worries mang06:45
BustacapSeven_Six_Two, it's a mode of unetbootin to boot an iso from a hard drive if you don't have a usb drive..06:45
dr_willisBustacap:  grub2 can do that - if you set it up right. :)06:46
SilvereXWhenever I try to launch TF2 from the steam linux beta client it says "Required OpenGL extension "GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode" is not supported. Please update your OpenGL driver.06:46
SilvereXHow would I go about doing that?06:46
dr_willisbut if you try to partion the hd the iso is on.. well.. that may get tricky06:46
the_dark_knightqtip: http://www.bpaste.net/raw/RRbQIMlBvVkheg3gS1k4/06:46
jquipJordan_U :  So I'm guessing he created the boot with UEFI successfully... 64-bit was recommended but ..my machine is 32-bit.. so i'mma  try the 32, then the 64 bit image from the same site...  Good idea???06:46
BustacapOk, well I'm trying to get ubutu installed and replace fedora without a blank cd, dvd, or usb,06:46
dr_willisBustacap:  do you have a seperate /boot/ partition?06:47
BustacapAnd I'm impatient, and like a challenge :P06:47
Seven_Six_TwoSilvereX, you need a new video driver. If your driver was automatically installed, it is likely not supported yet.06:47
Bustacapdr_willis, nope.06:47
BustacapI don't think so.,06:47
dr_willisBustacap:  or any extra partions that are ext2/3/4 and not in a lvm or any other weirdness. ;)06:47
Seven_Six_TwoSilvereX, the option is likely not supported yet. Linux drivers are quite a bit behind the Windows ones. ATI and NV aren't super helpful.06:47
SilvereXSeven_Six_Two, I tried updating my AMD catalyst drivers but they're notorious for being broken06:47
dr_willisBustacap:  if so.. you could set up grub2 on Freora to boot the iso file.06:48
Bustacapdr_willis, my only parition is fedora06:48
dr_willisBustacap:  you could resize it i guess...06:48
BustacapI'd still need a live cd of some sort for that06:48
vas01Hey Everyone,06:48
vas01I am currently conducting an internet usage survey for one of my university courses.06:48
vas01Can you please take a few minutes of your valuable time to complete the survey bellow.06:48
vas01The results will be posted once the data has been gathered and analysed.06:48
FloodBot1vas01: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:48
vas01Best Regards,06:48
BustacapEh unless I unetbootin gparted live06:48
BustacapThen shrink06:49
dr_willisi thought fedora used lvm or somthing by default. ;)  but i dont use it.. I have set up grub2 on ubuntu to boot an iso file from a differnt disk/partition and was able to install from ISO  to the rest of the hd that way.06:49
RamchandraAptevas01: please use #ubuntu-discuss so discuss about ubuntu06:49
RamchandraAptevas01: this is for support06:49
vas01RamchandraApte: sorry06:50
vas01RamchandraApte: do you know the best way of spreading my survey would be (specifically to students or life long learners)?06:51
RamchandraAptevas01: also, I don't have internet "sessions"06:52
dr_willishmm., Now why would when i start up XBMC it turns off twinview/xinerama fullscreens on my 2nd monitor thats not set to be the primary monitor.. then when i close xbmc it dosent restore the settings...06:54
amitHow to close a socket connection06:57
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dr_willisnight all06:57
* sean_ that awkward moment at the gym when muscle guy thinks IRC is a new supplement06:59
himcesjfHi! Is there any channel for support specific to VNC/x11vnc on Ubuntu07:05
kvothetechhimcesjf: what's wrong with your vnc07:06
himcesjfI'm not able to get x11vnc working after recent update. I've reconfigured DM for kdm over lightdm and here are the working, failed attempts - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1367286/ . What am I missing in the command?07:06
jakepetrouleshow can i fix the cause of the lintian error "control-file-has-bad-permissions" with an existing deb file07:09
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DarwinSurvivorI'm trying to get Ubuntu going on a desktop machine with a Radeon 3200 and Radeon 3850 graphics cards and had to set nomodeset to get it to boot07:14
DarwinSurvivoroh, hold on, just found the right wiki page07:15
grendali cannot for the live of me get an ntp server workint07:17
grendalwhat the hell is the trick to this07:17
himcesjfkvothetech:  ?07:17
almoxarifegrendal: its installed yes ? and the service started ?07:19
almoxarifegrendal: where does it get time?07:20
grendalthis is a kvm host. i have a vlan with vms running on subnet07:20
grendalumm the server gets the time accurately07:20
grendali cant seem to connect the guest machines to read the servers time.07:20
rajhow do I change a user's password via the terminal?07:20
grendalpasswd username07:20
rajpasswd: Authentication token manipulation error07:21
almoxarifegrendal: cant connect ? can you ping the ntpd? ip/port?07:21
grendaldid you put in the username07:21
rajpasswd: password unchanged07:21
grendaldoes the user exist07:21
rajis the problem that I'm that usernmae now?07:21
rajor do I need sudo?07:21
grendalya you will probably need to be sudo07:22
grendalsudo -s07:22
grendalthen password for the user you are..then passwd username07:22
rajyes, that was it07:22
rajwhat's sudo -s?07:22
rajI didn't do that07:22
grendalit stays there so you dont have to type in sudo with every command07:22
rajmeaning don't go away until I unsudo?07:22
grendalit makes you root07:22
grendalalmoxarife, ok so ya i can ping it...the host is bridged to the..network via ip i got an idea07:23
grendalyou ever used teamviewer?07:24
grendalalmoxarife, dude07:27
DarwinSurvivorOk, I've tried the steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI with no luck (aticonfig returns "No supported adapters detected")07:27
almoxarifegrendal: yes?07:28
DarwinSurvivorthe 2 graphics cards are Radeon HD 3200 and Radeon HD385007:28
grendalyou get my chat request?07:28
almoxarifegrendal: i dont get those, ignore all07:28
grendaloh..damn well i was going to give you conference screen so you could see the screen here.07:29
almoxarifegrendal: did you have a question?07:29
grendalyep...this ntp thing is going to kill me07:29
grendalits up its running07:29
grendalbut i canot connect to it with my guest machines07:30
jactaHow can I explode this url best way: http://test.com/cykler/herre/avenue/ - explode gives me 0 and 4 blank - i want only the one after .com/  and it can be five, two, or more07:30
jakepetroulesfound my answer; just needed fakeroot07:30
almoxarifegrendal: network issue? pinged it?07:30
grendali can ping the server, i can ssh to it, i can...do all kinda of thangs with the sever..but cant seem to get ntp from it07:30
almoxarifegrendal: the npt client pointing to the correct ip/port?07:31
almoxarifegrendal: that means nothing to me, lets see the conf for the client and the deamon07:32
Jordan_Ujquip: It's *very* rare to find 32 bit UEFI hardware, are you sure that's what you have?07:32
grendali can ntpstrace it07:33
grendal10.10.0.254: stratum 16, offset 0.000000, synch distance 0.00000007:33
grendalbut, it does not sync to the same time07:33
Jordan_Ujquip: How did you put 12.04 on the USB?07:34
jquipizzit?? lolz.. dear me.. :) yep.. dat's what the windows system sayeth07:34
almoxarifegrendal: lets see the conf for the client and the deamon, pastebin them07:35
jquipusb-creator-gtk ?07:35
almoxarifedaemon too07:35
jquipJordan_U: usb-creator-gtk ...07:35
Jordan_Ujquip: That doesn't prepare USB drives to be booted via UEFI (or didn't last time I looked).07:36
jquipJordan_U : erm.. Not a good idea??07:36
DarwinSurvivorI don't really need the 3200 working (though I need it to not prevent the machine from booting without nomodeset) both monitors are connected to the 385007:36
jquipJordan_U: uhoh.. okay.. just read your message..07:37
Jordan_Ujquip: Why do you think that you have a 32 bit machine with UEFI firmware?07:37
jquipahahha  :D  Well the Windows 7 is on it.. says its 32-bit...   Boot screen-> American Megatrends-> Boot Compliance: UEFI 2. something07:38
almoxarifegrendal: look at the ntp log too for anything abbynormal07:39
grendalya ive been doing that all night07:39
grendalbut there is just a statistics log07:39
grendaldamon log says nothing about it07:39
grendalgetting past together07:40
Jordan_Ujquip: It may be a 32 bit Windows installation, but you probably have a 64 bit CPU and 64 bit UEFI firmware.07:40
jquipbut but.. its windows???07:40
jquiphow would it be so smart to allow that??07:40
Jordan_Ujquip: What is the model of the computer you're using?07:41
jquipJordan_U : erm... 32-bit I still think -> Atom CPU07:41
almoxarifejquip: i bought a lappy with 32bit win, then i found out i had a 64bit machine by accident07:42
jquipalmoxarife: hoo boy ain't you lucky!!07:42
jquipokay... so there's good reason to check with 64-bit linux  instead..07:43
grendalalmoxarife, http://pastebin.com/SHHj3XUi07:43
Jordan_Ujquip: There are 64 bit Atom CPUs, but yest that does make it seem more likely to be 32 bit while still having UEFI. I really do need to leave now though. If you're lucky then you have a 64 bit machine, and the easiest thing to do is th burn the standard 64 bit Ubuntu iso to a CD/DVD and boot from that (note those were very specific instructions, and every part of them is important).07:43
jquipValid point ! Jordan_U take care eh! Thanks! Cheers..07:44
jquipI'll try both.. 32 at first07:45
jquipcause its downloaded already...07:45
jquipokay.. before you go Jordan_U07:45
jquipBoot shows Intel Atom CPU D250007:46
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joarunetbootin on Debian wheezy doesn't seem to be able to create 12.10 x64 bootable USBs07:47
almoxarifejquip: you have a 64bit machine07:49
jquipAre you serious???07:49
almoxarifejquip: you should run 64bit os07:49
almoxarifehttp://ark.intel.com/products/59682/Intel-Atom-Processor-D2500-1M-Cache-1_86-GHz <-- look down to 'advanced technologies07:50
almoxarifehttp://ark.intel.com/products/59682/Intel-Atom-Processor-D2500-1M-Cache-1_86-GHz <-- look down to 'advanced technologies jquip07:50
jquipokay..  almoxarife.. You win!!07:51
jquipAnd I winnnnn too! :D07:51
almoxarifejquip: what it may not do is 'virtualize' , dont ask me, mine does not, something to do with having half a 64bit, the cpu is but the mother board is not, or perhaps you got the full monty'07:52
himcesjfI'm not able to get x11vnc working after recent update. I've reconfigured DM for kdm over lightdm. x11vnc fails to start on the host system. Here are the past working and current failed attempts - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1367286/ . What am I missing in the command?07:52
jquipoh... darn.. like that eh?07:52
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almoxarifejquip: hell with the 32bit install, start over with the 64, its worth it, faster07:53
jquipalmoxarife: haha yeahhh okay :D07:53
elsifakahey people!07:54
jquipdownloading rite away sah..07:54
elsifakadoes anyone knows where the HP proliant softwares for precise are?07:55
almoxarifejquip: Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x)No , yeap, you in the same boat, just dont expect to run virtual machines in their full glory, other than that i dont see any diff07:55
grendalalmoxarife,  sorry got bounced07:57
grendalso i got two machine (both kvm hosts) on two diff networks.  machine A keeps getting faster07:58
jquipalmoxarife: hrmm... okay..so.. it should be fine... i dont run VM's much... but 64-bit is the way to go then I guess?07:58
grendalconfig files are identical07:58
grendal64 bit vms are the bomb07:58
almoxarifejquip: it will run virtualbox just fine, it wont be able to use the (VT-x) option, small price to pay07:59
grendalvt-x ? hardware hooks?07:59
almoxarifejquip: in virtual you will need to stick with 32bit os's08:00
jquipoh that's okayyy... not a biggie...08:01
DarwinSurvivorok, so apparently the graphics card is 100% not supported any more. Does anyone know how to turn on nomodeset by default?08:01
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grendalnope. but i do have a lot of really good shortbread cookies my daughter made08:01
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: set it in the kernel line of /etc/default/grub08:01
jquipalmoxarife : just tried the 32 bit image.. 64-bit downloading now... just booted straight into windows...08:01
grendalanyone want one?08:01
almoxarifejquip: you talking about a live-cd?08:02
grendaljquip, why would you do that..windows will give you psyphilus08:02
grendalat least thats what i heard08:03
almoxarife!ot | grendal08:03
ubottugrendal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:03
grendalim sorry08:03
jquipalmoxarife: ermmm... a live-usb created via usb-creator-gtk ... wrong??   grendal: lolz you dun gone crazy!08:03
grendali sorry08:03
almoxarifejquip: did you setup the machine to boot from usb?08:04
jquipyes yes08:04
grendalwhat are you trying to do exactly..(i missed that part selfish me) i run vm's on several diff types of hosts.08:04
pradeephow can i have only one work space08:05
DarwinSurvivoralmoxarife: the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" line?08:05
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: exactly08:05
pradeepi want to remove workspace switcher too08:05
jquipgrendal: Just trying to get linux on this netbook that i have..08:05
grendali thought you were having a problem with virutalization08:05
DarwinSurvivoralmoxarife: thanks. one that thing, how do I change which boot option (ex: ubuntu vs other-os) is the default?08:06
jquipalmoxarife: aha ! ubuntu is booting08:06
DarwinSurvivoralmoxarife: I see GRUB_DEFAULT=0, but no indication of which id is for which OS08:06
grendalgrrrr... almoxarife you look at those pastbins?08:06
jquipsorry my bad08:06
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: count down, find the line that would be the other, which is it?08:07
grendalits ok.. jquip we forgive you...this time.08:07
jquipthere are two boot priority settings in boot and I needed to select both of 'em08:07
jquipweird.. that was08:07
DarwinSurvivoralmoxarife: won't that change if/when new kernels are added?08:07
grendalsalright this time. but next time ..oh there will be consequences08:08
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: or pastebin your /etc/default/grub file08:08
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almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: not with new kernels, unless you mean new installed os's08:08
DarwinSurvivoralmoxarife: ok, I think it was the 3rd one, will have to reboot to verify08:08
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: if its the third then the choice is actually numeral (2), it counts from zero08:09
DarwinSurvivorhmm, just rebooted and it's the 5th, so that would be id 4. ok08:10
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: exactly08:10
puppy_paradewhy is compiz eating 90% of my CPU while trying to watch a video and failing?08:10
the_dark_knightHi, my phpinfo() doesn't have "$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']" variable in the "php variables" section. How should I bring this variable. I have searche and found something - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2261951/what-exactly-is-path-info-in-php  . But I don't know where to put - AcceptPathInfo directive. Please help. Can't connect to #php.08:11
nicekiwihow do I boot ubuntu in console only mode? no X running etc.08:11
kuckuckGuten Morgen08:11
almoxarifenicekiwi: dont have a option for that at grub menu?08:13
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:13
puppy_paradestill can't push 1440p on 12.1008:14
almoxarifepuppy_parade: its hard to say, can you pastebin /var/log/syslog08:14
nicekiwialmoxarife, no. Only for recovery which mounts the harddrive in readonly mode08:14
almoxarifenicekiwi: there is always control-alt-f1/f508:15
Jordan_Ujquip: I'm actually back by the way, though it looks like you're set.08:15
puppy_paradealmoxarife, all I'm seeing is apt-demon and avahi-daemon08:16
nicekiwialmoxarife, that dosnt kill X08:16
almoxarifenicekiwi: no, it does not08:16
nicekiwialmoxarife, so.. kinda not a solution for booting..08:17
chuxxsssHi all, again.  I have really stuff my package manager up this time for good I think.08:18
almoxarifenicekiwi: probably not, killing it after the fact wont work?08:19
Jordan_UDarwinSurvivor: What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:19
gordonjcpnicekiwi: What exactly are you trying to do?08:19
nicekiwigordonjcp, boot into commanline08:20
gordonjcpnicekiwi: but not single-user mode?08:20
nicekiwigordonjcp, no..08:20
nicekiwigordonjcp, and passing 'quiet splash text' ar brug just gives me a blank screen08:21
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gordonjcpnicekiwi: leave off "quiet splash" and tell me what happens08:21
almoxarifegordonjcp: that will still boot into the graphics, minus those two options08:22
nicekiwigordonjcp, just a blank screen08:23
almoxarifenicekiwi: is this a temp thing? or permanent?08:23
gordonjcpnicekiwi: totally totaly blank?08:23
gordonjcpnicekiwi: nothing *ever* comes up?08:23
nicekiwialmoxarife, temporary to install drivers.08:23
nicekiwigordonjcp, nope, never. The monitor says it has signal but its just black08:23
almoxarifenicekiwi: then why not kill xorg do the install then reboot?08:24
gordonjcpnicekiwi: so at no point after hitting the power button do you see *anything*?08:24
nicekiwialmoxarife, could o i guess, just so annying thatit wont work in 12.10, worked 100% fine in 12.0408:24
almoxarifenicekiwi: what is the actual issue?08:25
nicekiwigordonjcp, after the bios screen and after hitting CtrlX after modifying grub nothing.08:25
nicekiwialmoxarife, I want to boot into commandline to install drivers.08:25
gordonjcpnicekiwi: that's not actually possible08:25
gordonjcpnicekiwi: it sounds like your computer is broken08:25
almoxarifenicekiwi: then why not kill xorg do the install then reboot?08:25
nicekiwigordonjcp, what do you mean?08:26
gordonjcpnicekiwi: if you remove "quiet splash" from the boot options and put "text" there, you should at least see the boot messages08:26
helloworldppesc #08:26
gordonjcpnicekiwi: okay, try "nomodeset text"08:26
nicekiwigordonjcp, I do not.08:27
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nicekiwigordonjcp, still black08:28
gordonjcpnicekiwi: broken monitor?08:28
almoxarifenicekiwi: are you rebooting, i cant tell from this client08:28
nicekiwigordonjcp, boot messages never seemed to show normally with nvidia drivers installed anyways.08:28
nicekiwigordonjcp, monitor works 100%08:28
gordonjcpnicekiwi: at this point the drivers are irrelevant08:29
almoxarifenicekiwi: did you install nvidia-current?08:29
nicekiwialmoxarife, I am rebooting08:29
gordonjcpnicekiwi: they're not used until X starts08:29
nicekiwialmoxarife, correct08:29
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almoxarifenicekiwi: then what are you having to go down to no graphics for?08:29
nicekiwialmoxarife, to install beta nvidia drivers08:30
almoxarifenicekiwi: i see, good luck08:30
nicekiwiit seems if I hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 once the screen goes black I reveals text login screen08:30
nicekiwivery odd08:30
almoxarifenicekiwi: not odd, its a terminal screen08:31
nicekiwialmoxarife, very odd actually.. now how do I run a .run file? 0_o08:32
almoxarifenicekiwi: xorg is still running08:32
nicekiwialmoxarife, incorrect08:33
nicekiwialmoxarife, the Nividia installer which is currently running would crash and burn if so08:33
nicekiwialmoxarife, thats for ur help in anycase, i realise my reponses didnt make a lot of sense08:34
gordonjcpnicekiwi: wait, are you using the nvidia installer from the nvidia site?08:35
almoxarifegordonjcp: of course08:35
almoxarifethe big secret08:35
nicekiwigordonjcp, yes08:37
nicekiwialmoxarife, 0_o secret?08:38
almoxarifenicekiwi: how does your install last thru the next kernel update?08:38
nicekiwialmoxarife, it dosnt, i simply reinstal untill the stable nvidia is released and aded to the ubuntu repos08:38
gordonjcpnicekiwi: hmm, keep some install media handy08:38
nicekiwigordonjcp, why that?08:39
gordonjcpnicekiwi: I hope it works for you08:39
gordonjcpI don't have much confidence in that though08:39
almoxarifenicekiwi: did the hardware and the graphics card comeout last week?08:39
nicekiwialmoxarife, no?08:39
almoxarifenicekiwi: did the hardware and the graphics card comeout last week? last month?08:39
nicekiwialmoxarife, no?08:40
almoxarifenicekiwi: ok08:40
nicekiwi3 or 4 years old i guess08:40
nicekiwimaybe a bit less08:40
nicekiwialmoxarife, one word. Valve.08:41
ionwindi have problem with flash and chromium08:41
KrambiorixNov 20 09:34:19 mx1 postfix/master[1674]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/tlsmgr: bad command startup -- throttling            What can i do about it?08:41
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almoxarifenicekiwi: ok, i hope it works out for you then08:41
Krambiorixthe whole error is: Nov 20 09:40:24 mx1 postfix/tlsmgr[1949]: fatal: open database /var/lib/postfix/smtpd_scache.db: Invalid argument08:41
KrambiorixNov 20 09:40:25 mx1 postfix/master[1674]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/tlsmgr pid 1949 exit status 108:41
KrambiorixNov 20 09:40:25 mx1 postfix/master[1674]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/tlsmgr: bad command startup -- throttling08:41
almoxarifeKrambiorix: stop already08:42
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ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:43
ionwindit try all these08:44
Krambiorixalmoxarife, ???08:45
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almoxarifeKrambiorix: yes?08:46
Krambiorix<almoxarife> Krambiorix: stop already08:46
almoxarifeKrambiorix: yes, dont use the channel as a pastebin08:47
Krambiorixalmoxarife, ok will do08:47
flynsarmy/lib/modules/3.5.0-17-generic/build: No such file or directory <-- how do i get that directory to exist?08:48
almoxarifeflynsarmy: you compiling from source?08:49
flynsarmyalmoxarife: no, installing acpi_call module08:49
Krambiorixthis is my problem, anyone a solution? http://pastebin.com/dvpwaaA308:50
iamzimflynsarmy: build folders usually have os after them, build_unix08:51
almoxarifeflynsarmy: i would say you are missing dev files/packages from the looks of it08:51
flynsarmyiamzim, almoxarife: it's just a package i need to install, i've done it before. forgot thte package though08:51
subdesignanybody has problem setting wallpapers with Unubu Tweak ?08:52
almoxarifeKrambiorix: i googled it for you,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1504775 , someone has seen that before08:53
Krambiorixalmoxarife, yes, i did that already but the messages won't go away08:55
almoxarifeKrambiorix: no idea, i dont allow that service to run, not sure what i am missing08:56
gordonjcpalmoxarife: which "service"?08:57
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ionwindthanks i try again08:57
gordonjcpalmoxarife: ...08:57
almoxarifepostfix gordonjcp08:57
gordonjcpalmoxarife: yes, I'm just surprised that a) you don't know what it is, b) you didn't bother to check what it is, and c) you stopped it running without bothering to check what it is08:57
gordonjcpalmoxarife: run, *now*08:58
gordonjcpalmoxarife: that's the thing that stops it becoming Skynet08:58
almoxarifegordonjcp: i do know, i didnt need the chatter in the mailbox08:58
gordonjcpalmoxarife: heh08:58
gordonjcpalmoxarife: if you're not actually running a mail server, you can get rid of it08:59
almoxarifegordonjcp: yes08:59
almoxarifegordonjcp: and i assume mailbox servers on ubuntu machines are evildoers too09:00
ChartaxHey folks, I don't have much time to stay and diagnose this at the moment, but I thought it might be worth a shot: Windows 7 Software RAID in Ubuntu09:01
icerootalmoxarife: normally you always need a MTA (mail transport agent)09:01
pradeephey, community  i am new to ubuntu how can i have only one work space09:02
ChartaxIs there any way I can get access to it without having to break the array?09:02
icerootalmoxarife: on every unix/linux system09:02
jackiechan0Is there someone English Motherlanguage ?09:02
icerootjackiechan0: #english09:02
almoxarifeiceroot: is that the postfix service?09:02
jackiechan0ice799: thanks09:02
icerootalmoxarife: yes, postfix is the default MTA in ubuntu09:02
jackiechan0iceroot: thanks09:02
agu10^how do people contribute with me on open source software?09:03
gordonjcpagu10^: that sounds like a question you should take to #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)09:04
almoxarifeiceroot: i had to check, didnt want to talk out of turn, service postfix is not running, and i email just fine09:05
DarwinSurvivorjordan: I'm using 12.10 (64 bit)09:05
almoxarifeDarwinSurvivor: :)09:05
vthakkarHey Guys09:06
vthakkarI have a question about linux signals09:06
vthakkarIs this the right channel for this question09:06
vthakkarI am using IRC for the first time09:06
almoxarifevthakkar: welcome09:07
DarwinSurvivorvthakkar: best to just ask the question, if it's not appropriate for the channel, someone will direct you to the appropriate channel09:07
vthakkarOk, so the question is the following09:07
vthakkarI have a parent process which periodically does wait() and terminates when the child process exits and returns it's status09:08
vthakkarNow I want that when the child process terminates, the parent process should come out of sleep immediately and do the processing required09:09
vthakkarhow do I do that in linux09:09
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auronandacevthakkar: perhaps ##linux is a better channel to ask in09:10
vthakkarok, thanks I will try there.09:11
DarwinSurvivorvthakkar: yes, ##linux sounds best. at a quick glance, wait should already do that for you, so you may need to explain more thuroughly what you are currently experiencing09:11
icerootalmoxarife: postfix has nothing to do with your "real" mail like gmail, gmx, hotmail and so on, its the internal mail (used by cron for example)09:16
icerootalmoxarife: a MTA is needed for the unix/linux system to operate correctly and to inform the user09:16
almoxarifeiceroot: i didnt realize that ubuntu uses postfix for MTA, and i use opensuse which uses 'sendmail' as MTA, so i should not have said a thing to the nick that had the isue with postfix, my bad09:16
iceroot!mta | almoxarife09:17
ubottualmoxarife: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA09:17
icerootalmoxarife: sendmail is fine too but (if you dont have to configure it...)09:18
almoxarifeiceroot: mta for ubuntu 'postfix' , got it09:18
icerootalmoxarife: :)09:18
almoxarifeiceroot: mta for opensuse 'sendmail'09:19
almoxarifeany reqonk gurus here/.09:21
kloeshello all09:21
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cfhowlettkloes: greetings09:21
almoxariferekonq, how to set mime types, anyone have an idea?09:21
kloesis there a way to install old version of ubuntu with netinstall  minimal cd?09:21
kloesor minimal cd is only for the current release09:22
kloesI tried with 10.04 minimal09:22
almoxarifekloes: does the netinstall allow you to setup the repos?09:22
kloesbut I can not get the installer09:22
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kloesI can set up manual ubuntu archive and choose from list09:23
almoxarifekloes: that case then, getting the packages from archive/10.04 an issue?09:24
kloesI can nto get any package09:24
kloesI tried many other archive09:24
almoxarifekloes: what happens?09:24
kloesarchive mirrors09:24
kloesthe executed a shell09:25
kloesI can ping yahoo09:25
kloesshell says yahoo is active09:25
kloesso I think the connection is OK09:25
kloeswhen I try conecting for the mirror I get nothing09:25
almoxarifekloes: you get 404 error you mean?09:25
kloesjust waiting09:25
kloesI have installed 10.04 before when was active release with netinstall09:26
kloesthere were no problems09:26
kloesthe installer comes and I get packages09:26
kloesnow- nothing09:26
kloesno it comes nothing on the screen09:26
infz_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2085902 any ideas? :)09:27
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almoxarifekloes: what named version is 10.04?09:28
kloesI think09:28
almoxarifehttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/ <-- this the repo?09:29
almoxarifehttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/ <-- this the repo? kloes09:29
kloesshould I connect to that?09:30
kloesI have tried the mirror in us09:30
almoxarifekloes: if you want lucid yes09:30
kloesI selected it from the mirror list in netinstall09:30
kloesI'll try right away with quemu09:30
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pratzHello guys09:40
pratzI am using Ubuntu 1.0409:40
cfhowlettGreetings pratz09:40
pratzthe problem now is I can not do 'sudo apt-get update'09:40
gian_How to do to past?09:41
cfhowlettpratz: error messages?09:41
ubottugian_:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:41
cnfhmz, silly curl09:41
cnfgiving me curl: (52) Empty reply from server09:41
pratzI have just now installed U12.04 in my company09:41
cfhowlettpratz: do you get an error message?09:41
pratzI think they have some blocked ports , but I do not have information about those09:41
pratzcfhowlett: my company has some block ports and I do not have any information about that09:41
murlidharcan anyone confirm to me that the package " gnome-media-player " isn't working on 12.1009:42
cfhowlettpratz: I'd start with looking into port permissions.09:42
pratzcfhowlett: the only thing is that I have a proxy server details and port number09:42
pratzcfhowlett: here dude http://dpaste.com/833634/09:43
murlidharit surely isn't working on 12.04 either!09:43
cfhowlettpratz: Configuring ports and such is over my paygrade.  Stay in channel and ask.09:43
pratzcfhowlett: no, but is that an port porblem ?09:43
pratzcfhowlett: hang on I am not sure if that is a port problem09:44
cfhowlettpratz: GPG error09:44
pratzcfhowlett: I have tried this $sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf09:44
pratzcfhowlett: but agian the same error09:44
kloesI 'm still waint installer to download the compenents09:45
kloesis gdm package available in 12.04?09:45
kloesaptitude can not find gdm09:46
auronandace!info gdm precise | kloes09:46
ubottukloes: gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.4-0ubuntu15 (precise), package size 1690 kB, installed size 6805 kB09:46
auronandace!aptitude | kloes09:46
ubottukloes: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.09:46
murlidhar!info gnome-media-player09:47
kloeswell i tried to get it with ap-get first09:47
ubottugnome-media-player (source: gnome-media-player): A simple media player for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 85 kB, installed size 448 kB09:47
auronandacekloes: sudo apt-get update and try again09:48
kloesapt-get can not find gdm09:48
kloesI did that09:48
kloeswith 12.04 minimal it all works09:49
kloeswith 10.04 minimal I still wait for the installer components09:49
kloesIf i can install gdm with 12.04 I will go with tgat release09:50
kloesbut It can not find gdm09:50
MonkeyDustkloes  what's keeping you from upgrading to 12.04?09:50
kloesi want to install gdm09:50
MonkeyDustkloes  i havent followed, did you try: ctrl-alt F1 and install gdm from there?09:51
kloeshow to go back to the gui anfter ctrl alt f1?09:52
MonkeyDustkloes  ctrl-alt F709:52
pratzguys I am gettings this error http://dpaste.com/833634/09:55
pratzany one please09:56
antonio_Aloha folks...09:56
antonio_Does anyone here use an Android Razr and also play mp3s on it?  Trying to figure out how to transfer mp3s to my razr....and what player ot use09:56
pratzany one guys please http://dpaste.com/833634/09:57
ikoniapratz: that repo is broken09:57
pratzcan not install any thing with out fixing this09:57
ikoniapratz: that repo is broken09:57
pratzikonia: I selected the 'main server' from 'Update manager', still the same error10:00
ikoniapratz: please pastebin the error after you have selected main server10:00
pratzikonia: here http://dpaste.com/833640/10:01
pratzikonia: I have joined the current company few days back and they have let me install Ubuntu, but I think there are some ports blocked, but I am not sure if this the port problem10:02
ikoniapratz: delete the files referenced in /var/lib10:02
pratzikonia: please guide me10:02
pratzikonia: I run this command sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf and then sudo apt-get update , still the same error10:03
pratzikonia: any ideas dude ?10:04
pratzikonia: there is the full traceback http://dpaste.com/833642/10:05
pratzikonia: they have provided me proxy server detials, will that help ?10:05
pratzikonia: anything dude ?10:06
ikoniapratz: that doesn't look like a network access error10:06
ikoniapratz: try the proxy10:06
pratzikonia: where to set the proxy ?10:08
himcesjfHello! I'm not able to get x11vnc working after recent update. I've reconfigured DM for kdm over lightdm. x11vnc fails to start on the host system. Here are the past working and current failed attempts - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1367286/ . What am I missing in the command?10:08
ikoniapratz: a good question in 12.1010:08
antonio_Does anyone here use an Android Razr and also play mp3s on it?  Trying to figure out how to transfer mp3s to my razr....and what player to use10:09
pratzikonia: I am using 12.0410:09
ikoniaok, in 12.04 then10:10
kloeshello all10:11
kierxnHi kloes10:17
ionwindi have a problem with flash and chrome ubuntu 12.0410:26
samara2hello linux10:26
ionwindsome help please10:26
cfhowlettsamara2: greetings10:26
ionwindi try install and reinstal several times flash, chrome, firefox and the extras for ubuntu10:27
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almoxarifeionwind: in chrome, place this in the address block, "chrome://plugins/" , is 'flash' enabled?10:30
ionwindhi almoxarife10:35
almoxarifeionwind: yes it is enabled?10:36
ionwindis in spanish but yes it is10:36
ionwindi try /etc/adobe# EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=110:37
ionwindbut the same thing10:38
john__how do I connect two computers witha UTP and have them see the same internet connection?10:40
john__how do I connect two computers witha UTP and have them see the same internet connection?10:43
vmachine1internet connection sharing10:43
iceroot!ics | john__10:48
ubottujohn__: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:48
kroosecIs there a way to map FN-Keys to mplayer (so one can do next/previous track without going to the terminal where mplayer is running)10:49
ioneyeIs there someone who can tell me if my pc specs can fully support Ubuntu 12.10?10:58
agu10^ioneye, they can10:58
ioneyeHere are some of the basic specs: http://pastebin.com/nRhVsZpM10:59
cairneif you can't run full ubuntu 12.10 you might have good luck with xfce spin or lxde spin if your resources are minor10:59
cairnesince my laptop has way less specs then that and runs ubuntu just fine, you will be just fine11:00
yvesDthis will run just fine. not shure which driver for the AMD graphics card you need. you will find it in wiki11:00
ioneyeI use to have an Nvidia 7400 and the screen was flickering. Thats why i am asking. If i am going to have any problems mainly regarding the ATI drivers or something familiar11:01
ioneyeEdit: I used to have*11:01
cairneyou have to play around, either the propetiary drivers or not, find which one works for you11:02
cairneI have a low end nvidia card and it handles unity way better then my ati card did11:02
ioneyeThats what i am trying to avoid. Playing around. Installing and Unistalling a whole operating system.11:02
cairnejust the drivers not whole operating system11:02
ioneyeYeah but if the drivers are not able to support my graphic card then what other solution do i have besides trying something different.11:03
cairneioneye: you could try a live distro or on a usb stick11:03
ioneyeGood point. Thats something i didn't think of.11:04
cairnedrivers are just something you got to get use to, even with windows, you have to install and setup drivers to get graphics cards to work at peak performance11:05
ioneyeWell, in windows for example things are pretty straight forward. Download the latest drivers for the coresponding graphic card and you are done.11:07
ioneyeAnyway, i am going to do what you suggested. Install it on a flash driver and mess around11:07
cairneubuntu makes it pretty straight forward too, when you go into system there is a graphic that looks like a graphic card and says additional drivers, click on that and it will recomend the drivers for you11:09
riqdiizHi all what code can I input on a batch that launches a GUI program that requires a 'yes' or a 'no' to complete a task?11:11
cairneriqdiiz: graphicly you have to push yes? or is it an argument that you can pass at cli?11:13
riqdiizYes.but I want the script to do the push.what code Do I give?11:16
MonkeyDustriqdiiz  guess it depends on the command, some have -y you can add11:17
OerHeksriqdiiz, input y/n, here is an example > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=48fadaad9f68358c325e70451e93ee8f&p=3228501&postcount=511:17
btralhow can i echo a stinr to end of last line of a file?11:17
cairneis it possible to interact with a gui with the cli? i would think once it ran with whatever arguments you pass at calling that would be it right?11:21
cairneif it even accepts arguments11:21
MrokiiHello. So I've noticed a popup-menu in a few apps (like Firefox), when I doubleclick the address bar to mark a url. There are options like "Open in Firefox" and some others (can't remember and at the moment it does not seem to pop up...). Anyhow, this must be a Ubuntu thing, not Firefox-specific. Does anybody know where this is coming from or how to change the options? Or maybe how to deactivate it11:22
mkuzuweird problem: Files and folders in home folder are lost after reboot11:22
mkuzuI thought it was related to ltsp11:22
mkuzubut I guess not11:22
mkuzuweird thing is11:22
mkuzuthat happened once before11:23
mkuzuand after a second reboot11:23
mkuzuhome folder was restored11:23
mkuzuIt shows that the home folder goes back to some October 1311:23
cairnemkuzu: please try and put it into a paragraph not through individual lines11:23
mkuzuweird problem: Files and folders in home folder are lost after reboot11:24
mkuzuI thought it was related to ltsp11:24
mkuzuweird thing is11:24
mkuzuthat happened once before11:24
mkuzuand after a second reboot11:24
FloodBot1mkuzu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
mkuzuhome folder was restored11:24
mkuzusorry I am not experienced in irc forums11:25
MenZamkuzu: Just try and limit yourself to fewer lines of text.11:26
Mrokiimkuzu: Just write all your sentences in one go, not a new post for every sentence. :)11:26
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GandalfBHello All11:29
yvesDmkuzu, just use <enter> carefully11:31
mkuzuany idea11:32
yvesDshure you are the right user looking for his /home in cli? test with whoami?11:35
ranjan Hi all, i have a network with mixed Windows and Linux Installation and all the internet traffic is through a websense proxy. The case is most of the time the connection to this websense proxy from Linux machines times out, but windows machines works fine. Has anyone come across such an issue, or what can be the root cause of this problem? Any help is greatly appreciated.11:45
bazhangranjan, is this debian?11:46
ranjanbazhang, not its Ubuntu 10.04 and CentOS 6.211:46
ranjanbazhang, there are around 200 Machines11:46
ranjanbazhang, have you come across such an issue in debian? it may apply to Ubuntu also11:51
yvesDafaik 10.04 does not get updates anymore.11:52
bazhangyvesD, sure it does. check the topic here11:52
andybrinemorning everyone11:53
DJonesyvesD: 10.04's EOL is April 201311:53
andybrinedoes anyone know a similar application to tunnelbear but for ubuntu11:53
yvesDsorry, april 2013, yes it gets updates11:53
andybrinei want to be able to acess us sites here in the uk11:54
bazhanghttp://alternativeto.net/software/tunnelbear/    andybrine have a look11:55
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andybrinethanks bazhang for the link11:57
andybrinewas looking at this a mi ago11:57
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MrokiiIs there a way to make that retarded Update Manager *not* close just because there are some index files it can't find or some keys are missing?12:03
giclooking for a lightweight utility that will let me know how long the screen has been locked. basically want to figure out how long have i been on break12:04
KM0201gic: screensaver with a counter?12:05
gicKM0201, exactly :) xlock does that but its ugly :(12:06
gici have used "time read" before12:06
gicbut i need something more automatic12:06
KM0201i have no idea.12:07
gicKM0201, no issues :)12:07
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MrokiiDoesn't anybody have a clue about that strange small popup that sometimes shows when doubleclicking (marking) URL in the address bar of Firefox for example? It's pretty annoying as the options are pretty much useless to me and also breaks my workflow, meaning I have to do an extra click to get rid of the popup menu before I am amble to actually hit Ctrl+C to copy a URL.12:09
bazhangMrokii, yes. there is an arrow that leads to a menu saying, dont ask again12:10
Mrokiibazhang: Hm, okay. Didn't notice that yet, but I will look. Thanks.12:10
lujyAny one ?12:12
bazhanglujy, ubuntu support question?12:12
Mrokiibazhang: I have no clue what you're talking about, honestly. Was that a remark about me asking the question once more or an actual answer? If so, I don't see anything like what you described.12:12
lujyWhy I cannot find other channel?12:13
KM0201what other channel?12:13
bazhangMrokii, a small popup window that appears in the address bar of Firefox? I thought that was your issue12:13
MonkeyDustlujy  type /msg alis list *blah* to find a channel12:13
lujyAny ubuntu 12.04 user?12:13
bazhanglujy, yes of course12:14
lujyI am using gnome312:15
lujybut I have a problem12:15
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Guest62018blehhh ubuntu 12.10 is soooo alien to me12:15
Mrokiibazhang: Yes, but not only in Firefox. And it has four options, Open in Mozilla, Open in Firefox, Open in Opera (I think) and something else I forgot. That's all. Strange thing is it doesn't always appear and I don't know how to either disable it or change the (for me) useless options.12:15
lujyCan gnome3 search like Unity dash?12:15
MonkeyDustGuest62018  it means you're learning something new12:15
CuacrzzDoes anyone know how to change metric settings on my l2tp vpn settings like that checkbox on Windows, because i'm connected and it works but all pages are blocked right know12:15
Guest62018well 1 thing for sure the xchat-indicator dosent work right in 12.1012:16
bazhangMrokii, that sounds somewhat different on second listening as you have further clarified12:16
bazhangGuest62018, it works perfectly here12:16
yvesDGuest62018: you are able to flee from unity for example for xfce. also check "things to do first after 12.10 install" for removing of shopping lens and so on12:17
bazhangGuest62018, perhaps you have misconfigured it12:17
lujyAny chinese channel?12:17
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:17
bazhang!adlens | yvesD12:17
ubottuyvesD: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ12:17
Guest62018yeah well when i minamize to tray and then try to maximize it start a whole new xchat for me12:17
Mrokiibazhang: Sorry for not explaining it properly. I just don't get where this is coming from, but as it's not only FX where it appeard (Thunderbird and Chrome as well) I assume it must be some Ubuntu-thing.12:17
Guest62018and yes the other one is still running in here12:18
MonkeyDustGuest62018  type /nick Evil_Eric12:19
plusEVhi. im running ubuntu 12.10 quantal 64-bit. I got 4gb installed ram. but system monitor in linux onlyvsees 2,9gb ram. why is that?12:19
Guest62018well i know the command dustmonkey i just havent ghosted my nick yet12:19
lujyhow to remove gnome3 calendar12:20
ewookplusEV: Is it a laptop or a workstation with graphic card that shares ram?12:20
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yvesDplusEV: shure you are running 64 bit? run "uname -a" in shell. also graphic card can share ram in laptops for example12:21
Evil_Ericbbl 12.10 ='s fail on many levels12:21
tuxtotihello. I have got 4 usb ports but only 1 of is working. dmesg isn't giving any output when i plugin a usb any of those 3.12:21
tuxtotiI have got the lsusb output here: http://pastebin.com/mccdna8912:22
tuxtotiAny clues?12:22
CuacrzzDoes anyone know how to change metric settings on my l2tp vpn settings like that checkbox on Windows, because i'm connected and it works but all pages are blocked right know12:22
plusEVit says x86_64 After running the command12:23
keyurPlease help me friends :(12:23
keyurI m having some issues with ssh12:23
keyuranyone their who can help me ?12:23
iceroot!details | keyur12:24
ubottukeyur: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:24
keyurSee I want to create ssh rsa public key12:24
icerootplusEV: what is the output of "free -m"12:24
keyurOk :D12:24
keyur but when i see my public key12:24
keyurin end12:24
keyurit says12:24
iceroot!enter | keyur12:24
ubottukeyur: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:24
icerootkeyur: please use one line to post a detailed questions12:25
keyurok :D12:25
RexterGoodmorning, what is Floodbot?12:26
keyurI want to setup ssh rsa public key ! so after generating when i open the pub key in ending it shows like andro-development@keyur-Inspiron-N4010  i don't want this " keyur-Inspiron-N4010  " can you tell me how to make public key without this ?12:26
keyurPlease help :(12:26
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MonkeyDustkeyur  isnt that the identifier of your pc?12:27
MonkeyDustkeyur  keep it in the channel please12:28
keyurbro cold you come on private talk @MonkeyDust12:28
keyurit is bit personal12:29
CuacrzzDoes anyone know how to change metric settings on my l2tp vpn settings like that checkbox on Windows, because i'm connected and it works but all pages are blocked right know12:29
MonkeyDust!pm | keyur12:30
ubottukeyur: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:30
keyurOk MonkeyDust: Bro The thing is i want to connect to one ssh server that server is based on rsa public key  and im not authorised to use that server but one of my friend is authorised so he said give me your public key so i can give that to admin12:31
keyurso if admin finds out my name he will not give access so i just want to remove this "keyur-Inspiron-N4010"12:31
keyur@MonkeyDust Got me bro ?12:33
dr0phello, has anyone faced the issue with xrandr -> after setting the highest available resolution on LVDS1 (laptop) i get blank screen?12:33
llutzkeyur: just remove the comment from the pub.key12:34
keyur@llutz it will not create any problem :O12:34
keyurthat maybe it will mismatch with private key ?12:35
kloesIs is possible to have gui without Xorg?12:35
kloesI think it is not12:36
kloesbut just to make sure12:36
OerHeksllutz, do we help hacking public keys to provide unautorized access ?12:36
keyur@OerHeks  Is it hacking o.O i don't think so ?12:37
llutzkeyur: its highly illegal12:37
OerHekskeyur, " im not authorised to use that server but one of my friend is authorised "12:38
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keyurhmmmmmm ! my friend want to give me access so ...12:38
llutzkeyur: well, you friend is an idiot and now stop that topic please12:38
gsommerUnder Ubuntu, how are applications notified about screen resolution change ?12:39
keyurplease :( reply to my  question12:39
OerHekskeyur, this is not an ubuntu issue, go find a hacking channel, we do not support this.12:39
OerHekskloes a gui needs X, so you thinking is right.12:40
vividis anyone else having an issue with global menus in 12.10?  they are only working for firefox and thunderbird for me12:40
keyurok :P12:40
kernsprogany experts on urban terror game?12:41
MoL0ToVsomeone can help me with a usb webcam? http://pastebin.ca/225273812:42
auronandacekeyur: wayland can be used as a xorg replacement (still experimental though)12:44
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=== Piero is now known as dext
cnfanyone know a good email notifier for kde? and i don't mean a full client, as i use the web client12:47
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gsommerUnder Xorg, how are applications notified about screen resolution changes ?12:48
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auronandacekloes: wayland can be used as a xorg replacement (still experimental though)12:52
OerHeksgsommer, XRRQueryExtension, see first answer  > http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freedesktop.xorg/month=2011040112:53
yvesDRexter: floodbot prevents users in irc to flood the irc-channel with posts. instead you should post all of your text in one post. so be careful to use enter in irc. just type all you have to say and then press enter ONE TIME12:53
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OerHekskloes ?12:53
yvesDlol wayland comes in 1 month. (since 2 years now)12:54
joarI'm having issues with nvidia drivers on 12.1012:54
joarThis is my Xorg.0.log: https://gist.github.com/21beab517334c88ec82812:56
plusEVhi. im running ubuntu 12,10 desktop amd64 on my lenovo t60. the system has 4gb of installed ram according to my bios, but system monitor in linux only shows 2,9gb. why is that?12:56
yvesDjoar: more info please. post xorg.0.log on nopaste (e.g. http://nopaste.info/) and the spec graphic chip12:56
auronandaceplusEV: you running 32bit12:56
joaryvesD: https://gist.github.com/21beab517334c88ec82812:56
OerHeksplusEV, maybe your videocard uses ram for a shadow copy, or your onbord videocard uses that ram.12:57
joarauronandace: plusEV: I believe the 32bit max is 3.9G12:58
plusEV128mb ATI Radeon x1400 is the video card. how do i figure out if the card takes my mem?12:59
plusEVram even12:59
arnsaHello, is there a package for ubuntu like this one? https://www.archlinux.org/groups/i686/gnome-extra/13:00
auronandaceplusEV: what does uname -a say?13:00
auronandace!find gnome-extra13:01
ubottuFound: gnome-extra-icons13:01
sevoxx!find erection13:01
ubottuPackage/file erection does not exist in quantal13:01
arnsaauronandace, as you can see only gnome-extra-icons :| Maybe it's called soemthing else?13:01
yvesDplusEV: have you tried dash-additional drivers?13:01
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sevoxx!find !find13:01
arnsa!find pkgbuild13:01
ubottuFound: findutils, libfile-find-rule-perl, libfile-find-rule-perl-perl, libfindlib-ocaml, libfindlib-ocaml-dev, ocaml-findlib, aeskeyfind, disulfinder, disulfinder-data, ffindex (and 31 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=find&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all13:01
ubottuFile pkgbuild found in el-get13:01
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arnsaWhat's el-get?13:02
plusEVauronandace: x86_6413:02
auronandace!msgthebot | sevoxx13:02
ubottusevoxx: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:02
auronandaceplusEV: ok, i used to have a t60 but mine was only 32bit13:02
sevoxx!msgthebot | auronandace13:03
ubottuauronandace: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:03
plusEVi went into cpu-z in windows pre linux install. said 64bit there.13:03
arnsaWhat's el-get?13:04
auronandace!info el-get | arnsa13:04
ubottuarnsa: el-get (source: el-get): install and manage elisp code for Emacs. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.1-1 (quantal), package size 92 kB, installed size 340 kB13:04
sevoxx!find jdk-1.713:04
ubottuPackage/file jdk-1.7 does not exist in quantal13:04
sevoxx!find jdk13:04
ubottuFound: default-jdk, default-jdk-doc, gcj-4.6-jdk, gcj-4.7-jdk, gcj-jdk, gcj-native-helper, openjdk-7-dbg, openjdk-7-demo, openjdk-7-doc, openjdk-7-jdk (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jdk&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all13:04
BluesKajHey all13:05
sevoxx!info openjdk-7-dbg13:05
ubottuopenjdk-7-dbg (source: openjdk-7): Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols). In component main, is extra. Version 7u7-2.3.2-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 205375 kB, installed size 448729 kB13:05
mweijtsi have problems to set Firefox and Thunderbird in a other language, I installed the firefox-local-nl and Thunderbird-local-nl (quantal), in FF and TB is see the language pack in the add-ons, but everthing keeps English13:05
plusEVit is 64bit. blah this is bad...13:06
plusEVwhat is wrong?13:06
auronandaceplusEV: pastebin sudo lshw13:07
Evil_Ericahhh home sweet 12.0413:07
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yvesDmweijts: have you restarted? have you gone to dash->languages?13:07
lujyHow to search for documents like in unity in gnome313:08
yvesDplusEV: look for the program "additional drivers" in your dash13:08
arnsa!find mojo13:09
ubottuFound: libmojo-server-fastcgi-perl, libmojolicious-perl, libmojolicious-plugin-basicauth-perl, libmojomojo-perl, libtest-www-mechanize-mojo-perl13:09
Evil_Ericyay no more xchat-indicator issues13:09
mweijtsNo i'am using Kubuntu and have also installed ubuntu-desktop13:09
tumadre¿Quién quiere  follar?13:09
lujyhow about gnome313:09
tumadreIn Spanish please13:09
auronandace!es | tumadre13:09
ubottutumadre: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:09
DJones!es | tumadre13:09
lujymy god13:09
mweijtsyvesD:  No i'am using Kubuntu and have also installed ubuntu-desktop13:10
arnsaCould anyone tell me how can I install Avadon: The Black Fortress game from Humble Bundle? It says I need Mojo Installer, but idk where could I get it.13:10
arnsaPlease, anyone?13:11
vividarnsa, you may want to ask the humble bundle support about that13:11
plusEVyvesd: no such thing in my dash.13:12
arnsavivid, I tried, but whenever I write them an email, I got back an email from google that my letter went to the spam folder. Idk wtf is wrong...13:12
yvesDplusEV: must be on 12.1013:13
vividarnsa, go to http://humblebundle.com/  and click on the Support link on the top right13:13
arnsavivid,  there's no information on how to install that game.13:13
subhaHi, I am new to Ubuntu, recently I installed Ubuntu on my Mac and need some help for wifi, is this the right place to ask/13:13
seednodeYes, it is.13:13
seednodeJust ask the question.13:14
subhathanks, i can access internet using a LAN cable13:14
subhabut cant use WIFI13:14
auronandace!bcm | subha13:14
ubottusubha: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:14
seednodeDo you know the driver is Broadcom, auronandace ?13:14
seednodeJust to make sure.13:14
subhadont know, can I check?13:14
auronandaceseednode: its a decent guess, he's on a mac13:15
auronandacesubha: lspci13:15
plusEVyvesD: found it. now what?13:15
seednodeAh. I wasn't aware of that.13:15
seednodeOh, wait.13:15
seednodeSorry, just woke up. Can't read :P13:15
subhaok, let me go through  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx and ask you guys again if I fail to do it properly13:15
subhaThanks a lot13:15
auronandacesubha: lspci will tell you if it is broadcom wifi13:16
yvesDplusEV: click it and let it search13:16
seednodeI remember on my first install I used a Belkin USB NIC, and I had to install drivers with ndiswrapper.13:17
subhaDo I need to remove the lan cable to enable it?13:17
arnsaHow can I contact Humble Bundle live?13:18
seednodeI'm not sure; I don't think you do, but I can't guarantee.13:18
plusEVyvesD: doing it, but what do i do when my foit falls a sleep? :)13:18
seednodearnsa: What do you mean?13:18
=== Guest14399 is now known as thedoor
arnsaseednode, do they have an irc channel or smthng?13:19
yvesDplusEV: hack it off13:19
plusEV* facepalm*13:19
Cuacrzzi need to enter a shared  folder with my network, there's a way to do it with \\?13:21
yvesDplusEV: if it finds available drivers. try to stay with the free one. it tells you in the brackets after the driver description13:21
yvesDplusEV: "version current"13:22
nibblerCuacrzz: smb://host/share13:23
plusEVyvesD: no proprietary drivers are in use on this system.13:23
subhahow do i install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter/1:015-14?13:24
subhahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter/1:015-14 *13:24
auronandaceplusEV: your ati card is too old for the proprietary drivers13:24
ms_hi people!!! :)13:24
plusEVauronandace: i dont worro about the card. i just want my 4gb ram to be active. not 2,9gb.13:26
plusEVworry even13:26
auronandaceplusEV: what does sudo lshw say (in a pastebin please)13:26
yvesDplusEV: sorry i mixted you up with someone asking for help with graphic13:26
auronandace!paste | plusEV13:27
ubottuplusEV: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:27
ms_I've been in a folder00 and I went to folder01 and to folder02, and so on. I want to know how to do previous through shell, but not "cd .." hein!!!13:27
MonkeyDustms_  better ask in #bash13:27
dydi need to get some parameters from a udev event (usb insertion) that triggers a bash script. I managed to find that $ID_VENDOR has the value of ATTRS{vendor}, now i need to know how i can get the values of ATTRS{model}, ATTRS{idVendor}, ATTRS{idProduct}, ATTRS{bcdDevice}, ATTRS{serial}. Anyone knows how i can get them in my bash script?13:27
plusEVim on irc on my phone.... pastebin wont happen. :)13:27
auronandaceplusEV: your t60 has no net connection?13:28
plusEVi guess i will just try another distro13:28
ms_MonkeyDust, thanks :)13:28
plusEVyea it has but ok... ill get weechat on it13:29
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest20787
edvehi everyone i'm having a DCOM error of communication on my Ubuntu 12.10 and my Windows server 2008 how can i correct that ?13:29
Cuacrzzthanks nibbler13:30
nibblerCuacrzz: welcome13:31
plusEVim behind firewall or something. doing this when home. cya later.13:33
nibbler32bit linux supports way more than 4GB RAM, as address width was increased to 48bit (iirc) long before 64bit cpus were mainstream. "large mem support" its called in linux i believe13:34
auronandace!pae | nibbler13:35
ubottunibbler: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info13:35
nibblerauronandace: ah right, was just in reply to plusEVs questions before13:35
auronandacenibbler: still, even with pae applications can't use more than 4 gb13:36
nibblerper application not, but system memory would be >4GB13:36
nibblerwhich was the complaint of plusEV13:36
auronandacehe said he was using 64bit13:37
nibbleroh, overread that then....13:37
auronandacehe didn't give me the output of a command so that i could verify it13:37
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=== jonas_ is now known as Guest82921
Xelihello, I've got some problems with wpa2. There seems to be a fix added to precise proposed (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpasupplicant/+bug/969343/comments/96) but how do I install it? apt-get install wpasupplicant/precise-proposed doesn't work13:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 969343 in wpa_supplicant "Unable to connect to WPA enterprise wireless" [Medium,In progress]13:50
auronandaceXeli: either wait till its released normally or enable the proposed repos13:51
Xeliauronandace: I have added the proposed repo's to my /etc/apt/sources.d, as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed13:53
auronandaceXeli: then just: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:53
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Xeliauronandace: When I run apt-get update I can see precise-proposed being 'hit', but dist-upgrade does nothing13:55
auronandaceXeli: is that fix in your mirrors yet?13:56
Vistrange, /join #php doesnt seem to work. i can join other channels?13:56
thanasakoshello guys13:56
auronandace!register | Vi13:57
ubottuVi: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:57
drag0niuswhat edition of ubuntu has lowest hardware requirements?13:57
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Xeliauronandace: mm that might be it, how can I check what mirror I am using?13:57
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Viah i see -_- new to using this gnome xchat application13:57
noobatlifeIs it possible to install windows 7 inside ubuntu 12.04?13:58
noobatlifeI want to dual boot13:58
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auronandace!lubuntu | drag0nius13:58
ubottudrag0nius: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:58
drag0niusbut would be easier to first install windows then linux13:58
Butchoanyone have a xorg.conf for a nvidia GTX470 and a Apple Cinema Display 30"? I'm having problems getting full resolution.13:58
noobatlifeI dont have that option13:58
thanasakosneed help about linux(terminal)13:58
drag0niusif you install Win7 after ubuntu you'll need ubuntu live boot to fix grub13:58
drag0niusbecause windows install overrides any boot managers13:59
noobatlifethank you for this information13:59
=== matzipan_ is now known as matzipan
auronandacenoobatlife: inside ubuntu? as in a vm?13:59
drag0niusso basically: Install Ubuntu -> Install Windows 7 -> put live USB in -> fix Grub13:59
thanasakoscan u hel[ me?13:59
noobatlifeas in installed13:59
noobatlifeon the hard disk13:59
auronandacenoobatlife: you can't do that from INSIDE ubuntu14:00
Xeliauronandace: ah no, I made a /etc/apt/preferences file which only allows explicit installs of the proposed repo, I've removed it now but dist-upgrade will install a lot of packages, can I choose to install wpasupplicant?14:00
drag0niusthanasakos what u need?14:00
auronandaceXeli: no idea sorry, i keep only the normal repos14:00
auronandacenoobatlife: you'd need a win7 disk to boot from14:01
drag0niusauronandace what?14:01
Xeliauronandace: alright, thanks for the tips tho14:01
drag0niusyou can make separate partition to install win7 on14:01
thanasakoshelp with terminal14:02
drag0niusyeah but what with it14:02
thanasakosor what need to install14:02
noobatlifeThat was what i wanted to do14:02
thanasakosi am new14:02
noobatlifeI wanted to install windows on a partition14:02
noobatlifeof the same hard disk that ubuntu is on14:02
drag0niusjust make partition and install :P14:02
drag0niusthen boot from ubuntu live usb and repair grub14:02
drag0niusand will be fine14:02
thanasakosii want to tell me something to do for learn use linux14:03
Junior_suddenly I can´t connect ubuntu by ssh using putty, what's wrong??14:03
llutzJunior_: the error is?14:04
drag0niusthanasakos just google "linux basics"14:04
Junior_the putty windows is closed when write password14:04
auronandace!terminal | thanasakos14:04
ubottuthanasakos: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:04
auronandace!google | drag0nius14:04
ubottudrag0nius: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:04
auronandacethanasakos: #bash may be more help14:05
Junior_bash from win7 I gues it is not possible14:05
PiciJunior_: What? If you mean running Putty in Windows 7, I'm using it right now.14:06
llutzJunior_: you mighgt ask in some win-channels, but doesn't putty have an option not to close the window or some logging features?14:07
Junior_ubuntu is not logging14:07
Junior_logs on some days doesn't appear14:08
Junior_is like a attack but i'm not sure14:08
Junior_additional I can´t connect trhough ssh14:09
Junior_is so crazy14:09
Junior_any idea14:09
FloodBot1Junior_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
llutzJunior_: the error is?14:09
Junior_I can´t get errors because the system is not writing log files14:10
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llutzJunior_: so how do you expect to get any help then? get another ssh-client and hope its more verbose on errors (cygwin)14:11
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Junior_should be any idea around the trouble14:12
Junior_I guess14:12
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Butchohow can I tell which drive X is using? should be using nvidia but nvidia-settings is telling me it's not running14:13
Junior_ubuntu has a limit to user conections by ssh?14:13
ButchoJunior_, can you telnet to port 2214:14
PiciJunior_: Is Ubuntu not logging or is Windows not logging. You're being somewhat vauge.14:14
Junior_ubuntu is not logging14:15
PiciJunior_: Are you out of diskspace?14:15
auronandaceButcho: lsmod14:16
Junior_there are space on disk14:16
PiciJunior_: Which log are you looking at?14:16
Junior_i saw messages.114:17
Junior_but some days there aren't logs14:18
Junior_so crazy14:18
tuxtotihello again. i think my message went unnoticed. so 3 of the 4 usb ports aren't working. got some data here: http://pastebin.com/mccdna89 . any help ?14:19
Junior_Pici: I saw messages.114:20
nibblertuxtoti: i think the output of dmesg might be more itneresting, after plugging a usb device14:20
PiciJunior_: try /var/log/auth.log14:20
tuxtotinibbler: oh yeah . just forgot to tell. no dmesg output for the 3 nonworking ports.14:21
nibblertuxtoti: no idea then, sorry14:22
tuxtotiany channels around here were just hardware/kernel people lurk around ?14:22
Junior_Pici: I had to restart system phisicaly so /var/log/auth.log has log from system was rebooted14:23
Junior_Pici: I lost logs before when something was wrong14:23
vrajeshI have a problem with current version of kernel in Ubuntu 12.10. It freezes at boot-time. This never happened in previous version of kernel or Ubuntu.14:25
auronandacetuxtoti: ##linux or ##hardware14:25
vrajeshI have core i5 450m CPU and ATI 5470 GPU14:25
MonkeyDustvrajesh  what's the outcome of uname -r ?14:29
vrajeshIt won't boot. So, I can't tell that. But I have downloaded the iso recently.14:29
vrajeshMonkeyDust: ^.14:30
yvesDvrajesh: do you have access to /var/log/ ? to look for logfiles?14:30
ThiagovfarCan I change the way lightdm runs the X server? Like passing -nocursor to it?14:31
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vrajeshyvesD: Actually the thing is, It won't install, it won't boot from removable media..14:31
yvesDvrajesh: totally different matter14:32
yvesDvrajesh: you boot from usb?14:32
vrajeshyvesD: Yes, what I can say for sure is the problem is with kernel only.14:32
yvesDvrajesh: why?14:33
vrajeshIt gets stuck at kernel load time...14:33
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yvesDvrajesh: how did you install onto usb? unetbootin?14:33
vrajeshAnd it works on other machines..14:33
yvesDvrajesh: what did you choose after unetbootin-prompt? default?14:34
ButchoI can't seem to modpobe nvidia .. gives me Module nvidia_current not found/14:34
auronandaceButcho: surely the module is just nvidia (not nvidia_current)14:34
vrajeshyvesD: Yes. I tried all options, Default, install etc.. Plus I tried installing it via wubi.. Same result. Checked the ISO hash, it seems to be okay..14:35
Butchoauronandace: did it both ways. nvidia doesnt seem to want to run14:35
jwrigleyyvesD: thx, wasn't sure for a moment :)14:35
yvesDjwrigley: ;)14:36
Butchonouveau driver works great14:36
yvesDvrajesh: i had similar, then took text install and worked14:36
vrajeshyvesD: Oh! Let me try that... Will be right back.. Thanks.14:37
yvesDvrajesh: wait14:37
vrajeshyvesD: Okay,14:37
yvesDvrajesh: what is the iso you loaded? debian-live-6.0.5-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso ?14:37
georgephwhats up with gnome-media-player...it got bad reviews and doesn't work here either14:38
vrajeshyvesD: ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso14:38
georgephalso blender is broken and supertuxkart is broken as well14:38
yvesDvrajesh: ah ok, sorry wrong channel14:38
vrajeshyvesD: What?14:39
georgephhow can ubuntu support anything with so much stuff that is totally broken14:39
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vrajeshyvesD: Oh!14:39
MonkeyDustgeorgeph  no rants here, please14:39
yvesDvrajesh: maybe you want to try out alternate.iso14:40
PiciThere is no alternate as of 12.10.14:40
georgephMonkeyDust...not a rant...just a report of facts with broken software...linux keeps breaking everything14:40
MonkeyDustgeorgeph  then report it somewhere, this is the support channel14:41
yvesD*detects predujice14:41
georgephMonkeyDust...well nice to know there is a support channel but how do they expect to support the broken packages14:41
vrajeshyvesD: I will try the text installer, and be back later...14:42
MonkeyDustgeorgeph  better start from the beginning, what were you doing and when did things go wrong14:42
AlanBellgeorgeph: blender installs and runs for me, gnome-media-player segfaults, supertuxcart installs and runs14:43
georgephMonkey well i finally found a way to change the default drivers in x...so i got glxgears running on the ati...so then i decided to see if supertuxkart would work...it did until i installed restricted stuff...which took out the avcodec libs...and supertuxkart quit working14:44
simplewmy mouse stops working sometimes, is there any problem related to this?14:44
yvesDsimplew: what mouse? wireless?14:44
MonkeyDustgeorgeph  sounds like a ATI problem, then14:45
eric_ok maybe xchat and no indicator14:45
simplewyvesD: no, usb mouse14:45
georgephMonkeyDust...well could be..it is just hard to tell14:45
yvesDsimplew: so its cable? does lsusb tell it is connected?14:45
georgephMonkeyDust ...at least some games do work like the 3d psemu stuff like final fantasy and legend of dragoon14:46
simplewyvesD: it does14:46
AlanBellgeorgeph: bug #830569 indicates that gnome-media-player is abandoned upstream and will probably be removed14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830569 in gnome-media-player (Ubuntu) "gnome-media-player crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_client_get_default()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83056914:46
BehindPenguinis Intel® Ironlake Mobile x86/MMX/SSE2  support to run FlightGear ?14:46
simplewyvesD: it does not, sorry14:46
yvesDsimplew: here you go14:46
georgephMonkeyDust...but losing supertuxkart was a real loss just like blender14:46
simplewyvesD: here i go on what?14:46
yvesDsimplew: if it is not connected, it cannot work14:47
AlanBellthe others look like faults with your configuration rather than things Ubuntu has messed up the packaging of. You can report it with ubuntu-bug blender if you want14:47
georgephMonkeyDust especially since blender is getting some elementary sterioscopic rendering14:47
simplewyvesD: but the cable is connected14:47
yvesDsimplew: shure. but something is wrong with the connection, otherwise lsusb would show it14:47
MonkeyDustgeorgeph  don't forget to read useful posts that are adressed to you14:48
georgephAlan...how do you report to ubuntu-bug blender14:48
riqdiizWhat is the equivalent of .bat extension in ubuntu?14:48
georgephAlan...some people would like to use free stereoscopic rendering14:48
simplewyvesD: of course, thats why im asking about it14:48
llutzriqdiiz: a shellscript14:49
simplewyvesD: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/107251914:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1072519 in xorg (Ubuntu) "After upgrade to Quantal, Dell mouse stops working - Dell Latitude e6410" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:49
MonkeyDustriqdiiz  i use a small custom script without extension14:49
llutzriqdiiz: names/extension do say nothing about a file. a script can be named as anything. just make sure to use a correct shebang and make the script executable14:50
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georgephAlan..i am fairly certain the blender failure is x related ...it seems to be a color issue14:52
georgephAlan...but some people would like to freely develop stereoscopic rendered stuff with free bullet physics for 3d vision games14:53
georgephAlan...and supertuxkart was making some elementary progress with bullet physics14:54
georgephAlan...although not stereoscopic rendered frames14:55
riqdiizllutz: how do you make a script executable?14:56
llutzriqdiiz: chmod +x file14:56
arabii dont want to dispaly " myname@computername " in terminal... i just wanna display $ instead of that anyone can help????14:56
riqdiizIn ubuntu?14:56
llutzriqdiiz: in any linux/unix14:57
VirungaDo you know how to jump at the end of a file with Vi?14:57
llutzarabi: export PS1="\$"   in your ~/.profile14:58
Pumpkin-_Virunga: upper case G14:58
arabillutz where i want to type it14:59
riqdiizllutz: syntax for file x14:59
georgephquakeguy...what a name ...are you working on a free openarena14:59
VirungaPumpkin-_: thanks you!!14:59
arabillutz I didnt get you15:01
arabipls help15:01
yvesDsimplew: what does lsusb say, when the mouse works?15:01
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arabii dont want to dispaly " myname@computername " in terminal... i just wanna display $ instead of that anyone can help????15:02
Pumpkin-_arabi: llutz answered the question. You need to play with your PS1 variable (which controls your prompt).15:04
sumanthhow to install intel grahics driver  in ubuntu15:07
sumanthhow to install intel grahics driver  in ubuntu15:07
georgephsumanth...man that stuff is extremely difficult...it took many days to just install an old ati driver15:08
sumanthgeogreph, tell me how to install15:08
georgephsumanth...well manually remove all the x libs and binaries...and build the xfree tarballs from scratch15:09
sumanthgeogreph, next15:09
georgephsumanth...then it will build the right directories....and have some configuration tools and configuation files15:09
sumanthgeogreph, what are the configuration tools and configuation files15:10
riqdiizllutz: I thought chmod +x only changes permissions.15:10
llutzriqdiiz: read "man chmod"15:11
georgephsumanth..xf86config....and the .conf file in /etc/X11...so the old drivers can talk to it and modify it properly15:11
sumanthgeogreph, there is no x11 conf15:11
MonkeyDustriqdiiz  permission to execute, that is correct15:12
georgephsumanth...yes there is and the atidriver.sh modifies it properly15:12
georgephsumanth but the real problem is broken blender and broken supertuxkart15:13
HelioDoes anybody here have any idea where I could talk to mtron (the optimus guy) i need some help from him.15:13
pringlescanHello all, I'm trying to install Apache 2 on Ubuntu 12.04 and I get unmet dependencies. I've run all the standard apt-get commands (auto-remove, purge, update, upgrade, install -f) and I still cannot install Apache2. Any suggestions? I googled it...15:13
sumanthgeorgeph, there is any ppa15:13
georgephsumanth...i dont' know about ppa stuff...that kind of packaging stuff i am not familiar with15:14
georgephsumanth...i can barely work with tarballs and debs15:14
Picipringlescan: can you pastebin the exact messages you're getting?15:14
sumanthgeorgeph, can you tell  me how to install with deb package15:15
georgephsumanth....well no guarantees for cross os stuff...but you can try dpkg -i filename.deb15:15
georgephsumanth...sometimes it works15:15
pringlescanPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1372611/15:16
georgephsumanth...but get the right debian files for your processor15:16
sumanthgeorgeph, where can i find deb packages for intell hd graphics15:16
georgephsumanth...oh i don't know..you would have to call intel and ask them about their hardware support15:17
pringlescanI'm using precise in my sources.list I didn't change anything in there from vanilla Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:17
llutzgeorgeph: please be helpful or stop your nonsense comments15:17
llutzsumanth: what intel-chipset?15:17
sumanthgeorgeph.., thanks dude15:17
aristidesflI've replaced the motherboard of my server, but now the network interface doesn't appear in ifconfig and it takes a while to boot with the message "Waiting for network configuration"15:18
aristidesflwhat should I do?15:18
georgephllutz...it is not nonsense..just facts15:18
Boreeaspm-hibernate exits without error message, what can I do?15:18
pringlescanPici: it installed it as apache2.2 somehow even though I used apt-get install apache2 to install it, i could not run apt-get remove apache2 to remove it15:19
pringlescanthat seems like a bug to me15:19
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Picipringlescan: What does apt-cache policy apache2-mpm-prefork say?15:20
pringlescanInstalled: (none). Candidate: 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 Version Table: 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 and then it lists where the packages are coming from15:22
pringlescanpici: i got it working, but I see a bunch of people having this issue in google, so it's rather odd, none of the solutions worked for me, I did have apache2.2 installed but I purged that, not sure how it got installed15:23
Picipringlescan: If you have precise-security and precise-updates enabled you shouldn't be having this issue.  I have both enabled here and I see the proper package versions fine (and apache is installed and working)15:25
sdasdahi! is there any similar program for ubuntu like the "rawcopy"?15:27
MonkeyDustsdasda  what does it do?15:27
Pumpkin-_sdasda: don't know what rawcopy is, but it sounds a lot like what "dd" does. Check the manpage / google it and see if it what you need.15:28
v0lksmananyone know how to create a swap partition in fdisk?  this version doesn't seem to let me!15:28
sdasdaHDD Raw Copy Tool is a utility for low-level, sector-by-sector hard disk duplication and image creation.15:28
llutzv0lksman: create a new partition (n), set size etc., then change type (t) to 8215:29
Pumpkin-_sdasda: yeah, that really sounds like dd15:29
v0lksmanllutz: thanks!  been a while!  :)15:30
v0lksmanhttp://dpaste.com/833825/  <-  still can't make them identical which is weird15:32
georgephsdasda...they are just trying to put norton out of business15:32
georgephsdasda...but it is none of my business15:33
MonkeyDustsdasda  linux has dd if=blah of=blah    <-- input file/output file15:33
nibblerv0lksman: you can use sfdisk to dump on one and write to another hd. or just copy everything with the tool of your chice (cp, dd, cat)15:33
sdasda<georgeph> I can't really understand you. i was asking about dd, not about norton :)15:34
dan-myttanyone with experienc e of ssh15:34
sdasda<MonkeyDust> thank you15:34
v0lksmanI think I'm going to rebuild.  This was supposed to build with the disks mirrored.15:34
georgephsdasda...well dd is a free version of norton ghost15:34
georgephsdasda...so who will pay for norton's products15:34
nibbler!ask | dan-mytt15:34
ubottudan-mytt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:34
boichevavinash, hi15:35
dan-myttset up openssh- server on host and client on netbook can ssh across LAN but when i log in on an external internet connection(BT Openzone) and try to shh into the host the connection times out and nothing happens! i set port forawrding for the host on the router!! i allowed port 22 on firewall inbound and outbound for everyone but still no connection15:37
x7fffffff_Hello there, ive got a question and i hope i am in the right channel...  on my newly installed 12.10 (x64) box im trying to install fglrx which installs just fine, however on reboot it automaticly sets a default resolution that my monitor cant handle which shuts off at that point leaving me blinded. On debian i'd edit that in [/etc/X11/xorg.conf] however on this version of ubuntu i dont find...15:38
x7fffffff_...that file. Any idea where that configuration/data is now stored?15:38
sdasdaIn fact I want to recover some data after formating... Do anyone know how to do it?15:39
sdasdaI've already tried testdisk, but no resoult...15:39
atlefwhat about photorec15:40
MonkeyDust!recover | sdasda maybe this is helpful15:40
ubottusdasda maybe this is helpful: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:40
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boichevx7fffffff_, look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:40
ButchoAnyone help with installing the nvidia driver? http://pastebin.com/fpy0u3Zx15:41
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"15:41
Toph2my comuter hangs almost daily , running 12,04. Can someone direct me to a log that indicates what is happening, please?15:41
sdasdaThank you,,, well it was an ntfs filesystem15:41
x7fffffff_Thank you boichev, however installing isnt the issue, im trying to find out where the xorg configuration is stored on 12.1015:42
RamchandraAptex7fffffff_: use locate command to search the entire filesystem instantly15:42
georgephsdasda well for woking with ntfs stuff.you can try backtrak5linux...it has some ntfs-3 stuff15:42
boichevx7fffffff_, I think if there is no such file you just can make one15:42
RamchandraApteboichev: no15:42
RamchandraApteboichev: the config files are stored in a dir15:42
x7fffffff_I tried making one but it doesnt get read... guessing its using a config file other than xorg.conf15:43
RamchandraAptex7fffffff_: yes15:43
RamchandraAptex7fffffff_: ubuntu uses a dir for the xorg config files15:43
boichevRamchandraApte, x7fffffff_ my bad :)15:44
RamchandraAptex7fffffff_: found it. it is at /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/15:44
peepsi just upgraded to 12.10 and i can't get into gui now.  the login screen comes up but when i enter my password the screen flashes black for a second and then returns to login screen15:44
peepsthis is my Xorg.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/137267815:45
Butchopeeps, hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, log in, and delete the most recently created dotfiles15:45
micfanO, some times it should be restart for login15:45
peepsButcho: dotfiles?15:46
RamchandraAptepeeps: (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory15:46
AR_suck 3 anuses15:46
RamchandraAptepeeps: you have a problem with nvidia drivers. I don't know how to help with that as I always use intel HD graphics( they can play Doom 3 decently)15:46
x7fffffff_Thanks but none of these configs hold any information to the Driver and Screen part of the xorg config15:47
RamchandraAptex7fffffff_: what is your proble,?15:47
sdasdaThank you. Do you think if ddrescue would work? I mean is it for restoring, or it just makes a copy of the disk?15:47
peepsok, i'll try reinstalling them i guess.  this crap seems to happen on every upgrade15:47
georgephRamchandr...what about cube...cube2...cube assault does intel support the free stuff15:47
micfanmay close two display mode in bios15:47
x7fffffff_[the driver isnt specified in the configs in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf]15:47
RamchandraAptegeorgeph: ?15:47
RamchandraAptegeorgeph: is uses open-source drivers15:48
x7fffffff_my problem is that the default resolution isnt supported by my monitor and therefor needs to be changed in the config.15:48
georgephRamchandra...have you tested the free cube 2 engines with your intel graphics15:48
Butchoomg, they really need to set up a dependenct for nvidia-current to linux-source and linux-headers15:48
maxweli can put ubuntu in my lotop ?15:48
x7fffffff_but the config is lost!15:48
Butchopeeps, did that fix it?15:49
peepsButcho: i don't know what you mean dotfiles15:49
RamchandraAptemaxb: does it a dedicated graphics card?15:49
georgephRamchand...but really people are getting tired of fps stuff....even third party shooters don't draw an audience anymore...not sure what the outcome will be for the new laura croft propietary stuff15:49
RamchandraAptegeorgeph: at least my 3D gaming needs are satisfied by my integrated card :D15:50
Butchopeeps, is there a .dmrc in your home dir15:50
georgephRamchan...well see if the free cube engines work on your intel15:50
RamchandraAptegeorgeph: pm me for further things15:50
georgephRamchan...if you like that propietary doom stuff15:51
riqdiizIf I want to open firefox and type in myaddress.com  and click enter then copy all the resulting contents of the page into tomboy notes.how do I use code to do all this withouthaving to click all those buttons?15:51
RamchandraAptegeorgeph: doom is not propriatery15:51
peepsButcho: yeah15:51
Butchodelete it15:51
georgephRamchand...yes it is....they upgraded to quake engine but still fps15:51
georgephRamchan...but the cube engines are free15:51
peepsButcho: still the same problem15:51
Butchoeh, restart maybe15:52
Butchoor restart the X server15:52
mr_louI'm finding myself in need of buying some semi-great graphics-card, since my computer is too slow for semi-advanced video-editing. But I have bad experience with installing a graphicscard on a running Linux system, where as there'd be no problem if I'd install the graphicscard first and then install Linux.....   But I'd rather not have to install Ubuntu and all my programs all over again, so my question is; is there any particular graphicscar15:52
mr_loud I'll have more luck with on a running Ubuntu system?15:52
RamchandraAptemr_lou: which graphics card do you currently have?15:53
mr_louRamchandraApte, Have no idea. Some not-so-spectacular onboard one.15:53
mr_louRamchandraApte, It's using Nvidia drivers though.15:53
escottmr_lou, not sure how a graphics card is going to help that much with video editing15:53
RamchandraAptemr_lou: my integrated Intel HD works quite well with Blender15:53
mr_louescott, Local computershop dude says it will.15:54
mr_louescott, What would you recommend then?15:54
Laednso as far as i understand, journalling only help if the system hangs up and bust be hard-resetted, or if the is a power outage. Is it really all that?15:54
RamchandraAptemr_lou: more memory and a good CPU and a good GPU15:54
georgephRamch...man you are lucky...the only way i currently have blender working is with nvidia on windows...but i would like to get it working with ati on linux15:54
mr_louRamchandraApte, My current one also works fine, except when I start adding various filters and whatnot on my videoclips, then it becomes slow.15:54
RamchandraAptemr_lou: with what?15:54
mr_louRamchandraApte, I'm using Kdenlive.15:54
escottmr_lou, yes the cards can accelerate decode, but.... that requires driver and program support and the drivers coming from AMD/NVIDIA have never been particularly good wrt those additional features so the programs were never written to take advantage of it15:55
RamchandraAptemr_lou: when you are rendering it in the highest settings?15:55
mr_louRamchandraApte, No, just playing back in the program.15:55
escottLaedn, yes15:55
RamchandraAptemr_lou: give the output of lspci|grep VGA15:55
georgephRamch...nobody cares about rendering for 50 inch plasma screens.... they care about free stereoscopic rendering for 3d vision15:55
mr_louRamchandraApte, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2)15:56
sudayahi all how to auto mount ntfs drive with user but not root user15:56
MonkeyDustsudaya  in /etc/fstab15:56
escottsudaya, you can set uid,gid options in your fstab entry15:56
RamchandraAptesudaya: I think there is an option to auto-mount drives.15:57
v0lksmanwhen I boot from a key with 12.04 I only see this little tiny blob in the lower left of the screen not the choose a language menu you should see...any ideas why?  I need that primary menu15:57
sudayaescott: i have add UUID=E6FE79EBFE79B481/media/System ntfs users,defaults 0 0 in fstab15:57
sudayaescott: how to set uid15:57
escottsudaya, uid=1000,gid=1000 in the options15:58
Laednescott: could you please remember me which was the program to remove journaling on 12.04 or 12.10 ?15:58
sudayaescott: uid=1000 means ??15:58
escottLaedn, etunefs15:58
escottsudaya, it makes 1000 the owner of the files in that folder15:59
Laednescott: thank you!15:59
sudayaescott: thank you16:00
PrototypeX29Adon't the package openjdk-7-jdk and openjdk-7-jre include the binaries java and javac?16:00
PrototypeX29Amy eclipse doesn't run anymore and it looks like the binaries got removed, but installing jre and jdk doesn't help16:00
blackjack84_angprima  ti sposo poi ti rovino16:01
PrototypeX29Aif i try to run 'java' ubuntu recommends to install openjdk-7-jre-headless (and others) but it already IS installed16:03
Laednescott: sorry, have you any idea how i can run the command if the boot SSD is still mounted?16:03
PrototypeX29Ais there anythin broken with my packaging?16:03
escottLaedn, livecd16:03
Laednescott: ok, so the change will remain? i'm not actually sure where it will store that value tho16:04
escottLaedn, its stored in the superblock16:04
Laednescott: k great16:05
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Guest34046How to make my USB Bootable, and install windows on it? Because I'm trying too install Windows on one hard drive, and on the other one is THIS OS which is Ubuntu.16:10
Phryqhey, is there a way to run fluxbox other than with "startx" ?16:11
lawltoadanyone have any experience or read on af anyone installing linux on the lenovo ideapad yoga 13?16:11
Phryqor alternatively, a way to add a regular user account to run startx?16:11
escottPhryq, do you really want a "fluxbox" session. like really truly want no session manager16:12
escott!ot | Guest3404616:14
ubottuGuest34046: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:14
Guest34046ubottu: Okay =)16:14
lotuspsychjeim looking to remove zeitgeist without messing up unity-desktop16:15
phunyguy_workhey guys, I am trying to add Twitter as an online account in 12.10 and I am behind a firewall with SOCKS proxy via SSH tunnel.  google, facebook, and this IRC work good, but twitter will not do anything after I click the twitter button and then it wants me to authorize ubuntu to access my twitter account16:15
phunyguy_workI just get an empty window16:16
lotuspsychjephunguy_work:maybe twitter using an alternative port? try nmap yourself16:17
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phunyguy_worklotuspsychje: will nmap honor a socks proxy?16:17
lotuspsychjephunguy_work:not sure, its worth a try16:17
phunyguy_workIt works on my laptop when at home, just not here at work.16:18
phunyguy_work(behind the proxy)16:18
phunyguy_workthat leads me to believe there is an issue with the proxy implementation portion of twitter/gwibber16:18
phunyguy_workor twitter/online accounts16:18
lotuspsychjephunguy_work: is your problem something like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/172032/when-adding-twitter-details-to-online-account-page-keeps-timing-out-before-i-ca16:19
phunyguy_worklotuspsychje: no, when you click twitter, and it comes up with the window that you would normally enter your twitter username and password, nothing happens.  No login dialog.16:20
Laednescott: i'm wondering just a thing: how can i disable journalling on a ubuntu virtual machine?16:20
lotuspsychjephunyguy_work:not sure then mate sorry16:21
phunyguy_worklotuspsychje: also like I said, normally it works great when I am at home, but on this PC I am forced to proxy.  All other online accounts including this IRC chat via Empathy work great.  Just no twitter16:22
llutzLaedn: sudo tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdXY           to turn journalling off, make a backup before16:24
Laednllutz: but i'm supposed to unmount the boot drive first. And how can i run a live on a VM guest?16:25
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llutzLaedn: just use the iso as boot-device16:26
Laednllutz: sounds neart16:26
escottLaedn, same answer. livecd16:27
amcsi_workI mounted an ssh server with sshfs to some folder in /media, but my VPS failed which caused the ssh connection to terminate. Now I cannot unmount the sshfs, and also, linux hangs when I even do ls on /media. How do I fix this?16:27
escottLaedn, of course it being virtual you just pass the virtualization system the iso and it will emulate the drive. so i guess its "virtual live cd"16:27
bdiis there anything like dropbox i can use to enable users across different platforms to synchronize files via my server ?16:27
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escottdiverdude, you want to run something internally?16:28
Laednescott: yeah sorry that was pretty obv. I'm a little bit slow today :(16:28
diverdudeescott, yeah16:28
llutzbdi http://owncloud.org/16:28
OerHeksbdi ubuntu-one ?16:28
leftistfter you download jre how do you install it? i have so much difficulty with java in ubuntu...16:30
leftist[11:30] [Error] after: Unknown command.16:30
sledgesplease thumbs up for Jolla! GNU/Linux smartphone developer,reviving fun-rich MeeGo codebase/N9 experience! http://www.tosielamandiili.fi/peukutus.shtml (press Tyykaa under logo) - they need your votes to beat rival which gained 4k votes over 1 night :( poll closes soon & Jolla is presenting UI and SDK tomorrow at #slush1216:31
MonkeyDustsledges  wrong channel16:31
sledgesapologies for spamming, but it looks appropriate16:32
llutzspam never  is appropriate16:32
leftistwhy am i always told i need to install java when i knnow it's installed?16:32
leftisti just checked the control panel and it shows it installed.16:33
escottleftist, probably not in your path16:33
sledgesfor the sake of FOSS in our hands in the shape of a smartphone?16:33
phunyguy_worksledges this is a support channel16:33
phunyguy_worktherefore spam is never appropriate16:33
escottleftist, check update-alternatives to see what you have selected for your java,javac16:33
leftistok escott thanks16:34
leftistbtw i run 10.04 lts16:34
sledgesapologies, won't do this again16:34
phunyguy_workfor some reason I don't believe you.16:34
phunyguy_workjust a hunch.16:35
sledgeswell this was my first time, apparently the last, seeing how it was welcomed/against the rules16:35
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BluesKajsledges, just leave the baggage behind next time  :)16:38
leftistwhat happened sledges? i love controversy  :D16:39
sledgesread up ;)16:39
bazhang!ot | sledges leftist16:40
ubottusledges leftist: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:40
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:40
bazhangsledges, thats enough16:40
phunyguy_workI suggest those guidelines get read, as they mention bot abuse.16:40
morgothis there no qt3 support in kubuntu 12.10? or why was nethack-qt removed? im devastated, guys!16:41
phunyguy_workmorgoth, #kubuntu may be more appropriate if you can't find the answer here16:41
morgothphunyguy_work: thanks, ill check there16:42
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morgothalthough i was pretty sure that they all use the same package repository, only with different packages to be installed by the installation media16:42
morgothdeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal main restricted16:43
phunyguy_workmorgoth: correct, but most users here are ubuntu, not Kubuntu, and even if the #kubuntu channel is slow, you will probably still get a faster answer there on a kubuntu related question16:43
phunyguy_workmorgoth: I wasnt saying you were wrong for asking, I was saying this may not be the best place to ask.16:44
BluesKajmorgoth, is qt4 not working for you ?16:45
PrototypeX29Ait seems that i am missing /etc/alternatives/java completely, to my understanding it should be there after i have installed openjdk-7-jre16:45
morgothBluesKaj: it is working, but i figured the nethack-qt package used libqt3-mt, which is no longer available16:45
BluesKajok morgoth , I'm not familiar with nethack-qt16:46
Phryq<escott>, yes I do16:46
PhryqI want to run only fluxbox, with maybe a file manager like nautilus16:47
escottPhryq, in that case i guess create an Xsession file in /etc/X1116:47
phunyguy_workI stand corrected, but BluesKaj, you ARE in the #kubuntu channel, no?16:47
WalexPhryq: 'nautilus' will most likely pull in most of GNOME as a side effect16:47
BluesKajphunyguy_work, yes I am16:48
Riddellmorgoth: yes it's been removed because qt 3 has been removed, bugs.debian.org/60436316:48
phunyguy_workanother one in the #kubuntu channel.16:48
morgothRiddell: then this is the time to get involved, as soon as i manage to build the qt4 version. :S16:49
morgothRiddell: thanks16:49
phunyguy_workok I'm done for now.  I need to ask my question again I think, I can't get Twitter to give me a login screen via online-accounts when behind a proxy.16:49
phunyguy_workand come to think of it, Gwibber itself gives me no content even though facebook maps.16:50
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phunyguy_workI am chatting with you on IRC via the proxy and empathy16:50
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ChristopherAlanI'm running Ubuntu on a powermac g5,16:53
ChristopherAlanruns good,  anyone think I will have any problems with booting & grub16:53
ChristopherAlanif I install multiple distro's to my machine ?16:53
teratomaso i can connect to my work's Microsoft PPTP VPN , in the graphical interface ( I guess its network manager ).  how can i do this from the command line ?16:53
llutzteratoma: http://askubuntu.com/questions/57339/connect-disconnect-from-vpn-from-the-command-line16:55
killerhow do i re-partition my btrfs  partition(seperate for keeping data only)...in precise16:55
escottkiller, repartition meaning?16:55
theadminteratoma: Use "pptpsetup" to configure the connection and "pon connection-name" to connect.16:55
llutzteratoma: and you want to ask your it-profs why they still use pptp...16:56
escott!ppc | ChristopherAlan16:56
ubottuChristopherAlan: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:56
killerok ......i did n't make it clear enough, i mean i want to resize it ....(shrink it):escott16:56
escottChristopherAlan, i realize thats probably not helpful16:56
teratomathanks.  i have no control over the terrible VPN!16:56
escottkiller, then you need to use the btrfs tools to shrink the filesystem first, then you can shrink the partition16:57
ChristopherAlanit's okay hah16:57
mllieHow do I do to automount some usb hdds? To mount them now I do like this:  mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /media/usb0 -o uid=martin16:57
escott!fstab | mllie16:57
ubottumllie: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:57
killeri have installed btrfs-tools but still can't resize it : escott16:57
ChristopherAlanI've just read about people with problems, so I cast a lure seeing if anyone had some personal insight on it in here,  thanks16:57
mllieescott: yes, but I don't know how to write it correctly there. The mount-command workds16:58
mllieescott: but I want to be able to plug them in after boot also for example16:58
escottChristopherAlan, im just not sure how many people here are going to have a ppc system much less have multiple distros on it16:58
ChristopherAlanI understood it was a long shot16:58
escottmllie, (a) you need to use blkid to identify the proper UUID16:58
mllieescott: blkid?16:59
escottmllie, then it will be roughly "UUID /media/usb0 ntfs uid=1000 0 0"16:59
escott!uuid | mllie16:59
ubottumllie: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:59
mllieescott: I see17:00
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MrELusivenessiam currently using 12.04 LTS 64 bit17:02
MrELusivenessis it worth moving up to 12.10?17:02
mllieescott: something like this? 8AE8FF55E8FF3E4F        /media/usb0     ntfs    uid=martin      0       017:03
theadminMrELusiveness: Depends on your purposes. If you require stability and support, then probably not. If you want new features, sure. I myself am waiting for 14.0417:03
MrELusivenessiam concerned about better operation with wine17:03
escott!ntfs | mllie also check this. you probably want to setup the ntfs-3g driver not the in kernel driver, and i dont know what that looks like in fstab17:03
ubottumllie also check this. you probably want to setup the ntfs-3g driver not the in kernel driver, and i dont know what that looks like in fstab: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:03
mllieescott: in fstab17:03
mllieescott: I just need read-access :)17:03
escottmllie, you shouldn't say "martin" in fstab. it might work but we usually put numbers in fstab17:03
mllieescott: how do I get the uid?17:04
escottmllie, also consider setting gid, and noexec17:04
escottmllie, "id"17:04
MrELusivenesswell sometime in april 2013 support will end for 12.04 i read17:04
bazhangMrELusiveness, thats not correct17:04
mllieescott: better like this? 8AE8FF55E8FF3E4F        /media/usb0     ntfs    uid=1000,gid=1000,noexec        0       017:05
bazhangit's FIVE years MrELusiveness17:05
MrELusivenessthat was froma  public ubuntu blog17:05
theadminmllie: No, more of: UUID=8AE8FF55E8FF3E4F /media/usb0 ntfs-3g user,users,nofail,mode=0777 0 017:05
MrELusivenessok cool17:05
bazhangMrELusiveness, 10.04 is in 201317:05
MrELusivenessnow if only the wine packages could get a update :D17:05
mllietheadmin: I don't need write-access and then don't want to install ntfs-3g :)17:06
bazhangMrELusiveness, #winehq for their repo17:06
MrELusivenessoh then someone must have confused 12.10 with 12.0417:06
MrELusivenessyeah i know17:06
theadminmllie: Oh, okay, then: UUID=whatever /media/usb0 ntfs defaults,nofail 0 017:06
MrELusivenessi was in the winehq channle all this last week17:06
axgb123I have an internet problem on ubuntu. sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. I dont know why. I am dual boot 12.10 and win7. What should i do?17:06
bazhangMrELusiveness, no, 12.10 is 18 months17:06
mllietheadmin: what is nofail?17:06
theadminmllie: The "nofail" is necessary to prevent errors if the device isn't present on bootup, judging by "usb0" I suppose you want that.17:07
bazhangaxgb123, wifi?17:07
mllietheadmin: correct. And that will be accessable when plugged in then?17:07
MrELusivenessbeing dual boot wont affect your internet connection17:07
theadminmllie: Yeah17:07
axgb123yes wifi. ethernet works fine but this is wifi im talking about17:08
escotttheadmin, mllie wants it automounted on boot for "martin" not sure users is going to know who the correct owner is17:08
bazhang!wifi | axgb12317:08
ubottuaxgb123: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:08
axgb123our house (unfortunatly) is done with wifi17:08
MrELusivenessdrivers can be the problem17:08
mllietheadmin: is it mounted as martin in this case then?17:08
escotttheadmin, if you set it to 777 that i opens it up. perhaps thats satisfactory to mllie17:08
axgb123someone said that something on windows will fix it. i changed that setting and nothing happened.17:08
theadminmllie: Who cares what the owner is if the access is read-only anyway? Won't matter.17:08
MrELusivenessyeah alot of the chepa notebooks that came out have not the best wifi installed but ubuntu works with a bunch17:09
axgb123and it sometimes  works, sometimes doesn't so that shows that drivers are not the problem17:09
MrELusivenesserr cheap notebooks17:09
mllietheadmin: well, it does. At least when I did mount with mount-command it was only the owner that did get read-access17:09
axgb123also this is a desktop computer and also i tried Wicd and the same problem was the case17:09
theadminmllie: If necessary, though, run "id -u martin" and find the UID, then add "uid=1000" to the options, where 1000 is the number you get17:09
mllietheadmin: shall I do ,ro as well? because rw is default?17:09
theadminmllie: The "ntfs" driver doesn't support read-write access so that does nothing\17:10
escottmllie, the selected driver doesn't do writes so the ro is redundant but its no harm to add it17:10
axgb123but, for some reason, if i reboot into windows then reboot into ubuntu it starts working again. Very strange17:10
escottmllie, makes your fstab more explicit which is good17:10
leftistreally strange escott but i was able to get java to work with firefox and the really odd thing is that i was shown the routine for it on googles dev portal and yet they didnt have anything for chrome of which i use so i used firefox. i'm startinng to have seconnd thhoughts about chrome in general for any os to be honest. but i'm good! Thanks!17:10
MrELusivenessa reboot does tend to fix things alone17:10
mllieescott: theadmin: like this? UUID=8AE8FF55E8FF3E4F   /media/usb0     ntfs    defaults,uid=1000,ro,nofail     0       017:10
theadminmllie: Yeah that looks about right17:11
axgb123no, it only works if i boot into windows then reboot into ubuntu. I have tried both and only the first works17:11
theadminmllie: Make sure you *are* id 1000 though with the command I gave (id -u martin)17:11
mllietheadmin: sweet. How do I test it without reboot?17:11
MrELusivenesscold boots17:11
mllietheadmin: it is 100017:11
theadminmllie: Well, to test it you can run "sudo mount -a"17:11
MrELusivenessreset alot of stuff17:11
mllietheadmin: first umount /media/usb0?17:11
MrELusivenesslike total shutdown17:11
theadminmllie: Well, yes17:11
escottmllie, you can customize till your eyes bleed. im sure that is adequate. i would probably throw gid=1000 and noexec on it17:11
theadminescott: The gid for the "users" group on ubuntu is 1000? That's a weird choice...17:12
MrELusivenessbut sounds like a driver/hardware issue17:12
theadminOh wait, ubuntu doesn't have "users"17:12
mllietheadmin: escott well, some errors. I gtg, brb!17:12
axgb123but it also does not work with wicd so how can it be drivers17:13
escotttheadmin, no the "martin" group. i don't have a users group17:13
datruthIs there something betterthan virtualbox it seems to be the main cause of freezing and locking up my kubuntu system17:13
axgb123either when i boot up it works with both wicd and default network manager, or it works with neither. SO it cant be a drivers problem17:13
MrELusivenessive seen driver that were ment for the hardware not always work right17:13
escotttheadmin, mostly i dont like files that are owned by "joe:root"17:13
axgb123what should i try doing. ive tried almost everything but ive always had this same problem17:14
MrELusivenessthen theres always that chance that the hardware is acting up17:14
theadminescott: That's honestly a weird choice, most distros I know have a "users" group where pretty much every user who can log in gets added. Having separate groups for every user kind of nullifies the purpose of the group permission bit on files in your $HOME17:14
MrELusivenessWHAT? card that go bad? no way17:14
axgb123but it works almost perfectly on winows 7 when it ius booted into17:14
escotttheadmin, i understand the point of it. just saying i dont have a users group, and AFAIK ubuntu has never by default had one17:14
andygraybealis it possible to only use a touchscreen with ubuntu?  (like if i select an entry box it will popup with an onscreen keyboard?)17:14
MrELusivenesswindows works with the hardware diffrently too17:15
axgb123its a tplink and it has an atheros chipset17:15
theadminescott: Yeah I know, just rambling, forgot it doesn't, sorry17:15
escotttheadmin, rather it has one but people aren't added to it automatically. its id 10017:15
vividandygraybeal, yes its possible, the onscreen keyboard is called onboard17:15
MrELusivenessits best to go with hardware that share's dev info with open source developers17:16
andygraybealvivid, how do i configure this?17:16
axgb123what should i do? im not expert. ive tried all sorts of crazy things to try and get it to work17:16
MrELusivenesshello again Vivid17:17
theadminaxgb123: Is ath9k loaded?17:17
axgb123what do it do? sudo apt-get install ath9k?17:17
axgb123i dont know if it is installed or loaded17:17
axgb123or whatever17:17
v0lksmananyone know if it's possible to convert a single drive system into a software RAID1 ?17:17
theadminaxgb123: Eh, no, just check if it's loaded: lsmod | grep ath17:17
vividandygraybeal, i dont know, you may have to do some research17:18
MrELusivenesscheck to see if the are other drivers to choose from for that hardware17:18
andygraybealvivid, thank you!17:18
axgb123im on ubuntu, and it just happens to be working now, as i said it sometimes does and sometimes does not17:18
MrELusivenessubuntu gives me options for other drivers for my video card for example17:18
theadminaxgb123: Sounds sort of random, I dunno. Try updating your system, may be a bug that's fixed in a new release17:18
theadmins/release/package versions/gi17:19
axgb123theadmin: ive updated, ive coped with the problem since about 11.10 when i started using ubuntu *A lot*17:19
MrELusivenesssometimes it will show a icon at the top of the screen for optional drivers17:19
axgb123this is what came out of the terminal :ath9k                 131308  0  mac80211              539908  1 ath9k ath9k_common           14055  1 ath9k ath9k_hw              395218  2 ath9k,ath9k_common ath                    23827  3 ath9k,ath9k_common,ath9k_hw cfg80211              206566  3 ath9k,mac80211,ath17:19
MrELusivenessor you can find the link in the system settings17:19
theadminaxgb123: Hm, looks good to me... But then again it *is* working now so that's no surprise17:20
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MrELusivenessdid you go 32bit or 64bit with your ubuntu install?17:20
escottv0lksman, easily17:20
axgb123i will get onto the irc on my laptop so i can chat while rebooting and whatever17:21
MrELusivenessi wonder what brand of hardware is it that the ath9k covers?17:22
axgb1234im axgb123 but on my laptop as i think the thing requires me to have a new nickname each time.17:23
theadminMrELusiveness: Atheros, as the name suggests.17:23
MrELusivenessoh ok wasnt sure17:23
axgb1234i am "axgb123" but on my laptop. i think the thing requires me to have a new nickname each time.17:23
theadminEasier to guess than say "fglrx"17:23
axgb123ive gone over to my laptop as axgb123417:23
axgb1234shall i get the internet to not work and do what you say17:24
MrELusivenessif its working leave it alone lol17:24
v0lksmanescott: docs?17:24
axgb1234no, i mean reboot and see if it stops working as it normally does in my experience17:25
escottv0lksman, just search for "convert to mdadm RAID1"17:25
MrELusivenessif you are going to reboot it, try full shut down17:25
axgb1234ok. thats a good idea17:25
MrELusivenessthat might be key17:25
axgb1234i will try that17:25
deviliriumHello, is there a little application to download needed dependencies on every ./configure ?17:25
axgb1234yes. that sounds right to me17:25
axgb1234i will just try that now17:26
SolarisBoydevilirium: nice idea if not =)17:26
MrELusivenesswindows might be resetting the hardware so a shut down might do the same17:26
georgephman i am really tired...whats up with this uefi stuff..and ubuntu wanting the redhat kernel patches...but even if they get them they will not get the keys17:26
axgb1234it is shutting down now17:26
bazhang!ot | georgeph17:26
ubottugeorgeph: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:26
georgephis this the end of all linux distros except redhat17:26
bazhanggeorgeph, thats enough17:27
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axgb1234its starting up now17:27
MrELusivenesshardly geogeph17:27
bazhangMrELusiveness, lets move on please17:27
axgb1234ive started up and it shows the animation for connecting and it shows that for ever17:27
MrELusivenessgive it time axg123417:28
MrELusivenesswifi can be slow and or picky17:28
axgb1234and it will show that until i boot into windows then into ubuntu again, i predict17:28
MrELusivenessdo you ahve a switch ont he notebook that turns on and off the wifi?17:28
axgb1234it is a desktop pc17:28
axgb1234it seems the situation is that it needs to have been a restart from windows to work.17:29
MrELusivenessi saw you say laptop before17:29
morgothI DID IT :D17:29
axgb1234no im chatting on the laptop so i can restart on the desktop without interruptions to the chat17:30
morgothsorry. i compiled nethack for qt417:30
axgb1234the laptop is also dual boot and it works 100% perfectly17:30
morgothnow i am going to find that guy who ported it, and kill him.17:30
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MrELusivenessiam going to say it has to do with the hardware and the driver17:30
theadminmorgoth: Why do you even need a Qt version, what's wrong with nethack-x11?17:30
MrELusivenessthe fact you run a dual boot should not mean anything17:30
axgb1234but how it works has a direct relationship with whether i have just been into windows or not17:31
morgoththeadmin: i like the qt version better, and im a man of habits.17:31
axgb1234* i mean whether it works17:31
huevolin1990hello, i need help at consulting for a crash, but it is about hardware, not software17:31
MrELusivenessbecause of how windows activates stuff at boot up17:31
theadminhuevolin1990: There is ##hardware for hardware-specific questions.17:31
huevolin1990oh thanks :P17:31
axgb1234does winows sort of 'start up' the wireless card and ubuntu not, so do i need a driver that 'starts up' the card properly17:32
MrELusivenessdo you have a different wifi card you could try in that pc? axgb123417:32
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temphello guys, does anyone know how to compile vhdl code with ghdl on a ubuntu 64-bit17:33
georgephtemp are you trying to design hardware stuff17:34
axgb1234a few years ago, for some reason i had a 32bit install so i tried an old 32bit wireless card i have. and that did not work. it did the same. now its 64bit17:34
axgb1234and i think *im not certain* that 32bit is incompatible with 64bit17:34
MrELusivenessmost of the wifi cards you see in walmart work perfectly17:34
axgb1234i live in the united kingdom walmart does not exist there17:35
MrELusivenessdoh lol17:35
LorraHey everybody, I've got a usb stick with write protect on (no hardware switch) and I'm unable to format it, how should I do to format it?17:35
georgephaxgb1234...you are lucky...wallmarket has put many small business here out of business and added to massive unemployment17:35
theadminLorra: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 # Or something like that.17:36
axgb1234this wireless card. i think came from totenam court road, when the computer was being built and there was a little panic with the wireless card being forgotten and bought from there17:36
axgb1234i dont live in the us so i dont realy know about walmart. all i know is that it is a shop17:36
tempgeorgeph: well not really, for now,I'm trying to test some of the vhdl code I have seen in a book I'm reading; I intead working on something hardware later though.17:36
MrELusivenessaxgb1234 my thought was if you could a newer card 3com or something else as in a brand17:36
MrELusivenesserr diffrent brand17:37
georgephaxgb1234...well they are big and have monopsony power...and have wiped out many small businesses that could not compete with their low prices17:37
Lorratheadmin: done already, says it can't open the device 'cause it's read-only17:37
theadminLorra: Oh, so it's hardware-protected... um... I dunno honestly if there's no switch17:37
tempgeorgeph: any guidance?17:38
axgb1234is the only option you think will work to buy a new one? the problem was that the card only works if i restarted from windows into ubuntu17:38
MrELusivenessaxgd1234 if it keeps giving you problems then a new card might be the better choice17:38
axgb1234i would rather not get a new one17:39
axgb1234would that definitely solve it17:39
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axgb1234can you give me a link to one on amazon uk which will definitely work17:39
MrELusivenessif you were to get a new card i would say that your chances of support by both os's would be better and not only that, but you wouldnt have to worry about a old card going bad17:40
MrELusivenesstheres always that chance17:40
axgb1234when the card was bought, no concideration was put into linux17:40
axgb1234linux was later17:41
MrELusivenessthats why its a good idea to research before buying17:41
axgb1234so should i research then buy another17:41
uabn93does anyone know a workaround for installer crashes? i filed a bug but it looks like a lot of them get ignored17:41
MrELusivenessgoogle it is for free17:41
MrELusivenessi would17:42
axgb1234because it says on a ubuntu database that my model of card works perfectly17:42
MrELusivenesscompare to what the support list says for ubuntu17:42
MrELusivenesswindows will alway cover more but checking with the support info for ubuntu you cant go wrong17:42
uabn93i really want to get this system installed17:43
DaBasHello, I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on my brand new setup with SSD but I noticed that the unpacking (DPKG) takes ages to be completed. On my mechanical hard disk the setup is completed in 20 minutes, on the SSD it takes more than 2hours. I configured the discard,noatime in /etc/fstab (ext4 filesystem). Anyone an idea?17:43
MrELusivenessslow ssd? dabas17:43
MrELusivenesstheres a lot of cheap SSD's out there17:44
DaBasMrELusiveness: I did not bought the fasted ssd, but compared 2hours compared to a 20 minutes is to much17:44
axgb1234go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link and do ctrl + f and type TL-WN951N17:44
MrELusivenesswell its buyer beware17:44
escottDaBas, have you tried without "discard"17:44
axgb1234try that and as you will see it says that it works and is tested (but only with some old versions17:44
MrELusivenesssounds limited17:45
DaBasescott: Yes, when it is installed vanilla, I excecuted the command sudo fstime / -v and i set the discard,noatim in /Etc/fstab17:45
uabn93do you think switching to 12.04 will fix it?17:45
axgb1234what do you mean sounds limited17:45
datruthI'm on 12.04 if I do an apt-get dist-upgrade will that bring me to 12.10?17:45
MrELusivenessif it only works with some older versions17:46
axgb1234go check it17:46
MrELusivenesswell if you looked it up you should know17:46
uabn93i think its the version of ubiquity on 12.10 that's giving me problems17:46
axgb1234surely they wont make the drivers worse in the new version17:46
bazhangdatruth, dist-upgrade does NOT change versions17:46
DaBasMrELusiveness: yesterday I installed fedora 17 on the desktop and the ssd is working pretty fast (faster the mechanical) It's like that dpkg is taken to much tme17:46
axgb1234it says TL-WN951N  Atheros  ath9k  ?  Yes  Yes. Tested on Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04  IEEE 802.11n does not work with 11.04. High Packet loss. Works fine in Wireless G. I believe this is a kernel/driver issue  2011-07-2517:47
datruthOk then17:47
MrELusivenessDaBas is that SSD listed in the supported hardware?17:47
DaBasMrELusiveness: will check is immediately17:47
escottDaBas, and it was also slow without discard?17:48
axgb1234dabas is the SSD manufactured by OCZ and does it contain a sandforce controller17:48
MrELusivenessaxgb1234 it looks like you could do better with a diffrent card then17:48
uabn93how do i troubleshoot installer crashes?17:48
cordycepswhere does VLC save bookmarks, if it does?17:48
DaBasaxgb1234: No is doesn't change a thing ...17:48
axgb1234shall i do that17:49
MrELusivenessget a new card and solve your headache17:49
escottDaBas, i would certainly disable discard, and then i would check your alignment and blocksize17:49
axgb1234DaBas OCZ SSD drives have a very bad reputation for failing and working badly. My brother put his university coursework on an OCZ drive and lost a load of ti17:49
cordycepswhere does VLC save bookmarks, if it does?17:50
axgb1234anyway i will get a new card which is definitely compatible17:50
DaBasaxgb1234: I bought the crucial v4 3GB/s 128GB17:50
MrELusivenessDaBas yeah SSD drives are no where near replacing a regular harddrive just yet17:50
uabn93ssds have a greater fail rate than hdds in some cases17:50
MrELusivenesseven usb sticks do to17:51
MrELusivenesser too17:51
tempplease guys, I'm still waiting. Does anyone have any information on compiling vhdl codes using ghdl on ubuntu 64 bit. The code looks OK; a basic hello World Program but it does not compile17:52
axgb1234no, its not a sandforce chipset and it is not OCZ so i dont know17:52
mllietheadmin: [240047.064814] NTFS-fs error (device sdc1): parse_options(): Unrecognized mount option nofail.17:52
ubottuwolverin: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:52
DaBasuabn93: MrELusiveness: Yep but why is Fedora running like a train and ubuntu as a turtle17:52
compdocDaBas, I have 4 OCZ drives. The only problem they have is when the PC sleeps or hibernates. They have released firmware updates for that, but these days I just dont use them in PCs that sleep to be safe17:52
MrELusivenessprobly difffrent driver17:52
theadminmllie: Hm, must be specific to some UNIX filesystems. Okay, remove that then17:52
exarkunI can't seem to install python-pyopencl, http://codepad.org/R4dhmmAE17:53
DaBascompdoc: Do I need to make attention how to partition the drive ? I have 16GB ram but specifies 4GB of swap in the beginning of the driver, rest is / for data17:53
MrELusivenessfedora being redhat and ubuntu being debian two diffrent linux distros for sure17:53
mllietheadmin: what will happen if I try to access /media/usb0 if the disk is removed?17:53
MrELusivenessDaBas what ver of ubuntu?17:54
uabn93guess ill come back later17:54
DaBas12.04 and 12.1017:54
DaBasbut I prefer 12.0417:54
MrELusivenessdid you do a fresh install of 12.04?17:54
compdocDaBas, if you allow the OS or gparted to partition, it will be correct. As long as its a current OS. I think Ubuntu 11.10 on up, or windows 7 on up17:54
theadminmllie: Well, you'll get an empty folder, but you'll also get a warning on bootup, shouldn't be a big deal, just minor annoyance17:55
MrELusivenessDaBas ive always thought that a fresh install is better than a upgrade17:55
trash_hello punx17:55
DaBasMrELusiveness: yes it is fresh installed17:55
DaBasboth versions17:56
mllietheadmin: I see!17:56
compdocDaBas, be sure to update the ssd drive's fireware17:56
morphiashello my fello linux fellows17:56
MrELusivenesswell DaBas if you are not sure about the make and what controller this ssd has then that could be a problem17:57
SierraARI've got gparted installed and running now on 12.04, curious what the /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 partitions are for (There's about 4GB for each)17:57
MrELusivenessknowing what your hardware is can be important17:57
DaBascompdoc: I think they didn't release a firmware upgrade for this SSD ...17:57
compdocall OCZ drives have them, as far as I know17:58
MrELusivenessis there a model # ont he drive?17:58
DaBasMrELusiveness: Will check it17:59
Twistyhow can I cut a file to the last 10 lines? outputting tail back to the same file empties the file. can I do this without copying to another file first?18:00
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exarkunOn Quantal, I can't install python-pyopencl.  apt-get complains that "opencl-icd" is uninstallable: <http://codepad.org/R4dhmmAE>.  How do I get opencl-icd?  Or how do I get past that to be able to have a working python-pyopencl?18:01
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mllietheadmin: well, now when first booting and then insert the hdd. /media/usb0 is still empty?18:01
theadminmllie: Oh that's odd.18:01
erictr1ckman, i really wished we could move the unity launcher to the bottom of the screen. i always like it on the left, but now that i have 2 monitors its pretty annoying.18:02
DaBasMrELusiveness: On the top of the drive there is no label, but this is the site: http://www.crucial.com/store/partspecs.aspx?imodule=CT128V4SSD218:02
theadminmllie: What does "sudo mount /media/usb0" report?18:02
MrELusivenessnothing on the drive its self?18:03
MrELusivenessnothing stamped or printed?18:03
mllietheadmin: now it reads correctly18:03
mllietheadmin: I got two disks. The other one's folder is still empty tho18:03
MrELusivenessDaBas if there is nothing to identify the drive on the outside, it could be anything.18:04
MrELusivenessyou could see how fedora see it as far as what the device name or driver its using18:04
invariantHow do I enable pdo_pgsql to work with Apache2 and PHP5?18:04
DaBasMaybe at the bottom of the drive, but it is currently mounted with screws in the bottom of the case  (antec case) ...18:04
invariantI don't quite understand why just installing it isn't enough either.18:05
MrELusivenessDaBas figuring out what that drive is will help18:05
mllietheadmin: any idea?18:06
DaBasOk I will give it a try this evening18:06
QS81can anyone help me with upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10? I'm getting a held dependency error but there are no broken packages when I scan with synaptic.18:06
theadminmllie: Not really :(18:06
DaBasMrELusiveness: thx for help already18:06
DaBascompdoc: Thx for help already18:06
compdocgood luck18:06
bincpanyone using ubuntu with openvpn connection?18:07
mllieescott: maybe you have any idea?18:07
bincpIḿ having an issue with connecting to my VPN at home from my laptop here at work. It has all the information, keys and such, I know vpn works as it works fine from MS side.18:08
MrELusivenessif you have a flash drive that has a hardware write protect enabled with out a switch to turn it off then i think you should hit it very hard with a hammer18:08
gandhijee_hello.  are there any EGL libs for ubuntu 10.0418:09
gandhijee_please do18:09
_Bierhello i was wondering if there is a way to move the dock to the bottom in ubuntu 12.10 64bit?18:09
gandhijee_please don't start with ubuntu 10.04 is no longer supported.  i know this already.  i just want to know if there are any EGL libs for ubuntu 10.0418:09
peepsaloti just upgraded to 12.10 and using cinnamon desktop and i can't lock my screen18:09
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peepsalotthere is a menu item that says lock screen and clicking it does nothing18:10
peepsalotalso it is syupposed to lock when the screen is turned off from being idle, but it wakes up without prompting for a password18:10
MrELusiveness12.10 from what i understand is not 100% stable correct me if iam wrong18:10
xanguapeepsalot: cinnamon isn't supported here, try the mint channel18:10
vahnxis there any way to get back the compiz burn effect in 12.10?18:11
gustav__What's mint?18:11
MrELusivenesshe probly ment linux mint distro18:11
gustav__Is it fresh?18:12
gustav__So it's the same as Ubuntu+18:12
gustav__Do the ops run mint? Or Ubuntu?18:12
MrELusivenessits just another distro no its not unbuntu18:12
OerHeksgustav__, no, it is an old gnome2 fork. but gnome is dead.18:12
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:12
john__I need to connect to a second computer. Nothing works.. Hel!18:13
invariantOerHeks, it's not dead when people maintain it.18:13
invariantOerHeks, it's just that the original people don't support it.18:13
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john__It is connected with a second ethernet card18:13
bincpIḿ having an issue with connecting to my VPN at home from my laptop here at work. It has all the information, keys and such, I know vpn works as it works fine from MS side.18:14
utu-sanjohn__: connect both pc to a switch and then use openssh18:14
john__The first car is fine I am getting no throughput throght the second I installed today18:14
webnetquick question. anyone know if there is a package i can install for additional webcam drivers that dont come in the release itself?18:15
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:15
john__utu-san, I can swich between both with a swith18:15
MrELusivenesswebnet umm generic ones perhaps?18:15
pikaciujohn__ : ifconfig ?18:15
john__utu-san, I have belkin swich which swiches keyboard, mouse, screen and sound from one machine to the other with  press of a button18:16
webnetMrELusiveness possibly? im not really sure my Acer aspire webcam hasnt worked since 10.10 but i never really needed it until now since i installed skype. it used to though so im assuming a package was removed that enabled it18:17
utu-sanjohn__: I'm talking about as network switch, like a router18:17
MrELusivenesswebnet the best you can do is see if its listed in suported hardware18:17
john__utu-san, it is a unshielede twisted pair18:17
john__utu-san, shouldn't need a router18:18
MrELusivenesssometimes a alternate or generic drive can work18:18
MrELusivenesser driver18:18
MrELusivenesswebnet is this a standalone cam or a notebook cam?18:19
webnetMrELusiveness i looked for it. my model isnt shown as supported, but the actual hardware webcam is the same as the  AspireOne netbook which IS supported. perhaps i have a hardware error and not a software one :/18:19
webnetits a notebook cma18:19
MrELusivenessyeah when it comes to notebooks, it can be a pain18:19
MrELusivenessyou would have better luck with a universal usb one18:20
webneti fugured as much18:20
webneti bought one for my desktop. guess ill just have to transfer it back and forth. lol18:20
MrELusivenessbut looking up hard supprt of the notebook might bring you more info18:20
john__utu-san, syour comment?18:20
MrELusivenessmy insipre dell notebook reciently got support for its built in wifi now it rocks18:21
john__utu-san, a web page, something?18:21
john__utu-san, I have been trying all day and I am still nowhere..18:21
MrELusivenessacer stuff always scares me18:21
Spr1ngI've been impressed with the quality of their hardware over recent years.  Also, their customer service is amazing.18:22
MrELusivenessspecialy if it says acer on the notebook anywhere :D18:22
v0lksmanfollowing that to convert a system.  Lost at the Grub2 part18:22
v0lksmando I need to do anything?18:22
v0lksmaninsmod mdraid18:22
v0lksmanI thought grub2 was pretty automagic18:22
MrELusivenessDude its a dell   yeah that sounds better18:23
delacI always seem to get some terminal output when I log out. Any way to prevent that and just show  the dots?18:23
MrELusivenessor Dude its a Asus18:23
dtigueI just got a free Core I7, with an ASUS mother board, and 3 gigs of RAM. I'm so happy18:24
MrELusivenessthat is cool18:24
MrELusivenesscant beat free18:24
dtigueMrELusiveness: A customer of ours asked us to recycle the machine cause they didn't want to spend the money to replace the graphics card18:25
_Bierhow do i hide the dock? ubuntu 12.10 64bit18:26
MrELusivenessi would be like THANK YOU18:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:26
MrELusivenessplease come again18:26
bazhanglets get back on topic Please18:26
xangua_Bier: in the Apearance settings you can set it to hide18:26
_Bieryeah auto hide, but not completely gone?18:27
dtigue_Bier: right click on the background and select to change background, then select the 'behavior' tab18:27
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v0lksmanany grub2 love on adding raid support?18:27
_Bierdtigue: but that only says auto hide, i mean really hide?18:28
dtigue_Bier: from there you just need to turn on auto hide18:28
_Bieror is that impossible18:28
MrELusivenessVivid I am wondering if the porblems ive been having with ubuntu and wine isnt something that just related to the game i was trying to run. I dont tink my ubuntu install is corrupted or loaded up. is there way to check the health of a ubuntu install?18:28
dtiguewhat do you mean "really" hide?\18:28
_Bieri can put it on really low and that works18:28
bazhangMrELusiveness, checked the appdb?18:28
dtigue_Bier: yea also my wife sets the reveal location to the top left hand corner18:29
MrELusivenessthey are behind on patches18:29
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org MrELusiveness18:29
MrELusivenessi know that18:29
bazhanghelp in #winehq MrELusiveness18:29
MrELusivenesswhat i need to knwo is if there is a way to check the health of a current ubuntu install18:29
MrELusivenessno not help with wine18:30
MrELusivenesshelp with ubuntu18:30
TommehMMusic is refusing to play on every single player I try, it just sticks at 0:0018:30
MrELusivenessdo you have all cdecs installed that are needed?18:30
dtigueTommehM: what kind of music file are you trying to play, and have you installed the codecs to play it ?18:31
TommehMI have tried .mp3 and .flac18:31
TommehMI used to be able to play them.18:31
MrELusivenesson ubuntu software center TommehM try installing ubuntu restricted extras18:32
dtigueTommehM: I bet you need the codecs installed. Try running 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'18:33
MrELusivenessor search for codec on there18:33
MrELusivenessits comes up either way18:33
webnetMrELusiveness yeah i hear you on Acer stuff. haha i only bought mine cause the price was right $200 because it was a display case model. :D behind glass its whole like but no packaging / manual or win7 recovery CD so i was like cant pass tht up :D18:33
dtigueTommehM: I'm not sure but you may also need to install non-free-codecs, in a terminal try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras non-free-codecs'18:34
webnetim really considering one of those System76 Machines Next18:34
webnetthey look super nice :D18:34
dtiguewebnet: System76 has some beautiful machines18:34
webnetso expensive tho dtigue :X18:35
cloudrfxeoma wont load18:35
PowerTuxhi, i send 2 printers job, it delayed 10 seconds to start to print each sheet18:35
MrELusivenessTOmmehM  the ubuntu restricted extras is what I use18:35
dtiguewebnet: unfortunately so, but at least you will be supporting the cause18:35
PowerTuxi notice cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"18:35
webnetthats for sure dtigue thats the other reason i like them :)18:36
dtiguewebnet: i work for a computer company so I just always build my own machines out of the inventory room18:36
MrELusivenesseverything iam using is free18:36
MrELusivenesslike it should be18:36
PowerTuxanyone knows what happend ?18:36
webnetdtigue lucky :D18:36
bazhang!ot | dtigue webnet18:36
ubottudtigue webnet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:36
TommehMMrELusiveness, dtigue, Installing "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" has worked, thanks! :>18:36
dtiguewebnet: if i were to buy a prebuilt machine i would go with system76 more than likely18:36
dtigueTommehM: glad you got it working18:36
webnetbazhang sorry18:36
MrELusivenessnp TommehM18:36
MrELusivenessworks great on 64bit 12.04 sofar18:37
dtiguePowerTux: what is exactly the problem? that its taking awhile to print?18:38
MrELusivenessanyoenhad fun with a ubuntu studio os install yet?18:39
PowerTuxdtigue: its too slow, before that it was mandriva and its fast normal...18:39
PowerTuxdtigue: so i´ve install ubuntu 12.04 and after that its slow18:40
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kanhaangela: hi18:40
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dtiguePowerTux: what drivers are you using and how is it connected to the machine ?18:40
MrELusivenessPowerTux is your printer listed as supported?18:40
keithzgdtigue & webnet: I've inherited an older (original generation) System76 Lemur from my sister . . . at this point if I ever buy another laptop it's almost definitely going to be one of theirs. Even without the painted ubuntu key it's beautiful :)18:40
tomahacknobody speak spanish??18:40
PowerTuxdtigue: hplip/usb18:40
gpmanrpiSo stupid wubi question. I am running 12.10 on wubi with Windows 8, I am trying to get extended attributes on /.18:41
OerHeks!es | tomahack18:41
ubottutomahack: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:41
dtiguePowerTux: and what make/model of printer18:41
bkfitzanyone know how to block a range of ip addresses with ufw18:41
PowerTuxMrELusiveness: i was using mandriva...18:41
MrELusivenesssi wubi a emu?18:41
dtiguebkfitz: http://www.guyrutenberg.com/2009/11/07/blocking-ip-range-using-ufw/18:42
MrELusivenessyeah you gotta man up and use ubuntu but make sure the printer is listed as suported hardware18:42
gpmanrpiwubi is just a way to use windows bootloader and load a file on ntfs partition as a loop device18:42
PowerTuxdtigue: i have 2 models: HP LaserJet 1020, hpcups 3.12.2 and HP LaserJet Professional p1102w, hpcups 3.12.218:42
MrELusivenessif you end up using a generic usb driver then your chances of high performance is lowered18:42
PowerTuxdtigue: it was working well on Mandriva 2009...18:42
PowerTuxdtigue: the same printers and machine...18:42
MrELusivenessbut thats a different distro and might have been a different driver18:43
dtiguePowerTux: but was it the same driver?18:43
dtiguePowerTux: are you using PostScript drivers, PCL5? or what18:43
PowerTuxdtigue: hum, i dont remember, but i tried with the foomatics too and the same...18:43
arthur_guys, quick question here. just installed 12.10 not five minutes ago. went to reddit in firefox and there was a prompt that i quickly clicked. now I have a reddit icon on the side and looks like it's also connected to the mail thing up top. how can i get rid of that?18:44
PowerTuxdtigue: PPD file...18:44
MrELusivenessubuntu is pretty good with support on most usb devices but if it isnt listed as suported, well you know....18:44
MrELusivenesswhat model is the printer Powertux?18:45
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MrELusivenessi need a model #18:45
dtiguePowerTux: I would try removing the setup you got now and try setting it up using the PCL5 drivers, also see what the "recommended" driver is when installing it18:45
PowerTuxMrELusiveness:  i have 2 models: HP LaserJet 1020, hpcups 3.12.2 and HP LaserJet Professional p1102w, hpcups 3.12.218:45
MrELusivenessso its a hp 1020 then?18:46
MrELusivenessill look it up18:46
dtigueone of them is18:46
MrELusivenesswich one is it you ened to wkring right?18:46
TJ-PowerTux: Via the Ubuntu mailing-lists someone reported a very similar problem. Eventually they were pointed to this forums solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172159518:46
bkfitzdtigue: so this will allow from what range of ip addreses: sudo ufw allow from - to
bkfitzdtigue: what if I want to ban to
keithzgbkfitz: no, that should allow basically 192.168.1.*18:47
MrELusivenessPowertux those model #'s apear to be form some older printers18:47
MrELusivenesser from18:48
vividMrELusiveness, they are not behind on patches.  wine is released every two weeks.  wait until the next release18:48
dtiguearthur_: you still there ?18:48
bkfitzkeithzg: what is the 24?18:48
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dtiguearthur_: try in the terminal 'sudo apt-get remove unity-webapps-reddit'18:48
arthur_yep, still here18:49
dtiguearthur_: ^^ did you try my previous message18:49
arthur_dtigue: will try that, right now the terminal is doing it's thing for wine18:49
MrELusivenessiam not seeing drivers pop right up for those printers Powertux18:49
dtiguearthur_: you can open a tab in the terminal18:49
dtiguearthur_: unless its installing something using apt18:50
PowerTuxMrELusiveness: have foomatics and hplip etc18:50
MrELusivenessVivid i was talking about the current patch of ddo and how the app data base has no info on it yet18:50
arthur_dtigue: yup, still installing wine18:50
arthur_and i don't have that good a conneciton18:51
vividMrELusiveness, the appdb relies on users to submit data.  ddo is not an extremely popular game, thus its likely nobody has played/submitted information18:51
vividhowever, you can submit test data if you like18:51
MrELusivenessPowerTux yeah it maybe that you are using well ending up with a diffrent drive other than what would run it better18:51
PowerTuxMrELusiveness: older printers should work well, shouldn´t it ?18:51
llutzbkfitz:  = network netmask
MrELusivenessonly if they dont stop support of them or go to limited18:51
llutzbkfitz: its cidr-notation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing18:52
PowerTuxi will try PCL5 drivers dtigue, thanks a lot18:52
MrELusivenessExcuse me Divid???? not popular???  dont be so sure. more peoiple are running it via windows who dont know better :D but anyhow back to ubuntu18:53
bkfitzllutz: thx18:53
mllieHow do I see if the memory is used by cache or if it actually is used`?18:53
MrELusivenessmy hp j4540 is supported on ubuntu 12.04 LTS no problem18:53
llutzbkfitz: to would be
MrELusivenessand its a all in one printer18:54
bkfitzllutz: even more helpful .  thx!18:54
WeThePeoplehi, looking to scrape urls using ubuntu, is there a program that can do this?18:54
MrELusivenessmuch support for 35xx/36xx series too18:55
SpaceBassI'm trying to do an apt-get upgrade and keep getting an error that the MD hash for base-files is invalid … or smiler, will paste bin… this is the 3rd time this has happened and always results in needing a fresh install.18:55
SpaceBassany clever saves?18:55
SpaceBasserror: http://pastebin.ca/225351018:55
dmdhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/219835/use-command-line-to-add-application-to-gnome-classic-panel Can anyone help me with how to add an icon to a gnome-panel, from the command line?18:55
MrELusivenessVivid is there a way to test the health of my ubuntu install?18:56
vividMrELusiveness, not that i know of....is it doing strange things?18:58
arthur_well while i'm waiting on this wine install, is the linux steam client still acting up?18:58
vividarthur_, working as well as any beta ive ever tested...18:58
MrELusivenessno just was wondering because i dont think i have it loaded up with junk at all18:58
Evil_Ericyay samba working and xchat-indicator now to reinstall EVERYTHING hahahahaha!!!!18:59
arthur_i mean, does it still not allow anyone to log back in?18:59
MrELusivenesswhat do you run Vivid for your distro?18:59
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vividarthur_, its a closed beta, if you dont have access it wont allow you to log in18:59
bkfitzllutz: reason I ask is because I'm getting a lot of DOS and other attacks from the Ukraine... so I'm thinking of blocking the entire 31.133 range18:59
vividarthur_, or you could search around the internet and maybe find a way around that...19:00
llutzbkfitz: good luck19:00
MrELusivenessi sgned up with valve software for a job19:00
MrELusivenesssince i live near them19:00
arthur_vivid: yeah, there is. but yesterday looks like there was an update and even the beta participants can't log back in... or something19:01
_Bieri signed up with mcdonalds for a job because i live near them19:01
MrELusivenessthey are bring stuff to ubuntu19:01
vividarthur_, im logged in right now.19:01
TJ-MrELusiveness: "debsums" is used to detect installed package corruption19:01
invariantHas Java ever been fixed by Oracle?19:01
arthur_vivid: can't even getto the login screen on my end. oh well...19:01
MrELusivenessok how is it implemented TJ-?19:02
vividarthur_, well, it is beta and the games available work quite well in wine19:02
invariantMrELusiveness, did you get hired?19:02
MrELusivenessjust applied today invariant19:02
bkfitzllutz:  sudo ufw deny from game me: ERROR: problem running19:02
TJ-MrELusiveness: It  compares the MD5 sums of the installed files against those listed in the package manifest19:03
gpmanrpiwhoops sorry19:03
Evil_Ericreplace the 0.0. with *19:03
kloeshello all! Could you help me figure this out.I want to install ubuntu and I have a specific setup http://pastebin.com/w8a2FQ3a19:03
bkfitzllutz: got it user error19:03
webnet_Wethepeople what is the outcome your trying to get?19:03
arthur_dtigue: hey! the "sudo apt-get remove unity-webapps-reddit" command worked! thanks!19:03
delacit seems gnome 3.6 makes a "click" sound on login. Any way to change this?19:03
MrELusivenessok ok TJ- yeah i was wondering about source stuff thats been installed if perices had been left behind19:03
llutzbkfitz: sry i don't know anything about ufw19:03
invariantMrELusiveness, for what did you apply?19:04
WeThePeoplewebnet_, i would like to know how many .edu sites are on the net19:04
exarkunOn Quantal, I can't install python-pyopencl.  apt-get complains that "opencl-icd" is uninstallable: <http://codepad.org/R4dhmmAE>.  How do I get opencl-icd?  Or how do I get past that to be able to have a working python-pyopencl?19:04
arthur_vivid: here's hoping that I can get tf2 to work properly. been tackling random crashes for a week now.19:04
arthur_thanks againguys for the help!19:04
WeThePeoplewebnet_, by scraping the url of the .edu site19:04
vividarthur_, make sure your drivers and wine installation are up to date and launch the game with -dxlevel 8119:04
MrELusivenessinvariant level design and of course ubuntu and opensource development and etsting19:04
MrELusivenesserr testing19:05
arthur_will do.thanks again!19:05
vividarthur_, to be fair, the game also crashes on windows19:05
WeThePeoplewebnet_, some people mention curl and php19:05
invariantMrELusiveness, do you do level design with open-source tools?19:05
invariantMrELusiveness, or just their game modding tools?19:05
webnet_Hmm wethepeople. So you are trying to make a list or just enumerate them? By the way there are alot and if you intend to find all of them it will likely take quite a long time and alot of processing power19:06
MrELusivenesshad  some years with game map development and server installs and stuff19:06
MrELusiveness3d editors19:06
WeThePeoplewebnet_, i have those capabilities, just know know of any native running program that can do this19:07
trismexarkun: bug 1048036 (which is a consequence of bug 763457) though I thought this was worked around before release of quantal, but perhaps not19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048036 in pyopencl (Ubuntu) "Python OpenCL cannot be installed in 12.10 due to unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104803619:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 763457 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Quantal) "please provide opencl-icd virtual package" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76345719:07
WeThePeoplewebnet_, making a list19:07
webnet_Oh yeah php could do it. But you would need apache and php on your machine to run the script19:07
webnet_Give me a minute i think i actually remember something thats able to do that hold on19:08
MrELusivenessbut i want in at ground lvl of the whole ubuntu/linux porting19:08
WeThePeoplewebnet_, i dont know php do you know of a program that can do this on linux?19:08
exarkuntrism: :(19:08
MrELusivenessiam excited19:08
bazhangMrELusiveness, how is this on topic19:08
MrELusivenessits about ubuntu19:08
MrELusivenessand whats to come19:08
bazhangMrELusiveness, no it s not19:08
MrELusivenesswait and see i cant wait19:09
bazhangMrELusiveness, this channel is for Ubuntu tech support ONLY19:09
SierraARIs there a way to make those top right corner notification popups appear on every screen when using more than one moniter?19:09
MrELusivenesswell i comented on something at was mentioned here and someone asked me a question .. sorry19:10
bazhangMrELusiveness, I have asked you to remain on topic several times now. take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic19:10
webnet_Php can run on anything with the php server installed. Linux exclusivly id imagin a bash script could easily do it. But like i said hold on because i think i know of a software toolkit that could do if. I just dont remember the name19:10
TJ-WeThePeople: I suggest you email edcause, the registrar for .edu, they'll be able to tell you how many primary registrations there are19:11
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WeThePeopletj-, did that, they have a contractwith the Department of such and such that prohibits that.19:12
TJ-WeThePeople: OK, that's a pain. Wikipedia may be more help for you then, in part it says "...more than 7,000 but less than 8,000 names registered at any given time..."19:13
WeThePeopletj-, yeah cool, i would like to know the names as well19:14
PiciI don't see how this has anything to do with Ubuntu.19:15
WeThePeoplepici, yeah offtopic sry19:15
WeThePeoplepls pm me if anybody would like to talk to me19:16
WeThePeoplewebnet_, pls PM me instead19:17
=== desu is now known as xDesu
gdankohey guys. i have a weird situation with 12.04 and unity. the firefox icon in the launcher will force itself to the front every time i click a window. and i noticed the small dots to the left of the launcher icon that show how many app windows i have change from white to light blue.19:18
gdankohas anyone else seen this?19:18
HeavyWaterI think blue dot's indicate how many browsers you have open19:19
HeavyWaterblue meaning active?19:19
HeavyWateri could be wrong though19:19
vividthe blue arrows generally mean there's a message or some notification19:19
gdankoHeavyWater: So I have 2 terminal windows open. I have two white dots to the left of the icon.19:20
gdankowell firefox keeps forcing itself to the front.19:20
gdankothis is FF 16.0.219:22
webnetWeThePeople i cant find what i was thinnking of19:22
WeThePeoplewebnet_, ok thankyou for the assitsance19:23
webnetWeThePeople but i think a bash script would do it. its just very impractical to do it like this. youd have to start with 3 characters and randomly go throught every combonation of letters and numbers and onces every combonation has been made add another character so 4 characters and randomly do a ping to each if itt gets a response then pipe it into a list file. but this would take a very very very long time19:25
webnetWeThePeople if you dont mind my asking why are you doing this. there may be a better way19:26
WeThePeoplewebnet_, may i pm you19:26
webnetWeThePeople go for it19:27
TheArchow do i close the defualt luancher menu in ubuntu 1219:28
MrELusivenessTheArc under desktop settings you can have it auto hide19:29
TheArci mean close it... i have another launcher19:29
MrELusivenessi think thats what it was19:29
grungekidHi guys. I'm wondering if this is the right channel to ask for technical support about ubuntu on my macbook pro 9.2?19:30
MrELusivenessthat would probably be something along the lines of redesigning?19:30
SierraARgrungekid, I believe so, I've been poking people here with my own questions myself19:30
SierraARIs there a way to make those top right corner notification popups appear on every screen when using more than one moniter?19:30
MrELusivenessi dont think i saw that option in the standard install19:30
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TheArcthe "dash home bar"19:31
TheArc i just want to kill that task19:31
MrELusivenessthere is a ubuntu distro for powerpc macs19:31
grungekidI'm having a strange problem with my wireless. I install the firmware and use b43-cutter to get it running. It works fine for about 10 minutes then the connection just seems to freeze up. I have to basically disconnect from the connection and connect again to get it working19:32
webnetanyone know how to get the  gnome panels to not show up on 10.10? ive tried removing the panels key grom gconf but it has no effect19:32
MrELusivenessbut it was ubuntu 10.1019:32
TheArcahh its called Unity19:33
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CrazyZurferi've got a problem with the wifi!19:34
Pinkamena_DHello, i know you can use SCREEN for this, but i also remember hearing of a commandline switch. Does anyone know how to start vboxheadless without it taking up a terminal screen, like run it in the background19:35
CrazyZurferat my university, there are 2 networks, one for guests (ultra slow) and other one for students (actually good speed). The authentication of the students network is with username and password. The problem here is that when I try to connect it asks me for a CA Certificate19:35
CrazyZurferin Windows, it doesn't ask anything19:35
CrazyZurferany idea of what it going on?19:38
gnubiefrom ubuntu forum:19:41
gnubie 19:41
gnubieJoin Date: Sep 201119:41
gnubieBeans: 1019:41
gnubieRe: CA certificate19:41
gnubieOkay so I talked to a guy on campus who knew ubuntu and all I needed to do was get the CA certificate from the school and make sure my anonymous name was the same as my user name.19:41
FloodBot1gnubie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
=== Pinkamena_D is now known as chaos_zero
mint_Hi All, I get an error when I try and and access an encrypted hard disk.  the partition mounts fine, but...19:41
walterwoj1How can I stop the transmission daemon from throwing a 403 error when I try to login using transmission gui? (I already put * in the whitlist and then disabled the whitlist altogether but it still blocks me)19:42
mint_...when I click on "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" I get the following error...19:42
mint_...The error is: "There was an error launching the application.19:42
mint_Details:  Failed to execute child process "xterm" (no such file or directory)"19:42
maxiaojunbcm4311, b43 firmware, 12.04 64bit, wifi (wpa2) being much less stable than os x, any idea?19:49
centrannot sure if this is a general ubuntu problem or related to kubuntu which I am on but I upgraded to 12.10 and now get a blank/black screen after the splash screen19:51
centranany ideas what might be wrong?19:51
uabn93does anyone know how to troubleshoot installation problems? the installer keeps crashing on me19:55
maxiaojunwhat's your graphic chip(s) ?19:58
_r00t_The time has come to upgrade :( On the hunt for a gnome2/lxde with compositing desktop environment for 12.04.... Any suggestions ?19:58
jesustonerhi, i need some help with usb ports!19:59
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dupa22/tcp                     ALLOW (log-all)20:00
_r00t_11.04 : I'm no longer supported20:00
dupahow write this rule in ufw when do config?20:00
maxiaojunjesustoner: hat's wrong20:00
dupa22/tcp                     ALLOW (log-all) -- 22/tcp                     ALLOW (log-all)20:00
dupa22/tcp                     ALLOW (log-all) how write this rule in ufw when do config?20:00
maxiaojun_r00t_: eye candies are not supported by definition...20:01
jesustoneri insert a pendrive but ubuntu does not recognize it...20:01
maxiaojunwhat does dmesg say?20:01
_r00t_maxiaojun: :(20:01
jesustonerit does not say anything, or does anything at all20:02
jesustonerI am just starting with ubuntu20:02
centranunplug it then plug it back in and type dmesg in console20:02
centrantell us what the last lines say20:02
maxiaojunlast few lines20:03
invariantI get the following error message (I am not using any custom components): PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/pdo_pgsql.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/pdo_pgsql.so: undefined symbol: pdo_parse_params in Unknown on line 020:03
jesustonerlast few lines from what exactly?20:03
centranwhen you type dmesg into a terminal window20:03
centranif you just plugged it in then the last couple lines should show the kernel trying to load it20:04
jesustonerusb 1-3: USB disconnect, device number 320:04
_r00t_invariant: I know the answer to that and so do the ppl on #Apache ;)20:04
invariant_r00t_, I asked here, because this is an Ubuntu package.20:05
centranthat is the last line jesustoner?20:05
invariant_r00t_, can you please tell me?20:05
jesustonerok, when plugged, it says: Attached SCSI removable disk20:05
invariant_r00t_, the bug tracking system doesn't contain this exact same message.20:05
jesustonersorry, it was not connected before20:05
jesustoneri assumed it is attached, where can i find it?20:06
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_r00t_invariant: find /usr/lib/php5/ -name "*.so"20:07
invariant_r00t_, /usr/lib/php5/20090626/pdo_pgsql.so and /usr/lib/php5/20090626/pgsql.so exist and a bunch of others.20:08
jesustonerit says: Attached SCSI removable disk20:09
nima__ANy mods or pros?20:10
bekksnima__: why?20:10
nima__i have a problem20:10
Razer_I have a custom keyboard shortcut (Keyboard settings and Shortcuts tab) to launch Nautilus when I press Super+E, but for some reason it isn't working anymore. Any idea why?20:10
katsunehey guys first time here in ubuntu irc,.20:10
bekks!ask | nima__20:10
ubottunima__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:10
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:11
invariant_r00t_, what is this20:11
invariant_r00t_, solution you were talking about?20:11
invariant_r00t_, because I haven'20:11
nima__i've just downloaded iso file of 12.1 and i have 11.1 version of ubuntu i wanna no how can upgrade with an  iso file?20:12
invariant_r00t_, t seen anything yet.20:12
_r00t_invariant: did you google ?20:12
v0lksmannima__: no20:12
_r00t_invariant: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-bugs/2012-05/msg11281.html20:12
invariant_r00t_, that is a different problem.20:12
Razer_Nevermind. I just reset the key combination and it seems to work now.20:12
invariant_r00t_, you shouldn't judge so fast.20:12
_r00t_invariant: is it ?20:12
invariant_r00t_, YES20:12
almoxarife_r00t_:  if you dont have an answer dont tell someone to google it, you made it clear had an answer!20:12
_r00t_invariant: have you tried it ? did you do an ld on the .so ?20:13
invariant_r00t_, I hope you learned not to waste the time of people with playing guess games.20:13
_r00t_forget it then.... sorry I don't know20:14
* _r00t_ doesn't have the faintest idea :)20:14
centrananyone know why I would have a blank/black screen after the splash screen after upgrading to 12.10?20:14
DJones!nomodeset | centran20:14
ubottucentran: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:14
DJonescentran: That link might help you solve it20:15
centranubottu: allready tried nomodeset20:15
ubottucentran: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:15
invariant_r00t_, ldd output is normal. I do find it inconvenient that the .so has been stripped.20:15
almoxarifecentran: try this, control-al-f8 followed by control-alt-f7, does it return the graphics?20:15
_r00t_invariant: let me check.... pastebin yours in the meantime20:16
katsuneanyone here experienced any muffled sound in 12.10 ?20:16
oopsigotrootHey all.  I'm trying to perform a benchmark using iozone, then plot results using gnuplot (using /usr/share/doc/iozone3/examples/Generate_Graphs script).  I get this error: '"gnu3d.dem", line 33: All points x value undefined'.  Googled around and found out that the latest gnuplot doesn't support certain legacy expressions like in .dem file, but I can't find a (working) solution. The .dem file is same as on the iozone.org site, a20:17
=== xymox_ is now known as xymox
invariant_r00t_, http://paste.kde.org/611558/20:17
almoxarifecentran: can you pastebin /var/log/syslog ?20:20
_r00t_invariant: nm -D !$20:21
invariant_r00t_, U pdo_parse_params20:21
v0lksmancan some one please help me with the Grub2 section of this:  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Convert_a_single_drive_system_to_RAID20:23
v0lksmannot sure what it's telling me I need to do20:23
invariant_r00t_, is that what you wanted to know?20:23
centranalmoxarife: I am stuck usering terminal/console so I don't think I can pastebin it20:23
centranis there something in particular I should be looking for20:24
_r00t_invariant: can't be right no bind ?20:24
almoxarifecentran: in terminal, sudo apt-get install pastebinit , then, sudo pastebinit /var/log/syslog , then share the link to the pastebin20:25
invariant_r00t_, that's why it's a problem.20:25
_r00t_invariant: I'm telling you dude. Purge and reinstall it20:26
invariant_r00t_, it being?20:26
invariant_r00t_, just this particular package or all of php?20:26
_r00t_invariant: where's that post I first linked to ;)20:27
gustav__I'm seeing a lot of scanning on port 22. UFW is blocking. Should I be worried?20:27
v0lksmanwhy would I get a seg fault when trying to grub-install /dev/md020:28
almoxarifegustav__: someone is sniffing your ssh connection, you need to decide how worried to be20:28
gustav__almoxarife: How?20:28
Picialmoxarife: you mean probing.20:28
almoxarifePici: that too20:28
gustav__How can they sniff? O_O20:29
Picigustav__: they can't.20:29
Picigustav__: I wouldn't worry about it.  You may want to install something like fail2ban though.20:29
erle-how do i get into grub menu if it doesnt show up itself?20:29
almoxarifePici: they cant what?20:30
gustav__Pici: Will that work with ufw? Can't ufw ban automatically? But, they're kinda already banned though... with ufw.20:30
OerHekserle-, hold shift @ boot20:30
Picialmoxarife: sniffing means that someone is intercepting information being sent/recieved over port 22.20:30
invariant_r00t_, I think it is solved now.20:31
invariant_r00t_, checking...20:31
gustav__Should I go to the Police?20:31
cdavisFrequenty my sound doesn't work and a restart of pulseaudio doesn't fix it. Can someone tell me a place to look? (nothing in syslog)20:31
Picigustav__: fail2ban works by examining system logs rather than the connections themselves.  It temporarily bans people why fail to login to ssh after a small number of tries (like 5)20:32
almoxarifePici: you call it probe, i call it sniff, so do others, http://lifehacker.com/5853483/a-guide-to-sniffing-out-passwords-and-cookies-and-how-to-protect-yourself-against-it , thnks20:32
Picialmoxarife: Either you or I misunderstand what gustav__ was describing.20:33
_r00t_invariant: installed correctly now in lfs ?20:33
almoxarifegustav__: what would the police do if the probe/sniff is coming from the other side of the world?20:33
Picigustav__: The police?  I doubt its targeting towards you specifically.20:33
invariant_r00t_, lfs?20:33
gustav__Pici: I am seeming attempts against my host.20:33
invariant_r00t_, I am not using lfs. This is just a dependency specification problem.20:34
Picigustav__: so does every other computer connected to the internet.20:34
invariant_r00t_, it's a bug in Ubuntu.20:34
gustav__Pici: That doesn't make it less specific.20:34
gustav__The Police are not in charge my individual safety, either.20:34
gustav__Who is, in this case, then?20:34
gustav__You're clearly not helping.20:35
_r00t_invariant: nope.... how did you install it in the first place ?20:35
almoxarifegustav__: ufw does allow you to pick what ips connect to port 22 and which do not, so, decide which can, the rest wont connect20:36
invariant_r00t_, yes, because I was using the version of php suitable for some preforking version of Apache.20:36
Picigustav__: Excuse me? You're free to do whatever you want about this. I'm just telling you that failed ssh logins from random addresses is by no means an indication that someone is targetting you.  Infected hosts do these sorts of things all the time.  If you want to report it to someone, the honeypot project that the internet storm center has things that will allow you to report troublesome IPs20:36
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_r00t_invariant: so you didn't install php5-pgsql20:37
invariant_r00t_, it should simply make it impossible to configure it wrong.20:37
invariant_r00t_, I did install that.20:37
almoxarifegustav__: this is not a public safety forum or help line, if your fear something then call the police20:37
* v0lksman shakes head20:38
gustav__So many different IPs but the same MAC.20:38
_r00t_invariant: your distro and php version20:38
invariant_r00t_, precise and whatever php is distributed with precise.20:39
D_Russhello all!20:39
_r00t_invariant: that's rubbish as the modules are not installed in that directory20:39
gustav__My IP address must have ended up in some attacker's list.20:39
D_Russi am having problems with ubuntu 12.04 and my canon printer not working properly20:39
D_Russanyone know of a solution20:39
invariant_r00t_, if that's the case, then perhaps I have a problem.20:39
centrandid you see if canon had drivers?20:39
invariant_r00t_, let me see20:40
D_Russcentran: no drivers avilable from canon20:40
invariant_r00t_, I had libapache2-mod-php5 installed.20:40
gustav__00:24:17:6e:28:9e:08:00 <- Bad boy.20:40
_r00t_invariant: if you did any pear or phpize magic then I'm sure you've screwed it :)20:40
cdavisgustav__: that doesn't appear valid20:40
invariant_r00t_, I did nothing like that.20:40
gustav__cdavis: Why?20:41
D_Russit worked just fine for a while but some of the updates to ubuntu must have broken something20:41
D_Russnow its impossible to get it to print20:41
D_Russvery frustrating20:41
_r00t_invariant: awww man my bad..... sorry about that20:42
cdavisgustav__: HWaddress is usually 12 hex characters20:42
ubuntu__using xfce with ubuntu studio, what do i use to burn an iso image?20:42
invariant_r00t_, do you maintain php?20:42
_r00t_invariant: nope I'm a noob .... just trying to help20:42
bekksubuntu__: k3b - best choice IMHO20:43
ubuntu__kb3 kk thank you20:43
D_Russanyone know anything about getting this damn canon printer to work?20:43
_r00t_OptiWork: LOL :)20:43
cdavisgustav__: paste whatever you are looking at into pastebin and I will look at it20:43
OptiWork_r00t_: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!20:43
* OptiWork misses his buddy :/20:43
_r00t_OptiWork: looking for answers and a new desktop .... came here and ended up digging my own grave with php20:44
gustav__cdavis: http://pastebin.com/6XP2niGC20:44
OptiWork_r00t_: shaf you have to come back to the community we miss ya20:44
* _r00t_ hugs opticlove 20:44
almoxarifecentran: you have both lightdm and kdm installed? and they are both crashing20:44
OptiWork_r00t_: at least pop on mumble from time to time20:45
_r00t_ewwww hugs OptiWork instead20:45
gustav__ew ra mag20:45
_r00t_OptiWork: Will do this week20:45
OptiWork_r00t_: cool20:45
voozeAnyone having experience with headset/microphone on Ubuntu? When I test mine in skype, I can see in gnone-soundoptions it automatically turns up the volume, resulting in poor quality :/ Anyone tryed this?20:45
_r00t_OptiWork: I have a new windows machine ! LOL20:46
OptiWork_r00t_: Win8?20:46
walterwoj1How can I set a folder to have certain permissions regardless of who created the files in it (I want 777)?20:46
gustav___r00t_: WinRAR?20:46
centranalmoxarife I believe they switched to lightdm correct so I should uninstall kdm20:46
Picigustav__: are you sure that isn't your mac address?20:46
cdavisPici, gustav__ It is his routers MAC20:47
almoxarifecentran: you are running kde, yes?20:47
gustav__Pici: A part is.20:47
_r00t_OptiWork: Yep .... you know me windows on the outside,,, linux core inside LOL20:47
Picicdavis: that makes more sense.20:47
almoxarifecentran: purge both lightdm and kdm, re-install kdm20:47
maxiaojunWindows support KDE20:47
_r00t_OptiWork: what you running these days ? I'm still with 11.04 with no where to turn to :(20:48
mendozaI have an issue when I attempted to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10. After reboot during upgrade, upgrade hung during a low-res black with yellow loading dots screen. I rebooted, and get either standard purple loading screen followed by a terminal or the black with yellow dots screen.20:48
OptiWork_r00t_: I know ;)  ubuntu 12.04 atm on my work desktop and laptop, Arch on the home box.20:48
almoxarifecentran: in terminal, sudo apt-get purge lightdm kdm && sudo apt-get install kdm20:48
_r00t_OptiWork: Yeah I want 12.04 but dont know what desktop to go for... So thought I'd ask here20:49
maxiaojun_r00t_: use Unity20:49
OptiWork_r00t_: http://screencloud.net/v/k6rG20:49
Greek-Boysomeone please help. I am trying to install intel graphics drivers on knoppix using these drivers http://daily.siebler.eu/2012/06/ubuntu-12-04-driver-for-intel-cedarview-atom-n2000-und-d2000-serie/ but i can't even get apt-get to update from that repository20:49
_r00t_maxiaojun: a hundred kittys just died when you said that :(20:49
OptiWorkUnity isn't too bad when you get the hang of it20:50
PiciGreek-Boy: This is Ubuntu support, not knoppix.20:50
OptiWorkbut I do still like my xfce as well20:50
OptiWorkisn't knoppix a live CD?  don't tell me you're trying to run it as a desktop20:51
maxiaojun_r00t_: people asking which is best generally unhappy with any of them20:51
OptiWorkGreek-Boy: you can check the /etc/apt/sources.list and see if you can add it, but really knoppix is a live environment, not meant for everyday use.20:52
cdavisOptiWork: you can install Knoppix to a HD and use it like any other distribution20:52
* OptiWork has now handed out his advice for the day.20:52
_r00t_invariant: you still hanging in there ?20:52
gustav__Unity is about as efficient as Tiles.20:52
PiciIt still doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu.20:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:52
invariant_r00t_, yes20:53
almoxarifetake the knopix chat to ???20:53
cdavisThat I agree with20:53
invariant_r00t_, you can see by the fact that your tab completion works :)20:53
cdavisPossibly #knoppix20:53
pranavk_How do i get to know who is copying what from me in /var/log/samba/ using samba logs .20:56
invariant_r00t_, in fact, the problem has not been solved :/20:56
mendozaI have an issue when I attempted to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10. After reboot during upgrade, upgrade hung during a low-res black with yellow loading dots screen. I rebooted, and get either standard purple loading screen followed by a terminal or the black with yellow dots screen.20:56
ClairHi.  This is my third harddrive and my third time running completely fresh install of ubuntu with next to no extras.  First 12.04 and then 12.10 both server editions.  Each time, within a few days I get hit with a Filystem read only error and it stops working.  Why?  Is there anyway to fix this?20:57
mendozaAny ideas?20:57
pranavk_samba logs just gives me who is visiting which of my shared directories but can't tell who is copying what from me, is there any way to get this from samba logs20:57
_r00t_OptiWork: Still hanging with this :( http://screencloud.net/v/EJmm20:57
blacknessClair, i think your Drive Controller on your device is going bad..20:57
gustav__pranavk: Wireshark.20:57
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OptiWorkClair: maybe other issue, hard drive controller or motherboard or ram?20:57
pranavk_gustav__: so means , samba logs are not enough to tell me this ?20:58
ClairI've done multiple system scans and have come up with no issues20:58
gustav__pranavk: Stare at them for an hour, if that doesn't help: Wireshark.20:58
OptiWorkClair: memtest?20:58
OptiWork_r00t_: you need a change :)20:58
pranavk_gustav__: okay, thanks20:58
maxiaojun_root_: have you contacted with GNOME upstream?20:58
ClairMemtest, DFT, Seagate Tools, built in motherboard health check, the whole lot of scans, all come back clean20:59
katsuneblackness, drive controller meaning what? the chipset that controls the sata interfaces?20:59
blacknessmemtest wont test a drive, or the motherboard..and i dont see how memory can cause a drive to fail..clair is this I/O errors?20:59
_r00t_invariant: dpkg -l | grep php5 ..... let's see what you've got and you're sure that /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d ini files reference the correct shared objects20:59
blacknesskatsune, yes, that could be shorted out.20:59
_r00t_OptiWork: tell me about it :/ But it works and works very well .... unfortunately dated21:00
blacknessIF the motherboard isnt mounted properly that can cause failure..as in not screwed down all the way..or a footer in the wrong place.21:00
katsunethen it's a  motheboard problem,21:00
katsuneI would say get some drive diagnostic tool to see if all drive sector is still consistent21:00
blacknesswhich there is no software to test it..best suggestion is, install the drives in another machine and see if they fail there awell.21:00
katsuneI believe seagate has a free one and can be use in other brand of drives21:01
gustav__Put it on USB and use Wireshark.21:01
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:01
maxiaojun_root_: if you ever contacted GNOME upstream, you should notice that Unity already blocked some arbitrary breakage from GNOME21:01
invariant_r00t_, http://paste.kde.org/611564/21:01
blacknesskatsune, Clair shouldnt test hardware if they suspect mboard failure.21:01
maxiaojunfor example this one: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68421021:01
ubottuGnome bug 684210 in Region & Language ""Separate layout per window" is missing" [Normal,Unconfirmed]21:01
katsuneblackness, why not? i think it's not bad to run diagnostic tools,.21:02
ClairThe motherboard is mounted properly, I checked all the hardware, and the bios has a utility to test it's self for issues and I ran that as well.  The system works absolutely fine for days with no signs of failure then it will just shoot this error and stop.  Is it related to this?21:02
blacknessif the motherboard is faulting, the software will fault for the drive test..21:02
Clairsorry about that I had a link queued up for the end.  There was a bug report about this21:03
_r00t_invariant: I had problems with filter and used libapache2-mod-php521:03
blacknessClair, have you tested these drives in another machine?21:03
gustav__How can I detect an illegal entry on Apache 2?21:03
blacknessgustav__, Illegal entry?21:03
ClairI do not have a machine to test them in.  They were 3 brandnew just shipped drives though and they all fail the same way.  I cant believe it is the drives21:03
walterwoj1How can I set a folder to have certain permissions regardless of who created the files in it (I want 777)?21:04
blacknessAre the lot numbers on the drive matching Clair ?21:04
gustav__blackness: Foreign code executed on my machine, for instance.21:04
gustav__Maybe I can filter for binary data some way... HTTP requests aren't supposed to contain that.21:04
blacknessuhm, i dont know of a way..other then to increase the debug log and check for "suspect" POST or GET's21:04
katsuneClair, how about installing another distro not related to ubuntu?21:04
gustav__But I don't know how to filter.21:04
Clairthe drives are from three diffrent companies, seagate, hatachi and western digital21:05
gustav__blackness: I'd have to make Apache 2 instruct ufw to block those associated IPs, too.21:05
_r00t_invariant: I'm using this ppa for the latest version of php https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5 (5.4 instead of the default 5.3)21:05
D_Russcan anyone please help me with my canon printer issues21:05
invariant_r00t_, does that also have the pg modules that I need?21:06
D_Russi am going to dropkick this damn printer21:06
_r00t_invariant: yes21:06
gustav__But blocking IPs is ot always good... many things are on EC2/cloud and you don't want to block ok IPs... if they become ok.21:06
Clairthe server is up and running fine now, but it will happen again21:06
invariant_r00t_, I thought 12.04 was supposed to be a stable version. What's the point if something as fundamental as a database doesn't work?21:06
_r00t_invariant: but I wound seriously post your pgsql.ini first21:06
OptiWorkClair: size of drives and are you using MBR?21:07
invariant_r00t_, it's the default.21:07
invariant_r00t_, I modified nothing about it.21:07
gustav__One server could have captcha, when ok, enable allow for that IP address. That would make it safe.21:07
gustav__At least for automated attacks.21:07
gustav__IPs should be associated with a street address. That would be most good.21:07
_r00t_invariant: and it has the correct zend_extension =21:08
blacknessgustav__, if you're worried about intruders, just setup sshguard.21:08
Picigustav__: you're straying offtopic again.  If you're looking for best-practice ideas for your network, this isn't the place to ask about them.21:08
blacknessit will block anyone who hammers your ports gustav__21:08
gustav__Pici: What's the topic?21:08
invariant_r00t_, I haven't modified anything except for php5.ini where I added extension=pdo_pgsql.so (or something like that)21:08
aezxsshguard is beatable....21:08
Picigustav__: Ubuntu Tech Support.21:08
gustav__blackness: The port is not open.21:08
blacknessthen i wouldnt worry about it.21:09
gustav__Pici: How would you categories my issue?21:09
embrikj #edubuntu21:09
blacknessaezx, ive never had someone beat my sshguard, then again i only allow like 8 ranges incoming on ssh21:09
almoxarifegustav__: your fireawall issues are not on topic!21:09
gustav__almoxarife: I am running Ubuntu. And isn't this support?21:10
aezxblackness, i doubt you have anything worth coming after, nobody wants botnets of ubuntu machines21:10
Picigustav__: Network Paranoia.  But seriously, you've been given a few options, but you seem to think that even with the solutions that Ubuntu has that you're in danger of being hacked.  I don't think that constitutes a support topic.21:10
almoxarifegustav__: your personal take on security is not on topic21:10
ClairOk new question.  How do I stop ubuntu from remounting root read-only on FS errors?21:10
gustav__Stop with the ad hominem. Yeesh.21:10
madjoeDoes anybody know something about ICC Profiles? I'd like to know where to get an appropriate ICC Profile for my Toshiba netbook (12.04 LTS). My current color scheme is pale and not vivid at all, since I don't use any ICC Profile.21:11
blacknessaezx, everyone needs scanner hosts, and cable lines are PERFECT for that. and aezx. i run a hackable OpenVZ container, and i just had someone root that just the other night..i ended up stealing 4MB of their scripts, code, binaries and all that to report.21:11
almoxarifegustav__: and your endless blather is getting really old, take it somewhere where you can get an audience21:11
_r00t_invariant: hold up21:11
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aezxdidnt read21:11
blacknessClair, you dont.21:11
gustav__!ops almoxarife21:11
blacknessor change the settings in fstab21:11
ClairThere is no way what so ever?21:11
Picigustav__: if you're looking for a discussion of network security practices, ##security would be more on-topic.21:11
Picialmoxarife: that wasn't nice.21:11
Clairchange the setting in fstab you say?21:11
almoxarifePici: true, it was not21:11
blacknessyes..moment Clair21:12
Picigustav__: you've been speaking to an op this entire time, believe me, we're here.21:12
blacknessremove errors=remount-ro21:12
blacknessi dont suggest this Clair ^21:12
gustav__Pici: Figures why nothing is done about all of these personal attacks, and now I mean the support discourse.21:13
blacknessgustav__, i believe Pici is a ircOP aswell.21:13
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ClairI do not have much of a choice.  My server runs harddrive intensive stuff and the software is terrible and likes to open and delete actively used files.  Ubuntu needs to not through a fit about it.  Thank you for your help.21:14
Picigustav__: Not everything needs to result in a kick. Anyway, I think you'll get a better discussion of your options through a non-distro specific method.21:14
blacknessWell thats why they are failing Clair , if you abuse a harddrive you can expect it to fail.21:14
gaucheHow do I combine ubuntu's ease with my Wifi with Slackware's efficiency?21:15
_r00t_invariant: seriously the symbols in your .so are incomplete - I installed it and it worked - you did try the reinstall right ?21:15
invariant_r00t_, yes21:15
bdi_Hello. If i insert a HDD in computer A with one hardware configuration, and install ubuntu, and later take that hdd with the ubuntu installation and insert it in another computer with a different hardware configuration, will the installation then work and also will it be altered? Is there a possibility that the installation will be corrupted?21:15
invariant_r00t_, you installed it from that ppa, didn't you?21:16
_r00t_invariant: nope on a fresh 12.04 base21:16
blacknessbdi_, thats possible..aslong as the fstabs match SATA-21:16
ClairThe software misbehaving in its own isolated location should not affect the rest of the server.  If it nuke's itself thats fine but the os jumping up and saying "OOOOO, I want to do that to!" is not ok.  I have backups s I am not worried about loosing anything, however down time every other day is bad!21:16
blacknessSATA0 *21:16
bdi_blackness, which part is possible?21:16
blacknessClair, if the software reads/writes to the disk, no matter if its isolated or not, still uses the disk.21:17
JimmyNeutronbdi_: All of it, that it works and doesn't give u a kernal panic.21:17
blacknessbdi_, are you installing ubuntu on ComputerA, then moving the drive to ComputerB ?21:17
invariant_r00t_, 40e9f4dcb356dc2849c86d1227fcc5ae6a515ce937f1219443571b8cc19d550b  /usr/lib/php5/20090626/pdo_pgsql.so21:17
gaussblurinc_does anybody know an application to combine multiple *.doc to one pdf?21:17
bdi_blackness, yes i was considering it21:17
invariant_r00t_, sha256sum21:17
blacknessthats possible..i do that all the time.21:17
blacknessjust make sure you plug in the drive to the 0 port of SATA/IDE21:18
bdi_blackness, because i need some data on that hdd which resides in a mysql database on that hdd21:18
_r00t_invariant: md5sum ?21:18
heoyeagaussblurinc_: convert the doc to pdf then combine it21:18
blacknesswhy not dump the SQL data, and reinstall it on the new server bdi_ ?21:18
invariant_r00t_, no, sha256sum21:18
bdi_blackness, i cannot open computer A21:18
gaussblurinc_heoyea: ok, how to combine multiple pdf together?21:18
Clair_Strange DC, anyways new issue.  "sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?"21:18
_r00t_invariant: no I want an md5sum as I'm not using a 64 bit OS :p21:19
invariant_r00t_, 482cc06d39fc2ed1b2af3ab433e5596821:19
heoyeagaussblurinc_: depends u want a GUI way or command line way?21:19
invariant_r00t_, same?21:20
guntbertgaussblurinc_: use pdftk (on CLI)21:20
gaussblurinc_heoyea: i need to create an combination of lections, so, i don't know, if one way is better, than another21:20
_r00t_invariant: how can it be ? I use 32bit, 64bit is outside my budget LOL21:20
maxiaojunbtw, md5 is not secure in crypto sense21:21
bdi_Hello. If i insert a HDD in computer A with one hardware configuration, and install ubuntu, and later take that hdd with the ubuntu installation and insert it in another computer with a different hardware configuration, will the installation then work and also will it be altered? Is there a possibility that the installation will be corrupted?21:21
blacknessbdi_, i already answered that question..yes it can be done.21:22
invariantmaxiaojun, that's why I used sha256sum.21:22
_r00t_invariant: plus I use libapache2-mod-php521:22
invariant_r00t_, I also used that now.21:22
heoyeagaussblurinc_: heres an easy GUI 1 if u want https://sites.google.com/site/couturierapp/21:22
bottlebob32hey homies. Quick question, im trying to launch 10.04 on an older celeron D machine (livecd) and it is forever stuck on the loading screen21:22
maxiaojunbottlebob32: then you try alternative cd?21:23
bdi_blackness, you just said "thats possible". i did not understand that answer.... what is possible? That the hdd is beeing corrupted? That it can be done with no problems? What21:23
Clair_"sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?" has anyone seen this error before?21:23
_r00t_invariant: apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-php5filter21:23
blacknessIf your using ComputerA to setup ubuntu, and move it to ComputerB, it will be okay.21:23
bottlebob32maxiaojun, I;ve tried21:23
bottlebob32same result21:23
invariant_r00t_, already done21:24
gaucheHow do I copy and install my working wifi driver?21:24
bottlebob32or is it just possible that it may be taking forever to load since its such an old machine21:24
maxiaojunbdi_: should be no problem, just some udev change needed if some hardware number doesn't start from 021:25
alinmeari am currently using alsa without pulse audio! now when i plug my usb headset i can change the default device via asound.conf! but the new device has no master switch, so i cant alter the volume via my mutlimedia keys (amixer set Master 1+), any suggestion_! thx and best regards21:25
maxiaojunbottlebob32: actually when i tried to install 10.04 the other day21:25
fennec[A[B/mdg NickServ identify djay2irc21:25
blacknesshaha, he just lost his nick.. :X21:25
maxiaojuni find that the usb prepared by unetbootin is broken21:25
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bdi_maxb, i see...are there any chance that the hdd could get corrupted?21:26
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invariant_r00t_, exactly the same problem with the newer PHP version, but now for the newer version of that file.21:27
lonewulf85Hellocould anyone help me with this http://pastebin.com/c9Z6LgEN21:27
guntbert!here | lonewulf8521:28
ubottulonewulf85: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com21:28
bdi_maxiaojun, so i should be able to boot a different computer on that hdd, startup mysql and extract data?21:29
bencevans_lonewulf85, try sudo apt-get install libgnome21:30
maxiaojunbottlebob32: are you using usb or cd?21:30
_r00t_invariant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1373433/21:30
Clair_is there anyway to repair sudo without sudo or physical access?21:30
lonewulf85bencevans_: I have tried this and still did not get anything to work.21:30
invariant_r00t_, how do you load the extension module?21:31
blacknessClair_, use 'su'.21:31
blacknessthen repair that way.21:31
invariant_r00t_, I think I just read a part of the solution which says that the order matters...21:31
Clair_it tells me my password is wrong when it's not, that normal?21:31
invariant_r00t_, as such, it would make a lot of sense if it just tried to load it too early or something like that.21:31
blacknessdid you sudo to root and set a password before?21:31
invariant_r00t_, if I have a known good order, then it would probably work.21:32
blacknessClair_, did you sudo to root and set a password before?21:32
Clair_I did not21:32
trismlonewulf85: libgnome2-dev is the package that has that pkgconfig file21:32
bencevans_lonewulf85 ok, in that case try 'sudo apt-get install libgnomeui-dev'21:32
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lonewulf85My issue is I have installed Bitdefender and want to get the nautilus integration to work but keep running into an error.21:32
blacknessClair_, then i dont know how you would fix sudo21:32
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mendozaHello. Anyone seen a black with yellow loading dots after an upgrade of Ubuntu? I get this and it hangs21:32
heoyeaClair_: maybe u got CAPS on?21:32
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guntbertClair_: see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:33
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blacknessOr that :)21:33
maxiaojunmendoza: i never upgrade, no matter ubuntu, os x or windows21:33
heoyeafresh install the way to go21:34
_r00t_invariant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1373442/21:34
icerootmaxiaojun: gratulation to all the root-exploits in your systems21:34
Clair_thats not the error Im getting guntbert21:35
blacknessClair_, you can use Recovery Mode, or are you not at the machine?21:35
BluesKajlonewulf85, no need for bitdefender on linux , that's a windows app afaik and  it won't run on linux21:35
Clair_im not at the machine21:35
blacknessthen i know of no other way to repair this issue..21:35
Laptop1thanks to everyones help here21:36
Clair_would installing xfce4 next to gnome cause this issue?21:36
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mendoza!maxiaojun so not worth trying to fix the problem, better to start fresh at this point?21:36
ubottumendoza: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:36
Clair_i see that it updated both initrd.img and vnlinuz21:36
guntbertClair_: ok, one step back: can you log in at all?21:36
Clair_I can and am21:37
maxiaojuniceroot: i don't mean upgrade in apt-get sense21:37
guntbertClair_: can you use sudo on the CLI?21:37
guntbert!cli | Clair_21:38
ubottuClair_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro21:38
mendozamaxiaojun: so not worth trying to fix the problem, better to start fresh at this point?21:38
Clair_terminal, i have terminal21:38
Clair_im connected via ssh21:38
guntbert!who | Clair_21:38
ubottuClair_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:38
maxiaojunmendoza: i advocate start fresh, you can still ask questions if people can guess the reasons21:38
Clair_ubottu ok21:38
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:38
_r00t_invariant: user conf error or ubuntu error ?21:39
lonewulf85BluesKaj: Not only is it not a fake and is actually a real working application. I fell that there is enough of a chance with 1-xxx number of viruses being linux ones that I am going to use it.21:39
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invariant_r00t_, probably user conf error, but it should warn against such bad use.21:39
blacknesslonewulf85, i use clamav..but for fun.21:39
guntbertClair_: so please !pastebin the output of    sudo ls -l /etc/passwd21:40
Clair_sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?21:40
Clair_not worth pastebiniing one line :)21:40
BluesKajlonewulf85, bah humbug !21:41
ubottuluisxp: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:41
_r00t_Clair_: groups21:41
lonewulf85blackness: I also used clamav until I stumbled onto this http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/7-of-the-best-anti-virus-apps-for-linux-66908721:41
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guntbertClair_: what did you do with your system? please paste the output of ls -l $(which sudo)21:42
Clair_groups: "staff adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare ", ls -l $(which sudo): -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 112888 Jul 16 08:14 /usr/bin/sudo21:43
Clair_It did a check disk on boot then this happened21:43
guntbertClair_: no, that isn't caused by a disk check, I've never seen a group "staff" - did you make that yourself?21:45
Clair_its been there since I installed ubuntu, its the same name as the user21:45
blacknessyour user is staff Clair_ ?21:46
Clair_blackness yes21:46
goddardhow do i create export my public key with gpg?21:46
blacknessis staff part of 'sudo' ?21:46
Clair_blackness was before the restart21:47
maxiaojungoddard: http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x56.html21:47
* Evil_Eric waves in iCarly's general direction21:47
* _r00t_ no like 777 on sudo21:47
blacknessClair_, is it now?21:48
Clair_blackness how would I check?21:48
guntbertblackness: didn't you see? he pasted it21:48
blacknessyou can view if it is, by cat /etc/group i believe..21:50
guntbertClair_: you can follow the procedure on the page I sent you, until "do the actual repair", then you type chmod -v u+s /usr/bin/sudo and reboot21:50
bonnohello i know what i ask is irrelevant with the room but i cant findd it anywhere on the internet and i am in a hurry..so if anyone can answer.. when did pentium 4 (x86 architecture) became available for the public to buy?21:51
lonewulf85trism: After I installed libgnome2-dev I got a different output. http://pastebin.com/zpDeGs81 sorry it is so long.21:51
guntbert!ot | bonno don't ask, if you know21:51
ubottubonno don't ask, if you know: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:51
Clair_guntbert I do not have physical access21:52
OptiWorkbonno: Nov 20,200021:52
Clair_sudo is currently 077721:52
_r00t_OptiWork: First hit off Google LOL21:52
trismlonewulf85: your user doesn't have permission to write to that location, you in general need to: sudo make install; (though I generally prefer to adjust --prefix to install it locally or build a package)21:53
guntbertClair_: ah, I forgot, sorry - anyway I have to leave - Good luck!21:53
_r00t_time taken to log on to #ubuntu ? LOL21:53
lonewulf85trism: I thought that was what was going on thanks. :)21:53
=== MartinS is now known as Guest22748
Clair_anyone else up for tackling this error? "sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?"21:55
OptiWorkClair_: on your server install?  12.10?21:55
Clair_optiwork yes, on my server install and 12.1021:55
lonewulf85trism: I ran the command "./configure && sudo make && sudo make install" would that have worked.21:56
trismlonewulf85: you shouldn't run: sudo make; but yes21:56
lonewulf85trism: Why should I not run sudo make?21:57
OptiWorkClair_: can you set chmod 4777 /usr/bin/sudo?21:57
OptiWorkClair_: can you set chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo?21:57
Clair_chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/bin/sudo': Operation not permitted21:57
ActionParsnipOptiWork: let me guess, its a vps :)21:57
OptiWorkClair_: ahh so you have 0 root access atm21:58
trismlonewulf85: no need to, results in a bunch of build files you can't modify as your user, may have unpleasant side-effects, it's not a good idea to do this as root when you don't have to21:58
_r00t_ActionParsnip: :)21:58
OptiWorkClair_: can you boot from the 12.10 live cd and mount /dev/sda1 /mnt or whatever it's called and then change permissions?21:58
trismlonewulf85: err that final 'this' should be 'things'21:58
ActionParsnipClair_: i've seen this. I'm continually bowled over by this21:58
ActionParsnipOptiWork: could boot to root recovery console21:59
_r00t_invariant: Talk to me man !21:59
Clair_actionparsnip ? and optiwork I do not have physical access21:59
lonewulf85trism: Oh so would this output be good or bad?  http://pastebin.com/CHrS9jHb21:59
OptiWorkClair_: vps?21:59
Clair_no, colocated21:59
OptiWorkClair_: ugh..21:59
trismlonewulf85: looks successful to me22:00
_r00t_OptiWork: It must be slow at work to end up here !22:00
OptiWorkClair_: machine will need to be rebooted into a recovery console or live media and someone there will need to change the permissions for you.22:00
lonewulf85trism: Cool so when I reboot the right click menu should list "Scan with bitdefender".22:00
OptiWork_r00t_: hey, I went and had pie in the next building over :P22:01
_r00t_OptiWork: LOL22:01
* iCarly vaves back vaguely at Evil_Eric 22:01
ActionParsnipClair_: may need a smarthands request then22:01
ActionParsnipClair_: can you su to root?22:02
* Evil_Eric nods at iCarly and goes back to doing his thing 22:02
Clair_actionparsnip I cannot, I have a backup script that runs from root at 4am every morning, thats as close to root as I can get22:02
* Evil_Eric waves at ActionParsnip 22:02
ActionParsniphi Evil_Eric22:03
ActionParsnipClair_: can you edit that script?22:03
Clair_yes indeed I can22:03
OptiWorkClair_: add the chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo to it22:03
ActionParsnipClair_: add the chmod command in there :)22:03
Clair_will that fix that strange error?22:03
ActionParsnipClair_: it will get sudo back to how it should be22:03
ActionParsnipClair_: for some unknown reason, VPS peeps like to change the ACL on sudo. Its completely frustratoing22:04
ActionParsnipClair_: so you won't have sudo access til the script runs. Make it the first command ran by the script so that at 4am you can do stuff :)22:04
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Clair_I can not edit that file22:06
Clair_my permissions got changed on it somehow22:06
* _r00t_ is going to hell .... joining #archlinux22:09
Guest74204hello world22:11
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:14
end0fdayzgay flood bots22:14
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ActionParsnipend0fdayz: how are bots gay, exactly?22:14
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end0fdayzbig gay bum bots22:15
end0fdayzonly sad little skiddies use floodbots22:15
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nikolamanyone use next3 filesystem (ext3 with snapshots) , ther eis also next4.22:16
ikonianikolam: I've not seen that as part of the Kernel in ubuntu22:16
nikolamikonia, well, it is not. there is not even PPA for it22:17
ikoniaok, so no-one in #ubuntu will be using it then22:17
ikoniaas the channel is for ubuntu discussion22:17
Clair_is there any other way to chmod without sudo or root?  Some security exploit of some sort?  Something that allows me to change a 0777 file?22:17
nikolamikonia, well, why not. Ubuntu is linux distribution and it is linux kernel module.22:18
nikolamI just ask if anyone tried it.22:18
ikoniaClair_: you have to own it22:18
nikolamIt would not be supported, right.22:18
ikonianikolam: ##linux is your channel for generic linux22:18
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ikoniathis channel is specific to ubuntu22:18
nikolamikonia, well, I am willing to ask people if anyone is using it under Ubuntu, to share, you know.22:19
nikolamthat is all.22:19
ActionParsnipClair_: if there wa sit'd be a massive security flaw22:19
ikonianikolam: no-one is using it under ubuntu, as you said it's not in the kernel or a PPA22:19
nikolamikonia, that doe NOT mean noone is using it under Ubuntu!22:20
Andi_Hey!! whats up? ;)22:20
ikonianikolam: it means it's not on topic for this channel or #xubuntu22:20
nikolamI suppose there are also people in Ubuntu that compile and make/contribute something , even in ubuntu.22:20
ikonianikolam: try ##linux22:20
Andi_anyone have experience with nosql?22:20
nikolamikonia, it is.22:20
ActionParsnipClair_: sounds like you need a smarthands to boot to root recovery mode and chmod the file to how it should be22:20
nikolambecause I as for ubuntu/whatever combination.22:20
ikonianikolam: sorry, it's not.22:20
ikoniatry ##linux22:20
ikonianikolam: it's not supported in ubuntu, it's not part of the kernel, and it's not in a PPA22:21
ikoniathis channel is for ubuntu support22:21
nikolamikonia, so what.22:21
nikolamand I use Ubuntu and want to ask peole if anyone tried something.22:21
nikolamthats is not the crime.22:21
ikonianikolam: I'll ask one last time, "please" take it to ##linux22:21
ikoniageneric linux support is better in there22:21
ActionParsnipnikolam: then try in #ubuntu-offtopic22:22
Clair_I have a proftpd server setup to use mysql for authentication.  Could I use something along that lines to modify root files?22:22
nikolamikonia, I am  not talking about it. All I talk about is that you continue pushing me around. Topic is not even there aymore.22:22
ikoniaClair_: no22:22
ikonianikolam: great, not talking about it any more, thank you22:22
blacknessClair_, no one is going to help you 'exploit' anything, if you cannot get your hands on the machine, or have someone else do this, you're screwed.22:23
ActionParsnipblackness: +122:23
blacknessActionParsnip i dont like being a douche, but sometimes it just leaks out :P LOL22:24
Clair_I own the machine, I dont feel like paying 100s of dollars to have one command executed22:24
ikoniaClair_: then you should have sudo access22:24
blacknessClair_, if you own it, go to it and use recovery.22:24
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ikoniaClair_: if it's your box, you should have sudo access, why do you not have sudo access22:24
Clair_becuase the sudo file got chmodded22:25
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ikoniaClair_: how ?22:25
ActionParsnipClair_: its how he VPS is setup, its really stupid but its what you have22:25
ikoniaand by who22:25
Clair_wish I knew22:25
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Clair_its not a vps22:25
blacknessClair_, check history..22:25
Clair_its a dedicated box22:25
ikoniaClair_: can you show me the output of "uname -a" please.22:25
blacknessClair_, ALL my servers are HOST -> OpenVZ. for quick restore.22:25
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Clair_iknonia Linux workspace 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:31:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:26
blacknesslooks like 12.10 Clair_ ?22:26
ikoniaso that looks like a physcal standard install22:26
Clair_it is22:27
ikoniaClair_: boot into recovery mode.22:27
ikoniaClair_: or from a CD22:27
blacknesshe cant ikonia he doesnt have local access..just ssh22:27
ikoniathen he'll have to pay for remote hands22:27
Clair_no physical access, thats why I am trying to get around having to do it that way, my colocation host charges oodles of money for that22:27
blacknessikonia, i agree..or visit the machine himself.22:27
blacknessClair_, then you need to switch to a different colo..my colo doesnt charge for anything like that.22:28
blacknessand if they do, its never over 20$22:28
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ActionParsnipblackness: yeah, we do it as part of the contract if its hosted22:35
mspencerShould I ask a question about tools for ubuntu development here or in the #ubuntu-devel channel?22:40
CarlFKmspencer: I would start here22:40
PongI seem to have problems getting my 12.04 Server to access things outside the local network (i.e. cannot connect to google) while other 10.04 Desktops can connect with same settings22:41
blacknessPong, firewall?22:42
Pongblackness, no on server firewall and the server and desktops have same access to all22:44
Matrixпривет всем кто не спит22:44
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:44
bobweaverI think22:44
mspencerIs sbuild or pbuild better at conserving Internet access (saving downloads for reuse, etc)? I've got an Internet connection that is limited in the amount of download usage per month.22:44
bobweaverpbuilder has cache if you like mspencer22:45
WeThePeoplehow do i upgrade to ubuntu kernel for 10.04.4?22:45
bobweaverbut you do not need to use pubuilder if you do not want to though it is a good idea mspencer22:45
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:45
bobweavermspencer,  running lintian on packages seems to help me all the time22:46
WeThePeoplehow do i load the kernel for 10.04.4?22:46
mspencerbobweaver: how? I'm new to ubuntu development.22:46
bobweavermspencer,  that is cool can I ask what you are deving up  ?22:46
mspencerbobweaver: bug fixing, mostly in python programs.22:47
ikoniaso why does the kernel matter for python ?22:47
MolochDynamowethepeople, What are you running now?22:47
mspencerbobweaver: so far I've worked on software-properties.22:47
bobweavermspencer,  you might want to look into the #ubuntu-motu channel also22:47
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ikoniaoops, miss-read, sorry22:47
WeThePeoplemolochdynamo, 3.0.0-27-generic #44~lucid1-Ubuntu22:48
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bobweavermspencer,  this is one of my favorites when it comes to pbuilder guides http://pbuilder.alioth.debian.org/22:48
mspencerbobweaver: okay, thanks!22:48
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bobweavermspencer,  there is also the #debian-mentors   that is on there network22:49
mspencerbobweaver: thanks22:49
bobweaverbut mspencer  when building a package lintian is run auto when you use debuild22:49
bobweaverbut you are right it is best to use pbuilder22:49
simplewwhen i run dolphin in ubuntu (and im not referring to KDE), even if i click to show the toolbar it doesnt show it, why is this happening?22:50
MolochDynamowethepeople, apt-get dist-upgrade should do it. Was there a problem?22:50
mspencerbobweaver: thanks, I'll stick with pbuilder.22:50
toonerim using openelec on a htpc and i installed win7 which overwrote the MBR.. is it easy enough for me to use ubuntu live cd to install grub on the openelec system partition and then let win7 manage the dual boot?22:50
bobweavermspencer,  you have read the Ubuntu packaging guide ?22:51
bobweaverhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/   << mspencer22:51
ActionParsniptooner: use the omgubuntu guide 'sticking it to grub'  to reinstate grub to the mbr22:51
geezenslawHi, trying to install 12.04 on a new HP tower. Wubi.exe install and a Windows boot manager ubuntu is displayed as a choice but the box claims corrupted. Any ideas?22:51
toonerActionParsnip thanks22:52
WeThePeoplemolochdynamo, i would like to keep using 10.04, the problem is i updated the kernel to oneric and would like to load lucids kernel again22:52
mspencerbobweaver: Yes, I've read that and used its instructions for working on my first bug.22:52
bobweavermspencer,  I also highly recomend the Debian new maintians guide though cryptic at points it is a good place to" dig deep " so to say22:52
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: reboot, hold shift and select the kernel22:52
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: Lucid is EOL in 6 months so you wil need to move soon22:53
bobweavermspencer,  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/22:53
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  less than 6 months, even22:53
WeThePeoplenope 12.04 is to slow on my comp22:53
ActionParsnipcan't wait for Lucid to die22:53
bobweaver+1 ActionParsnip22:53
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  then use lxde22:53
MolochDynamowethepeople, What actionparsnip said, you should be able to remove the 10.4.4 kernel after that.22:53
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: or use Xubuntu, you can run all your favourite gnome apps in any desktop...22:54
mspencerbobweaver: thanks22:54
bobweavermspencer,  are you getting stuck somewhere or is it just a issue of bandwidth ?22:54
simplewActionParsnip: any hint on why dolphin doesnt show toolbar in unity?22:54
OerHekssimplew, doesn't it show on the top panel?22:55
mspencerbobweaver: No, we just got a new Internet service that limits us on download usage plus I just upgraded to 12.10 via a new install, so was just wondering on the best method.22:55
ActionParsnipsimplew: as in 'File Edit View' etc22:55
simplewActionParsnip: yes22:56
ActionParsnipsimplew: is it not put in the global menu?22:56
simplewActionParsnip: i click to show toolbar but doesnt show it22:57
ActionParsnipsimplew: what if you press ALT+F  while Dolphin has focus?22:57
bobweavermspencer,  ahh yeah there are many ways to skin a cat you can build local and test also . that is another way just like with debuild but you can run      fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -f from the source dir and that will give you debian package to try on local system or a virtual one ect if you do not have great bandwidth22:57
simplewActionParsnip: oh i forgot tha tunity the menu bar is show in the top desktop bar22:58
bobweavermspencer,  but keep in mind on new packages it is best to use pbuilder be cause if you need what I like to call hidden dependences in the d/control22:58
ActionParsnipsimplew: yes, thats the global menu....22:58
simplewwhat a crap22:59
simplewActionParsnip: thanks22:59
ActionParsnipsimplew: no worries, all the other gnome apps do that too22:59
simplewActionParsnip: time to go back to cinnamon22:59
mspencerbobweaver: I'll just stick with pbuilder since I'm new, thanks for all your help!22:59
simplewActionParsnip: another thing, how do i configure icons in unity just for curiosity22:59
ActionParsnipsimplew: you can use cinammon, but its not supported here23:00
silindeantime to go Back in Time :) @simplew23:00
simplewActionParsnip: im still in unity23:00
ActionParsnipsimplew: you can configure icons in any desktop by editting the .desktop for the app in /usr/share/applications23:00
bobweavernp mspencer  let us know (buy filing a bug or question on  launchpad) if there is anything about the packageing guide that can be better thanks for deving up in Ubuntu You Rock !23:00
simplewActionParsnip: im referring to the icons theme23:00
ActionParsnipsimplew: by default they should obey the icon theme you set23:00
bobweavermspencer,  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide23:01
simplewActionParsnip: thats what im asking, how to change icons theme in unity23:01
ActionParsnipsimplew: there is gnome-tweak-tool    you can set things with23:01
simplewActionParsnip: but that isnt installed by default23:01
ActionParsnipsimplew: many things aren't23:02
mercury00what channel is best to join for help with reprepro?23:03
ActionParsnip!alis | mercury0023:03
ubottumercury00: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:03
simplewActionParsnip: how can i set dolphin as default fle manager in unity?23:03
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest10535
geezenslawSelecting ubuntu from the windows boot menu claims File: \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr is missing or corrupt. Any diagnostics for this?23:04
ActionParsnipsimplew: right click a folder in nautilus, then select open with other app and select dolphin23:05
ActionParsnipgeezenslaw: have you chkdsk'd your NTFS partition?23:05
simplewActionParsnip: thats not what i asked23:05
ubottuKraun: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:06
geezenslawthe machine has 2 drives C: and E: and I chose E:. I suspect E: has no partition. but why did it install w/ no issues?23:06
ActionParsnipsimplew: it will change the config so that folders open in dolphin, so anytime a file browser is needed, it will open23:07
ActionParsnipsimplew: how is that not what you wanted?23:07
simplewActionParsnip: when i right click in a folder i have no option like "Open With...", it simply apepars "Open"23:08
ActionParsnipsimplew: do you have 'open with other application'?23:08
ActionParsnipsimplew: 5th option down...?23:09
simplewActionParsnip: not when right click over a folder23:09
ActionParsnipsimplew: in nautilus23:09
simplewyes in nautilus23:09
geezenslawActionParsip: the machine won't let me run chkdsk. must be so-called elevated mode.23:09
ActionParsnipgeezenslaw: in windows?23:10
bobweaversimplew,  what is permissions on file ?23:10
bobweaveris it a script ?23:10
bobweaveror executable23:10
simplewbobweaver: im in home, so i have all permission i need to a full control23:10
ActionParsnipsimplew: http://askubuntu.com/questions/168752/how-to-run-dolphin-instead-of-nautilus23:11
bobweaversimplew,  you are getting the anwser that I am saying. Is the file that you are trying to open a script or maked as executable ?23:11
ActionParsnipsimplew: http://askubuntu.com/questions/84929/how-to-set-up-dolphin-as-default-file-manager23:11
geezenslawActionParsnip: yes in windows. I checked the account type and i'm Administrator. I don't get it.23:12
simplewActionParsnip: thats simply a bad hack, i thought there was some option to set default filemanager23:12
bobweaverif so then it will just run that script and you can not right click to open with program.  Or if you are using mixed libarys maybe gtk3 is flipping out. Or maybe this is a desktop file that you are trying to open ?23:12
simplewActionParsnip: but thanks for the tip23:12
ActionParsnipgeezenslaw: runa cmd as admin and  run:  chkdsk /F c:23:13
simplewgeezenslaw: windows?23:13
ActionParsnipsimplew: not something I've had to do, it may be in mime_types file (if memory serves)23:13
ActionParsnipgeezenslaw: right click the shortcut and click 'rus as administrator'23:13
Lttlwing16hey all23:14
Lttlwing16quick question23:14
Lttlwing16for anyone who is willing to answer23:14
simplewActionParsnip: any hint how to edit mimetypes in unity?23:15
Lttlwing16running 12.04 from a USB flash drive sys persistent and the dropbox app (installed from .deb file through Software center) won't hang on to my login23:15
ActionParsnipsimplew: its a text file, so the session is moot23:15
Lttlwing16it resets every reboot23:15
simplewActionParsnip: moot?23:15
Lttlwing16I've tried a number of fixes to no avail23:15
ActionParsnipsimplew: irrelevant, not important23:15
simplewActionParsnip: but i dont know which file is23:16
ActionParsnipsimplew: sudo updatedb; locate mime | grep type23:16
ActionParsnipsimplew: didn't spring to mind?23:16
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simplewActionParsnip: in fact no :)23:17
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GandalfBHello all -23:19
simplewActionParsnip: this is weird, if running kwrite in unity it does show menu bar in kwrite window, strange doesnt do the same for dolphin23:19
GandalfBanyone on hand to help out with a problem I'm having.23:19
bobweaverQT + gtk 3 =  What something is not right23:19
simplewnautilus is going from bad to worst, now isnt even possible to have a tree sidebar panel like used to exist...23:20
bobweaverGandalfB,  it is best just to ask your question23:20
GandalfBthanks bob - ok will do23:20
ActionParsnipsimplew: could poke around in /etc/mime.types23:21
geezenslawActionParsnip: run as admin makes no diff. I suspect the setup is geared to use the C: drive and not the E: drive.23:22
geezenslawI will try to use an USB flashdrive.23:22
ActionParsnipgeezenslaw: whichever partition (not a drive) has the Wubi install on, get it checked.23:22
ActionParsnipgeezenslaw: you should have a GUI app in systrem tools if memory serves23:23
GandalfBok - I've installed 12.10 - and now I'm getting a hang on longin screen, after I log in with my user name and password.   The login prompt vanishes and I just get the default wallpaper and mouse pointer, nothing else.   The OS seems to report general error and thats it.   I've tried stopping and starting lightdm and also tried switching to gdm.    prior to the restart, there were number of things installed, so I'm not su23:23
ActionParsnipGandalfB: su isn't a user23:23
ActionParsnipGandalfB: what video chip do you have?23:24
GandalfBI'm using nvidia 860023:24
GandalfBits rather old pc23:24
bobweaverGandalfB,  you have ran unity test ?23:24
ActionParsnipGandalfB: did you install the proprietary video driver?23:24
ActionParsnipGandalfB: mine are all older ;)23:24
GandalfBI think, I might of changed the driver before re-starting23:24
GandalfBmaybe.. can't remmber23:25
ActionParsnipGandalfB: did you upgrade from Precise, or is it a clean install?23:25
GandalfBhow do I run unity test / switch23:25
GandalfBits a clean install23:25
GandalfBall I've installed since the clean install is xammp, some ai32-libs and flash plugin23:25
bobweaverGandalfB,  if you press ctrl+alt+f1 then log in and run  "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p "   is it all yeses ?23:26
ActionParsnipbobweaver: well that's super convenient23:26
bobweaverActionParsnip,  I am betting that you are right and it is mod that is not loaded23:26
GandalfBit says - "Error: unable to open display"23:27
bobweaverGandalfB,  can you install pastebinit ?23:27
bobweaver!info pastebinit | GandalfB23:27
ubottuGandalfB: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB23:27
GandalfBhow do I do that -23:28
bobweaverthen run     "lspci | pastebinit "  then give us the link to see23:28
bobweaversudo apt-get install pastebinit23:28
bobweaveryou are at tty ?23:28
GandalfBdoing that now23:28
bobweaverGandalfB,  also a "lsmod | pastebinit "  would also help23:28
nrdbI am running 12.04 server ... I want to install libcgi-dev ... which is in universe .... which I think is properly enabled ... but I keep getting " Package 'libcgi-dev' has no installation candidate"23:28
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blacknessnrdb, sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo apt-get update|pastebinit23:30
bobweaverblackness that will not work23:30
Lttlwing16anyone know why Dropbox logs out after reboot23:30
Lttlwing16can't get it to stick23:30
GandalfBok the lspci output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1373653/23:31
bobweavermust save output at var then cat it like           " update-output=$(sudo apt-get update) && cat $update-output | pastebinit "23:31
GandalfBhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1373656/ is the lsmod output23:32
bobweaverGandalfB,  I also have that same chip in a different computer."  GeForce 8600 GT "23:32
ActionParsnipLttlwing16: have you tried with a different USB stick?23:32
bobweaverGandalfB,  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current23:32
BeoWulf`howdy all. What will I lose, aside from the annoying start bar thing, if I install another desktop like Cinnamon?23:32
bobweaverthen reboot23:32
Lttlwing16ActionParsnip: I think nautilus is out of wack23:32
str1cthi everyone. Somebody could tell me what should I do to not enter the password each time when i try install smth, for example: sudo apt-get install.... then I have to enter the pswd... can I set smth to don't do it?23:32
blacknessyes, i was wrong..23:33
ActionParsnipBeoWulf`: if you use cinammon you will not get support for it here23:33
Lttlwing16because It won't hold on to the Spotify app I put in the dock either23:33
bobweaverblackness, yeah I have run into the troubles many times23:33
blacknessnrdb, follow what bobweaver pasted: update-output=$(sudo apt-get update) && cat $update-output | pastebinit23:33
beandogstr1ct: http://www.maestric.com/doc/unix/ubuntu_sudo_without_password23:33
nrdbblackness, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1373659/23:33
str1ctbeandog: thank you;)23:33
blacknessyou are using universe, lemme see if that package exists under that name23:34
bobweaverblackness no I was wrong :/23:34
BeoWulf`Not looking for support, mostly I want to know what I will lose?23:34
GandalfBok, it says "nvidia-current is already the newest version"23:34
andybrineevening all23:34
ActionParsnipBeoWulf`: that's all.23:34
blacknessnrdb, what does: sudo apt-get install libcgi0 report?23:34
GandalfBI think I may of switched something with the video card on previous login,23:35
blacknessbobweaver, so we're both wrong ?:P23:35
andybrinedoes anyone know a good command to purge everything relating to a program23:35
bobweaverGandalfB,  what is   "apt-cache policy nvidia-current | pastebinit "23:35
andybrineso the program can be reinstalled23:35
WeThePeopleis there a easy way to install xampp on ubuntu?23:35
blacknessandybrine, have you tried apt-get remove --purge package ?23:35
icerootWeThePeople: please dont use xampp on GNU/Linux23:36
lcabreza2WeThePeople: download the tar.gz file and extract it23:36
andybrinenot yet, thanks blackness23:36
blacknesswelcome, or you can use apt-get purge andybrine23:36
icerootlcabreza2: please dont suggest to install something as tar.gz23:36
andybrinei installed neflix and want to purge all then reinstall23:36
lcabreza2WeThePeople: it would be best to download and compile ..23:36
blacknessi perfer the --flags over all the others23:36
nrdbblackness, "E: Unable to locate package libcgi0"23:36
bobweaverGandalfB, funny thing is if installed nvidia is not loaded in lsmod :?23:36
blacknessnrdb, 12.04?23:36
ActionParsnip!info libcgi023:36
ubottuPackage libcgi0 does not exist in quantal23:36
WeThePeopleiceroot, what do you recommend23:36
blackness!info libcgi-dev23:36
ubottuPackage libcgi-dev does not exist in quantal23:36
icerootWeThePeople: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin23:36
GandalfBis the output from that command23:36
icerootWeThePeople: install the lamp packages directly with the command i gave you23:37
nrdbblackness, yes ... 12.04.01 to be precise23:37
iceroot!lamp | WeThePeople23:37
ubottuWeThePeople: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:37
blacknessi have that package for 10.1123:37
blackness12.10 *23:37
WeThePeopleiceroot, can i run perl23:37
bobweaverGandalfB,  try    "sudo modprob nvidia && sudo services lightdm restart "23:37
GandalfBbobweaver I might of stupiedly turned it off23:37
blacknessThe following NEW packages will be installed:\  libcgi-dev libcgi023:37
icerootWeThePeople: sure, sudo apt-get install perl  (but i guess its already installed)23:37
blacknessone moment nrdb23:37
GandalfBbobweaver, trying now23:37
nrdbblackness, uname -a = "Linux www 3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 26 21:33:09 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"23:38
bobweaverGandalfB,  yeah it looks that way lsmod says driver is not loaded but policy says that it is installed23:38
blacknessnrdb, what are we trying to do? maybe the package name changed from 12.04 to 12.1023:39
nrdbblackness, I am trying to develop some cgi in C for a website... the libcgi looks api looks good.23:40
blackness!info libcgi-devel23:40
ubottuPackage libcgi-devel does not exist in quantal23:40
GandalfBbobweaver, modprob, says command not found.... could that be because I'm running gdm instead of lightdm?23:40
blackness!info libcgi-devel precise23:40
ubottuPackage libcgi-devel does not exist in precise23:40
nrdbblackness, isn't that "libcgi-dev"23:41
blacknessi found packages for all ubuntu's but 12.04 :/23:41
nrdb!info libcgi-dev precise23:41
ubottuPackage libcgi-dev does not exist in precise23:41
bobweaverGandalfB,  sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install nvidia current && sudo reboot23:41
bobweaverthat will reboot at end23:41
blacknessnrdb, libcgic-dev23:42
GandalfBbobweaver, cool let me try that23:42
blackness!info libcgic-dev23:42
ubottulibcgic-dev (source: libcgic): C library for developing CGI applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.05-3 (quantal), package size 49 kB, installed size 184 kB23:42
nrdbblackness, that is different but I suppose I could use it... libcgi must have been dropped at some time.23:43
blacknessnrdb, sudo apt-get install libcgic-dev, sorry, forgot that part.23:43
bobweaver!info libcgic223:43
ubottulibcgic2 (source: libcgic): C library for developing CGI applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.05-3 (quantal), package size 19 kB, installed size 62 kB23:43
blacknesssame thing..cept for sizes :P23:43
bobweaverapt-cache search libcgic23:44
blacknessdoes that provide header files bobweaver ?23:44
simplewActionParsnip: the solution is to in mimeapps.list add a line with inode/directory=kde4-dolphin.desktop23:44
bobweaverblackness run apt-cache show <name of package >23:45
minasHi. How can I see the version of the GPU driver?23:45
theos911It should be displayed with glxinfo23:45
blacknesshe needs the development package.. libcgic isnt the development package..im viewing it via www :P23:45
nrdbblackness, bobweaver , thanks for your time... I see about converting the code to libcgic23:45
GandalfBbobweaver, thats working away23:46
minastheos911: server glx version string: 1.4. is that it?23:46
blacknessWelcome nrdb23:46
bobweavernrdb,  what about libcg ?23:46
bobweaveropps that is nvidia toolkit :/23:46
theos911No minas, I don't think so.23:46
theos911I'm a bit rusty, but it should be something more like "3.3.0 NVIDIA 295.49"23:47
minastheos911: client glx version string? (By the way, I want the driver version, not the version of openGL). I'm using ATI23:47
theos911I think OpenGL version string is what you want23:47
minastheos911: no, that's the version of opengl23:48
bobweaverOne can see the pacakge infromation like version number  with     apt-cache policy <name of package >23:48
theos911Ok, I tried, Sorry23:48
bobweaverincluding drivers23:48
minastheos911: thanks anyway :)23:48
bobweaveror mods or what every23:48
GandalfBbobweaver, rebooting23:51
=== vibhav is now known as Guest5764
GandalfBbobweaver, ok rebooted, logged in, starting at just the wallpaper and the mouse pointer,  nothing else.  I'm supposed to be using GDM23:54
WeThePeopleiceroot, how do i run the installed programs to edit a webpage?23:54
bobweaverGandalfB,  ok open terminal ctrl+alt+t  and run lsmod | grep nvidia    anything show up ?23:55
=== cb_ is now known as _cb
GandalfBbobweaver, rebooting23:55
GandalfBbobweaver, fyi,, it just said the applicatoin compiz has closed unexpectedly23:56
bobweaverGandalfB,  let us know when rebooted23:56
GandalfBbobweaver, I'm not repbooting btw, that was typeo23:56
bobweaverpress ctrl+alt+f1   log in and run     lsmod | pastebinit      then give us link23:57
GandalfBok roger23:57
bobweaverer nividia is still not loaded !23:59
GandalfBBobweaver, also nothing showed up doing the grep23:59

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