=== UnknownFork__ is now known as UnknownFork | ||
iomthd | hi all | 02:32 |
knome | hello | 02:32 |
iomthd | I'm pretty new to all of this but when I've tried live editions before I was able to install some software packages to try them out before installing to disk | 02:33 |
iomthd | I don't seem to be able to do that on the current release of xubuntu. Am I missing something? | 02:33 |
iomthd | I'm used unetbootin to transfer the live image to my usb drive | 02:34 |
iomthd | I* | 02:34 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
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=== derpina is now known as m00se | ||
john2x | i'm having an issue with my Virtual Box setup, where when I drag/scroll with my mouse, the pointer tends to go to the upper-left randomly, messing up my dragging/scrolling. | 05:53 |
john2x | I already installed VBox's guest additions.. i'm on 12.10 | 05:53 |
john2x | upper-left corner of the screen* | 05:54 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
tomatopotato | hrmm interesting | 06:49 |
tomatopotato | i cant even remotely imagine what it could be | 06:51 |
LiraNuna | I just got xubuntu, and it's AWESOME | 08:08 |
TheSheep | glad you like it | 08:08 |
LiraNuna | I installed skype on it and I can't get it to blend in | 08:08 |
LiraNuna | I know it uses Qt and there should be a package to allow Qt to detect GTK+ | 08:09 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: actually skype is a little bit nasty, because it ignores the system theme and always uses its own | 08:11 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: unless you start it with a command-line option to not do that | 08:11 |
LiraNuna | that's not my experience with it... | 08:12 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: if you open a termninal and type 'skype --help' it should show you the options | 08:12 |
TheSheep | I don't have skype here to check, but it was something long and obvious | 08:12 |
nicekiwi | how do i start xubuntu in commandline only? no Xserver running at all? | 08:12 |
LiraNuna | I just migrated from 11.04 and skype was always respecting the theme there no matter what | 08:13 |
LiraNuna | no command line options or anything | 08:13 |
TheSheep | nicekiwi: make the lightdm service not start at startup | 08:14 |
nicekiwi | TheSheep, by removing it form grub onboot? | 08:15 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Skype#Skype_does_not_use_my_GTK_theme.2C_even_though_other_QT_apps_do | 08:16 |
LiraNuna | yeah I'm there | 08:16 |
nicekiwi | TheDrums, how do I do that? | 08:16 |
LiraNuna | doesn't seem to work | 08:16 |
LiraNuna | anyway this doesn't seem like a xubuntu issue | 08:16 |
nicekiwi | TheSheep, how do I do that? | 08:17 |
TheSheep | nicekiwi: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting | 08:20 |
LiraNuna | TheSheep, thank you for you help, by the way, very much appriciated | 08:21 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: then it must be some other problem, did you try other themes? | 08:24 |
LiraNuna | TheSheep, I think I am getting it somewhere, I installed the 32bit Murrine theme engine and it seems to have changed to the win95-ish theme | 08:25 |
LiraNuna | now it complains about not having pixmap | 08:25 |
LiraNuna | which I'm guessing is gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 | 08:25 |
LiraNuna | bingo! | 08:26 |
LiraNuna | TheSheep, are you a maintainer? | 08:26 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: no | 08:26 |
LiraNuna | I'm only asking because of <TheSheep> glad you like it | 08:26 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: ah, so you have a 64 bit system, and skype is a 32 bit app and it is missing some gtk libraries, makes sense | 08:27 |
LiraNuna | yeah | 08:27 |
LiraNuna | where can I document this which will be available for people? | 08:27 |
LiraNuna | aside from a random blog | 08:27 |
TheSheep | LiraNuna: the ubuntu wiki perhaps, or forums, or ubuntu answers... | 08:28 |
LiraNuna | well, it works fine on Ubuntu | 08:28 |
TheSheep | probably because ubuntu had all those libraries already installed for something else | 08:29 |
LiraNuna | exactly | 08:29 |
TheSheep | I think that you should actually report a bug on skype, so that the packagers can add those libraries as dependenices for the skype package | 08:29 |
LiraNuna | that sounds like a good idea | 08:29 |
TheSheep | not sure what is the status of skype package though | 08:29 |
TheSheep | it used to be in ubuntu-partners... | 08:30 |
TheSheep | now that Microsoft bought Skype, it's probably not... | 08:30 |
LiraNuna | be surprised but Microsoft actually updated skype faster than skype did | 08:30 |
LiraNuna | TheSheep, I'm trying to change the main menu using "Main Menu" and it seems like the top level is locked | 08:32 |
xubuntu681 | hello | 08:37 |
baizon | !hi | xubuntu681 | 08:42 |
ubottu | xubuntu681: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! | 08:42 |
baizon | LiraNuna: use the new version of alacarte :) it will work then | 08:43 |
LiraNuna | baizon, can you elaborate? I have a fully updated Xubuntu 12.10; is there a PPA I should get it from? | 08:44 |
baizon | LiraNuna: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alacarte | 08:53 |
baizon | use version 3.6.1 | 08:54 |
xubuntu681 | hello | 08:55 |
xubuntu681 | all? | 08:55 |
xubuntu681 | any body home? | 08:55 |
baizon | xubuntu681: ? | 08:55 |
xubuntu681 | i have a question | 08:56 |
xubuntu681 | :) | 08:56 |
xubuntu681 | hmm, forget it | 08:57 |
xubuntu681 | :( | 08:58 |
baizon | xubuntu681: you can afk if you wish | 09:00 |
LiraNuna | baizon, I appreciate the help! how can I install it though? I can't see a deb/ppa/source anywhere | 09:00 |
baizon | LiraNuna: you can, download the deb file: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/alacarte_3.6.1-0ubuntu2_all.deb | 09:01 |
baizon | then just install it | 09:01 |
LiraNuna | how did you get to it? | 09:01 |
baizon | and your fine | 09:01 |
baizon | just click on the triangle left of the package | 09:01 |
LiraNuna | oh! I missed the .deb in there | 09:02 |
LiraNuna | thanks baizon | 09:02 |
baizon | np | 09:02 |
xubuntu681 | baizon; ok thanks.... :) | 09:05 |
Ankhwatcher | This laptop has two graphics cards and Xubuntu is only using the low-power one, is there a way to enable full support for the two of cards or should I just switch it to use the powerful one all the time? | 09:57 |
tomatopotato | there was something | 09:58 |
tomatopotato | i think tere is a way to use both | 09:58 |
Ankhwatcher | I have the 310 beta nvidia driver installed | 09:59 |
tomatopotato | you need to configure it in xorg.conf | 09:59 |
tomatopotato | that is as much as i know | 09:59 |
TheSheep | Ankhwatcher: you might be interested in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hybrid_graphics#The_New_Dynamic_Switching_Model | 10:04 |
TheSheep | Ankhwatcher: (also links on that page) | 10:05 |
Ankhwatcher | I was reading this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics but my laptop failed the first test | 10:10 |
Ankhwatcher | This is a Dell Studio XPS 13, so it's too old for Optimus | 10:12 |
Ankhwatcher | oh wait, it was failing because it's written for an older config, once I switched it to 3.2 I get success | 10:17 |
Ankhwatcher | these instructions are confusing | 10:33 |
xubuntu906 | hi there | 12:32 |
xubuntu906 | i've got just one question | 12:32 |
knome | !ask | xubuntu906 | 12:32 |
ubottu | xubuntu906: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:32 |
xubuntu906 | i can't find the startup disk creator in the xubuntu 12.10 release (the live iso | 12:32 |
xubuntu906 | is it removed in 12.10 | 12:33 |
xubuntu906 | normally it's available in the live .iso | 12:33 |
nikolam | when I have 2 firefox windows with multiple tabs open in 12.10 , and i click to switch to second one, bit I do not click on window , but inside window space, on empty menu bar space, I get cursor turning to "move window" state and window moves utill I click again | 13:04 |
knome | i'd believe that's a known, i have it now and then on my laptop too | 13:05 |
nikolam | not sure if it is xfwm thing or firefox+xfwm or combination. It is nvidia proprietary driver installed | 13:05 |
nikolam | ok | 13:05 |
knome | that's never happened with other apps for me | 13:05 |
knome | and i have intel for the record | 13:05 |
nikolam | knome, will to try with some other Wm on same box later | 13:06 |
nikolam | Ok, Alt+f2 opens application finder, and if i do errow down, it turns into the application finder. | 13:12 |
knome | that didn't make sense, "application finder turns into application finder" | 13:13 |
nikolam | That is nice, but I lost launch key (greyed) if I continue entering program name and file path to open. | 13:13 |
knome | but that's expected | 13:13 |
nikolam | It would also be nice to have "gksu launch this" | 13:14 |
nikolam | oh, yes, application launcer turns into finder | 13:14 |
nikolam | alo I lost command history on dwnarrow I got used to in application launcher | 13:15 |
nikolam | correction, history IS there. | 13:15 |
nikolam | just if it expands, the it does not work anymore | 13:16 |
nikolam | thunar still waits for up to 7 seconds to launch in 12.10 | 13:18 |
v1adimir | there is a bit of a delay yea | 13:19 |
nikolam | it is strange that open dialogue of leafpad, does not open directory contents in a open fie window, if path is gived in a search. (seems like path is missing) | 13:30 |
antismap | hello | 13:37 |
antismap | when i move a window to the top of the screen, it's automatically resized and talks the whole screen by the width | 13:38 |
antismap | how to disable that ? | 13:38 |
antismap | it's very annoying :/ | 13:38 |
TheSheep | antismap: window manager tweaks in settings | 13:39 |
TheSheep | antismap: "automatically tile windows..." in the accessibility tab | 13:39 |
antismap | oh ! found it | 13:39 |
antismap | thank you ! | 13:39 |
AndreeeCZ | hello. I am trying to configure onboard audio on Asus P4S8X-X (AC'97). On cat /proc/asound/cards: --- no soundcards --- | 15:23 |
holstein | i would run lspci and see.. i would run aplay -l and arecord -l | 15:24 |
holstein | !sound | 15:24 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 15:24 |
AndreeeCZ | holstein, it propably doesnt see the card.. www.shorttext.com/MGfyUiFymX908dV | 15:27 |
holstein | AndreeeCZ: in the terminal.. aplay -l | 15:29 |
holstein | if you dont see the card, alsa wont use it | 15:29 |
AndreeeCZ | holstein, no soundcards found | 15:30 |
holstein | AndreeeCZ: i would apply upgrades... see if you have a kernel/alsa upgrade that supports the device.. i would check the bios or whatever means to see that the hardware is installed properly and working | 15:32 |
holstein | AndreeeCZ: i would try a few live CD's to see if different kernel/alsa version just pick it up automatically | 15:33 |
AndreeeCZ | holstein, ok i will again with a PCI X-Fi (i couldnt get it working either) | 15:33 |
holstein | AndreeeCZ: i would just put in a card.. that onboard sound wouldnt be anything i would waste too much time on | 15:34 |
lechu89 | hi! who can help me with my problem with xubuntu? | 15:45 |
lechu89 | I have problems during the system start-up | 15:45 |
holstein | !ask | lechu89 | 15:45 |
ubottu | lechu89: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:45 |
Donnie | Ok. Since I have a brandnew flashdrive with Xubuntu on it. And my computer is default set to book from flashdrive. But my Xubuntu broken drive won't let that happen. Should I "puppy" the pendrive, then disk utility format the harddrive I'm trying to install a fresh distro too? | 16:14 |
holstein | i just load up the iso using unetbootin and install to whatever i want... | 16:15 |
holstein | if the computer wont boot the USB stick, it wont boot the usb stick... i would confirm the bios settings, and try booting again.. you should get to the USB stick before the internal hard drive, as far as booting goes | 16:16 |
Donnie | My computer is default to boot from usb | 16:16 |
holstein | Donnie: sure.. i would just confirm that.. since puppy or *anything* will need to boot from usb, and boot the same way | 16:17 |
holstein | if you are saying "the internal hard drive is preventing the usb stick from booting" that will be the case regardless of what stick or OS | 16:17 |
Donnie | I do confirm that everytime. My computer is set to where when I instal a drive. I tells me at the bios what drives are installed and that it's set to boot in the order of Usb, hdd, cd | 16:18 |
holstein | Donnie: cool.. so how is the usb stick failing to boot? | 16:18 |
Donnie | I don't have a clue. It only fails to boot when my linux harddrive is installed | 16:18 |
Donnie | When I have my windows hard drive installed. It attempts to boot | 16:19 |
holstein | how did you create the USB stick? have you tested it on another machine? | 16:19 |
holstein | Donnie: well, we can assume, if the bios settings are correct, it is "attempting" to boot regardless of the os | 16:19 |
Donnie | Ever since the xubuntu update. It's failed to move. I can't even mount it as a slave drive anymore because it wants to take over | 16:20 |
holstein | Donnie: if you want, unplug *all* hard drives.. get a USB stick booting.. and go from there.. then you can take the hard drivers out of the equation, since they should have no bearing on the issue | 16:20 |
holstein | Donnie: "it" wants to take over? take over what? | 16:20 |
Donnie | When I instal my linux drive as a slave, and my windows drive as a master with slave present. The boot time takes over 2min. When it finally does boot to windows. The 'slave drive' is no longer present | 16:21 |
holstein | Donnie: sounds like bad hardware to me.. i would get a diagnostic live CD and test the drire | 16:22 |
holstein | drive* | 16:22 |
Donnie | I don't use cd's anymore I don't even have a cd drive in my computer | 16:22 |
Donnie | That's what the usb is supposed to be for | 16:22 |
holstein | Donnie: sure.. a live diagnostic CD via usb or however you would like to test that hard drive | 16:22 |
holstein | something like http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html ..when i sayd "cd" i just mean an iso you can choose to boot as you please.. via USB or whatever | 16:23 |
Donnie | I'm gonna go ntfs format on the thumbdrive, install puppy. Put the linux drive back in. And if they load fine. Use the puppy to wipe the linux drive and make it all new again | 16:23 |
holstein | sure.. enjoy! | 16:24 |
Donnie | Well this is a brand new thumbdrive... And it's never done this at all till that update that wiped the drive | 16:24 |
Donnie | It refuses to go past network connections | 16:24 |
holstein | the drive is not mounting though.. sounds like bad hardware to me | 16:25 |
holstein | i would run diagnostics on the hard drive | 16:25 |
Donnie | It could be. But then why did it happen right directly after an update and a restart? | 16:26 |
holstein | could also be "during/after a system upgrade, a hard drive failed" | 16:26 |
drc | guess he's impatient :) | 16:26 |
holstein | in case someone is following.. it could be because the hard drive was failing and a lot of system files were being written at that time.. where maybe normal use didnt have such an impact | 16:27 |
holstein | yeah.. too impatent to test the hard drive.. i usually do that to save some time in the long run, then i know al is well (or not) | 16:28 |
drc | Wonder if he "install xubuntu" to the usb stick or merely "burnt" the iso to a usb? Master/slave sounds like an "install" and old ide drives. | 16:28 |
drc | oh well | 16:29 |
=== newbie|2 is now known as Tethtibis | ||
MontyXubuntu | my steam wount launch | 17:12 |
MontyXubuntu | it worked yesteeday | 17:12 |
Tethtibis | have you tried adding coal? perhaps your burner isn't hot enough to allow the steam to heat. :O) | 17:12 |
MontyXubuntu | rofl | 17:13 |
Tethtibis | are you using wine, or have a beta key? | 17:13 |
drc | And you might want to try #ubuntu-steam | 17:13 |
MontyXubuntu | neather i downloaded it and installed it and sidestepped it kicking me out | 17:14 |
Tethtibis | ...... the windows version? | 17:14 |
MontyXubuntu | no linux version | 17:15 |
Tethtibis | honestly, I had no idea that you could just download the linux version without explicit beta access. I have no idea how to help you, as I've had no experience in the matter, I apologize. | 17:16 |
bazhang | !steam | MontyXubuntu | 17:17 |
ubottu | MontyXubuntu: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their devlopment, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 17:17 |
MontyXubuntu | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/11/reddit-users-bypass-valve-linux-beta-invitations | 17:18 |
Tethtibis | *facepalm* | 17:18 |
drc | again #ubuntu-steam might have more specialized knowledge of problems with this. | 17:18 |
drc | but I see you're already there:) | 17:22 |
superboot | Anything special about running gconf-editor on xubuntu(xfce)? | 17:47 |
superboot | Just a: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor? | 17:48 |
superboot | I've installed that and Nautilus, and Nautilus doesn't appear in gconf-editor. Any hints? | 17:48 |
PhoenixSTF | Hey guys, I am having a bit of trouble on xfce using samba shares | 17:48 |
PhoenixSTF | when i move a file from one folder to another (drag and drop) it actually uses my pc to Move instead of just move on the server | 17:49 |
superboot | I only say this because i've had much success with NFS, but you should realy look into it if you can afford to move away from SAMBA. However I understand sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do. Hopefully someone will respond who knows SAMBA. If not, try ##linux, since a SAMBA question is general linux. | 17:53 |
superboot | PhoenixSTF: To you. | 17:54 |
LiraNuna | every time I log out, my mouse cursor gets twice as big. Anyone else is getting that issue? | 17:55 |
superboot | Hmmm... not me. | 17:56 |
Darwin | spanish ? | 17:56 |
=== Darwin is now known as DarwinX | ||
PhoenixSTF | superboot, but a file move inside the server with nfs does it goes thruu your pc or is it server internally only? | 17:58 |
superboot | PhoenixSTF: I'm quite sure it is just on the server, although now you have me quessing. let me check. | 18:01 |
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek | ||
superboot | PhoenixSTF: Yes, I just moved a 2GB file in less than a half a second, so I'm sure it wasn't pulling it local and pushing back. | 18:07 |
koegs | it will be moved on the server only, if possible | 18:07 |
koegs | e.g. same partition | 18:08 |
PhoenixSTF | superboot, so inteligent network folders only in NFS? | 18:08 |
superboot | PhoenixSTF: As I said, I don't have experiance with SAMBA, but NFS gives you both that and full file permissions, and host-based export. | 18:10 |
PhoenixSTF | superboot, thanks :) | 18:10 |
superboot | PhoenixSTF: Let me know if you need help setting it up. :) | 18:10 |
superboot | NFS that is | 18:10 |
PhoenixSTF | superboot, oh it only takes a bit of reading ;) | 18:11 |
superboot | yeah. For whatever reason, the online guides seem to make it harder than it has to be. But if you understand the relationship between mounts and mount points, you've got it. | 18:11 |
well_laid_lawn | there's quite a few options when exporting files too | 18:12 |
well_laid_lawn | http://linux-nfs.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page | 18:14 |
unrar | hi | 18:14 |
LiraNuna | Anyone gets a giant mouse cursor when hovering certain elements? | 18:29 |
mahmoud__ | I have Java installed | 18:46 |
mahmoud__ | but I don't know how to run .jar files. | 18:46 |
mahmoud__ | Anyone can help with that? | 18:47 |
Unit193 | Should be java -jar file.jar from the terminal, or chmod+x and double click. | 18:47 |
mahmoud__ | Unit193, thanks I tried the cl but an error showed up Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.awt.HeadlessException | 18:50 |
well_laid_lawn | sounds like it ran and the app failed | 18:51 |
Unit193 | Sounds like that to me. | 18:52 |
Unit193 | You able to say what program? | 18:52 |
mahmoud__ | It's a setup ui application for | 18:56 |
mahmoud__ | LibGDX | 18:56 |
mahmoud__ | http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/ Unit193 | 18:57 |
Unit193 | java -jar gdx-setup-ui.jar worked fine here. | 19:00 |
mahmoud__ | oh! | 19:02 |
mahmoud__ | Any idea what can be wrong? | 19:03 |
Unit193 | http://pastebin.com/F8Ye9zft should be all the java packages I have, take note of openjdk-7-jre-headless | 19:05 |
mahmoud__ | Guys, how to move the upside panel to the bottom of the desktop? | 19:34 |
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek | ||
anjomd | boua noite a todos........... | 20:21 |
katsune | hey, anyone experienced muffled sound with xubuntu 12.10? | 20:38 |
katsune | hey guys, anyone experienced a muffled sound in xubuntu 12.10 | 20:52 |
katsune | ? | 20:52 |
nikolam | Anyone used next3 filesystem (ext3 with snapshots) with some ubuntu version | 22:05 |
nikolam | I wonder if i can set it up as root file system | 22:05 |
nikolam | so that I can both have snapshots and Dual-boot windows can use Linux partitioin for multimedia storage | 22:05 |
nikolam | (there are ext3 drivers for windows) | 22:05 |
Simooon | nikolam, If you can choose it under the installation I guess it should work... | 22:14 |
nikolam | Simooon, choose? I was thinking of adding it after instalaltion as module or something. I wasn't thinking about re-making install cd. | 22:15 |
nikolam | But, it could be done I suppose | 22:15 |
Simooon | nikolam, I don't know the filesystem, I just thought that would be the easiest way, but I have no idea if it is there on a default installation image. | 22:17 |
nikolam | Simooon, no it is not. | 22:19 |
Simooon | nikolam, ok I guess i can't be of much help then :-P | 22:20 |
Simooon | *I | 22:20 |
nikolam | :P Simooon | 22:21 |
Maccer | I can't seem to get screenshooter to copy its screenshot into the clipboard, or at least it's not recognized by any program or imgur. Anyone know why? | 23:56 |
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