
bigjoolsroaksoax: out of interest, what does it mean when the main bugtask on those backport requests is marked fix-released?00:29
roaksoaxbigjools: that's been fixed in ubuntu+100:40
bigjoolsah ok trunk00:41
bigjoolsseems a bit weird for a backport request, but ok :)00:41
roaksoaxbigjools: not trunk, but raring :)00:48
roaksoaxbigjools: raring/quantal00:48
roaksoaxso in case we are sruing to quantal, we need it fixed in raring first00:48
bigjoolsit's ubuntu's trunk :)00:48
roaksoaxbigjools: btw... nick just made changes to the documentation in the latest stabilization ... however, unless the docs build with whatever is in archive, the won't get included in the package00:49
roaksoaxother than that, maas-import-pxe-file manpage needs to be built now00:49
bigjoolsroaksoax: you mean dependencies?00:51
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah dependencies in archive00:52
bigjoolsroaksoax: ok I think it should. there were fixes, but I don't recall seeing any n ew deps00:52
roaksoaxyep, will look into that then00:53
roaksoaxanyways, i'm off00:53
lifelessbigjools: so the idea is that sru only gets things that applied to trunk first. As a process it doesn't understand things that only apply to old versions (such as bugs that architectural improvements made impossible in trunk)00:53
roaksoaxhave a good day00:53
bigjoolsroaksoax: righto, cheers buddy00:53
bigjoolslifeless: yes, that's understood.  I was just referring to the odd practice with bugs.00:54
lifelessbigjools: so was I :P00:54
bigjoolsthen we are in violent agreement00:54
bigjoolsnow, time for the a/c, 30C at 11am is too much00:55
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rbasakallenap: this printf "%s\n" "$@" thing; I had no idea that printf would behave like that, but it does seem to. Is this documented anywhere?14:39
rbasak(ie. I can't find it documented anywhere!)14:39
allenaprbasak: I can't find it documented anywhere either.14:43
rbasakallenap: should I use it anyway?14:43
* rbasak isn't too bothered by arches starting with hyphens, or arches with spaces in them (although the latter is easy enough to quote)14:44
allenaprbasak: Up to you :) Using an undocumented feature of bash's printf doesn't seem like a big problem, given that none of this has tests to spot breakage with echo either ;) It's probably $safer to go with echo, where $safer has yet to be defined in this dimension.14:47
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roaksoaxbigjools: howdy23:23
roaksoaxbigjools: https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/packaging.render-man/+merge/13579823:23
roaksoaxbigjools: i think that should not land23:23
* bigjools is all ears23:24
roaksoaxbigjools: that's getting dependencies for the internet23:24
bigjoolshow's that?23:24
allenapAh, `make man` may do that.23:25
allenaproaksoax: Good point.23:25
bigjoolsoh I didn't know it did that23:25
bigjoolsthat's quite bad indeedf23:25
roaksoaxyeah :)23:25
allenapIt's automatically installing Sphinx via buildout.23:25
bigjoolsso allenap, back to pre-generated man pages? :)23:25
allenapbigjools: Yeah :-/23:26
allenapRight, shouldn't take long...23:26
roaksoaxallenap: can't use sphinx from archiveS?23:26
bigjools"Julian's change and Gavin's change meet like matter and antimatter"23:26
roaksoaxhow woudl you generate those docs manually?23:27
bigjoolsallenap: ah yes you could add sphinx as a build dep23:27
roaksoaxthe problem is that it is setting a build environment23:28
allenapCould use sphinx from package I guess. Let me see if that'll work.23:29
roaksoaxallenap: yes23:30
roaksoaxallenap: and you need to make sure that the source is not unclean after making it23:32
bigjoolsroaksoax: I pushed a new change up to packaging.precise.sru.  I also set the branch conf to append_revisions_only=True just in case you decided to push without pulling first :)23:35
roaksoaxbigjools: alright cool :)23:35
allenaproaksoax, bigjools: It's a big job to set up the build environment (right now it needs the full Django+MAAS stack build in order to correctly generate docs) so I'm going to go with keeping the generated man pages in the tree.23:36
roaksoaxallenap: so yeah we don't want that in the packaging (to buld the whole environment), so I'd recommend you do it in the debian/rules file, (similar to how I build enums.js)23:39
allenapbigjools: We can revisit this later; let's do this to unblock the build. Secondly, we could add a test to ensure that the man pages are up-to-date.23:40
bigjoolsallenap: +!23:41
bigjoolsand 123:41
allenapbigjools: https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/keep-rendered-man-pages/+merge/135800 (no test, but I need to go to bed)23:44
bigjoolsallenap: I'll pick it up, thanks23:44
allenapThere will be a corresponding package change.23:44
allenapbigjools: I've just pushed the packaging change (to not generate the man pages). Night night.23:45
allenaproaksoax: Thanks for spotting that problem so soon.23:45
bigjoolsI'll fix it all up, it'll conflict with mine23:45
roaksoaxallenap: no worries :) that's the reason why I never built docs before :)23:45
roaksoaxhave fun guys23:46
* roaksoax continues with his holiday23:46
bigjoolsroaksoax: FWIW the trunk packaging had ended up with maas/1.2 in the get-orig-source rule.... oops!23:52
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah I removed that but I gets got introduced again :S:)23:52
bigjoolsit's fixed in allenap's branch about to land23:52
roaksoaxok cool23:53
bigjoolsroaksoax: also I unsubscribed maas-maintainers from branch email - subscribe yourself instead if you want23:54
roaksoaxbigjools: will do23:56
bigjoolsI got fed up with double notifications23:56

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