
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest61500
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BluesKajHey all13:50
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xapelhow do I upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04? If I run update-manager -d the GUI dialog pops up and says 13.04 is available but if I then select to upgrade the app exits and on the command line it says no new version is available.22:15
bobweaverxapel,  I upgraded by DL iso and upgrading that way. I also backed everything up first22:17
Jswingxapel:  sudo sed -e ’s/\quantal/raring/g’ -i /etc/apt/sources.list22:19
Jswingthen do a apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:19
xapelbobweaver: I was hoping to just do it the easy way22:20
xapelJswing: thanks. will give it a go22:20
bobweaverthere is also what Jswing  said but I did not want to say that22:20
bobweaverbecause last time I said that in this channel I got banned22:21
Jswingwhy ?22:21
bobweaverbecause I came back next day and said that gui was not working22:21
xapelwhy is update-manager - d not working?22:21
bobweaverxapel,  there is *no * alpha22:21
bobweaverthat is why22:21
bobweaverI think22:21
trismxapel: you would have to tell us what the error is, although I do notice at least bug 107925122:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1079251 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to raring fails with UnicodeDecodeError ( 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0) when using russian locale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107925122:22
trismalso bug 107998922:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1079989 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Development version upgrade button not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107998922:22
bobweaverJswing,  maybe    sudo sed -i 's|quantal|raring|g' /etc/apt/sources.list           what is difference ?>22:23
xapelok, i'll see if I can replicate the error quickly22:23
bobweaverjust wondering for knowledge22:23
bobweaverI think I see that -e runs though ? then -i  replaces ? maybe I am wrong22:24
Jswingwhy ?22:25
bobweaverJswing,  no I was asking for my own gain I do not know what -e does just trying to learn . Sorry22:27
bobweaverlooking at man22:27
xapelok, when I run sudo update-manager -d. a dialog pops up22:28
xapelit says The software on this computer is up to date, however, Ubuntu 13.04 is now available (you have 12.10).22:28
xapelthere are 3 buttons22:29
xapelI hit Upgrade22:29
xapelthe dialog disappears22:29
xapelon the command line it says22:30
xapelChecking for a new Ubuntu release22:30
xapelNo new release found22:30
trismxapel: what is prompt= in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?22:31
bobweaver f not options.quiet:22:31
bobweaver      print(_("No new release found"))22:31
bobweaver    sys.exit(NO_RELEASE_AVAILABLE)22:31
bobweaverlines 125 --- 13022:31
bobweaverhow to do set -x  in python ? like in bash22:32
xapeltrism: normal22:32
trismbobweaver: you can't, that I know of, you could use pdb though22:33
bobweaverthanks trism ,22:33
jtaylorbobweaver: http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/trace/22:34
bobweavercool stuff jtaylor !22:38
jtayloreverything is possible in python :)22:38
jtaylor(except decent threading ._. )22:38
bobweaveryeah I need to sopend some more time with py and less with qt qml and c++ javascript ect22:39
bobweavers|sopend|spend|g ^^22:40
bobweaverSo I went out to dinner last night with girl friends fathers (gay couple) and I was wearing my raring ringtail shirt. and they where laughing at it. I was like what is so funny ?  then they told me . I wish that I never asked22:41

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