
adknight87almoxarife: added a shortcut to my launcher so I can enable and disable it on the fly00:00
blackshirthello anyone ...00:00
Livewarewhen I run wubi.exe to install it only lets me select either C drive or D drive (no option for whole HDD) and only lets me set installation size to 30gb max00:00
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dr_willisLiveware:  you dont want to use WUBI if you are goiong to get rid of windows..00:00
dr_williswubi installs IN/ON the windows drives00:01
blackshirtliveware, you should one ....00:01
dr_willismake a live usb.. boot it..  tell it to use the whole hd = no moar windows00:01
blackshirtchoose one00:01
Livewarebare with me :P I'm not this bad with most tech. just new to linux.00:01
Livewareah okay00:01
almoxarifeLiveware: but you can have more than one virt-drive00:01
c0dr 00:01
mutanteLiveware: the "win32-loader.exe" is different , it does a "real" install after reboot,,but it is Debian00:01
dr_willisforget wubi ever existed... best thing you can do00:01
blackshirtLiveware, wubi would make image file .....00:02
Livewareah okay cool. thanks.00:02
Livewareso live usb. boot. install, whole drive. then magic happy fun time :D00:02
blackshirtgood luck ...00:03
JibualHi, I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on a Macbook 2,1 but after the parition it crashes, any ideas?00:03
htcis signing up to amazon web services and getting a ubuntu virtual machine there just like buying your own computer but cheaper?00:05
adknight87dr_willis: Besides it running wubi isn't so bad I've made a 160gig img for ubuntu :P00:05
dr_willisadknight87:  friends dont let friends use wubi...00:05
ikoniahtc: no00:05
adknight87dr_willis: So kind :D00:06
Livewaredr_willis that needs to be made and sold on a t shirt :p00:06
htcwhat is the difference, ikonia?00:06
ikoniahtc: it's a shared resource instance on a virtual platform hosted on the ineternet......what do you think is the difference00:07
htcIf you would like to play around with a second computer, isn't AWS a good way to do it and save money, ikonia?00:07
ikoniahtc: up to you00:08
htcthanks, ikonia!00:08
JibualHi, I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on a Macbook 2,1 but after the parition it crashes, any ideas?00:11
enriqActionParsnip, no luck with noveau.blacklist=100:12
enriqblack screen :(00:12
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rafase282I have a pogoplug Pro, and I want to install ubuntu server on it, it does not have a screen so I will not need the gui in case it comes with it which I doubt anyways.00:13
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rafase282Is anyone familiar with the process?00:13
Livewareupdate - thats the Live USB being made now00:14
hiloMy laptop, when on battery power, sometimes spins the cooling fan full blast without regard to temperature or anything else. It just stays on full blast. It occurs more frequently when I resume from standby. As soon as I connect the power cord, the fan spins down and regulates itself as usual.00:15
blackshirtjibual, like your vga problem... Have you try alternate version ?00:15
hiloThis issue is particularly bad because it kills my battery00:15
rafase282Liveware, what do you mean by update?00:15
AlexNagyokay, I'm really upset so I apologize in advance if I get short with someone.00:15
hiloSo far, the only solution is to reboot until it stops happening, which if I'm unlucky, is even more costly to my battery.00:15
almoxarifeget short..... :) gosh no00:16
adknight87another acpi problem00:16
Jibualblackshirt: vga problem? no havent tried a different version00:17
Jibuali dont think my problem is a vga problem00:17
Livewarerafase282: I was asking some questions before. letting anyone here who was reading before know i am following their instructions00:17
blackshirtjibual, try use alternate version of ubuntu installer00:17
Livewareaka updating them00:17
adknight87hilo: what model and make is the Laptop00:17
Jibualblackshirt: but i want the latest :(00:18
rafase282ah okay, I thought you were answering my query.00:18
bazhang!alternate | blackshirt00:18
ubottublackshirt: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD00:18
hiloadknight87,  HP 6530b00:18
AlexNagyfirst, my setup: Toshiba Satellite dual-booting Ubuntu 12.04LTS and FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-p4. doing pretty good over multiple shut-downs over the past week (including 6 with a custom kernel). I use GRUB as my bootloader. Last night I booted into Ubuntu to move some files onto an ext2 partition I use to move stuff between Ubuntu and FreeBSD. While moving those files I run the update manager (hadn't done so in a month, figured it was time, I also sp00:18
AlexNagyend most of my time on FreeBSD). After the updates, i could not boot into FreeBSD. it doesn't show up as an option in GRUB.00:18
Livewarerafase282: no sorry. a little to new for that :p00:19
enriqok my new install freezes at: pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket1: cs: IO port probe 0x3000-0x7ffff: excluding 0x3000-0x30dd 0x3400-0x34ff 0x3800-0x38ff 0x3c00-0x3cff00:19
adknight87hilo: http://tuxtweaks.com/2008/08/how-to-control-fan-speeds-in-ubuntu/00:20
almoxarifeenriq: assume the lesser worse case, the install media was corrupt, create new, install again00:20
enriqalmoxarife, I can boot from the cd and "try ubuntu"00:21
rafase282ah okay00:21
rafase282I'm downloading the server image fro arm00:21
privateDlisterHey guys.00:21
rafase282hopefully I can just copy the rootfs there and the device will boot it like it does with archlinux-arm00:21
privateDlisterSo I installed gnome and the login screen is certainly not unity, however when I actually log in it goes back to exactly how it was before.00:22
almoxarifeenriq: fine, the live works, the install does not, is there a 'alternate' iso for what you are wanting to install? that is my first option00:23
adknight87privateDlister: you might have it set to use gdm00:23
adknight87privateDlister: lightdm is the unity login00:23
privateDlisterI figured it'd be something like that, but I dunno how. I chose the standard gdm when i installed gnome00:23
enriqalmoxarife, same thing happens with 12.04 and 12.1000:23
almoxarifeenriq: tell me that happens with the 'alternate' and i will tell you to forget trying to install00:24
adknight87privateDlister:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm00:25
enriqalmoxarife, what is the "alternate"00:25
AlexNagyI'm not sure what went wrong or how to fix it at this time.00:25
bazhangalmoxarife, the alternate is no more00:25
adknight87Do I get brownie points for being here00:25
privateDlisteradknight87: set it to GDM?00:25
enriqoh now it booted!?00:26
adknight87privateDlister:  lightdm00:26
almoxarifebazhang: really? would the net install resemble the alternate?00:26
privateDlisterFeels weird this trying to get me to gnome... OK, I'll reboot and see what happens.00:26
hiloadknight87, how do I use this to control fan speeds? When I try to run the program "sudo /usr/sbin/fancontrol", it tosses back an error saying there is no configuration file.00:27
Livewarejust to say thanks to almoxarife/dr_willis for helping out. My netbook is now happily installing Ubuntu instead of win XP and I cant wait to have a nice little back up machine :D00:28
adknight87hilo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4273700:29
privateDlister_adknight87: yeah that did what I figured it'd do. I actually want to convert to gnome for a while,00:29
enriqwell this is apparently randomly freezing at  pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket1: cs: IO port probe 0x3000-0x7ffff: excluding 0x3000-0x30dd 0x3400-0x34ff 0x3800-0x38ff 0x3c00-0x3cff00:30
privateDlister_Anyone else know how to sort it? I tried installing gnome, and while the login screen has gone to gnome nothing else seems to have00:31
hiloadknight87, I saw that article. My sensors output does not include any information about fans. I'm not sure what I need to do to actually return the fan to the mode that normally governs it00:31
shinobixchat doesn't add to the top panel in 12.04 gnome classic. Please advise.00:35
bazhangshinobi, got xchat-indicator installed?00:36
muissues getting TTY screen resolution set and not messing w/ available options in Xfce... editing file /etc/default/grub00:37
ActionParsnipenriq: do you use pcmcia ?00:37
mu*available options = screen res in Xwindows00:37
muam i way out in left field?00:38
ActionParsnipmu: did you edit other files?00:38
mui did run "update-grub" after editing /etc/default/grub00:39
ActionParsnipmu: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver00:39
ActionParsnipmu: there are other files to edit :)00:39
muthanks for the reading material ActionParsnip00:40
darkenvyfor some reason I get stuttering every 5-10 mintues when watching video00:42
enriqActionParsnip, emmm... not explicitly I think... maybe the video card is pcmcia or something00:42
darkenvyit doesnt seem to effect videogames or anything else. Just video stuttering with flash, VLC player, DVD player, HTML5 players anythiung video or audipo00:42
shinobibazhang: probably not, didn't know I needed it.00:43
Tex_Nick12.10 ... how can i view the activity of my cpu in a scrolling chart type display ... as the windoze taskman ... seems i used to do that on older versions of ubuntu ???00:44
bazhangTex_Nick, is this gnome-shell, unity shell, or what00:45
Tex_Nickbazhang : unity00:45
SkibickiTex_Nick Psensor00:45
enriqActionParsnip, sorry maybe I don't understand... I mean, I don't have any external pcmcia card00:45
bazhangTex_Nick, not sure about unity shell, for gnome-shell there are several extensions that do exactly that00:46
leogitimateUsing unity on 12.04 after closing the only active window, i can't switch workspace right away ( ctrl+alt+cursor ) , i still have to click on desktop00:46
hiloadknight87, I can't find my chipset in the configuration file as instructed in the link. My chipset is ICH9.00:46
Tex_Nickbazhang ... it must be gnome that i'm thinking bout ... hey thanks00:48
SkibickiHi, I have a problem with inconsistent booting. A report is on launchpad00:49
Tex_NickSkibicki ... looking for info on Psensor00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1081819 in Ubuntu "(12.10) intermittent boot failure / black screen" [Undecided,New]00:49
SkibickiTex_Nick you may need to install lm-sensors before psensor00:51
Tex_NickSkibicki : hmmm looks good ... i'g goint to give it a go ... thanks00:51
shinobibazhang: no that didn't work. Does you Xchat minimize to the tray?00:52
jofferyim using xubuntu 12.10, fresh install.  i go to the ubuntu software center and whenever i hit install, it just does nothing.  why would this be?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376149/ here is the traceback when i run from terminal and hit "install"00:54
satwoodis there any downside to putting cron jobs on a drive that mounts after complete bootup and using a symlink ?00:54
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Mike9863Somehow my IP got added to /etc/hosts.deny for sshd. I can ssh in under a proxy and remove that listing from the file, but when I exit that ssh session it gets added back somehow. Does anyone have any ideas?00:56
18VAAGTCIanyone care to take a stab at helping me cool down my laptop... it's been cleaned out and cputemp sits at appx 95 not under load? running 12.04 64 bit00:56
ActionParsnipjoffery: if you close software centre and run:  sudo apt-get update     is it smooth?00:57
adknight87My laptop is a 13800:57
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: what make and model?00:57
cowsquaddoes anybody know how to configure the MAIL command to be able to send email. I try to send emails but they wont get send out. any thoughts/]?00:57
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: travelmate (acer)00:57
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: 8572G00:57
Isabancowsquad: could be a firewall issue00:58
andygraybeal_is duplicity the default ubuntu back up software?00:58
extropymy update installer app always opens up in a screen that doesn't exist00:58
extropyhow I do I make it open on the correct output?00:59
cowsquadwell when I install the mailutils progran, some screen pop out and i select something, but I dont remember what option was.00:59
extropylike it's open but there's not window00:59
extropylike it's in the memory location of my HDMI port where no display is connected instead of my VGA01:00
extropyubuntu also doesn't recognize my monitor and won't let me use it's native resolution which is equally frustrating01:00
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: its a dual GPU system01:00
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: nvidia and intel01:00
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: you got it01:01
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: is that right?01:01
Isabanextropy: you can force it to use a resolution01:01
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: thats why then01:01
Isaban18VAAGTCI: dual GPU's confuse ubuntu01:01
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: I had a sneaking suspicion... any work-around to kill the nvidia01:01
extropyIsaban: can I force the update install to open on a display that actually exists instead of "invisible land"?01:01
18VAAGTCIIsaban: I have tried multiple different distro's01:02
Isabanextropy: use apt-get01:02
18VAAGTCIIsaban: puppy, opensuse, ubuntu01:02
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/bumblebee-30-released-nvidia-optimus.html01:02
Isaban18VAAGTCI: all linux systems are going to have problems with duel GPU's01:02
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: its far from good in Linux with switching rubbish and is best just avoided imho01:02
extropyIsaban use apt-get for what? uninstall/reinstall the update manager?01:02
Isabanextropy: naw, use apt-get to update01:03
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: agreed as this thing is more of a panini grill than a laptop01:03
Isabanextropy: then you can at least have updated01:03
HHI just installed xchat and it threw me in here. how do I go to a server that isn't in this predefined list? D:01:03
extropyIsaban: I can isntall updates just using the update manager's icon ... it just never shows me a window for the application01:03
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: may also help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics01:03
Dr_willisextropy,  i imagine theres some setting file that may have rembered its location and is somehow confused. you could try cleaning out old configs.. and also check for any config files owned by root. those can cause all sorts of weird issues01:04
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: I tried bumblebee in the past but had no success with the temp going down01:04
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: however I'm willing to give it another go here01:04
extropyDr_willis any idea what the name of the conf file would be01:04
ActionParsnip18VAAGTCI: the commands in the hybrid guide may help01:04
extropyguess I can just google it01:05
Isabanextropy: did you ever have a second monitor connected?01:05
ActionParsnipHH: try:  /connect irc.server.net01:05
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: I will most certainly take a look at both, tyvm01:05
18VAAGTCIActionParsnip: I will get back to you in a bit here, temp already up to 9801:05
extropyIsaban: I did at one point connect an HDMI display when I had one but no longer have access to an HDMI device01:06
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Isabanextropy: that's the problem01:06
Isabanit's trying to open it on that device01:06
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extropyIsaban: why does it try to open it on a device that it should know is no longer connected. Also, why is it that when I close the update manager and re-open it the window comes up on my connect screen but when it automatically launches itself it opens up on the screen that doesn't exist?01:07
extropythat would suggest that it's launching using two separate configurations01:08
extropyor rather a predetermined configuration and then an automatic one, depending on circumstances01:09
Isabanhmmm, that's strange. I don't know why it is doing it. Did you install with a second monitor?01:09
extropysure didn't, something tells me that the GPU itself might consider my VGA output secondary and my HDMI output as primary, perhaps?01:09
Isabanya, that's possible01:10
Isabanlook at the docs with the card01:10
enriqActionParsnip, can i disable pcmcia?01:10
extropyI find that the newer the hardware I try to use with linux the more problems I have01:10
extropycase in point my Atom D2700 box won't even finish booting in 64-bit ubuntu desktop01:10
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Isabanextropy: that's cause support has not been added01:11
extropyIsaban: as someone who owns the hardware and could test future efforts to support it is there anything I can do to move the process along? I'm not exactly a kernel hacker, driver-guru01:12
MK``How can I move the clock on my taskbar? I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, classic desktop01:12
ActionParsnipenriq: if you blacklist the driver module it won't load01:12
Ebay5150hi team! any advice for 10.04 install on compaq presario?01:12
Ebay515012.04 oops01:13
Isabanextropy: best way is to look at crash logs and submit them01:13
ActionParsnipenriq: could also disable the slot in BIOS if you can01:13
IsabanEbay5150: what do you mean?01:13
Ebay5150system running really slow after install01:13
ActionParsnipEbay5150: in what sense?01:13
ActionParsnipEbay5150: what video chip do you use?01:13
Ebay5150nvidia geforce 6150 le01:14
enriqActionParsnip, ok trying bios way01:14
ActionParsnipEbay5150: did you install the proprietary nvidia driver?01:14
Isabanram & cpu Ebay5150 ?01:14
Ebay5150yes, now using update 173 on the list01:14
extropyGeForce 6-series probably needs the legacy driver, maybe I'm thinking 5-series01:14
ActionParsnipEbay5150: it will run with nvidia-current01:14
ActionParsnipextropy: I run a 6150 on the 260 driver :)01:15
Ebay5150hmm, might have to revert back to the basic driver then01:15
extropyah, maybe I'm thinking of my old GeForce 3 Deluxe, lol01:15
ActionParsnipEbay5150: remove the driver and install the nvidia-current package, you will use the 295 driver and it'll be ok01:15
Ebay5150cool, will give it a shot...01:16
extropydefault should be find, I'm guessing nVidia's "experimental" drivers are strictly for Fermi or newer01:16
egalanyone with bumblebee and nvidia 310 driver?01:16
extropyso what actually launched my update manager automatically, cron?01:17
ActionParsnipextropy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376180/ :)01:17
ActionParsnipEbay5150: ^01:17
tyler_dActionParsnip: so I just bounced after installing bumblebee... now to get my screen resolution back... don't even care about 2d vs 3d desktop at this point01:17
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ActionParsniptyler_d: try installing the xfce4 package, log off and log in to the XFCE session, you'll probably have a smoother time :)01:18
tyler_dActionParsnip: ooh, that sounds like a descent idea01:18
ActionParsniptyler_d: no compiz or compiz using offloaded CPU stuff01:18
tyler_dActionParsnip: what's the actual package for xfce?01:19
extropyI love low-end window managers like xfce, fvwm, blackbox, etc; so lean01:19
ActionParsniptyler_d: xfce4 is a minimal xfce desktop01:20
ActionParsnipextropy: xfce is a desktop, it uses xfwm4 as the window manmager :)01:20
extropyI'll bet compiz is what's bringing minecraft to it's knees when I try to run it now that I think about it01:20
tyler_dActionParsnip: ahh01:20
ActionParsnipextropy: I'd put money on it01:20
leogitimateHi, I'm using unity on 12.04 after closing the only active window, i can't switch workspace right away ( ctrl+alt+cursor ) , i still have to click on desktop before I'm able to switch, is this normal?  I never experienced this with older ubuntu versions01:20
tyler_dActionParsnip: so that's simply the xubuntu-desktop from what I'm seeing yah?01:21
ActionParsniptyler_d: that will install lots of other apps too, its an option01:21
ActionParsniptyler_d: xfce4 is just the desktop and nothing else :)01:21
enriqActionParsnip, how to I blacklist for example yenta_socket.ko01:21
tyler_dActionParsnip: only 270mb of space... how far we have come01:21
extropyman, speaking of which, anyone minecrafters find a way to get Java to stop switching to my desktop in the heat of combat? it's insanely frustrating01:22
ActionParsnipenriq: echo "blacklist yenta_socket" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null01:22
nydelleogitimate: are you closing the active window with a keystroke?01:22
tyler_dActionParsnip: temp is moderatly improved at 59... but I think we can do better ;)01:22
tyler_dActionParsnip: well, more than moderate01:23
ActionParsniptyler_d: hehe my Raring install is a little over 3Gb with full compiz / unity / Gnome / codecs and so on.01:23
leogitimatenydel: no, with the close button01:23
tyler_dActionParsnip: I have a second system(to replace this one) its a dual core on a solid state that is just under a gb01:24
ActionParsniptyler_d: nice01:24
rafase282I'm trying to get the rootfs from ubuntu server which is on a img file on my usb stick01:24
leogitimateafter the app closes, it appears to be still active on the panel01:24
tyler_dActionParsnip: brutally it's 2x faster than any of the ones in the office b/c of the ssd01:24
rafase282I try to mount it to copy the content but im having trouble mounting it01:24
oldmankdudequick question: why isn't a kernel being installed in /boot when i run "apt-get install linux-image" ?01:24
egalhow to make software raid in 12.10?01:24
leogitimatealthough i see via conky that the application is no longer running01:24
oldmankdudeand/or update-grub ?01:24
ActionParsniptyler_d: I'm trying to make the OS load fully to ram on boot, then recreate the squashfs file on shutdown. Faster than any SSD :)01:25
enriqActionParsnip, cheers01:25
nydelleogitimate: try closing it, pressing "escape" on keyboard then switching workspace with the normal hotkeys, tell me if that works please. & have you tried this with multiple applications or only one in particular?01:25
tyler_dActionParsnip: price of ram I think that's a noble endeavor01:25
ActionParsniptyler_d: plus moving web cache to RAM also reduces wear01:25
tyler_dtyler_d: what are you using for ram management?01:25
ActionParsniptyler_d: thats why I'm trying. Its hard. Boot times will be AGES but the OS will scream along01:26
tyler_dActionParsnip: brb, going in on xfce01:26
extropyanyone else have problems with keyboard and mouse input in Java guis?01:26
extropyI think it's an OpenJDK problem, maybe I should ask there01:26
egalextropy: my mouse fails when on fullscreen01:27
leogitimatenydel: it appears completely unresponsive to keystrokes.  until i execute a mouse-click on the desktop01:27
dibblegoI bet this question is never asked, but how does one get rid of the silly desktop antics on 12.04 so that I can get my own wm running on top?01:27
extropyegal: I've never seen a linux distro play minecraft without this problem. It would be a miracle if it ever got fixed01:27
ActionParsniptyler_d: better?01:28
somsipdibblego: just install your own wm and chose that as the session on login01:28
Triclops200extropy: Never has happened on any of my distros01:28
ActionParsnipdibblego: you may have the option in the sessions menu in lightdm01:28
k1l_egal: "lsb_release -a|pastebinit" and show the link here01:28
dibblegosomsip: I want gnome to run my wm01:28
nydelleogitimate: does it matter what application you close, or does it do this with anything? and is it only when you close the last application, that is, does it happen if another application takes focus?01:28
egalextropy: i've never played mc :)01:28
tyler_dActionParsnip: slightly mehtinks... I'm not sure the screen resolution is any better, but certainly a lot cleaner off the hop... bit of tweaking and I'm a happy camper01:28
extropyTriclops200 are you using Sun's JVM or OpenJDK?01:28
somsipdibblego: what wm?01:28
Triclops200extropy: OpenJDK01:29
leogitimatenydel: behavior is the same for all applications01:29
dibblegosomsip: xmonad01:29
extropyTriclops200: I'm interested to know how you accomplished this. Are you speaking the case of minecraft specifically or all Java apps?01:29
tyler_dActionParsnip: updating now, but temp is 55... aaaahhhh01:29
leogitimatenydel: looks like i found the culprit, it was conky, if i kill it, behavior is normal01:30
somsipdibblego: I use a tiling wm too. Just choose it on login, and gnome will do whatever it needs to do AFAICT01:30
MiningMarshextropy: All apps have worked fine for me also. On both icedtea (openjdk) and suns/oracles01:30
Triclops200extropy: All. I'm not sure how, it used to act up for a while, but it fixed itself a few months ago. In the meantime, a fix is to drag the window to the very top left before fullscreening01:30
dibblegosomsip: I typically set up xmonad a bit differently, due to gnome being a monolithic beast01:30
vividextropy, ive solved those issues by updating liblwjgl within ~/.minecraft01:30
somsipdibblego: I installed ubuntu minimal, then installed my wm (awesome), and allowed any gnome dependencies to be picked up as required. works fine01:31
extropyvivid: interesting, so it's a liblwjgl problem then?01:31
egalextropy: Triclops200: OJDK 6 + 7 sets mouse when window maximized01:31
Triclops200dibblego: I tried xmonad, use awesomewm. It is faster and more customizable. Much less buggy, too.01:31
vividextropy, as far as i can tell.  yes.  minecraft ships an old version.  if you go to their website and download the package, just swap out the files within your local minecraft install01:32
dibblegoTriclops200: I very strongly disagree01:32
extropyI don't play in fullscreen my box can't really handle it.01:32
Triclops200dibblego: That's great.01:32
Triclops200dibblego: If you enjoy xmonad, stay with it.01:32
vividextropy, fullscreen doesnt reliably work in unity anyway01:32
nydelleogitimate: i have some problems like that, i keep scripts somewhere in $PATH to kill programs that don't end themselves & cause problems. just a few lines, a shebang & "pkill firefox-trunk" or whatever. you can also set a hotkey to execute one of those scripts in keyboard section of settings. so you're all set then?01:33
dibblegosomsip: yeah I have configured it like that before years ago — I do it again01:33
somsipdibblego: so you do have as solution?01:34
opienghi all, why can I not play youtube videos in Ubuntu?01:34
dibblegosomsip: I have a variety of solutions, just trying to find something workable with 12.0401:34
dibblegoi.e. gnome301:34
leogitimatenydel:  yes, probably an issue with my conky config.  but it's all good i'm glad that it's not a but that i have no fix for01:34
Triclops200opieng: Use chrome, it has a flash implementation01:34
somsipdibblego: on 12.04 here, but from upgrades from a previous version. Again, works fine01:35
MiningMarshopieng: chrome specifically, chromium is missing these plugins.01:35
tyler_dActionParsnip: how do I increase my resolution now01:35
MiningMarshopieng: also, make sure the adobe-flash package is installed01:35
nydelleogitimate: we all run into problems of this nature or similar when working with system-monitoring programs sooner or later :)01:36
opiengahhh I see, thanks, theres me updating from 11 to 12.04 LTS thinking that would solve it01:36
riffautaeI just tried installing ubuntu 12.04, I have two drives01:36
=== alan_ is now known as Guest12402
riffautaei selected 'install along side' and it deleted EVERYTHING on the second drive01:36
three18tiI'm trying to make an UbuntuLiveCD and I've followed these destructions: ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch ) but when I attempt to boot I get the error "E: Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc or the wrong architecture"01:37
riffautaeit did not ask which drive I wanted to use01:37
riffautaeit just deleted everything01:37
phy1729I have a number of ubuntu server 12.04 boxes but only one is sending igmp requests to Why would it be sending these requests and can I turn them off?01:37
three18tibut it IS a debian disk and it IS amd64...01:37
usr13!flash | opieng01:37
ubottuopieng: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:37
extropyah man, if this fixes my problem that would be marvelous, thanks vivid, others01:37
MiningMarshopieng: gnash is veeery buggy, stick with flash.01:38
three18tianyone have any hints on how to build an Ubuntu Live CD?01:38
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:38
Dr_willisI was thinkign 12.04 changed a lot of thigjns with remastering.. but ive never tried it.01:39
Dr_willisso any guidea may be incorredt if they are older01:39
bobweaverone big meta package ?01:39
Heather_question: I've been using xampp on windows for webdevelopment and recently build a webserver and installed ubuntu on it. I've installed apache2/php5/mysql and confirmed that they work. Where should I put .php files. I've tried var/www/file.php and var/www/htdocs/somefolder/file.php but the website is not displayed in firefox @ http://localhost/somefolder//01:40
three18tiDr_willis, that's what I was afraid of...  I've not tried the dell utility, but all the others have been dead ends...01:40
bobweaverpermissions heather ?01:40
opiengthanks all01:40
bobweaverHeather_, you can set the name of the host in /etc/hosts01:41
Triclops200Heather_: Is apache working? Does apache have read and execute permissions for the file, and have you tried rebooting?01:42
cowsquaddoes anybody know how to access the Mail command reconfigure screen prompt?01:42
bobweaverlike       localhost     could also be     hostname01:42
bobweaveryou can also change in apache to have many hostnames01:42
bobweaverbut back to the question :01:43
compdoccowsquad, you mean:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure01:43
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:43
cowsquadwhat is the package name01:44
compdocwell, I dont know - I use nullmailer. what do you use?01:44
tyler_dActionParsnip: tada.. and I'm set01:44
ActionParsniptyler_d: sweet01:44
three18tiso... can we take http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility off the ubottu factoid somehow?  This page is no longer valid.01:44
bobweaverHeather_, you can change all that stuff in apache sites_enabled01:44
tyler_dActionParsnip: so far, 4501:44
tyler_dActionParsnip: cut it in half...01:44
opienganyone know any softwares that can help me with getting used to using the terminal and start building up my knowledge and skills with using the terminal?01:45
cowsquador mailutils01:45
bobweaveropieng, check out gregs guide01:45
tyler_dActionParsnip: thanks so much for the recommendation... hopefully the performance reflects it as well01:45
ActionParsnip!manual | opieng01:45
ubottuopieng: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:45
noliverhhello guys...01:45
ActionParsnipopieng: just try to use the terminal more instead of GUI apps, you'll learn01:46
bobweaveropieng,  http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/tutoriallist01:46
noliverhnew in ubuntu server01:46
Heather_bobweaver okay I'm in that file atm and DocumentRoot is set as /var/www01:46
Triclops200eval (lamdba () (display "STOP IT"))01:46
Heather_that means that If I put my index.php file in there it should be displayed given the permissions for reading the file are correct?01:46
Triclops200Heather_: Yeah01:46
bobweaverHeather_,  you have tried to make folder like  sudo mkdir -p  /var/www/foo     then making a php test file ?01:47
bobweaverin foo01:47
Heather_I did try the default index.html and created test.php with arbitrary code and it was displayed in localhost01:47
bobweaverHeather_,  try making index.php in var/www/foo01:48
bobweaverthen call
compdoccowsquad, mailutils is just a set of programs to send and test mail. Its not a mail server. You might open software-center and search for mail and see whats installed01:49
Triclops200Heather_: pastebin the result of `cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default`01:49
cowsquadcompoc, okay thank you01:49
opiengFantastic Ubuntu manual, but it seems more about the GUI than using the terminal01:51
Heather_bobweaver it worked with and without index.php in the end.01:52
bobweaverHeather_,  you made index.php test01:52
ActionParsnipopieng: try doing file maoves and so forth in terminal instead of using nautilus, update your packages in terminal instead of (slow) software centre01:52
ActionParsnipopieng: stuff like that01:52
Heather_just need to make my projects index.php to show up aswell.01:53
opiengActionParsnip, yes thats exactly the stuff I want to do01:53
Tex_Nick12.10 unity ... i have what seems to be a stable build on a new pc build ... i want to install my most common apps ... then mirror the build onto an old hard drive, so i can easily reinstall when i do something stupid that renders the systen useless ... best method ???01:53
adknight87install through the software sources for that version01:54
ActionParsnipTex_Nick: if you make a small partition for / then you can make an image and store it01:54
ActionParsnipTex_Nick: something like 10Gb will be enough.01:54
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
Tex_NickActionParsnip : my / partition is currently 93Gb ... maybe i should downsize a bit ?01:58
enriqActionParsnip, wonderful I got it booting. Thanks!01:59
Adeeelwhat is the file permission means02:00
enriqActionParsnip, now my 6 y.o. kid can have ubuntu on his first machine02:00
MiningMarshAdeeel: read and write for the owner, read for the owners group02:00
adknight87Adeeel: Means who owns the file read=r write=w02:00
Adeeelwhats the difference in both ?02:01
MiningMarshAdeeel: well, that file is the same, but everyone gets read permissions, not just the owners group02:01
Adeeelso this must be the issue02:02
MiningMarshAdeeel: so if a user is in the sudo group, other admins could read the first file, but everyone can read the second file02:02
Adeeel i have 2 boxes02:02
pietro10is there anyting in libav**-53 that is not in libav**-extra-53? just wondering before I go ahead and install the ubuntustudio-audio metapackage. Thanks.02:02
Adeeel-rw-r--r-- <<--- works fine and logins fine02:02
Adeeel-rw-r--_-- <<--- not working fine02:02
Adeeel-rw-r----- <<--- not working fine02:02
Adeeel-rw-r--r-- is 0755 ?02:03
MiningMarshAdeeel: its just a file read issue then02:03
Adeeelneed to fix it02:03
MiningMarsh755 sounds right02:03
Adeeeland -rw-r----- is ?02:03
Adeeel700 ?02:03
MiningMarsh750, I think02:03
ReAzemHello! I have a backup script named ''backups'' in /etc/cron.daily. Anacron does not run it. I tried to investigate, and ran 'run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily'. My script showed up in the list. So I went and tried to run 'run-parts --verbose /etc/cron.daily' and I got the following output: 'run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/backups: No such file or directory'. It should be noted that I can run the02:03
ReAzem script with 'bash backups' with no errors. Any ideas?02:03
MiningMarsheach number is a bitmask02:03
Adeeelchmod 755 username ?02:04
phy1729I have a 12.04 box that's sending a packet to every 2 minutes. How do I disable that?02:04
Adeeelto change it ?02:04
MiningMarshReAzem: is the execute bit set? cron needs that02:04
ReAzemMiningMarsh, it's at 755.02:04
Adeeeldeny packet from me to
phy1729Adeeel: I'd prefer to apt-get remove the offending process02:04
Adeeelno idea about that :|02:05
ActionParsnipphy1729: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188691302:05
ReAzemI should add that the following line says : run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/backups exited with return code 102:06
ActionParsnipphy1729: how did you find out about the traffic?02:07
AdeeelMiningMarsh how can i fix it ?02:07
MiningMarshReAzem: did you run run-parts as sudo?02:07
Adeeelhow can i change -rw-r--r--   1 Globe   shelln   982B Nov 19 17:53 .shrc02:07
Adeeelto -rw-r-----   1 Globe   shelln   982B Nov 19 17:53 .shrc02:07
ReAzemMiningMarsh, yes02:07
ActionParsnipAdeeel: sudo chmod 640 .shrc02:07
phy1729Adeeel: It's showing up in the iptables logs on another host02:08
phy1729ActionParsnip: ^02:08
ActionParsnipAdeeel: r = 4, w = 2, x = 102:08
MiningMarshAdeel: chmod 640 <file>02:08
ActionParsnipAdeeel: just add together what you want :)02:08
ActionParsnipAdeeel: yes,  r + w == 4 + 2 == 602:09
adknight87how would I make a bash file to run a wine application from a link in a browser with the url as a defined attribute to run with the application02:09
ActionParsnipadknight87: you could have the link point to file:///usr/bin/scriptname     for example. Not sure but it sounds ok in my head02:10
Adeeelsomething surely is messed up02:12
Adeeelany bsd expert here ?02:13
Adeeelsu: /home/shelln/Bird/.bashrc: Permission denied02:13
Adeeelbut there is no .bashrc file inside /home/shelln/Bird/02:14
=== Adeeel is now known as Adeee
=== Adeee is now known as Adeeel
adknight87ActionParsnip: I was wondering if a protocol would be launching the application with the varable of the url to be placed with the run command02:15
GorillaSalsais anybody here?02:16
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compdocwho wants to know?02:17
MiningMarshAdeeel: wait for the singularity...02:18
GorillaSalsaIs it wrong that I'm infinitely more excited for Elementary to come out than I am for literally anything else right now?02:19
somsipGorillaSalsa: it's wrong to do it in this channel. Try #elementary or at least #ubuntu-offtopic02:20
GorillaSalsaWHOOPS okay sorry02:20
DingoYabukiI HAVEA DICK02:24
DingoYabukiAND A COCK02:24
FloodBot1DingoYabuki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
DingoYabukiFUCK YOU02:24
Random832DingoYabuki: you have both?02:24
ActionParsnipadknight87: i think you'd be looking at a dynamic page then02:24
cjaeok so primary system kubuntu 12.04 but I installed ubuntu-desktop, I dont seem to be able to use my sudo passwd when in unity02:25
DingoYabukiTWO FUCKING02:25
FloodBot1DingoYabuki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
cjaeso go dp some girls02:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:25
gogetathe bot will handel him02:25
ActionParsnipi'm sure having 2 things isn't good02:25
somsipgogeta: the bot kicks for profanity? I thought it just flood-blocked...02:25
gogetasomsip: fllod enogh times it kicks02:26
almoxarifeActionParsnip: yes, but he was exited to have them, thats what is important02:26
somsipgogeta: ah - I don't watch kick messages. Cheers02:26
almoxarifepoor kid, someone taught him just enough english to get himself banned :)02:27
elkycjae, we don't need comments like that.02:27
gogetaalmoxarife: lol02:27
Ray2Ubuntu-10.04...I have multiple o/s installed...I can mount another o/s...but when I open a file the info is the same as the Ubuntu file...Can the file be edited using mount ??02:28
bobweaverchill all02:28
cjaemy bad....did anyone see my question in all that02:28
bobweaverlike a hot day and a ice cube melting02:29
cjaeok so primary system kubuntu 12.04 but I installed ubuntu-desktop, I dont seem to be able to use my sudo passwd when in unity02:29
cjaealso how come kdm shows metacity as a login option now but nothing happens when you try it02:30
Dr_willisRay2,  what file exactly?02:32
adknight87ActionParnsnip: Well actually I what "Exec= /Application/to/run/" "$1"<------ the script will take the URL from the link and add it there02:32
bobweaversome things run with metacity --replace02:32
bobweaverlike fast things02:32
bobweaveror things on older computers02:32
Ray2dr_willis Moneydance.deb financial manager02:33
Dr_willisRay2,  you mount 'filesystems' not OS's - im not sure what you are doing but i bet you are somehow mounting the wrong filesystem to a location.02:34
Dr_williswhy would you be editing a .deb file anyway?  I think you need to clarify to the channel what you are doing exactly.02:35
cjaebobweaver: I remember having to do something that when beryl came out02:35
cjaewith that*02:35
gogetaDr_willis: burning his system down heh02:35
cornellHi, I'm using ubuntu 12.04 and chromium, and I seem to've lost sound in the browser, used to have it, not now.  I can still hear files played in Totem Movie Player.  Any ideas?02:36
bobweaverflash cornell02:37
gogetacornell: unmute your sound02:37
bobweavergogeta,  chill brother02:37
cornellWell, something that plays swf files.02:37
bobweaveror sister02:37
Dr_williscornell,  you mean you lost sound in flash videos? I noticed the volume mixers had a seperate slider for fdlash videos for me.. not sure why02:37
bobweavercornell,  yeah that is flash02:37
bobweaveryou can try to rip a flash and play in totem to test ?02:38
bobweaverdo you have a script that does that ?02:38
bobweaverlike that uses lsof ?02:38
cornellOh, ok, Dr_willis, I'll look into that.  Don't know how to rip youtube videos.02:38
Dr_willistheres dozens of flash downloader extensions02:38
Ray2Dr-Willis.. I mount Mageia2 and get the file system with the header reading Mageia2  then open /opt/Moneydance/Moneydance but the file is the same as Ubuntu's file...I want to make entry in that program from Ubuntu02:38
bobweavercornell,  I have a script if you like it is perl02:38
cornellk, bobweaver.  Do I need to install something to run perl?02:39
Dr_willisRay2,  where did you mount the filesystem Mageia2 to?02:39
g00053I can't figure out which pid I want to kill via the "top" command  but I can pick out the window. isn't there a command to do it with a mous click ?02:39
bobweavernope cornwall all you do is save script and make executable02:39
bobweaverg00053,  ps aux | grep  <app name >02:40
Dr_willis Ray2  /opt/whatever would be the opt directory on the OS you booted...    you are using a full path02:40
Dr_willisg00053,  xkill02:40
cornellDr_willis: How to get to the mixer?02:40
gene-laptopSo i installed 12.10 (3.5.0-17) 64 bit ubuntu. broadcom wifi worked. let the system update itself via desktop app, rebooted. wifi no longer works. the "wl" module no longer exists. trying to install bcmwl-kernel-sources says i don't have the kernel-sources. I installed linux-sources-3.5.0 and linux-headers-3.5.0-1802:40
g00053Dr_willis, tanks!02:40
Dr_williscornell,  i use that pavucontrol tool02:40
bobweavercornell,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376295/02:41
Dr_willisg00053,  carefull with xkill, right click to cancle the killing02:41
gene-laptopis it pretty common for incredibly minor version upgrades to break ubuntu in this fashion? how do i fix this?02:41
Devilinsidehow to cntrol the dsl connection by commandline??02:41
ActionParsnipgene-laptop: are there bugs reported?02:41
ActionParsnipDevilinside: control in what way?02:41
Ray2Dr_Willis...I mounted it in Ubuntu using places>Mageia202:42
Devilinsidei mean connect to dsl connection or create one.02:42
Dr_willisRay2,  and what path are you using to access the files on Mageia2?02:42
cornellbobweaver: the paste seems to be a single word: ripper02:42
bobweavertry this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376300/02:42
newroadhowdy peoples. I'm having an issue with my optimus laptop and bumblebee on ubuntu. If I do optirun, I'm getting this error: [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: XORG NVIDIA(0): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 002:43
newroadI found a whole support thread about it here, but still no dice: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/issues/18702:43
deadlyquirkI'm having some trouble getting 12.10 to run on my notebook. When I boot the livedisk, I am taken to a login page asking for a username and password. I have been googling but I can't find anything about this.02:43
Ray2DR-Willis..Once I mount Mageia then I get the window with /opt etc02:43
bobweavercornell,  I can make .deb if you like I think I made before02:43
Devilinsideand i have installed ubuntu by wubi, how do i get to change the root passwd, if i ever forgrt it??02:44
Dr_willisRay2,  thats your problem then... its NOT going to be in /opt/whatever   it will be in /media/somthing02:44
ActionParsnipdeadlyquirk: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there and run:  passwd ubuntu     you can then set the password and press CTRL+ALT+F7 and log in as expected02:44
bobweavercornell, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195840502:44
Ray2Dr_Willis okay thanks02:44
cornellbobweaver: it's a perl script, just text, right?02:44
bobweaverthere is deb of ripper with stupid gui that I should write in c++02:45
deadlyquirkActionParsnip: When I go the TTY1 I am not even getting a login prompt. I am seeing a message that says "authentication error"02:45
bobweavercorrect it is just text02:45
bobweaverlike are scripting langs02:45
bobweaverthere is some regex and vars and case and functions in there also but in the end it is not assembly code02:46
bobweaverlol case and functions I am funny sometimes cornell  that is program humor not you it is me :)02:46
bobweavercornell,  there is deb in link that I gave you so you do not have to make script run deb comes with gui02:47
bobweaverbut it is for 64 bit02:47
bobweaverir 3202:47
bobweavers| ir | or02:47
bobweaverthat is something that I do not like about packaging for debian all any 64 i386 ect , that and there is no option in stanza to make Removes: but there is Depends :/02:49
ActionParsnipdeadlyquirk: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?02:51
newroadhowdy peoples. I'm having an issue with my optimus laptop and bumblebee on ubuntu. If I do optirun, I'm getting this error: [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: XORG NVIDIA(0): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 002:51
=== MiningMarsh is now known as Mining|away
newroadI found a whole support thread about it here, but still no dice: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/issues/18702:51
ActionParsnipnewroad: optimus is a massive headache in linux02:52
bobweavernewroad, cuda ?02:52
newroadno kidding :)02:52
bobweaverthere is cuda channel02:52
g00053guys steam has managed to fill up my /home partition and I'd like to resize it but I'm not sure what to use since it's LVM02:52
newroadi also tried in #bumblebee02:53
newroadis there another?02:53
bobweavernewroad,  you installed xswat ppa ?02:53
newroadyep, nvidia-current 304.64, the one for steam02:53
genewitchso ubuntu is now hard locked02:54
bobweaverIs that the troubles?  OH you want the bumble bee for steam02:54
newroadand bumblebee 3.0.102:54
bobweavernewroad,  and sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia    no workie ?02:54
genewitchit dropped my secondary wifi connection and networkmanager is taking 100%CPU and i cannot reboot or shut down02:54
newroadlemme try that02:54
genewitchpretty dope upgrade!02:54
bobweavergenewitch,  you can file bug for us to see more about it ?02:54
newroadalready got that bob02:55
genewitchbobweaver: i don't even know where to start02:55
newroadproblem is, i cant even do glxgears02:55
bobweaveryou have tried to press ctrl+alt+f1 and  login and sudo reboot ?02:55
bobweavernewroad,  can you run a couple things for me ?02:55
genewitchbobweaver: yeah sudo just hangs02:55
genewitchshutdown just hangs02:56
newroadoptirun glxgears gives that error: r02:56
genewitchreboot just hangs02:56
newroad[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: XORG NVIDIA(0): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 002:56
newroadyep, gladly02:56
bobweavernewroad,  what about this ?    /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p02:56
bobweaverwhat do you get pastebin plz02:56
bobweaverpastebin | newroad02:56
newroadwell, im using cinnamon02:56
bobweaver!pastebin | newroad02:56
ubottunewroad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:56
newroadwill that work?02:56
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:57
newroadno, im on ubuntu with cinnamon02:57
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server02:57
bobweaveryou can not get steam ?02:57
bobweavergoing ?02:57
newroadi can't even get glxgears going02:57
bobweaveryou have tried the channel #ubuntu-valve02:57
genewitchthe report a bug series of pages on ubuntu.com are just a loop02:58
xanguanewroad: cinnamon is not supported anyways02:58
genewitchi assume that's by design02:58
newroadthis error is clearly an error with my bumblebee: [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: XORG NVIDIA(0): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 002:58
JoshuaLin /join #inediblepie02:58
bobweaverok I am not gamer at all in fact want beta key ?  j/k anyhow try asking the great perople @ #ubuntu-valve02:58
newroad*sigh* this is not related to steam or cinnamon..02:59
bobweaverI hate nvidia that is 60 % of the questions here ?02:59
ben64-droidyCan I use my laptop as a wireless repeater?02:59
bobweaverOh sorry newroad  I guess that I miss read02:59
genewitchso how do i report the bug that the first upgrade 12.10 ran broke my wifi?03:00
almoxarifeben64-droidy: what is a wireless repeater?03:00
genewitchdo i file that under kernel, broadcom03:00
bobweavernewroad, all I can help with is links here are some http://wiki.Bumblebee-Project.org/Reporting-Issues      https://launchpad.net/~bumblebee/+archive/stable03:00
ben64-droidyalmoxarife - repeats wireless signal03:01
Marius80could anyone tell me why MySQL is sooooo slow on Ubuntu 12.04 ?03:01
antonio_For some reason the mouse on my gf's desktop that has 10.04 will randomly stop working.  Is there any kind of debugging program I can use or a terminal command to find out whats going on?03:01
Marius80Actually  MySQL is not slow,  it's  crippling!!03:01
cornellFound the mixer03:01
ActionParsnipMarius80: are there bugs reported?03:01
bobweaverantonio_, you can gather all devices info from /dev/*03:01
cornellThere's an entry for ALSA plug-in [chromium-browser].  It's at 100%03:02
bobweaverMarius80, What ActionParsnip  said03:02
Marius80ActionParsnip, yes,  one bug with ext4 filesystem,  already tried the workaround,  but did not work03:02
bobweavercornell,  what do you mean 100% ?03:02
Marius80the workaround is  barrier=0  in /etc/fstab03:02
cornellWell, full on. loudest03:02
antonio_bobweaver: it outputs /dev/audio: command not found03:02
Marius80but as I said,  nothing happened03:02
Marius80maybe it's a different bug03:02
bobweaverMarius80,  you can file bug ?03:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:03
Marius80a  Joomla  installation on my localhost took 14 minutes03:03
cornellANd I have sound03:03
ActionParsnipMarius80: Tried a different filesystem if ext4 is a known issue causer?03:03
Marius80bobweaver, maybe it's a well-known bug,  so that's why I came here before filing the bug03:03
bobweaverer ok Marius80  please file bug and tell us in bug what happens then we do not need to flood the irc chat03:03
Marius80ActionParsnip, not yet,  I would need to set up the system from new03:04
cornellOk... that's interesting, bobweaver.  The ALSA etc. entry... disappeared.03:04
somsipMarius80: working fine here on 12.04. On ext4 too03:04
ben64-droidyCan I use my laptop as a wireless repeater?03:04
ActionParsnipMarius80: or is it haveing the databases on Ext4 causing the issue? Then you can make a partition to store the data03:04
bobweaverMarius80,  that is why ubuntu-bug brings to page that asks what you are filing and looks to see if already filed03:04
genewitchSo is the answer to my problem "reinstall ubuntu and don't let it upgrade"?03:04
genewitchroll back to 12.04?03:04
Marius80k I will file it03:05
Marius80thank you so far03:05
bobweaverantonio_, looking up /drv maping03:05
dougbbMarius80: have you tried mariadb?03:05
bobweavermapping * \03:05
ActionParsnipgenewitch: you can hold shift at boot and select the old kernel to boot03:06
dougbbMarius80: in the past, when I've been forced to use mysql, I've found mariadb to be an excellent replacement03:06
ActionParsnipgenewitch: you may be able to humour the installer with a symlink :)03:06
genewitchActionParsnip: hmm03:06
Marius80dougbb, will applications designed to run with MySQL automatically support MariaDB even if not mentioned by the installer?03:06
genewitchActionParsnip: holding down shut does nothing03:07
dougbbyes ... in my experience, which is not universal of course03:07
ActionParsnipgenewitch: its a bit of a hack but worth a try03:07
almoxarifeben64-droidy: sure, run your wifi promiscuous  with wireshark, take the logged file and and send it out via wifi to the connection of your choice03:07
Marius80thank you dougbb03:07
ben64-droidyalmoxarife - that doesn't sound possible03:08
ActionParsnipgenewitch: if you run:  cd /usr/src; ls  you will see the header folders.03:08
dougbbMarius80: worth a shot anyway03:08
Marius80dougbb, MariaDB is not in the repository,  is it?03:08
TheLordOfTimeMarius80, i'd listen to dependencies as stated in a given software, and not assume other things'll work with it.03:08
ActionParsnipgenewitch: if you run:  umame -r   you will see the kernel version you are booted to (be sure this is the troublesome kernel)03:08
ActionParsnipgenewitch: you can then make a symlink in that folde03:08
almoxarifeben64-droidy: thats the easy part03:08
nencinipdual Head & different monitori resolution can be avaiable  with Radeon9200 (rv280?) and radeon dirver ?03:08
deadlyquirkActionParsnip: Just to be sure I reran md5sum and it matches. I tried putting it on a fresh usb stick and its still throwing errors.03:08
genewitchActionParsnip: make a symlink to what03:09
ActionParsnipgenewitch: so that the folder for the kernel headers is present, when really its just a link to the previous kernel's headers03:09
deadlyquirkIt is a UEFI machine. Should I be using another version of the ISO instead of ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso ?03:09
ActionParsnipdeadlyquirk: have you tested your RAM using memtest from the USB stick?03:10
ActionParsnipgenewitch: may make a shaky driver but it may just be dumb enough to work03:10
ActionParsnipgenewitch: plus it's easy to roll back :)03:10
genewitchActionParsnip: how do i increase the grub delay so i can just switch kernels on boot?03:11
genewitchi am trying the symlinks03:11
deadlyquirkActionParsnip: Ram is good. It boots and runs Fedora 17 as well as Windows.03:11
ActionParsnipdeadlyquirk: its worth testing, just to be sure03:11
ActionParsnipdeadlyquirk: also try a different usb port03:11
bobweaverantonio_, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBsT1aW5K4403:12
ActionParsnipgenewitch: you set the timout in /etc/default/grub    you will need to run:  sudo update-grub   after changing03:12
adknight87Actionparsnip: I have a bash file with exec wine "Application" "%@", I have mimeapps.list with the added field x-scheme-handler/imvu=IMVU.desktop. The IMVU.desktop has Exec=linktothescript. <----- Doesn't work03:12
D_Russi cant for the life of me firgure out how to get my printer to work again. it used to work fine, then ubuntu did an update and now it just doesnt work..anyone know how to get my canon printer to work?03:12
adknight87The script works in terminal with the added link03:12
ActionParsnipadknight87: no idea there dude, not something I've done03:12
bobweaverantonio_, wrong person wrong channel03:13
tyler_dwhat are you doing adknight87?03:13
bobweaverwash your hands adknight8703:13
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bobweaverBut antonio_  you still might like to watch that ;)03:14
bobweaverto see if binary is reading when mouse is not working03:14
tyler_dwhy not run a watch process on the input command?03:15
D_Russcanon printer help needed here..anyone familiar?03:15
ActionParsnipD_Russ: what is the issue03:15
D_Russit dont work03:15
ActionParsnipD_Russ: did you grab the drivers from the Canon Europe site?03:15
D_Russactionparsnip: does not print anymore after an update03:15
cornellWell, thanks bobweaver and dr_willis03:15
bobweavernp cornell, is flash now running with sound ?03:16
D_Russactionparsnip: is this something new, there were no driver for it before03:16
bobweaverdid you install03:16
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ActionParsnipD_Russ: what model is the pronter?03:16
bobweaver!info ubuntu-restickted-extras03:16
ubottuPackage ubuntu-restickted-extras does not exist in quantal03:16
Thisguy_Hey. My keyboard seems to be whacked out! First my ctrl+shift+u stopped working, but now my Caps Lock key is defying my settings and working properly, even though I disabled it. Help me, or point me somewhere where I can get help?03:16
bobweaver!info ubuntu-restricted-extras03:16
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB03:16
D_Russactionparsnip: mx33003:16
cornellYes, I found the mixer... and the settings, and I saw the ALSA volume for chromium...03:16
D_Russpixma mx33003:16
cornellThen I had sound again, but ALSA disappeared.03:17
genewitchModule build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed03:17
bobweaverO o03:17
ActionParsnipD_Russ: http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/Consumer_Products/products/Fax__Multifunctionals/InkJet/PIXMA_MX_series/PIXMA_MX330.aspx?type=download&page=103:17
THEJOLLYGRIMREAPseen ezmobius?03:17
cornellAnyway... I switched things off and back on... I guess I tickled something.03:17
ActionParsnipD_Russ: right there, on the canon europe site03:17
cornellWell, gotta go.03:17
ActionParsnipD_Russ: nothing new03:17
D_Russactionparsnip: thanks i will try that.03:18
adknight87I'm making a link launch a application with that url03:18
almoxarifecornell: the chrome alsa plugin will come and go with chrome,03:18
Chipzzzdoes anybody know how I can rename my workspaces on a precise unity desktop?03:18
doomlordubuntu nexus 7, whats it like?03:18
doomlorddoes it have tweaks for touchscreen such as muti-finger gestures for moving windows/desktops;03:20
bobweaverI have never ever ever had issue with chrome nor chriomium  ever with soun dafter making sure that I installed them correctly . but not to say that it dont happen maybe that is more of a hardware thing As I tend to make sure that all parts and computers that I by are opensource driver ready03:20
kangaroooHello! Where in launchpad bug files i can find some computer id and hardware info for computer ive lost? I found in bug report LSPCI but where is info about HDD size? I need to find this old info to prove witch is my comp. One guy took mine.03:20
dougbbsomeone rooted a nexus 7 to put ubuntu on it?03:20
bobweaverdooml0rd,  libutouch is GREAT !03:20
bobweaverNo dougbb  we just made iso and lots of armel woork03:20
doomlordi'm just watching a youtube video on it;03:20
Chipzzzkangarooo: df -h03:20
Heather_question: Why does the defualt 000-default apache file change when I change and save the copy of that file?03:21
doomlordi'm fairly tempted by a nexus 7 - i dont have an android tablet as yet - but if it would run ubuntu i would be a *lot* more tempted03:21
bobweaverthere is rooted if you want to call it that in the install thingy well that is hard03:21
bobweaverNexus 7 is AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!03:21
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bobweavergo for it dooml0rd nothing but good things to say on this end03:22
bobweaverthere is a iso for it also03:22
kangaroooChipzzz: ok that ill do when ill test that comp but where in LP i can check to compare comp ID and mother board and HDD manufacturer and all its info? I want to give this info to police couse one huy took my comp.03:22
bobweaverorga made it ?03:22
dougbbI'm thinking of getting a nexus 7 if I can find a good enough black friday deal03:22
doomlordcan you "dual boot" android/ubuntu03:22
bobweaverdougbb,  and doomlord  there are manything that the armel team and linaro are workingon03:23
almoxarifedoomlord: its already been done03:23
bobweaverworking on *03:23
kangaroooI want to find in LP my old comp ID info. Where is it? In lspci file isnt all info.03:23
doomlordhaving said that, i think i would really like ubuntu permanently03:23
bobweaverdooml0rd,  there are some issues and a bug testing sqad going on03:23
iamzimLinux Action Show - Ubuntu on Nexus 7 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMLNyTG49_w&feature=g-all-u03:23
ActionParsnipD_Russ: I suggest you remove the printer you have setup, then power off the printer iteself. You don't need the installer script, just install the debs in the packages folder03:24
bobweaverif you would like there are many many people that where working with it at UDS and also there is wikis for it also I 100% recommend it over any tablet03:24
bobweaverso cool03:24
doomlordi think a desktop grid would work well on a tablet :)03:24
arthur_hey guys, is there a way to disable the keyring thing on ubuntu no one else uses this computer and the whole startup/boot up process is getting annoying03:24
bobweaverbut there is other tablets that can run off metacity also and also 10 ft interfaces are great dooml0rd  I am making one want to see ?03:25
D_Russactionparsnip: it shows already installed03:25
D_Russi am reinstalling03:25
ActionParsnipdoomlord: I hate that grid thing. It's one of the first things I kill off03:25
ActionParsnipD_Russ: cool03:25
ActionParsniparthur_: one way is a blank password (not too secure)03:25
D_Russactionparsnip: is a restart in order?03:25
ActionParsnipD_Russ: once you reboot, relogin and power on the printer and set it up again03:25
ActionParsnipD_Russ: i would :)03:26
doomlorddoes "globalmenu"work ok on a touchscreen? like pulldown gestures from the top edge of the screen ? (i think you'd want the menu displayed permanently instead of being cursor-activate)03:26
bobweaverdooml0rd,  check it out brother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pER9B5Jo5dI03:26
arthur_ActionParsnip, doesn't really matter to me if it's 'secure' or not. but using a blank password would mean that I won't get that prompt anymore? i mean if I turn on my computer and walk away get  back then empathy will be fully logged in too?>03:27
bobweaverwhat that is not the right link ;)03:27
ActionParsniparthur_: then set a blank password and it won't bother you :)03:27
doomlordi think i saw asome video with 3-finger drag moving windows around withtout needing to aim at the titlebar03:27
ActionParsniparthur_: yes it won't prompt you03:27
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bobweaverlol sorry dooml0rd  here is a link of unity 3d running on panda board with hacked up code03:28
smjBeep doesn't produce any sound when it's run :/ How do I enable PC speaker or Intel HDA emulation?03:28
doomlordWhat appeals about the nexus 7 is pocketability - i can imagine always carrying it in a jacket pocket03:29
joshtauanyone run across 146.831065] hid-multitouch 0003:1B96:0F00.0009: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed: on a multitouch screen (ubuntu 12.10, sony vaio 11)03:29
arthur_one other thing. just installed the restricted drivers. how do I get back to the regular drivers? just deactivate the restricted on in "Additional Drivers"?03:29
doomlordso to have a "real" os like ubuntu there would be awesome :)03:29
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joshtaudoomlord: customised roms for the nexus 7 make it an actual tablet compared to the stock os03:29
bobweaverday one dooml0rd  day two ;)03:29
joshtaurunning paranoid android on the nexus 7 is the closest to perfection for a 7" tablet, and is actually usable by everyone and not just developers/fantatics :P03:30
bobweaverdooml0rd,  what about things like the atrix 2 ?  and other things like that eff the desktop all together  there is the all in one with system 76 now but tyat is off topic sorry al03:30
doomlordnexus 7 is complementary to my current gadgets03:31
genewitchso. the upgrade broke ALL wireless, not just the onboard03:31
genewitchi can get a connection for a minute, but then it stops working and keeps asking for the wifi password over and over03:31
dougbbgenewitch: have you tried editing the wireless config?03:32
genewitchI switched to the old kernel 3.5.0-17 on boot and the wl module isn't in that modules directly03:32
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genewitchdougbb: if i wanted to edit files i'd be in #gentoo03:32
dougbbI didn't say files03:32
dougbband don't be an ass03:32
ActionParsnipgenewitch: which kernel has the wl module?03:33
genewitchActionParsnip: neither, now03:33
genewitchActionParsnip: the update removed the package with the module i guess03:33
bobweavergenewitch,  wait a second can we see       lspci -vnn | grep 14e4          then pastebin it and the bot will tell uou more03:33
genewitchand i can't rebuild the ,mmodule03:33
ActionParsnipgenewitch: then I would remove then re-add the driver03:33
bobweaver!pastebin |  genewitch03:33
ubottugenewitch: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:33
doomlordi dont like windows8 but i think some of MS's ideas are interesting for a tablet ui.. the live tiles make sense03:34
joshtauwindows 8  for a tablet is so silly03:34
ActionParsnipgenewitch: use jockey03:35
bobweaver+1 ActionParsnip03:35
genewitchActionParsnip: i can remove it but i can't sucessfully reinstall it03:36
bobweaverbut if jockey is not reading the card number but the other number ()()* um... like lspci and lspci -vnn show different things that is what I have seen alot of in Ubuntu that esp jockey that it is not reading it right03:36
almoxarifewin8 tablet seems like a glorified android03:36
doomlordtheir screen-edge gesture ideas are ok too - i think its good to have the whole screen available03:36
ActionParsnipgenewitch: is the system a laptop?03:36
genewitchActionParsnip: yes03:37
bobweaverdooml0rd,  think about metacity and unity-qt03:37
ActionParsnipgenewitch: then use a wired connection and get sorted, may help03:37
* bobweaver mouth waters 03:37
doomlordIMO win8 RT is a slight of hand. they want people to buy it thinking its a true "computer" OS, because of the windows name, when  infact its cutdown03:37
genewitchActionParsnip: get sorted?03:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:37
genewitchit is on wired right now03:37
bobweaverfix *03:37
almoxarifeunity-qt? qtrazor?03:37
genewitchwired works, just the broadcom and the realtek cards stopped working on reboot. what is jockey03:38
bobweaveralmoxarife,  sorry that is what it was called in the start when it was QT03:38
bobweavergenewitch, additional drivers it is also called03:38
ActionParsnipgenewitch: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | grep bcmwl03:38
almoxarifegenewitch: check something, is linux-kernel-headers installed?03:38
bobweaverit looks for proprietary things using scripts  genewitch03:39
Butchogenewitch: jockey-text -l03:39
genewitchalmoxarife: i think so03:39
genewitchActionParsnip: ii bcmwl-kernel-source and a bunch of other stuff03:39
arthur_just installed the restricted drivers. how do I get back to the regular drivers? just deactivate the restricted on in "Additional Drivers"?03:40
bobweavergenewitch,  if you will tell us the card # then bang we can really help you03:40
Butchogenewitch: make sure linux-source and linux-headers-* is installed03:40
Butchothat was my problem with the nvidia driver03:41
ActionParsnipgenewitch: do you also have b43-fwcutter installed?03:41
genewitchButcho: they're installed03:41
genewitchbobweaver: i pastebin that info03:41
ActionParsnipgenewitch: can you also pastebin the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'bcmwl|b43-fwcutter'03:42
bobweavergenewitch,  14e4:4727  you see that ?03:42
bobweaveryou can match that up with the drivers page if you like to ?03:42
genewitchyes that said to install bcmwl-kernel-source03:43
bobweaverhttp://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported devices03:43
genewitchbcmwl-kernel-source installs, but doesn't do anything, it says: Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed03:43
bobweavergenewitch,  paste what ActionParsnip  asked plz03:44
bobweaverpastebin it plz03:44
bobweaverthat is03:44
genewitchActionParsnip: the one on the 12.10 amd64 liveCD installer. 3.5.0-1703:44
genewitchActionParsnip: but after update, that module is no longer on the system03:45
bobweaver***      ActionParsnip> genewitch: can you also pastebin the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'bcmwl|b43-fwcutter'       ***03:45
genewitchi didn't see that03:45
ActionParsnipbobweaver: thanks03:45
usr13genewitch: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:46
D_Russactionparsnip: no luck03:46
genewitchActionParsnip: yeah that also doesn't work, usr1303:46
genewitchActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376367/03:47
genewitchusr13: says dpkg-dev is needed but is not going to be installed03:47
ActionParsnipgenewitch: sudo apt-get --purge remove bcmwl-kernel-source; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source b43-fwcutter03:49
praveenmarkanduhi need some help with MTP devices03:49
praveenmarkandunot everyones favourite topic i bet03:49
genewitchi'm more concrened that everything i do in apt-get install says required pacakges have not yet nbeen created or been moved out of Incoming03:50
bobweaverActionParsnip,  this - > is going to be nice to watch to see if it is wl or b4303:50
praveenmarkanduanyway, in ubuntu 12.04, i could get to the devvice via the ~/.gvfs path03:50
praveenmarkandubut now in ubuntu 12.10 how do i do that?03:50
praveenmarkandui can only access it via nautilus03:50
bobweavererrr  proprietary hardware03:50
genewitchbobweaver: bcma, wl03:51
genewitchbobweaver: i could have told you that03:51
praveenmarkanduand it is some weird path name like gphoto://[usb:002,002]/03:51
genewitchlspci -k when i first booted ubuntu up03:51
arthur_just installed the restricted drivers. how do I get back to the regular drivers? just deactivate the restricted on in "Additional Drivers"?03:51
bobweavergenewitch,  yeah the broadcom-sta-* :)03:52
genewitchso why am i not installing that package03:52
bobweaveris it installed genewitch  ?  lsmod | grep wl03:53
ActionParsnipgenewitch: did the symlink not work?03:53
genewitchActionParsnip: results of your command line: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376381/03:53
genewitchmind you, i already did all of this before coming in here03:54
genewitchbut not pastebin, so at least it's consistently broken03:54
bobweavergenewitch,  plz do this  sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:54
genewitchbobweaver: I have that installed.03:54
ActionParsnipgenewitch: what is the output of:  uname -a03:54
bobweaverdpkg-query  -l | grep  broad*03:55
genewitchLinux genewitch-700Z3A-700Z4A-700Z5A-700Z5B 3.5.0-18-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 19 10:26:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:55
bobweaverisitwl=$(dpkg-query  -l | grep  broad*) && echo $isitwl | pastebinit03:55
bobweavergenewitch,  ^^03:55
genewitchbobweaver: there's nothing in the output about broadcom03:56
bobweaverthen it is not installed03:56
bobweaverso is b43 ?03:56
genewitchI KNOW.03:56
genewitchlspci -k showed bcma, wl for the broadcom4313 chip when i first booted03:57
bobweaverthen install the 2 pakages03:57
genewitchwhat two03:57
ActionParsnipgenewitch: sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl brcmfmac brcmsmac bcma; sudo modprobe wl03:57
bobweaverno no no you have to look at the card **number **03:57
genewitchwhich can use STA or bcmwl03:57
deadlyquirkis there a large difference between the iso for 12.4 and the one for 12.4.1?03:57
bobweaverlspci -vnn | grep 14e403:57
bobweaverwhat is in red ?03:57
genewitchbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376351/03:58
ActionParsnipdeadlyquirk: later packages, requiring less updates after the initial install03:58
bobweavergood now look at chart03:58
bobweaverhttp://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported devices03:58
bobweaver14e4:4727     no (WIP)    BCM4313     b/g/n       LCN (r1)    wl/brcm8021103:58
genewitchbobweaver: funny, because it worked both with the installer and after i rebooted03:59
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deadlyquirkActionParsnip: I'll give it a shot then. I need to stop downloading stuff like this at home. My net connection is too slow...03:59
genewitchbobweaver: then when i did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade it stopped working03:59
bobweaverso to get the right one according to the page that makes mods you need to install these things I will list off 1 sec03:59
genewitchFurthermore, this wifi card works perfectly in gentoo. I can swithc it out for any number of other wifi cards (intel, ralink, etc) but the realtek USB card i have is ALSO freaking out.04:00
genewitchSo i'm not willing to open the laptop up again on a whim.04:00
bobweavergenewitch,   sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-{source,dkms,common}04:00
bobweavergod for gentoo04:00
bobweavergood *04:01
bobweaveruse gentoo if you like I mean use what you like and want04:01
bobweaverralink maybe firmware ?04:01
genewitchbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376391/04:01
genewitchbobweaver: so that's also a no go04:02
genewitchso am i reinstalling?04:02
noliverhabout the wireless pci thing... my netgear v3 is not working in my ubuntu04:02
genewitchand just not letting ubuntu upgrade itself?04:02
noliverhwhy is that?04:02
bobweaverapt-cache show broadcom-sta-common04:02
bobweavergenewitch,  ^^04:02
genewitchyes, screenfuls of stuff04:03
adknight87Man I can't figure this out. I can't get the link to become a part of a scripts exec04:04
bobweavergenewitch,  here break it down04:04
bobweaver apt-cache show broadcom-sta-common | awk '/Filename:/,/Size:/04:04
bobweaver apt-cache show broadcom-sta-common | awk '/Filename:/,/Size:/'04:04
bobweavermuch better04:04
bobweaveror if you like to break down more04:06
bobweaverapt-cache show broadcom-sta-common | awk '/Filename:/,/Size:/ {print$2}'| head -n 104:06
ActionParsnipnoliverh: what wifi chip does it use?04:06
genewitchbobweaver: so i got sta-{source,common,} installed, but dkms fails with the same error that bcmwl-kernel-source did04:06
bobweaverahh what is kernel # ?04:06
bobweaveruname -r04:06
bobweaverheaders are installed ?04:06
bobweavergenewitch,  ^^04:06
genewitchyes. should i purge them, bobweaver04:06
bobweaveryeah purge and re-install headers and then re-start computer (better then re-build kernel to fix bug) cough cough gentoo04:07
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bobweavergenewitch,  you can also add mods that are not added to kernel 'sudo modprobe <name of mod>'04:09
genewitchbobweaver: i know that, but wl doesn't exist04:09
genewitchbobweaver: also, did the purge remove and reboot, still same error04:09
genewitchbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376401/04:10
chubzif i upgrade my ubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10 will my ssh key i generated change?04:10
genewitchchubz: for sshd or your RSA/DSA key04:10
bobweavergenewitch,  Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed.04:10
genewitchi.e. the .pem file04:10
genewitchbobweaver: yeah, that's the error that i came in here to fix04:11
genewitchoh so many hours ago04:11
genewitchokay like 2 but still04:11
chubzgenewitch: wait... so if i upgrade the ssh key i generated will be gone? i need my key cause its tied to some github repos.04:11
bobweavergenewitch,  what are you doing with kernel ?04:11
bobweavergenewitch,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/89542/how-to-build-the-mainline-kernel-source-package04:11
chubzgenewitch: didn't really understand your response04:11
genewitchchubz: if you upgrade you won't lose your private key, it's in ~/.ssh/id_rsa04:12
genewitchchubz: or another file ending in .pem in that folder.04:12
genewitchbobweaver: i'm not doing anythign with the kernel, the apt-get upgrade just update it and broke this04:12
genewitchbobweaver: once again, if i am going to be compiling a kernel, why am i using ubuntu. A valid answer to my question would be "reinstall and don't let it upgrade"04:13
chubzhow do i even upgrade my ubuntu? i'm on 12.04 right now. shouldn't i be able to update through update manager? it doesn't show up for me o.o04:13
bobweavergenewitch,  upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 ?04:13
genewitchchubz: i do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:13
ActionParsnipchubz: your OS is told to only look for LTS releases04:14
bobweaverlike that type of upgrade or jsut a sudo at-get upgrade04:14
ActionParsnipchubz: so you need to tell it not to and it will see quantal04:14
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genewitchbobweaver: no, just let the stupid package manager update 124 packages after i first booted up after installing. Literally downloaded all of them over WIFI. after reboot, WIFI no longer worked.04:14
genewitchthis was 3 hours ago.04:14
genewitchfrom blank SSD to non-working WIFI within an hour04:15
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bobweavergenewitch,  you have boted into different kernel ?04:15
bobweaverto test ^^04:15
ActionParsnipchubz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376407/04:15
genewitchbobweaver: i tried booting into 3.5.0-17 and ran the same commands04:15
genewitchbobweaver: same errors04:15
genewitchhow do i see what the original software upgrade did04:16
ActionParsnipgenewitch: are there bugs reported for the 3.5.0-17 kernel and broadcom?04:16
genewitchbecause i can find out what it removed and put it back04:16
chubzActionParsnip: thanks04:16
genewitchActionParsnip: dunno, the help.ubuntu.com stuff is just a loop. i don't know where to actually search for bugs. and it would be a 3.5.0-18 bug not a 1704:17
ActionParsnipgenewitch: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/how-to-install-broadcom-wireless-card-bcm43xx/217616#217616   seems to mention the
ActionParsnipgenewitch: try:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-headers-generic04:18
bobweavergenewitch,  also are you sure that it is not hard or soft blocked ?  rfkill list all04:19
genewitchbobweaver: samesung-wlan not blobked04:19
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genewitchActionParsnip: do i need the GENERIC part?04:20
genewitchthat's probably why this isn't working04:20
ActionParsnipgenewitch: if your kernel is the generic kernel, you want the generic headers. If you had the pae kernel, you'd want the pae headers04:21
Heather_why is it that I dont have /etc/hosts/ ?04:21
ActionParsnipHeather_: as in the file /etc/hosts04:21
ActionParsnipHeather_: or a folder /etc/hosts with stuff in ?04:21
ActionParsnipHeather_: that's not good04:21
ActionParsnipHeather_: ah, let me see04:21
ActionParsnipHeather_: no hosts folder here in /etc04:22
ActionParsnipHeather_: I have a hosts file04:22
genewitchActionParsnip: pae would be for 32bit with > 3.5GB ram?04:22
ActionParsnipgenewitch: yes04:22
genewitchi imagine a server distro04:22
genewitchyeah not that. i think it worked04:22
bobweaver /etc/hosts is a file04:22
Heather_ActionParsnip thanks thats what I was looking for04:22
ActionParsnipgenewitch: its just to access more ram, but each process wil only see 3.2Gb ram :)04:22
genewitchyeah, perfect for tomcat04:23
ActionParsnipgenewitch: oh, what worked?04:23
genewitchbcmwl-kernel-source installed sucessfully i think04:23
genewitchAND WIFI WORKS04:23
genewitchlet's see for how long04:23
ActionParsnipgenewitch: is tomcat known to get a bit ram-hungry?04:23
genewitchdude it was totally my fault. :-(04:24
ActionParsnipgenewitch: sweet grandma's spatula, it worked04:24
genewitchlinux-headers-3.5.0-18-generic is what i needed04:24
ActionParsnipgenewitch: no worries dude, things happen04:24
* bobweaver googles spatula04:24
genewitchit's like a spanner for pancakes04:24
ActionParsnipbobweaver: not seen Anchorman with Willl Ferrell ?04:24
bobweavernot in a while ActionParsnip  I should add to my Ubuntu TV04:25
ActionParsnipgenewitch: well, you got the gold and that's what counts :)04:25
ActionParsnipbobweaver: hehe it's one of his exclamations :)04:25
bobweavergenewitch,  it is my fault for not asking for uname -a and asking for uname -r04:25
Rockhow to reset my language setting in englist it just show me in some chinese04:25
genewitchyeah. Now i have to figure out this intel/AMD videocard vga_switcaroo thing04:25
ActionParsnip'sweet Odin's raven!!#04:25
ActionParsnipglad that's over, broadcom can be a real div sometimes :)04:26
genewitc1okay so can i use vga_switcheroo with the amd binary drivers?04:26
Rockhow to reset my language setting in englist it just show me in some chinese http://i47.tinypic.com/ff8o7o.png04:27
ActionParsnipRock: blue flag in the top right04:27
genewitc1ActionParsnip: it had an intel 6150 in it, i ripped it out because windows did THIS EXACT same thing with the intel card04:27
bobweaverRock with  gnome-language-selector ?04:27
Rockbut whts the step i do in tht section04:27
ActionParsnipRock: can you make another image if someone cannot guide you. I'm on XP at work04:28
bobweaverRock,  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17528/change-the-user-interface-language-in-ubuntu/04:28
praveenmarkanducan anyone help me to access MTP devices via the shell04:28
Rockis there any command line stuff to reset my language setting?04:29
genewitc1Rock: i think that keyboard is your language setting04:29
bobweaverRock,  edit /etc/default/locale and ~/.pam_environment04:30
genewitc1do you need to do locale-gen && . /etc/profile04:30
bobweaverRock, guide http://askubuntu.com/questions/133318/how-do-i-change-the-language-via-a-terminal04:31
Rockbobweaver /etc/default/locale contains: LANG="en_IN" 2 LANGUAGE="en_IN:en"04:31
skunkcnf: remember when you said you maintain the magic mouse driver for ubuntu? you know anything about the mighty mouse? and how to disable unneeded buttons (the side ones)04:31
genewitc1the side ones are so needed04:31
bobweaverRock,  even better http://askubuntu.com/questions/152668/i-cannot-set-my-system-back-to-english-from-chinese-language04:32
skunkgenewitcl: I only used the side ones for expose on tiger. On ubuntu everytime i press it it takes me back a page in chrome04:33
genewitc1all that url is missing is "help"04:33
genewitc1skunk: that's pretty cool04:33
bobweavergoogle would see it more genewitc1  with help in it04:33
genewitc1skunk: you have to tell X to treat those as just generic buttons as opposed to navigation buttons04:34
genewitc1skunk: i bet the right hand one goes forwards04:34
praveenmarkandunope? no help with MTP?04:34
skunkgenewitcl: I mapped the button via xev. They are named Button804:34
skunkgenewitcl: modifying them is a different story04:34
SamizdatI'm having problems getting my USB/DAC to work.  I keep getting a sync error : cannot submit urb (err = -27)04:34
phy1729how do I stop ubuntu from sending packets to
SamizdatThis one comes before it: [ 2189.797804] delay: estimated 354, actual 104:35
ActionParsnipphy1729: set an iptables rule04:35
phy1729ActionParsnip: did that it doesn't work04:36
phy1729and #iptables is stumped04:36
SamizdatMy sound works for a bit, then cuts out.04:36
genewitc1phy1729: yeah, iptables. that address looks like an ISP gateway, why do you want to block packets to it04:36
phy1729genewitc1: it's multicast I don't use it so I see no reason for it to fill up logs or be a possible attack vector04:37
bobweaveripcop ^^ ?04:37
genewitc1phy1729: there's an ifconfig thing to turn off multicast04:37
Rockbobweaver: thanx ur link solved it just do little editing in .pam_enviroment04:37
ActionParsnipSamizdat: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc04:37
* phy1729 goes off to man ifconfig04:37
ActionParsnipphy1729: could use ufw instead04:38
vikasjaini am tryin on my own to install eclipse for last 2 days. But have not been able to do so. I see the icon  in dash home. When i double click the eclipse icon it does not open. Can some1 guide me if u have any idea04:38
SamizdatActionParsnip: quantal04:38
ActionParsnipvikasjain: if you run it from a terminal, the output may help04:38
genewitc1phy1729: ifconfig eth0 multicast off04:38
bobweaverRock,  没问题04:38
ActionParsnipSamizdat: try:   killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds then reboot04:38
vikasjainhi @actionparsnip i get this bash: /usr/bin/eclipse: No such file or directory04:39
genewitc1vikasjain: do you have java installed04:39
genewitc1the JDK not the JRE04:39
vikasjain@genewitc1 yep04:39
SamizdatActionParsnip:  Will do.04:39
ActionParsnipvikasjain: ok then run: grep -i eclip /usr/share/applications/* | grep Exec04:39
ActionParsnipSamizdat: will default the sound settings, may help04:40
bobweaverdpkg-query -l | eclipse       ?04:40
vikasjain@ActionParsnip it does not yield any result04:40
bobweaverdpkg-query -l | grep eclipse       ?04:40
ActionParsnipvikasjain: did you make the launcher yourself?04:41
ActionParsnipvikasjain: how did you install eclipse?04:41
vikasjain@ActionParsnip yes04:41
phy1729genewitc1: ifconfig eth0 -multicast04:41
Rockvikasjain : why dont u reinstall it04:41
genewitc1phy1729: i was close, sorry04:41
phy1729that's alright wouldn't have found it otherwise04:41
phy1729now to put that in /etc/networking/interfaces04:42
vikasjain@ActionParsnip , I downloaded eclipse , untarred it , Created a soft link , Added the it to main menu under programming04:42
vikasjain@rock im tryin it04:42
vikasjainbut for some reason im missing a step i feel04:42
bobweavervikasjain,  why not from the softwre center ? just wondering ?04:42
ActionParsnipvikasjain: where did you extract it to?04:42
Rock@viaksjain install it from software center04:43
vikasjain@ActionParsnip i created a folder called eclipse in my home directory04:43
vikasjain@ActionParsnip gave a soft link to /usr/bin/04:44
ActionParsnipvikasjain: try running:   ~/eclipse/eclipse      does it run ok? also, why did you not use the one from the repos as bobweaver asked?04:44
vikasjain@bobweaver i will try in case something else does not work04:44
bobweavervikasjain,  just wondering why not ?  do you need alpha version or something ?04:45
ActionParsnipvikasjain: I assume the binary is called 'eclipse'04:45
vikasjain@bobweaver i will try.. I don need any alpha version..!!04:45
vikasjain@ActionParsnip yep04:45
bobweavervikasjain,  can we see eclispe.desktop  ?04:46
bobweaver!pastebin | vikasjain04:46
ubottuvikasjain: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:46
ActionParsnipvikasjain: does it launch ok using the command I gave04:46
Rockrunning apps in terminal like synaptic it gives me the error :(process:3158): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.04:47
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vikasjain@ActionParsnip it does04:47
bobweaverRock,  synaptic needs sudo permissions like gksudo synaptic04:48
vikasjain@ActionParsnip sorry typo it does not launch04:48
ActionParsnipvikasjain: i'd use the packaged version04:48
bobweaveror maybe Lib is not up too date not sure how much synaptic is deved on now a days04:48
ActionParsnip!info eclipse04:48
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.0~rc4-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB04:48
vikasjain@ActionParsnip let me try from software center04:48
ActionParsnipvikasjain: sudo apt-get install eclipse04:48
bobweaverbecause it does not use session-installer04:48
bobweaverRock, ^^04:49
Rockbobweaver: but why i type any apps name like deluge-gtk it gives me the same error04:49
SamizdatActionParsnip: Same. Audio works for a bit, then cuts out.04:49
Samizdat[  298.308507] cannot submit urb (err = -27)04:49
bobweaverRock,  C lib04:49
Rockhow to fix it ?04:49
Samizdat[  298.308501] delay: estimated 353, actual 004:49
vikasjain@ActionParsnip sure..!! Apreciate your help04:49
ActionParsnipSamizdat: is it a laptop?04:49
bobweaverRock, it is not a error it is a warning04:49
Rockwhtever: is there any fix for this04:50
dwarderwhich mindmap software would you suggest?04:50
ActionParsnipSamizdat: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh04:50
SamizdatActionParsnip: Yeah. Thing is, I can't find this error code anywhere.04:50
bobweaverlike if I was to make c++ program  and Cmake looks to see if I am using windows nope so it falls back  << Rock04:50
SamizdatActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Q9sj5V3w04:52
ActionParsnipSamizdat: run:  cd $HOME04:52
ActionParsnipSamizdat: then retry04:52
SamizdatActionParsnip: Same thing.04:53
ActionParsnipSamizdat: when did I say:  sudo wget?04:55
SamizdatActionParsnip: Fair enough. My bad.04:55
kazagistarmy nautilus is missing the "create file" option in the right-click menu... I am running gnome-desktop on a minimal ubuntu install... can anyone help me get "Create empty file" button?04:55
ActionParsnipSamizdat: if it needed sudo, I would have added it. Don't go adding sudo to commands just because you feel like it you can and will really screw your OS.04:56
SamizdatActionParsnip: gk@gk-HP-ProBook-4530s:~$ wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh alsa-info.sh: Permission denied04:56
ActionParsnipSamizdat: you will need to run:  sudo rm ~/04:56
ActionParsnipSamizdat: you will need to run:  sudo rm ~/alsa-info.sh04:56
ActionParsnipSamizdat: as the file is owned by root as you added sudo to the wget (for some unknown reason)04:56
loloalguna nena de tampico04:56
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SamizdatActionParsnip: Now the wget command?04:57
bobweaverdang upstreames ActionParsnip04:57
ActionParsnipSamizdat: yes, the command I gave, as I gave it04:57
SamizdatActionParsnip: I agree to upload data?04:58
ActionParsnipSamizdat: please, it will make a URL. Give the URL in the channel please04:58
ActionParsnipbobweaver: I don't follow04:58
ActionParsnipSamizdat: use tab and enter to navigate the menus :)04:59
dixoncxHelp regarding custom keyboard shortcuts. I want to set for "firefox -P RevS -no-remote" (ie., firefox with custom profile). But it didn't work after reboot. Any other way to do this ?04:59
SamizdatActionParsnip: alsa-info.txt.sNaroYelSx05:00
SamizdatIs that what you meant?05:00
ActionParsnipSamizdat: ok, open that file in gedit05:00
SamizdatI did.05:01
SamizdatI don't see a url in it, ActionParsnip.05:01
SamizdatI opened it in Nano, actuall.05:01
ActionParsnipSamizdat: ok then select to not upload and a text file will be made in /tmp. open it in gedit and use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com   to pastebin it05:01
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extropyhow can I install a new kernel on a release that doesn't yet support my hardware?05:05
SamizdatActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1376474/05:05
SamizdatActionParsnip: I know I'm on a crazy kernel, but tried every release along the way.05:05
bobweaverextropy,  what kernel and what version?05:05
bobweaverversion = ubuntu version05:06
SamizdatIt had previously fixed this issue when I went to 3.6.205:06
extropyI'd like to put 12.10 on my box but it's Atom D2700 w/ GMA 360005:06
ActionParsnipSamizdat: where did you get alsa driver k3.7.0-999-generic   from?05:06
extropyfor some reason ubuntu's installer works just find but when I try to boot it hangs05:06
SamizdatActionParsnip: I have no idea.05:06
SamizdatActionParsnip: The issue was here before I upgraded at all.05:07
SamizdatActionParsnip: It was happening on a clean install of Kubuntu 12.1005:07
extropyD2700 allegedly doesn't support 64-bit even though it has EMT64 extension. I believe this is because Intel's GMA graphics don't suport it.05:08
extropygraphics and/or chipset05:08
ActionParsnipSamizdat: why have you got the Raring kernel in Quantal?05:08
extropyreally frustrating to see a 32-bit kernel hang while you're trying to boot. No idea why the installer even works to be honest05:08
=== noliverh is now known as dwins
SamizdatActionParsnip: The Raring kernel? Is that the 3.7?05:09
ActionParsnipSamizdat: yes, so you are using a 3rd party kernel05:09
extropycan unity run without compiz?05:10
SamizdatActionParsnip: It's working nicely actually. Machine is fast. The problem was here before the kernel, also.05:10
ActionParsnipSamizdat: the alsa driver which has come with the kernel cannot be supported by us. I suggest you contact the packager05:10
bobweaverextropy, No WAY05:10
bobweaverunity can not run with out compiz05:11
ActionParsnipextropy: unity is a plugin for compiz05:11
extropyhuh, TIL05:11
bobweaverwell unity 3d ^^05:11
sudayahi all, registerd server not shown in pgadmin III while postgres sql is running05:11
ActionParsnipextropy: if you stick to precise you can use 2D which doesn't use compiz05:11
extropyboom goes the dynamite!05:11
SamizdatActionParsnip: If I walk it back to 3.6, would you know what steps to take?05:11
=== dwins is now known as noliverh
sudayahi all, registerd server not shown in pgadmin III while postgres sql is running is there any problem ??05:12
bobweaverextropy,  I hear that there is form.factor tv desktop notebook and phone in unity 2d05:12
sudayaany one please help05:12
bobweaverlike in my repo05:13
extropywow, so at this point I'm not entirely sure what the relationship between compiz, wayland and unity really is05:13
xanguaActionParsnip: doesn't unity use  LLVMpipe to run it there is no hardware acceleration¿05:13
oldmankdudeis there a particular command to reinstall the kernel in /boot ? can't seem to figure it out... removing/purging and reinstalling linux-image doesnt seem to do the trick05:13
extropyunity is a compiz plugin? and not the other way around? mind=blown05:13
bobweaverextropy,  what are you questions about unity 3d ? Like lins and such ?05:13
bobweavers|lins | like05:14
extropyI'm not a big fan of Unity3D ... more of a UDK type I think05:14
bobweaverextropy, unreal development kit ?05:14
gimpygooim having trouble getting the shade feature to work .. anyone have any thoughts?05:14
bobweaverfor games ?05:14
gimpygooI have a new instal .05:14
extropyright, that's the joke right? Unity3D?05:15
extropywhat do I win?05:15
bobweaverbut unity 405:15
bobweaveryou loss05:15
cmwhy grub2 can't show .jpg background image which comes from /usr/share/backgrounds? if I save .jpg as .png, then grub2 can show .png background image. I'm using Ubuntu 12.10.05:15
bobweaverOk not as good as UDK but still a great engine that is now  comming to *nix05:16
bobweaverextropy,  ^^05:16
extropythink I'll just wait for John Carmack to release a new tech engine and use the old one for free xD05:16
bobweaverextropy,  we can only pray that UDK sees that valve and unity 4 are here so kwhy not UDK05:16
bobweavers|kwhy | why05:17
dixoncxHelp regarding custom keyboard shortcuts. I want to set for "firefox -P RevS -no-remote" (ie., firefox with custom profile). It works but not persistent. ie., it didn't work after reboot. Any other way to do this ??05:17
bobweaverextropy, ? Oo* ?05:17
extropyman, what's the word on Steam for Linux anyway? I feel like we should be in #ubuntu-offtopic05:17
bobweaveryup +1 ^^05:18
sudayahi all, registerd server not shown in pgadmin III while postgres sql is running is there any problem ??05:18
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bobweaverdixoncx, why not make a quicklist for that ?05:20
extropylol, I just got that "bobbin' and weavin'"05:21
dixoncxbobweaver: how ?05:21
bobweaverdixoncx,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/35488/what-custom-launchers-and-unity-quicklists-are-available05:22
bobweaverthere is FF one05:22
dixoncxbobweaver: i will look through it..05:22
bobweaverdixoncx,  not sure about keyboard though sorry others will know05:23
dixoncxbobweaver: Its Ok, thats for insight about quicklist :)05:25
ActionParsnipxangua: yes in Quantal05:25
noliverhhow to switch from one channel to other?05:26
noliverhim using irssi now05:26
ActionParsnipnoliverh: have you joined other channels?05:26
noliverhActionParsnip: after i joined to another channel, i cannot see other channels anymore05:27
ActionParsnipnoliverh: you can use ALT + number to switch between joined channels05:27
noliverhActionParsnip: okies...05:27
seednodeWhat IRc client are they using?05:27
seednodeOh, irssi05:27
seednodeI prefer weechat05:27
ActionParsnipnoliverh: if you are targetted in a channel, you will see a pink highlight in the bottom left05:28
SamizdatActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5a1c54de9ff527595f655dc25760be8174f7fe1505:28
vikasjain@ActionParsnip finally my eclipse works05:28
vikasjain@ActionParsnip thanks a lot05:28
ActionParsnipSamizdat: see how the alsa driver is different05:28
noliverhActionParsnip: i will try... switching from other channels05:28
SamizdatActionParsnip: Yes, but the same audio problem.05:29
extropyIf Intel advertises the fact that their Atom chips are 64-bit but don't support 64-bit OS' can Atom buyers sue them for false advertising?05:29
xrs1can i sue Atari for selling me a Jaguar?05:29
Samizdatextropy: Anybody can sue anybody for anything.05:30
extropyyou can if they mislead you into buying it I suppose05:30
NSAgentHow so? The CPU is 64 bit, the chipset and BIOS probably aren't05:30
extropyIntel's excuse: "we don't want Atom supplanting sales of Celeron and Core i3" :T05:30
xigatehi im newbie05:31
ActionParsnipnoliverh: are you using the USB audio?05:31
xrs1aparently you dont remember the Atari Jaguar "Do the Math" commercials.    blasted you will how it was a 64bit system (in reality it was a dual 32bit processor system that split the instruction set in half)05:31
noliverhActionParsnip: nope05:31
vikasjain@ActionParsnip i am unable to open it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376495/ is the error05:31
noliverhActionParsnip: what is that?05:31
extropyhuh, crazy05:31
ActionParsnipnoliverh: sorry, wrong target05:31
ActionParsnipSamizdat: do you use the usb audio?05:31
SamizdatI'm trying to.05:32
extropyI feel like Microsoft is behind this somehow05:32
SamizdatActionParsnip: ^05:32
ActionParsnipSamizdat: tried a different USB port?05:32
SamizdatActionParsnip: Yes, same.05:32
xrs1USB Legacy Support enabled in BIOS?05:32
xigatewoow mazing05:32
xrs1disable onboard audio?05:33
xigategavin : hi05:33
xigateu ask me?05:33
SamizdatActionParsnip: I used it with Ubuntu 12.04, had issues with 12.10 until I changed to kernel 3.6.205:33
xigatemy dell n4050 have wireles problem05:34
noliverhActionParsnip: can i open other irc server aside this freenode?05:34
SamizdatActionParsnip: I then switched to openSUSE and the problems came back. I installed Kubuntu 12.10 this morning and have been fighting with it all day.05:34
noliverhi mean two server at a time?05:34
Samizdatnoliverh: Ofc, if your client allows it.05:34
extropyis there a way to throw a new kernel on *while* installing Ubuntu from scratch so I can actually boot the machine once it's done installing?05:34
noliverhat the same time Samizdat ?05:35
xrs1install the linux headers before you reboot?05:35
noliverhSamizdat: how?05:35
NSAgentLinux headers are not the kernel05:35
SamizdatI'm on two servers right now, noliverh.05:35
extropyomg, I just realized the problems I having are probably just graphics related05:35
extropyhow can I skip trying to support my graphics hardware before an appropriate driver can be installed?05:35
Samizdatnoliverh: What client are you using?05:36
xigategavin : like my nighbour name  lol05:37
zizohow installing ubuntu with windows in  same hard disk05:38
xrs1or use Wubi05:39
xrs1when you install Ubuntu it will give you the chance to shrink your Windows partition so you can install Ubuntu05:40
blackshirt!find ntfs05:41
ubottuFound: ntfs-3g, ntfs-3g-dbg, ntfs-3g-dev, libntfs-dev, libntfs-gnomevfs05:41
blackshirtIs there tool to fix ntfs ?05:42
sudayahow to resolve skype dependency ??05:42
xrs1can do some stuffs05:42
xrs1sudo apt-get build-dep05:43
SamizdatActionParsnip: Any ideas?05:43
almoxarifeblackshirt: ntfs has to be fixed from the windows side05:44
ms_hi all!!! I have some problems with my xfce.05:45
sudayahow to install skype in 12.0405:45
xrs1i dont know how to fix the "some problems"05:45
ms_first, I can't change my background.05:46
xrs1sudo apt-get install skype05:46
xanguasudaya: sudo apt-get install skype  (you need partner repository enabled) or download it from skype.com05:46
xrs1right click on desktop -> Desktop settings -> "+"05:46
sudayaxrs1: xangua i have download .deb file05:46
ms_second, when I shut down, it shows me:"session manager must be in idle state when requesting a shutdown"05:46
xrs1open the .deb with Ubuntu Software Center05:47
onboradDear all, my laptop fans runing faster and make noisely .How can I control fans ,I have use  Thinkpad fan enable level auto ,but no work05:47
sudayaxangua: wehn i try to install it give dependency skype-bin05:47
onboradDear all, my laptop fans runing faster and make noisely .How can I control fans ,I have use  Thinkpad fan enable level auto ,but no work05:47
sudayaxrs1: i have done same but give dependency skype-bin05:47
xrs1have u enabled your software sources?05:48
sudayaxrs1: YEAH05:48
xanguasudaya: i have no problems with skype installed from software center05:49
xrs1i'd just forget the .deb and open Ubuntu Software Center and install the one in there then05:49
sudayaxrs1: i have also tried it first as u said but get same message dependecny skype-bin not found05:49
DNDhi guys i need help with dual booting ubuntu and windows 705:50
xrs1let me try installing05:50
sudayaxrs1: sure thank you05:50
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga05:50
DNDthe problem is my PC came with preinstalled OS. and i can see there are 4 partitions in windows. 2 system partitions, 1 partition(c drive) and one recovery partition05:51
DNDnow i tried shrinking C: drive then booted to ubuntu CD. but ubuntu cannot make me use the shrinked partition05:51
xrs1do you have a system restore disk for the computer?05:52
DNDxrs1, yes the recovery partition05:52
xrs1no an actaul disk05:52
sudayaubottu: i have tried already05:52
ubottusudaya: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:52
DND2 system parition is around 100mb each05:52
sudayaxrs1: for ubuntu ? or windows05:52
DNDcd? i just made one yesterday because i dont want to destroy the partitions without recovery cd05:53
wingywhen you use curl -F subscribed=True, what is True equivalent in a programming language .. is it the boolean true or the string "True" ?05:53
xrs1that came with the computer in case that recovery partition got erased05:53
xrs1or if you decided to upgrade / replace the hard drive05:53
DNDits an HP elite 8200. but im not sure what will be the behavior if i erased the recovery partition05:53
DNDif i erased it, will the cd be dependent on it or not05:54
xrs1you wont be able to use the Direct2Disk recovery thats in there05:54
xrs1you will need to download updates from the manufacturer (you should any way, the ones in the recovery partition are old)05:54
sudayaxrs1: is skype working on ur system ??05:55
xrs1its installing05:55
DNDcan i delete at least 1 system partition? its only 100 mb05:55
xrs1leave that one05:55
almoxarifesudaya: open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:55
xrs1oh you have 2 100MB05:55
almoxarifesudaya: open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit'05:55
xrs1time to ask in ##windows05:56
DNDim going there now05:56
sudayaalmoxarife: for what ??05:56
ms_hey!!!, when I shut down, it shows me:"session manager must be in idle state when requesting a shutdown" and refuse to stop!!05:56
xrs1skype installed and runs fine (Ubuntu Studio 12.10 x64)05:57
almoxarifesudaya: in terminal run 'sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" | pastebinit <-- share the link05:57
sudayaxrs1: http://pastebin.com/c5WacUNX05:59
sudayaxrs1: i got this message05:59
lahwranhow do I reenable ctrl+alt+backspace?05:59
lahwranalso in the meantime, how do I restart X without the help of ctrl+alt+backspace?05:59
almoxarifesudaya: then run this terminal command, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype | pastebinit <--share link05:59
necaviHello, I recently installed ubuntu 12.10, followed by AMD's drivers. Upon restart I found that after login I get a completely blank screen although keyboard shortcuts do seem to be working (brought up terminal) any ideas as to what I can do to fix this?06:00
xrs1ah i see whats going on here06:00
noliverhwhy is it i got access denied when editing samba/smb.conf in my ubuntu server?06:00
lahwrannecavi: hold on, completely blank screen but you brought something up?06:00
xrs1sudo dpkg --configure && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update06:00
xrs1oops thats not what i wanted.... well it'll do  :P06:01
DNDwindwos guys doesnt respond. sheesh06:01
NSAgentnoliverh: You need to edit as root, ie sudo gedut smb.conf (or vi, nano, etc)06:01
necavilahwran: Yes06:01
shinobi_How to I get xchat in the systray? I'm running gnome classic06:01
noliverhNSAgent: thanks06:01
sudayaalmoxarife: xrs1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376516/06:01
xrs1i have deleted those system reserve partitions and been okay.  but i took a look inside first and they did look important06:01
xrs1sudo dpkg --configure && sudo apt-get install -i06:02
almoxarifesudaya: where is the first paste?06:02
xrs1forget && and byond. being lazy and pasting stuff you dont want  >_<06:03
sudayaxrs1: i didnt get it06:04
Ann-MariyaHow can I unlock a micro sd memory card in ubuntu ?06:04
* mau5ie pokes necavi06:04
ms_need help please!!! when I shut down my pc, it shows me:"Failed to receive a reply from the session manager... Session manager must be in idle state when requesting a shutdown" and refuse to stop!!06:04
noliverhhow to resize window using cli?06:05
noliverhim using ubuntu server and want to get back to my server06:05
noliverhi cant coz irssi is occupying my whole screen06:05
xrs1sudo dpkg --configure && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get build-dep06:05
noliverhhow can i minize this thing?06:06
xrs1that should do something06:06
noliverhi dont have a mouse06:06
ActionParsnipms_: are there any bugs reported?06:06
xrs1alt + space06:06
ActionParsnipnoliverh: look into screen06:06
noliverhActionParsnip: how to get back to my server screen?06:06
ms_ActionParsnip, no it doesn't ask anything!!!06:07
dibblego"gnome-session-save --kill --silent" would log me out in older ubuntu versions — what's the same for gnome3?06:07
Ann-MariyaIs there any doftware to unlock a micro sd memory card in ubuntu ?06:07
Ann-MariyaIs there any software to unlock a micro sd memory card in ubuntu ?06:07
noliverhActionParsnip: how to get back to my server screen without closing the irssi06:07
ActionParsnipnoliverh: you will need to quit the client then you can use creen so you can switch between typing here and command on the server06:08
xrs1testdisk might help.  gparted wont let you erase?06:08
almoxarifems_: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=6580 <-- look over that link, it offers some ideas06:08
ActionParsnipms_: search launchpad for bugs, see if it is a known issue06:08
noliverhActionParsnip: how to make a screen on the server?06:08
ActionParsnipnoliverh: its an application06:09
xwalknoliverh: I think he was referring to the program called screen, it's a terminal multiplexer.06:09
ActionParsnipnoliverh: its like different workspaces in the deskotp OS06:09
ms_almoxarife, ok.06:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
SamizdatActionParsnip: Any more ideas for me?06:09
noliverhActionParsnip: okies06:10
ActionParsnipSamizdat: all I can recommend is report a bug06:10
ActionParsnipSamizdat: could try Raring liveCD, see if it is the same06:10
ms_almoxarife, wow, even my mozilla isn't working!!!!06:10
ActionParsnipms_: mozilla isn't a program06:10
SamizdatMaybe I'll go back to 12.04.06:11
ActionParsnipSamizdat: it is LTS06:11
xrs1yup. go back to 12.0406:11
ms_ActionParsnip, none of my web browser aren't working06:11
noliverhis there a gui for the ubuntu server?06:12
ActionParsnipms_: so it's firefox...not mozilla06:12
noliverhit is so hard switching between applications06:12
almoxarifenoliverh: install one, pick one06:12
noliverhalmoxarife: like?06:12
ActionParsnipnoliverh: the server is cli for a good few reasons. If you install screen, you can switch easily06:12
ActionParsnipms_: in what way are they not working?06:13
noliverhim already using screen...06:13
noliverhActionParsnip: using screen now... but i don't know how to switch between applications06:13
ms_ActionParsnip, it can't opening. :(06:13
almoxarifenoliverh: kde is always a good one, but you might want something lighter, xfce?06:13
ActionParsnipms_: try running it from a terminal06:13
xwalknoliverh: You may want to take a minute to read the man page and some of the key bindings for screen. I think that would help.06:14
praveenmarkanduhow do I access an MTP device via the shell?06:14
noliverhxwalk: okies...06:14
ms_ActionParsnip, nada :(06:14
ActionParsnipms_: any text output?06:15
praveenmarkanduanyone can help?06:15
xrs1i've never tried06:15
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: are you just wanting the content?06:16
ms_ActionParsnip, there's nothing. I think, it has relation with the way that my pc refuse to shut down.06:16
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: yes.06:16
praveenmarkandui was using ubuntu 12.0406:17
praveenmarkanduand I could access it via the ~/.gvfs06:17
praveenmarkandui was using gnome-shell though06:17
praveenmarkandubut now i just installed 12.10 and i cant see that anymore06:17
praveenmarkanduwas the gvfs just a gnome-shell thing?06:17
praveenmarkanduor has it completely been removed from 12.1006:18
praveenmarkandui can still see it via nautilus06:18
praveenmarkandubut i was to script06:18
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: you may need to re-install gvfs06:18
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: i am assuming the gvfs package is not there or the service is not starting06:19
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: oh okay06:19
praveenmarkanduwill try. ubuntu 12.10 is being crap with my wifi again.06:20
praveenmarkandu11.10 was good, then 12.04 suddenly screwed up my wifi06:20
praveenmarkandubcm drivers or whatever06:21
vadi2What is to be done when an official Ubuntu package is missing the binary it should be providing? Just has documentation and that's it.06:21
almoxarifevadi2: try the question from the 'i am missing ....... from .........' any thoughts06:23
vadi2Missing the binary from jockey-gtk in 12.1006:23
vadi2But... I think it was merged into software-properties.06:23
ms_ActionParsnip, I just reboot my pc, and firefox is working again!! :) but it is still refusing to stop :(06:23
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: i noticed that upgrades never work well in ubuntu, not sure why06:24
sudayahi all i get this problem while installing teamviewer 7 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376541/ any help please06:26
ActionParsnipms_: stop what?06:28
xwalksudaya: What do you think it particularly wrong with that message?06:29
ActionParsnipsudaya: what are your intentions once you get to the remote desktop?06:29
ms_ActionParsnip, I can't shut down my pc!!!06:29
ActionParsnipms_: I suggest you report a bug then06:30
ms_ActionParsnip, how?06:30
ActionParsnipms_: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now     does it doe?06:30
almoxarifesudaya: no problem shown on pastebin06:30
=== iman is now known as Guest25712
ms_ActionParsnip, it shows: "shutdown: time expected06:31
ms_Try `shutdown --help' for more information.06:31
sudayasorry xwalk almoxarife http://pastebin.com/6MxXN80S06:31
ActionParsnipms_: then you mistyped the command06:32
ActionParsnipsudaya: try:  sudo apt-get -f install06:32
xwalksudaya: ^06:32
ActionParsnipsudaya: again, what are you going to do on the remote system once you connect via teamviewer?06:32
vikasjainhi guys http://paste.ubuntu.com/1376495/ got this error for eclipse? Any idea how i can over come?06:32
almoxarifePackage ia32-libs is not installed. <-- seems you are missing 32bit libs, a lot of them, sudaya06:33
ActionParsnipvikasjain: are you running eclipse from the same terminal?06:33
sudayaalmoxarife: i am using 64 bit ubuntu 12.0406:34
ActionParsnipsudaya: will you kindly answer my question....06:34
vikasjainim running from application06:34
vikasjain@ActionParsnip im running from application06:35
sudayaActionParsnip: i use teamviewer for remote support06:35
ActionParsnipsudaya: of users you mean?06:35
sudayaActionParsnip: yeah06:35
=== Guest22174 is now known as yaw
almoxarifeActionParsnip: what are you getting at?06:36
vikasjain@ActionParsnip  i ran this /usr/bin/eclipse same error06:36
almoxarifesudaya: at this rate it may be easier to use the 'remote desktop' util of 'chromium/chrome'06:37
sudayaalmoxarife: can remote desktop of chromium be used as teamviewer ??06:38
almoxarifesudaya: chrome on both ends work as remote desktops, teamviewer is not needed06:39
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: 9 times out of 10, people automatically reach for VNC / Teamviewer when usually it's not needed and there are sleeker solutions.06:39
sudayaalmoxarife: let me try it thank you for ur suggestion06:39
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: I like to give the sleeker solutions06:39
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: even had one guy state that he VNC'd to a server then launched a terminal....06:40
almoxarifeActionParsnip: would you have a sleeker solution my dear mother would be able to install on her windoz-vista?06:40
ms_ActionParsnip, Yes Yes Yes. it shut down with "sudo shutdown -h now" :) but not with click in shut down button.06:41
almoxarifemom on ssh, that would be cool06:41
=== mrenouf is now known as mrenouf|away
almoxarifems_: did you try the link?06:42
almoxarifems_: its a bug! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/97833306:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 978333 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu Quantal) "xfwm4 is not running after failed shut down / "session manager must be in idle state when requesting a shutdown"" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:42
ms_almoxarife, ooops I lost your previous link!!!06:43
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: seems like i have gvfs already06:43
praveenmarkandubut i still cant find a path06:44
almoxarifehttp://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=6580 ms_06:44
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: to gvfs?06:44
ms_almoxarife, ok, thanks.06:45
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: depends what you are connecting to achieve :)06:46
ActionParsnipMSU: then it sounds like a permissions thing06:46
g00053would someone be willing to offer advice on a partitioning setup ?06:48
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: i cant find a path to the MTP device. used to be via the ~/.gvfs folder06:49
ActionParsnipg00053: what is the OS for?06:49
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: looked in /media/??06:50
rinzlerMy ssh server is changing it's rsa key each time it identifies to the network. any way to prevent this?06:50
g00053i've got a 64gb ssd and a 1thb hdd with about half the space left . Currently my / and /home are on the ssd with a swap and i find I don't have enough space in /home06:51
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: the mtp is hardwired to the box, yes?06:52
g00053would it be okay to move /home to a partition on the hdd06:52
g00053and just use the ssd for root fold06:52
nowayrideg00053: there shouldn't be any issues with that, does your 1tb have space to partition?06:52
almoxarifeg00053: yes, but there are some steps to get it completed correctly06:52
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: not in /media. yes MTP device is connected via cable06:53
g00053i've got another drive i can back up data to and do a fresh install ...this one is only a few days old06:53
g00053I'd like to partition a little better06:53
g00053not sure how to handle the swap06:54
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: /mount/??06:54
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: no idea :)06:54
nowayrideg00053: what do you mean not sure how to handle, you want to mount swap to the 1tb too?06:55
praveenmarkandulol. from what i've read, mtp devices are "virtual06:55
ActionParsnipg00053: put swap /var and /home on the platter based drive and the rest on the SSD :)06:56
praveenmarkanduthey arent associated with a block in /dev06:56
rinzlerMy ssh server is changing it's rsa key each time it identifies to the network. any way to prevent this?06:56
nowayriderinzler: is the key actually changing or are you losing your local ~/.ssh/known_keys file?06:57
rinzlernowayride: it's changing. I just rebooted my router, and my ssh client warned me about a man in the middle attack06:57
nowayrideknown_hosts *06:57
lotuspsychjeim looking for an rss notifier every time something new comes out, any package can do this automaticly?06:58
g00053nowayride,  for whatever reason i have one on both drives ...i06:58
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: they have to mount somewhere, are you sure you got the packages in the new install to read/write to mtp?06:58
g00053'm not sure if thats right06:58
g00053or how big it should be06:58
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: add omgubuntu rss, those guys seem on the ball06:58
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: also webupd806:59
nowayrideSo it warns you when you connect externally to the box behind the router then (basically, the IP you SSH to changed)06:59
Dynamitwin 3606:59
Dynamitlol missed /06:59
g00053ActionParsnip, I don't think ubuntu seperates var by default? whats the benefit ?06:59
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: I use feedindicator for RSS :)06:59
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: i mean a package where i can add osn rss feeds of my choice to auto rss the feeds06:59
almoxarifelotuspsychje: thunderbird should, google reader does06:59
rinzlernowayride: The server's IP doesn't change. It's set as a static.07:00
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:does feedindicator auto show?07:00
ActionParsnipg00053: not by default, but it can. /var holds a lot of temp stuff like logs and debs, you don't need those cluttering your SSD and using write cycles07:00
rinzlernowayride: (also, I tend to miss things if i07:00
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: it polls periodically07:00
rinzlernowayride: (also, I tend to miss things if i'm not mentioned)07:00
=== nocoast is now known as nocoast|PARTY
adknight87I'm back07:01
inner_peacehello , is any one deal with zimbra mail server07:01
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:cool! lemme check that1 out, what other indicator packages u got ( i installed old style gnome monitor indicator yesterday)07:01
nowayriderinzler: I realized I missed it when I was sending it :( so your server doesn't change but you reset your home router? This isn't all locally right?07:01
ActionParsnipg00053: also, move your web cache to ramdisk to make it fast as well as not use your HDD at all :)07:01
g00053okay fair enough would you recommend Raid 0 at all ?07:01
rinzlernowayride: what do you mean by locally?07:02
g00053i can see that chrome keeps a large cache but i'm unsure what ram disk is07:02
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: I use unity-mail for email checking, indicator envelope changes when I get an email and notify-osd lets me know. When I click a mail my browser opens gmail page07:02
ActionParsnipg00053: its a disk space...in ram07:02
nowayriderinzler: The server you are SSHing into is not behind the same router you reset?07:02
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:does that work for hotmail aswell?07:03
rinzlernowayride: it is.07:03
* g00053 is googling :)07:03
nowayriderinzler: Basically IP you SSH from hasn't changed, IP you SSH to hasn't changed, they are both static.. if so I wouldn't think the RSA key would change07:04
rinzlernowayride: my thoughts exactly. I DO, however have the server set up to use passwordless entry... (can't remember the name of it...07:04
nowayriderinzler: Public Key?07:06
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: not sure, maybe07:06
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: you know correct packagename for feedindicator, cant find it, mine is indicator-multiload07:06
rinzlernowayride: that would be it07:06
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: its on google code site07:07
adknight87anyone know a good marquee for iss07:07
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: http://code.google.com/p/feedindicator/07:07
lotuspsychjelets see07:07
era878My ubuntu server keeps getting ddosed what should I do?07:08
lotuspsychje!iptables | era87807:09
ubottuera878: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.07:09
DrManhattanis there still firestarter for ubuntu07:10
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: fyi. just to close the loop. found that gvfs has been moved to /run/user/<you>/gvfs/<complicated name>07:10
DrManhattanI used to use that back when I used centos07:10
lotuspsychje!info firestarter | DrManhattan07:10
DrManhattanbefore I cared about security :))07:10
ubottuDrManhattan: firestarter (source: firestarter): GTK program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-11 (quantal), package size 395 kB, installed size 1814 kB (Only available for linux-any)07:10
DrManhattanNice thanks07:10
adknight87lotusphsycheje: http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/121960/49/07:10
nowayriderinzler: So nothing changed at all? No software upgrades or anything?07:11
nowayriderinzler: And keys were not regenerated/removed on either machine?07:11
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: are you missing gvfs dir from your home folder?07:11
rinzlernowayride: none of the above07:11
nowayriderinzler: And you verified it's the server that's changing?07:12
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:omg what a nice app mate, tnx alot!! been looking for that long time07:12
rinzlernowayride: pretty durn07:13
nowayriderinzler: Because if your client's key file changed or you authenticate to a "new" host, it will ask you. If you authenticate to the same host and the key is different, I'm pretty sure it blocks you from connecting07:13
rinzlernowayride: yep.07:14
rinzlernowayride: that's my problem07:14
nowayrideWhich one, client preventing logon?07:15
rinzlernowayride: I can fix it, but I don't understand what the problem is to begin with07:15
rinzlernowayride: server changing keys07:15
nowayriderinzler: right, you can always grab the new key but it defeats the purpose of them.07:15
rinzlernowayride: yep. I don't know why the server changes keys07:16
nowayriderinzler: honestly nothing should be willingly changing authentication server side because that's a huge security risk, any custom scripts or cron jobs possibly?07:16
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: yeah its not bad at all :)07:16
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: add your local news too (bbc has nice rss feeds)07:16
nowayriderinzler: Or is there anything that triggers it? Is it always when you bounce your router?07:16
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:yeah i got tons of feeds, always used google reader, but those days are over now :p07:17
rinzlernowayride: I've got an rsync cron job on the client for backup, but nothing on the server. It usually triggers on a reboot, but it just triggered on a router reset07:17
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: http://imagebin.org/23679307:20
adknight87Anyone know how to monitor active data transfer on open connections?07:21
rinzleradknight87: a packet sniffer, perhaps?07:21
adknight87rinzler: I was just wanting the active connections and the data rates07:22
nowayrideadknight87: netstat?07:22
lotuspsychjeadknight87:like a upload/download bandwith monitor?07:22
Gnomexhi guys..07:22
Gnomexcan i ask Something..07:23
adknight87More so ip address download/up rate07:23
Gnomexyes Lotus..07:23
lotuspsychje!info etherape | adknight8707:23
ubottuadknight87: etherape (source: etherape): graphical network monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12-1 (quantal), package size 828 kB, installed size 3124 kB07:23
Gnomexi'm On with Ubuntu 12.04 lts..07:24
ed_moneyhow can i determine if my wireless chipset supoorts monitor mode (RFMON) ?07:24
Gnomexwant ask something..07:24
lotuspsychje!ask | Gnomex07:24
ubottuGnomex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:24
adknight87!spam | lotuspsychje07:25
adknight87!ask | lotuspsychje07:25
ubottulotuspsychje: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:25
lotuspsychjeadknight87:dont abuse the bot for no reason07:26
adknight87Don't get your panties in a not07:26
nowayriderinzler: All I could really find is http://www.turnkeylinux.org/forum/support/20120308/upgrade-rsa-key-changed-and-ssh-issue07:26
adknight87I'm friendly and here to help07:26
lotuspsychjeadknight87:i didnt ask or spammed...07:26
almoxarifeadknight87: you want wireshark to monitor a data line(yours of course)07:27
adknight87almoxaife: Already have it I just want the most data used to connect ip address was wondering if there was a no brainer command for terminal07:28
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adknight87etherape is pretty07:29
lotuspsychjeadknight87:your welcome :p07:29
Gnomexi got Problem to Run some file in terminal permision denied..~!! why..??07:29
lotuspsychje!details | Gnomex07:29
ubottuGnomex: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:29
nowayrideGnomex: what user are you running it from (and are you using sudo)07:30
adknight87Holy crap I have like a zillion ip's07:30
GnomexI'm On Ubuntu 12.04lts i want run example.. gnome.pl07:30
somsipGnomex: chmod +x perhaps?07:30
adknight87I take that back it's a massive blob07:31
almoxarifeGnomex: why do you want to run 'gnome.pl'07:31
Heather_how can I create raid in 12.10? Been searching on google without any success07:31
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lotuspsychje!raid | Heather_07:31
ubottuHeather_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:31
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity07:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:33
GnomexOkey i told yaa.. just wanna try Slowloris.pl  nuthing much.. LOL~!!07:33
lotuspsychjeadknight87: use !trigger > yournick, dont spam the channel07:33
somsipGnomex: try 'python Slowloris.pl'07:34
nowayrideLols slowloris07:34
Gnomexbash: ./slowloris.pl: Permission denied <<-- looking like this07:36
nowayrideGnomex not gonna have an ISP soon :)07:36
Gnomexmeans what..??07:36
nowayrideEr, I'd have to assume you know what slowloris.pl does...07:37
Gnomexyeah i know.. flooding server right..07:38
Heather_lotuspsychje what is the ubuntu alternate install disk?07:38
iamzimGnomex: do you trust the source of the file?07:38
nowayrideGnomex: You'll get reported quick.. just sayin07:38
nowayrideINC Guard lul07:39
lotuspsychjeHeather_:you can download it from ubuntu website, for alternative options in ubuntu install07:39
somsipHeather_: it's been discontinued. The minimal install is the other one, IIRC07:39
Gnomexnowayride What ur mean..?07:39
nowayrideGnomex: any half decent hosing company would put DoS protection up quick, that script's been out a while07:40
GnomexOwwh.. that means that script out of date for a now.?? Hmmm..07:41
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nowayrideGnomex: not that it's out of date, but that technique has been out for a few years and most DDoS mitigation tools have had time to update it. Think of it like trying to use an old trojan on a computer with an updated antivirus07:41
* iamzim -_-"07:41
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GnomexHmm.. Oowwh.. i see tat.. Thanks for tat info Nowayride..07:42
Heather_somsip where can i find the minimal install?07:42
Gnomex:D i'm Noob in this DdOs program07:42
Heather_nvm found it07:42
somsipHeather_: k07:43
nowayrideGnomex: Likely you'll shut down the server until either the admin catches on or if they have HTTP monitoring when it pops up, then they put something like Guard in place and you might get some legitimate traffic blocked07:43
Heather_Ubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" Minimal CD for raid install right?07:43
somsipHeather_: can't help you on the raid bit, but the rest looks ok07:43
nowayrideIt could work but it's not worth risking your internet service (or freedoms depending on country) just to annoy a sysadmin07:43
somsip!illegal | nowayride07:43
ubottunowayride: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:43
moose-machinehi. my laptop is connected to my TV via HDMI. I have noticed that some applications, send a crackling noise via the HDMI output (they sound ok on the PC's speakers. any idea what could the problem be?07:44
Gnomexi got it Nowayride.. :D thanks of Lot.. :D07:44
nowayrideUm, somsip you should link that to Gnomex, he's the one trying to hack someone. I'm telling him why it won't work and why it's a bad idea. Thanks though07:44
somsipnowayride: I understand. The factoid was more direct than it needed to be. thanks for being reasonable07:44
GnomexHmm.. somsip can u give me tat link..??07:45
almoxarifeGnomex: you are done, no more discussion about your lame ddos script07:45
nowayridesomsip: No worries, I work in the receiving end of these topics and get to deal with the hosts down :)07:45
somsipGnomex: no - I'm not helping you with this now I know what the script does07:45
somsipnowayride: ditto. Fail2ban here...07:46
nowayridesomsip: I'm the guy rebooting celerons that get DoSd07:46
nowayrideBut yeah, Fail2ban is really nice07:46
Gnomexok.. Thanks VeryMuch.. :D nice Channel..07:46
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f00dMonsta_hi, I'm running a VPS with Ubuntu server 64bit. I install MySQL and with the default settings it's using up 500M of ram... something I'm doing wrong?07:52
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lotuspsychje:j #mysql07:57
lotuspsychjef00dMonsta_:you could try #mysql07:57
f00dMonsta_ok thx07:58
somsipf00dMonsta_: check the some of the obvious settings in /etc/mysql/my.cnf07:58
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marandihi guys , i want to a command ( related to postgres ) work in background so i close ssh connection in ubuntu , how can i do that ?08:02
somsipmarandi: run it in screen on the remote server?08:02
llutz_marandi: use nohup08:02
llutz_marandi: use nohup / disown08:03
marandillutz_: i used disown , i mean i run my command ( like find / ) and then i press CTRL+Z , the disown -h and exit ( that what my friend told me ) but how can i check if the command still ran or when its gonna finished ?08:05
adknight87Jump in the line08:05
hkBstI removed libunity-webapps and deps which included unity-desktop. How do I get them back?08:05
adknight87apt-get install unity08:06
hkBstadknight87: seems plausible, thanks08:07
llutz_marandi: check processlist08:09
MrSolitaryReaperHi all08:12
phakoppa question: I've dput a few packages, then realized that I didn't update launchpad with my new GPG key. Did that now. dput refuses to re-upload the packages, will the ppa accept the package automatically or do I have to upload a new version?08:13
MrSolitaryReaperI have got some serious problem with my nvidia onboard graphics08:14
MrSolitaryReaperanyone there?08:14
dysun_hi all08:15
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Valtamis it safe to delete all the contents of the folder .rpmdb in ~/ ?08:18
somsip!test | sispro08:19
ubottusispro: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:19
phakoah. need to re-upload.08:21
phakocan I specify another ppa as a build-time dependency only?08:21
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greencatnoone here08:24
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ubottubanned: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:25
greencati am looking for a channel to chatter08:26
llutz_!ot | greencat08:26
ubottugreencat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:26
yuvraj23Anyone there?08:34
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biopytehi, sometimes i  notice strong but unexpected harddrive activity. is there a tool to monitor what process is reading/writing the drive?08:42
llutz_!info iotop | biopyte:08:42
ubottubiopyte:: iotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-4 (quantal), package size 21 kB, installed size 120 kB (Only available for linux-any)08:42
biopyteok, thank you08:43
ms_almoxarife, are you still there?? thank you that my shut down button is now working, :) but I can't change my background yet.08:44
rschu68_ /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS08:44
rschu68_ /ignore -channels * * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS08:45
rschu68_ /ignore * * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS08:45
almoxarifems_: not sure how that is done on your wm08:46
llutz_rschu68_: no leading space in front of the slash /08:46
ms_almoxarife, what is wm?08:46
Kartagiscough coughwindow managercough cough08:47
ms_Kartagis, ahahahahaha. ok :)08:48
almoxarifems_: your windows manager, xfce?08:48
Kartagiswhat? I was just coughing08:48
llutz_window manager, no "s" </nitpick>08:49
ms_almoxarife, aghhh, wm and wm tweaks are not activated.08:49
almoxarife mayonaise, spell check please08:51
ms_almoxarife, window manager and window manager tweaks are not activated!!!08:52
almoxarifems_: sounds complicated, i would get an easier WM, like KDE08:54
alumno_ola carra pedo08:56
ms_almoxarife, ok, doesn't matter I'll do my own research, but....08:56
Ray2I am booted to Ubuntu-10.04...Iwant to08:56
Kartagisheh. I edited /etc/sudoers and it seems I made a typo there, now I can't sudo. what to do?08:57
ms_almoxarife, how to run a command when I open my desktop???08:57
FlannelKartagis: You'll need to reboot into the recovery console and fix it.  In the future, use visudo to edit sudoers, because it's designed for his (it does syntax checking prior to saving, so this doesn't happen)08:57
llutz_Kartagis: you can't use sudo now? use recovery-mode/a live-cd and fix08:58
almoxarifems_: tried alt-f2?08:58
ms_for example, how to run "metacity" when I just open my desktop?08:58
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ms_almoxarife, I'm on xubuntu, and alt-f2 do nothing! :(08:58
almoxarifems_: open a terminal, use terminal?08:59
alumno_im the best omn the earl08:59
ms_almoxarife, and?08:59
llutz_alumno_:  Do you have any ubuntu support related question?08:59
almoxarifems_: and what?08:59
Kartagisbrb then, thanks Flannel and llutz_08:59
alumno_tu putiing mum,09:00
ms_almoxarife, how to run "metacity" as default when I just open my desktop??09:00
almoxarifellutz_: he is using profanity in portuguese slang09:01
almoxarifellutz_: he is using profanity in portuguese slang, alumno_09:01
llutz_almoxarife: i thought so09:01
llutz_!ops | alumno_09:01
ubottualumno_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!09:01
alumno_me nu6jmnujn76yhnrtggvcr4l,09:01
=== whitman_ is now known as whitman
almoxarifems_: you need to ask questions without my nick, thnks09:02
Abhijithello. which one should I get for software and android development point of view? 12.10 or 12.0409:02
ms_almoxarife, ok. ok.09:03
alumno_me hablais en español09:03
ms_help, help.   how to run "metacity" by default when I just open my desktop??09:03
Ray2I am booted to Ubuntu-10.04...I want to edit a file in Mageia2..I open menu>places>home folder>Mageia2 (mounts) I get a window with the header Mageia file browser the file is in /opt/Moneydance/Moneydance...but it open the file that is in Ubuntu instead of Mageia09:04
alvesjnrhi all. I'm using ubuntu 12.04 and I'm trying to upgrade it to 12.10, following this guide: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade09:05
erkonman do not 12.04 is LTS it is better I think09:06
msxalvesjnr: forget any stupid guide09:06
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alvesjnrbut on step 2 that box ""new ubuntu release" doesn't appears in my computer09:06
Abhijitalvesjnr, change the setting in update to show all next release instead of only next lts release09:06
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dchernivalvesjnr, LTS releases do not upgrade to the next release09:07
msxalvesjnr: just open a terminal and issue: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apg-get dist-upgrade09:07
Abhijitdcherniv, they can09:07
llutz_msx: which won't do a version-upgrade, fail09:07
erkonCould anyone help me to find out why I can not install any old ubuntu releases with netinstall?09:07
dchernivalvesjnr, not by default, alvesjnr see above what Abhijit said09:07
msxdcherniv: you can force to upgrade any lts to the next release available if you want, i already did that with my 12.04 server to the .1009:07
MonkeyDusterkon  because they are eol, could be one reason09:07
erkonI see that old mini CD are available to download, but when I try to them I do not get installer09:08
alvesjnrthanks all09:08
erkonwhat is eol?09:08
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dcherniverkon, servers are probably offline.09:08
dcherniverkon, end of life09:08
Abhijithello. which one should I get for software and android development point of view? 12.10 or 12.0409:08
msxllutz_: suck me, i didn't complete my explanation09:08
MonkeyDusterkon  end of life, dead, no longer available09:08
msxllutz_: fail on you :D09:08
Abhijit!eol | erkon09:08
ubottuerkon: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:08
erkonare you sure that it not possible to install old releases with netinstall09:08
Abhijitwhich one is better guys? 12.10 or 12.04?09:09
MonkeyDusterkon  now you know why09:09
erkonI check the archives there are directories on them  with the old ubuntus09:09
icerootAbhijit: both a fine09:09
vltHello. I’m using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Often when I open an e-mail in my mail client Thunderbird 16.0.2 that it fetched from my IMAP account the attachments (like JPEG files) are only shown partially. How can I prevent this?09:09
dchernivAbhijit, if you're want to do active development i wouldnt go with ubuntu in the first place09:09
icerootdcherniv: why?09:09
Abhijiticeroot, ok i want to use it for heavy development09:10
msxalvesjnr: nevermind, then issue 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d'09:10
Abhijitdcherniv, 12.10 and 12.04 are ubuntus only09:10
almoxarifeerkon: if you really want to you should be able to install what ever release, as long as the archive is still alive09:10
icerootAbhijit: and what is "heavy development"?09:10
alumnojq pasa chatiras y chatiros09:10
Abhijitdcherniv, sorry did not read the not. then what should i use?09:10
Abhijiticeroot, web, software and andorid09:10
dcherniviceroot, i just prefer a source-based distro for development09:10
msxalumno: haha, puto troll!09:10
alumno  ihbhplñohujootyolk frdsreffdr09:10
alumnoq dices09:11
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icerootAbhijit: every linux distribution can do that09:11
alumnoq se donde vivesssss09:11
alumno troll tu09:11
msxalumno: hahahah09:11
icerootdcherniv: and we prefer a not rolling release which is stable09:11
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alumnopos te reviento09:11
Abhijiticeroot, not every. the oscommerce is not working on opensuse. it works on ubuntu though09:11
dchernivAbhijit, ubuntu is fine, 12.10 is probably better since its got more recent packages09:11
msxalumno: you should talk english here bro,09:11
alumnoq vdicessss09:11
Abhijitdcherniv, ok09:11
alumnodo you like pistolitas09:12
dcherniviceroot, good choice too09:12
erkonalmoxarife: well it looks like 10.04 is not dead, but netinstaller does not download any installer components09:12
msxalumno:    alumno | q se donde vivesssss xD jaja que risa09:12
erkonI tried with 8.04, same thing09:12
erkonI tried with 12.04 and it works09:12
icerootAbhijit: for a stable system with a long term support i would suggest to use 12.0409:12
icerootAbhijit: but 12.10 is fine too, so its your choice09:12
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Abhijiticeroot, ok09:13
alumnook me da09:13
Abhijiticeroot, the lts dont get latest packes over time i noticed.09:13
icerootAbhijit: i am fine with my 12.04 here asa production system09:13
alumnome da igualllll09:13
icerootAbhijit: the same for 12.1009:13
alumno_como te llamas ?09:13
MonkeyDusterkon  we explained why taht is, 8.04 is no longer supported, use something more recent09:13
FloodBot1alumno: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
rschu68_ /ignore *  JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS09:13
Abhijiticeroot, ok09:13
cabraqe dices puton09:13
icerootAbhijit: a released ubuntu version will NEVER get newer software (some exceptions like firefox, thunderbird, libreoffice)09:13
alumno_Q es esto?09:13
icerootAbhijit: only security and bug fixes09:13
alumno_no se entiende nada09:14
alumno_nused fiksjf09:14
llutz_!ops | alumno_ troll, spam, bad language,09:14
icerootAbhijit: stop it please, we told you to speak english09:14
cabrajoni la gente esta mui loca tio09:14
ubottualumno_ troll, spam, bad language,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!09:14
MonkeyDustthe channel is under attack09:14
erkonMonkeyDust: 10.04 does not download too09:14
Abhijiticeroot, ok but latest ppa are also available to newer versions and not to lts i think. so i decided to get 12.1009:14
erkonMonkeyDust: 10.04 does not download either09:14
icerootAbhijit: ppas are also available for the lts versions, there is no difference09:14
erkon10.04 I think is not dead09:14
icerootAbhijit: but 12.10 is fine09:15
MonkeyDusterkon  yeah, try something more recent, now stop about it, please09:15
icerooterkon: its not dead, its still supported09:15
msxllutz_: aww come on, don't be sheriff, alumno_ is just a lovely troll :(09:15
nowayride10.04 server is supported for a few more years, but isn't desktop EOL soon?09:15
icerootnowayride: desktop is eol with 13.04 release09:16
llutz_msx: trolls are never "lovely"09:16
icerootnowayride: server with 15.04 release09:16
praveenmarkanduafter stepping away from my computer09:16
praveenmarkandumy wireless diesconnects sayinng authetication required09:16
nowayrideiceroot: yeah.. that was it09:16
praveenmarkanduis some sort of aggressive power management happening09:16
praveenmarkanduhow do i stop it09:16
praveenmarkanduusing a bcm 431209:16
praveenmarkandui use bw43 and it seems to work fine, when im at the computer09:16
msxllutz_: wrong, they are allways lovely, specially because they make nervous the so called lawful correct people >:D09:16
erkonIt does not make any sense to keep old mini CD on the minimal install web site  if only the newest one works.This is ridiculous. Ubuntu should write this on it web site09:17
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: you mean it happens when idle?09:17
icerooterkon: the netinstall is of course still working for all older releases which are still supported09:17
bamboosany experiance with eGalax drivers?09:17
llutz_msx: drop it, i'm too old to waste my time/bandwidth with those infantile idi.ts09:17
icerooterkon: netinstall is not only for the latest release09:17
erkoniceroot: well I tried all of them at least 3 and then DO NOT WORK09:18
erkononly 12.0409:18
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: yeah09:18
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: seems like it. weird09:18
msxllutz_: you're too old to have a good laugh too, i'm trolling you dude ;)09:18
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: your work-station disconnects or the provider?09:18
icerooterkon: and 12.04 is not the latest release09:18
erkonlatest LTS09:18
icerooterkon: so its incorrect to say only the latest release is working09:19
erkonlatest type of release09:19
icerooterkon: then there is another problem09:19
icerooterkon: e.g. the netinstaller for 10.04 is connecting to the 10.04 repos09:19
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: workstation. other laptops around the office have wifi functioning. so its not the AP09:19
icerooterkon: and they are still up09:19
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: you have some sort of power-savings set?09:20
msxpraveenmarkandu: don't you mis-set the wifi using powertop, don't you?09:21
erkoniceroot: is there a way to fix it09:21
erkonI'm sure that if you try with virtual machine you will see that it does not work with 10.04 LTS for example09:21
icerooterkon: let me check09:21
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:22
icerooterkon: i will use this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso09:22
erkonyes I tried with that one09:23
praveenmarkandualmoxarife: not really.09:24
praveenmarkandumsx: huh?09:24
praveenmarkandumy power settings are fairlyy standard. in fact when my laptop is plugged into power (which it is now) it doesnt suspend or anything09:24
erkoniceroot: go with command line expert install,09:25
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: look at /var/log/syslog09:25
almoxarifepraveenmarkandu: see if anything is obvious09:25
erkonand check if installer can download its components. This is where I fail.09:25
rschu68_ /ignore *  JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS09:25
rschu68_ /ignore *  JOINS PARTS QUIT NICKS09:26
rschu68_ /ignore *  JOIN PARTS QUIT NICKS09:26
icerooterkon: hm, at the moment the installer is doing nothing after selecting the mirror09:26
erkonI told you09:26
erkonit is the same with me09:26
erkoncheck with 12.04 and it will work09:26
blackshirthello, can i ask about lxc here ?09:26
erkonI do nto know why is that09:26
icerooterkon: the repo is still up http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/09:27
erkonin debug logs I see that two packages are missing09:27
icerooterkon: could you send me that log?09:27
iceroot!paste | erkon09:27
ubottuerkon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:27
erkonlibc6-udeb and libnewt0.5209:28
icerooterkon: i will create a bug on launchpad09:28
erkonyou can get it in the installer09:28
erkongo to save debug logs09:28
icerooterkon: i started the normal installer09:28
icerooterkon: but ok i will do later today09:28
erkonor open them in /var/log09:28
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icerooterkon: but as i said, its a bug and not "only the last lts is designed to work with netinstall"09:29
erkonin the virtual machine with command line network installer you could execute a shell or make a web server to check the logs in save logs option on the menu09:29
icerooterkon: i know how to do it, thx09:30
erkonok thank you iceroot09:30
icerooterkon: i am just busy at the moment to restart the installation09:30
kazagistarhow do I get the unix sort command to sort by ascii or unicode order, and not just ignore glyphs?09:30
erkonI hope they will fix the bug09:30
vltHello. I’m using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Often when I open an e-mail fetched from my IMAP account in my mail client Thunderbird 16.0.2 the attachments (like JPEG files) are only shown partially. How can I prevent this?09:31
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CoJaBohas anyone noticed this yet?09:35
blackshirthello, can i ask about lxc here ?09:35
wormoh, that is a link.09:35
wormCoJaBo: ubuntu is a link to the folder itself.09:35
CoJaBoI found it on thedailywtf lol09:36
CoJaBosum1 dun goofed xD09:37
CoJaBo(apperently, its replicated to every mirror like that)09:38
Guest50425what is it?09:38
almoxarifehttp://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/ <-- finally gets to the distros09:38
almoxarifeif there is a logical reason for that i dont see it09:39
CoJaBoalmoxarife: Someone symlinked the directory to itself; I actually did something vaguely similar just this week >_>09:40
CoJaBoNever, ever do: grep -r 'something' /somedir > /somedir/somefile09:40
CoJaBoThe resulting 1.6TB file took a nearly an hour to delete09:41
CoJaBo"OMFG how is this disk full already!?"09:41
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dchernivCoJaBo, haha09:43
almoxarifebtw, its not just the NL mirror that will do that, i bet they all do09:44
CoJaBoYeh, it was done on the master09:44
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest35265
Guest35265just installed ubuntu, it was fine at first, but when i updated the software, it developed some weird video display problem, with lines across the screen. lspci says my hardware is: [AMD] nee ATI BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6530D]09:47
Guest35265can anyone advise me how to undo or fix it?09:47
fagelI've installed gnome-shell pacakge. Trying to boot it I get no top menu or anything. However launching a terminal and typing "gnome-shell replace" gets me the menu's. Any ideas how to fix this?09:51
Ray2Ubuntu-10.04..on sda1...I have a file that is on sda1 and also on sdb5...when I mount sdb5 and try to open file from /opt/filename it open file from sda109:53
ptihiyHi! I configured VPS on Ubuntu for Drupal... Only one question remained... I need FTP. What do you recommend?09:54
kerozeneI recommend avoid FTP09:56
kerozeneand use sftp instead09:57
Kartagiskerozene: I'd be interested to know why09:57
ptihiybut it can load modules with ftp and also I want to load pictures and so on09:57
kerozeneKartagis: because only 3 things are certain in life: death, taxes and ftpd exploits09:58
dchernivptihiy, drupal supports webdav09:58
ptihiyI am trying to install proftpd, but every time I install in hangs dpkg09:58
dchernivptihiy, ftp should be last resort to use with web apps09:58
dchernivptihiy, if you just need to upload/manage files to your server use sftp like kerozene said09:59
=== Xard_ is now known as Xard
ptihiydcherniv: dcherniv: thanks. what package I should use?10:01
rschu68_IGNORE -l10:01
dchernivptihiy, for sftp openssh-server10:01
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ptihiydcherniv: thanks!!10:02
tziOmWhat is the correct location for proc mount options in ubuntu? seems fstab is not read at system boot,  only on a remount for example.10:04
Ray2Ubuntu-10.04..on sda1...I have a file that is on sda1 and also on sdb5...when I mount sdb5 and try to open file from /opt/filename it open file from sda110:06
dchernivRay2, is the file on sdb5 a symlink?10:07
dchernivRay2, ls -l filename10:07
blackshirt, i have a problem, when i start linux container, this my output, http://paste.debian.net/211466/  ...... but not bring me get a console login, is this normal ??/ but i can connect throught lxc-console, this my output when connect http://paste.debian.net/211469/ .....10:08
Ray2dcherniv, no both files are seperate but also both under /opt...The file name is Moneydance one is a .deb the other is a rpm10:09
ptihiyplease, help with one more question. proftpd always locks package manager when I try to install it. this time it did it also. when I am trying dpkg --configure -a, it tries to finish proftpd install and hangs again. what should I print so it didn't try to finish install and just remove it?10:10
XRS1how do i grant root privilege to user for SSH?10:13
kerozeneXRS1: check out visudo10:15
XRS1aww i gotta vi stuff?10:15
XRS1using openssh10:15
kerozenedoesn't really involve openssh10:16
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kerozeneXRS1: google 'export editor' if you don't like vi10:18
nwillemsHi there. I'm trying to secure a ubuntu server, and I'm wondering, with regards to security is it better to run SSH through xinetd or just standalone10:19
ZumochiGood day, I am unable to boot into a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10, all I get is a blinking cursor. I don't even see GRUB nor can I force into it holding SHIFT10:19
MonkeyDustXRS1  sudo -e [file] opens it with nano10:19
dchernivnwillems, xinetd is pretty much all but deprecated10:19
dchernivnwillems, so stand-alone10:19
MonkeyDust!nomodeset > Zumochi try this10:19
ubottuZumochi, please see my private message10:19
XRS1Zumochi,  download a new iso and make it again10:20
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nwillemsdcherniv: Oh, maybe the wiki should be updated then.10:20
nwillemsdcherniv: But thanks.10:20
XRS1i find linux live USB creator to work a little better than universal USB installer or unetbootin10:20
ZumochiOkay, I'll try that.10:21
XRS1its a win app10:21
ZumochiDo I have to reinstall again, though?10:21
XRS1oh no10:21
MonkeyDustZumochi  did you read what ubottu says?10:21
ZumochiI did10:21
XRS1i thought it wasnt booting the pendrive.  try booting the pendrive again and re-install grub10:22
buddyhey yall10:24
ptihiyPlease help with dpkg) If dpkg crashed while installing package and after I reboot and wrote dpkg --configure -a it tries to install it again. how can I cancel it?10:25
wica_Hi, I wanne build qemu 1.3 from source. But how do I find out the build specs and option from the 1.2 packages?10:26
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blackshirtptihiy: wait for end10:27
buddyCan anyonehelp me out with getting my intel graphics card runing?10:27
Guest30432How to add format option by defaylt in ubuntu when i insert a pendrive10:27
ptihiyblackshirt: it doesnt end. proftpd just locks install process... I even waited three hours... nothing happened10:29
ptihiy*i'm trying to install proftpd so to say10:29
blackshirtptihiy: can you paste full your output ?10:30
wicanevermind, I have found it10:31
buddydoes someone know why the command "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:glasen/intel-driver" won't work?10:34
Guest30432Hello Buddy Please give the Error !10:35
MonkeyDustbuddy  maybe the ppa no longer exists10:35
buddyit says command not found10:35
buddyi got ubuntu 8.0410:35
Guest30432buddy:  Why 8.04?10:36
MonkeyDustbuddy  see, 8.04 is no longer maintained, it's called !eol10:36
juniourbuddy upgrade 8.04 EOF10:36
buddylaptop ain't fast enough for a higher version i suppose, but it's the LTS version10:37
Guest30432buddy:  What About your Ram Processor?10:37
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buddyram is 512MB and processor is a intel celeron 1,5GHz10:38
DJonesbuddy: According to the package info, the ppa is only for 10.04 onwards10:38
Guest30432buddy:  I am not confirm but you can use ubuntu 10.1010:38
Guest30432buddy:  I am not confirm but you can use ubuntu 10.410:38
buddybut why does it tell me the command doesn't even work?10:39
MonkeyDustbuddy  in short: what you are using is too old10:39
buddylol monkey10:39
Guest30432Monkey :P10:39
juniourbuddy upgrade little10:40
Guest30432Juniour :P10:40
DJonesbuddy: Have you tried a different desktop? I've got a machine with xfce which only has 512mb ram and that seems to run ok (I only use it occasionaly though)10:40
DJones!xfce | buddy10:41
ubottubuddy: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:41
ewookbuddy: you are good for the maintained LTS'es with 512mb ram and 1,5Ghz celeron.10:41
ewookbuddy: and yes - xfce is the thing you wanna look at ;).10:41
ewookDJones: nice timing ;)10:41
root_____hai, whats the newest kernel available ? 3.6 ?10:41
buddydamn guys, thank you so much10:42
Guest30432root_____: Check on Kernel Web10:42
wormroot_____: How about have a look at http://www.kernel.org10:42
buddyi'm gonna upgrade to 10.10 and then get the Xfce desktop10:42
buddylet's see how it works ^10:42
ewookbuddy: I'd say 10.04, or 12.04.10:42
root_____i mean, on ubuntu, i wanna try ubuntu ( /me's coming from debian)10:42
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.10:43
MonkeyDustbuddy  not 10.10, it's too old, too10:43
ewookbuddy: 10.10 is EOL'ed as well.10:43
ewook!10.04 | Buddy10:43
ubottuBuddy: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)10:43
ewookroot_____: in repo or generic?10:44
buddyi see, ust checked, it says version 10.04.3 is available to upgrade10:45
nwillemsI've been poking around for security tips for a while. And I remeber hitting a page describing several tuning parameters for networking, can anyone point me to a page like the one? Or maybe just a good starting point for security hardening?10:45
buddywhich is also a LTS version10:45
ewookbuddy: correct.10:46
buddywell then, thank ya guys :)10:46
MonkeyDustbuddy  yes, until april, that's 5 months from now, after that you'll have to upgrade again10:46
ewooknwillems: generic, or for a specific release?10:47
=== root_____ is now known as {xmb}
{xmb}is there a lightier download than +700mb cds ?10:47
MonkeyDust{xmb}  there's !mini10:47
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:48
{xmb}merci =)10:48
arnsaHello, today I tried to start my ubuntu, but it wouldn't start. After selecting Ubuntu in GRUB it boots and then I can only see black screen with a mouse cursor which I can't move. Any ideas how to fix it?10:48
MonkeyDust!nomodeset > arnsa try this10:49
ubottuarnsa, please see my private message10:49
Guest30432arnsa: I think you have not enough space left in / . Just check it10:49
juniourharnsa may be due to additional drivers10:49
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arnsaGuest30432 yes I do..10:49
Guest30432arnsa: Have space ?10:50
arnsaMonkeyDust I didn't really understand what you want to say10:50
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | arnsa try these instructions10:51
ubottuarnsa try these instructions: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:51
juniourarnsa i told you i thin k its due to additional drivers ie graphic10:52
MonkeyDustarnsa  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 <-- open this link10:52
arnsaMonkeyDust dude stop spamming me the same message10:52
arnsajuniour but you didn't say how to fix it10:52
minasMy CPU seems to be running at 100%. When I run the top command, there's a process named "evolution-calen" that's at 100%. I have no open program like that. What is that process?10:52
Guest30432minas: Duid you checked ppid?10:52
MonkeyDustarnsa  you asked me to repeat, so i did, ubottu explains how to solve the black screen issue10:53
minasGUest30432: It's 2121. And the "user" is lightdm10:53
OerHeksarnsa, monkeydust is right, try the nomodeset option as described in that link10:53
juniourarsna boot i safe mode10:53
Guest30432minas: tried killing process?10:54
arnsaOerHeks but why it stoped working exactly today? Why everything was fine the days before?10:54
juniourarsna any trt the instruction given by monkeydust10:54
=== Galvao is now known as Galvao_
minasGuest30432: i just did. It's better now. By the way the path of it was "/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory"10:55
arnsaI don't even know where can I set that acpi_osi=...10:55
minasany idea what that is?10:55
arnsaOerHeks but why it stoped working exactly today? Why everything was fine the days before?10:57
nwillemsewook: I'm thinking something generic would go into more detail, but I'm running 12.10 and could use a specific guide and then expand on that.10:58
OerHeksarnsa, what did you do before this occured? did you update? or did you install additinal drivers?10:58
Heather_could somebody explain the difference between parity and mirroring drives when creating raid?10:59
shantorni have xubuntu 12.10 installed but the monitor isnt identified correctly and i need to manualy put its specs in, in previous versions i had to edit the xorg.conf file but can not find it in 12.10, could someone point me in hte right direction please?11:00
inner_peacehello is there is some one deal with Zimbra mail server ??11:00
OerHeksHeather_, mirror is just a exact copy on a 2nd drive, parity is an index where parts of the blocks of data are stored on 3 drives ore more11:01
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epic_yes inner-peace11:03
shantornxorg manual monitor specs11:04
=== Youri is now known as YBook
Heather_OerHeks so parity is good for increasing perfomance? since three or more discs work to store the information one disc would otherwise do itself?11:07
OerHeksHeather, parity is an index,  if one drive fails, parity can recreate the drive11:08
Heather_oh okay11:08
OerHeksso that would be raid 5, if i recall correct.11:08
Heather_yes but raid10 is also nice since it uses mirroring and striping. Discs dont cost that much nowdays11:09
phasmagreetings, all. I come here hoping that somebody has experience getting the sis671/771 working properly11:15
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
ZumochiHello again, I tried to re-install Ubuntu 11.10 with the "nomodeset" parameter, however I am still having the same problem.11:17
inner_peaceepic , do you setup  and installation it11:18
Abhijitis there any gui way to setup lvm in ubuntu installation disk?11:20
ikoniaAbhijit: don't know about the current 12.04/12.10 distro, but the alternative CD on the older distros used to support it fine11:21
Abhijitikonia, ok11:21
inner_peaceepic , do you there ??11:21
Abhijitare you*11:22
Abhijitikonia, i have existing encrypted lvm created by opensuse. can i just same to install ubuntu?11:23
ikoniaI believe so yes11:23
ikoniaI don't know if that is supported in the current desktop installer, I'd expect so now11:23
Abhijitwill try it11:24
icerootAbhijit: only the alternate which is using a ncurse based gui11:24
icerootimo still on 12.10 its only on the alternate11:24
Abhijiticeroot, whats the name of ncurse gui software?11:24
icerootAbhijit: its the normal debian installer which is based on ncurse11:25
iceroot!alternate | Abhijit11:25
ubottuAbhijit: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD11:25
ms_I just installed program "rar" and it seems that: "unrar x file.rar " isn't working. and shows:"/usr/local/bin/rar: 1: /usr/local/bin/rar: Syntax error: "&" unexpected"11:31
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webfoxHello folks!11:31
fattabiounihai guys11:32
webfoxHow do I change my keyboard config please?11:32
masouddwebfox: you mean Graphically or in console?11:33
webfoxmasoudd, console, for Server11:33
masouddwebfox: what distro is it? just curious11:34
webfoxmasoudd, it is a Ubuntu Precise Server11:34
=== cubix``863 is now known as cubix`
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:34
masouddwebfox: umm loadkeys?11:35
masouddsanav: oops, I thought I was in #linux11:35
sanavmasoudd: its ok11:35
webfoxmasoudd, how do I do it?11:36
masouddwebfox: like loadkeys uk11:36
BustacapWhat is a good hax0r channel?11:37
icerootBustacap: #school11:38
BustacapWhat is an RPC request o.O11:38
kamidiBustacap: Remote Procedure Call. Why?11:38
MonkeyDustwhat's hax0r?11:39
webfoxmasoudd, when I use loadkeys command it whites: unknow charset unicode - igoring charset request11:39
Bustacapkamidi: I did a nessus scan, and it came back with a lot of things saying that people can hax me with an RPC request :/11:39
masouddwebfox: what exactly do you want to do? what do you type that gives that error?11:40
milo64how can i get "suggested packages" of a package that i have already installed?11:40
icerootmilo64: sudo apt-get install --install-suggests packagename11:41
kamidiBustacap: I'm not expert, sorry :( I guess RPC can be used to hack your machine but it's not like open door or anything11:41
milo64iceroot: i mean, 'show'.11:41
Bustacapkamidi: I just don't know what rpc is or how to use it to hax me :/11:41
icerootmilo64: apt-cache show packagename11:41
icerootmilo64: and there "Suggests"11:42
icerootmilo64: like  Suggests: latex-xft-fonts, libthai0, firefox-gnome-support | firefox-kde-support11:42
masouddBustacap: read the wikipedia entry11:42
webfoxmasoudd, when I press certain keys the OS doesn' t recognize, and I would like to fix it. When I type loadkeys it shows that message and stops at next line.11:42
milo64okay iceroot, thax11:42
kamidiBustacap: Me neither, but I think it's basic component on Windows machines; maybe Linux too?11:43
vmg3webfox: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup11:43
Bustacapkamidi: idk? I just figured there's so many people on here so I'd ask here :P11:43
masouddwebfox: I think you have a non standard keyboard that sends codes beyond ASCII, maybe unicode? I'm not sure tough.11:43
webfoxWhat type of character set I should use on a Mac keyboard?11:45
Mechdavewebfox, what region are you in?11:46
webfoxAmerica, english11:46
Kartagisin a nautilus script, how do I copy the returned string to clipboard?11:46
Mechdavewebfox, have a look here --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard11:47
vltHello. I’m using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Often when I open an e-mail fetched from my IMAP account in my mail client Thunderbird 16.0.2 the attachments (like JPEG files) are only shown partially. How can I prevent this?11:51
kamidiBustacap: Maybe someone knows more about that than us ;-)11:53
icerootvlt: current stable version is 17.0 please update your software first11:54
icerootvlt: also have a look at #irc-mozilla.org  #thunderbird11:54
MechdaveBustacap, What was your question again?11:54
Kartagisiceroot: s/\#irc/irc/11:55
icerootKartagis: thx11:55
vlticeroot: Thank you.11:55
icerootvlt: irc.mozilla.org  #thunderbird11:55
webfoxMechdave, I am running a MacBook Pro and I think I may have the wrong keyboard layout...11:57
Mechdavewebfox, Doesn't that page tell you how to get the correct keymap. I would have thought the normal US map would do most of the job and then the mods for the aple only keys11:58
ms_eh oh! why I installed rar and it told me: "bash: /usr/local/bin/unrar: cannot execute binary file" when I do "unrar e file.rar" grrrr11:59
Mechdavems_, where did you install rar from?12:00
icerootms_: michael@bestbuntu:~$ which unrar12:00
icerootms_: please use the unrar from ubuntu and not your installed version, we dont support that version12:00
icerootms_: sudo apt-get install unrar12:00
ms_Mechdave, iceroot, sudo apt-get install unrar-free12:00
Mechdavems_, may be better to purge the unrar you have and install the one from the Ubuntu repository. sudo apt-get install unrar12:02
icerootms_: unrar-free is not installing there12:02
icerootms_: /usr/bin/unrar-free12:02
icerootms_: see also "dpkg -L unrar-free"12:02
icerootms_: so please dont install software by hand, always use the repo-software12:03
=== thunder_ is now known as freethunder
Sniperquiero a alguien12:09
Snipersoy gay!12:09
FloodBot1Sniper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
=== Sniper is now known as Guest62326
alumnosniper pallasoçvwijvhkuejgahsdrygvuyejhwskd<12:10
alumnoola pantumacaa12:10
=== a16g_ is now known as ypwong
kishimi8Ipls where can i downloAD the alternate upgrade cd for 12.1012:12
Sniper080ola :D12:12
Sniper080soy gay! :D12:12
yeatskishimi8I: apparently the alternate installer is no more12:12
GryllidaWhat program sets builtin speakers to be automatically muted when I plug the headphones in?12:13
yeats!alternate | kishimi8I12:13
ubottukishimi8I: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD12:13
dagerikthe program pastebinit doesnt work with this input: http://dagerik.fn.is/files/lal.txt Can anyone else confirm?12:13
Sniper080ola mariogay12:13
kishimi8Isorry as a noob .. how do i use the live cd to upgrade12:13
yeats!upgrade | kishimi8I12:14
ubottukishimi8I: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:14
OerHeks!ops | Sniper08012:14
ubottuSniper080: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!12:14
pantumakafgj bjncvb vb12:14
FloodBot1pantumaka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
Mechdavekishimi8I, All you do is put the cd in the drive and select the upgrade option12:14
Sniper080you don't know scrib?12:14
MonkeyDustis it vacation in some portugese speaking country? the kids look bored12:14
krosonHello, which one is the best tool to customize unity in ubuntu 12.10? Myunity, unsettings, ubuntu tweak or other? Thanks12:14
Sniper080i'm boing12:14
kishimi8Ithanks would do just that12:15
krosonHello, which one is the best tool to customize unity in ubuntu 12.10? Myunity, unsettings, ubuntu tweak or other? Thank you12:15
Sniper080Bottle Box12:15
Sniper080itś funny12:15
kishimi8Iyeats, there used to be alternate upgrade isos for people like me with crappy internet connections12:15
Sniper080pantumaka..........you arre boriun12:16
Sniper080osea puta! :D12:16
D_Russcan anyone tell me why my ubuntu takes forever to recognize my usb mouse and keyboard after a reboot?12:17
D_Russtakes like 30 seconds12:17
k1lD_Russ: what means "forever"?12:17
D_Russk1l: they are unresponsive for atleast 30 seconds to a minute12:18
k1lD_Russ: did take a look into the logs, like dmesg and syslog?12:18
yeatskishimi8I: correct - it has been discontinued12:18
D_Russk1l: sorry log checking is beyond my ubuntu experise12:18
kishimi8Iim back .. guys pls which is thelive cd in the http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/ page12:18
dagerikthe program pastebinit doesnt work with this input: http://dagerik.fn.is/files/lal.txt Can anyone else confirm?12:18
k1lkroson: there is no myunity for 12,10 afaik. go with unsettings12:19
devswaphi all - whats a good encryption program to encrypt a hard disk in ubuntu - I have used truecrypt before - is this the best?12:19
linuxpunkits good stuff12:19
k1lkishimi8I: the desktop image12:19
devswaplinuxpunk: was that for me?12:20
kishimi8Ikk .you guys are the best.. will do that .. i hope this one is as good as 10.0412:20
GryllidaD_Russ: "tail /var/log/dmesg" and "tail /var/log/syslog" - pastebin those two for k1l, please.12:21
k1lD_Russ: in /var/log/ are the logs. maybe there is a hint why its getting delayed.12:22
linuxpunkyeah have not seen anything better yet12:22
krosonk1l: Is there much difference between unsettings and ubuntu-tweak?12:22
MonkeyDustkroson  best way to find out, is by trying both12:23
devswaplinuxpunk: may I pm you?12:23
k1lkroson: unsettings is untiy related. tweak is more gnome3 related iirc12:23
kishimi8Ilinuxpin .. true12:23
krosonMonkeyDust: gr8, have you done that yourself?12:24
D_Russk1l: http://pastebin.com/6aAvf4kz12:24
MonkeyDustkroson  i don't like/use unity, so no12:24
krosonMonkeyDust: what do you use btw?12:24
MonkeyDustkroson  i use ubuntu classic, looks like gnome212:24
krosonMonkeyDust: weren't they going to drop gnome fallback?12:25
krosonthe gnome team12:25
D_Russk1l: http://pastebin.com/qf1t6xq512:25
BuntuAnyone here familiar with GEDIT?12:26
k1lkroson: they do12:26
AppleJuiceCan you tell me what you need, Buntu12:26
BuntuYes.  I get that different colors mean diferent things for my http/php page  I don't find a color chart anywhere identifying colors.  I see brown and think oh sh*#!12:27
krosonk1l: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTIzMzY12:28
k1lD_Russ: you are running ubuntu in a vbox?12:28
AppleJuicebuntu, I dont think you can see what a color means.12:28
D_Russdual boot12:28
Buntulol ok well sh*#.  :-)  thanks12:29
MonkeyDustBuntu  the colors are meant to visually 'group' tags, it does not explain the tags12:29
D_Russk1l: no i am dual booting12:30
k1lD_Russ: the small tails dont show anything related.12:31
BuntuAh.  My <script = tag was one color and <? tag was another color even though they were both for the same thing so I thought maybe one was not working.  <? came up brown.  Thanks guys.12:31
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Rosha
k1lkroson: thx, but this sounds more like they will integrate plugins which mal gnome3 look like gnome212:35
RelaedAnyone know why anytime I exit the ssh session, access to my website got forbidden ?12:35
shinobi_Is there a way to get xchat is the gnome classic systray?12:36
krosonk1l: better than nothing i should say :). Do you use unity?12:37
k1lkroson: yep, im using unity since 11.10 so this doesnt dodge me :)12:37
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krosonk1l: do you use a laptop?12:39
Igor_KhRelaed do you use ssh as a tunnel ?12:39
fagel123123Hi, Running "sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing" gives me  "mtxrun --generate failed." How to fix this?12:39
k1lkroson: 15,4" laptop with a 23" external in twinview12:39
krosonk1l: is there a way to disable touchpad while writing in ubuntu?12:40
k1lkroson: yes, in the systemsettings in th mouse and touchpad tab12:40
krosonk1l: that option doesn't appear in my pc :)12:40
krosonive searched there12:41
k1l12.10 here12:41
krosonk1l: same here12:41
k1lyou need to choose the touchpad tab in the settings for mouse and touchpad. and then its the first checkbox12:42
ms_eh oh, I can't extract from .rar files?12:42
krosonk1l: yes it was supposed, but that tab isn't appearing to me, which i find rather weird. I think the system isn't detecting my touchpad12:42
k1lkroson: well, that could be the issue12:43
roger21hi there, i can't update my ubuntu it get stuck to "(Reading database ... 50%" and then "dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: reading files list for package 'evince': Input/output error" what can i do ?12:44
krosonk1l: did you need to install any additional package? like gsynaptics12:44
krosonor something. Or just using default?12:44
Walex2roger21: that probably means that you have a defect on your hard disk.12:44
k1lkroson: no, my dell machine worked ootb12:45
Walex2roger21: check the 'dmesg | less' to see if some disk errors have been reported12:45
k1lkroson: try lsusb and lspci to see if its recognized12:45
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krosonk1l: no, but it was found by doing "xinput --list"12:46
inner_peaceare any one deal in deep with zimbra mail server ?????12:47
tmbahi, I find moving windows in Ubuntu 12.10 is more laggy after I upgraded from 12.04, is there anything I can do to make them smooth again?12:47
tarzeau_tmba: using unity?12:48
tmbatarzeau_: yes12:48
tarzeau_more than one screen?12:48
roger21Walex2, i don't know, can i do a force check/repare defect/blabla ?12:48
tmbatarzeau_: yes also, 2 screens.12:48
roger21or something?12:49
tmbatarzeau_: latest nvidia12:49
tarzeau_tmba: that's normal i don't have a fix, quit using unity12:49
tarzeau_mate, window maker, amiwm all work fine here. just not unity12:49
tmbatarzeau_: normal that its more laggy in 12.10 compared to 12.04?12:49
Walex2roger21: often you can, but the big question is whether there is indeed a defect. It is likely, but first check the log.12:49
tarzeau_tmba: yes, and it's even broken in 12.0412:49
blackshirt!find tproxy12:49
ubottuFound: ratproxy12:50
tmbatarzeau_: yeah I fixed the vblank issue and set the refresh to max in compizconfig in 12.04, and it was beaut12:50
roger21Walex2, i get quite some "ata1.00: error: { UNC }" could be12:50
tmbatarzeau_: it seemed to revert back once I upgraded though, and doing the same in compizconfig doesn't help this time12:50
roger21well i'm not sure what my ata1 is tho, could be the cd (which has nothing in)12:51
phasmagreetings, all. I come here hoping that somebody has experience getting the sis671/771 working properly12:52
dr_willisS3/SiS stuff is well.. about the worse hardware you can get when it comes to the company supporting linux. ;(12:52
phasmadr_willis: heh, yeah. It really is :(12:53
dr_willisphasma:  the askubuntu.com site and the forums - maygive some tips.12:53
dr_willisthe odds of some one in here at any given time having SIS is low. ;) Lucky for us12:53
phasmadr_willis: been there, tried that. Tried -numerous "solutions" - None have worked so far12:53
phasmafunny thing is that it -is- possible. Mandriva have an sisimedia driver that mostly works12:54
roger21so er what should i do?12:54
dr_willisphasma:  potential issue ive seen is that some times  some fix's - if they dont work.. break the other fixs you may try...12:57
phasmadr_willis: yeah, ditto. It's high time sis released at least -something- - hell, they don't even have an up to date driver for windows, heh12:58
dr_willisim honestly suprised SiS Even  is still in business12:58
dr_willisHavent heard much about Matrox lately either.13:01
RelaedI sorted it out.13:05
dr_willisI will have to report that the Netflix for Linux PPA package seems to be working very well for me. It just keeps wanting to open on the wrong monitor. ;)13:05
phasmai guess it's my own fault for buying a budget laptop, but seriously, it's a 256MB chip, you'd think they'd at least make it work, if only with basic functionality13:05
roger21let start over, i can't update my ubuntu it get stuck to "(Reading database ... 50%" and then "dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: reading files list for package 'evince': Input/output error" what can i do ?13:06
dr_willisphasma:  been seeing some neat reaviews of the latest Chromebooks hacked to run Ubuntu. ;) if i dident allready have 2 netbooks and a laptop.. id consider one. ;P13:06
phasmadr_willis: haha, yeah. i was reading about that just a few days ago, too13:06
dr_willisroger21:  io error imples the filesystem or hardware issues with  the HD. i would start by fscking  the filesystems form a live cd.13:06
phasmadr_willis: this might interest you: http://www.saurik.com/id/1013:07
roger21dr_willis, what command do you sudgest ?13:09
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:09
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dr_willisi always fsck stuff from a live cd.. ;)  just makes things easier13:10
Kartagisdoes nautilus accept only bash scripts?13:11
roger21dr_willis, wher do i see the result of this check?13:11
dr_willisit will print messages in the termianl13:11
roger21well i mean with the forcefsck13:11
auronandaceKartagis: accept in what sense? nautilus is a file manager13:12
roger21(since i have plymooth and stuff blabla)13:12
Kartagisauronandace: as in "show in context menu"13:12
dr_willisi fsck from a LIVE CD when i need to.13:12
roger21dr_willis, ok i just did a forcefsck for now, do you now where i can check the result?13:13
dr_willislike the factoid says.. it will force a fsck  at the next reboot.. it will print some messages13:13
dr_willisor from a live cd terminal -   sudo fsck /dev/sdaX or whatever fs i want to check ;)13:14
roger21well ok, all i saw was the bootsplash thingy13:16
CrAzYWolFhi all, hey why resolv.conf everytime i reboot i need to add the nsameserver command?13:16
CrAzYWolFhappy thanksgiving btw13:16
auronandace!resolvconf | CrAzYWolF13:17
ubottuCrAzYWolF: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution13:17
Kecskepasztorhello guys13:17
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exiffHello hello.13:19
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)13:19
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.13:19
CrAzYWolFthanks 09:17 < ubottu> CrAzYWolF: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage13:19
CrAzYWolFthanks ubottu let me read up13:19
exiffI'm having issues with mounting encrypted  ext4 volumes.13:20
dr_willisroger21:  fscking can be very quick if you are lucky. :) but if the issue keeps happening after you fsck. that would point to some hardware issues with the HD.13:20
exiffSpecifically when i remove then reattaching the device13:21
roger21dr_willis, i don't seem to have any disk error13:21
dr_willisthe dmesg command should be mentioning errors with the Hard disks also.13:21
exiff"Error unlocking device"13:22
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!13:22
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:23
roger21dr_willis, ok dmesg add somme error after the update try13:24
b4chwhere can I post ubuntu bugs?13:25
DJones!bug | b4ch13:25
ubottub4ch: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:25
Shinobi_how do I switch the buttons to the right side?13:25
DJones!controls | Shinobi_13:26
ubottuShinobi_: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263313:26
inner_peaceis zimbra mail server open source or it is owned by vmware13:26
roger21is there a way to repare the disk or something?13:26
Shinobi_How do I get xchat in the gnome systray (gnome classic)13:26
dr_willistheres some extra package in the repos i belive you need Shinobi_13:27
dr_willisand you may need to whitelist it for the systray to allow it.13:27
dr_willisNot sure how up to date that guide is.13:28
RexterIn Gnome 3 I'd like to customize my Firefox icon, how can it be changed?13:29
dr_willisRexter:  one way. make a custome .desktop file that defines your own icon.13:29
Rexterdr_willis, where would I put that?13:30
Shinobi_dr_willis: I added xchat-indicator, but it doesn't appear to do anything. Do you know the name of another package? I've googled but it always seems to come up with the aformentioned package.13:30
dr_willissame location as where firefox.desktop is at for system wide ussage.13:31
Shinobi_dr_willis: oh, how do i whitelist it?13:31
whathemeowwhat app is good for logging data usage  ?13:31
whathemeowinternet data usage13:31
dr_willissee the url i pasted above Shinobi_ . or search for 'whitelist ubuntu YOURVERSION' - it could be differnt for differnt releases13:31
dr_willisThey did the whitelist/blacklist stuff to try to tone down the whole cluttered systray disaster that was happening. ;)13:32
Shinobi_dr_willis: thanks. Sorry, forgot to shut off join/part messages and didn't see your other posts.13:32
dr_willishttps://launchpad.net/xchat-indicator   just saw this on google also. ;)13:32
dr_willis!info xchat-indicator13:32
ubottuxchat-indicator (source: xchat-indicator): XChat Indicator Plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.11-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 7 kB, installed size 53 kB13:33
dr_willisits a plugin it seems. you may need to enable it in xchat settings13:33
ms_hi folks, an help please. I want to change the users for a program but I don't know where is that program installed,13:33
dr_willisms_:   what do you mean by 'change theusers for a program' ?13:34
Rexterms_ are you talking about permissions?13:34
dr_willis!info xchat-otr13:34
ubottuxchat-otr (source: irssi-plugin-otr): Off-the-Record Messaging Plugin for X-Chat. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-2 (quantal), package size 22 kB, installed size 100 kB13:34
MonkeyDustms_  try which [program]13:35
ms_dr_willis, Rexter, MonkeyDust  I already got it, just "whereis myPrg" thanks for your care:)13:35
* dr_willis closes the ticket13:36
vlticeroot: I updated thunderbird to the current version 17.0 but the problem with the cropped (jpeg) attachments still exists (at least for e-mails I already read with the previous version). What can I do now?13:38
vlticeroot: The problem also exists when forwarding complete e-mails (even as .eml attachment, not inline).13:40
vlticeroot: I ran diff on the two e-mail files in the maildir on the IMAP server. The structure of the forwarded e-mail (including boundary markers) is kept but the attachments are cropped or mangled.13:41
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dr_willisAha - found a nice menu editor program for 12.10 in a PPA that lets you easially change program icons.13:44
=== jsakjaddd is now known as bipul
jentehi, what can I expect from an intel chipset Q35 with onboard graphics (should be GMA 3100) running (l)ubuntu? i am experience some choppy playback when watching videos in fullscreen (1920x1200) and don't know if it is due to the onboard graphics or driver issues13:49
feodorHi, what is supposed to show up under "Downloads" in unity's dash home search lens?13:49
feodorI currently see any file that I create (or open) via nautilus show up there13:49
Heather_I'm logged in as root user and I try to load a page in php but I get Forbidden You dont have perm... message. Do I have to set permission for root aswell?13:49
feodorso basically it gives me the same as in "Recent files"... how do I fix this or remove "Downloads" ?13:50
BluesKajHey all13:50
Heather_I was not logged in as root nvm13:50
slartySince upgrading skype to it is not starting -13:52
slarty symbol lookup error: skype: undefined symbol: _ZN17QSslConfiguration12setSslOptionEN4QSsl9SslOptionEb13:52
slartyAny solutions please?13:52
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dr_willisid say check the forums and askubuntu.com slarty  - its hard for us to support stuff like skype. but someone may have discovered a work around14:00
dr_willisI use google voice these days. ;)14:00
dr_willisHeather_:  if you set up groups properly you wont need to be editing  your web server files as root.14:01
icerootvlt: i would suggest to use the thunderbird channel14:03
zykes-we updated /win 34714:03
icerootvlt: guess there you will get better support then here because this is "just" general ubuntu support14:03
MarenzI am trying to build an ubuntu package for my own project. how can I get rid of the "ubuntuX" part in the version when doing dch -i ?14:05
icerootMarenz: debian/changelog  that entry there will be the package-version with ubuntu and so on14:05
icerootMarenz: that string there is used to create the packagename/version14:05
Marenziceroot, well, yes I know, but dch always appends "ubuntuX"  when I do dch -i. can I stop it from doing that?14:06
Marenzor change the string from "ubuntu" to "build" or so?14:06
Marenzi tried dch -i --distributor=build14:06
slarty@dr_willis      thanks for suggestion, I'll look there14:07
jpdsMarenz: -lbuild14:07
Marenzjpds, ah, I see.. I assume -l instead of -i is to be used14:08
bluegrasshow do i open a .jar14:08
jpdsbluegrass: Unscrew the lid.14:08
icerootbluegrass: i guess you want to start it instead of opening it14:08
icerootbluegrass: java -jar file.jar14:08
bluegrassiceroot hee ty but how do i get the javur14:09
bluegrassto get the .jar14:09
icerootbluegrass: ?14:10
bluegrasshowto install java (javur)14:10
icerootbluegrass: i dont know what javur ist but to install java "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre"14:11
icerootbluegrass: and if you want to develop java-applications use jdk instead of jre14:11
bluegrassY THANK U ^^14:12
buxi would like the outcome of echo $f  | cut -d. -f1 within a variable14:13
buxand I dunno how to do o14:14
=== fisted_ is now known as fisted
tritonxmy ubuntu install is little messed up , nothing serious but a few annoying bugs. Can I just reinstall over it (without losing my data and prefs )14:23
XRS1you need to backup your data14:24
AppleJuicetritonx, You can do that if you have your /home directory on another partition. Have you?14:24
RexterDoes anyone know if there is a way to see the location of applications that are pined to Docky?14:24
tritonxno but I could copy it14:24
XRS1^ unless /home is elsewhere14:24
tritonxso everything should be in my /home folder14:25
sioliwhat is version ubuntu is best? 12.04 or 12.10?14:25
XRS112.04 is LTS14:25
XRS112.10 is not14:25
sioli12.04, this is a best? why?14:25
tritonxjust different14:26
tritonxnone is better14:26
UbuntuuserHi! Can i log what my users do on my ubuntu server?  Like what files they open and edit?14:26
sioliabsolutely,.. all the better..14:26
AppleJuicetritonx, No, as you dont have /home mounted on a seperate partition.14:26
CrAzYWolFquick question in the rc.local do i need to add my line below exit 0 or on top of it?14:26
UbuntuuserAnd / Or can i disable their option to go above /home folder?14:26
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siolithe version if kernel  3.2 is stable,do 3,5, economic my laptop.14:27
XRS112.04 = older so you gotta install more updates after installing BUT it will be supported for 2 years.   12.10 is more up to date but not officially supported as long14:27
ccstealeCrAzYWolF, you will need to place it before the exit 014:27
tritonxyou can update easily from 12.04 to upward release14:27
CrAzYWolFahh thank you ccsteale14:27
tritonxif you want14:28
CrAzYWolFlet's see if it works now14:28
bluegrasshow do i install the driver for my videocard14:28
ccstealebluegrass, what video card are you using? the drivers may be in the ubuntu repo's else you can donwload the binary/soruce from the hardware vendors website14:29
sioliyeah, is this moment i are use ubuntu 12.04, my laptop,is very faster core i5 6gb ram, is kernel 3,5 its much better.14:29
XRS1additional drivers or use Ubuntu Software Center for the .deb u get from their website14:29
bluegrassccsteale may i perhaps find out through a simple & easy cli command? 8314:29
Rextersioli, if you want the latest and greatest, and don't mind upgrading is a couple of years, go with 12.10. If you want stability, and longevity, go with 12.0414:29
sioliin my case,absolutely.14:29
ccstealeyou can use dmidecode to find out hardware information14:30
XRS1i personally recommend Ubuntu Studio 12.10  :)14:30
sioliyeah Rexter,my ubuntu 12,10 this cool,very good.14:30
ccstealebluegrass, or you can use lspci which should tell you the vendor name laso14:31
TJ-bluegrass: "lspci -nn | grep VGA" usually will find it14:32
bluegrassGeForce 8400 GS14:32
TJ-!nvidia | bluegrass14:32
ubottubluegrass: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:32
UbuntuuserHi! Can i log what my users do on my ubuntu server?  Like what files they open and edit?14:33
UbuntuuserAnd / Or can i disable their option to go above /home folder?14:33
siolibluegrass what problem?14:33
bluegrasssioli i have a videocard and a suspicion that my computer doesn't correctly use it :C14:34
ccstealebluegrass, what is the ouput of sudo lshw -C display - specifically line configuration: .....14:34
sioliok,i have problem em my desktop pc,core i7 hd 4850(old), in my pc this same problem.14:35
siolithis module's up..?14:35
bluegrassconfiguration: driver=nouveau latency=014:36
ccstealeis nvidia-current installed? if not install that via apt-get14:37
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p0rkI just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a 250GB drive and it went fine. When I reboot, Grub throws errors. When I boot into a live cd or anything else, it doesnt even find the drive.14:41
ccstealep0rk, does running fdisk -l or parted -l show anything useful?14:42
p0rkit shows literally nothing14:42
bluegrassnow wine won't load ;-;14:43
Guest9915I can't Install ubuntu server edition in a Rack Server, I just Can't i't does not boot to install. what can I do?14:43
ccstealep0rk, anything obvious in dmesg?14:43
ccstealebluegrass, what error is wine throwing?14:44
ccstealeGuest9915, What installation medium are you using? when trying to boot up into which ever medium what sort of issues are you having?14:44
bluegrasswaiting for outpot in cli14:44
p0rkccsteale, hang on gotta boot back up and check14:44
ccstealeGuest9915, any error messages you can provide would be greap14:44
p0rkthis is what iget why i try to boot from the hdd: “invalid arch independent ELF magic”14:45
Guest9915ccsteale, no Just I can't boot the cd to install I already downloades 3 versions of ubuntu, 32 and 64 but it does not boot to install :(14:45
ademonedoes someone know what is the proxy of gr.archive.ubuntu.com?14:46
ccstealep0rk, seems like boot config is messed up to be honest, can you mount /dev/sda5 to /mnt and run grub-update or grub-install?14:46
bluegrassno cli output yet :/14:47
p0rkccsteale, thats actually what ive been trying, but when i boot to a livecd or anything else, there are no sd* devices in /dev/14:47
ccstealeGuest9915, Any for of error messages on the screen, if you aren't getting any error messages whats the output you do see? is your rack server set to boot from cd before HDD or network?14:47
ccstealep0rk, is this in a laptop/desktop/server? id advise pulling the drive our and back in and checking what dmesg as to say to see if it picks the drives up and if it does it seems like its going to be a driver issue, most likley no support from the kernel for the drives which is why it drops back to grub shell14:48
Guest9915ccsteale, yes it's set to boot from cd beforee hhd14:48
Guest9915ccsteale, do I have to try with USB?14:49
p0rkccsteale, ok, ill take a look. i had lost a drive last week nad just tossed in an old 2.5" to tinker with14:49
ccstealeGuest9915, what ouput do you get from screen or does the server not even get to the point of booting the cd? Can you take a picture of the screen where it fails and send it to me somehow so I can advise, also if your server supports usb booting I would advise doing that rather than cd but thats just a matter of opinion but ubuntu supports both, try usb for time being14:50
ShinobiIs there a way to default xchat to hide join/part messages?14:52
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dv-anyone know how to turn on antialiasing with the radeon drivers in 12.10?14:53
Guest9915ccsteale, no the server neve get to the point to boot the cd just start and continue to boot defora the old OS14:54
DJonesShinobi: I think if you right click on the channel, its an option under the Extra settings14:54
ShinobiDJones: It's not persistent. Should it be?14:54
bipulhellow security14:54
DJonesShinobi: It should be14:55
DJonesShinobi: You have to do each channel individually, I don't think there is a global setting14:55
p0rkccsteale, booted into system rescue cd, now i can see the drive at least14:55
Shinobiok. thx14:55
p0rkso i can try mouting and installing grub again14:55
smacktalkwhat's a good program for .rar files?14:57
DJones!rar | smacktalk14:58
ubottusmacktalk: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:58
a_b0ywhen connecting smartphone to computer how do i allow Ubuntu to share its internet connection? thanks14:58
NikPHow can I change my default DESKTOP file handler from nemo to nautilus?14:59
ccstealep0rk, let me know how it goes :)15:02
ccstealeGuest9915, disconnect your drive and then try boot from cd? if not force the server to boot from cd that whay it should hang with the error15:02
ccstealezucaro, hi15:02
NikPHas anyone an answer for my question? I don't like it erverytime from startup to kill nemo and start nautilus.15:02
zucarohi ccsteale ;)15:03
ccstealeNikP, do you use it at all? remove it?15:03
zucarodoes anyone have any experience with transmission from the command line. trying to enable the webui from ssh15:04
ccstealezucaro, have you installed transmission-deamon?15:04
zucarono, only transmission-gtk15:05
NikPccsteale: I've tested out to remove it, but when I log in, then I haven't ANY file handler on my desktop. I must start nautilus manually.15:05
zucaroinstall the deamon?15:05
arucardalguien sabe uncanal de xubuntu15:06
ccstealeyeah, thats what you'll need for the webui - zucaro15:06
ccstealeNikP, you'll need to add nautils to the default runlevel15:06
ccstealeNikP, update-rc.d nautils dafaults15:06
ccstealethat should do the trick15:06
zucarook installed the daemon15:07
NikPccsteale: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/nautilus: file does not exist15:07
zucaroreading man-page15:08
v0lksmananyone know how to force an ethernet adapter to restart or recheck for link?15:08
v0lksmanifup ifdown isn't it15:08
ccstealezucaro, you'll need to eddit the transmission config file :)15:08
ccstealev0lksman, ifdown ifup will work aswell as /etc/init.d/networking restart15:09
v0lksmanccsteale: that doesn't restart the hardware...that just resets the config applied.15:09
NikPccsteale: OK, after rebooting the computer it works. Thank you!15:09
a_b0ywhen connecting smartphone to computer how do i allow Ubuntu to share its internet connection? thanks15:09
v0lksmanccsteale: the problem is that the card won't detect link, but there is no reason for it, there is link and the driver works as the primary card is using the exact same driver15:10
arucardalguien sabe como estraer una memoria de usb en xubuntu15:10
llutz!es | arucard15:11
ubottuarucard: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:11
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speterhi, can anyone tell me how to supress the skype appindicator from the top panel? Skype-wrapper can do it in 64 bit, but not in 32 bit...15:11
zucaroccsteale, after i have installed the daemon how do I enable the webui? start the transmission-remote process?15:11
ccstealev0lksman, ahh okay my apologies i misread the query - for the network adapter to pick up the link it will do that automatically and the interface doesnt need restarting, if the drivers enable then and the interface is being picked up it seems more likley to be an issue coming into the nic15:12
ccstealezucaro, run the command sudo /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon15:13
ccstealezucaro, I would advise running that in a screen session if it is on a headless box but if not then that should be good to go15:13
zucarooh i think its working, getting a 403 error now... will google how to add myself to whitelist15:14
ccstealezucaro, in the settings.json there is the line rcp-whitelist - add your ip in there :)15:14
ccstealezucaro, rpc* sorry15:14
v0lksmanSo here's the story:  Lenovo server with 3 NICs, 1 e1000 and 2 igb (i350).  If I build the system and use the e1000 interface during the build the 2 i350 interfaces will never light up with link after the install is complete.  If I use one of the i350 interfaces during the install it stays lit and functional after the install but the other i350 interface won't light up.  The e1000 is fine no matter what.  This behaviour is reproducable.  Any thoug15:15
SunMoonStarHi guys. Quick q. I made a .desktop file to launch an application and used xdg-desktop-menu install in the command line to add it to the dash. Now when I go to the dash, it shows up, but it has no name. Just an icon with no name under it. The icon works correctly though. Here's the contents of the .desktop file: http://pastebin.com/NDWP8gNX ... Anyone know what this might be?15:15
v0lksmanAfter install on the booted OS if I run ethtool -i on the i350 interfaces they show the same driver and version as a working interface (on a system where the i350 was used during the install)15:16
drag0niuswould 12.10 run badly on 1.6ghz cpu, 768 ram & geforce 5500fx?15:17
a_b0ydrag0nius WinXP would run great on that :)15:18
zucarohmmm where would the transmission settings file be? /etc?15:18
ccstealev0lksman, thats rather quite odd, im leaning towards that being an issue with how ubuntu is setting up the nic's - im gonna try reproduce see if i can see it happening15:18
ccstealezucaro, run the following 2 commands   updatedb && locate settings.json15:19
ccstealezucaro, that will show you where that file is you need to edit15:19
p0rkccsteale, im trying to do a grub-install but it says "Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time."15:20
p0rkand it's still saying that15:20
zucarooh thanks mate15:20
ccstealep0rk, run - grub-install /dev/sda that should be done within the minute see if that works15:21
p0rksays /dev/sda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive15:22
ccstealep0rk, sounds like the device map might be foobarred15:23
ccstealep0rk, mount your boot partitions to /boot and run15:23
ccstealep0rk, grub-mkdevicemap --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map15:23
ccstealep0rk, things should be fine to run grub install then15:23
p0rkk, trying now15:24
p0rksda1 is boot, right?15:24
ccstealeshould be yeah, check fdisk -l and look for smallest partition, most likeley that p0rk15:25
p0rkgrub-mkdevicemap is not found on my box15:26
p0rki guess i could always try to reinstall ubuntu too15:26
c2tarunHi friends, I downloaded a pdf and it has some high quality pics in it. Okular is taking like forever to open the pages and even if I leave it opened for a while it is not loading all the pages, any suggestions?15:27
ccstealep0rk, could always try doing that, it would most likley fix the issue, but i hate being defeated by a bad install :P one last effort  - try grub-update /dev/sda15:27
ShinobiI'm not seeing metacity under apps in dconf-editor. What am I doing wrong?15:27
v0lksmanVery strang problem!  Any help appreciated!  http://dpaste.com/834822/15:29
zucarothanks for help guys.15:31
zucarowill be back :)15:31
ccstealezucaro, let us know if you have any more issues :)15:31
Hardlec99Bye all :)15:33
ccstealeHardlec99, byeee :)15:34
SunMoonStarnobody's run into my problem? >_<15:36
EaglemanI am trying to transfer our CVS program to another machine, but i am having problems with importing the passwd file. it just refuses to read it and so it only allows the user root15:36
p0rkccsteale, this is only a test case anyway until i get new drives where i have to reinstall everything again15:36
p0rkso i dont mind reinstalling ubuntu, especially because i used 12.04, now ill use 12.1015:36
ccstealeEagleman, you'll need to change the ownership of the file15:37
ccstealeEagleman, or if the program only needs to read the file run the command chmod 755 <filename>15:37
Eagleman-rwxr-xr-x   1 root Software       403 Sep 27 07:42 passwd15:38
ccstealeis the software running as the software user?15:38
Eaglemancvsd      1134  0.0  0.1   1736   480 ?        SNs  Nov16   0:00 /usr/sbin/cvsd -f /etc/cvsd/cvsd.conf15:39
ccstealeEagleman, in shell, run the command whoami15:39
Eaglemanwell i am logged in as root15:40
Eaglemanso i am root15:40
ccstealeahh okay, is the config file pointing at the correct file? sounds like a location issue rather than permissions15:40
EaglemanCVSROOT is in /cvs/CVSROOT15:41
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Eaglemanccsteale on our other server i see this when ps aux | grep cvs15:43
Eagleman10089     9090 18.5  0.0   2732   900 ?        Ss   16:43   0:00 cvs server15:43
Eagleman10089     9091 34.5  0.0   2736   872 ?        R    16:43   0:00 cvs server15:43
ccstealeEagleman, can you paste the exact command and error in http://www.dpaste.org/ so i cant take a look15:44
EaglemanWHich command?15:44
ccstealethe command your running to start the cvs application where you reported it wont read the password file15:44
EaglemanThats the problem cvs is so vague, i dont even know how i started it. its not working like a normal deamon15:45
ccstealeon the orignal server can you login as root and run history? hopefully that might tell you how you initially got it started15:46
darrenloobyHi Guys, anyone know how to install php5.2 - I need it for a short while, so I have time to update site to newer version (old bit of code causing issues)15:47
Eaglemanccsteale its like 5 years old or even more, history wont help me :(15:47
TheLordOfTimedarrenlooby, which version of ubuntu are you on?15:47
darrenloobyUbuntu 12.04 - TheLordOfTime15:49
lucidohi, at boot time my pc says waiting for network configuration for a long time, I have lan cable connected and router is set up fine. When I log in the nm-applet is missing and I can get network connection by executing sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart15:49
darrenloobyIt's a fresh install too - so PHP not currently on there15:49
lucidoits ubuntu 12.1015:49
TheLordOfTimedarrenlooby, there's no PHP 5.2 package for Ubuntu 12.04, someone'd have to retroactively port php 5.2 to 12.04, and that's not happening because 5.2 is *old*15:50
TheLordOfTimelike beyond old15:50
darrenloobyHmm... so not possible to install from binary?15:50
darrenloobyWhat's the newest version of Ubuntu I can install 5.2 on?15:50
ccstealeEagleman, on the old/current server where cvs is running do ps -f15:51
ccstealeor ps -auxf either one - Eagleman15:52
TheLordOfTimedarrenlooby, no clue, i'd have to check15:52
TheLordOfTimedarrenlooby, what're you using that uses php 5.2?  5.2's at the latest in 8.04 and nothing else15:53
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TheLordOfTimedarrenlooby, 5.3.x or 5.4.x in every other supported release since.15:53
ccstealedarrenlooby, are you familiar with compiling software from source? - if not I know that ubuntu 8 has it in it's repo's possibly 10 but i dont believe so15:53
TheLordOfTimeccsteale, 10.04 has the 5.3 series15:53
darrenloobyI've installed a couple of things from source - would that help me, to give that ago?15:53
darrenloobyIt's a cloud sever, so no real harm in binning it if it goes wrong15:54
zoneout83Is someone willing to help me with a wireless nic problem? I have a wusb100 I think v 1.0 and it only seems to work until I reach about 12mb of bandwidth then I have to disconnect and reconnect.15:54
ccstealeYeah you'll be able to install 5.2 from source15:54
darrenloobyRight, I'll tut myself up and give that ago then ccsteale - and come back with my tail between my legs when it goes wrong lol15:55
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mericaim having a situation where my 1tb usb3 external hard drive is not being recognized on my desktop15:55
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mericasame drive is recognized in my laptop15:55
zoneout83Which is to say I may be coming in and out of here a lot until i fix this15:55
GlitterBoyHow do I configure Ubuntu 11.10 for optimal power savings for a HP6910p laptop with a Intel GM965 chipset15:55
zoneout83I installed all my updates already via a long line of disconnect reconnect...15:56
ccstealedarrenlooby, another thing you can try but it might not work/be amazingly unstable is use the karmic repo's on ubuntu 10 but compiling from source is the way to go and a hell of a lot more fun15:56
mericalsusb and dmesg don't even register that the drive is plugged in15:56
darrenloobyccsteale, lol cheers, I'll take note of that :D15:56
ccstealemerica, problem might be with the connection, can you try plugging it into a different machine and seeing if it's picked up?15:57
zoneout83I am running ubuntu 12.04 lts I believe...15:57
ccstealedarrenlooby, good luck :D15:57
Pip So is ubuntu more and more sophisticated as Windows now?15:57
mericaccsteale: the drive does work in my laptop, ubuntu 12.10 mounts it automatically15:57
mericajust not on the desktop15:57
bazhangPip, thats not a support question15:57
mericai tried, multiple ports, same thing15:57
ccstealePip, depends what you mean by sophisticated? its a damn lot coold :D and true what bazhang said15:58
mericai know the drive works, and i know the usb ports work15:58
bazhangPip, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic15:58
mericabecuase i have bt, webcam, keyboard, plugged into them15:58
PipWhat I mean by sophisticated is that when ubuntu is broken, nobody knows how to fix it15:58
zoneout83Pip: as far as I have been concerned it's better than windows but it takes a little more time to manage because not as many companies put time in creating drivers or go out of their way to support it.15:58
ccstealemerica, are the ports usb 1/2? may be an issue there?15:58
zoneout83sorry bazhang15:59
mericai tried ALL the ports!15:59
zoneout83bazhang,  didn't know...15:59
mericausb 1,2,315:59
Heather_I'm going through apache2 access log and all the files for my site are loaded except .css files. the files are in the same location as the other files so it should not be permission issue?15:59
ccstealemerica, very strange, especially since dmesg isn't picking it up :/15:59
mericai even tried unplugging all other things, and plugging in only the drive15:59
mericastill nothing15:59
zoneout83Still looking for help with wusb100 wireless nic16:00
sam_Hey I am having a problem I may need some assistance if you can help?16:00
ccstealesam_, how can we help sam16:00
mericawat is problem?16:00
ccstealemerica, anything in syslog/messages?16:00
ccstealeHeather_, anything in the error log? can you go direcetly to the .css files via browser?16:01
sam_I am trying to download GIMP, a photo-shop like program, and when I try to download from the software centre It says, "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."16:03
a_b0yi heard win8 is great because everything just works16:04
mericaccsteale: don't see anything in syslog16:04
mericamaybe some audio issues16:04
ccstealesam_, have you ammended your sources.lsit file with non standard repo's? I wouldn't advise installing from unauthenticated sources but it should install fine16:04
Heather_ccsteale yes I can access the .css file through the browser16:04
SimurgIs unity more resource hungry then kde (kubuntu)?16:04
MonkeyDustsam_  they may be plugins from third parties16:05
Heather_might be something with the header since the css file is present there16:05
SimurgI saw a benchmarking today, claiming so.16:05
ccstealeMonkeyDust, thats what I was thinking aswell16:05
TheLordOfTimeSimurg, not that i know of, but if resources are an issue, look at Lubuntu or Xubuntu.16:05
InspectorCluseausam_, I'm dl'ing gimp right noe with muon ... no warnings at all.16:05
xomniverseI am using Xubuntu 12.10 and when I am playing a game full screen in DOSBox, for some reason it assumes I am idle and tries to go to a blank screen after 10 minutes. Strangely, in the middle of this process, it realizes that is not the case and brings the screen back.16:05
SimurgI tried both and unity seemed better, never tried KDE though.16:05
xomniverseThis is disruptive of my game though.16:06
SimurgI hear you need to have its native programs to get more out of it.16:06
SimurgOnes with obsessed with letter K, I heard.16:06
ccstealeHeather_, cant imagine why can you try run the command cat access.log | grep .css - see if that returns anything16:06
sam_My friend was able to download it fine he didn't know what was wrong.16:06
zoneout83how do I install the ndiswrapper16:07
lahwranhow do I update to the experimental video drivers in 12.04?16:07
zoneout83or is it now buit in to linus?16:07
sam_with mine16:07
Heather_ccsteale problem solved linux is case sensetive windows is not16:07
ccstealezoneout83, depending on what kernel version you are using will depend if its built into the kernel by default run the command ndiswrapper-dkms; sudo modprobe ndiswrapper - after that it should work fine as that will enable th nescessary kernel module16:08
ccstealeHeather_, glad its sorted :)16:08
zoneout83ccsteale thanks16:10
zoneout83ccsteale be back at you in a couple minutes...16:10
zoneout8312.04 btw16:10
xomniverseanyone else had issues with Ubuntu or Xubuntu assuming you are idle when using DOSBox and thus trying to make the screen go blank/screensaver?16:10
ccstealezoneout83, ive done that before on 12.04, any problems let me know16:10
zoneout83sam_ did you try sudo apt-get install gimp16:11
sam_My friend was able to download it fine he didn't know what was wrong. Thanks y'all.16:12
zoneout83sam_, did that work?16:12
llutzsam_: you need to import the repo-signing-key for the repository you download gimp from16:12
sam_zoneout83, it is working.16:14
zoneout83ccsteale, unable to locate the ndiswrapper16:16
v0lksmanto which directory should I build kernel modules?16:16
sam_it worked thanks16:16
v0lksman/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ doesn't persist after a reboot16:17
p0rkif i choose to install kvm during install, does it boot differently from a normal install?16:18
zoneout83sam_ glad that worked keep in mind llutz is probably more familar16:18
zoneout83Does anyone know how to install the ndiswrapper? apt-get or otherwise?16:21
bc81hello.  i'm using 12.04, and trying to get games working on pogo.com in firefox and/or chrome.  no luck whatsoever; i've tried just about every java jre & browser plugin i could find..any suggestions to get this working?16:21
bazhangzoneout83, ndisgtk?16:21
lucidohow can I get rid of the waiting for network configuration at boot?16:22
mericaapt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-dkms16:22
* bc81 wonders if there is come magical combination of java & flash to play these browser games..16:22
mericaapt-get install dnsiwrapper-utils-1.916:23
zoneout83merica, thanks just got there with a google *feels sheepish*16:23
mericaapt-cache search ndiswrapper16:24
zoneout83merica, does that work on all package searches?16:24
v0lksmanwhy do my kernel modules get overwritten on reboot?16:24
mericatry it out and see16:24
zoneout83wth was that?16:25
zoneout83the spam...16:25
rm-frmerica: probably because you're not loading them upon boot?16:25
auronandace!modules | v0lksman16:26
ubottuv0lksman: To compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist16:26
zoneout83merica, I know it does I did learn a new command though ;)16:26
ccstealev0lksman, why dont you build them into the kernel rather than having them as modules?16:26
v0lksmanccsteale: cause I'm just trying to see if they work to begin with16:26
mericacause then hed have to rebuild the kernel16:27
rm-frwhy would you do that16:27
zoneout83merica, I think there needs to be a help file associated with help apt that shows all the extensions like apt-get apt-cache ect16:27
v0lksmanmodule-assistant: command not found16:28
mericaman apt-cache16:28
mericaman apt-get16:28
auronandacezoneout83: man apt16:28
zoneout83sweet thanks auronandace16:28
zoneout83I think I used to know that but I haven't ran ubuntu since 8 hardy heron16:29
l0p3nHello! Is there any way I can find out what bashrc my terminal is using?16:29
SlitazMint_notebMy screen is black after installing fglrx on 12.10 server edition absolutely nothing on screen. What do I do?16:29
mericauninstall fglrx16:29
auronandaceSlitazMint_noteb: why do you need fglrx on a server?16:30
SlitazMint_notebI'm using it on my desktop. I wanted a minimal install.16:30
auronandace!mini | SlitazMint_noteb16:30
ubottuSlitazMint_noteb: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:30
SlitazMint_notebI did not know about that16:31
zoneout83i should be using xp drivers with ndiswrapper right?16:31
lucidois there a solution for this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2073593 ?16:31
zoneout83i should be using xp drivers with ndiswrapper right?16:32
SlitazMint_notebDoes mini come with a DE?16:32
auronandaceSlitazMint_noteb: no16:32
compdoclucido, does the wifi work once it finanly boots?16:33
SlitazMint_notebauronandace: Awesome!16:33
SlitazMint_notebBut won't I get the same problem with fglrx?16:33
lucidoCommander1024, its ethernet lan and it works after I restart network-manager16:33
mericadon't use fglrx16:34
SlitazMint_notebI need fglrx.16:34
lucidocompdoc,  , its ethernet lan and it works after I restart network-manager16:34
auronandaceSlitazMint_noteb: no idea, i use the open source driver16:34
SlitazMint_notebBecause of acceleration for videos for one.16:34
compdoclucido, that url you posted isnt your config then?16:34
SlitazMint_notebAnd games now that Steam beta is out.16:34
lucidonot exactly only the symtoms16:34
mericasoooo, you don't want a minimal install16:34
SlitazMint_notebYes I do.16:35
bazhangmerica, thats not helpful16:35
SlitazMint_notebI want Mate w/o installing Unity.16:35
auronandaceSlitazMint_noteb: mate isn't supported16:35
lucidocompdoc, this is my config: http://pastebin.com/hirLcxXq16:35
mericahow did you install fglrx?16:35
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:36
bazhangmerica, editorializing and offtopic commentary to #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here16:36
SlitazMint_notebmerica: apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcc...16:36
SlitazMint_notebthe created a new xorg config16:36
mericamy experience with video drivers leads me to download from the source16:37
compdoclucido, that config shows you have 4 ethernet and one wifi card?16:37
mericaand build them16:37
lollkolalal la la lla llla alla allal ;)16:37
SlitazMint_notebmerica: Ok, cool. I'll try that.16:37
lucidocompdoc, I have a single ethernet card integrated in my mobo, the config is a default config I had there16:39
compdoclucido, do you use ppp to connect to your isp? or what is your ethernet card connected to?16:39
lucidocompanion, ethernet16:39
lucidocompdoc, , ethernet16:39
compdocit connects to a router?16:39
lucidocompdoc,  yes, router is fine16:40
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compdoclucido, this is all you should have:    http://pastebin.com/w8MQTPmj16:42
lucidocompdoc, I'll try that, thanks!16:42
compdocbe sure to remove the #16:42
compdoclucido, can you show me the output of:  cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:45
GlitterBoyhello all16:45
ccstealeHi GlitterBoy16:45
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p0rkccsteale, i tried the 12.10 install on 2 different drives and got the same error, installation failed at the install the system step16:47
p0rkso im trying 12.04 again on the 2nd drive16:47
p0rki just started the install the base system step now16:48
p0rkso we'll see16:48
p0rkfingers crossed16:48
bc81hello.  i'm using 12.04, and trying to get games working on pogo.com in firefox and/or chrome.  no luck whatsoever; i've tried just about every java jre & browser plugin i could find..any suggestions to get this working?16:48
ccstealep0rk, might be lack of driver support in the 12.10 kernel, let me know if it works on 12.04 and let me know you drive types later and ill take a look at that16:49
p0rkok, its 2 different drives. first was seagate, this one is western digital16:49
lucidocompdoc, same crap16:50
bazhangbc81, works fine here. what version of Ubuntu are you on, and what java do you have installed16:51
cosmicpearlshi all16:51
v0lksmanso what is module-assistant supposed to do for me?  when I load it and go to select a module it doesn't show the module I just built16:51
bc81bazhang, hello.  i'm using xubuntu 12.04 (fully up-to-date) and have so many versions of java installed, i'm not sure how to find that out.  java -version says: java version "1.7.0_09"16:52
bazhangbc81, its a bit slow to load; I've got Monopoly running no problems once it does load16:53
Gneabc81: I would start by removing every version of java you have, particular if it was NOT installed via apt/synaptic/software center, and then remove those as well in the proper way16:53
dchernivbc81, or use update-alternatives to pick the java version you want16:54
zoneout83alright so I'm reading here and it says disable the free drivers but the config file doesn't seem to exist to add it to the blacklist16:54
zoneout83also I need to know how to undo these steps before I do them so i can get to help again...16:55
bc81bazhang: what about the game "Makeover Madness" it seems to be java based, and broken.  monopoly is flash based, and works fine (albeit with some rendering issues on the main menu)16:57
bazhangbc81, let me check, just a moment16:57
zoneout83p0rk, ccsteale, if it makes any difference I have a wd hd 500 gb 7200 rpm and have 12.04 and it works fine thus far16:58
ee12059hi jonnes16:58
p0rkccsteale, looks like the 12.04 install worked fine16:59
p0rkgot passed the problem step anyway, didnt get to grub portion16:59
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sambagirlgood morning. i backed up my home directory on one of my laptops as i need to move from 10.10 to a fresher version. my question is where are the notes that are associated with the applet that you add to your panel located because i need all of that notes. seecondly does kubuntu have gnome 2 option cause i need the upper and lower panel option and i dont see that in ubuntu anymore?16:59
simonpe^^I did "apt-get purge pulseaudio*" to try to fix some sound issues. It turns out pulseaudio was not the villain so i re-installed with "apt-get install pulseaudio-*". Now the sound in flash does not work (i.e. youtube) and the sound applet isn17:00
simonpe^^t autostarted anymore17:00
simonpe^^fix how?17:00
bazhangbc81, that requires membership, best as I can tell17:00
ee12113boas pessoaçl17:00
sambagirlalso does anyone have major problems with chrome?17:00
bazhang!pt | ee1211317:00
ubottuee12113: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:00
bazhang!notunity | sambagirl17:02
ubottusambagirl: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:02
bazhanginstall gnome-panel sambagirl17:02
sambagirlok bazhang thanks17:02
sambagirlwhat about the sticky notes?17:02
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sambagirlone last question, is it possible to have w8 / xp / ubuntu partitions using grub?17:04
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/207923/is-there-a-sticky-note-application-similar-to-windows-sticky-note sambagirl17:04
bazhangsambagirl, xpad seems to be the sticky note of choice17:04
bc81bazhang: sorry about that, my wife has a free trial membership for 2 weeks and i wasn't aware it's member only.. another (non member-only) game that is java based and not loading is Sock Hop Slots17:05
sambagirlhaha bazhang. i was looking online in a forum and it's a real challenge so i will just copy/paste to email and send to myself and re do them in new set. also are applets still available in new ubuntu versions?17:06
Gneasambagirl: I think so, but for w8 you probably need to chainload to ntloader17:06
mericasambagirl: win8 uses the eufi by default17:06
bazhangsambagirl, in 12.10, gnome-shell , they are called "extensions" and there are very many of them. applets are around, though you would need to be more specific for me to answer that17:07
bazhangbc81, ok checking17:07
v0lksmanso I make install my module which places it in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net module-assistant doesn't show me that module in the list...17:07
v0lksmanwhat am I doing wrong?17:07
bc81thanks, bazhang17:07
p0rkccsteale, rebooting into os for first time17:09
Gneasambagirl: also, http://www.intowindows.com/dual-boot-windows-8-and-ubuntu/17:10
p0rkeverything looks well so far17:10
sambagirlbazhang for example i like weather / system monitor / rolling eyes / sticky notes / cpu frequency / search / multiple shells / various apps i need to launch regulary like htop, teamviewer, vmware...where you have date,time,...17:10
sambagirlthanks gnea17:10
bazhangbc81, works fine, I'm on 12.10 with the same version of java that you have and firefox 1717:10
lucidocompdoc, for the recod: putting only auto lo and iface lo inet loopback lines and nothing else in the interfaces file solves the waiting for network configuration at boot time error17:10
compdoclucido, good - we need to keep that record straight17:11
compdoclucido, can you show me the output of:  cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:11
compdoclucido, oh, wait. you use network-manager? if so, it doesnt matter17:12
bazhangsambagirl, for unity, they are called lenses: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38772/what-lenses-for-unity-are-available17:12
sambagirlam i the only one having major issues with chrome browser across "all os's" or is anyone else?17:12
p0rkit booted up but i get ext4-fs error's now17:12
sambagirlunity is out for me bazhang17:12
sambagirlok thanks17:12
bazhangp0rk, no cursing here17:12
lucidocompdoc, http://pastebin.com/nLGpEN6X why?17:12
securityp0rk: mind your words17:12
zoneout83sambagirl, before you go trying to do dual booting make a supergrub disk it might save you in a pinch17:13
bazhangsambagirl, you might wish to check screenlets then17:13
MunchorFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tiff/libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.2_i386.deb  404  Not Found I am getting that, I can't update17:13
compdoclucido, that looks like only a partial of the 70-persistent-net.rules file, and that shows two different nics. Anyway, as long as it works....17:13
MunchorAny ideas on what the problem is?17:14
p0rkmy fstab is corrupted17:14
p0rkbuncha junk in it17:14
zoneout83ndiswrapper issue here, how do I blacklist my current w nic driver17:15
Gneasambagirl: how is chrome misbehaving? works fine here..17:15
lapionwhy is skype-bin:i386 being installed as an update ?17:16
Gneathat isn't to say that chrome hasn't misbehaved for me in the past ;)17:16
p0rkhow can i fix a corrupted fstab?17:16
Gneap0rk: how corrupted is it?17:16
p0rkfull of junk17:16
Gneap0rk: 'junk'?17:16
cheesecakesi did an upgrade and lost my sound completely17:16
p0rknot even plain text17:16
NCsabaHi all. I've a quick question: Can I create a bootable linux pen drive (xubuntu preferable) which can be a full functional, updateble, configurable system that is different then a live version. So changes need to be persistent, like kernel updates, eventually custom compiled kernels, etc... so any change I do on it should stay after a reboot.17:17
Gneap0rk: ooooh.... well, you'd have to recreate it by hand...17:17
NCsabait there a tool for that?17:17
p0rkits a brand new install, one disk, sda, normal partition17:17
IdleOne!usb | NCsaba Look at the second link17:17
ubottuNCsaba Look at the second link: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:17
Gneap0rk: documentation is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab17:17
Gneap0rk: oh good, that'll make the recreation easier17:18
cheesecakesalso my computer has also become very slow after the update17:18
NCsabayes, I found this but http://rudd-o.com/new-projects/portablelinux gives 50317:18
auronandace!blacklist | zoneout8317:18
ubottuzoneout83: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »17:18
Gneap0rk: that website will basically introduce you to each tool and how to use each tool in order to get the correct bits that you need to regenerate your fstab17:18
cheesecakesit was a kernel update i think17:18
bekksNCsaba: Thats a server error then.17:18
cheesecakesany suggestions?17:18
Gneap0rk: kinda makes me wish there was a script to do that automatically17:19
IdleOneNCsaba: Use unetbootin17:19
NCsabaanyone knows a mirror for that?17:19
cheesecakesi am using 12.0417:20
cheesecakesand the laptop is a dell inspiron 142017:20
Gneap0rk: looks like someone tried... not sure if they managed to succeed: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=423717:20
cheesecakesbefore the reboot the sound was working now it isnt17:20
Gneacheesecakes: did you check your mixer?17:21
cheesecakeshow do i do that?17:21
cheesecakesnvm i think i saw that on wiki i'll brb17:21
Gnea!sound | cheesecakes17:22
ubottucheesecakes: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:22
morphissHi there ;)17:22
NCsabaIdleOne: unetbootin can create persistent os?17:22
IdleOneNCsaba: yes17:23
cheesecakesalsamixer was muted17:25
cheesecakesbut on the volume control applet it wasnt muted17:25
belgianguywhat comes before alpha?17:26
cheesecakesthat was scary17:26
Gneacheesecakes: I did away with unity and gnome and installed E17, so I only use alsamixer these days.17:26
cheesecakesi am using gnome17:26
cheesecakesbut i like ratposion better17:26
GneaI should probably just install bodhi linux one of these days17:26
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auronandacebelgianguy: what does that have to do with ubuntu?17:27
belgianguyauronandace:  if anyone knows, please let the rest know when the Ubunty Web-Apss get to that stage17:27
cheesecakesi just intalled ubuntu natively after playing arounf with it in a vm17:27
zoneout83belgianguy, development or dv17:27
cheesecakeso i am still a bit noobish17:27
Gneacheesecakes: I like E17 for the simple fact that it will run on an older pentium and modern hardware17:27
belgianguyzoneout83: regular usage, as was promised in 12.1017:28
SpaceRocketFull disk encryption doesn't fully encrypt the disk as the /boot is still plain, which can be easily vulnerable17:28
belgianguyit's been pretty dissappointing tbh, while it shows much promise17:28
cheesecakesgnea: i think ratposion would too17:28
cheesecakesits has no graphics and fully keyboard based17:29
belgianguyhalf of them don't work, don't get updated (GrooveShark) or just take out Firefox when you click on them17:29
bekksSpaceRocket: As long as you have physical access, every encryption is vulnerable.17:29
Gneacheesecakes: that would be awesome to see. I used to run fvwm2 on a 486 and early versions of E13 and such were developed around such hardware.17:29
alessiohi guys! Can you please suggest an mp3 player able to read and display lyrics stored in the ID3 tag?17:30
cheesecakesit has a learning curve but afterwards you love it17:30
alessioI can find players that search for lyrics on the internet, but none that reads an existing lyrics tag17:30
Gnea!mp3 | alessio17:30
ubottualessio: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:30
SpaceRocketyes bekks  but at least slowing the attacker  and make it more difficult17:30
SpaceRocketwhat is the difference between using FDE only and FDE with LVM ?17:30
Gneaalessio: ID3 tags aren't designed to hold all the lyrics of a song, just the basic information17:30
cheesecakesalso the performance has decreased after the update any suggestions on that front?17:31
alessioGnea: there is windows software which does that17:31
NCsabaIdleOne: what option should I choice to have a persistent os on usb penddrive: NetInstall, HdMedia or Live?17:31
alessioGnea: for instance jetaudio17:32
HypernovaAny awesome games for ubuntu?17:32
auronandace!games | Hypernova17:32
ubottuHypernova: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/17:32
HypernovaUnderline *Awesome*17:32
Gneaalessio: I highly doubt that, the specification of ID3 doesn't allow for such a large amount of textual information to be included. Do you know what version of ID3 it is using?17:33
alessioGnea: you are probably right, it's not a proper ID3 tag17:36
alessioGnea: http://id3.org/Lyrics3v217:36
Gneaalessio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JetAudio#Lyric_support  Yeah, it says right there: "JetAudio uses Cowon’s proprietary lyric tag format rather than the standard Lyrics3v2. As such, files tagged with the Lyrics3 format are not compatible with the lyric viewing function of JetAudio, and conversely, applications supporting Lyrics3 tags will not be able to display lyrics for files tagged with JetAudio."17:36
Gneaalessio: however, doing the .txt file thing might not be out of spec.... however, if they don't release the code to do that, it'd have to be reverse-engineered. I have no idea if anyone has been able to mimic that functionality.17:37
newroadhello, I have an optimus laptop with bumblebee, and i've installed latest drivers and bumblebee, but I think that the latest nvidia drivers aren't being loaded. I'm receiving errors that my secondary GPU could not be loaded. I see an nvidia-current_hybrid.conf file if I do "ls /etc/modprobe.d/*nvidia*", does that mean it is blacklisted?17:38
cheesecakeswow a lot stopped working after this update :/17:38
ee12113float factorial ( float y ) {17:39
ee12113int f=1;17:39
FloodBot1ee12113: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
cheesecakesmy webcam went too17:39
sambagirli noticed that /usr/local/games/enemy-territory//et doesnt get copied in the home backup. so i need to backup the full hdd to get everything?17:39
alessioGnea: but do you know any other player that supports the Lyrics3 tag instead? and allows to read and save lyrics from an mp3?17:39
cheesecakesalso the performance has taken a hit17:39
Gneaalessio: I can see how having the lyrics available like that would be nice, especially for deaf people17:39
sambagirlif i do sudo nautilus will that allow me to get the whole partition?17:40
sambagirli meant file system17:40
bazhangsambagirl, its gksudo, but not a good idea17:40
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cheesecakesit says device not found in cheese17:41
icerootis there a way to prevent a file reading by root? (without encryption)17:42
sambagirlbazhang why not? i just want to have the whole drive. just as a Possession17:42
Gneaalessio: it doesn't look like anything has been officially released yet. id3lib seems to have support for it, though, so it looks like the bricks for the road have been built: http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/  Someone could be developing an app for it.17:42
cheesecakeswhereas this webcam worked before upgrading17:42
alessioGnea: it's actually for my father who has just switched to Linux. He listens to German music to learn the language17:42
Gneaalessio: That's a great idea, hadn't thought of that :)17:42
newroadhello, I have an optimus laptop with bumblebee, and i've installed latest drivers and bumblebee, but I think that the latest nvidia drivers aren't being loaded. I'm receiving errors that my secondary GPU could not be loaded. I see an nvidia-current_hybrid.conf file if I do "ls /etc/modprobe.d/*nvidia*", does that mean it is blacklisted?17:42
basslinerhi, anyone a clue if rc6 power saving for intel GPUs is possible with the current kernel release that comes with ubuntu 12.10 (3.2.x i assume ?)? if so, is it patched into the kernel? would i have to use kernel parameter "i915.i915_enable_rc6=1"? thanks.17:43
FloodBot1ee12113: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
basslinernevermind, was a 12.04 where i just looked17:44
basslinercan anyone tell me what kernel version a 12.10 installation currently has by default?17:44
FloodBot1ee12113: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
p0rklooks like somehow /var/lib/apt/lists is a directory rather a file17:44
SunMoonStarhow do I have a program the rights to write a file to it's cwd if it lies in /usr/local/games/ ? It seems that applications can't write to there by default..17:44
sambagirlit says i dont have permission to copy certain stuff so i skip but i cant sit here and check every sec is there another way? i dont want to use clonezilla17:45
ee12046#include <stdio.h>17:45
ee12046#include <math.h>17:45
ee12046int factorial (int y) {17:45
ee12046int f=1;17:45
ee12046while (y>0){17:45
FloodBot1ee12046: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
Gnea!patience | ee1204617:45
ubottuee12046: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:45
SpaceRockethow to use full disk encryption and make separate /home partition17:45
Gnea!encryption | SpaceRocket17:45
ubottuSpaceRocket: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory17:45
SunMoonStarAnyone know how to give a program the permission to write a file to /usr/local/games/mygame ?17:46
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, put it somewhere else?17:46
Gneaee12172: do you have a question?17:46
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, /usr/local/* is usually owned by root, so you should have no need to write there...17:47
newroadhello, I have an optimus laptop with bumblebee, and i've installed latest drivers and bumblebee, but I think that the latest nvidia drivers aren't being loaded. I'm receiving errors that my secondary GPU could not be loaded. I see an nvidia-current_hybrid.conf file if I do "ls /etc/modprobe.d/*nvidia*", does that mean it is blacklisted?17:47
sambagirli was copying the file system and it was larger than what the whole drive size is.  when it says file system does it mean even external drives that might be attached?17:47
newroad[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: XORG NVIDIA(0): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 017:47
HTC-DZhi people. i need help :( ubuntu noob here17:47
Gneabazhang: thank you17:47
cheesecakesi see it lsusb17:47
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, details are useful.17:47
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: I searched and found the recommendation that I should put installed programs in /usr/local and larger programs in /opt17:48
cheesecakesi see the webcam in lsusb but cheese says device not found17:48
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: This game writes a savesettings file but it can't since that's a root one :o was it a bad recommendation?17:48
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, that's a general recommendation not a all-the-time recommendation17:48
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, in some cases that's not what you do, in your case try it in /opt17:49
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, if that doesn't work why not just run it out of your home direcotry17:49
HTC-DZlord, i have and AMD 4000+ single core CPU, 4gb DDR 400 RAM, onboard nvidia 6510 GPU, but ubuntu 12.10 64bit crawls to do anything via the live cd17:49
frojndHi there :) I have Acer aspire one 722 and apperantly driveres aren't isntalled. How do I install open source radeon drivers from command line?17:49
HTC-DZoh the AMD 4000+ chip is 64bit17:49
SpaceRocketGnea, i'm talking about 12.10 and the new installer17:49
compdocHTC-DZ, pretty old stuff17:49
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: i dont want a lot of random programs' settings files cluttering up my home directory. Is /opt open to users or only root also? I need to abstract this to understand where I should put my programs17:50
jpdsSunMoonStar: root.17:50
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, try Lubuntu.  and don't call me "lord" i'm not your god.  :P17:50
SunMoonStarjpds: where do you think I should put the program?17:50
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, which "game" are you trying to run?17:50
HTC-DZi know comp, up till now xp has ben moving slowly but im tired of it and i really like the look of ubuntu so thought id give it a try.17:50
HTC-DZmeant xp hasnt been moving slowly17:51
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: It's called Lantern which is an interface for chess program ICC. It's not in the repositories17:51
HTC-DZwhats the difference TLOT? ?17:51
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, run it from your home directory, that's the only way it can save data correctly.17:51
mikefrettXP is very old, it would run on a P2.17:51
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, or try one of the other chess programs out there.  (not sure what Lantern is though)17:51
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, Lubuntu uses the LXDE interface, its not Unity but its FAR less resource-heavy17:52
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, if you can't run Unity due to old hardware, use Lubuntu17:52
TheLordOfTime(its a different interface though)17:52
TheLordOfTime!lubuntu | HTC-DZ17:52
ubottuHTC-DZ: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.17:52
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: my .bashrc seems to have a setting to include /home/bin if it exists. I don't know what 'bin' is in general, i assume it's binaries for custom programs that I developed. Do you think I should put it in there or should I put a separate /home/games directory or something?17:52
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, uh... what?17:52
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, /home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/bin might be one place to put stuff17:53
TheLordOfTimebut /home/bin != valid17:53
beagleburtG'day everyone from New Zealand. I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS about a month ago. I have a single user account & I am the Administrator; BUT I can't access the 'Root' & 'Lost & Found' folders, nor can I use <shutdown -r now> command from Terminal - as I "need to be root". I entered my login password for "su" but -"password authentication failure" is returned? Can anyone help me? t.a.17:53
arnsahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12367531#post12367531 could anyone help, please?17:53
thesadmafiosobeagleburt you need to use "sudo" not su17:53
TheLordOfTimebeagleburt, by "root" folders you mena /root/ ?  lost and found may not need accessing normally.  And use sudo17:53
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: I mean, is */bin in general a location I should put programs? or is that only for developers17:53
thesadmafiosobeagleburt: unless you enable a root account. a root account is not enabled by default in ubuntu17:54
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, its your system, run it from wherever you see fit.  I run half of my stuff on my servers as non-root, so...17:54
HTC-DZi see, do they have LTS versions of lubuntu? what happens if i use an older version of ubuntu, say version 11? i know its not supported anymore but aside from the updates is there any draw backs?17:54
SunMoonStarTheLordOfTime: thanks for the help17:54
TheLordOfTimeSunMoonStar, i usually run stuff out of individual directories for each program out of my home dir.17:55
beagleburt"thesadmafioso" how do you enable a root account?17:55
TheLordOfTime!root | b17:55
ubottub: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:55
thesadmafiosobeagleburt: instead, in ubuntu the normal user "borrows" root privs to accomplish tasks. there's plenty of information in the official documentations about this issue.17:55
Phryqwhat's the most awesome fluxbox theme. Transparency and dark and just awesome looking?17:55
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jpds!sudo | beagleburt17:55
ubottubeagleburt: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:55
jpds!noroot | beagleburt17:55
ubottubeagleburt: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:55
TheLordOfTimebeagleburt, we don't give help in configuring the root account from here.17:55
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GneaSpaceRocket: this might help, keep in mind that it's 2 pages... you should read both: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/11/03/ubuntu-12-10-installation-and-disk-partitioning-guide/17:56
beagleburtThankyou all who replied - I will take some time to digest & follow your advice - thanks - 'b'ye for now17:57
DamienCassouI've just installed a package with aptitude and this installed thousands of packages. I guess most of them are only recommended but not dependencies. How can I remove these recommended packages without removing the package I want?17:57
tucemiuxanyone knows if an ATI or nvidia card would play better with ubuntu?17:57
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, lubuntu has the same release cycle of Ubuntu17:57
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, Lubuntu 12.04 is still LTS.17:58
TheLordOfTimesame with Kubuntu 12.04, Xubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 12.0417:58
jpdsTheLordOfTime: No, it's not.17:58
TheLordOfTimejpds, you sure?  core is still LTS last i checked.  it shares core.17:58
dchernivtucemiux, nvidia17:58
jpdsTheLordOfTime: Only Ubuntu falls under the LTS support fom Canonical.17:58
nonvediaecould you help me with ATI drivers -- i have amd fusion APU with 6550D integrated card -- proprietary driver works but it choppy when i do resize windows17:58
TheLordOfTimejpds, official LTS you mean.17:58
nonvediaewhen i run open box it's OK17:58
mikefretttucemiux: Nvidia but I use an ATi card and it works just fine. No issues.17:59
tucemiuxdcherniv, you have an nvidia gpu? im thinking about going for the GTX 660, i s it hard to configure ?17:59
cheesecakeswhy did the drivers change after an upgrade :/17:59
cheesecakesthe webcam worked after changing driver17:59
cheesecakesi am wondering what other drivers have changed ?17:59
dchernivtucemiux, have ati here not by choice. nvidia is usually pain-free and driver install from nvidia.com is pretty straightforward17:59
TheLordOfTimeHTC-DZ, i'm wrong then.  its not "LTS" officially.  won't have the LTS title.18:00
dchernivnonvediae, pastebin output of glxinfo18:00
SpaceRocketthanks Gnea18:00
tucemiuxdcherniv,  im going for an nvidia then, if they work with ubuntu, might as well support the hardware manufacturer that plays nice with your OS18:00
tucemiuxanyone knows what is the status of wayland?18:01
dchernivtucemiux, released 1.0118:01
dchernivtucemiux, sure you dont need more trouble18:01
HTC-DZi just checked theres kubuntu out as well. this has KDE. correct me if im wrong, but KDE, GNOME, LXDE is just the UI?18:01
dchernivtucemiux, make sure to get the driver from nvidia.com it has been updated recently on the account of the whole linux steam beta18:02
nonvediaei have not access to this pc right here, what flags to check in glxinfo output?18:02
tucemiuxdcherniv, but is wayland supported on ubuntu?18:02
mikefrettTheLordOfTime: I personally use Xubuntu, much lighter than LXDE and has an LTS. Just remove the 'dock' and drag the top bar down to the bottom and thats the closest thing to a 'Windows' that you can get. I've never been happier.18:02
dchernivtucemiux, not at the moment, maybe in the next release18:02
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:03
dchernivnonvediae, how do you figure your graphics is shot then?18:03
vfwmikefrett: I wouldn't say that it is lighter than LXDE.  Maybe more easily configuable, more feature rich and/or user frendly.18:03
TheLordOfTimemikefrett, no, Xubuntu doesn't get the LTS title.18:04
TheLordOfTimeonly Ubuntu does.18:04
tucemiuxthanks for your input fellas, im going to the mall and check out an nvidia gpu18:04
v0lksmanstill searching for answers:  http://dpaste.com/834822/18:05
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vfwTheLordOfTime: Xubuntu is same as Ubuntu, 12.04 is LTS18:05
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v0lksmanWhat is the difference between me enabling a card during the install and enabling it after?18:05
mikefrettThat's not true eh, 12.04 is an official LTS18:05
TheLordOfTimevfw, it doesnt assume the LTS title.  LTS is the canonical-supported title, nothing gets the LTS title EXCEPT Ubuntu.  officially.18:05
v0lksmanwhere can I look for kernel flags or something that would lead to that behaviour18:05
TheLordOfTimethey all hav ehte same support length, but not the "LTS" title.18:05
mikefrettThen my official cd was misprinted then...18:06
TheLordOfTimemikefrett, vfw, argue with jpds on that one.18:06
v0lksmanhow would I go about reporting this as a bug?18:06
TheLordOfTimejpds is more senior on that than I.18:06
zoneout83not sure what was last seen...18:06
zoneout83 I need some walk through help on getting a wireless nic to work. I've been trying to get th ndiswrapper to work but it doesn't seem to, I have a wusb100 and right now it is using rt2800 but it drops connection on high bandwidth downloads18:06
vfwTheLordOfTime: That is what LTS is, the length of support.18:06
TheLordOfTimevfw, silence, i'm done arguing this, take it up with jpds.18:07
vfwTheLordOfTime: And it certainly does get the title of LTS.18:07
IdleOnearguing the same thing, you are both right. Argue elsewhere :)18:07
* TheLordOfTime goes back to stabbing the system.18:07
HTC-DZyou guys are losing me lol  <pulling hair out>  so let me get this. ubuntu = android. KDE,GNOME = samsung touchwiz and HTC Sense UIs? i know i sound retarded im just trying to get my head around the terminology18:08
zoneout83i am getting a fatal: ndiswrapper not found even though I completely removed it and reinstalled it twice now...18:09
IdleOneHTC-DZ: think of it this way, KDE LXDE XFCE Unity are all just a set of default applications with a different look for each environment.18:09
zoneout83IdleOne, don't they each have a different library to pull from though I remember installing KDE on ubuntu to get something to work before...18:10
vfwIdleOne: I am not arguing, only correcting. Just trying to set the record straight.  Xubuntu 12.04 is a Long Term Support release (LTS) and will be supported for three years per the Xubuntu LTS plan.18:11
markoKhey guys, is there a alternative for itunes because I have an iphone and I am looking for a tool which help me to backup my iphone like in itunes18:11
IdleOneHTC-DZ: The description I just gave you is very minimalistic of course. like zoneout83 just pointed out they share some libs and for some apps you might have to install different libs, the package manager ( Software Center) will take care of that part for you.18:11
HTC-DZaaahhhhh i seee :D ok now im picking up what you guys throwing down18:12
IdleOnevfw: My point was that you were both right and that this channel is not the correct place to discuss it.18:12
SpaceRocketthere is  a but with NM, when I specify the DNS servers for OpenDNS and validate, still failing18:12
zoneout83i think #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel lol18:12
zoneout83<-- Still hoping for help with an NDIS18:13
mikefrettBy the way, if any of you are in the US, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for Linux and all the Devs.18:13
HTC-DZwith regard to LTS, normal releases are supported for 3 years, LTS versions are supported for 5 years. or am i mistaken? im sure i read that somewhere18:13
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)18:13
dr_willis_12.04 is special18:13
v0lksmanis there an ubuntu server channel?18:14
zoneout83lol I have 12.04 LTS so where's my support ;)18:14
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HTC-DZok nevermind. 3years is right. 5years is for server editions.18:15
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v0lksmanIdleOne: thanks18:15
vfwHTC-DZ: Regular support is 18 months, LTS Desktop is 3 years.  See:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS18:15
HTC-DZok guys, off to research which ubuntu will be right for my dinosaur of a machine, if i need any help il come round again :) thanks all for the help. :) im starting to like the Linux Community already. People be helpful and polite :)18:16
arucardalguien podria ayudarme18:16
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IdleOne!es | arucard18:17
ubottuarucard: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:17
arucardpor que se ve opaco los videos18:17
arucardah ok gracias18:17
vfwzoneout83: The 18 months or 3 years of support means that for that length of time, you get updates to  your system.  When that length of time is over, you reach EOL (End Of Life) and you have to upgrade to newer version in order to contiune to receive support, (in the way of updates for your various applications).18:18
zoneout83vfw: I was just joking around except I do need help with this ndiswrapper18:19
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vfwzoneout83: Where are you at with it?18:19
zoneout83vfw: I've installed the wrapper and I'm getting fatal: ndiswrapper not found when I try to install a driver18:20
zoneout83i've removed it and reinstalled it.18:20
k1lyou are sure you need ndiswrapper?18:21
zoneout83basically I have a wireless usb network card wusb100 that everytime I download something I get dced even though it says it's still connected. streaming youtube installing updates all that causes the connection to go down then I disconnect then reconnect and I'm back on for x amount of mb I guess.18:21
zoneout83k1l, I have wusb100 using rt2800 the driver I downloaded is rt2870 and no I am not sure but it worked in 8.04 LTS18:22
zoneout83the card was working fine last week-end in windows 7 and on an older xp machine FYI18:23
k1lzoneout83: can you paste the line showing the device in "lsusb"?18:23
zoneout83any switches?18:24
vfwzoneout83: Did you get the correct inf file?18:24
k1lmost times the ndiswrapper is not a stable as the linux drivers18:24
zoneout83i pasted output here http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ETp0rCWY18:25
zoneout83vfw, I grabbed a usb driver from the linksys website firmware 1.018:26
vfwzoneout83: ndiswrapper -l  #Tell us what that says.18:26
zoneout83it says driver installed lol18:27
zoneout83and even has the driver that failed to install listed18:27
vfwzoneout83: So, what happens when you modprobe ndiswrapper?18:27
zoneout83rt2870 : driver installed18:27
zoneout83device (1737:0070) present (alternate driver: rt2800usb)18:27
vfwzoneout83: You need to remove the incorrect one.18:28
k1lzoneout83: it should work with the rt2870 without ndiswrapper. maybe there is a need to block rt2800usb18:28
zoneout83johnny5@TARDIS:~$ modprobe ndiswrapper18:28
zoneout83FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.18:28
vfwzoneout83: ndiswrapper -e incorrect-driver18:28
deafieanyone here?18:29
k1l!ask | deafie18:29
ubottudeafie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:29
zoneout83ndiswrapper -e rt280018:29
zoneout83couldn't delete /etc/ndiswrapper/rt2800: No such file or directory18:29
zoneout83if these weren't two liners I wouldn't be pasting them in here... FYI18:30
deafieLOL ... there was a bad lag time... i wasnt sure if I was connected... has anyone tried to install ubuntu 12.10 on the HP elitebook?18:30
Jugglecan anyone help me to enable oracle java on ubuntu18:32
Jugglei installed the jdk.1.6.0_30 bin file18:32
Jugglerun with ./18:32
Jugglethe files are under /usr/lib/jvm18:32
Jugglewhen i apply update-alternatives18:33
Juggleit print no alternatives18:33
vfwzoneout83: iwconfig  #tell us what that says.18:33
markoKis there a alternative for itunes because I have an iphone and I am looking for a tool which help me to backup my iphone like in itunes18:34
vfwzoneout83: Are you 32 or 64bit?18:34
zoneout83http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4TKSzCde vfw and 32 bit18:35
dchernivJuggle, meh just symlink the binaries from /usr/lib/jvm/whatever/java to /usr/bin18:35
markoKanyone ?:(18:36
zoneout83vfw I am running a amd phenom ii x4 945 just put it together last night.18:36
zoneout83everything to get this far about 400.0018:37
vfwzoneout83: Well, I dono.  Just now seeing: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/229-ubuntu-precise-dlink-dwa160-revb218:37
dchernivmarkoK, afraid not. there are some clients that let you upload/download music but nothing that does what itunes does fully18:37
zoneout83k I gotta go family stuff I will be back tonight though18:37
zoneout83thank you for the help18:37
k1l<k1l> zoneout83: it should work with the rt2870 without ndiswrapper. maybe there is a need to block rt2800usb18:38
vfwzonetti: Looks like the device is wroking.  Why are you trying to install ndiswrapper?18:38
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zonettivfw, excuse me?18:38
k1lvfw: that is what i was about in the first place18:38
|Slacker|is there a way to enable display auto dimming in precise?18:39
vfwk1l: It is a USB device, I think.  At least that is what he said earlier.18:39
vfwzonetti: Sorry, zoneout83 seems to have left us.18:40
k1lyes. but this works without ndiwswrapper. some users only find windows drivers on the manufacturers page and think they have to use them with ndiswrapper instead of using the linux ones18:40
zonettivfw, yeah.. I saw that later :)18:40
Jugglei did thank you18:40
markoKany iphone user here?18:43
bazhangmarkoK, what applications have you tried18:44
kymaracan anyone recommend a guide/command to change xubuntu (11.10?) into ubuntu (I just want unity etc instead of xfce)18:45
bazhangkymara, the package ubuntu-desktop18:46
kymarabazhang: ok thank you i was worried (from ol dguides) that would only give me gnome, i'll try it18:47
zonettikymara, apparently the ubuntu-desktop should do the trick18:47
bazhangkymara, ubuntu is gnome, you realize18:47
markoKbazhang: just banshee18:48
bazhangmarkoK, what about rhythmbox18:48
Jugglehow to i extract a rar file18:49
Jugglei am trying but getting error18:49
Juggleis there another way18:49
markoKbazhang: what is the closest to itunes?18:49
bazhangmarkoK, in what respect18:49
xanguaJuggle: did you install rar and unrar packages¿18:49
Juggleyes, unrar is already the newest version  message comes when i try to apt-get install unrar18:50
markoKbazhang: lets say I jailbreak my Iphone and want the normal OS back, in itunes I can get my "normal" os back that I backedup. is there a linux alternative that can do the same?18:51
Vista_is there a command that will tell me if any files are being accessed in a certain folder?18:51
xanguamarkoK: no18:52
bazhangmarkoK, to reinstall the firmware? not that I have ever heard, no18:52
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markoKbazhang: so only itunes can do it :(   thats bad to hear, so wine or VM is my only alternative ?:(18:53
vfwVista_: lsof18:53
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vfwVista_: lsof |grep "/path/to/etc"18:54
Vista_vfw: thanks18:54
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icerootmarkoK: there is another alternative19:01
Vista_vfw: I opened a file in nano from the folder oscar but lsof | grep "oscar" no returns19:01
icerootmarkoK: dont buy apple products, because they are just a big jail. buy something which is not taking away your freedom19:01
robbiehi - I have an ntfs partition mounted in ubuntu and I copied data to it from a tar archive. I can see the directory I made when I boot to ubuntu, but not in Windows19:03
robbiewhy can't I see the data on the ntfs partition when I boot to windows?19:03
kymarabazhang: thanks i got what i wanted :) (unity stuff :))19:04
savioafter editing sudoer file it takes immediate effect19:05
Roeyhey all, I have my SPDIF OUT channel connected to my stereo system.  Why is it that when my stereo is muted, the SPDIF channel automatically gets muted after a while?  It didn't used to do this (I am on Ubuntu 12.10, and this started after I upgraded from 12.04)19:07
markoKiceroot: its not my iphone, it belongs to my sister. I still have a nokia 5800 :(  but my next phone will be the nexus4 :)19:07
DrManhattanRoey, most onboard sound cards with spdif do that. It's a "power saving" feature. imho, it blows.19:08
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savioi have metasploit install i thinking to setup cron job  to update metasploit but i can't do this with root account because i use rvm so i have to use rvmsudo for update to work here is paste of sudoer file i edited to use rvmsudo without password so i can setup cron job but its not working i still need to enter the password19:12
savio# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.19:12
savio# Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of19:12
savio# directly modifying this file.19:12
FloodBot1savio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
savioi have metasploit install i thinking to setup cron job  to update metasploit but i can't do this with root account because i use rvm so i have to use rvmsudo for update to work here is paste of sudoer file i edited to use rvmsudo without password so i can setup cron job but its not working i still need to enter the password19:13
wcapiohi folks, I just installed 12.10 on a brand new SSD... I just followed the standard options... but they force me to use legacy mode... should I reinstall?19:14
Vista_ahh it does work19:15
markoKdoes anybody know something new about the nexus 4 availability ?:)19:18
Vista_sold out, but the nexus 10 said that yesterday, but its shipping today19:21
Evil_Ericok does anyone know exactly where in the conf file that xchat actually closes to the tray instead actually closeing19:22
savioi have metasploit install i thinking to setup cron job  to update metasploit but i can't do this with root account because i use rvm so i have to use rvmsudo for update to work here is paste of sudoer file i edited to use rvmsudo without password so i can setup cron job but its not working i still need to enter the password19:23
=== Mining|away is now known as MiningMarsh
DaimyoKirbyIs there a way to remove all files except for those of a certain type (.doc, .xls, etc) from a folder and its subfolders, yet retain the directory tree structure?19:24
wcapiois uefi better than bios?19:25
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bobweaverDaimyoKirby,  you could use find ?19:26
bobweaverDaimyoKirby,  you might want to think about the files that you want to remove though  like if I wanted to remove all mp3's under ~/Music I would do           find /home/user/Music -name '*.mp3' -exec rm {} \;19:28
bobweaverthat would remove all files that are mp3s19:28
Dmolehelp with jockey-text please; "jockey-text --enable=kmod:fglrx_updates" fails... why?19:28
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icerootwcapio: is a book better then a car?19:30
OerHekshey steffen ubuntuhelpguy :-D19:30
DaimyoKirbyBobweaver- the issue is that there are so many subdirectories, and so many different files, I thought it would be simpler to remove all files, and keep only a few.19:31
_Bierhello everyone, i am currently using ubuntu which is a live cd booted from an usb stick, but the space i reserved for programs is FULL, so now i get the "low graphics mode error"19:32
llutzDaimyoKirby: like:  find path/  -regextype posix-egrep -not -regex '.*(doc|xls)$' -type f -delete19:32
_Bieri want to use my live cd as it originally was, delete the reserved space perhaps19:32
llutzDaimyoKirby: you want to check and test that before you actually run it19:32
_Bieri can get into the "TRY UBUNTU" screen, its where i am now19:33
_Biercan anyone please help me? :(19:33
gordonjcp_Bier: why not delete some of the files in the reserved space?19:33
_Bieri dont know how and where that is19:33
gordonjcpokay, so how do you know that's what's causing the problem?19:34
_Bieri have access to my folders, but cant move anything to trash19:34
gordonjcpdon't move things to trash19:34
_Bierbecause there is no trash can19:34
gordonjcpdelete them19:34
dr_willis_what all did you install on it?19:34
gordonjcpif I meant "move them to the trash" I'd have said "move them to the trash"19:34
gordonjcpwell, <shift-DELETE> might be a good start19:34
gordonjcpor just rm19:34
_Biershift delete doesn't do it19:35
_Bierdo i need the terminal for rm? if so how do i access it before im logged on19:35
gordonjcpokay, then open a terminal and use rm19:35
adknight87or change a prefrence in the file manager that lets you have the drop down context option of delet19:35
gordonjcp_Bier: <CTRL-ALT-F2> will drop you into a plain terminal19:35
gordonjcplog in with your username and password as normal19:35
gordonjcpwork out where you want to delete stuff, and delete it19:35
dr_willis_live cd user is    ubuntu19:36
adknight87_Bier: There's a option to add delete to the context menu from nautilus19:36
gordonjcpthen <ALT-F7> to get back to the desktop19:36
gordonjcp_Bier: if you've got stuff in .Trash, give that the bullet first19:36
adknight87We meet again dr willis19:37
adknight87Happy thanksgiving19:37
kwtm3What command-line can I use to cleanly unmount a hard drive partition of ReiserFS that was not cleanly unmounted?  Is there something like "fsck --fix-errors /dev/sda7" or something like that?19:39
DaimyoKirbyJust tested it in a directory tree I made on my desktop - `find /path -regextype posix-egrep -not -regex '.*(doc|xls)$' -type f -delete' worked great!19:39
abyss42when i do /etc/init.d/nginx status it says it is running, but when i do /etc/init.d/nginx stop..it does not stop it. Any ideas?19:39
DaimyoKirbyThanks so much!19:39
llutzDaimyoKirby: you can extend the list of extensions, just use | to seperate19:39
DaimyoKirbyOk; I'm probably gonna write this down somewhere, it's so useful.19:40
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dchernivDaimyoKirby, or something like this19:43
dchernivDaimyoKirby, find path/ -type f -not -iname "*.doc" -not -iname "*.xls" -exec rm {} \;19:43
* dcherniv some people when faced with a problem say "I know i'll use regexp". Now they have two problems19:44
llutzdcherniv: hehe19:45
Dmoleyah because they solved the first problem with regex and are now on to other things19:46
Dmolenow if only I could get Ubuntu installed (display driver problems)19:48
z1ng3rHey, folks- Anyone here that can help me with a dual-boot-Intel-Mac install?  Specifically, what do I need to do to get one to work?  The ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64 going through the normal install doesn't seem to be working.19:48
SlitazMint_notebDoes anyone here have an AMD HD6800 series with fglrx working?19:49
Dmolez1ng3r: you need to use bootcamp and/or custom firmware19:49
bekksSlitazMint_noteb: Why?19:49
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: can't get it to install the drivers :(19:49
z1ng3rDmole- I have rEFIt installed, which seems to be the recommended way of doing it.19:50
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SlitazMint_notebBecause I'm reinstalling my system after losing it from installing fglrx19:50
cheesecakeswhy do drivers get messed up after an upgrade?19:50
SlitazMint_notebI need it to work.19:50
bekksSlitazMint_noteb: So which Ubuntu are you using in detail?19:50
Dmole"ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx"19:51
SlitazMint_notebI was using server editition until I realized there was Ubuntu Mini19:51
cheesecakesi got everything sorted out but was wondering if this was a bug or something19:51
Lazikz1ng3r, what is your macbook air version? (ex: 3,2)19:51
leftisti installed win8 and created 2 partitions and am now trying to boot ubuntu however it doesnt even acknowledge the os at all and goes straight to win8. i'm going to remove it just wanted to know how you do a dual boot?19:52
dchernivcheesecakes, which drivers?19:52
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: fglrx just crashes so you get no interface after boot?19:52
z1ng3rIt's not an Air.  It's the old-school Macbook (the black one)19:52
dchernivcheesecakes, uvc type?19:52
bekkscheesecakes: Which driver?19:52
cheesecakesyes uvcvideo19:52
leftistold school to me would have been powerbook :D19:53
dchernivcheesecakes, was the uvc module not loading with new kernel?19:53
cheesecakesyes i think19:53
SlitazMint_notebWhat do I do to restore the system if the screen goes black after rebooting with fglrx drivers?19:53
leftisttany takers to my question?19:53
z1ng3rleftist- Yeah, well, I work with a bunch of "kids" who have to have the newest thing that comes out of the Foxconn plant.19:53
cheesecakesi had to add to the kernel startup list manually and blacklist the wrong driver19:54
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: I used [Ctrl][alt][f1]19:54
leftistha i can dig it z1ng3r19:54
z1ng3rleftist- Did you install GRUB or are you trying to use the win8 boot loader?19:54
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leftisti just installed w8 in a partition and deleted all the previous ones so it's just w8 and empty non formatted partitions19:55
cheesecakesso was this a special case?19:55
leftisti might have to do this through windows probably.19:56
dchernivcheesecakes, probably, what driver was loading instead of uvc?19:56
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z1ng3rleftist- Ah- I'd try to lay a new ubuntu install down in another partition, then use grub as the boot loader.19:56
cheesecakesi dont remember19:56
leftistahh it came up :D19:56
dchernivcheesecakes, dunno weird, uvc is standard for webcams. Should have been loading by default19:57
z1ng3rI think I'm going to try bootcamp instead of rEFIt.19:57
SlitazMint_notebDmole: When I got the black screen nothing would show up at all.19:57
cheesecakesalso my pperformance has slowed up a bit19:57
leftistwhat are you trying to do z1ng3r?19:57
SlitazMint_notebIs it possible to fix fglrx problems from a live distro?19:57
cheesecakesidk why19:57
bekksSlitazMint_noteb: Did you check wether fglrx supports your hardware at all?19:58
z1ng3rleftist- I'm trying to dual-boot my Macbook (not Air) between OSX and Ubuntu.19:58
leftistwhat ver osx?19:58
leftistis that a ppc mac?19:58
dchernivSlitazMint_noteb, no response at all? ie CTRL+ALT+F2?19:59
z1ng3rleftist- I'm trying to use rEFIt so I can pick at boot time rather than having to boot all the way in and pico one or the other.19:59
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: hold shift during boot, and add nomodeset to the kernel line replacing quiet splash19:59
mikey1243Just got this message when trying to partition my drive and was wondering what it means: /dev/sdb contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table.  However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should.  Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables.  Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an msdos partition table.  Is this a GPT part19:59
z1ng3rleftist- I'm on 10.7.5, and it's an Intel mac.19:59
markoKhey guys, on which place and file does ubuntu list all its services/daemons, I want to edit it manualy20:00
devralhi. how do I forward system mail messages (such as cron errors) to an e-mail address? I have postfix configed and working20:00
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it20:00
z1ng3rmarkon- Look in /etc/rc2.d20:00
tbrown20I was wondering if someone can direct me to the right place for Oracle java.20:00
leftistumm z1ng3r i cant help you with that one i'm so sorry20:00
dchernivmarkoK, /etc/init.d use update-rc.d tool20:00
leftisti've never used it as a boot loader20:00
z1ng3rleftist- no worries.  Thanks for the consideration, though.20:00
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: grub 2 is close to the same thing20:00
SlitazMint_notebI'm gonna try to install the drivers again. What method and version should I use? I did sudo apt-get install fglrx last time it didn't work. (following the documentation of course)20:00
markoKdcherniv: its not a simple text file, I mean why do I have to use a tool?:)20:01
z1ng3rmarkoK: Things listed with an "S" will automatically start on boot.  Things listed with a "K" will not.20:01
dchernivmarkoK, they are text files in a special directory20:01
dchernivmarkoK, the runlevel on which service is run is controlled by symlinks to /etc/rc#.d20:02
dchernivmarkoK, you can update those symlinks manually but there are 6 runlevels, lots of symlinks to keep track of and very easy to mess it up20:02
dchernivmarkoK, so there's a tool that does it for you :)20:02
markoKdcherniv: okay but would be nice to know whats going on20:03
SlitazMint_notebShould I download fglrx from AMD if apt-get install fglrx didn't work?20:04
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: no idea, maybe ubuntu just won't work with ati20:04
devralhow do I forward system e-mails (root's mail) through postfix to a gmail address? I have postfix working properly atm20:05
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: maybe this: http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/20:06
z1ng3rdevral: edit the .forward file?20:06
llutzdevral: /etc/aliases:   root:  you@gmail.com                       then run "newaliases"20:06
tbrown20Java Chat Room Please20:06
devralis there a difference between creating ~/.forward and changing /etc/aliases?20:07
z1ng3rdevral: You did say postfix.  .fprward is for sendmail.  DO what llutz said.20:07
devralah, gotcha. thanks20:07
z1ng3rdevral: np.20:07
z1ng3rOkay- off to screw around with trying to make BootCamp work.20:08
z1ng3rLater folks.20:08
tomek_who knows how to change gnome visual look?20:08
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jilebedevHi hi - is there such a thing as a "Printscreen for the terminal". I know I can pipe the output of individual commands. What I want to do is to capture the ascii buffer from the current terminal, and write it as a text file. Is this possible, can anyone recommend a tool?20:10
bekksjilebedev: There is no such tool, I guess.20:11
vfwjilebedev: >file.txt20:11
devralwhen I type "mail" to check my user's mailbox, I get: "Cannot open mailbox /var/mail/devral: Permission denied"20:12
tomek_anyone can help me with gnome?20:12
llutzdevral: "ls -l /var/mail/devral"20:13
llutzdevral: should be devral:mail20:13
Jordan_Ujilebedev: What is your end goal?20:13
tomek_anyone can help me with gnome?20:14
bekkstomek_: Just ask, please.20:14
vfwJordan_U: If what he said is accurate >file.txt is all he needs.  Right?20:14
tomek_how change gnome visual look20:14
bekkstomek_: Which Ubuntu do you use?20:14
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:15
Jordan_Uvfw: It doesn't sound like that's exactly what they needs, but it's hard to tell without them telling their end goal.20:15
llutzjilebedev: if you know you want to capture when starting a session, use "script"20:16
bekkstomek_: Which is "latest"?20:16
bekkstomek_: No need to open a query.20:16
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phong_hi guys20:17
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phong__ericcc, sup dude20:17
phong__ericcc, du the du20:18
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DmoleI thought linux and nvidea had problems, but I did not expect the 12.10 installer to fail so completely with an amd graphics chipset :(20:19
mericai can't find a solution to this external drive problem, the drive doesn't register on my desktop via any usb port, dmseg and syslog don't show anything being plugged in,20:19
mericabut the drive works on my laptop, which is also running ubuntu20:19
bkc_Dmole: never had any problems w/ nvidia in linux, more so with amd/ati thou :/20:20
unheedingso the drive is good, merica, but maybe the port on your computer isn't20:20
mericaunheeding: i tried many ports, and i know they work, cause i have other devices using them20:20
mericai even tried, unplugging all other usb devices, and it still didn't register20:20
mericaits a usb3 drive, and my mobo has usb3 ports, but like i said, i tried all the ports20:21
oxynadnobody here?20:21
mericanobody here but us chickens20:21
oxynadhow come i cant see anybody?20:22
adknight87Nice compiz + Cube Desktop + Android + Windows 7 + BackTrack20:22
adknight87WIN all across the board20:22
mericaany ideas on why this drive wont register while connected to my desktop, but works fine in my laptop20:23
mericaboth are fresh installs of 12.1020:23
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leighhi all has any one tried to install itunes on ubuntu using wine or playonlinux?20:24
Guest9259Hey all. I am about to reinstall ubuntu on my laptop and I just remembered that there is something with grub and something else I had to edit after the computer loads to desktop. It had to do with the graphics card20:24
Guest9259Does anyone know what I am talking about?20:24
mericaproprietary drivers?20:24
Guest9259No, it was some line I either edited or appended in grub. I can't recall though20:25
mericawhat kind of graphics card is it?20:25
Guest9259not sure20:26
DmoleGuest9259: maybe nomodeset in the linux line of grub20:26
mericaim just wingin it here20:26
Guest9259dmole: that was it20:26
Guest9259dmole: do you know what it was that I need to type exactly?20:26
DmoleGuest9259: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it20:26
mericawas what i was gonna say20:26
Guest9259thanks you guys20:27
Guest9259happy thanksgiving20:27
DmoleGuest9259: you might want to use 12.04 as I can't get 12.10 to install the right drivers20:27
mericaDmole: why not?20:28
mericasom1 halp meh plz!20:28
bekksmerica: Can you speekz english pleaz? :)20:29
mericamy external usb3 1tb drive doesn't register on my desktop20:29
mericafresh install of ubuntu12.1020:30
bekksmerica: Then take a look at "dmesg" in a terminal when plugging the drive in.20:30
Dmolemerica: seemingly endless reasons; first problem was the black screen on boot, second problem was compiz using all the CPU, 3rd problem was selecting 3rd party drivers failed because some file is missing (now there is no unity on boot), 4th problem is the .bin from ati failed in some way....20:30
mericai have tried all the usb ports, which i know are good because i use other usb devices,20:30
Dmolemerica: try 12.0420:30
ActionParsnipmerica: what file system does it use?20:30
mericabekks: dmesg doesn't show anything,20:30
bekksmerica: Do you have an USB3 port at all?20:30
bekksmerica: Do you have an USB3 cable, too?20:31
ActionParsnipmerica: what file system does it use?20:31
mericaeverything is new20:31
ActionParsnipmerica: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    do you see it?20:32
mericanew hardware (desktop computer), fresh installs, new external drive20:32
mericaActionParsnip: no20:32
bekksmerica: does "sudo lspci -k" show you the USB3 controller?20:32
ActionParsnipmerica: is the device usb powered or is it powered by a separate power20:32
mericaActionParsnip: its usb powered, and it works on my laptop20:33
mericai did try unplugging all the other usb devices, then plugging the drive in20:33
bekksmerica: Then the controller isnt recognized at all. Did it ever work - even with a different usb device?20:33
mericasame result20:33
ActionParsnipmerica: when you last unplugged it, did you unmount it properly?20:33
mericabekks: it works in my laptop20:33
mericawith usb3 and fresh install of ubuntu 12.1020:33
bekksmerica: So you plugg out the entire controller (out of your PC) and plug it into your laptop?20:34
ActionParsnipmerica: have you tried setting the USB to legacy mode in BIOS?20:34
mericabekks, i remove the drive from the desktop, and plug it into the laptop, and the laptop will mount it20:34
bekksmerica: Thats not what I asked.20:35
mericaActionParsnip: legacy mode is on20:35
ActionParsnipmerica: do other devices work in the ports?20:35
mericaActionParsnip: yes20:35
mericabekks: i didn't understand then20:35
bekksmerica: The USB3 _controller_ isnt recognized at all, as you told us.20:35
bekksSo either it is broken, or disabled in the BIOS.20:36
bekksmerica: Then why did you say "no" when being ask wether lspci -k shows the USB3 controller?20:37
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ActionParsnipmerica: how about booting with it attached20:37
mericasorry, i must not have read the entire thing and assumed you said drive in stead of controller20:37
mericaActionParsnip: tried that as well didn't change anything20:38
bekksmerica: Then unplug the drive, wait 10s, plug it into the USB3 port, wait 10s and pastebinthe entire output of "dmesg" please20:38
mericathats prior to what you just said20:39
guntbert!enter | merica20:39
ubottumerica: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:39
matxhello! is anyone here familier with inotifywait. I have a problem where i run it as root but it appears to run scripts as a normal user20:40
simonpe^^Im having some sound issues. The following makes my toslink connector output digital audio (albeit with very poor quality) mplayer -ac hwac3,hwdts, -channels 6 -ao alsa:device=iec958 <file>. The problem is that I cannot get pulseaudio to send the signal to my toslink plug. Any ideas (both for the horrible quality and for the pulseaudio issue)?20:40
ActionParsnipmerica: Do you dual boot the system?20:40
mericaas of yesterday yes20:40
mericathough, iv never used the drive in windows20:41
mericacan't, being that its ext320:41
ActionParsnipmerica: check in windows that the USB is not set to be able to wake up the PC and disable power management. It can help20:41
ActionParsnipmerica: the Windows OS may be 'holding' the USB ports20:42
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mericawell, this was the case before i dualbooted20:42
Dmolemerica: while you are doing that in windows do the same for the NIC20:43
ActionParsnipmerica: do you have the latest BIOS?20:43
darrenloobyWell, after a while of working at it - I've finally got PHP 5.2 working on Ubuntu 12.04... phew...20:43
mericagood question, i haven't checked for bios updates20:44
ActionParsnipmerica: the BIOS gives settings for the ports, may help20:44
mericayeah, i looked at that, wasn't much to mess with, and nothing seemed to change anythin20:44
darrenloobyNext question. I'm looking for a list of differences between PHP versions - so I can then go look at the code for problems.20:45
bekksdarrenlooby: Check their changelog. :)20:45
guntbertdarrenlooby: ask in ##php maybe?20:45
mericabut, i had this problem yesterday with ubuntu 12.04, prior to my format and dualbooting20:45
Owner_Hey guys. So I am trying to install ubuntu and the screen goes black. I turned on the nomodeset thing but that doesn't cut it. There was something else I did when I originally installed it20:46
Dmolemerica: try the drive in windows (you should at least be able to see it)20:47
leftistgrub works great with win8! good day!20:48
mericai dualboot my laptop as well, and the drive works fine in it20:48
Dmolemerica: try CentOS20:48
mericaalright, i'll boot into windows, see if it can see the drive, and check for bios updates20:48
Dmolemerica: the drive will show up in the disk management but not windows explorer20:49
=== ivar_ is now known as SlitazMint_noteb
SlitazMint_notebBig surprise, fglrx screwed me over again.20:51
SlitazMint_notebHow do I restore? I am in rescue mode in a shell.20:51
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: did you try 12.04?20:51
SlitazMint_notebI'm in 12.1020:51
SlitazMint_notebNo I did not20:51
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: I was unable to get amd working in 12.10, so I'm installing 12.04 now...20:52
KjetilKseems my /etc/rc.local isn't run at startup, at least none of the parameters I have in there are set, it executable and has the hashbang20:53
KjetilKwhat else could be wrong?20:53
SlitazMint_notebDmole: tell me if it works20:53
SlitazMint_notebDmole: What card do you have?20:53
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: ... don't know20:53
SlitazMint_notebDmole: Desktop or laptop?20:54
Owner_So when I try and install ubuntu and I check nomodeset, noapic and apci=off Ubuntu loads for a while then leaves me at the command line (logged in as root) what do I do?20:54
ActionParsnipKjetilK: did you add the command above the 'exit 0' line?20:54
KjetilKActionParsnip, yeah...20:54
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: laptop20:55
ActionParsnipKjetilK: add an extra line to run:   echo "it's running" | tee /home/username/Desktop/test.txt20:55
KjetilKThis is the script: http://pastebin.com/8uS7FG9M20:55
ActionParsnipKjetilK: change 'username' for your username20:55
ActionParsnipKjetilK: then, reboot. If you see the file. you know /etc/rc.local IS being processed20:56
KjetilKActionParsnip, right20:56
ActionParsnipKjetilK: try that first, then we can progress20:57
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: MAYBE a "Radeon HD 6490M"20:57
KjetilKhmmm, problem is, this is my MythBuntu box, and it currently has some problems getting up, with a scarily low Wife Acceptance Factor as a result...20:57
gyre007is there a way how I can use auditd to check what process/who is chown-ing some file on filesystem ? I can see that this is doable for accessing the files...but can't see any reference to chown-ing - obviously I know that chowning wouldnt work without accessing...20:57
SlitazMint_notebDmole: Mine is HD 687020:58
KjetilKso, I guess I will try to debug it later, when the detrimental effects of a falling WAF isn't that pronounced :-)20:58
SlitazMint_notebDmole: Please don't forget to tell me if it works for you.20:58
ActionParsnipgyre007: if the command is running at present, you can run:  ps -ef | grep chown20:59
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: no problem, I'm just sitting around waiting for the install to finish...20:59
hozmasterhelo what is /usr/share/python-support/ folder is that still exist 12.4?20:59
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: did you try sudo add-apt-repository ppa:makson96/fglrx ?21:00
ActionParsniphozmaster: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1378030/21:00
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:00
gyre007no ActionParsnip this happens randomly...also I doubt Id catch it with ps :) chown doesn't usually run several seconds :) especially on the superfast servers these days21:00
KjetilKActionParsnip, actually, this could explain it:21:00
KjetilKroot@tigger:/etc/rc2.d# ls -la S99rc.local21:01
KjetilKlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 28  2010 S99rc.local -> ../init.d/rc.local21:01
SlitazMint_notebDmole: No, what's that?21:01
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: quantal21:01
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: drivers21:01
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: as per http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/21:01
ActionParsnipgyre007: if you are chowning a folder with lots of small files, it will take a while.21:01
KjetilKso, it appears to point to rc.local in init.d21:01
SlitazMint_notebAnyone know how I remove the AMD drivers I installed from AMD website?21:01
SlitazMint_notebI'm in rescue mode and a have a shell up.21:02
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: (using the ppa was the one thing I did not try on that page)21:02
ariesam./Connection_Manager: error while loading shared libraries: libusb-0.1.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:02
ariesam??? error21:02
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: dpkg -l | grep fglrx      should give a clue21:02
llutzKjetilK: /etc/rc.local != /etc/init.d/rc.local, different files21:02
Evil_EricActionParsnip, you just beat me to that21:02
ActionParsnipariesam: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc21:02
KjetilKllutz, yeah, that's the problem21:02
llutzKjetilK: you want /etc/rc.local21:02
hozmasteri got <app>.public which contains file to other place21:02
KjetilKllutz, what will run /etc/rc.local?21:03
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: Did not output anything.21:03
Evil_EricSlitazMint_noteb, do you have synaptic package manger21:03
ActionParsnip!ati | SlitazMint_noteb will show the packages to install21:03
ubottuSlitazMint_noteb will show the packages to install: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:03
llutzKjetilK:  /etc/rc.local  will be called by /etc/init.d/rc.local21:03
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: so the ones to install will need removing :)21:03
KjetilKllutz, ah, ok21:03
gyre007ActionParsnip: fair enough :)21:04
KjetilKso, I can debug this problem by running  /etc/init.d/rc.local21:04
SlitazMint_notebEvil_Eric: No I don't21:04
hozmasterbut when I start ie. app i got no such file or dire21:04
ActionParsnipariesam: its a terminal command21:05
Evil_Ericif you did have it installed you could simply search for the gfrlx and remove the packages21:05
llutzKjetilK: sudo "/etc/init.d/rc.local start"  to test21:05
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KjetilKllutz, yeah, and it ran21:05
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: Since I did not install the package sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx doesnt work.21:06
SlitazMint_notebI installed from AMD this time.21:06
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: try the packaged version21:06
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: How do I remove what I have now?21:06
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: I did try the packaged version when I was using Ubuntu server 12.10 if it doesnt work ot that then it wont work on ubuntu mini 12.10 i dont think21:07
Evil_Ericthis might work sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev* xorg-driver-fglrx21:08
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: do you want a desktop OS?21:09
HoldenHi guys, I've update to firefox 17 on lucid, but scrolling on some pages (like http://www.findchips.com/avail?part=NJW0281G ) it's really slow... has anyone noticed that?21:09
SlitazMint_notebEvil_Eric: That didnt do anything. -__-21:10
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: or are you just getting no display onscreen?21:10
ActionParsnipHolden: what desktop are you using?21:10
HoldenActionParsnip, it's lucid, so gnome 2.3021:10
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: yes i want a desktop os, everything was working fine till i installed fglrx, now the screen is just black when I reboot21:10
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: so why install server?21:11
SlitazMint_notebI didn't know about mini edition, now I have mini.21:11
* laff3n <- needs help setting up a bitcoin miner ... have pclbm installed, have issues with ATI opencl ... but cant find any info on google21:11
TJ-KjetilK: I suspect your settings are being over-ridden by the /etc/init.d/ondemand service (/etc/rc2.d/S05ondemand )21:11
amews_aj-studyHi, again I forgot, what is the command to wipe a hdd in linux ?21:12
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: if you let the OS boot some then press CTRL+ALT+F1, do you get a prompt?21:12
mericasudo rm -rf /21:12
llutzTJ-: unlikely, since S99 runs after S0521:12
ActionParsnipamews_aj-study: you can use dban or dd21:12
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:12
Dmoleamews_aj-study: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda21:12
mericalol, he asked21:12
KjetilKTJ-, oh, I'll look into that21:12
ActionParsnipmerica: please don't put commands like that in here. It also doesn't wipe it effectively21:12
BluesKajamews_aj-study, use a partition manager21:13
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip: Nope21:13
mericai think i gave him what he was asking for21:13
SlitazMint_notebnot even splash screen21:13
Dmolemy example was so bad the  ubottubot could not comment21:13
mericabut thats all beside the point21:13
TJ-llutz: KjetilK  ondemand starts and then sleeps for 60 seconds, then sets the scaling governor21:13
KjetilKTJ-, it may explain the cpu_freq stuff, but not the lirc statement at the end?21:13
mericaActionParsnip: the drive didn't register in win8 either, and it appears there might be a bios update21:14
ActionParsnipmerica: it's not, it could be a different drive to the one booted to...couldn't it21:14
BluesKajmeric  new users might not know the effects of that command21:14
mericawon't happen again21:14
TJ-KjetilK: Indeed. As ActionParsnip said, you need to add some logging to the file and reboot the PC to check it21:14
KjetilKhmmm, the cpufreq is pretty archaic by now in my setup anyway, I'll remove it21:14
ariesamthanks ActionParsnip but the error continues, apparently did not find that file "libusb-0.1-4.so" and the program can not start.21:14
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: did nomodeset not get you a spash screen?21:14
ActionParsnipmerica: so jumping to such a ridiculous assumption and destructive command is far from helpful21:14
* KjetilK nods, I suppose so21:15
TJ-merica: Have you confirmed that the drive isn't trying to draw more power than the USB3 port can supply? The USB2 spec says it should provide 900mA but its not unknown for that to sometimes be lower.21:15
DmoleActionParsnip: exactly what else could he mean by "wipe a drive"?21:16
llutztj KjetilK even then, "ondemand" sets governor but not min-scaling-freq21:16
ActionParsnipDmole: user could have 50 USB drives and want to wipe just one21:16
ActionParsnipDmole: that is nothing to do with / or rm...21:17
mericaTJ- i haven't confirmed that, idk how i would, i just know it doesn't register on the desktop21:17
SlitazMint_notebI managed to restore the old drivers.21:17
SlitazMint_notebActionParsnip, Dmole ^21:18
ActionParsnipSlitazMint_noteb: sweet :)21:18
DmoleActionParsnip: true using root as an example was bad, and likely dd is the more secure option he was after21:18
ReAzemHello! I have an issue. I know than anacron runs tasks with run-parts. The problem is that I have a job which is extremely long, and I would like anacron to the following tasks even if this job is not completed, any solutions?21:18
ReAzem*to run21:18
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: but do they perform at all?21:18
BluesKajDmole, we suspect his intentions ...Ive seen ppl advise others to use that command with malice.21:19
TJ-llutz: KjetilK cpuinfo_{min,max}_freq are read-only values - so you can't write to them. They're info about the CPU, not control knobs :)21:19
ActionParsnipDmole: exactly :)21:19
impizawhen i try to install teamviewer  it shows error21:19
DmoleBluesKaj: don't be to obvious now21:19
KjetilKTJ-, uh, ok21:20
ActionParsnipDmole: folks jumping to conclusions without asking for any details is bad for user data21:20
impizasome ai32-libs missing21:20
llutzTJ-: wrong, you can override them using echo bla > var21:20
KjetilKthis was something I experimented with back in the day before VDPAU, so I needed the CPU to do HD video playback21:20
TJ-llutz: They're read-only21:20
TJ-llutz: At least, on 2 systems here they are21:21
llutz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 22 22:20 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq21:21
SlitazMintDmole, Perform? I just removed them.21:21
lduros_hi, i'm looking for a way to use "Yahoo Messenger" with video and chat21:21
BluesKajheh obvious , that's a good one21:21
TJ-llutz: It depends on the system then. I'm seeing "-r--r--r--"21:22
lduros_I don't really need to us e yahoo messenger itself, but pidgin doesn't allow video/audio21:22
lduros_with the yahoo protocol21:22
amews_aj-studyBluesKaj But I'd like to use a tool a bit more thorough21:22
DmoleSlitazMint: like the reason I tryed using 3rd party drivers in the first place was the open ones were slow21:22
TJ-KjetilK: What does yours show for "ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq"  ?21:22
KjetilKTJ-, -r--r--r--21:23
SlitazMintDmole, no it doesn't "perform" at least I have my desktop back. I haven't given up on fglrx yet21:23
KjetilKso, I guess this could explain it, it fails there and doesn't execute the rest?21:24
SlitazMintDmole, Where there is a will there is a way. =P21:24
TJ-KjetilK: Well, that explains why you don't see a change then :) Now you need to figure out the lirc issue21:24
KjetilKTJ-, could it be that since the cpufreq fails, the rest wasn't executed?21:24
TJ-KjetilK: The script is "-e" so that would make sense.21:25
llutzKjetilK: no21:25
TJ-KjetilK:  man dash:  " -e errexit       If not interactive, exit immediately if any untested command fails."21:25
llutztrue you are, sry21:26
Dmoleanyone ever see the right mouse click act as a left mouse click?21:26
SlitazMint./packages/Ubuntu/ati-packager.sh: 294: ./packages/Ubuntu/ati-packager.sh: debclean: not found21:27
invariantHow can I control what dpkg-reconfigure foopackage does without manually selecting the right value?21:27
xanguaDmole: when you set the mouse for left handed, yes21:27
SlitazMintWhat is that?21:27
TJ-KjetilK: You could just do " echo 1800000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq || true"21:27
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TJ-KjetilK: That way, on systems where it fails it'll still return success to the shell and continue onwards21:28
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KjetilKTJ-, yeah, I could but I just removed them since I don't need them anymore21:29
KjetilKthanks anyway, I'll check next time I boot the box21:30
Dmolehmmm http://askubuntu.com/questions/191864/right-mouse-button-doesnt-work21:34
thnovsomethings up with kernel.ubuntu.com?21:38
Dmoleping 98ms; seems ok21:38
Galvatronthnov: Seemingly. I also can't access it.21:40
Dmoleyah port 80 is timing out for me aswell21:41
Dmole22 also21:42
psiklopshi. habts ihr ein OffTopic channel ?21:44
llutz!ot | psiklops21:45
ubottupsiklops: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:45
psiklopsgerman ;-)21:45
bekks!de ¦ psiklops21:45
ubottubekks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:45
bekks!de | psiklops21:45
ubottupsiklops: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:45
llutzpsiklops:  #ubuntu-de-offtopic21:45
psiklopsbekks, thanx, just forgot to punch in the -de ;-)21:46
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DmoleSlitazMint: I seem to have a "Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series" and/or "Radeon HD 5000M Series"21:49
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SlitazMintDmole, HD4000 and below don't work on 12.10 anymore.21:52
thnovDmole: That ping is probably answered by their load balancer.. getting HTTP content is another story though :)21:52
DmoleSlitazMint: only both 5000 and 4200 > 400021:53
GalvatronSlitazMint: They do. You just have to install the legacy drivers (Catalyst 12.6).21:53
SlitazMintI meant HD 4000 series or lower.21:54
SlitazMintDmole, ^21:54
DmoleGalvatron: only installing will fail and make you need to reinstall :(21:54
SlitazMintGalvatron, I'm having trouble with my AMD drivers on 12.1021:54
SlitazMintI have HD 6000 series.21:55
GalvatronThe legacy drivers might already be incomaptible with the current X.org.21:55
ActionParsnipSlitazMint: there is a PPA for the legacy driver, the xorg in Quantal hates 2xxx 3xxx and 4xxx ATi GPUs21:55
ActionParsnipSlitazMint: 6xxx should be ok21:55
SlitazMintI`ll try again them21:55
* SlitazMint crosses fingers.21:56
Dmoleppa here : http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/21:56
ActionParsnipworth a punt, even with the newer chip. Its easily rolled back :)21:56
GalvatronTo tell the truth, the users of HD4000 and lower should best switch to nVidia, to save time and nerves.21:56
SlitazMintActionParsnip, Should I get fglrx or fglrx-updates or both?21:57
SlitazMintGalvatron ^21:57
GalvatronSlitazMint: ?21:59
SlitazMint Should I get fglrx or fglrx-updates or both?22:00
SlitazMintOk, definetly not both22:00
SlitazMintfglrx didn't work in ubuntu server 12.10 i know that much22:00
SlitazMintSo maybe fglrx-update?22:00
GalvatronBest try the latest version from AMD's website22:00
GalvatronTry both stable and beta22:01
SlitazMintGalvatron, I already did.22:01
SlitazMintI'll try beta then.22:01
GalvatronIf even the latest drivers from AMD don't help, then installing those from the repo won't help22:01
SlitazMintI'm starting to hate AMD.22:02
GalvatronAs they are likely older22:02
bekksGalvatron: newer != better ;)22:02
GalvatronThet's the sad reality of AMD and X.org22:02
dr_willisapt-get make-a-wish-and-hope-for-the-best ;)22:02
SlitazMintGalvatron, Should I install or make a package then install?22:02
dr_willisthere may be a ppa for the newer versions from the amd site22:03
GalvatronThe ppa is called X-Updates/X-SWAT22:03
GalvatronIt contains the latest stable version22:04
GalvatronThere also the #ati channel, dedicated to support the propritera drivers, and #radeon, for the open ones22:05
SlitazMintGalvatron, Should I install or make a distro specific driver package?22:05
GalvatronJust install22:05
irocksuis there any professional spell checking software for ubuntu that goes beyond wordlists?22:06
irocksui am especially interested in german spell checking with plain text files22:07
SlitazMint_notebGalvatron: Did not work, do you think it will work in 12.04?22:08
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: I'm enabling the updates driver in 12.04 now....22:08
GalvatronYou mean the installer from AMD's website?22:09
Dmole(from the ubuntu "additional drivers" window)22:09
Steve^After 10 minutes my screen goes black, despite my power and brightness settings - is there a way to stop this happening?22:09
DmoleSteve^: 1) screensaver 2) powermanagement22:10
JohnFluxI'm trying to install ssl-cert on an ancient box but it's failing.  Is there a way to tell it to ignore failures in post install?22:11
Steve^Dmole, 12.10 doesn't have a screensaver, power management are all set off or very high, even all the random values I can find in dconf-editor22:11
bekksJohnFlux: Which Ubuntu is it?22:11
ActionParsnipirocksu: don't all spellchecks use wordlists?22:11
Dmolemaybe these driver  problems are related to the kernel.ubuntu.com being down?22:11
dr_willisActionParsnip:  ive been trying to think how ELSE they could work. ;)22:11
JohnFluxbekks: not sure it is - it's an embedded system22:12
ActionParsnipdr_willis: exactly22:12
SlitazMint_notebDmole: Dont think so22:12
JohnFluxbekks: customised version22:12
DmoleSlitazMint_noteb: failed in 12.04 as well :(22:12
bekksJohnFlux: Basedon which Ubuntu version?22:12
JohnFluxbekks: debian squeeze22:13
bekksJohnFlux: Thats no Ubuntu then.22:13
dr_willisthats an odd ubuntu version. ;)22:13
Dmolewhy is it that modinfo can't find fglrx????????????22:14
bekksDmole: Because it is not there.22:14
auronandaceDmole: lsmod will tell you what's loaded22:14
Dmolebekks: smart, ok better question why won't Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 install the recommended 3rdparty graphics driver ?22:15
Dmoleauronandace: don't see how that will help22:16
bekksDmole: Well, how did you install your driver then=22:16
SlitazMint_notebDmole: -___-22:16
Dmolebekks: SlitazMint_noteb and I are trying all kinds of options non of them working :/22:16
Dmolebekks: from the ubuntu "additional drivers" window22:17
bekksDmole: "all" and "none"... well, unless you have a fglrx.ko kernelmodule, "none" will work.22:17
OerHekssome drivers need "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`" why i don't know ...22:18
Dmolebekks: and clicking the button should install it but somehow it's not working (fglrx is in lsmod btw)22:19
bekksDmole: when lksmod shows fglrx, the module IS loaded already.22:19
ActionParsnipOerHeks: so it can plug into the kernel, for APIs and so forth :)22:20
Dmolebekks: so what's with the error message?22:20
DmoleI have to go pick up some people BBL SlitazMint_noteb, let me know if you find anything22:21
gskellikI just switched from unity to gnome3 and I like it a lot more22:21
gskellikexcept the multiple desktops22:21
ActionParsnipgskellik: unity uses gnome322:21
gskellikI know ActionParsnip, I meant I stopped using unity22:21
ActionParsnipgskellik: unity isn't a desktop environment22:21
SlitazMint_notebDmole: Ok22:21
ActionParsnipgskellik: ;)22:21
gskellikI know22:21
gskellikis there a way to get a 2x2 desktop back instead of the 1xwhatever22:22
FloodBot1gskellik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
ActionParsnipgskellik: what windows manager are you using?22:23
auronandacegskellik: gnome-shell dynamically gives you as much workspaces as you are using plus 122:23
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josephagarenzoHI i was wondering how to uninstall world of warcraft i tried sudo apt-get remove world of warcraft but its saying that world of warcraft isnt the right file location or something22:24
dr_willisHow did you install it?22:25
gskellikauronandace, yeah thats why I said 1x whatever I meant is there a way to get it to have 2x2 instead22:25
OpenSorcejosephagarenzo, I would assume you used wine to install it right?22:25
k1ljosephagarenzo: 1. which ubuntu? 2. how did you install? 3. what is the exact output/errormessage?22:25
gskellikI just liked the unity desktop switching more than the gnome3 one22:25
ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: WoW is a windows game, not installed as a package22:25
ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: so apt-get won't see it22:25
auronandacegskellik: not that i know of, check out their extension site22:25
ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: also NONE of the package names have spaces22:26
josephagarenzowell im runnign on ubuntu 12.10 wine of course22:26
ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: if you go into the installed folder for the game and find the uninstaller app, you can run that with wine and it will remove22:27
ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: or try running:   uninstaller22:27
josephagarenzoi think i tried that but ill try again,tried running the uninstaller but it didnt work22:27
auronandacegskellik: almost: https://extensions.gnome.org/22:27
dr_willisjosephagarenzo:  depending on how you installed it exactly. there may be a .wine directory you can just delete22:28
dr_willisplayonlinux and other wine-helpers may use other directoriues22:28
auronandacejosephagarenzo: also you can ask in #winehq for wine specific help22:28
ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: dr_willis: if you do you will need to delete the icons from ~/.config/menus/applications-merged22:29
josephagarenzoi see well im going to try .wine but i cant run the uninstaller through wine i think,going to try an figure this out22:29
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ActionParsnipjosephagarenzo: if you still see icons in dash, check that folder22:31
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sambagirlhow do i uninstall chrome? apt-get remove chrome ??? or use the ubuntu software center?22:33
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ActionParsnipsambagirl: sudo apt-get --purge remove google-chrome22:34
dr_willisapt-get and the software center do the same thang. ;)22:34
sambagirlactionparsnip i just checked ubuntu software center and it shows install for chromiuim...that is wierd cause it's on here already22:35
sambagirlokie dokie22:36
k1lchrome and chromium are not the same thing22:36
ActionParsnipsambagirl: chromim and googe-chrome are similar but not the sme22:36
sambagirlahhh i see22:36
sambagirlwhich is preferred?22:36
sambagirlchrome is very buggy22:36
ActionParsnipsambagirl: chromium is the open source one22:36
k1l!chromium | sambagirl22:36
ubottusambagirl: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa22:36
sambagirloh ok22:36
ActionParsnipsambagirl: chrome is a snapshot of chromium, then some proprietary blobs (pdf reader, flash) are add22:37
k1lhmm, well that is not the expected message22:37
sambagirlahh i see22:37
ActionParsnipsambagirl: so it depends on your preference, neither is preferred, its a personal choice22:37
sambagirlsudo apt-get --purge remove google-chrome22:37
ActionParsnipsambagirl: I use chrom as it make flash stuff run better for me22:37
sambagirlthat didnt work22:37
ActionParsnipsambagirl: try:  sudo apt-get --purge remove chromium-browser22:38
sambagirlyes but chrome is having fits on practically all platforms i use. even the one for iphone22:38
ActionParsnipsambagirl: on my android phone I use opera mini. Its so fast!22:38
sambagirli use opera on android too22:39
sambagirli'll install chronium since chrome wont remove22:39
sambagirli'm back to usinng firefox basically22:39
ActionParsnipsambagirl: try:  dpkg -l | grep chrom22:40
ActionParsnipsambagirl: should give clues :)22:40
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sambagirlthis may sound a little strange but i was wondering if there could be internal software code fighting on computers due to wars between competitors?22:47
sdddssdhi all22:48
doomlordthere is such a thing as vendor specific spyware i think22:48
sdddssdcan you help me22:48
ActionParsnipsdddssd: ask and see :)22:48
auronandacesambagirl: the scope of this channel is just ubuntu support22:49
sambagirlthis is relevant to support auronandance22:49
lwizardlI want to create a custom Xubuntu LiveCD with preconfigured applications etc, is there a tool for doing this ?22:49
sdddssdActionParsnip: well i want to install ubuntu22:49
sambagirlbecause support is irrelevant if indeed that is what is occuring22:49
auronandacesambagirl: no it isn't, ubuntu is open source, check the code yourself if you don't trust it22:49
sambagirli can check the code but i cant check binary libraries22:50
k1lsambagirl: cmon, stick to ubuntu support here. for other stuff we have #ubuntu-offtopic e.g.22:50
ActionParsnipsdddssd: ok, what is the issue?22:50
sdddssdActionParsnip: well i want to install ubuntu22:51
ActionParsnipsdddssd: then grab the ISO, MD5 test it and burn to a CD as slowly as posible. Boot to the CD22:51
sdddssdActionParsnip: no i mean cant decide between gnome shell and unity22:51
sdddssdActionParsnip: can you  help me to decide? (no i don't want to have them both!)22:51
CongI want to add an extra palce here http://i50.tinypic.com/1jsz82.png22:52
k1lsdddssd: take unity.22:52
sdddssdk1l: ok but why?22:52
k1lsdddssd: why not?22:52
sdddssdk1l: so i prefer gnome shell a bit22:52
Dmolesdddssd: because it's newer, and supported22:52
sdddssdk1l: but if the integration isn't good ...22:53
k1lsdddssd: then use the gnome-shell.22:53
auronandacesdddssd: unity is just an alternative shell to gnome-shell, both are on top of gnome3, having them both installed will hardly take up any extra room22:53
k1lsdddssd: this is if you ask someone which is the best car. since we are a bmw channel the first answer will be: bmw :)22:53
ActionParsnipsdddssd: Try Unity, its default installed.22:53
sdddssdgnome shell installation needs much of improments22:53
sdddssdgnome shell installation needs much of improvements22:53
k1lsdddssd: ? just install the metapackage. or what do you mean?22:54
sdddssdthe theme is horrible22:54
sdddssdand the icon set is the grey gnome default one22:54
dr_willislooks fine to me.22:55
dr_willisNot sure how that  all is ubuntu support specific either.. ;)22:55
auronandacesdddssd: what does default theme and iconset have to do with the installation process?22:55
dr_willissince they are rather trivial to change22:55
doomlordsdddssd: Out of the box, Unity is much better than Gnome-Shell.Gnome Shell seems more configurable, but all the extensions i tried to get it how i wanted it were slightly buggy. If you know javascript you can probably get gnome-shell to do anything you want.22:55
doomlordthe defaults in gnome-shell are terrible22:56
dr_williscant really say ive noticed... or were bothered by them22:56
sdddssdand the other thing is should I take 12.04 or 12.10?22:56
doomlordi think gnome-shell properly setup would please me more - but i haven't been bothered putting as much time into it. I use unity, or gnome-classic22:57
dr_willis12.10 has newer packages22:57
CongHow about this. Was this place in the menu designed to be added to? http://i50.tinypic.com/1jsz82.png22:57
auronandacesdddssd: 12.04 = 5 years support; 12.10 = 18 months support and newer packages22:57
doomlordi've had 1 problem with 12.10: unity doesn't work with my nvidia graphics card (hence i'm backto gnome-classic there)22:57
sdddssdwell okay then I'll try ubuntu 12.1022:57
sdddssdi'll thank you very much, a very big thanks of my inner heart22:58
doomlordelsewhere 12.10 is fine22:58
sdddssdmy inner heart is very pleased to have talked with you22:58
dr_willisCong:  i only have a Move To Trash....  not sure how you got a Move To Desktop. ;)22:59
ActionParsnipdoomlord: which nvidia gpu?22:59
doomlordgtx 640. gl itself works fine. its just compiz broken22:59
nomad77ignore parts22:59
doomlordi bought it for 4screen joy22:59
Congdr_willis, what version of ubuntu are you using?23:00
doomlordthe ability to use 4 screens pleases me more than the loss of compiz23:00
dr_willisCong:  12.1023:00
ActionParsnipdoomlord: I'd just run with what you have, compiz makes things slow :)23:00
Congdr_willis, that's why.23:00
ActionParsnipdoomlord: what are you using 4 screens for? Damn23:00
ActionParsnipdoomlord: We use 4 at work but we are monitoring multiple sites and hundreds of customer sites and kit23:01
dr_willisGot 2 Screens here. ;) Noticed i could add a 3rd... :)23:01
doomlordActionParsnip, the experience of a Macbook Pro has taught me , desktop effects are genuinely useful. I found a macbook pro as productive as a desktop machine with 2 screens because the expose/spaces worked so well in conjunction with the multitouch trackpad23:01
dr_willisOne for IRC, one for Videos. ;)23:01
CongI'm going to give up the chase to change things!23:02
doomlordActionParsnip, coding, i set them up thinking it was a gimmick, now I'm used to it and dont look back. I have emacs setup to automatically bring up definitions on spare windows to the side as you navigate a sourcebase :)23:02
ActionParsnipdoomlord: ahh makes sense23:02
ActionParsnipI have 1 screen for 4 systems. SSH and web interfces are great :)23:03
doomlordah the inverse ... i'd get claustrophobic with 1 screen - unless i had a multitouch gesture to zoom out :)23:04
ActionParsnipdoomlord: why? all it's for is web browsing and chatting. why would you need more?23:04
doomlordMy perfect setup stilll doesn't exist. I'd like desktop switching that was multimonitor aware: each moniitor displaying a different desktop, ability to switch desktops to any screen23:04
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ActionParsnipdoomlord: sounds like workspaces, you could have a workspace on each screen and switch them around (in theory)23:06
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doomlordyes that's what i'd like. everything i've seen on linux swiches all monitors together. Of course with maximized single windows you can just pul them between monitors.. you could argue there's much less need for workspaces with multimonitors23:07
dr_willisgnome shell does  the seconc monitor weirdly ive noticed23:08
k1ldr_willis: i ilke the way its handeled23:08
doomlordeven plain expo doesn't really do what you'd really like23:09
dr_williswith gnome shell it acts likes its broken. ;)23:09
billbilli need some help setting up my ssh server23:09
doomlordah yeah i think i recall it getting confused with its (useless)panel23:09
billbillim pretty new here23:09
dr_willisbillbill:  install the package.. its done.. ;) what more do you need?23:10
billbillwell i need to set up portforwarding and my public ip address23:10
billbilli do not know where to find this23:10
dr_willisTotally depends on how your network is setup.23:10
Dmolebillbill: in your router23:10
doomlordi can't launch ubuntu-one under gnome-classic, i tried the commandline command23:11
billbillok i went in router and open the ports23:11
billbillwhere do i find my public ip address?23:11
ActionParsnipbillbill: you'll need your router manual23:11
billbillok i will go try look for that and read23:12
ActionParsnipbillbill: access the config web page and forward porrt 22/TCP to the IP of the server system. You can then use http://www.ipchicken.com to get your WAN IP and connect to it23:12
k1lbillbill: that depends on your router (which is no ubuntu issue). or use a homepage like whatismyip.com  or smth like this23:12
billbilli have the ssh client setup i just do not know what to send to people to log in and test it23:12
billbillso my public ip address is what whatsmyip dishes out at me23:13
billbilli know it23:13
ActionParsnipbillbill: the IP address from ipchicken on port 2223:13
billbillso i send out this user@ip23:13
billbillok ill try that23:13
ActionParsnipbillbill: the username is the name on the server system which they use to authenticate with23:14
crimsonmanebillbill: for ssh to work, you must enable port forwarding on your router, specifically port 2223:15
crimsonmaneoh that was already said.23:16
crimsonmanesry didn't scroll back23:16
billbillhow do i do that23:16
SlitazMintcrimsonmane, you in here too?23:16
billbillhow do i enable port forwarding23:16
billbilli hoping once i get this setup i can ask a friend to log in and help me once he can access the network23:16
billbillim very new to linux, like 5 days into it23:17
SlitazMintbillbill, you need to access your router's ip through a browser.23:17
billbilli have done that23:18
crimsonmaneSlitazMint: for now i am. until the ops get upity with me again.23:18
billbilli am on the router now23:18
ActionParsnipbillbill: port forwarding is OS independant, so being 'new to linux' isn't a factor in setting up port forwarding in  router23:18
billbillok but it seems beyond me and making it hard to get ubuntu running23:18
billbilli thought i could get help here, i do not mean to disturb23:19
ActionParsnipbillbill: the fact that you are using ubuntu is mooted by the fact thatthe router uses a web interface, so it will be no different to if you were using Windows. The web interface doesn't change because you are using WIndows23:19
doomlordtry #linux aswell but they tend to be snottier there23:19
billbillis there anyone who can help me in a pm get this setup23:19
crimsonmanebillbill: in your web browser go to ""23:19
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billbilli am there23:20
crimsonmanedid it ask for username and password?23:20
crimsonmanedefaults are "user user" or "admin admin" or "user admin" or such like that23:20
doomlordits funny how it can be easier to use an internet connection & cloud service to get between machines in the same room sometimes :)23:20
k1lbillbill: this is router related. best ask in #hardware or in our offtopic channel #ubuntu-offtopic23:20
billbillon router actually..options are internet connection wireless firewall 2701hg-g gateway23:20
crimsonmanebillbill: click wireless23:21
DmoleSlitazMint: still no luck, giving up23:21
crimsonmanebillbill: look around in there for "port forwarding" or "port triggering" ... pref "forwarding"23:21
SlitazMintDmole, I have an idea.23:21
ActionParsnipbillbill: what make and model is the router?23:22
DmoleSlitazMint: install windows?23:22
Duff005hi i from argentina23:22
billbilldone it is a 2wire from bell23:22
cordycepsmy partitions used to be automatically mounted on /media/<UUID> whenever I booted. Now I have to do it manually. What gives?23:22
ActionParsnipDuff005: howdy23:22
SlitazMintI'm gonna try to install fglrx-updates instead of fglrx while following the ubuntu documentation.23:22
billbilli apprecaite the help guys23:22
SlitazMintDmole, other linux distros don't seem to have this problem I just came from Mint and it worked fine.23:23
ActionParsnipcordyceps: what options are on the partitions in fstab?23:23
DmoleSlitazMint: I tried both on both releases23:23
SlitazMintDmole, did you follow the docu?23:23
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DmoleSlitazMint: I just clicked install on the 3rd party drivers window23:24
SlitazMintOh I see. That's basically the same thing but with a GUI.23:24
DmoleSlitazMint: I also tried the bin from the amd site ~23:25
cordycepsActionParsnip: there aren't any. I wrote in: user,auto,exec,rw but it still didn't work. I have to do it from the cli23:25
SlitazMintI don't have the "Additional Hardware" program. I'm on mini ubuntu.23:25
SlitazMintDmole, I tried both version from AMD site.23:25
cordycepsmount -t jfs etc23:25
DmoleSlitazMint: In  12.10 it's in the software sourses23:25
SlitazMintDmole, Don't give up on Linux, use some other distro.23:25
SlitazMintOther distros work for me.23:26
SlitazMintDmole, I have no Software Sources either. =P23:26
billbilli cant seem to find anything about port forwarding23:26
SlitazMintI have basically nothing, just Mate.23:26
wesslyany blackfriday computer discounts/deals/promos?23:27
rootpt?? vim23:27
k1l!offtopic | wessly23:27
ubottuwessly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:27
DmoleSlitazMint: I _need_ an encryped laptop before tomorrow so I think I'll just live without 3d drivers then go back to OSX when I finish with this temp disposable laptop23:27
SlitazMintDmole, you gonna try another distro?23:27
SlitazMintDmole, Oh I see.23:28
DmoleSlitazMint: next time I'll try mint or centos but I'm giving up for this time23:28
SlitazMintMint was very nice, I just got Ubuntu Mini because I wanted more control of what is installed. I don't like having a bunch of stuff installed by default.23:29
DmoleSlitazMint: good luck, and be sure to add whatever solution you find to the wiki it you find a solution.23:29
SlitazMintDmole, I think we just have to wait for Ubuntu devs to see what Mint did that they didn't. =P23:30
SlitazMintMint is based on Ubuntu that is what I don't understand, if it works on one it should work on the other.23:30
k1lSlitazMint: Dmole well, that is a topic that better suits in the #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic23:31
k1lsince its far beyond the support stage23:31
SlitazMintk1l, You are right.23:31
crimsonmanebillbill: where are you at on the port forwarding?23:31
crimsonmanei had to step away23:31
SlitazMintcrimsonmane to the rescue!23:31
cordycepsmy partitions used to be automatically mounted on /media/<UUID> whenever I booted. Now I have to do it manually: mount -t <fs> /dev/sdn /mnt. Adding a line to fstab doesn't work.23:32
Dmolek1l: look we were not able to get drivers working in ubuntu after a whole day of trying stuff, we are just leaving so cool the off topic remarks23:32
cordycepsanybody know a fix?23:32
almoxarifecordyceps: adding the exact line from /etc/mtab to /etc/fstab does not work?23:36
=== Isaban is now known as BadgerPriest
CopaceticManHi, this is the place to get help for a problem, no?23:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:40
causativein 12.04 how do I configure the launcher bar on the left?  Right clicking it no longer brings up a settings menu23:40
CopaceticManOk, so I have installed the latest version of FreeMat. Everytime I run it from the console it tells me I need libpcre.so.0. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get this directory. What is the command to install this directory?23:41
causativespecifically I want to make the launcher bar hide when I'm not using it23:42
almoxarife!info libpcre23:42
ubottuPackage libpcre does not exist in quantal23:42
trismcausative: System Settings/Appearance/Behavior23:43
almoxarife!info pcre23:43
ubottuPackage pcre does not exist in quantal23:43
CopaceticManOk, so this version of FreeMat is not compatible with 12.10? because the package does not exist in 12.1023:44
causativetrism, it had been overridden by an external program so I clicked restore to default, then turned hiding on23:45
causativebut now it won't show up at all even when I move my bar to the left or to the top left corner23:45
causativeer, move my mouse to the left or the top left corner23:45
almoxarifeCopaceticMan: i cant really say, i was hoping it came up, but i have no clue what you are installing to begin with so i was just trying to pull a needle from the haystack23:46
dr_willisive seen some bugs with using the auto hide feature of the left side launcher.23:46
CopaceticManIt is a matlab like program23:46
almoxarifeCopaceticMan: but google may be your friend, http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/03/how-to-fix-this-error-error-while.html23:46
omertahi, i've put this script under /etc/init.d: http://bash.nopaste.dk/p1547023:48
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omertaand then started it as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto#Installing_custom_init-scripts23:48
omertabut first two lines don't have any effect on boot23:48
PulcheriorElo ubuntu people23:49
causativeah found the solution23:51
trismcausative: what was it?23:51
ActionParsnipPulcherior: great band :)23:51
omertawell the original script is without "&&"s, since third line won't get executed otherwise23:51
omertaany idea what's causing this?23:51
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wissamHi ,i have avermedia pci analog tv card but no sound in tvtime or kradio423:53
almoxarifeomerta: whats it suppose to do?23:53
wissamafter doing some search i can hear sound with this command "tvtime | arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay - +"23:54
almoxarifewissam: the place to ask is #xbmc23:54
wissamwhen runing tvtime command at the command line i got this two errors :23:54
omertaalmoxarife, it changes ondemand cpu governor's up threshold and sampling down factor23:54
wissamalmoxarife: Ok thnx23:54
omertalast line scales down ati vga's frequency23:55
almoxarifeomerta: does it happen if you send the echos after bootup?23:55
omertaechoing manually works23:55
almoxarifeomerta: are you echo'ing to a process that has not started when done at boot up?23:56
omertaalmoxarife, sorry, it doesn't work manually23:57
omertait says permission denied even with sudo23:57
almoxarifeomerta: good luck, :)23:58
omertahehe thanks23:58

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