
Martin_Hi ! I'm interested to implement edubuntu package selection dialog to my own ubuntu based distribution... Where should I start ?09:09
highvoltagegood morning15:01
highvoltageskaet: hey there, how are you doing?15:51
highvoltagestgraber: http://edubuntu.org/2012-10-21/13.03-call-for-packaging-help - I'm going through my notes to find additional packages to add there, anything you know of?16:12
stgraberhighvoltage: will check in a minute16:14
highvoltageok, no rus16:14
stgraberhighvoltage: nothing I can remember16:20
highvoltagestgraber: checking some old notes on seed changes, I'm adding vym back to the desktop since we don't have a mindmap editor since java was dropped17:59
highvoltagestgraber: also adding chemtool to secondary and tertiary since we had 2 requests for it in the past18:15
highvoltagestgraber: and krecipes since it's a nice piece of software18:16
highvoltagestgraber: and also fritzing (it's a shame we've gone so far without a good electronics app, really)18:20
highvoltagestgraber: and gramps, the geneology software18:22
highvoltagestgraber: you said a while ago that we should look at games properly at some point for a release, 13.04 is probably a good one to do that for don't you think?18:25
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