
dscassel_Guys, Corey Burger hasn't been involved in Ubuntu Canada for years.06:17
dscassel_I told you that ages ago.06:17
dscassel_Please reschedule the reapproval and send the notice to me, dscassel@gmail.com06:18
* dscassel_ really ought to go to bed.06:18
pleia2dscassel_: maybe email loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com  ?06:19
dscassel_Already did. Told me I was a non-member06:19
pleia2it'll moderate the email, but they will receive it :)06:19
pleia2(it moderates all email)06:19
dscassel_It's always been a bit of a black hole for me.06:19
ubot2The Loco Council is huats, czajkowski, itnet7, SergioMeneses, coolbhavi, and effiejayx - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com06:21
pleia2that'll ping them all anyway so they see your note :)06:21
dscassel_Thanks, pleia2 06:23
pleia2sure, good luck!06:24
dholbachgood morning08:00
czajkowskidscassel_: got both your mails 09:13
=== dscassel_ is now known as dscassel

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