
genii-aroundtypo3 default database name of typo3-database causes problems when you try to do a mysql command like:   GRANT ALL ON typo3-database TO 'somebody'@'somewhere'   ...it chunks out because of the hyphen00:26
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kjsis anyone on amazon EC2 micro? I wonder if it's fast enough for a small blog? about 5k visitors a day?01:37
TheLordOfTimei don't have 5k visitors a day but i dont see why it wouldnt be able to handle 5,000 visitors a day01:38
TheLordOfTimei know a few ubuntu members with HUGE blog turnaround traffic-wise and they use EC2 micros.01:38
kjsTheLordOfTime: but you're on a micro?01:39
kjsah ok, cool, if you don't mind me asking, how much does it cost you roughly per month?01:39
tonyyarussoIs micro the one they'll give you free for the first year?01:41
TheLordOfTimekjs, my blog's on a micro, but i'm in the free tier right now01:43
TheLordOfTimemy blog doesn't get 5k/day traffic though01:43
kjs5k is not a lot01:43
kjsmy blog is also static, so it should be fine... the free tier?01:44
* kjs goes to google about this01:44
TheLordOfTimethey have a free 1y micro tier for people01:45
TheLordOfTimethen after that year they charge you.01:45
tonyyarussoWorks out to about $15/mo, compared to $20 for the base Linode.01:45
TheLordOfTimeof course when my year's up i'm 'shifting data over to the cheaper server(s) i use for TrekWeb (which is a LOT higher data traffic)01:46
TheLordOfTime(cheaper, yet higher data traffic... don't ask how i even achieve that)01:46
kjsI am currently at Linode.01:47
tonyyarussome too01:47
kjsmight move to amazon for a year if it's free tho :P01:47
tonyyarussoI should probably ask if I can run a server at work though and save the money.  Would be pretty easy.01:48
kjsI know at work we have a bunch of VPS now + an old dedicated server, I wonder if I should setupa  server running openstack and run the vps's on that would save money... Single point of failure on that server then though...01:50
kjsOVH are setting 2 x 120Gb SSD's, 32Gb of ram unlimited 100mbps for 59GBP01:51
tonyyarussoMy workplace has a full datacenter (a couple, actually), but I don't know if they'd let me colocate a personal system there.  Probably, but I don't know.01:54
tonyyarussomight be worth a shot01:54
kjspatch it in and find out ;)01:54
tonyyarussoheh, no01:55
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RoyK +++02:47
RoyK ++02:47
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TheGuyHey everyone, happy thanksgiving05:47
TheGuyanyone with eperience setting up multiple websites under one eternal IP address? Having difficulties setting it up properly05:48
patdk-lapusing what webserver?05:51
TheGuystandard LAMP setup, apache205:52
TheGuyI have been looking into the virtual host setup guides and hve not been able to find one applicable or that will work05:52
patdk-lapprobably the simplest05:53
TheGuyas is, it directs querries from both site domain addresses to one sites files05:53
patdk-lapnow your not making sense05:54
TheGuyexcuse me, when someone types one address, it goes to one site, they type the other address it goes to the same site05:55
patdk-lapthen you probably failed to setup the default catchall virtualhost for that ip05:55
patdk-lapso that all unknowns go there05:55
patdk-lapotherwise apache just picks one, or the first one, or whatever05:55
TheGuyI will look through this site you linked me, looks like some good info, Ill keep that in mind05:56
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TheGuyhmmm, that guide did not work either, a lot of errors on the reload06:13
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patdk-lapit sounds like you have followed too many guides06:15
patdk-lapand have made way too many changes that you dunno what they are06:15
TheGuyno, i actually know the eact files that i have changed lol06:25
TheGuysince it is only 1 that they tell me to change that is included06:25
TheGuywhich is the apache2.conf file, and that i should make the site-available files and then enable them06:26
TheGuythe webserver is still more then operational and does show 1 site, but the other site is not shown when typing in its adress, it defaults to the first one06:27
TheGuythere has to be something im missing, or that these guides are missing, since its all basically the same process minus one thing here and plus one thing there, i have not gotten any to work06:28
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AkendoGood Morning Guys, what a wonderful day!12:06
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zulDaviey: apparently you can download vm in openstack through bittorrent13:56
Davieyzul: oh?13:58
zulxenapi only though13:58
Davieyinteresting... it's how twitter do their code pushout aiui14:01
Davieyzul: whilst i have you, yolanda is super keen to contribute.. Do you have anything that would be good th throw that way?14:01
zulDaviey: are we talking packaging or upstream stuff?14:02
ilivanyone familiar with policykit? I botched up sudoers file, and read it on the might Internet that pkexec visudo can help me, but it needs /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 running. however, trying to start that helper results in "polkit-agent-helper-1: wrong number of arguments. This ...14:03
iliv... incident has been logged.'14:03
zulyolanda: ping14:04
yolandahi zul14:04
ilivbooting into recovery mode is least desired option, I'd love to do this with 0 downtime14:04
zulyolanda: heya...python-glanceclient is ftbfs if you want to take a crack at fixing that, that would be cool otherwise there is a bunch of bugs folsom-backport-potential in launchpad at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs that could possibly be backported14:05
yolandazul, ok, i'll take a look at it14:08
zulyolanda: cool if you need any help lemme know14:08
zulkoolhead17: you want some openstack stuff to do?14:10
koolhead17zul, sure sir14:13
koolhead17show me the way am all in14:13
zulkoolhead17: figure out why stable/folsom is ftbfs https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Openstack_Testing/view/Folsom/job/precise_folsom_nova_stable/664/console14:13
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hallynstgraber: bug 1075917, I'm intendingn to mark it wontfix with a comment that it is a new feature, not a bugfix.  should if you disagree15:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1075917 in lxc "[wishlist] Support for lxc.network.gateway in precise" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107591715:21
stgraberhallyn: yeah, sounds fine. I'm in the process of getting an official lxc backport to precise anyway15:22
yolandazul, here is a paste of the errors on glanceclient: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1379659/15:24
zulyolanda: grr...ok we just might want to disable the tests or let the package to build even if the tests fail15:25
yolandai'll take a look15:26
hallynstgraber: cool, thanks15:33
chmacWhat's the command to see which applications are using the network?15:41
chmacSomething on the machine is downloading ~1Mb/s and I can't figure out what it is.15:41
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ilivchmuri, try trafshow or iptraf15:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1080995 in clamav (main) "package clamav-freshclam 0.97.6+dfsg-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108099515:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #509647 in lxc (universe) "[MIR] lxc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50964716:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1080658 in ipsec-tools (main) "Overwriting proposal produces segfaults" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108065816:10
jamespagezul, I just noticed that all of the branch merges in the lab happen the wrong way around16:17
zuljamespage: uh?16:17
jamespageits not functionally impacting but it makes the bzr history look really odd16:17
zuljamespage: how so?16:18
jamespagebzr branch lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/nova/grizzly16:18
jamespagebzr merge lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/nova/grizzly-precise16:18
jamespagebzr push lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/nova/grizzly-precise16:18
jamespagethe changelog for the merge accmulates over time16:18
jamespageI think it should branch the grizzly-precise branch; merge the grizzly branch and then push it16:19
jamespageI need to take a look at it again16:20
zuljamespage: that sounds right to me16:20
jamespagezul, from the precise-grizzly branch atm its impossible to tell the lab builds apart from each other16:24
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zulokies g1 uploaded16:30
yolandazul, if i build the package with the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck , it builds properly16:33
zulyolanda: right because nocheck disables the testsuite, if you add || true where it runs the test then you should be ok16:34
yolandaok, just force the conditions for the nocheck always to be true, right?16:35
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yolandazul, it works, yes16:58
zulyolanda: cool16:58
yolandawhere can i push the changes?16:58
zulbzr branch lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/glance/grizzly16:59
* zul lunches16:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #1073275 in python-glanceclient (main) "python-glanceclient has a bad version dep on python-prettytable" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107327517:01
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yolandazul, sorry, what version number should i set in changelog? the last one is 2013.1~g1~20121114.296.g517739f-0ubuntu317:07
TheLordOfTimewouldnt it be all that plus a .1 ?17:08
TheLordOfTimefor bugfixing at least.17:08
TheLordOfTimenew releases, different issue :P17:09
jamespageyolanda, one sec - lemme check17:09
jamespageyolanda, just add your changes to the changelog entry already present17:10
jamespageits UNRELEASED so still open for additions prior to final upload17:10
jamespageyolanda, dch -t will add you to the current changelog entry17:11
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jamespageadam_g, zul: I sorted out the swift stable/folsom builds - not sure why it had not been switched over from trunk but it is now17:18
* jamespage likes lots of green balls17:18
yolandazul, should i push it to same branch or i push to another that is mine and then we do the merge?17:19
zulyolanda: just push it to the same branch we havent worked out the merge system yet17:19
Davieyjamespage: I think that should be added as a quote.17:20
jamespageyolanda, you can raise a merge proposal but you currently then have to re-target it in launchpad to the correct branch17:21
zuljamespage: can we add a table of contents to this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/OpenStack im going to be adding some content as well me thinks17:21
zulDaviey:  done and done17:21
jamespagezul, feel free - but make it nice and pretty!17:21
yolandaseems i'm having some issue with the push: bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/glance/grizzly/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()17:27
yolandai readed and says something about being identified with launchpad-login, but i'm in17:27
Davieyyolanda: please can you work out where you are pushing?17:27
Davieyseems you are pushing over http, not ssh.17:28
yolandaseems i'm pushing to http, yes, but if i push by bzr+ssh it also fails with permission denied17:29
Davieyyolanda: you are not in ~openstack-ubuntu-testing... you want to psuh to ~yolanda and request a merge proposal17:29
yolandai see17:29
yolandaoh, my launchpad messed keys again :(17:32
yolandai cannot push event to my existing branches17:32
yolandasorry, even17:32
lvmerI'm looking to setup a LAN storage for movies / pictures that will be viewable on a living room tv. What is the best way to do this? 1) Have a simple win7 computer next to the TV that connects to a LAN Samba storage server in the basement - funnels movie/picture files to the tv. 2) Are "smart" tv's available? Where I can just ethernet connect them and they will work with the samba server? 3) DLNA? 4) open to ideas?17:37
sarnoldlvmer: investigate mythtv17:38
digadvanany of you setup a bind9 dns slave server before? are the zone files suppose to replicate from master to slave automatically?17:38
sarnoldlvmer: I've tried dlna to my ps3, damned thing is very picky about file formats though17:38
xnoxlvmer: mythbuntu is for you.17:38
lvmeryah I was thinking either mythtv or a dlna like tvmobili17:38
lvmerbut I was definitely worried about formats17:39
sarnoldlvmer: but simple http to serve the files, copy them over to the ps3, and play them 'locally', works well enough for me for as infrequently as top gear is released....17:39
lvmersarnold: YOU ARE A TOP GEAR FAN?!17:39
lvmersarnold: omg mee too!!! I have every single episode / special17:39
sarnoldlvmer: of course. :) hehe.17:39
lvmersarnold: lmk if you ever need any,  'finalgear.com' is a great resource.... xD17:39
sarnoldlvmer: yeah, I'm thrilled for those guys, saves tons of time on irc, feels way less dirty than the Big Torrent Sites... :)17:40
lvmerso for myth tv - I will need 2 computers right?  1 = NAS or samba storage   2 = vga to tv & sound to reciever?17:40
lvmerbecause some of my blue ray rips from my brother (he is obsessed with blurays) are 7.1 sound. And I'm not quite sure how to get that in/out the tv or reciever17:41
sarnoldlvmer: I think there's a backend myth machine and a frontend myth machine; probably storage could be on backend or on a third machine17:42
lvmerbecause vga = no sound connection && hdmi = stero17:42
lvmersarnold: ok, & which computer is the most important?17:42
sarnoldlvmer: dunno there, sorry. :)17:42
lvmerbecause right now I have 2 old computers.... 1x = year 2000 & p4 - 2ghz, 2gb ram, IDE HDDS, other = laptop 2008, 3gb ram, duo-core.17:43
lvmermy goal is to build a newer computer so I can use like 6x SATA HDD's17:43
lvmerand I'm wondering... should this be the storage computer in the basement? or the computer with an old gpu connected to the tv?17:43
yolandazul ^17:44
digadvanany bind gurus online?17:44
lvmerxnox: I appreciate the help.17:45
lvmersarnold: I appreciate the help.17:45
lvmer/me is off to investigate mythtv & mythubuntu17:45
sarnolddigadvan: oh, right, slaves, got distracted. I _think_ the zone transfers need to be configured on both peers, to ensure the master allows the slave to request zone transfer17:46
digadvansarnold: I did configure the slave to see the master and allowed tranfer from master to slave.. but still no go.17:50
sarnolddigadvan: anything in the logs?17:50
genii-arounddigadvan: You might have to bump the serial number in the zone file. eg: right under IN SOA  ns hostmaster (      is usually something like: 2012112200      ; serial number -- yyyyMMddss.17:53
genii-aroundOtherwise it doesn't push the new records out17:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #1082429 in glance (main) "glance-client fails to build from source" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108242917:56
zulyolanda: merged thanks18:07
yolandazul great18:16
zulyolanda: np18:17
yolandaleaving for today, have a nice weekend18:18
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sh_thi everyone. has anyone here used Ubuntu precise with bonding mode 4 (LACP/802.3ad)? I'm unable to get any traffic past my gateway router.. but I can ping the gateway. everything in /proc/net/bonding/bond0 appears to be correct as if the bond was working but no traffic passes through the gateway.19:04
sh_tI've attempted exactly what's described here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding as well as an older method where you put the configuration into /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf -- both behave the same19:05
sarnoldsh_t: does 'ip route show' show the gateway as a 'via nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' entry anywhere?19:07
capitaninsaneohIf I am adding iptables rules to the default input chain and I've opened up a service that uses UDP and TCP do I need to add a default drop rule?19:08
capitaninsaneohdo I need to add - iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p udp -i eth019:09
Davieyzul: grizzly staging populated with folsom now19:12
zulDaviey: cool...still scheming19:12
Davieyroaksoax: suck, the LP diff is flawed.19:13
sh_tsarnold: sorry just a sec, tinkering to get it back to how it was :p19:16
roaksoaxDaviey: boomer, how so? any links?19:17
sh_tsarnold: yes, it says "default via a.b.c.1 dev bond0 metric 100", next line "a.b.c.0/28 dev bond0 proto kernel scope link src a.b.c.10" where .10 is the servers IP19:18
sarnoldsh_t: then I'm out of ideas :( good luck :)19:19
Davieyroaksoax: no, it was just the auto generated LP diff was broken19:28
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roaksoaxah, boomer19:30
DanawarHey #ubuntu server i host minecraft servers on my server and today we got to 30 people online and the network just droped out on the server bring eth0 down then up again resolved the issue but it happened again after we again got more people joining is there any reason why this would happen and is there any way i can find out why it happened and resolve it thanks in advanced.20:11
pmatulisDanawar: check kernel logs20:12
DanawarSure pmatulis what am i looking for in the kernel logs?20:12
pmatulisDanawar: anything suspicious.  how should anyone here know what problem you have?20:12
sarnoldwhen you say "the network just dropped out", do you mean that you had to use a physical console to run ifup / ifdown? or did your minecraft game stop working?20:13
DanawarI have alot of  [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth020:14
Danawarand before any of that "eth0: no IPv6 routers present"20:15
sarnoldno ipv6 routers is normal unless you expected to be able to use ipv6 on your network :)20:15
sarnoldufw blocking IN=eth0 might be normal things or might be abnormal, depending upon what was being blocked and your local configuration.20:16
Danawartrying to remember the exact time it went down i should have noted it down ;/20:16
Danawarbecause i use a kvm there is alot of spam from keyboard and mouse hooks where i flick back and forth20:16
DanawarThe only other abnormal thing i can see is ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not rea20:17
Danawarand below it : atl1c 0000:02:00.0: irq 46 for MSI/MSI-X20:18
Danawaratl1c 0000:02:00.0: atl1c: eth0 NIC Link is Up<100 Mbps Full Duplex>20:18
sarnold"link is not ready" looks like another ipv6-specific thing:20:21
sarnold./net/ipv6/addrconf.c:pr_info("ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): %s: link is not ready\n",20:21
sarnoldbut if it were going up and down due to something else, something unexpected, that's interesting. :)20:22
DanawarIt could be my poorly configured loopbacks20:22
Danawari did them a while ago20:22
Danawarand never removed them20:22
Danawarbecause i got lost with ip tables O.o20:22
Danawaralot of firewall : SRC= DST=
Danawarbut before the server went down20:23
Danawarlots of : SRC= DST= LEN=82 TOS=0x18 PREC=0x60 TTL=110 ID=16623 DF $20:24
Danawar$ PROTO=UDP SPT=63804 DPT=49461 LEN=3620:24
guntbert!paste | Danawar20:24
ubottuDanawar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:24
DanawarSorry guntbert20:25
guntbertDanawar: no worries, keeping a paste in a pastebin just makes it easier to read - and doesn't clutter the channel :)20:26
DanawarCould i have been spam with requests from 78?20:26
Danawarlike a ddos from one machine20:26
sarnoldwhat's listening on 49461, if anything20:26
Danawarthe requests have all different ports i believe20:27
DanawarThe one underneath it says : PROTO=TCP SPT=55177 DPT=5010 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=020:27
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Danawarone quick question is where are iptables stored?20:32
guntbertDanawar: stored? you mean when you shut down your system?20:33
Danawarguntbert: along time ago i was trying to take requests like plotme.lagcraft.co.uk on a certain port and forward them to port 5001 but since i have never removed them because i couldnt figure out how20:34
guntbert!ufw | Danawar20:35
ubottuDanawar: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.20:35
DanawarIptables is so confusing O.o tryed to list them but i cant see any of the ones the i remember adding i guess this is abit to complex for me at the moment =/20:39
sh_tis there a simple way to prioritize traffic to certain ip's/ports on a network interface? i have a busy NIC sharing different jobs and connections to a mysql server are problematic.. was hoping to prioritize 3306 traffic for example21:01
sarnoldsh_t: do you know lartc.org ?21:02
webfoxHello folks!21:09
MrTorqueHi everyone!21:10
webfoxI am fcaing some hard time to use a version of Ubuntu Server as a client at a VirtualBox machine. I intend to use it as a Bridged client but I've heard it would be necessary to install hdcleint, is it true I need it and isn't it already pre-intalled?21:10
MrTorqueI want to set up ubuntu with DNS for small office. Do i need to configure it as "Caching Server" or as "Primary Master Server"? (referring https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto )21:10
ScottKMrTorque: Caching Server21:11
MrTorqueScottK: Two more questions then: would you recommend to setup dhcp-server to give "fix" ip adresses to the clients?21:13
MrTorqueScottK: Can i use Samba 4 with only caching DNS?21:14
patdk-lapsamba doesn't depend on dns21:15
patdk-lapit helps yes, but not needed21:16
MrTorquepatdk-lap: for AD they strongly recommend it (they said a working dns would prevent much frustration...)21:16
patdk-lapwell for AD yes21:17
patdk-lapbut you didn't say AD21:17
patdk-lapAD requires dns21:17
MrTorquepatdk-lap: what kind of dns? Is "Caching DNS" sufficient?21:19
patdk-lapyou need caching and server21:19
MrTorquepatdk-lap: hmpf... this thing is not easy for me.21:20
patdk-lapwell, it shouldn't be21:20
patdk-lapyou picked something that is not unix natice, and something relatively new21:21
patdk-lapand attempting to peice all the parts together21:21
patdk-lapit will take time, and lots of work21:21
MrTorquepatdk-lap: hm. How long do you think would it take to get samba 4 running on ubuntu server with AD support (without encryption, without any mailserver-stuff)?21:22
patdk-lapno idea, never even wanted to attempt that myself :)21:23
patdk-lapbut your going need ldap, dns, kerberos, samba21:23
patdk-lapI've set them all up, but never attempting to join them all to imitate AD21:24
MrTorquei hoped it would be easy nowadays...21:24
patdk-lapit really is, install windows server21:25
patdk-lapbut then, I do believe in using the correct solution for the correct problem21:25
MrTorqueI just need to share folders with some data and be able to configure access-rights with windows-explorer21:27
MrTorqueBeing able to reset the user-password on the server-side also would be nice21:27
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ballDo Ubuntu kernels come with SLIP enabled?21:38
hallynstgraber: have you worked at all with the raring package?  I notice bug 1070914 for instance still needs to be fixed in raring.21:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1070914 in lxc "lucid containers don't start on quantal hosts" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107091421:49
hallyn(I'll just add it to what I push on monday,21:49
hallynbut I want to make sure there isn't more still missing)21:50
stgraberhallyn: I'm not using the distro packages. I use my daily builds of the staging branch :)21:50
stgraberI'm planning to use my nexus7 to test the stock LXC but I need a new kernel for that21:50
hallynstgraber: ok.  i'll look through the quantal-proposed changelog on monday and make sure it'll all uptodate21:51
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MrTorqueI am trying to set up bind9. but i get an error with: dig 100.168.192.in-addr.arpa. AXFR22:20
MrTorque;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached22:20
MrTorqueWhere did i do a mistake?22:21
MrTorqueother checking-commands work: named-checkzone 100.168.192.in-addr.arpa. /etc/bind/db.19222:21
MrTorqueand named-checkzone yfm.lc /etc/bind/db.yfm.lc22:21
sarnoldMrTorque: do you know that the machine where you ran 'dig' from is allowed to contact the bind server on tcp port 53? that might be disabled in a firewall or configuration file22:24
MrTorquesarnold: i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto . The machine with the dns-server is the same machein as the one with the dig-command22:25
MrTorqueiptables -L does not contain any rule (fresh installation of ubuntu server)22:25
sarnoldMrTorque: hrm, do you need to add the allow-transfer directive with in that case?22:27
MrTorquesarnold: i dont know.22:29
MrTorquethe how-to does not say to do so22:31
sarnoldMrTorque: indeed, the impression I'm getting is that bind9 is wide open until you add an allow-transfer directive...22:32
sarnoldMrTorque: can you telnet localhost 53 ?22:32
MrTorquenmap localhost gives: 53/tcp open  domain22:34
MrTorqueping yfm.lc gives ping: unknown host yfm.lc22:34
MrTorqueyfm.lc is the domain I did configure22:34
MrTorque(or at least tried to)22:34
sarnoldMrTorque: hrm; does axfr work for reverse zones?22:35
MrTorquehow do i check? and btw what does axfr stand for? is it a special token/name?22:36
sarnoldMrTorque: axfr asks for the zone transfer22:41
sarnoldMrTorque: what does dig yfm.lc axfr do? does that work?22:41
MrTorqueyes, it does. i will pastebin it...22:42
sarnoldthat's axrf, not axfr -- what changes there? :)22:43
sarnolddamn I hate dns. :)22:43
MrTorquehehe, and i do not yet understand it -.-22:45
MrTorqueanyway, i get with axfr: ;; communications error to end of file22:45
MrTorqueI added the new stuff at the top22:49
MrTorqueso don't be confused because of that...22:49
maswanfor dig:ing axfr:s you should specify the NS with @server.name.tld22:49
sarnoldI tried it myself and got this: $ dig @ yfm.lc axfr22:49
sarnold;; communications error to end of file22:49
MrTorquemaswan: but name resolution should work correctly by default, shouldn't it?22:50
sarnold.. which I think means that my IP is not allowed to make that query. heh.22:50
MrTorquesarnold: it is just a domain in the LAN, not a public one.22:51
maswanMrTorque: zone transfers are a special case, and can only be served by an NS holding the zone, not a general recursive resolver22:51
MrTorquemaswan: I did create that zone (I think..., i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto  and they were able to ping exaple.com )22:51
maswanis your IP that you are setting up bind on?22:53
MrTorquemaswan: no, it is not. I am behind a router, just wanting to set it up in LAN22:54
maswanMrTorque: then it doesn't make any sense to ask for a zone transfer of yfm.lc22:56
maswanMrTorque: you should do @the.nameserver.IP  (or name)22:57
MrTorquemaswan: I thought the system would search locally first (since I am setting up a DNS Server) and then fallback on NS of internet. Or did I misunderstand sth?22:58
MrTorquei did upload my configuration files: named.conf.local http://paste.ubuntu.com/1380725/22:58
sarnoldwhen you're configuring zone transfers you need to specifically ask the master :)22:58
maswanMrTorque: the system searches in whatever is configured in /etc/resolv.conf22:58
MrTorquedb.yfm.lc http://paste.ubuntu.com/1380726/22:58
MrTorquedb.192 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1380727/22:59
maswanMrTorque: the resolving is totally decoupled from the serving22:59
MrTorquemaswan: cat /etc/resolv.conf gives: nameserver \n nameserver \n seach lan22:59
MrTorquehow do I tell my system to first search on localhost?23:00
maswanMrTorque: yeah, you'd need to change that to nameserver
MrTorquehow do i do that? and will I be able to resolve internet domains as well?23:01
maswanMrTorque: if your local nameserver also resolves internet domains as well (for instance, if the "forwarders" section includes like from the help.u.c page)23:03
MrTorquemaswan: i added a forwarder section with google NS23:05
maswanMrTorque: DNS is not really very easy to just add some stuff locally, it fairly strongly assumes a global name tree. Making local additions can be done, but take a bit of work. I usually use a plain /etc/hosts for adding local stuff that isn't in a real zone.23:05
MrTorqueso how do set my ns to
maswanMrTorque: yeah, that should work too.23:05
maswanMrTorque: you can start by testing it out with dig @ www.ubuntu.com23:05
MrTorquemaswan: that works23:06
maswanMrTorque: and also dig @ axfr yfm.lc23:06
maswanto try your local zone23:06
MrTorquemaswan: my long-term target is to get samba 4 with kerberos running23:06
MrTorqueyes, that also23:06
maswanMrTorque: then you change /etc/resolv.conf so that there is only one "nameserver" line, and that is "nameserver"23:07
MrTorqueI guess that is a good sign23:07
maswanunfortunately if you have more than one, it'll just ask one of them. and then sometimes you'd know about your local name, and sometimes it would go "nope, no .lc, doesn't exist" when you hit the other IP23:08
maswanit's actually much easier to do with a proper domain and a couple of public IPs23:08
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MrTorqueI sit behind a managed router23:11
maswanbut did changing the nameserver line work for you locally?23:11
MrTorqueAnd I do only have a ssh tunnel...23:11
maswanhm. if you want to do samba 4 with kerberos you probably have more than one machine, so instead of I'd probably put in the rfc1918 adress you have on the inside in resolv.conf, then you can have the same on all of them23:12
MrTorqueI did change /etc/resolv.conf. But i still can not ping yfm.lc23:13
MrTorquedig yfm.lc works23:13
maswanMrTorque: do you get an A record with an IP back from dig?23:13
MrTorquedoes not look like an A-entry23:15
MrTorqueA record23:15
maswanyeah, that's a "yup, I can answer for yfm.lc, but there is no A-record there"23:15
maswancan you ping ns.yfm.lc?23:15
maswanor box.yfm.lc?23:15
MrTorqueyes, both23:15
maswanthen the dns setup works, just a matter of adding all the stuff you want to the zone23:16
maswanoh, you could also check if reverse works23:16
maswanI forget how to do that with dig, but the less precise but more user-friendly tool "host" can do that easily, just host
MrTorquedig ns.yfm.lc axrf?23:17
MrTorquehost gives:23:18
MrTorque6.100.168.192.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer yfm.lc.23:18
MrTorque6.100.168.192.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer ns.yfm.lc.23:18
maswandig @ns.yfm.lc axfr 100.168.192.in-addr.arpa.23:18
maswanah, that works then. even if it is a bit strange that that IP should have the name "yfm.lc" and the name "ns.yfm.lc"23:19
myhrlinhi, is there a way to make PAM use multiple hash functions for passwords?23:19
maswanMrTorque: anyway, looks like you have both zones working then for now. "just" a matter of adding the right stuff to them. :)23:20
MrTorquebut this still is only because I did manually edit /etc/resolv.conf23:20
maswanMrTorque: yeah, since you're adding stuff that isn't in the main globally known tree, it will only be known to clients that have been explicitly configured to only ask your name servers23:21
MrTorquewhich will forwad if he does not know either.23:21
maswanMrTorque: yeah23:21
MrTorqueso far so good.23:21
sarnoldmyhrlin: have you seen pam_unix and crypt(3) manpages yet?23:22
MrTorquenow i need to tell ubuntu to use (himself (or herself?) rather itself...) to resolve names23:22
maswanMrTorque: yeah, or other hosts on the same network that also need to resolve yfm.lc also need to be configured to use
myhrlinsarnold: I have not, looking at them now and it looks like that's all I needed so far -- thanks!23:23
sarnoldmyhrlin: excellent :)23:24
MrTorquemaswan: yeah, right.23:24
maswanMrTorque: Now, I'm a bit hazy on how modern ubuntu does that though. might be something involving network manager or so.  On our server installs we ship custom resolv.conf:es that we've carefully written.23:24
sarnoldMrTorque: if all your networked devices get settings from dhcp, you could have your dhcp server tell them which dns server to use23:25
maswanthat's true, for a dhcp network that'd be the good place to configure it23:26
MrTorquesarnold: that would be awesome! I would not need to configure all the clients manually :)23:28
MrTorquecan I somehow give prioritys for the nameservers?23:31
maswanhm. maybe. "If  there  are  multiple  servers,  the  resolver library  queries them in the order listed.  " but I'm not sure on how reliable that is23:32
MrTorqueI added dns-nameservers to /etc/network/interfaces but in resolv.conf the two NS from my ISP are on the top23:32
maswanthat's from the manpage of resolv.conf23:33
maswanMy experience is that you shouldn't mix23:33
MrTorquemaswan: yes, I experience that too. ohm, yes, and it tells to add dns-nameservers to /etc/network/interfaces :)23:34
maswananyway, there I'm not very experty and I'm also off for other things, 'later!23:39
MrTorquemaswan: thank you very much for being so patient with me and I have a working dns now :)23:46
MrTorquesarnold: thank you also very much.23:46
sarnoldMrTorque: I'm glad maswan came around :) recent experience wins every time :)23:47

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