
* waltman is gobbled out02:21
InHisNameGood Morning already05:26
InHisNameY'all got stuffed and are sawing ZZZ's all over area ?07:07
teddy-dbearMorning peoples13:02
ChinnoDogWho has returned home with goodie bags this morning?15:17
waltmanChinnoDog: not me :(15:23
waltmanIt's just as well, really. I'm going to have a big brunch/lunch with friends today, and then there's another party Saturday for my little cousin's 1st birthday15:24
waltmanI hope MutantTurkey survived the day15:25
InHisNameI went to ONE store for one item,   Radio Shack  32GB mem stick $10.    Fast and quick at 9:30am.  Still had some stock.16:15
InHisNameanyone got a spare   1GB PC3200 DDR CL3 400MHz  184 pin memory for desktop ?16:34
TheLordOfTimeInHisName, DDR?  not DDR2 or DDR3?17:26
TheLordOfTimewhy would you still need DDR?17:26
jedijfwaltman: noooooo they got you20:52

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