
tjaaltonwhee, xserver
tjaaltonmlankhorst: did you have some pet-patches from fedora to include? I see they disable building acpi support08:10
tjaalton"no good can come of this." :)08:10
tjaaltonsome are included in .90108:13
tjaaltonpushed the branches08:32
tjaaltondidn't see anything of interest on the fedora tree08:33
mlankhorsttjaalton: well sounds ok, would have to check with intel though if they still use it in their driver or not09:58
mlankhorsttjaalton: well just disable it for raring should be ok10:14
tjaaltonffs, we have an ancient plymouth10:21
tjaaltonmaintained in bzr -> pass10:31
mlankhorstthe only thing I can do in bzr is bzr pull push and diff :P10:33
mlankhorstmaybe I should check out bzr-git10:33
tjaaltonmaybe they'll merge it after moving a bunch of bugs against it10:34
tjaaltonwhere booting sometimes fails10:34
mlankhorstwe'll see :-)12:03
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Dandelricotz: i saw the build failure for piglit daily... it's a minor fix... just update eglext.h since it's a build change but not runtime.16:16
mlankhorsttseliot: I can confirm I can't see any package on experimental stack right now at least ;P18:01
mlankhorstjust nouveau, which it claims is not enabled18:04
mlankhorsthm might be right about that, too!18:08
tseliotmlankhorst: you will see some drivers when they are approved in -proposed ;)19:35
mlankhorsttseliot: how does it recognise nouveau?20:07
mlankhorstbryce: what happened to turning off spam to ubuntu-x-swat? :P20:09
brycemlankhorst, now you can just unsub from the mailing list if you don't want it.20:19
mlankhorstah k20:19
mlankhorstbtw vdec kernel changes are heading upstream, still working on the ttm changes :P20:28
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tseliotmlankhorst: I don't think it should20:37
mlankhorstoh kmod:nouveau20:48
Dandelmlankhorst: what steps would it take to request the update of two files in 12.04 lts and then 12.10? ( namely /usr/lib/GL/glext.h and /usr/lib/EGL/eglext.h )20:56
mlankhorstusr/lib ?20:56
mlankhorstsee stablereleaseupdates20:57
Dandeli see... i haven't seen any problems with running programs by simply dropping in the latest eglext.h and glext.h... however, i *do* see problems with compiling programs at times if these get out of date21:00
mlankhorstDandel: we can't generally update those though..21:13
Dandeli see.21:15
mlankhorstbut it ś standardized so having a duplicate in your program shouldn't be hard or conflict21:21

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