
ralsinaMoscherkobold: awesome :-)01:59
ralsinaMoscherkobold: believe it or not, it took us *months* of research to figure that one out :-)01:59
karniMorning o/09:32
ralsinagood morning karni!09:35
gatoxgood morning09:43
mandelralsina, are you up already??09:45
ralsinamandel: sure09:45
ralsinamandel: old people sleep little09:45
gatoxralsina, that's why mandel wake up at 4am09:45
ralsinaso, how are you guys? Surviving the sprint all in one piece?09:46
mandelralsina, gatox and I were thinking to do a small chart with the different tasks to be done for the dash and their dependencies (more of tech task to be done) does that sound good for you to use it in order to fill houdson?09:46
gatoxralsina, kind of...... i needed to reinstall ubuntu last night....... compiz.......09:46
mandelralsina, things are moving fast in the dash land ;)09:46
ralsinamandel: yes indeed09:46
ralsinaare we going to have to reinstall before each review? ;-)09:47
gatoxralsina, after probably09:47
ralsinaok, a kid to wake up,  a breakfast to serve. Will be bak in 2 hours or so.10:10
gatoxralsina, search for "planner" in the software cente, you will see a program named "project managment" and install it... we are going to share with you a file with our estimations and tasks10:28
ralsinagatox: awesome10:38
ralsinayou will have to load your own estimates anyway10:38
gatoxralsina, or we could use this and share it in an udf :P is really simple to use10:57
ralsinagatox: no12:27
ralsinagatox: not to be annoying and dictatorial, but NO ;-)12:27
ralsinadid you mail it? I did not get it12:28
gatoxralsina, link in u1-client12:28
alecuhello, all!12:30
alecuI'm on a very flaky 2G connection, since my internet&phone&tv provider decided to black out again12:31
gatoxalecu, who you gonna call?? ghostbusters! :P12:32
ralsinaalecu: there comes a point where you will have to pay for actual internet connections that are connected to the actual internet ;-)12:32
ralsinaalecu: and yes, I know telecentro is crazy cheap! ;-)12:32
alecuralsina: I spent some time yesterday pondering the options around here...12:35
ralsinaalecu: let me guess, arnet and fibertel?12:35
ralsinayou *may* have claro fiber over there though12:35
alecuralsina: there are no FTH providers that cover this area... so, yes.12:35
alecuralsina: no, claro is only on some parts around capfed, not in capfed12:36
ralsinaiplan? ;-)12:36
alecuralsina: telecom is supposed to start a FTH service in capital12:36
alecuralsina: no iplan either, it's only available a few blocks away from microcentro12:36
ralsinaalecu: ever considered moving? ;-)12:37
alecuralsina: in fact, yes :P12:37
ralsinaalecu: don't come to San Isidro, it's like there, but no telecentro either12:38
alecuralsina: I have been discussing with Luli some options where Claro is available :P12:38
ralsinaKansas City! They have GB google fiber! ;-)12:38
alecuralsina: I like that Claro covers "moron, castelar and haedo". Those are some options...12:38
alecuralsina: ok, I'll add Kansas City to my list!12:38
alecuanyway: :-(12:39
ralsinaso... ok, got it. 2g. :(12:40
alecuok, I'm back properly online.12:44
* gatox + mandel lunch12:51
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
karniYeah, it crossed my mind to move to Kansas City heheh13:08
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
* gatox + mandel eod!!17:31
karniHave a nice weekend, mandel17:33
karniCalling it a day, have a lovely weekend all!17:59

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