
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
sorush20just wanted to ask how I can enable google chrome to wrok with dolphin?01:17
arrosadodoes anybody knows how to connect to a git channel?01:18
ok_waitsorush20, do you mean for dolphin to open chrome when you open an html file or similar?01:19
sorush20ok_wait: no when I want to open a file the less comprehensive open dialoge opens01:20
ok_waitthe open with dialog?01:21
ok_waiti'm sorry i'm confused about your question01:21
sorush20ok_wait: no probs.. lets say I'm on facebook uploading a photo.. when in chorme the image upload dialogue opens but its very minimal01:22
sorush20another question is that I wan service menus to work.. when I install them they don't seem to be working, any ideas?01:22
ok_waitwould you mind taking a screenshot of the dialog box?01:26
ok_waityou can post it on picpaste.com fyi01:27
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Torchsorush20: you want the KDE file dialog in non KDE apps, right?01:32
sorush20this is the pic http://dug.im/7379a01:33
sorush20I don't like this I want a full browser01:33
sorush20is that possible at the moement01:33
sorush20my service menus are not working in dolphin01:46
ok_waitoh, ick! what version of kde are you running?01:53
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matiHi..need help04:30
matiI'm trying to install netatalk04:30
77CABU47Dhow do I change dolphin file manager from one click / open to double-click to open?04:31
matii can't download cracklib2-dev04:31
matido you guys know why it can't locate cracklib2-dev which is required for netatalk04:31
genii-around!info cracklib2-dev04:32
ubottuPackage cracklib2-dev does not exist in quantal04:32
genii-around!info libcrack2-dev04:33
ubottulibcrack2-dev (source: cracklib2): pro-active password checker library - development files. In component main, is extra. Version 2.8.19-1 (quantal), package size 22 kB, installed size 113 kB04:33
matii added source-code04:33
matihow can i get it...or is there other way to install netatalk04:35
genii-aroundmati: Usually just sudo apt-get install netatalk04:37
genii-around( if you have universe enabled )04:38
matithat cracklib package is required to support mac file server for time machine i guess04:38
matisudo apt-get install cracklib2-dev fakeroot libssl-dev04:38
matinot sure why i cant download it though..i dont see anyone else complaing on forums im reading04:38
matior maybe u guys know better way to have kubuntu as a file server for time machine ?04:39
genii-aroundI don't know why you're compiling it when there's a package04:39
matifollowing instructions :)04:40
genii-aroundmati: If you're doing it that way, should sudo apt-get build-dep netatalk   before trying to modify it's source and make a new deb04:42
matigenii-around: yeah..did that and than trying to load that cracklib and get message sudo apt-get install cracklib2-dev fakeroot libssl-dev04:43
matiE: Unable to locate package cracklib2-dev04:44
genii-aroundmati: I'm pretty sure it wants libcrack2 and not cracklib204:47
matigenii-around: yeah...i actually reversed it this moment and looks like it installed something :)04:47
matiI'll continue :)04:48
bouncingEvery once in a while, KDE will decide to turn my screen off not after several minutes of activity, but after 1-2 seconds. Thoughts?04:52
genii-aroundbouncing: If you do xset dpms force off      may help04:55
genii-aroundAh, they left.04:55
bouncingconnection woes. sorry?04:57
genii-aroundbouncing: If you do xset dpms force off may help04:57
bouncinggenii-around: Thanks, I'll try that.04:58
genii-aroundOr possibly xset -dpms04:59
genii-aroundbouncing: Is it a normal screen? eg: Not a usb one like a Mimo  or DisplayPort, which some like Asus Transformer use05:00
bouncingNo, it's a normal laptop screen. It seems like it's shutting off due to mouse/keyboward inactivity, just with a timeout of a few seconds instead of 10 minutes like it's configured. Moving the mouse re-enables it.05:01
genii-aroundYeah most likely the Energy Star feature05:02
bouncinggenii-around: Definitely a bug though, it isn't configured that way and logging out/in fixes it.05:02
genii-aroundbouncing: Some laptop bios also have separate settings for the screen independent of it's builtin stuff.05:04
bouncinghmmm, what would I look for? FWIW, when I tried Gnome and XFCE for a few weeks, it didn't happen. Started again when I switched back to KDE.05:05
bouncinggenii-around: I'm going to poke around in my BIOS. Thanks for your help.05:11
genii-aroundbouncing: In the bios it will usually have some settings under a heading like "Powersaver" or such, when this is the case. But if it's not happening with different desktop then likely not the cause, even if it has those.05:11
bouncinggenii-around: Yeah, that's probably true, but it's worth a shot.05:12
=== gage is now known as OxGoose
DarthFrogDoes anyone know how to downgrade Firefox from v.17 back to v.16?  v.17 is gawd-awful.06:12
bazhangDarthFrog, apt-pinning?06:18
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:18
DarthFrogThanks.  Worth a shot.06:19
=== markc is now known as Guest55451
markc_is there a ppa for 4.10 beta?07:27
Tm_Tmarkc_: it will be announced on http://www.kubuntu.org/news07:37
markc_Tm_T: thanks, I just "upgraded" to raring and some 3.9.80 packages have been installed, I want to try some kwin scripting07:39
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jamil_1hi all08:47
jamil_1I am trying to connect to wireless connection in my uni08:48
jamil_1It selects the authentication to tls08:49
jamil_1I dont know how to fill the rest of the config08:49
jamil_1here: http://imgur.com/JySgx08:51
jamil_1window on the right08:51
Ab3Ljamil_1: i think you have to ask your network administrator for those setting09:05
jamil_1Ab3L: settings are available but only for mac and windows09:05
jamil_1here: http://portal.lums.edu.pk/ist/Pages/Wireless.aspx09:06
jamil_1Ab3L: but I dont know how to map them to my case09:06
Ab3Ljamil_1: i will try to make a private dcc chat with you. you shall get a message that someone is trying to connect to you. please accept.09:07
=== david is now known as Guest56108
robotdevilwhere has quick access widget gone09:38
d-eggHi, I just added the kde ppa. Can it be that the colors changed?  It looks more metallic?11:10
=== crow_ is now known as CrowX-
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suyI've just installed Kubuntu 12.10 on a laptop. Is there some way to manually set a brightness of the screen? The brighness up/down buttons of the laptop make a widget appear with a bigger/smaller number, but the brightness doesn't change, is always the lowest.12:30
suyIt might be some power management interference, since the battery is somewhat broken, and doesn't charge fully. I've checked those options, but I don't know what else can I do. The brightness is always the lowest.12:30
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
BluesKajHey all12:51
mparilloAnybody trying the new beta of KDE SC 4.10 with daily 13.04 Kubuntu Builds? Muon found the update, and after I applied it, I lost some indicator plasmoids on my panel, and the shutdown option was gone from my exit tab on the Kickoff Application Launcher.13:14
mparilloI think I am running a pretty generic Kubuntu 13.04 install, accepting all updates, and the only KDE app I am running out of the ordinary was Reknoq 1.3, which I compiled myself.13:15
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
rijackdoes this channel cover questions about the internal workings of kubuntu13:47
Walex2rijack: you can hope :-)13:48
rijacki'm trying to learn how it works, so i open my iso with ark and found a file called filesystem.manifest13:52
rijackwhen opened it it seemed to be a list of all the packages that were installed during the installation13:53
rijackmy question is can i edit which packages get installed just by changing this file13:54
rijackis it that simple?13:54
IdleOnerijack: I'm not an expert but it would appear so13:59
rijackalright i guess i'll have to try it14:02
Walex2rijack: there is a lot of documentation on the Debian installer14:05
rijackdo all debian based distros use it or is that just a starting point14:07
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== robert_ is now known as Guest16267
melvincv$ kdesudo kcmshell4 userconfig16:01
melvincvIs this program really of any use?16:02
melvincvI mean, I can't set a password using this. Then why not use just the command line? But that's not the point of Ubuntu. It makes linux for human beings :D16:05
melvincvhi, anyone around for some support?16:12
melvincveven if you tell me to use Ubuntu it'll be fine :D16:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
melvincvlooks like I'm in a ghost town...16:22
melvincvscary of course...16:23
melvincvSimple question: Does KDE have a good future? And why?16:23
OerHeksmelvincv, what do you mean with "Does KDE have a good future" ?16:27
melvincvJust that. Is it going to grow or die? Or just the same?16:29
OerHeksgrowing, i think. *thanks to gnome316:30
Ab3LOerHeks: and what about unity?16:31
xixormelvincv: sup16:31
Ab3Lif i'm kde is simply because of unity. sob.16:31
xixorKDE has the best future simply because of Qt16:31
melvincvAb3L: me too, the same reason...16:32
melvincvI think Unity had enough time to prove itself... but still waiting for a better version. Especially without Amazon or the Ubuntu One Music store :D16:33
OerHeksYou can disable amazon, and ubuntu-one.16:34
ptomblinI've liked KDE for a long time, but I went away from it because it's a bit of a resource hog.16:35
ptomblinBut with a i7 processor and 16Gb of RAM, I don't care if it's a hog.16:35
melvincvptomblin: And a good graphics card too? :)16:36
ptomblinThat probably helps.16:36
melvincvOver Intel graphics, yes.16:36
ptomblinI tried running OpenSUSE in a virtualbox and it was painfully slow.  But if you boot from the DVD, it became much much faster, probably because of accelerated graphics.16:37
melvincvNot sure about the integrated i7 graphics though.16:37
Ab3Lok. let's talk about the bugs in kde.16:37
ptomblinHmmm.  I've just ordered another monitor, so I was planning to run stuff on both my nVidia card and the built-in Intel graphics.  Is this a bad idea?16:38
Ab3Lkde should be able to run gnome applications, shouldn't it?16:38
ptomblinAb3L, you may need to install some libraries.16:38
OerHeksAb3L, you can, but when installing gnome apps, you get a load of gnome-stuff16:39
Ab3Lptomblin: but this is managed as an auto installation, isn't it?16:40
Ab3Lanyway, one of those applications is called radiotray.16:40
ptomblinIf you install your gnome application using apt-get, aptitude or Muon, sure.16:41
melvincv1. User management crashes 2. Activities crashes (I just removed it's icon)16:41
Ab3Li did. well, in kde it works fine. i can listen to the radios, manage them, add new ones, and so on...16:42
melvincvStill on KDE. Partition manager crashed on me before the update, now it seems ok16:42
Ab3L... but, i get an "unknown" icon on the pannel16:42
melvincvKWallet should be enabled by default? It keeps asking to save my site passwords...16:43
Ab3Land i don't know how to tell kde/plasma panel that the icon exists and that it can (must) use that one.16:44
Ab3L(or better, those ones, because icon should change if radio is on or off)16:45
melvincvI get a prompt often: "Do you want KDE to permanently forget about these devices?" They are audio devices, they have not been removed. Not sure what to do...16:46
melvincvOutput: HDA ATI SB, ALC887-VD Analog (Direct hardware device without any conversions)16:46
melvincvAny ideas?16:47
Ab3Li had copied the icon in /usr/share/icons/ and i had changed several times the theme, but i always got that strange icon of a sheet with a question mark inside (or a white square icon, depending from the theme).16:48
melvincvAlso there is a distinct sound clipping when playing using Creative Soundblaster 5.1 VX16:48
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
bjrohanhelp . .  I deleted my desktop widget. The one that shows you desktop files/folders in the box. How do I place it back on my desktop?17:06
rats__bjrohan: try unlocking widgets and draging the folder you want from Dolphin to the desktop and select desktop folder17:09
bjrohanrats__: When I do I get a box entitled widgets, and gives me 2 options Icon or Notes17:11
bjrohanrats__: I got it17:11
bjrohanrats__: I drug a folder to the desktop, it asked if I wanted folder view, I hit yes, in the widget I right clicked changed settings to desktop folder view17:12
bjrohanrats__: thanks!17:12
rats__Ive never seen Notes before - what does that do17:12
rats__yw bj17:12
=== netrunner_ is now known as blackboxnetrunne
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AnonynomQuestion about networking in kubuntu: i'm using a wired connection for networking (without internet) and a wireless connection for internet access, kubuntu prefers to use the wired connection for internet access while i want it to prefer the wireless one, any idea on how to do it?18:25
gaurav_hey folks is there any way i can change themes on pidgin?18:33
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest85786
Guest85786its an amazing messenger but its default look is drab18:34
ptomblinAnonynom you do that by setting up the default routes in /etc/network/interfaces18:41
phoenix_firebrdis kde 4.10 beta 1 available for testing?18:50
phoenix_firebrdyofel: is kde 4.10 beta 1 packages available for testing?18:50
Tm_Tphoenix_firebrd: AFAIK not yet18:50
phoenix_firebrdTm_T: what about the version in neon project?18:51
yofelneon is master which is 4.10 beta1 + git/svn18:51
yofel4.10 is half-done for raring18:51
phoenix_firebrdyofel: updated regularly?18:52
yofelbeta1 I mean18:52
yofelphoenix_firebrd: neon are daily builds, thus updated daily (if there are changes)18:52
yofelquantal won't get any official beta1 builds18:52
phoenix_firebrdyofel: earlier when i checked the packages were not updated18:53
phoenix_firebrdyofel: it was long back, i will check it out now18:53
yofelwhich packages and where?18:53
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ah right the new policy18:53
phoenix_firebrdyofel: it was long back18:54
yofelif you mean raring, half is published, and half is stuck in raring-proposed18:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: no i will try with neon18:54
yofelthat'll be the better choice for now, yes18:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: what is the package name for the full neon install?18:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I am getting 404 after adding the ppa and updating18:59
yofelyou did add ppa:neon/ppa ?18:59
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I added this "ppa:project-neon/ppa"19:00
yofelwrong one19:00
phoenix_firebrdyofel: which one is right?19:00
yofelneon, the project-neon one is legacy. We just can't remove it19:00
phoenix_firebrdyofel: oh, thats were i got stuck earlier19:01
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok , i will try the new one19:01
yofelphoenix_firebrd: see also http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE19:01
phoenix_firebrdyofel: got it19:02
Guest85786im sorry ptomblin i didnt get you19:12
Guest85786i checked out there it has a text file named interface but how do i change themes for pidgin?19:13
Guest85786it just has a default one in preferences19:13
ptomblinI wasn't talking to you.19:13
ptomblinThere was a user name Anonynom asking about network routing.19:13
Guest85786well this is awkward :P19:14
ptomblinNo, this is irc.19:14
ptomblinIts lack of threading has confused more than a few people.19:14
xixorthreading on irc?19:15
Guest85786so does anyone know how can i get themes for pidgin?19:15
ptomblinIRC was around when I first got on the Internet 20 years ago, and it hasn't improved much since then.19:16
xixorit needs no improvement19:17
d_edGuest85786: I can tell you how to get them on kde-telepahty19:21
Guest85786<d_ed> is that messenger good?19:22
BluesKajptomblin, maybe it's your irc client19:25
ptomblinThe lack of threading is a limitation of irc, not of any one client.19:25
BluesKajthreading what ?19:26
BluesKajthis looks like it supports irc threading http://sourceforge.net/projects/libircclient/19:32
ptomblinI'm talking about the sort of confusion where you don't know who is responding to whom, which is endemic on IRC.19:33
BluesKajuse the nick of the person you're responding to , ptomblin19:33
ptomblinThat's a sucky workaround BluesKaj.19:34
BluesKajit's also freenode courtesy/protocol, ptomblin19:35
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:35
BluesKajhow's that for a sucky workaround ptomblin19:36
ptomblinI think the net effect would be that I participate less.19:36
BluesKajwell with your attitude , it would probly be welcome :)19:37
Belial`let's just pretend for one second that ptomblin isn't trolling and bring up the point that it takes less time to type the first few letters of a nick and press the tab key, followed by the message19:37
Belial`than it would on a message board, etc19:38
BluesKajwell , no need Belial` ..fortunately he left19:38
xixorwhat an odd conversation19:42
BluesKajwe get complainers in here once in a while who think they are owed someting by just being here and gracing us with their presence, xixor19:43
BluesKajstrange attiudes are all around us :)19:44
xixorI just think  if he has been using irc for 20 years to all of a sudden blow a gasket over using it19:45
=== len is now known as Guest11334
BluesKajI think of ppl like that as momma's boys ..give them crying towel and send them on their way19:46
BluesKajanyway I'm having strange issues with kate , so I had to install kwrite which works fine ..weird19:48
=== mauro is now known as Guest45163
ubottumauro: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:49
ubottuGuest45163: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:50
ubottumauro_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:53
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest71807
markovhcan't seem to find the "additional drivers" option in system settings 12.0421:17
BluesKajmarkovh, kmenu>apps>system21:18
markovhBluesKaj: ah thanks, i was looking under system settings21:18
BluesKajkubuntu_, just ask your question21:20
kubuntu_ I am trying to get sound to work... it works during the test but I cant hear videos or mp3 when I play them?21:20
BluesKajkubuntu_, lspci -nn | grep -i audio , in the konsole  , pastebin the output21:23
kubuntu_BluesKaj .. Pastebin ?21:24
kubuntu_got it.21:25
kubuntu_I think...21:25
BluesKajyup , that's it , ok , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel  , kubuntu_21:26
kubuntu_nothing happens.21:27
BluesKajif there's no output then the driver/module loaded properly21:27
BluesKajand reboot21:27
Brustofski-FanHad hdmi video and sound working perfect in windows.. Now in kubuntu 12.10 can't get hdmi sound to switch over21:46
Brustofski-FanAnyone home??21:52
Brustofski-Fandid kubuntu die and i the only one left21:54
BluesKajBrustofski-Fan, I use both hdmi and spdif21:55
Brustofski-FanBluesKaj: i had hdmi working under windows.. kubuntu i can't get the hdmi sound working21:56
BluesKajspdif is card 0 and hdmi or snd-hda-intel is card 1 , on my setup21:56
Brustofski-Fankmix is set to channel hdmi.. but everything still comeing thru the laptop21:57
BluesKajBrustofski-Fan, I've forgotten about your audio setup , can you describe it pls21:57
Brustofski-Fanamd cpu... ati graphics w/hdmi.. IDT audio21:58
Brustofski-Fanhp netbook21:59
BluesKajok , lspci -v | grep -i snd , paste the output here itshould only be 2 lines or so22:00
Brustofski-FanKernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel22:01
Brustofski-Fan        Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel22:01
Brustofski-Fan        Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel22:01
Brustofski-Fan        Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel22:01
FloodBotK1Brustofski-Fan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
markovhany idea how to get additional drivers via commandline... whatever i changed has now made x fail to start and i'm kicked back to tty1...22:03
BluesKajwhat graphics card , markovh22:03
douglmarkovh, jockeytext?22:03
dougloh yeah that too22:03
markovhBluesKaj: nvidia22:04
markovho.O what does that do? apparently there's no man page for it and when i run it, i just get searching for available drivers... and then ends22:04
douglpeolly wanna sudo jockey-text right BluesKaj ?22:04
markovhnvm --help works22:05
douglhmmm... installs the nvidia drivers from a command line22:05
BluesKajBrustofski-Fan, in system settings>multimedia>phonon , your hardware should show the hdmi as well as the analog out22:05
BluesKajmarkovh, sudo service lightdm stop , then install nvidia-current22:06
Brustofski-FanI got it22:06
BluesKajgot it ?22:07
markovhBluesKaj: i'm using kdm and nvidia-current is installed already22:07
markovhtried jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia-current after stopping kdm and rebooted22:08
markovhwill see what happens now22:08
Brustofski-Fankmix audio setup.. i selected prefer on all the hdmi's22:08
BluesKajhave you updated/upgraded lately , markovh22:09
markovhiwas switching around driver versions22:10
markovhi'm getting this in syslog nvidia api mismatch the client has the version 295.40 but this kernel module has version 304.4822:10
BluesKajBrustofski-Fan, pavucontrol can help with input output selection too,22:10
BluesKajmarkovh, yeah i had a mismatch as well for a while but the driver still worked22:12
Brustofski-FanBluesKaj: ok i'll install that.. I know with hdmi video.. having the same problem i did in windows 8... screen flicker.. went to win7 and that stoped22:12
markovhwoot i'm back... kind of22:15
markovhremoved nvidia-current and reinstalled22:15
douglfonts are messed?22:15
BluesKajreinstalled an additional driver , markovh?22:16
douglreinstalled 12.10?22:17
dougljust causing trouble - sorry22:17
markovhreinstalled nvidia-current22:18
dougland all is well?22:18
markovhwhen i go to put on the recommended version via additional drivers after getting the gui back, after i rebot, back to the same stage22:19
markovhand the current drivers are a little odd22:19
markovhif my two monitors have the same resolution, one doesn't display anything (orange light)22:20
markovhyet if i up the resolution on the one that wasn't working, and down the other one, it does lol22:20
markovhso no... not back to perfect just yet...22:20
douglnvidia-settings defaults to one display I think22:20
markovhi changed it to "left of" or "right of" etc22:20
BluesKajwell time to go folks ...later22:24
markovhnot getting the gui after removing and reinstalling nvidia-current any more22:52
skreech__markovh: need help?23:40
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