=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:11] bazhang: Are they trying to install wine for netflix? [02:12] IdleOne, no idea [02:12] he's adding the wine repo [02:15] bizarro [02:15] wonder if he's really running Debain [02:16] You scared them off [02:16] :P [02:16] righto [02:16] asking for more info is *so* scary [02:20] you could have been a 1337 h4x0r [02:55] @mark #ubuntu adknight87 consistently giving odd/unsupported advice, refuses to discuss in PM [02:55] The operation succeeded. [04:02] are you guys Indian? [04:02] troll detected [04:02] ie Indians work for almost nothing doing tech support [04:03] Ah === Mamarok is now known as Guest38965 [15:02] augh === lhavelun1 is now known as lhavelund