[00:15] ogra-cb_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1380830/ [00:15] ogra-cb_: Not sure that'll be acceptable. [04:30] infinity: 17 chrootwaits (at least) on heka, so I put it on manual. [10:51] infinity, i think for 170M i can live with 24min added to the build, lets do it (and probably get a second builder for the flavours), its still way below the timing of a build on teh babbage board, so we had worse [11:30] ogra_: And by 24m, you mean 40m? [11:30] ogra_: At least, 48-8 is 40 in my world. [11:32] ogra_: And probably longer on production hardware, I was testing on a PandaES, not a Panda. [11:32] ogra_: So, it'll likely add at least an hour to the build. [11:44] bah, i kooked at -9 --rsyncable [11:44] *looked [11:51] bah plymouth 0.8.8 gets the nexus back into constant reboot loops :( [11:52] damned [11:52] Is that the "trying to attach to a device called 'none'" bug, or something new? [11:53] not sure yet, i know in 0.8.5 were some fixes for serial console handling, not sure they fixed empty/bogus console= args as well [11:53] (I'm not even sure why that was a bug... How hard is it to state the device node before trying to open it?) [11:53] s/state/stat/ [11:53] yeah [11:54] Or do something sane when open() returns ENOENT, whatever. [11:55] well, i havent looked at the 0.8.8 soource yet, the 0.8.4 one was horrid though [12:06] * ogra-cb_ puts the plymouth override files back in [12:07] *sniff* [12:07] infinity, what about lzma btw ? any chance that runs faster ? [12:08] ogra-cb_: Probably slower, but I'll test for fun. [12:09] ogra-cb_: Lower xz opt levels may be more acceptable too. [12:10] * infinity tries xz -4 for kicks. [12:10] well, gaining 100M would eb good [12:10] i mean i have to split the desktop seed anyway into a core part and applications ... there was some WI somewhere [12:20] * infinity finds --memlimit-compress=limit in the xz manpage, and decides to test that next. [12:21] Although, this doesn't seem to be swapping right now. Just chewing CPU. [12:21] So maybe memlimit won't help. [12:22] ogra-cb_: I'm going to nap. I'll throw some more random results at you later, and we'll see if something looks like a reasonable size/speed tradeoff. [12:22] ogra-cb_: Or, we can re-examine the "build the image on nusakan" idea. :/ [12:23] ogra-cb_: Unless make_ext4fs is under pretty seriously heavy development, a single backport for cdimage would probably do us fine, right? [12:23] yeah [12:24] ogra-cb_: (Or, we could just be naughty and keep a privately-built copy in ~cdimage/bin) [12:24] hehe [12:24] i bet you could just cp the existing quantal binary in place [12:25] Would speed up ac100, nexus7, and core to do the post-tarball zipping and mangling on nusakan. [12:25] indeed [12:25] The Q binary depends on some glibc 2.14 symbols, apparently. [12:25] but it does involve IS in the end if you want to do it properly at some point [12:25] ah, crap [12:26] and nusakan is even lucid i think [12:26] Well, some binary in the package does, I didn't look at make_ext4fs itself, just the dpkg deps. [12:26] iirc xnox did a precise backport too [12:26] Well, the precise package would have the same issue. :P [12:26] Since precise is 2.15 [12:26] right [12:27] just meaning nothing goes back far enough for lucid [12:28] (base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ readelf -a /usr/bin/make_ext4fs | grep 'Name: GLIBC' [12:28] 0x0030: Name: GLIBC_2.11 Flags: none Version: 8 [12:28] 0x0040: Name: GLIBC_2.14 Flags: none Version: 7 [12:28] 0x0050: Name: GLIBC_2.8 Flags: none Version: 6 [12:28] Yeah, we'd need to build it for lucid to avoid that. [12:28] 0x0060: Name: GLIBC_2.4 Flags: none Version: 5 [12:28] 0x0070: Name: GLIBC_2.3.4 Flags: none Version: 3 [12:28] 0x0080: Name: GLIBC_2.2.5 Flags: none Version: 2 [12:29] Oh, right, shiny new memcpy in 2.14 is versioned. [12:32] Anyhow. Nap time. More pondering tomorrow. [12:32] Or, more accurately, later today. [12:32] yeah, sleep well [12:44] Oh, that test just finished (-4) [12:44] adconrad@shiva:/srv/test$ time xz -4 -c rootfs.tar > rootfs.tar.xz.4 [12:44] real 33m23.931s [12:44] user 32m58.602s [12:44] sys 0m12.578s [12:44] -rw-rw-r-- 1 adconrad adconrad 595792596 Nov 23 15:08 rootfs.tar.gz.9.rsync [12:44] -rw-rw-r-- 1 adconrad adconrad 424087940 Nov 23 15:57 rootfs.tar.xz [12:44] -rw-rw-r-- 1 adconrad adconrad 444655528 Nov 24 05:43 rootfs.tar.xz.4 [12:44] That's starting to maybe approach acceptable. Maybe. I dunno. [12:45] Doing it on cdimage is likely saner. We'll talk later. [15:46] stgraber: I missed a debian-cd patch, which probably accounts for your problems. Applied now, so the next daily build should be happier. === yofel_ is now known as yofel [21:20] ogra ogra_ ogra-cb_ : ppa:ubuntu-nexus7/ubuntu-nexus7-installer now has android-tools for lucid, precise and quantal. [23:35] * cjwatson fixes the bogus overrides that resulted in ubuntu-zh_CN/raring/{amd64,i386} image build failures