
mparilloThank you. I may try again tomorrow.00:00
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claydohRiddell: re thqt email about the user who has issues creating an acoount: I am forwarding that to the the other admins. Our security and antispam measures are a bit tough lately due the preponderance of porn and spam links looks like a false positive here.01:19
shadeslayerhm, no updated kde-wallpapers in quantal?03:12
shadeslayeri.e. I don't see a kde-wallpapers 4.9.3 in the kubuntu ppa03:13
ScottKMaybe we forgot it.03:14
* shadeslayer checks ninjas03:14
shadeslayernot in ninjas as well, yay03:15
ScottKIt exists on ftpmaster03:15
shadeslayerso we forgot it :)03:15
shadeslayerit was uploaded to raring03:16
ScottKWould you upload it to the PPA then?03:16
shadeslayerofcourse :)03:16
* ScottK is busy bisecting kdepim03:16
shadeslayerScottK: any luck with KDE PIM?03:27
ScottKSince it requires arm builds, it's slow.03:28
ScottKRight now I'm making sure I can replicate the failure on the arm box.03:28
ScottKI'm also building pim 4.9.3 on one of the other boxes against 4.9.80 to confirm it still builds.03:29
ScottKIf it doesn't, then that would indicate to me the problem is lower in the stack.03:29
shadeslayerah okay03:30
shadeslayerkde-wallpapers uploaded for 12.10 and 12.04 ...03:31
ScottKGreat.  Make sure it's on the package list for kubuntu-automation please.03:32
shadeslayerwhere does that branch live though?03:32
shadeslayerdoesn't kdesc-package-names automagically get all sources?03:34
mparilloyofel: I did much better, starting again from scratch, but it looks as if debuild expects a secret key in .gnupg. That is different from the ssh-rsa keys I use in bzr, right?03:35
ScottKIf it's just for local changes, pass -us -uc and then it won't try to sign the package.03:54
shadeslayerbtw, let's say 2 packages provide the same file, and will keep providing the same file, but I want the file from Package 2 to be the one always installed, so is declaring something like : Breaks/Replaces: Package1 enough?04:03
shadeslayeror when Package 1 get's  updated it'll take over the file again04:03
ScottKAre the files interchangeable from an API perspective?04:04
ScottKYou either need to have the packages conflict or use alternatives.04:05
shadeslayerdon't provide an API, the file is simply a plasma script to add a new panel04:05
ScottKWhy can't the file just be dropped from package 1?04:05
shadeslayerbecause upstream ships that file and can't be removed, I want to overwrite that file with my own copy04:06
shadeslayermy copy basically adds some customizations to the plasma panel when you do Add Panel > Default Panel04:06
shadeslayerfrom what I understand divert probably fits this better .....04:07
ScottKMake your changes a patch to package 1?04:07
shadeslayerhmm .. that makes sense as well :P04:07
* shadeslayer was probably over thinking and patching should just work (TM)04:07
shadeslayerok, gtg, cya later in the evening :)04:14
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apacheloggerScottK: how would a standing exception improve the kdevelop sru speed?08:58
apacheloggerfrom what I understand the 4.4.(0/1) update was filed mid-october, uploaded mid-november and tested and released 10 days later08:59
apacheloggerso really the time from update nomination to upload seems to be the bottleneck there09:00
apacheloggeroh, on that note09:00
apacheloggerRiddell: it would be really cool if you could use the boilerplate accepted-into-proposed message ScottK uses09:01
apacheloggerit is rather accessible to people who do not know anything about SRU09:01
ScottKapachelogger: SRU acceptance has been really backed up recently, so that was an unusual delay, but the main point is that we don't normally do point release updates at all without such an exception.09:02
apacheloggerthat was no point release update at all09:03
apacheloggerit was some-random-beta-to-stable09:03
apacheloggerwhich is not covered by a standing exception anyway and alltogether a bit of a special case09:03
apacheloggeron a more prominent note: is it only me or is magnet link experience in the 12.10 a bit crappy?09:08
ScottKmagnet link?09:08
apacheloggerScottK: distributed torrent magic09:20
apacheloggerScottK: essentially a torrent without centralized server to coordinate peers09:20
apacheloggervery cloudish thing ^^09:20
apacheloggerbug 108260409:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1082604 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "package kde-workspace-bin 4:4.9.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/kde4/kcm_view1394.so', which is also in package kinfocenter 4:4.9.80-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108260409:39
apacheloggeroh, le fixed09:41
apacheloggerthat kcm leaked all over the place09:42
apacheloggerwonder how that happened09:42
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that we still need some auto testing method for full upgrades09:43
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1082604] package kde-workspace-bin 4:4.9.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1082604 (by Alex Buell)09:53
apacheloggerkubotu: remind me to look at pending SRUs in 12 hours10:10
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1082394] krunner freezes @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1082394 (by Manuel López-Ibáñez)10:55
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mparilloI did much better packaging rekonq 1.3, starting again from scratch, but it looks as if debuild expects a secret key in .gnupg. That is different from the ssh-rsa keys I use in bzr, right?11:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm partly to blame as well, I should have finished it during UDS, before I went on vacation12:34
BluesKajhowdy all12:56
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yofelmparillo: it needs a pgp key https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey13:59
shadeslayeryofel: anything fun on the N7?14:01
yofelnot really, I trashed my system last week and flashed android back on it for now until I have more time for it14:01
shadeslayerah :)14:01
yofeltrashed == I had no desktop and no ssh14:02
shadeslayerI just realized something, for the last 4 years that I've worked with launchpad, I never bothered to take the tour14:04
shadeslayerTm_T: https://launchpad.net/+tour/index14:21
yofeljoin the club...14:39
apacheloggerlol @ bug 108289715:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1082897 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b-i18n should not depend on k3b" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108289715:31
apacheloggerI do wonder what the deal with that particular meta package is actually15:32
apacheloggerRiddell: do we have any documentation on the l10n magic yet?15:32
apacheloggerso the langpack stuff is of supreme madness15:33
apacheloggerlanguage-pack-kde-de deps language-pack-de deps language-pack-de-base recommends firefox-l10n15:34
* apachelogger leaves for train15:34
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shadeslayeryofel: you'd think that it'd be one of the first few things you'd look into, but nope :P15:55
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shadeslayerdid someone get around to fixing kubuntu-active ? ^_^15:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am reasonable certain there was not much of a tour 4 years ago :P15:57
shadeslayerbugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere \o/15:58
ScottKLocal build of kdepim 4.9.80 succeeded overnight where it failed before, so maybe that was a compiler bug.  Just hit retry.18:39
ScottKWho's working on Digikam?19:10
* ScottK tries a Calligra snapshot to see if it builds ...19:37
genii-aroundIs anyone around from kubuntuforums? We have a Russian user in #k-offtopic thinking he is banned from there for some reason since he gets 503 errors. I'm not sure how to help him.22:17
ScottKclaydoh ^^^22:22
ScottKgenii-around: claydoh or SteveRiley are probably your most likely candidates.22:22
genii-aroundScottK: Thanks for pinging them for me !22:23
ScottKNo problem.22:23
apacheloggerScottK: isn't there a digikam sru in precise-proposed?22:24
ScottKIs there?22:24
apacheloggerwell, there should be :P22:24
apacheloggerunless I forgot to upload22:24
ScottKWhat we really need is the new Digikam release in raring-proposed.22:24
apacheloggerI thought yofel was on that22:24
apachelogger[ubuntu/precise-proposed] digikam 4:2.5.0-1ubuntu2.1 (Waiting for approval)22:24
ScottKSo there is.22:25
* ScottK too (re yofel)22:25
ScottKapachelogger: Are these digikam icons upstream now?22:26
yofelI tried to but was distraced by other things. It's open for anyone now as I won't have time during the week22:26
apacheloggerScottK: yeah22:26
apacheloggerhave been for quite a while22:27
apacheloggerwe just did not update the install appropriately22:27
ScottKapachelogger: According to Bug #781728 it needs fixing in quantal too.22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781728 in digikam (Ubuntu Precise) "digikam icon does not scale in unity (Ubuntu 11.04)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78172822:28
ScottKActually both the bugs say that.22:28
apacheloggeryeah that is WIP22:28
apacheloggeralso that problem warrants discussion in general as it makes SRUs scale by n22:29
ScottKAlso it needs fixing in raring apparently too.22:31
ScottKSo get yofel to finish digikam and upload quantal and I'll accept both quantal and precise.22:32
apacheloggermadness I say22:32
apachelogger<- pissed off with SRUs again22:32
yofelas I just said, unless you plan to do that next weekend someone else will have to do it22:32
* apachelogger has a headache for some reason :(22:33
QuintasanWell, time for some copyright fun22:40
apacheloggersomeone blog for me22:40
apacheloggeron that note22:40
apacheloggera lot of UDS blog posts22:41
apacheloggeroh, no, actually not22:41
QuintasanYeah, I was supposed to publish something22:42
Quintasandamn it22:42
Quintasanforgot to do it22:42
apacheloggerI explicititly remember shadeslayer being all proud about having written something and then trying to snitch on Quintasan for not even wanting to write something22:44
Quintasanapachelogger: I do have a draft but I needed some pictures, now that I remember Riddell posted our team photo I will go through the draft and publish it22:45
Quintasanapachelogger: I also remember shadeslayer stating that he wrote " ".22:45
apacheloggeryou must understand... he went on vacation and apparently hitting publish counts as work :P22:46
* apachelogger gets to do 2 SRUs tomorrow \\o/22:46
apacheloggerScottK: oh, btw, ever thought of testdrive for SRU testing?22:47
Quintasanapachelogger: Publish button on a blank blog post? Seems like something is broken by desgin.22:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: empty pages can be art22:47
apacheloggeror a creative way of stating that you are left without words ^^22:47
Quintasanapachelogger: Are you implying that empty post on planet looks artistic?22:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: not on planet22:48
apacheloggergenerally though it can22:48
QuintasanThen there is little merit in publishing it :D22:48
ScottKapachelogger: Not really.22:48
apacheloggerQuintasan: neither in publishing weird hello world apps in C ... yet people do that22:49
ScottKIf it makes people ponder what was supposed to be there, maybe that is enough.22:49
Quintasanapachelogger: I explictly stated there is nothing worth mentioning in that git repository :)22:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: picture it ... Subject: Launchpad? Content: null22:49
ScottKIn CMake land, are false and FALSE the same thing?22:50
QuintasanI do believe I even wrote that the whole repository is an excuse to learn git22:50
apacheloggerScottK: yes22:50
apacheloggerScottK: also OFF is the same22:50
apacheloggerpossibly even more22:50
apacheloggerScottK: writting stuff upper case is the nice way to do it though22:50
Quintasanapachelogger: That Launchpad thing, isn't that the default output on any query?22:50
* apachelogger has typing problems :O22:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: no, it goes oooooops22:50
ScottKWe have -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=false in the configure line for kde4libs in debian/rules and yet it is enabled.22:51
QuintasanI thought it goes booooooom22:51
ScottKThis is why Calligra is fubar.22:51
apacheloggermaybe it changed22:51
ScottKOK.  I'll try FALSE and see what happens.22:53
apacheloggercase should not matter unless KDE's cmake magic sets it to be case sensitive22:53
ScottKNo idea.22:53
apacheloggeri.e. for phonon with more or less default cmake FALSE == false == OFF == off22:54
ScottKThat or tsdgeos made it unoverideable somehow.22:54
apacheloggerthat'd be fun ^^22:54
* apachelogger also needs to try testdrive for SRU tomorrow22:55
apacheloggerseems like a worthwhile thingy since you can easily get your hands on any release22:55
ScottKKDE4_BUILD_TESTS is "ON", so I'm going to try "OFF".22:57
Quintasangenii-around: Same here, I get 403 FORBIDDEN23:09
Quintasanclaydoh: Why did you ban me T_T23:10
Quintasanclaydoh: http://imgur.com/cqa2w23:11
QuintasanScottK, Riddell, apachelogger: Is there anything else worth mentioning in my blog post apart form Qt 5 when it comes to packaging part?23:19
Quintasan[kubuntu-dev] eat lunch: DONE23:27

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